Who doesn't love animals? At least for their devotion, loyalty and naivety! There are few such people, because caring for “little brothers” is our main mission!

Most likely, the only thing that stops those who want to buy a pet - be it a cat, dog, rabbit, guinea pig, chinchilla - is the possibility of an unpleasant odor in the urine. But now this is not a problem, thanks to the unique DuftaPet products for combating unpleasant odors presented on the website https://duftamos.ru/catalog/zhivotnye !

In addition, many happy pet owners are concerned with the question of how quickly remove animal odor to make your apartment or house feel fresh and cozy. A line of products from a leading manufacturer of odor and stain removers will allow you to solve the problem once and for all and enjoy spending time with your pet without worrying about stains and foreign odors.

When a pet lives in the house, an unpleasant stench may appear. Therefore, many owners do not know how to clean urine from a sofa without damaging its surface and keeping the product in its original form. Previously, it was necessary to use non-traditional household products, but today the problem can be completely solved!

The smell of urine on the couch or somewhere else - you must agree, this is an unpleasant phenomenon. Animals are like that... They like to hide somewhere far away and do their “dirty” things, and then the owner goes around looking for where the treasured spots are hidden. But now there is a more effective method! DuftaPet pet odor products allow you to keep your home clean and comfortable. The entire line is presented on the website: https://duftamos.ru/catalog/zhivotnye.

The products do not eliminate the odor itself, but its main source. Features of use:

  • Spray a small amount of urine odor remover over the entire surface of the stain.
  • To improve the effect, a warm temperature will be required, so it is recommended to cover the surface treated with the product with a film for a couple of hours.
  • Let dry. If the stain has not completely disappeared, the treatment must be repeated.

The product is used on surfaces made of various materials - leather, wood, stone. Before use, you should check the surface for color strength by first testing it on an inconspicuous area. If nothing happens to the paint within 2-3 hours, you can proceed directly to removing the stain.

DuftaPet penetrates even hard-to-reach places, so the “aroma” cannot hide somewhere and hide from you. The product will help remove smell of cat urine in the apartment and also remove stains in a short time. It is recommended to use a special detector flashlight with it, which allows you to detect animal urine in a matter of seconds.

There is also a special concentrate for cleaning the apartment. Do you dream about smell in the room didn't show up at all? Then it's time to purchase a branded concentrate that will help you clean your apartment clean, without even a hint of stench! Using the concentrate to treat furniture, floors, and walls, you will be able to feel the freshness of the air and keep your apartment clean and tidy for a long time.

Duftamos.ru offers a tool to help answer the question “ how to remove urine smell", not only in private houses and apartments, but also in large public organizations. The products are perfect for breeders, nurseries, veterinary clinics, zoos, and animal shows.

The concentrate for cleaning the room and eliminating the smell of urine has a unique composition, thanks to which you can easily eliminate the unpleasant stench in the house. Plant enzymes promote the rapid breakdown of odorous organic elements and quickly eliminate odors. Therefore, the stench completely disappears and is not masked.

The concentrate is diluted in proportion to water - ¼. That is, for cleaning it is enough to take 0.1 liter of product, add it to the sprayer, and then add 0.4 liter of water to it. It is used as follows: spray the entire surface of the stain with urine, cover with a film and leave for 2 hours. After the composition dries, the stain and smell disappear. For stubborn stains, repeat the procedure again.

You no longer have to look for the answer to the question: how to remove the smell- it has already been found!

Affectionate, fluffy and slightly wayward cats are the favorite animals of many adults and children. On the one hand, this pet is ideal for keeping in an apartment, but on the other hand, certain difficulties arise with it in everyday life: fur on the floor and furniture, scratched wallpaper, as well as a characteristic aroma. The last aspect is the most unpleasant, but you can fight it. Let's look at how to get rid of the smell of cat urine in your apartment, and also find out how to prevent its occurrence.

The persistent smell of cat urine is due to its composition. The pungent aroma helps animals scare away strangers from their territory. Urine contains:

  • urochrome - a derivative of pigments that gives urine a yellow tint;
  • urea is a product of protein metabolism, due to which cat urine acquires a sticky consistency some time after excretion;
  • uric (uric) acid - colorless crystals with a pungent odor that do not dissolve in water.

It is the particles of uric acid remaining on linoleum, carpet or furniture upholstery that provoke the appearance of “cat spirit”, since during decomposition they release thiols - sulfurous substances with an extremely unpleasant odor. Due to their poor solubility in water, it is impossible to get rid of them with ordinary detergents.

Why does the cat ignore the toilet?

When you get a pet, you need to take care of the toilet for it. Today, fillers are sold that absorb unpleasant odors, preventing them from spreading throughout the apartment. True, even with a tray, the cat can continue to relieve itself in other places.

Main reasons:

  • problems with the toilet - the filler is rarely changed, the animal does not like its properties, the tray is too small or is in an inconvenient place;
  • diseases – health difficulties can be suspected if the cat previously went to the litter box and then suddenly stopped;
  • rutting/estrus period;
  • protection of territory from rivals (scent marks) - this problem is faced by the owners of uncastrated cats, who spray liquid with hormones to “secure” the boundaries of their possessions; in addition, animals of any age and gender can mark some thing or object if they sense someone else’s smell;
  • stress, pet dissatisfaction - a cat that is poorly treated may “forget” basic behavioral skills or act out in revenge.

It is very important to quickly remove urine that appears in the wrong place before it gets into the surface. Otherwise, the cat will think that his toilet is now located here.

Initial actions

When solving the problem of how to remove the smell of cat urine from an apartment, you first need to learn how to properly collect the discharge immediately after committing a “crime.” It is forbidden:

  • wash this place along with the entire floor in the room;
  • use a wet cloth or mop to remove marks;
  • rub the surface vigorously.

These actions can cause urine to be absorbed and the odor to spread.

You need to prepare several paper napkins and a plastic bag. Processing rules:

  1. Place several layers of napkins on the puddle.
  2. When they absorb moisture, put them in a bag.
  3. Repeat steps until the surface is dry.

Another option is to sprinkle cat litter over the urine. When it absorbs liquid, collect it and discard. Then you need to apply one of the odor removal products.

Ways to get rid of odor

In search of an answer to the question of how to get rid of the cat smell of urine, you should know that uric acid dissolves in other acids, as well as in alkalis and glycerin.

Vinegar (9%) should be mixed with water in a ratio of 1:3. Then it must be applied to the contamination - poured or sprayed from a spray bottle. The last step is to use paper towels to dry the surface.

Using vinegar, you can remove the smell and traces of cat urine on the floor, carpet, and upholstered furniture. The only thing you need to check is whether the substance affects the color of the textile. To do this, simply apply a small amount of solution to an inconspicuous area.

Lemon acid

When faced with the task of how to get rid of the unpleasant smell of cat urine in an apartment, you can use citric acid. You should dilute 1 small spoon of crystals in 100 ml of warm water and pour it onto the area that smells bad, and then dry it with napkins.

It is worth remembering that citric acid has a bleaching effect. It is best not to use it on dark textile surfaces.


Citrus fruits produce essential oils, the smell of which cats really dislike. You can use lemons, oranges, grapefruits, pomelo. Directions for use:

Multi-component odor remover

An effective solution to the problem of how to get rid of the cat urine smell in the house involves several stages and involves a combination of various means. Algorithm of actions:

  1. Collect urine using wipes or cat litter.
  2. Pour vinegar (3%) onto the contaminated area. Cover the top with a napkin. Leave until dry.
  3. Remove the napkin. Sprinkle baking soda in a thick layer. The area must be dry, otherwise the vinegar will neutralize the effect of the soda.
  4. Combine hydrogen peroxide (100 ml), dish detergent or soap (1 small spoon) and water (100 ml). Soap or dish detergent is necessary as it contains glycerin.
  5. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle. Spray the stain with baking soda. Foam should form.
  6. After 2-3 hours, remove the residue with a vacuum cleaner or broom.

This method is suitable for hard floors, carpets and upholstery. But it can lead to lightening of the fabric. When processing textiles, it is worth using a brush to rub in soda and complete cleaning.

Other recipes for odor

There are other options for answering the question of how to eliminate the smell of cat urine in an apartment:

  1. Wipe the surface with hydrogen peroxide (3%). The drug helps if the trace is fresh. It is better not to use peroxide on varnished surfaces.
  2. Treat the floor with a dark pink solution of potassium permanganate. Rinse the area with clean water. Potassium permanganate can color a light-colored coating. It cannot be used to clean textiles.
  3. Add 15 drops of iodine to 500 ml of water and wipe the urine stain. The product should be used on dark fabrics.

There are recipes using ammonia, alcohol (vodka) and chlorine. But these substances do not affect uric acid, so their effectiveness is questionable. However, they can be used for final treatment of contamination and repelling the animal. It is enough to wipe the place chosen by the cat with one of the preparations.

Note: When using a product with chlorine, it is important to follow safety precautions: wear gloves, open windows, remove your furry pet from the room. Do not forget that chlorine can damage floor coverings or textiles.

Professional preparations for pet odor

You can quickly eliminate the smell of cat urine using professional products containing enzymes that destroy uric acid salts and neutralize thiols. Popular drugs – Urine Off, Just for cats Stain, Pet Stain, Odor Kill & Stain, Beafar, DezoSan, Zoosan, Mr. Fresh, Zoovorsin. Most of them are available in aerosol form. It is enough to remove the urine, spray the product, leave it for a short time, and then wipe the surface. The preparations help remove not only the smell, but also old urine stains on the floor, carpets, and upholstered furniture.

In addition, you can use stain removers containing active oxygen, which breaks down thiols - Vanish Oxi Action, PreWash from Amway, Astonish. Such preparations clean textiles well and do not damage the fibers if you strictly follow the instructions.

Another way to remove unpleasant odors is to use an ozonizer. It is necessary to cover the contaminated area with film, secure its edges, place the device hose under it and turn it on for 2-3 hours.

Tip: When you cannot find the source of the unpleasant odor, an ultraviolet lamp will help you find traces of urine. You need to turn it on in the dark and carefully inspect the room. Urine spots will be marked yellow or green.

Prevention of odor

You can prevent the unpleasant smell of cat urine by training your animal to use the litter box and regularly changing the litter. Recommendations:

  1. Reduce your pet’s anxiety level - pay attention to it, pet it, play, don’t hit it, don’t punish it, don’t let other animals into the house.
  2. Arrange a habitat - place a food bowl, a sleeping basket, toys, a litter tray in a certain area, and monitor cleanliness.
  3. Quickly eliminate the smell of urine if the cat relieves itself in an unauthorized place.
  4. Reduce the intensity of other aromas in the apartment - cosmetics, perfumes, household chemicals. The animal may try to silence them using marks.
  5. Place food, cat toys, and houses in the makeshift toilet areas. A healthy animal will not urinate where it eats or sleeps.
  6. Treat problem areas with vodka, vinegar, lemon juice, ammonia, and essential oil. You can soak cotton balls in one of these substances and spread them out.
  7. Prepare a mixture of citrus peels and ground coffee. Pour it into containers and place them around the apartment.
  8. Praise and encourage the animal if it relieves itself in the tray.

Removing the smell of cat urine is a difficult but feasible task. It is important not to start a problem, but to react immediately. Vinegar, citric acid, citrus fruits, soda, hydrogen peroxide, as well as industrial products will help eliminate the aroma. If a cat has been defecating on carpets or floors for a long time, you can only get rid of the smell by radical methods - by repairing and replacing textiles.


Like many other enjoyable activities, loving furry pets has its side effects. The owners of cats and dogs themselves are familiar with them, as well as all those who have at least once crossed the threshold of the house where a pet lives. Therefore, the question of how to remove the smell from animals in an apartment worries all owners of tailed couch potatoes, without exception.

Ways to get rid of unpleasant pet odor

Before you go to the store for a cat odor remover or something that promises to help get rid of the smell of dog urine in your apartment, you should know that the only way to eliminate uric acid, which is its source, is with the help of enzymes. Simply cleaning up the puddle left by animals with a rag only means hiding the problem.

There are many folk remedies that help effectively eliminate the consequences of a cat or dog’s life. Choose which one you like best or is easier to find at the farm/nearest store.

We clean furniture and floors

Chlorine-free bleach. Wash the stained areas with a regular cleaning agent and clean water, and wipe dry. Mix bleach with water in a ratio of 1 to 10 and pour the solution into a spray bottle. Spray the liquid onto the stained area, and after 30 seconds, remove with a damp cloth.

Soda. Using baking soda, you can effectively remove the cat smell from your apartment. You can leave the powder for 2-3 hours, and then remove the residue with a vacuum cleaner. This advice also helps if the apartment smells like a dog.

Potassium permanganate. Make a weak solution and treat the area stained by the dog or cat. The treatment should be repeated until the problem is completely eliminated.

White vinegar. Mix water and vinegar in equal proportions. Clean up the puddle, be it cat or dog urine, with a rag and pour the solution over the area. Wipe the surface thoroughly, then wipe dry. Using white vinegar can even get rid of old odors.

Lemon. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon, apply it to a sponge and wipe the areas of the upholstery of the sofa and armchairs stained by the cat or dog with it.

Enzymatic cleaner. You can find one like this at a pet store. The product is suitable for removing odors from dogs, cats and other four-legged animals not only from furniture and floors, but also from clothes.

Eliminate odors from carpets and shoes

For a carpet that smells bad, you can use the following products:

  • glycerin or laundry soap - soap the area of ​​the carpet where the dog (cat) “inherited” it, wait until it dries and rinse thoroughly with clean water;
  • peroxide and soap - mix 100 ml of hydrogen peroxide with a teaspoon of liquid soap and half a glass of water, pour into a spray bottle and sprinkle it on the area previously covered (2 hours) with soda, rub until foam appears, and when everything is dry, vacuum up;
  • vinegar and soda - as soon as you see fresh cat urine, soak the puddle dry with napkins and fill the stain with a solution of vinegar (1:3), after drying, cover with soda, and the next day go through with a vacuum cleaner.
  • Getting rid of cat smell in shoes is quite difficult, especially if they are leather shoes. Try washing your shoes and wiping the insides with a vinegar solution. You can also use potassium permanganate. In both cases, the products must be dried strictly in air. If a cat shits in leather shoes, use liquid glycerin and leave the product in the room until completely absorbed.

If there is a ferret living in the house...

Today you can often meet people who like to keep ferrets in their homes. And when acquiring such a pet, few people think about the fact that they will have to endure a specific “aroma.” Whether you have a ferret or another animal living with you is not so important; if you care for it properly and regularly, undesirable consequences can be avoided.

You can get rid of ferret smell by regular wet cleaning. To do this, use a bucket of water, where you can add a little natural essential oil. Wash your pet’s bedding and other “personal” items in hot water and powder at least once every 2 weeks.

Surface treatment to prevent territory marking

Mature cats and dogs are known to mark territory to attract the opposite sex. Some individuals limit themselves to marking on the street, others do this at home. If you notice this, you have 2 options on how to remove the smell of cat urine in your apartment (this also applies to dog smell):

  • Prevent territory marking by castration.
  • Accustom your cat or dog to cleanliness, while simultaneously limiting its access to favorite places and treating marked areas with special sprays.

If the first method of removing odors from your apartment is unacceptable to you, be prepared for the fact that cat crime aerosols contain chemicals. But their advantage is the presence of special enzymes that repel “throwers” ​​from the treated areas.

Do not try to wash away a stain left by a cat or dog with plain water. This will only increase the area where stench spreads. And do not overdo it with rubbing the marked place, so that the cat or dog spirit does not become so ingrained that it will no longer be possible to remove it.

Before treating your apartment, carefully read the composition of the product: it should not contain chlorine, which only enhances the odor. And most importantly: do not try to poke the guilty cat into the crime scene. Many pets are vindictive and will take revenge on you at the most unexpected moment. Moreover, nature cannot be dealt with through physical violence. If you love your pet, be patient: proper training and regular hygiene procedures should help.