Ed Gean's case is somewhat unique. Despite the more than modest " achievement list“—with only 2 proven victims, Gin is considered one of the most terrible maniacs in US history. His “style” inspired the masters of the horror genre to create several films, each of which, once seen, you are unlikely to forget. It was Gin who became the prototype for the charming Norman Bates from Psycho; his features can also be seen in Buffalo Bill from The Silence of the Lambs, as well as in the maniac from The Texas Massacre. How did Gin deserve his fame? We remember today together with Daria Alexandrova.


In the family, everything was run by the mother, Augusta. The father, a weak-willed alcoholic, was constantly unemployed, and all household chores and worries fell on the shoulders of a single woman. In addition to Eddie, the Geens also had an eldest son, Henry. Augusta was a pious, even fanatical lady. Holy Bible was her reference book, where she looked for answers to all questions, and she considered it the best textbook for her children. And although her sons attended a regular school, Augusta did not allow the boys to communicate with other children and demanded that they immediately return home after school. It is quite possible that if Augustus had not been a fanatic, she would have divorced her husband, but for religious reasons this was completely unacceptable.

Ed Gin

Since childhood, Eddie's mother instilled in him that women are vicious, disgusting, depraved and sinful, and sex is dirty. Having caught her son masturbating one day, Augusta scalded him with boiling water. The idea was firmly entrenched in the boy’s head that all the women in the world, except his mother, of course, were whores and devils. Augusta insisted that the family move from the city of La Crosse, which she considered a nest of vice and debauchery, to the eerie wilderness and hole - the tiny settlement of Plainfield, Wisconsin. Less than 1000 people lived in this village. Of course, everyone knew each other and were visible.

Gin's mother taught him that sex is dirty and all women are vicious

The Geens settled in Plainfield, where they bought a dairy farm. The family lived closed, the sons left the house only to go to school. Only after the death of their father from cardiac arrest in 1940 did the situation change: Henry and Ed had to take care of August and the budget. The brothers did odd jobs - mostly helping local residents in small work. Ed was often asked to babysit the kids.

Henry's life gradually began to improve - he had a girlfriend and was finally going to move out from his mother. Henry was worried about younger brother: Augusta’s influence on Ed was too great, his mother completely suppressed his personality and masculine nature. One day, returning home from his girlfriend's, he found Edward sleeping in bed with his mother - she periodically allowed him to do this. For Ed, criticizing his mother was akin to blasphemy. His brother's admonitions offended him.

Ed sometimes slept in the same bed with his mother - this is how she “rewarded” him

And in May 1944, Henry suddenly died: he and Ed were burning marsh grass on the farm, but the flames got out of control. Henry's body was then found some distance from the fire site, it was practically unburnt. Ed claimed that he lost sight of his brother for some time and then found him already dead. One of the investigators noticed the bruises that remained on Henry’s body, but they did not conduct an autopsy and did not open a case against Ed.

Anatomy lessons

At the end of December 1945, a terrible thing happened: Augusta died from heart attack. Ed couldn't imagine anything more terrible. At his mother’s funeral, he cried bitterly, “as if a little boy“- as one of his neighbors later recalled.

Still from Hitchcock's Psycho: Norman Bates disguised as his mother

Ed stayed in all alone. His only entertainment was reading. True, the library that the police then studied was specific: mainly books on the anatomy of the female body, which they read to the gills. And although Ed had never lived with a woman and most likely had no sexual contact, he was interested in bodies.

Gin's library consisted mainly of books on female anatomy

From theory he soon moved on to practice. Ed studied the obituary page in the local newspaper, and at night he went to the cemetery to dig up bodies. He brought them home and butchered them, hanging them on hooks like animal carcasses. Ed sewed something like leggings from the lower parts of the bodies, and a vest from the upper parts. In addition, he cut out their genitals and applied them to his own, imagining himself as a woman. During the search, police found a shoebox full of severed noses, as well as a belt made from nipples and skulls, which Gin had used as bowls. One of the chairs in the house was covered with human skin. They were hung on the walls women's faces- only 9 pieces. They were cut, carefully processed and preserved using all the technology.

American Horror Story

It is not known exactly how many victims Gin had on his account (investigators believed that there could be up to 10 of them) - he himself admitted to two murders. In 1954, he dealt with local resident Mary Hogan, the owner of a small tavern. Mary was, as they say, a “baby-woman”: she swore worse than a sailor, she managed all the affairs herself, she talked loudly and laughed. Psychologists who worked with Gin suggested that the woman's domineering nature might have reminded him of the mother he missed so desperately and painfully. Gin wanted to “bring back” his mother, so he killed Mary and brought her body home. Local residents discussed the disappearance of the tavern owner, and Gin half-jokingly said that she came to visit him and stayed that way. The neighbors, who considered him a foolish man, but still adequate, did not pay attention to this.

Suit made of human skin, belt made of nipples - Gin's trophies

The second victim was the owner of a small hardware store, 58-year-old Bernice Worden. She disappeared on November 16, 1957. Sheriff Arthur Schley, who was investigating the missing person case, found a check addressed to Gin on the floor of the shop in a pool of blood. Schley did not find Ed at home, but, having a search warrant, he went inside. Walking through the dark kitchen deeper into the home, he came across a real carcass. The headless body was suspended from a hook from the ceiling. The sheriff called for backup, and several detectives were soon searching Gin's house. It was then that these terrible discoveries were made - clothing and accessories made of leather, collections of noses, genitals and lips. The body of the murdered Mrs. Worden was identified by her son Frank. Bernice's head was also in the house - Gene had hammered nails into the ears and threaded string, apparently intending to hang the "trophy" on the wall.

Gin's House

Further interviewing witnesses and neighbors, it turned out that Gin’s house was notorious among local boys, who once hit the glass with a pebble and looked inside. They saw some skulls and asked Ed about them. He laughed and made up a story about his brother, who served as a sailor somewhere in the South and allegedly sent these heads to him as a gift.

Gin was arrested and interrogated. He confessed to two murders, and also to digging up the bodies of those women who reminded him of dear Augusta. Psychiatrists admitted that Gin was suffering mental disorder and cannot stand trial. They also suggested that Ed believed that he was doing God's will and resurrecting the dead.

In 1958 he was sent to compulsory treatment to the prison hospital in Waupan, a maximum-security facility for the insane. Then, however, they were transferred to the Mentoda Mental Health Institute in Madison.

Gin could have thought that he was doing “the will of God”

At the same time, Plainfield authorities were wondering what to do with Gin's creepy house. It was decided to put it up for sale. However, in March 1958, the house burned to the ground - probably arson. The culprits were not found, and it is unlikely that they were looking for them. This was probably done by one of the local residents, who were not at all attracted by the prospect of living next door to a “house of horrors.”

Ten years later, when doctors decided that Gin had sufficiently returned to normal, he stood trial. He was found guilty of first-degree murder, but due to the fact that he committed the crime while insane, he was again sent to a hospital.

One of the nurses who worked with Gin once said: “If all our patients were like him, we wouldn’t have any problems at all.”

Wikipedia's article about Edward Hein talks about how Hein's property made people feel. His farm, according to one version, was burned, and his car, which was shown as an exhibit at some fair, was expelled from this fair at the insistence of people and was lost somewhere in history. That is, there are obvious actions of the Ephesians, who did their best to ensure that nothing would remind of Herostratus. However, several are dedicated to Edward Gein feature films and, the fool knows how much documentaries and Internet sites. This is the paradox of society: those who committed brutal murders become popular; those who are abnormal, insane, dangerous. They are interested in them, they read about them, watch chronicles, some even visit places of “fame”. And all because they give a feeling of admiration. Horrible, right? I feel disgusted at the sight of blood, I don’t experience an orgasm at the sight of a butchered pork carcass, I don’t feel like frying human meat and eating it. But I want to look at the person who does all this. Preferably at an impressive distance, or better yet after the fact, when he is no longer alive.

This is a biography film. But the biography of a maniac. The filmmakers paid close attention to various biographical details of Edward Gein. Starting from his harsh childhood, which influenced him in many ways, to his red checkered cap, an exact copy a hanging female corpse, plates of skulls and even books about Nazism. From the point of view of biography, the film seemed to me very accurate and attentive to the facts.

Steve Railsback, who played Gein himself, did an impeccable job. However, in my opinion, there was something insanely predatory in the face of the real Edward Gein. And at the same time, originally from the farm. If anyone hasn't seen it, look at his photographs, he looks like the most typical farmer, but with rather unpleasant eyes. Steve Railsback made Gein look miserable with sad, suffering eyes. Here Gein came out as a sufferer, a mentally ill person who did not want to kill anyone, but his mother forced him, and she was a saint to him. I won’t say what was wrong in reality, but still, it seems to me that Steve Railsback is not ideally suited for the role of Gein purely outwardly. I repeat that he coped with the role perfectly.

But there were very “sagging” moments in the film. For example, the first victim, wounded in the shoulder, who had the strength to beat up Gein in the car, but did not have the intelligence to simply run away. She wasn't wounded in the leg. Strange episode. She simply allowed herself to be dragged somewhere, driven, while she was conscious, talking with Gein. In general, in the film, people seemed to have drunk on brake fluid. The reactions are somehow inhibited, there is no instinct of self-preservation. Somehow it's implausible. But overall, just as a film about Edward Gein, this movie can be recommended to interested parties. It’s not scary at all, there’s very little blood or anatomy, that’s not what the emphasis was on, and there probably wasn’t enough money. They simply illustrated the life of a real famous maniac.

Full name Edward Theodor Gin(English Edward Theodore Gein; August 27, La Crosse, Wisconsin, USA - July 26, Madison, Wisconsin, USA) - American serial killer, necrophiliac and body snatcher. One of the most famous serial killers in US history. His image widely penetrated into popular culture of the second half of the 20th century (films and literature).

Edward Gean was born in La Crosse, Wisconsin on August 27, 1906. Parents: George Philip Guine (August 4, 1873 – April 1, 1940) and Augusta Wilhelmina Lehrke (July 21, 1878 – December 29, 1945). Mother was the daughter of Prussian emigrants. Edward had an older brother, Henry George Gean (17 January 1901 – 16 May 1944). Augusta and George met when they were 19 and 24 respectively, and married on December 4, 1899. The parents' marriage did not work out from the very beginning. The father was an alcoholic who was systematically left without work (he worked either as an insurance agent, or as a carpenter, or as a tanner), because of which the entire household, in fact, was supported by Augusta alone, who had a small grocery store. Despite the fact that the mother despised the father, they did not divorce because of religious beliefs. Augusta grew up in a devout Lutheran family whose members were ardent opponents of everything related to sex, which is why she saw only dirt, sin and lust in everything. Their mother forbade Edward and Henry to communicate with other children, constantly forced them to do hard work on the farm and only let them go to school. She constantly read the Bible to her sons, and called the city of La Crosse a “hell hole” and convinced the children that the whole world was mired in sin and debauchery, and that all women except her were whores. In 1913, Augusta decided that life near La Crosse was too harmful for her children, and the Geens, having saved money, bought a small dairy farm about forty miles east of La Crosse, but in 1914, for unknown reasons, they sold it and bought the other, in the vicinity of Plainfield.

At school, Ed was very shy and had no friends, as his mother severely punished him for any attempts to make friends with anyone. According to the book about Gin "Deviant", he had a small skin growth on his left eyelid, which was the object of ridicule from his classmates, and also became the reason why Edward, having received a summons to the army in 1942, did not pass the medical examination. Later some of him former classmates recalled that Ed observed a number of oddities. In particular, the boy could laugh at any moment for no reason, as if he had heard some kind of joke. Despite the difficult social development, Edward studied quite well and did especially well in reading lessons. When Gin was 10 years old, he had an orgasm while watching his mother and father slaughter a pig. One day Augusta saw him masturbating and scalded him with boiling water as punishment. Despite this, Ed considered his mother a saint, although Augusta was rarely pleased with her sons, believing that they would grow up to be failures like their father. As teenagers, Edward and Henry rarely left the farm, and their social circle was limited to their own family.

Shortly after Henry's death, Augusta suffered a stroke and became bedridden. Ed looked after her around the clock, but she was still unhappy. She constantly yelled at her son, calling him a weakling and a loser. From time to time she allowed him to lie in bed with her during the night. In 1945, Augusta recovered from a stroke. He and Edward went to their neighbor named Smith to buy straw from him. Augusta experienced a strong shock when she saw that he was cohabiting with a woman, after which she was grabbed new blow, which completely undermined her health, and she died on December 29, 1945 at 67 years old. Ed, now all alone on the farm, began reading books on anatomy, stories of Nazi atrocities during World War II, various information about exhumations, and he enjoyed reading the local newspaper, especially the obituary section. The neighbors did not consider Gin crazy, just a “little strange” harmless eccentric and left him to sit with the children, to whom Gin sometimes recounted what he had read on topics with which he was obsessed. Soon Gin began visiting cemeteries, digging up and dismembering corpses. He often relied on information gleaned from obituaries in the local press. He especially liked [ ] to tear up the fresh graves of women, although later during the investigation he swore that he did not perform any sexual manipulations with the corpses, since, in his words, “they smelled too bad.” Gin took some parts of the corpses home, and soon he had a kind of collection of skulls and severed heads, which he hung on the walls. Gin also made himself a suit from women's leather, which he wore at home.

Local children who looked into the windows of Gin's house talked about what they saw human heads hanging on the walls. Edward just laughed and said that his brother served during the war somewhere in South Seas and sent him these heads as a gift. Nevertheless, rumors spread around the town about strange objects in Gin’s house, and he himself smiled kindly and nodded when asked about the severed heads that he allegedly kept at home.

The police decided to search Gean's house and immediately found the gutted and mutilated corpse of Bernice Worden in Gean's barn. The corpse was mutilated and hung like a deer carcass. There was a terrible stench in Ed Gean's house. Masks made of human skin and severed heads were hung on the walls; a whole wardrobe was also found, handmade from tanned human skin: two pairs of pants, a vest, a suit, as well as a chair made from human skin, a belt made from female nipples, a soup bowl made from a skull. The refrigerator was filled to the brim with human organs, and a heart was found in one of the pans. Gin later admitted that he dug up from the graves the bodies of middle-aged women who reminded him of his mother.

During the hours-long interrogation, Gin confessed to the murder of two women - Bernice Worden and Mary Hogan, although he finally confessed to the murder of the latter only a few months later, after a polygraph interrogation.

While Gin's trial was going on, local boys began throwing stones at the windows of the “house of horrors,” and the townspeople considered the farm a symbol of evil and depravity, so they avoided it. The authorities decided to sell the estate at auction. People protested but could not do anything about it. On the night of March 20, 1958, Gin's house mysteriously burned to the ground. There is a version that it was arson, but the perpetrators were never found. When Gin, imprisoned at the Central State Hospital, learned about the incident, he said: “That’s how it should be.” The Ginov plot was purchased by real estate dealer Edmin Shi. Within a month, it had destroyed the ashes and the nearby undergrowth of 60,000 trees.

Ed Gean's car, which he drove to visit Bernice Worden on the day of the murder, has been put up for auction. 14 people competed for this lot, and the Ford was sold for a lot of money at that time - $760. The buyer was Bunny Gibbons, the organizer of the Seymour fair, where the Ford appeared as an attraction called "Ed Geen's Ghoul Car." More than 2,000 people paid 25 cents to see the car during the first two days of the show. Cashing in on Geene's notoriety was met with outrage by the townspeople of Plainfield. At the Washington State Fair in Slinger, Wisconsin, the car was on display for four hours before the sheriff arrived and closed the attraction. After this, Wisconsin authorities banned the car from being shown. Offended businessmen went to southern Illinois, hoping for understanding . Gin's burial itself remains same place, but without any identification marks.

Gin is still a suspect in three cases unsolved disappearances of people. In all three cases, no direct evidence of the death of the missing was found.

Boyarova O.

The topic of US maniacs was well covered in one of the essays (). Unfortunately, Ed Gein was forgotten. It is unlikely that many people are familiar with his name, but such films as “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre”, “Silence of the Lambs”, “Psycho” are well known to horror fans. Where is the connection? The thing is that the prototype of the farm maniac and Buffalo Bill was Edward Gein.

The prerequisites for the corrupted psyche of the future maniac can be found in Edward's childhood.

The boy was born on August 27, 1907 near the city of La Crosse, Wisconsin. He spent his entire childhood there. Edward was youngest child in the family of George and Augusta Gein. His brother Henry George Hein was four years older.

Gein's parents deserve special attention. His father George Gein was an alcoholic. He couldn't find permanent job, and the family survived on rare earnings. Significantly, there is no evidence that George beat his children. Most likely, he himself was a victim of his insane wife.

Now as for Augusta Hein. She grew up in a very devout family. Augusta carried the idea that the world was mired in sin, that there was only dirt, lust and sex everywhere, and that all women (except her, of course) were whores.

The question involuntarily begs the question: if she was so pious and correct, then how did she end up with two sons? Well, this is just food for thought.

The truth was that Augusta was a tyrant in her family. After the Geins moved to a farm in Plainfield, Augusta forbade her sons to communicate with other children and constantly forced them to do hard work on the farm. She constantly read the Bible to Ed and Henry and always said that the city in which they live is a “hell hole.”

Despite all this, Edward idolized his mother and considered her a saint. His older brother had a completely different opinion.

The relationship between Ed and Henry became very strained after the death of their father in 1940.

Andrew sought to start an independent life, unfortunately, without success. Trying to denigrate his mother in the eyes of his younger brother, he only made the situation worse.

On May 16, 1944, there was a fire on the farm in which Henry died. The brothers were burning trash that day, and according to Ed, the fire got out of control. Many believe that Ed killed his older brother. Their opinion is not unfounded. Firstly, Edward was the only witness, and the incident is known only from his words. Secondly, the question remains unclear: why did the men not try to put out the fire?

Be that as it may, Edward's guilt was not proven.

Now Ed Gein was left alone with his mother. They still lived a quiet, aloof life on their farm. But in 1945, Augusta suffers a heart attack and becomes bedridden. Edward's concern only delays the inevitable end. The woman dies on December 29, 1945 and Ed is left alone.

The neighbors never complained about Gein. They considered him a good-natured eccentric and even left him to babysit the children. No one knew that the “quiet farmer” was fond of books on anatomy and read stories about the atrocities of the Nazis during the Second World War. He is fascinated by information about the exhumation, and obituaries in newspapers give him particular pleasure.

Soon “old Eddie” moves from theory to practice. He is attracted to the female body, but he is too cowardly to apply fresh knowledge on living people.

Ed went to the local cemetery, where he tore up the fresh graves of women. After which he gutted their bodies and took a couple of “souvenirs” for himself. His house became like a burial ground. He hung the heads of corpses on the walls, made a belt from the female genital organs, and processed the skulls into bowls, from which he then ate and drank. But the most sophisticated costume was made from women's skin.

Later, when Gein was arrested, he said that he did not perform any sexual manipulations with the corpses because “they smelled too bad.” Luckily he didn't have air freshener.

In principle, a serial killer is considered to be a person who has killed three or more victims. This is due to the fact that when the third victim is killed, the serial killer develops his own method of action. However, all researchers consider Ed Gein to be an accomplished serial killer, despite the fact that he only has two proven victims.

Although many attribute several more corpses to Hein.

In 1947, an eight-year-old girl was found murdered; the only evidence found by the police were tire tracks from a car belonging to Gein. True, Gein did not admit to committing this crime.

In 1952, two tourists who stopped for a small picnic near Gein’s house disappeared. Their corpses have not yet been found. Ed's involvement has not been proven.

In 1953, a fifteen-year-old girl was found murdered. Gein's involvement has also not been proven, but some elements of coincidence with the first murder are visible quite clearly.

Blaming Ed Gein for these crimes is not entirely reasonable. If you study Edward's personality well enough, it becomes clear that this is not his handwriting (subsequent murders will confirm this). Gein was not interested in teenage girls. Moreover, known fact The fact that Gein was left to babysit the children further proves his innocence in these crimes. The dubious evidence of tire tracks and the lack of any other evidence (the girls' bodies were not found in Gein's house) make these accusations look like a cheap horror story compiled to draw attention to Gein's identity.

But in 1954, Gein actually commits a crime. He kills local tavern owner Mary Hogan. Mary disappeared from the motel, leaving behind only pools of blood. Gein managed to quietly transport the woman, who weighed about eighty kilograms, to his home across the city. He dismembered her and kept her in his home. Mary was reported missing.

Presumably Gein did this because the woman, who somehow reminded him of his mother, yelled at the man, thereby causing his anger.

On November 16, 1957, another woman, 58-year-old Bernice Worden, disappeared. In the afternoon, her son returned from hunting and stopped at the hardware store that his mother ran. It seemed strange to him that his mother was not there. He decided to contact the police after he found a bloody trail on the floor, stretching from the display case to the back door. Quickly looking around the room, Frank found a crumpled receipt for a half gallon of antifreeze lying in the backyard. The receipt was in the name of Edward Gein.

The woman's body was later found on Gein's farm. It was so disfigured that the sheriff initially mistook it for a deer carcass. It was only later determined that the headless body belonged to missing Bernice Worden.

But more terrible things were found in Ed's house. In addition to the already known “souvenirs,” human entrails were found in Gein’s refrigerator, and a heart lay in one pan.

His trial was not long. Gein confessed to killing two women. He was declared insane, and, in accordance with the court's verdict, Edward Gein was sent for compulsory treatment to the maximum security hospital for the criminally insane in Waupana, but was later transferred to the Mentoda Institute of Mental Health in Madison.

Gein died on July 26, 1984, in a mental hospital from cardiac arrest caused by cancer, after which he was buried in the Planfield City Cemetery. For a long time, his gravestone was destroyed by souvenir hunters, and in 2000 most of The tombstone was completely stolen.


Ed Gein became fashion brand. A man who took people's lives. Who devoted half his life to the desecration of graves and corpses. Who ended up having sex with his dead mother!But modern fashion has its own view on this...

Movie "Ed Gein: The Butcher of Card from a feature film
Plainfield" 2007 "Ed Gein: Monster from Wisconsin" (2000)

The human mind is amazing... Fans kill their idols. Serial killers become idols.

If we put the worlds of music and crime on the same page for a second, then Ed Gein is the “Freddie Mercury” of the criminal world. In the hit parade serial killers In America, it has firmly occupied a leading position for more than half a century.

His farmhouse, nicknamed the "Temple of Horrors", excited the media and civilians state of Wisconsin during for long years. His crimes were so barbaric that the masters of the film industry, wiping the sweat from their brows, produced such imperishable masterpieces as: “Psycho”, “The Silence of the Lambs”, “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre”.

Childhood. There is such a sad pattern: any biography serial killer begins with the words “he had a difficult childhood.”

Edward Theodor Hein was born in provincial town in 1906. His mother Augusta was obsessed with religion, his father George with a bottle of whiskey.

Augusta and Ed Gein

Local idiot. When the father died, the pious mother gained double power over the family, and matriarchy hopelessly reigned in the house.

Soon the weak-willed Ed, subordinate to Augusta, also became involved in a religious sect. One day, his tyrannical mother caught him in the act of masturbation. Her rage was so great that she doused her son with boiling water as punishment. But this did not turn Edward away from his mother; on the contrary, he began to cultivate her and elevate her to the rank of saints.

The elder brother, Henry, categorically did not like the situation in the family, he did not lose hope of bringing his obsessed relatives to reason. But he had to pay a serious price for his efforts. Henry died. Suddenly. Absurd. Due to a burn and head injury received while working in the fields alone with Ed. Henry's death was ruled an "accident."

Death of mother. A year after the tragedy, Augusta suffered a double heart attack, as a result of which she died. For Edward, the death of his beloved mother was equivalent to the end of the world. He begged her not to leave him and did not want to part with her body. Therefore, even after a bereavement, he continued to sleep in the same bed with his deceased mother. It was there that his first and only sexual intercourse took place...

Obituaries. The death of his mother made irreversible changes in Gein's psyche. Edward got strange hobby. He swept all the press off the newspaper shelves, savored articles about Nazism, exhumation... and studied the “Obituaries” column with manic meticulousness! After studying the notes about all the newly deceased, at night, when all the burial ceremonies were completed, Ed entered the cemetery and opened new graves.

Having dug up a fresh corpse, Ed looked at the body for a long time and admiringly. His favorites were the corpses of middle-aged women who looked like his mother. Then he began to put into practice his deep knowledge of female anatomy. With a massive meat-cutting knife, Gein enthusiastically cut out the deceased’s genitals and breasts, cut off her legs with an ax,

He carefully removed the skin from faces, from which he later “made” masks.

The famous leather mask of Edward Gein: in life and in cinema. Don't Mr. Gein be like that creative nature, the “Texas Massacre” would not have happened.

Mister decorator. Human skin became his fetish. Soon his entire house was “decorated” with exclusive products from this hard-to-find material. The sofas and armchairs were upholstered in leather torn from female corpses, and the lampshades were designed in the appropriate style. The butcher Hein replaced pots and other kitchen utensils with bones and skulls. And the contents of the refrigerator vaguely resembled a cabinet of curiosities: dozens of jars and flasks with cloudy liquid and heads, organs, scraps of flesh floating in it... Under the bed, in a shoebox, Ed kept dried vaginas.

Soon Edward's wardrobe was enriched with clothes and accessories made from human material. Necklace of tongues, belt of nipples, shirt with female breasts, which he put on and imagined himself as his mother...

Surprisingly, having exhausted all the “resources” of corpses he needed, Ed punctually, before dawn, returned the remains to the coffins and put things in order on the graves.
Moreover, Gein did not perform any sexual maneuvers over the bodies. As he would later explain to the judge: “They smelled really bad.”

Murder. Ed turned 48 years old. For the first time, a living person becomes his victim... He managed to kidnap the obese owner of a local pub completely unnoticed, leaving only a puddle of blood. At home, Ed dismembered her, and his collection was replenished with a trophy. What prompted a necrophiliac maniac with many years of “experience” to switch to the living? For experts, this remains an unsolved mystery, like the smile of Mona Lisa. Meanwhile, the woman was put on the wanted list, and the psychopath Eddie reacted to the general alarm with a daring mockery: “She’s staying at my house.”

But local residents shrugged it off and still considered Edward a “harmless fellow” and even hired him as a nurse for their children.

This continued until Bernice Worden disappeared... Manager local store. Her son, returning from a hunt, was horrified to discover bloody footprints leading all the way to the parking lot. Also found on the floor was a receipt addressed to Ed Gein. But even this discovery gave neither the police nor local residents any reason to believe that the killer was Edward Gein, a funny, harmless guy. The sheriff decided to question him just in case, as a possible witness.

A squad of police went to Gein’s house, and this was the beginning of the end of the monstrous craft of an obsessed psychopath. Bernice's naked body, cut up like a pork carcass, hung on the veranda.

A further tour of the property of Edward Gein shocked both the local police and criminologists around the world.

There was a disgusting stench in the “Butcher” house, the remains of the bodies of 15 women were discovered, 9 of them were the same ones that were “rented” from local churchyards. Who owns the other 6 corpses? How many people did Edward Gein kill? And also a lot of other gaps in this black history still remain a question mark.

Edward Theodor Hein was declared mentally ill and placed in prison for life. mental asylum prison type. He died in 1984 from lung cancer at the age of 77.

IN psychiatric clinic shortly before death.