Every creation of nature deserves the right to life, but sometimes among the animals you come across rather strange specimens, which, perhaps, especially impressionable people should not look at. Here are the most terrible and disgusting animals on our planet.

Aer-aer or Madagascar hand-footed

Aer-aer or Madagascar hand-footed easily distinguishable by its huge eyes and long middle finger, with which the animal taps trees for larvae.

This a nocturnal primate native to Madagascar, living primarily in the tropical forest.


The almiqui - a black, brown or dark brown nocturnal animal - has short legs, an elongated head, tiny eyes, a mobile nose, and its skin glands secrete a smell reminiscent of a goat.

These animals, resembling a mixture of a rat and a shrew, live exclusively in Cuba and Haiti.

Purple frog

Purple or lilac frog (lat. Nasikabatrachus sahyadrensis) - a real mole among amphibians. She spends almost all her time underground, coming to the surface only for 2 weeks, and only during the monsoon period. Its habitat is very small - only 14 square meters. km. in the Western Ghats (India). All this led to the fact that the official discovery and description of the purple frog occurred only in 2003.

It looks like a piece of purple jelly-like mass. The frog is notable for its small head and trunk. Small round eyes with horizontal pupils are practically blind, but her sense of smell is fine. It is with its help that she finds food, pushing her narrow face into insect holes and pulling them out with a long corrugated tongue. The tiny mouth does not allow the underground frog to swallow large creatures, so it feeds on termites, small worms and ants.

Fringed turtle

The fringed turtle, or mata-mata, or matamata, is a South American freshwater turtle from the snake-necked family, classified in the monotypic genus Chelus. He has an extremely bizarre and unique appearance.

The sharp growths covering the head and neck of the fringed turtle act as natural camouflage.

Monkfish or European anglerfish

The European anglerfish, or European anglerfish, is a predatory fish of the order Anglerfishes. This species received the name “monkfish” because of its very unattractive appearance. Distributed in the eastern part of the Atlantic Ocean.

The main diet is fish. Capable of crawling and even “jumping” with the help of its arm-like pectoral fins. Most often, the monkfish lies motionless on the bottom. Merging with the bottom, the monkfish lures prey to itself with an eska bait. When the prey swims up to the hunter, the angler opens its mouth in a split second and sucks in water along with the victim. Monkfish is a game fish

Pensis fish or single-banded urechis

A type of sea worm. In European languages ​​(including English and Russian) there is no generally accepted name for this species, with the exception of Latin. However, in English-speaking countries, due to its shape, this animal has received the informal name “penis fish”. Lives in burrows in sand and mud.

Despite its disgusting appearance, its taste is highly valued in the countries of Southeast Asia. Small specimens are also used as bait during fishing and as one of the means of traditional Chinese medicine.

Naked mole rat

Due to the lack of hair, these rodents are scary to look at. As compensation for their ugliness, nature endowed naked mole rats with the ability to phenomenally preserve youth. Gerontologists around the world believe that this amazing animal will help humanity get rid of old age.

The length of this animal is about 10 cm, weight 30 grams. The habitat of the naked mole rat is East Africa (Kenya, Ethiopia and Somalia). In arid and hard, concrete-like soil, naked mole rats dig at a depth of one and a half to two meters entire catacombs of underground passages with a total area the size of a large football field, gnawing them with their front teeth. They live in compact and fairly large settlements of up to 300 individuals, almost never come to the surface and do not drink water at all, making do with moisture from their food sources - the tubers of the Pyrenacantha malvifolia plant. The main property of this rodent is the almost complete absence of old age in the usual sense of the word. Naked mole rats do not become decrepit, do not suffer from atherosclerosis and diabetes, and retain immunity, as well as muscle and reproductive functions. Almost until the very last days they behave as cheerfully as in their youth. And they die either from skirmishes with the enemy, or the way long-lived people usually die - from cardiac arrest, which has exhausted its resource.

Hagfish are marine vertebrates that live in tropical and temperate waters of the world's oceans. For its unusual feeding habit and abundant mucus, it was named in a number of popular science articles " the most disgusting sea creature".

There are legends about the gluttony of these creatures. Animals often eat fish caught in nets, therefore causing a lot of harm to fishing. Resembling a huge worm, the hagfish has an impressive jaw with an interesting arrangement of sharp teeth arranged in several rows.

Ironically, despite having such a menacing jaw, the hagfish does not need to use it to stay full. She knows how to “feed” on the skin, no matter how strange it sounds. The hagfish swims in rotten water next to the decaying corpses of living creatures, absorbing their wonderful corpse juices through the pores on the skin.

The Blobfish is one of the strangest fish in the world and belongs to the deep sea fish. It lives at a depth of 600-1200 meters off the coast of Australia and Tasmania. The length of the fish is approximately 30 cm; one of the features is the absence of a swim bladder, since it does not function at depth. The species is endangered, as the blobfish is increasingly caught in fishermen's nets along with crabs and lobsters.

The resemblance to a saddened human face gives the animal the distance between the eyes, which is several times greater than the diameter of the eye socket.

Cacajao or uakari

Bald uakari (lat. Cacajao calvus)- one of the rarest and least studied species of primates. They do not often leave the dense, shady arches of the tropical forests of the Amazonian lowland, and it is very, very difficult to take a closer look at them in natural conditions. The main distinguishing feature of bald uakari is a wide, red, hairless face, the rich color of which indicates physical well-being. A pale appearance indicates the presence of health problems and will never arouse the interest of the opposite sex.

Cacajaos differ from other New World monkeys in having a shortened tail, the length of which is only 15-18 cm with a body length of 40-45 cm. The hair is long, sparse, and absent on the head. These monkeys have very little subcutaneous fat, so their faces seem to be covered with skin. Like other saks, the lower incisors protrude forward. In nature, they have been observed both in small groups and in large communities of up to 100 individuals. When moving through the forest, they usually use the lower branches of trees; when feeding, they rise to the upper branches. The diet includes fruits, nuts, and plant sprouts.

There are, of course, many more such “handsome men” on Earth, but for now these are enough to understand that nature does not always present us with pleasant surprises.

Planet Earth has become home to so many living beings that it is simply impossible to list them. Nature has endowed some with intelligence, some with strength and the ability to adapt to any conditions, some with beauty or attractiveness, and some with ugliness. In this article we will try to look at the ugliest animals on our planet.

Photos of the ugliest animals

Blob fish

We can rightfully start our top parade with an amazing, unusual and even scary creature - the blob fish. The creature belongs to the family of sea bottom Psycholutes. This fish, due to its strange appearance, is often called the ugliest creature of the deep sea. It is assumed that the drop fish lives at a depth of 700-1300 m near the coast of Tasmania and Australia, where today it is most often pulled to the surface by fishing nets. It should be said that this species is now facing extinction.

The ugliest animals in the world, represented by the blob fish, can rightfully star in horror films without any director’s additions, so to speak “in their pure form.” Its smooth head resembles a human face, its length reaches no more than 30 cm. On the head there is a process similar to a nose, on the sides of which there are two eyes. The dullness of the expression “face” is given by the fact that the interorbital space, compared to the diameter of the eyes, is much wider.

Naked mole rat

The top "ugliest animals in the world" can rightfully continue with a small creature called the naked mole rat. It’s certainly true that appearances are deceptive - at first glance, such an absurd and outwardly stupid character from American animated series. Moreover, the longer you look at this rodent, the stupider it seems.

The animal's front teeth give it the appearance of a confusedly smiling creature. However, it only seems so. The naked mole rat can even pass through concrete with its teeth. It costs him nothing to make a hole one meter wide in a concrete wall. His teeth are as hard as diamonds. And the effect is enhanced by the fact that 25% of his muscles are aimed at working the jaws (in humans only 1%).

The naked mole rat, as the second participant in our list of “the ugliest animals in the world,” can also be called the most because a third of its brain is aimed at only one action - gnawing, gnawing and gnawing again. It’s scary to think what kind of animal it would have turned out to be if nature had just as actively worked on its other physical capabilities.

Madagascar aye-aye

And closing our review of “the ugliest animals in the world” will be the Madagascar aye-aye. Looking at the photo of this creature, you won’t believe that the animal exists in reality.

This animal is more like a character from a mystical film. He is cute, awkward, and scary at the same time. The animal lives in the forests of Madagascar, due to active deforestation of which the species is on the verge of extinction.

Today, bats (their second name) are caught from forests and introduced into lemur reserves. Colonies are also being created outside of Madagascar. Little arms, in appearance, are truly perceived as the ugliest animals on the planet; their body length is about 40 cm, and together with the tail can reach a whole meter. Nocturnal primates are born 16 centimeters in length, always in only one copy, once every three years.

There are a huge number of different animal species in the world. Some of them are friendly and downright attractive to most people. However, there are also those who, let’s say, are, on the contrary, disgusting. These are exactly what we will be talking about. Below are the ugliest animals on our planet (with photos).

10. Proboscis

A person may be embarrassed by such a nose, but for a nosy person, the bigger the nose, the better! Scientists believe that the large nose amplifies the sounds that the proboscis monkey makes to impress the female, as well as to intimidate other males.

This curious species is an amazing swimmer, thanks to its webbed feet and hands. Proboscis monkeys jump from trees into the water and can often swim faster than crocodiles.

9. Warthog

The warthog is a genus of wild artiodactyls from the pig family, distributed throughout most of Africa. These are nocturnal social animals that live in small herds (usually from 4 to 16 animals) in forests, steppes and coastal thickets. They are omnivores, but feed mainly on tree bark, roots and berries. The warthog's body length reaches up to 1.5 m, height at the withers - 65 cm, weight of females - 70 kg, males - up to 100 kg. The canines of an adult male grow from 25.5 to 63.5 cm in length.

8. Naked mole rat

The naked mole rat is a small species of rodent native to the desert regions of East Africa (Somalia, Ethiopia, Kenya and Djibouti). These rodents live in flues (from 20 to 300 animals) in huge underground colonies, almost never coming to the surface. They feed on large tubers and roots, which they store in underground storerooms. As a rule, they grow up to 10 centimeters in length and weigh up to 35 grams, females are larger. It is one of the longest-living rodents in the world (up to 28 years). Naked mole rats have a very unusual set of features that allow them to thrive in harsh underground environments; They are cold-blooded, insensitive to some forms of pain, tolerant of high concentrations of CO2, and have a very low metabolic rate and respiratory rate.

7. California Condor

One of the rarest birds in the world and the largest in North America, the California condor has an unattractive appearance. His bald head is adapted to his lifestyle as a scavenger. Birds eat so much that they often have to rest for several days after a large meal. Sometimes the California condor cannot even take off immediately after a hearty meal.

The birds were near the point of extinction in the late 1970s, when only a few dozen individuals survived. Scientists began an intensive program to increase the population and today, about 127 California condors live in the wild.

6. Star-nosed

The star-nosed mammal is a mammal from the mole family, common in eastern North America (Canada and the northeastern United States). Their distinctive feature is twenty-two red skin appendages, which are used by the animal as an organ of touch. Star-nosed bats live in small groups in moist soil near bodies of water. They are good swimmers and divers. They feed mainly on invertebrates, insects and their larvae, sometimes crustaceans and small fish. Their body length is 10–13 centimeters, weight 40–85 grams.

5. Aye-aye

In fifth place on the list of the ugliest animals on our planet is the Aye-aye, or Madagascar bat, a species of primate found in tropical forests only on the island of Madagascar. It is nocturnal and is the largest representative of nocturnal primates. The length of the animal is more than 1 m (including the tail 44–53 cm), weight - 3 kg. Their lifespan is estimated to be about 10 years. They feed on insects, larvae, eggs, coconuts, fruits, bamboo and sugar cane. The species is listed in the Red Book.

4. Horseshoe bats

Horseshoe bats are a genus of mammals in the suborder of bats. A feature of the genus is special skin folds located around the nostrils, which form a peculiar figure resembling a horseshoe. These growths probably serve to form a narrow beam of echolocation signals that horseshoe bats emit through their nostrils. Representatives of this genus (77 modern species) live in temperate and tropical regions of Southern Europe, Africa, Asia, as well as in the northern and eastern parts of Australia. Their body length ranges from 25 to 140 mm, weight - from 4 to 120 g. All species are insectivorous, they capture insects in flight.

3. Monkfish

The sea devil or European anglerfish is a predatory, sedentary fish that lives at a depth of 18-550 m in the northeastern part of the Atlantic Ocean, from the Barents Sea to the Strait of Gibraltar, and is also found in the North and Black Seas. They spend most of their time at the bottom, where they hunt from ambush, luring prey with a “fishing rod” with a glowing “flashlight” at the end. It feeds on other fish and large invertebrates. Their body length is up to 1.5 m, weight up to 20 kg.

2. Darwin's bat

Darwin's pipistrelle is a species of fish that lives off the coast of the Galapagos Islands and Peru at depths from 3 to 76 m. Their characteristic feature is bright red lips, which serve to attract prey and the opposite sex. It feeds mainly on other small fish, crustaceans and mollusks. Poor swimmers, they instead use their adapted pectoral fins to allow them to “walk” along the ocean floor. They grow up to 20.3 cm in length.

1. Drop fish

The ugliest animal in the world is considered to be the Blobfish, a marine fish that lives at depths of 600 to 1200 m off the coast of mainland Australia and Tasmania, as well as in the waters of New Zealand. They grow up to 30 cm in length. The blob fish is a gelatinous mass with almost no muscles and a density slightly less than that of water, which allows it to swim without any expenditure of energy. Because of its appearance, it is considered one of the most amazing animals on the planet. Feeds on small invertebrates.

According to various estimates, there are 1.5–2 million animal species on our planet. Some of them are friendly and downright attractive to most people. However, there are also those who, let’s say, on the contrary, are disgusting. These are exactly what we will be talking about. Below are the ugliest animals on our planet (with photos).

The proboscis monkey is a species of primate that lives on the island of Kalimantan in coastal mangrove and rain forests along rivers and estuaries. Due to the characteristic large, pear-shaped nose, which only males have, it is included in the list of the most unusual monkey species on the planet. In old males, the nose can reach a length of up to 10 cm. Proboscis monkeys swim and dive well, they often jump from trees into the water. Among all primates, they are considered the best swimmers. They live in groups of 5 to 30 animals (one male and many females). They feed mainly on fruits and leaves, less often on insects and seeds. They are an endangered species.

The warthog is a genus of wild artiodactyls from the pig family, distributed throughout most of Africa. These are nocturnal social animals that live in small herds (usually from 4 to 16 animals) in forests, steppes and coastal thickets. They are omnivores, but feed mainly on tree bark, roots and berries. The warthog's body length reaches up to 1.5 m, height at the withers - 65 cm, weight of females - 70 kg, males - up to 100 kg. The canines of an adult male grow from 25.5 to 63.5 cm in length.

The naked mole rat is a small species of rodent native to the desert regions of East Africa (Somalia, Ethiopia, Kenya and Djibouti). These rodents live in flues (from 20 to 300 animals) in huge underground colonies, almost never coming to the surface. They feed on large tubers and roots, which they store in underground storerooms. As a rule, they grow up to 10 centimeters in length and weigh up to 35 grams, females are larger. It is one of the longest-living rodents in the world (up to 28 years). Naked mole rats have a very unusual set of features that allow them to thrive in harsh underground environments; They are cold-blooded, insensitive to some forms of pain, tolerant of high concentrations of CO2, and have a very low metabolic rate and respiratory rate.

The California condor is a very rare bird species found in the mountains of California, northern Arizona, southern Utah, and northwestern Mexico. It is the largest bird in North America. The wingspan of the California condor reaches three meters, body length up to 125 cm, weight up to 14 kg. They feed exclusively on carrion. In the air they can reach speeds of up to 90 km/h. They are one of the longest-living birds in the world (up to 60 years). As of May 2012, there are approximately 405 individuals worldwide, including 226 in the wild.

The star-nosed mammal is a mammal from the mole family, common in eastern North America (Canada and the northeastern United States). Their distinctive feature is twenty-two red skin appendages, which are used by the animal as an organ of touch. Star-nosed bats live in small groups in moist soil near bodies of water. They are good swimmers and divers. They feed mainly on invertebrates, insects and their larvae, sometimes crustaceans and small fish. Their body length is 10–13 centimeters, weight 40–85 grams.

In fifth place on the list of the ugliest animals on our planet is the Aye-aye, or Madagascar bat, a species of primate found in tropical forests only on the island of Madagascar. It is nocturnal and is the largest representative of nocturnal primates. The length of the animal is more than 1 m (including the tail 44–53 cm), weight - 3 kg. Their lifespan is estimated to be about 10 years. They feed on insects, larvae, eggs, coconuts, fruits, bamboo and sugar cane. The species is listed in the Red Book.


Horseshoe bats are a genus of mammals in the suborder of bats. A feature of the genus is special skin folds located around the nostrils, which form a peculiar figure resembling a horseshoe. These growths probably serve to form a narrow beam of echolocation signals that horseshoe bats emit through their nostrils. Representatives of this genus (77 modern species) live in temperate and tropical regions of Southern Europe, Africa, Asia, as well as in the northern and eastern parts of Australia. Their body length ranges from 25 to 140 mm, weight - from 4 to 120 g. All species are insectivorous, they capture insects in flight.

The sea devil or European anglerfish is a predatory, sedentary fish that lives at a depth of 18-550 m in the northeastern part of the Atlantic Ocean, from the Barents Sea to the Strait of Gibraltar, and is also found in the North and Black Seas. They spend most of their time at the bottom, where they hunt from ambush, luring prey with a “fishing rod” with a glowing “flashlight” at the end. It feeds on other fish and large invertebrates. Their body length is up to 1.5 m, weight up to 20 kg.

Darwin's pipistrelle is a species of fish that lives off the coast of the Galapagos Islands and Peru at depths from 3 to 76 m. Their characteristic feature is bright red lips, which serve to attract prey and the opposite sex. It feeds mainly on other small fish, crustaceans and mollusks. Poor swimmers, they instead use their adapted pectoral fins to allow them to “walk” along the ocean floor. They grow up to 20.3 cm in length.

The ugliest animal in the world is considered to be the Blobfish, a marine fish that lives at depths of 600 to 1200 m off the coast of mainland Australia and Tasmania, as well as in the waters of New Zealand. They grow up to 30 cm in length. The blob fish is a gelatinous mass with almost no muscles and a density slightly less than that of water, which allows it to swim without any expenditure of energy. Because of its appearance, it is considered one of the most amazing animals on the planet. Feeds on small invertebrates.

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The author of the ranking of the world's ugliest animals, Chan Lee Peng, is concerned that people unknowingly kill or torture animals that they consider ugly. But the freaks of the animal world are unique in their own way and play no less a role in nature than the most beautiful creatures.

Fringed tortoise (Matamata)

The matamata (fringed tortoise) (Chelus fimbriatus) lives in the swamps of Brazil and Gaiani. Representatives of this species are also found in some areas of the Amazon, Peru, Venezuela and Trinidad. The animal has a very eccentric appearance, with a flat shell of 45 cm or more. Her head and neck are also flat and large. In addition, turtles are covered with warts, bulges, and ridges. The long trunk allows breathing when the animal is almost completely submerged in water. The female turtle lays 12-28 hard-shelled eggs in the river sand, from which small turtles hatch after 208 days.


The corydalus larva (corydalus sp.) has a truly terrible appearance. Coridal lives in northern and central America, Australia and Africa. Both male and female specimens can be up to 12.5 cm long and have a long antenna. When they are not flying, their wings fold along their long, stick-like bodies. The female lays from 100 to 1000 eggs near freshwater sources - on tree branches or on stones.


Monkfish (Lophius americanus) is also known as the "poor man's lobster", anglerfish, angelfish. This fish species lives in the northwestern Atlantic coastal zone. It can reach a length of 150 cm or more, but most often individuals are 90 cm long. Weight is from 3.5 to 7.5 kg, maximum - 25 kg. The fish amazes with its huge, wide-open mouth, as if glued to a strong tail.

Russian wheat aphid

The Russian wheat aphid (Diuraphis noxia) has very short, rounded horns and is pale green in color. This aphid is found in all seasons in western Kansas and within 50 miles of the Colorado border. The length of the aphid is only 2 mm. Its saliva is toxic and can cause plant leaves to turn white and curl.


The almiqui (Solenodon cubanus) is a Cuban animal that was thought to have gone extinct a long time ago. Until she was tracked down in the eastern mountains of Cuba. The live specimen that was caught weighed 720 grams and felt great. Externally, the animal resembles a large brown rat, 40 to 55 cm long. After a two-day study, the animal was released into the wild.

Weevil (Hylobius piceus)

The weevil can usually be seen in Central and Northern Europe, Siberia, and northern North America. It has a black body with bristles, a relatively large head lowered down, and long legs. Adults reach a length of 12-16.5 mm.

Great turkey vulture

The turkey-headed vulture (Hylobius piceus) is named for its most notable feature - its large, bald, red head. This is one of the largest birds that can grow to the size of a real eagle (81 cm long). This species is widespread in North and South America in subtropical forests, deserts, grasslands, and forest-steppes.

Hawaiian ash bat

The Hawaiian ash bat (Lasiurus cinereus semotus) is an animal with short, rounded ears, a yellow-brown mouth that resembles a cow's, and is a terror to the local population. She lives on the islands of Hawaii, Kauai, Maui, and less often on Oahu and Molokai, in humid places at an altitude of 4 thousand m above sea level. It makes high-frequency sounds, thus finding the victim and focusing on it.


The warthog (Phacochoerus africanus) is a blackish or brownish pig that lives in the savannas of Africa. It is easily recognized by its barrel-shaped body, large head adorned with six warts, and two pairs of large fangs used for defense against predators. The size of the warthog varies from 0.9 to 1.5 m in length and from 6o to 80 cm in height. Weight 50-150 kg.

Muscovy duck

The Muscovy duck (Cairina moschata) is a large native bird of Mexico, Central and South America. It has dark brown or black plumage, with white spots on its head and wings. However, the appearance is disgusting due to the bright red fleshy growths on the head, which give the impression of intestines turned inside out. Males can weigh 4.5 -7 kg, and females 2.5 - 5 kg. The mother duck lays 8-10 eggs, which she incubates for 35 days.


The aye-aye (Daubentonia madagascariensis) is the world's largest nocturnal primate, native to Madagascar and living primarily in the rainforest. However, in our time, most of these monkeys, through massive destruction of forests, live in regions with anthropogenic factors. They can be easily seen at an altitude of 700 m above the ground. The male weighs 2.5 kg, and the female sometimes weighs up to 100 grams. They can grow up to 37 cm in length.

Philippine tarsier

The Philippine tarsier (Tarsius syrichta) is the smallest known primate, as it can fit in the palm of a human's hand. Its length is 15 cm. Males weigh 135 grams, and females - 117 grams. The animal is more active at night than during the day. Lives mainly in the provinces of Samar, Data, Mindanao in the Philippines.

New sucker-footed bat

The new sucker-footed bat (Myzopoda schliemanni) is a new species discovered by scientists in Madagascar. It has suction cups, which are located on the hind legs, and thumbs, with which the mouse grabs onto smooth and shiny surfaces. Unfortunately, the animal is on the verge of extinction due to the disappearance of forests.


The star-nosed mole (Condylura cristata) is a small mole found in the northeastern United States and eastern Canada. It feeds on insects, mollusks, small spineless animals and worms. The adult is 15 to 20 cm long, weighs 35-75 grams and has 44 teeth. Human disgust is caused by pinkish fleshy tentacles growing from a trunk-shaped nose.

frilled lizard

The frilled lizard (Chlamydosaurus kingie) belongs to the family of lizards called "dragons". Lives mainly in dry forests in the northwestern and northern parts of Australia and Papua New Guinea. Can grow up to 95 cm in length, three quarters of which is the tail. Has a brightly colored frill around the neck. Sensing danger, the lizard raises its “collar”, stands on its hind legs, and opens its yellow mouth.


The Komondor (Canis familiaris pastorialis villosus hungaricus) is a rather unusual breed of dog. Belongs to the Hungarian Shepherd Dogs. Her body is covered with thick white fur, which curls and resembles dreadlocks. The height of dogs at the withers is 70-80 cm and more. Weight 35-60 kg.

Yeti crab (Kiwa hirsute)

This is a new species of crab discovered in the South Pacific Ocean in 2005. Its claws are covered with long, pale yellow hair. This crab is unusually large, with specimens reaching 15 cm in length. Lives at a depth of 2000 meters.


The Mexican axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) is a species of Mexican salamander. Has very sensitive skin and gills. The creature breathes through its skin and can briefly sweep water. Life expectancy is from 10 to 15 years. It has a unique ability to regenerate - it can grow limbs.

Angora rabbit
The Angora rabbit, the oldest representative of domestic rabbits, has silky and long hair. This type of rabbit originates from the territory of modern Turkey. Currently, there are several breeds of Angora rabbits: French, English, giant and silky. Among them, the English breed is the smallest (weighs 2.3 kg), and the giant variety weighs 4.5-10 kg.

Octopus Dumbo

The Dumbo octopus (Grimpoteuthis) has ear-like fins on its body. Lives at depths of 300-400 m, can grow up to 20 cm. Belongs to small semi-gel-like octopuses.

Blob fish

The blobfish (Psychrolutes marcidus) is a very unusual creature, as can be seen even from its photograph. It lives in deep waters off the coast of Australia and Tasmania. Researchers note that fish can survive at depths where pressure is tens of times higher than in the upper layers of the sea. Its jelly-like body is less dense than water, allowing the fish to swim at depths.


The proboscis monkey (Nasalis larvatus) is the most amazing monkey in the world. Also known as the "Dutch monkey". These animals inhabit mangrove swamps and forests of the island of Borneo. They have a very large nose, and the male’s is much larger than the female’s. When a monkey is irritated or nervous about something, its nose begins to enlarge and turn red. Children are born black, with blue faces.


The hagfish is a fish that has a long, eel-like body with a paddle-like tail. Color varies from pink to pale gray, sometimes with dark spots. The mouth has no visible signs of jaws, but there are tentacle-like growths around it. The length of the fish is 40 cm, the longest individual was 127 cm long; some types of hagfish are small - only 18 cm. Adult fish secrete a slippery sticky substance that can turn a bucket of water into a viscous gel in a matter of minutes.

Purple frog

The purple frog (Nasikabatrachus sahyadrensis) is a species of large ground frog that was discovered in 2003. It looks like a piece of purple jelly-like mass. The frog is notable for its small head and trunk. For 150 million years, the animal has practically not changed its appearance. It is often found in the Western Ghats in India.

frog fish

The frogfish (Opsanus tau) reaches a maximum length of 40 cm. This creature can survive in harsh conditions, which is why NASA in 1997 chose among other animals to send into space. There, the influence of microgravity was studied on a frog fish.

based on materials: animalworld.com.ua