Goal: continue to teach children to determine the number of sentences in a text; to form the knowledge of preschoolers that consonant sounds are hard and soft; encourage children to independently search for ways to solve the vowel-consonant problem; conduct sound analysis of words with hard and soft consonants, using the appropriate chips; strengthen the ability to draw lines without lifting the pencil from the paper; develop attention; cultivate neatness.

Materials: individual cards with images of animals and paths to houses, chips for indicating vowels, soft and hard consonants, object pictures, pencils.

Progress of classes in kindergarten with older preschoolers

Educator: We have already met with the fairy tale more than once,

And again she will come to us now.

Do you like fairy tales? Why?

Sit down on the chairs, the fairy tale begins.


Brothers - sounds - lived in the same paper castle. Yes, yes, the same ones that are heard by our ears. They lived in peace and harmony until one of them brazenly declared: “I am the most needed, I am the eldest.” What started here! The sounds made such a noise! Everyone started boasting:

“I’m round and easy to pronounce,” said the sound.....(o).

No, I am. Although it’s already more difficult to pronounce me, I’m the first,” (A) argued.

Ooh, big! “But I can hum, and it’s very loud,” said the sound (u).

They argued so loudly that they woke up the wise fairy. The fairy gathered the loud and vociferous. - Can you guess what sounds these are? (Yes, these are [a, o, u, e, y, i...] - vowel sounds)

Yes, the fairy called them vowels. And what kind of chip do they represent? Why? (Because during their pronunciation, air flows freely from the open mouth.)

Children show a chip to indicate a vowel sound.

And what did the fairy call those who were quiet and calm, who could not shout or sing, but only hiss, whistle, rustle? (Consonants.)

What kind of chip do they represent?

Children show a chip to indicate a consonant sound.

The fairy said that all sounds are very important, because when they merge, they form... what? (Words)

Therefore, I will name the words, and with the help of a chip you will determine what sound they begin with.

Words: wasp, hare, antenna, goat, student, snail, turkey, bird, dog, hand, crane, beetle, watermelon, pointer, needle.

The teacher names the words, the children highlight the initial sound and show the corresponding card.

Sounds make up words, and words make up... (sentences).

The sounds listened to the fairy in disbelief. Therefore, she suggested that they create words, make sentences from words, and text from sentences. But the sounds were inattentive and could not find the endings of the sentences. I will read the text to you, and you mark the end of each sentence by clapping your hands.

Mom has a son. His name is Dima. Dima caught a catfish. Here, mom, catfish.

Educator: How many sentences are there in this text? How do you determine that a sentence is complete? (There is a pause.)

Repeat the first sentence. Determine the number of words in it. Is there a help word in this sentence?

Outline the first sentence.

Well done, you helped with sounds. Everything fell into place, and it became clear to everyone that we needed to live together.

Physical education minute

One two three four,

(Walk in place.)

Right, left, legs wider.

(Turns of the torso, hands on the belt.)

We stood up, our backs were all straight.

(Basic stance, arms bent at the elbows.)

And they ran on the spot.

(Easy jogging in place.)

We need to stretch our muscles.

Let's jump together

(Jumping on both legs.)

Everyone sat down and stood up.

We sat down and stood up again.


Stretch your fingers well

(Stretch your arms forward, clench your fingers into fists several times and straighten them.)

Dance in style.

(Dance moves.)

It's time for us to play a little

And solve riddles.

The teacher displays a picture of a fox.

The teacher displays a picture of a forest.

Sound analysis of the words fox and forest, modeling them based on the sound analysis scheme and chips.

Ball game “Name the sound”

The teacher names a hard consonant sound and throws the ball to the child. Having caught the ball, the child names a pair of given sounds and throws the ball to the teacher.

Complication: the teacher names a soft consonant sound, and the child names a hard pair of the named sound.

Game “Tell the Animal”

You have cards with pictures of animals on your tables. Among them, find an animal whose name begins with a _________ sound, and lead this animal to its favorite treat.

Draw a line without lifting the pencil or going beyond the line of the track. (Hand out cards with tracks.)

Bottom line. Reflection

Our fairy tale is over.

In what mood did you listen to the tale about sounds?

What sounds do you remember?

Literacy lesson notes

(for children of senior preschool age 6-7 years)

Subject: The sounds are vowels and consonants.

Target: Introduce children to concepts

vowels - consonants and their graphic representation.



    Learn to distinguish vowel sounds by ear -


    Introduce preschoolers with a schematic representation of sounds in writing, with a new rule for determining the number of sounds in words: as many vowels in a word, as many syllables;

    Learn to work with word models, determine the beginning, middle and end of a word, and isolate sounds from words.

Educational: develop attention, memory, phonemic hearing, speech, logical thinking.

Educational: cultivate a stable cognitive interest in the subject.

Type of lesson: Learning new material.

Lesson form: activity - game.

Equipment: diagrams of models of sounds, words; a poster with illustrations for the game “The Fourth Wheel”, a poster with letters, cards for individual work; for children: colored pencils.

Lesson plan:

I . Org. moment.

II . Updating knowledge

IV . Explanation of new material.

V . Consolidation.

VI . Summarizing.

Progress of the lesson.

I . Org. moment. ( Greeting, checking the attendance of students, creating a psychological mood for educational activities and activating attention).

Today in class, guys, you will find many interesting tasks, new discoveries, and your helpers will be: attention, resourcefulness, and ingenuity.

II . Updating knowledge.

Children do you like to travel? (answers) Where would you like to travel?

Today we will go to the planet of sounds and letters.

Who do you think lives on this planet? (letters and sounds)

But not only sounds and letters live there, words live there, games you like to play, fairy tales.

But before we hit the road, let's check what knowledge we have prepared for the journey.

Quiz game.

The children are asked a question, and for the correct answer the children receive a chip. This means they are ready to travel.

How many letters are there in the Russian alphabet? (33 letters)

How do sounds differ from letters? (sounds are pronounced and heard, and letters are seen and written)

How to find out how many syllables there are in a word? (the number of times you open your mouth, the number of syllables; the number of times you clap, the number of syllables).

During our lesson-journey we will get acquainted with what sounds there are, how they differ from each other, and how they can be designated.

III . Learning new material.

You and I know that words, when spoken, consist of sounds. Do you think you have already learned to isolate individual sounds from words? Want to test yourself?

Fine. But first, find the word yourself in which we will listen to the sounds. This word is the name of the bird that is described in the sentences. While listening to them, determine how many sentences I will say.

Sometimes you can see a stork on the roof of a house. The bird has a nest there .

In chorus, name the first sound in this word. And now - the last one. Do you think we pronounce these sounds the same or differently? Let's watch. Say the first sound again, but very quietly... Now louder..., even louder... What's happening to your mouth? (Opens.) Try to close your mouth tightly and pronounce this sound...

Happened?! Why didn't it work out? Do you want me to explain?

Air helps us pronounce sounds. When we say the sound [a], air passes freely without encountering obstacles. Check... But they closed their mouth, formed a barrier - and the sound did not come out. Sounds during the pronunciation of which air passes freely, without encountering obstacles, as if through an empty tube, scientists called vowels

m i. (The term is pronounced in unison.)Vowels they were named because they always speak with a voice; from the wordvoice ( voice ) and the name of the sounds came about -vowels .

Scientists came up with their own designation for vowel sounds: inside the sound icon they agreed to place an image of an empty tube, showing that air passes freely without overcoming any obstacles.

Now let's listen to the last sound in the word stork: stork-t-t-t. Say it again and try to notice: does the air also pass freely or does it meet an obstacle? Where is this barrier, what created it - watch yourselves, you can look at each other... Let's check. Try to pronounce the sound without your tongue touching anything... Happened?

Sounds in which the air encounters an obstacle are called consonants. (The term is repeated in unison.) Such sounds alone cannot form a word, since it will be very difficult to pronounce. Try to say with me, for example:

[krtshk]... And now: potatoes.

Consonant sounds in Russian speech always go next to vowels - that’s why they are consonants. We will denote them as follows:

What are the other two sounds of the word? (After observing whether an obstacle appears or not,conclusion).

Guys, pay attention. That this word has two vowels and two syllables. Vowel sounds form a syllable. There are as many syllables in a word as there are vowels.

Physical exercise.

Once upon a time there lived a little gnome.

With a big cap.

He was a traveler - a dwarf.

He rode on a frog.

Jumping gallop. Kwa-kwa.

And he flew on a dragonfly -

Wow, high.

Floated down the river in a tea cup.

Glug-glug, Glug-glug.

He rode on a turtle.

Top-top, top-top.

And having trodden all the paths,

The gnome was swinging in a web.

Kach-kach, kach-kach.

The morning will come - the gnome will go on a hike again.

IV . Consolidation.

So, guys, let's repeat what is the difference between vowel sounds and consonants?

Look at the word model.

What can you say about this word? (it has one syllable, because there is one vowel, two consonants).

Come up with words that fit this diagram, who is bigger? (cat, house, cancer, sleep...).

Let me remind you that we are on the planet of sounds and letters, and in addition to sounds and letters, various games live here. We will play them now.

1. Exercise to recognize the sounds of vowels - consonants.

Game "Who is more attentive."

I name the word - you determine the first sound: vowel or consonant. Find the appropriate diagram and show it. The one who doesn't make a mistake wins.

Words:watermelon, snail, plane, fence, echo, chair, car, beetle, glasses, spinning top, house.

2. An exercise to develop attention, phonemic hearing, and memory.

And now the letters invite us to play a new game. I will show you a poster with letters, and you try to remember everything you see on it. As soon as I remove it, you tell me which letters you remember. The one who names the most letters wins.

(see Appendix No. 2)

Which letter is missing? Why? (letter Ш, since it is a consonant, and the rest are vowels)

Absolutely right. So we'll play with it.

Game "Light the lights."

On the diagram of the word model, we determine the place of the sound in the word: at the beginning, in the middle, at the end of the word; Depending on the location of the sound in the word, we light a light in the corresponding window.

Words:fur coat, cat, shower, hut, hat, monkey, porridge, Shura, scarf.

3. Task for the development of auditory memory, sound analysis.

The inhabitants of the planet of sounds and letters asked us the following problem: guess which picture is the odd one in each row.Remember: you need to pay attention to the first sound of each word in the named series. Explain your answer. (see Appendix No. 1)

4. Riddle-surprise.

Solve what is drawn in the picture: you need to paint over all the shapes with vowel letters. If you do everything correctly, you will get a picture. (see Appendix No. 3)

What did you get? (telephone).

V . Summarizing.

Our journey has now ended. What new have you learned? What did you especially like?

Appendix No. 1.

Appendix No.

Appendix No. 3.

Sections: Working with preschoolers

Purpose of the lesson: Introduce children to the concepts of “speech sounds”, “letter”, differentiate the concepts – “sound” and “letter”.


  • Introduce concepts and show the difference - “sound”, “letter”
  • Expand your vocabulary
  • Promote the development of attention, imagination, creativity, fine motor skills
  • Develop speaking and listening skills
  • Arouse interest in the learning process itself, using the game as the main form


  • An office with desks, an audio recorder, a cassette recording the sounds of nature, a magnetic board, colored pencils.
  • Space adventure.


Hello guys! My name is T.I. And you?

Do you know why you came here? What we will do?


But who is stopping us? These are my toys: a little fox, a hedgehog. And they have a wise owl friend who always tells them a lot of interesting things. But what happened?

The hedgehog and the little fox decided to tell you a fairy tale about the planet of sounds and letters. Do you know what speech sounds and letters are?

Shall we listen to their tale? Let's find out what sounds and letters there are. We'll have to make a space trip.

We will need transport - what kind?

Let's draw a rocket.


WE CAN GO, CLOSE YOUR EYES - (outer space with planets appears.)

The planet of sounds is invisible and very large. It surrounds us everywhere, because sounds are everywhere, but they cannot be seen. They can be heard and spoken.

Close your eyes - what do you hear? Audio recording.

How does our rocket work? You're right, we hear it. This means that we are already approaching the planet of sounds.

We are flying through the constellation Leo - how does he greet us?

Aries the ram?

Ursa Major and Ursa Minor?

These are the sounds that animals make and people make speech sounds. Words are made up of speech sounds. And we understand each other perfectly.


Astronaut, don't be lazy,
Turn right, turn left,
Hands up, hands down
Bend over, bend back,
Stand on one leg
Stand on the other leg -
This is not easy to do.
Now jump high.


What are the sounds of speech?

One day the sun came up with names for them. And it happened like this. On one side of the planet there lived sounds, they were warmed by the sun and they sang, they said - A O U E Y Y. Yes, we pronounce these sounds using only our voices. And they called them vowel sounds.


On the reverse side there are sounds - they couldn’t sing, they didn’t live happily, the sun didn’t warm them. The sounds suffer and at the same time only grunted - KKKKKK, got angry - YYYYY, growled - RRRRR, hissed - SHSHSH, puffed - PPPPP. Yes, here one voice is not enough, and there are sounds that are pronounced without a voice. What helps you and I pronounce these speech sounds? Guess the riddles: when we eat, they work,

When we don't eat, they rest,
If we don't clean them, they'll get sick. (Teeth)

Inflate them even more.
Blow on something hot. (Cheeks)

He's always at work
When we speak,
And it rests when we sleep. (Language)

Yes, we pronounce these sounds with our lips, teeth and tongue. The sun told them: “It’s not good for you to live like this. The vowels are friendly and cheerful. You need to make friends with them and become happy again.

Do you agree? – the sun smiled. - We agree. We agree! – the sounds that were called consonants answered in chorus. Now vowels and consonants will again live in peace, friendship and harmony.


Then the sounds are invisible - we only pronounce and hear them, we wanted to show ourselves. Then they began to put on beautiful suits and this is how the letters that we write, see and read appeared.

We pronounce and see sounds, and we write and read letters.

Circle the letters you know. (Circle the letters.)


  • What speech sounds do we know?
  • How are vowel sounds pronounced?
  • How are consonants pronounced?
  • How do sounds differ from letters?

You have a very beautiful planet. And I would like to thank you for your help and attention.

Olga Dmitrieva
Lesson summary “Vowels and consonants”

Vowels and consonants

Subject: Generalizing class: « Vowel sounds[a], [o], [i], [y], [e], [s]. Educational region: "Communication"


Summarizing the material covered vowel sounds[a], [o], [i], [y], [e], [s].



Strengthen children's knowledge about vowel sounds.

Strengthen children's ability to determine the presence of a given sound in a word.

Continue learning to determine the number of syllables in words

Teach sound analysis of the word rose.

Introduce the syllabic function of a word.


Develop speech, attention, thinking.

Develop visual perception and phonemic hearing.


Cultivate friendly relations towards each other, the desire to speak beautifully and correctly.

Develop cooperation skills, independence, initiative.

Methodical techniques:

Musical accompaniment.

Verbal (questions, explanation).

Visual (pictures, presentation slides).

Gaming (D/i "Find a Pair", "Find out sound» , "Find sound» , "Wonderful bag").

Practical (exercises).

Observation of children's work, advice.

Material: Demo: pictures-schemes of the words poppy, house, bow, forest, whale, rose, red and gray chips, presentation « Vowels and consonants» . Dispensing: pictures-schemes of the word rose, gray and red chips.

Progress of educational activities

Organizing time.

Guys, we have guests today, let's say hello to the guests. (children say hello) Are you happy to see them? Show how happy you are to have guests. (smile at guests)

Well done! It was no accident that they ended up here! Guests want to see what we have learned at literacy classes. And they probably want to get to know you.

Now we will remember sounds. And let's try to find them in your names.

Now the one who has in his name will sit down

Sound I(Inna, Misha, Kirill, Karina, Timur);

Sound E(Semyon, Senya);

Sound O(Sonya)

Sound A(Anya, Dasha)

Well done, our guests met you, and we remembered you sounds.

Tell me what they are called sounds, which we were looking for in your names?

Absolutely correct. This vowel sounds. Why are they called that?

Let's look at the board. And let's try to find magic in these words, vowel sounds and mark them with red squares.

(Children look at picture diagrams of the words poppy, house, smoke, onion, forest, whale).

Name vowel, how much in total sounds?

Well done. Guys, today we will try to understand the word rose.

(Children together with the teacher do sound analysis of the word rose).

How much is there in the word rose? sounds? How much vowels? Absolutely right. And now I'll open a small one for you secret: how many in a word vowels, so many words and syllables.

Guys, please tell me what time of year it is now?

What signs of autumn do you know?

Leaves are falling correctly, birds are flying south, it rains often, and cold winds are blowing.

A cold wind blew and our sounds in different directions, and now we’ll try to catch them.

Let's play a game "Catch sound» .

I'll call the words if you hear sound [у] at the beginning of a word, you need to clap your hands. (Duck, letter, ears, ear, sound, pond, dill, hand).

Now let's catch sound [a], you will clap your hands if you hear it at the end of a word. (Sign, game, alphabet, alphabet, vase, book, car, doll). Well done!

A strong wind drove up the clouds and it began to rain.

Physical education minute "Rain"

Drop one, drop two

(palms to the sides, alternately jumping from foot to foot)

Very slow at first

(the same)

And then, then, then

(arms bend at the elbows)

Everybody run, run, run

(imp with acceleration in place)

We will open our umbrellas

(stop, arms in different directions)

Let's protect ourselves from the rain.

(depicted above the head view "umbrella")

Now sit down more comfortably, I’ll tell you a story.

One day Pinocchio went for a walk in the forest, walked and walked along a path and came to a house, that house was red. And different sounds were heard from this house sounds - ah-ah, o-o-o, o-o-o, e-e-e.

He knocked on the door and little men appeared on the threshold; they were wearing red shirts. They told Pinocchio that they live in this house sounds who loved to sing, they walked around the world and cheerfully sang their songs - from this they began to be called - VOWEL sounds.

Buratino said goodbye to his new acquaintances and moved on.

Suddenly, in the distance, he saw a house, it was all made of ice, large icicles were hanging from the roof. He came closer and heard d-d-d, mm-m-m, sh-sh-sh, g-g-g, z-z-z.

Pinocchio knocked and little men in blue shirts came out of the house. It turned out that people also live in this house sounds, but they don’t know how to sing at all. It's so cold in their house that they can only say k-k-k, w-w-w, f-f-f. But they really want to learn how to sing songs.

Then Pinocchio decided to introduce sounds from the red and blue house.

Reds sounds We were pleased to meet the blues and offered them: “Do you want to learn to sing?”, "Yes"- answered the blue ones. "Fine!"- said the Reds. “But there is one condition, you must always stand next to us, you agree?». "Yes we are agree, answered the blue ones"- since then they have been called CONSONANT.

And they succeed together with VOWELS wonderful songs: Maaa, Nooo, Suuu! .

Like this vowels and consonants became friends. They began to form into syllables, and syllables into words.

How many syllables are there in words?


And now we will play and try to distinguish vowels and consonants.

View presentation « Vowels and consonants

To help you better remember the difference between vowels and consonants I want to read to you poem:

Vowels stretch

a ringing song,

may cry

And scream.

In the dark forest

Call and hoot

But they don't know how

Whistle and grumble.

A consonants agree



Even snort and squeak,

But I don’t want to sing to them.

Educational fairy tales for children

In the Land of Sounds

Lived in a magical land of sounds. This country was very tiny. And there were only 31 inhabitants. No one saw them, since they were invisible.
But you could hear them. Six sounds were singers: A, U, Y, I, E, O. They were called vowels for their melodiousness and vocality. Ya, Yo, Yu, E sang along with them.
The remaining 21 were also kind, with good sounds, but they could not sing. Listen: B, V, G, D, F, Z, J, K, L, M, N, P, R, S, T, F, X, C, Ch, Sh, Shch.
They were very friendly, agreed with the vowels in everything, loved to stand next to them. And they were called consonants.
You can also sing along with them, but to do this you need to be able to recognize all the sounds and pronounce them correctly.

“How sounds learned to turn into letters”

A lot of time has passed since sounds settled in one magical land. They were invisible, but they loved to sing.
One day, a wizard from another kingdom appeared in that country. He liked it there so much that he wanted to get to know its inhabitants better. And when he found out that all the residents were invisible, he was very upset. But he was still a wizard, and a very kind one at that. And he decided to give each resident a magic dress. Each sound received a dress unlike the others. As soon as you put it on, the sound immediately became visible and turned into a letter. The letter could be seen, depicted, drawn, written. The wizard was very pleased. After all, now, having read or sung it, or whispered it, he called the sound by name. That's how they met.

Always together

One day the vowels and consonants did not get along and went in different directions. The consonants huddled together, wanted to talk - but nothing...
They coughed:
Why did they call the cat:
-Puss, puss, puss!
And we got bored...
All of a sudden:
It seemed to them that someone was crying somewhere... They listened.
-Ah-ah-ah! Oh-oh-oh! - shouted the vowels.
They cried like little children:
-Wow! Wow!
-Aw! Aw!
And the consonants shouted to them (or rather, they wanted to shout, but they only managed to mutter indistinctly):
And they heard a joyful, but also inarticulate:
They made peace, stood side by side again, and said clearly:
And since then they have never been separated again.

Parade of letters

When two brothers b and b settled in the magical land of Alphabet Studies, there were exactly 33 inhabitants. Each had their own home, but could not exchange it for another. There were such strict laws there.
One day, the Alphabet and Queen ABC decided to throw a party. All sounds put on dresses, turned into letters and went to the main square.
The king gave the command to the letters to line up and take each one in its place, according to the number of the dwelling. This is the order in which the letters were: A, B, C, D, D, E, E, G, Z, I, Y, K, L, M, N, O, P, R, S, T, U, F, X, Ts, Ch, Sh, Sh, b, Y, b, E, Yu, Ya.
Queen ABC really liked the structure of the letters. Since then, the structure of letters in this order began to be called by the name of the king - ALPHABET or the queen - ABC.
Anyone who wants to know the secrets of this magnificent country must, like a king, know the order of the letters by heart.


One day they gathered together for council and began to say how useful and significant they all were. But they forgot to invite the words to their council STRESS. And it was very offended. When the words began to emerge, the Accent suddenly jumped out and shouted:
-What do you know without me? If I want, I’ll take it and change the values ​​for you!
Of course, they didn’t believe the words. The castle came out and said:
-I’m not afraid of you, I’m so strong and heavy that I can handle some kind of IMPACT. After all, Accent is just a dash!
The stress got angry and suddenly jumped from the last syllable to the first, and the castle disappeared, and a castle appeared.
The words began to be indignant, to shame the Accent, but it continued to prove its importance. So instead of Atlas it turned out to be Atlas, instead of drops-drops, instead of road-road.
They see words that things are bad - they cannot do without Emphasis! They gave him a place of honor at their meeting and since then they have treated the Accent with great respect.