Slide 2

Grandfather Ivan

  • Slide 3

    Student Olya

  • Slide 4

    Viktor Ivanovich and the motorcycle he assembled

  • Slide 5

    Would you like to live in this city?

    What needs to be done to make its residents feel comfortable and protected?

    Slide 6

    Civil relations

  • Slide 8

    Civil relations

  • Slide 9

    Slide 10

    Workshop: Determine which of the listed legal facts give rise to civil

    Slide 11

    legal relations (indicate their type):

    1. conclusion of a marriage contract, 2. conclusion of an agreement on the supply of products, 3. confiscation of property,

    4. establishment of authorship, 5. violation of labor discipline, 6. making a purchase in a store, 7. publication of poems in a newspaper, 8. recognition of ownership of real estate, 9. release of a collection of popular songs, which included a song by a young songwriter,

    10. quarrel and fight between neighbors of a communal apartment.

    Slide 12

    What sources contain civil law norms?

    • International documents;
    • Constitution of the Russian Federation;
    • Federal laws and regulations;
    • Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Civil Code of the Russian Federation).
  • Slide 13

    What are civil relations?

    Civil legal relations are property and related personal non-property relations regulated by civil law.

    Slide 14

    Elements of civil legal relations

  • Slide 15

    Slide 16

    Workshop: Indicate the elements of civil legal relations using specific examples.

    1. Citizen Panina ordered new windows from a private company, which, according to the concluded agreement, were to be installed within three days.

    2. 17-year-old Sidorov used his first scholarship to buy CDs with recordings of his favorite rock band from the Music Shop music store. However, one of the disks turned out to be defective.

    3. Citizen Gusev, after the death of his father, decided to publish his poems in one of the publishing houses, about which an agreement was concluded. The publishing house published the poems, but under a different name.

    Slide 18

    Workshop: Using a specific situation as an example, fill out the table:

    According to the grandfather's will, his apartment became the property of his grandson Peter. While leaving on a long business trip, Peter rented out this apartment for temporary residence to his friend Ivan, and when he returned, he exchanged it for a country house.

    Slide 19

    Slide 1

    Slide 2

    Slide 3

    Slide 4

    Slide 5

    Would you like to live in this city? What needs to be done to make its residents feel comfortable and protected?

    Slide 6

    Slide 7

    Civil law is a branch of law that includes a set of legal norms that regulate property and personal non-property relations on the basis of equality and autonomy of the will of the parties.

    Slide 8

    Slide 9

    Civil legal relations Name of relations Property relations Personal non-property relations. About what they arise About property, material goods (things, work, household services) About intangible goods (inventions, works of science, literature, art, the right to honor and dignity, the right to privacy)

    Slide 10

    Workshop: Determine which of the listed legal facts give rise to civil legal relations (indicate their type): 1. conclusion of a marriage contract, 2. conclusion of an agreement on the supply of products, 3. confiscation of property, 4. identification of authorship, 5. violation of labor discipline, 6. making a purchase in a store, 7. publication of poems in a newspaper, 8. recognition of ownership of a property, 9. release of a collection of popular songs, which included a song by a young songwriter, 10. quarrel and fight between neighbors of a communal apartment. Property Personal non-property

    Slide 11

    Workshop: Determine which of the listed legal facts give rise to civil legal relations (indicate their type): 1. conclusion of a marriage contract, 2. conclusion of an agreement on the supply of products, 3. confiscation of property, 4. identification of authorship, 5. violation of labor discipline, 6. making a purchase in a store, 7. publication of poems in a newspaper, 8. recognition of ownership of a property, 9. release of a collection of popular songs, which included a song by a young songwriter, 10. quarrel and fight between neighbors of a communal apartment. Property Personal non-property 2, 6, 8 4, 7, 9

    Slide 12

    What sources contain civil law norms? International documents; Constitution of the Russian Federation; Federal laws and regulations; Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

    Slide 13

    What are civil relations? Civil legal relations are property and related personal non-property relations regulated by civil law.

    Slide 14

    Slide 15

    Elements of civil legal relations Subjects Objects Contents Individuals (citizens) and legal entities (enterprises, organizations) What participants enter into a civil partnership for: - things, works, household services, inventions, - works of science, literature, art, - the right to honor and dignity. The rights and obligations of participants in legal relations established in civil law.

    Slide 16

    Workshop: Indicate the elements of civil legal relations using specific examples. 1. Citizen Panina ordered new windows from a private company, which, according to the concluded agreement, were to be installed within three days. 2. 17-year-old Sidorov used his first scholarship to buy CDs with recordings of his favorite rock band from the Music Shop music store. However, one of the disks turned out to be defective. 3. Citizen Gusev, after the death of his father, decided to publish his poems in one of the publishing houses, about which an agreement was concluded. The publishing house published the poems, but under a different name.

    Slide 17

    A transaction is the actions of individuals and legal entities aimed at establishing, changing or terminating civil rights and obligations. What three steps does the deal involve?

    Slide 18

    Practice: Using a specific situation as an example, fill out the table: According to the grandfather’s will, his apartment became the property of his grandson Peter. While leaving on a long business trip, Peter rented out this apartment for temporary residence to his friend Ivan, and when he returned, he exchanged it for a country house. Action Legal fact Rights and obligations

    Slide 19

    Action Legal fact Rights and obligations of the parties Establishment of property rights Grandfather's will Change of property rights Renting out an apartment Termination of ownership rights Exchange of an apartment for a country house.

    Social studies, 9th grade

    Lesson #20


    D.Z.: § 16, ?? (p.144), tasks (p.144-145)

    © A.I. Kolmakov

    Lesson Objectives

    • To give an idea of ​​the content of the basic norms of the civil code of the Russian Federation, the peculiarities of the legal capacity of minors in the field of property and non-property relations; on the protection of consumer rights;
    • develop the legal field in understanding civil legal relations;
    • to promote in students a sense of responsibility and respect for the property and non-property rights of citizens.

    Concepts, terms

    • civil law;
    • property and non-property relations;
    • equality of the parties, autonomy of the will of the parties;
    • civil code of the Russian Federation (Civil Code of the Russian Federation) and civil legal relations;
    • individuals and legal entities of civil legal relations;
    • G.O. objects, G.O. contents;
    • transactions, agreements, types of agreements;
    • civil capacity;
    • consumer rights

    Know and be able to

    • Know:
    • - basics of civil legal relations;
    • - consumer rights;
    • - main types of civil contracts;
    • Be able to:
    • - analyze the legal capacity and capacity of participants in civil legal relations;
    • - find information on a given topic in the media;
    • -give examples of legal relations
    • Students must understand the importance of property rights

    The task is to tick those that are the duties of a citizen of Russia, enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation

    • Comply with laws;
    • Pay taxes;
    • Be a member of any political party;
    • Be a member of a trade union;
    • Work at an enterprise;
    • Defend the Fatherland;
    • Preserve nature and the environment;
    • Treat historical and cultural monuments with care;
    • Study, get an education.

    The task is to enter the rights of the characters in “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights” by A. Pushkin into the corresponding empty lines

    • By ordering Chernavka to take the princess away and leave her tied up in the forest, the queen encroached on _________________________________________________ (personal integrity, life and freedom).
    • The marriage of Prince Elisha and the princess was concluded with _________________________________________________ (free and mutual consent).
    • The dog Sokolko, not allowing the old woman into the house, protected the right to __________________________________________ (inviolability of the home).

    Learning new material

    • The essence of civil law.
    • Features of civil legal relations.
    • Types of contracts and civil capacity of minors.
    • Consumer protection.

    Civil law- a branch of law that combines legal norms governing property, as well as related and unrelated personal non-property relations, which are based on independence, property independence and legal equality of the parties in order to create the most favorable conditions for satisfying private needs, as well as the normal development of economic relations .

    Property relationship- these are specific volitional economic relationship between subjects regarding a certain property regardless of its use, the transfer of means of production, consumer goods and other material goods.

    Personal non-property rights- a type of subjective rights belonging to the category of intangible benefits. Personal non-property rights (the right to free movement, the right to choose a place of stay and residence, the right to a name, etc.) arise in a person from birth.

    1. The essence of civil law

    Property and personal non-property relations

    Property relations

    (the right to have, inherit property...)

    Property relations

    (buyer - seller)

    Commitment relationships

    (debtor creditor)

    Personal non-property relations

    Not directly related

    with property relations

    (protection of dignity, honor,

    business reputation, interests...)

    Directly related

    with property relations

    Civil relations:

    property or non-property social relations regulated by civil law;

    - legal connection of equal, property and organizationally separate subjects of property and personal non-property relations, expressed in the presence of subjective rights and obligations, secured by the possibility of applying state-coercive measures of a property nature to their violators .



    Objects of legal relations

    Subjects of legal relations

    2. Features of civil legal relations

    Participants (SUBJECTS)


    legal relations



    Legal entities



    and also: the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipalities, if they enter into civil legal relations

    The principle of equality and independence of the will of the parties

    Civil Code of the Russian Federation

    considers as objects of legal relations

    things, works and services, information, results

    intellectual activity and intangible benefits.

    Object civil legal relations

    understands the good about which it arises

    legal relationship. It is in relation to this good that

    the parties to the legal relationship are subjective

    rights and obligations.

    2. Features of civil legal relations










    GPOs most often arise on the basis of transactions





    Situation, p. 139

    deals– actions of individuals and legal entities aimed at establishing, changing or terminating civil rights and obligations. They are one-sided, two-sided and multi-sided.

    Transaction form

    1. Transactions are made orally or in writing ( simple or notarial).

    2. A transaction that can be concluded orally is considered completed even if the person’s behavior makes clear his will to complete the transaction.

    3. Silence is recognized as an expression of the will to complete a transaction in cases provided for by law or agreement of the parties.

    Types of transactions:

    • one-sided;
    • double sided;
    • multilateral.

    A contract is a transaction that reflects the agreed will of two or more parties.

    Transactions: rent; purchase and sale; donation; inheritance; rent, etc. Acquisition or receipt for temporary use on the basis of an agreement between the parties or on an individual basis (donation; will), expression of will and transfer of rights.

    up to 6 years of age

    completely deprived

    6-14 years - have

    partially, namely

    (have the right without

    parental consent):

    1) make small household transactions (buy groceries in a store, office supplies, books, etc.);

    2) transactions aimed at receiving benefits free of charge (receiving gifts, including valuable ones: computer, cell phone);

    3) Receive funds from parents for certain purposes (for meals at school, pocket money).

    Parental Responsibility for violation of property transactions made by children under the age of 14 years old!

    3. Types of contracts and civil capacity of minors

    • Independently manage your scholarship, earnings, and other legal income.
    • Make deposits in the bank and manage them (through a savings book).
    • Exercise copyright of your intellectual activity.
    • Be a member of a cooperative. Other transactions are made with the consent of the parents. Exception: Art. 27 Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Emancipation... at the age of 16 with the consent of the parents by decision of the guardianship and trusteeship authority, without consent - by court decision.
    • From 14 to 18 years old minors independently bear property liability for transactions provided for by law!!!

    14-18 years old

    4. Consumer protection

    For defects:

    • The right to demand that defects be corrected within 20 days
    • The right to negotiate a reduction in the price of goods with the seller
    • The right to replace with a similar but high-quality product
    • The right to return goods to the store before a certain date and get a refund
    • All goods and services must comply with standard and sanitary standards
    • The consumer has the right to detailed information about the product
    • The label must indicate the manufacturer's brand with the address
    • The consumer has the right to a safe and quality product
    • Set the service life of an item
    • Set an expiration date on some products
    • Establish a warranty period during which repair work can be carried out free of charge

    The manufacturer has the right:

    4. Consumer protection

    Has the right to:

    • to the necessary and reliable information about the product;
    • on the quality of the goods;
    • on product safety;
    • require a certificate of conformity;
    • compensation for material and moral damage

    Consumer protection:

    • Society for the Protection of Consumer Rights;
    • municipality;
    • court

    Consumer- a citizen who purchases and uses goods, orders services and work for personal (household) needs not related to making a profit

    Buy goods in stores that reflect the contents / name / of the product in transactions, save the receipt - the main document of the TRANSACTION!

    Control questions

    • What is the essence of civil law?
    • What are the features of civil legal relations?
    • What types of civil contracts do you know?
    • What is the civil capacity of minors?
    • What rights does the consumer have? How can he protect them?

    • Today I found out...
    • It was interesting…
    • It was difficult…
    • I learned…
    • I was able...
    • I was surprised...
    • I wanted…

    Among all branches of law, civil law covers the widest range of issues. It regulates property and personal non-property relations. Let's find out what features civil legal relations have. Let's study this topic according to the following plan: concept, features, examples of civil legal relations.


    Civil law is a branch of law that includes legal norms governing property and personal non-property relations. Consequently, civil legal relations are the subject of civil law and arise at the time of its implementation.

    Let's understand the types of civil relations.

    • property relations, as follows from the formulation itself, arise regarding property, that is, objects of the material world: things, services;
    • The subject of personal non-property relations are intangible benefits: discoveries in the field of science, inventions, works of art, as well as basic human rights.

    The peculiarity of civil legal relations is the equality of their participants.

    Sources of Russian civil law:

    • international treaties;
    • Constitution of the Russian Federation;
    • federal laws (the main one is the Civil Code of the Russian Federation);
    • regulations.

    Features of civil legal relations

    Like other types of relationships, civil ones have a number of characteristics by which they can be classified in this category.
    Let's highlight some of them.

    • the predominance of property relations over personal non-property ones;
    • diversity of participants: the state represented by authorized bodies, organizations (legal entities), citizens (individuals), constituent entities of the Russian Federation;
    • special objects: things, money, securities, services, information, results of intellectual activity, personal rights;
    • content of civil legal relations: rights and obligations of people.

    Examples of civil legal relations

    The civil law system includes various forms of relationships between people, but in order to more clearly represent their essence, Let's look at a few specific examples.

    TOP 4 articleswho are reading along with this

    • a person inherited real estate in the form of an apartment (a transaction between the testator and the heir, the ownership right is transferred);
    • a person decided to rent out his own house to a family (changes in the rights and responsibilities of the owner, the emergence of new rights and responsibilities of tenants who can live in the house, but are required to pay rent);
    • a person sells an apartment (his ownership rights are terminated, but buyers acquire them).

    What have we learned?

    Having studied civil legal relations, we came to the conclusion that they include property and personal non-property relations, the subject of which can be things, including money, services, works, rights regarding the use of the results of intellectual activity. They are characterized by the prevalence of property relations over personal non-property relations and the diversity of participants. The content of civil legal relations is represented by the rights and obligations of people, the emergence of which is related to the subject of regulation of this branch of law.

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