What may be large for some organisms may seem small for others. For humans, small can be anything from cells we can't see with the naked eye to miniature versions of the big things we create with our own hands. So we've compiled a list that covers all of these little items. Here are the 10 smallest things that actually exist.


1. The smallest pistol.

The diminutive SwissMiniGun C1ST revolver is no bigger than a key, but is capable of firing tiny bullets at over 450 km. in hour. The first copies were made in 2005, outlawed in the United States, and cost around $6,200.

2. The smallest inhabited city.

Barry Drummond is the only resident of Cass in New Zealand, a railway town in the Selwyn region. However, it is hardly lonely, as curious tourists constantly stop to visit the isolated stop. As a result, Drummond added a mini golf course and a bowling alley to attract more visitors to brighten up his company.

3. The smallest vertebrate.

In 2012, researchers from Papua New Guinea discovered a 6.8mm long frog, making it the smallest vertebrate in the world. Her name is Paedophryne amauensis , and she was discovered while recording the voices of frogs and after an unfamiliar sound that sounded more like an insect. They were found in leaves on a forest belt, where they were well camouflaged and became the first non-fish to be named the smallest vertebrate in the world.

4. The smallest person.

According to the Guinness Book of World Records, Chandra Bahadur Dangi from Nepal was 55 cm tall, making him the world's smallest person to have ever lived. He died in 2015 at the age of 75. Then this title passed to Khagendra Tapa Magar from Nepal, whose height is 63.01 cm.

5. The smallest living organism.
6. The smallest bodybuilder.

At just 84 cm tall and weighing 9.5 kg, Aditya "Romeo" Dev from India has become the smallest bodybuilder in the world. He retained this title until his death in 2012.

7. The smallest prison.

Sark Prison, found in the Channel Islands between England and France, was built as a girls' school in 1841 and was converted into a small prison in 1856.

8. Small house.

The world's smallest home is the title given to Airbnb's lime green mobile home, which you can rent for $55 a night in Boston. Built by artist Jeff W. Smith, the house is on wheels and contains a stove and toilet, although there is no electricity. Smith delivers it wherever you like, as long as it's allowed by the landowners. 10. The smallest inanimate organism.

While there is still some debate about what is considered "alive" and what is not, most biologists would not classify a virus as a living organism due to the fact that it cannot reproduce or metabolize on its own. However, a virus can be much smaller than any living organism, including bacteria. The smallest is a single DNA strand virus, the porcine circovirus, which is only 17 nanometers across.


In one of the top 10 sheets we wrote about, this list will focus on the smallest animals fauna representatives. Note that they have nothing to do with microbes, although they probably get sick in the same way as their somewhat larger relatives. The diversity of the animal world of our Earth is amazing. Shall we start? So, top 10.

No. 10. Primates - pygmy marmosets and lemurs

These pygmy marmosets live in South America and reach "giant sizes" - from 10 to 15 cm. Its weight does not exceed 150 grams. The tail of the marmoset is longer than the body - 20-22 cm. Due to the thick coat, it seems larger than it actually is. In Madagascar, a pygmy mouse lemur was discovered, whose height is 20 cm. Half of them are in the tail. Weight reaches 300 grams. It leads mainly a nocturnal lifestyle.

No. 9. The smallest bird

#8 Seahorse - "Hippocampus Denise"

To date, 32 species of seahorses are known. The smallest representative of this "genus-tribe" - "Hippocampus Denise" - was discovered in 2003. And its length does not exceed 16 millimeters. This type of skate lives among deep-sea reefs. They cling to the coral and spend most of their time that way. In addition, they skillfully can change color, depending on the organism on which they reside in a given period of time. We refer it to the eighth line among smallest animals in the world.

No. 7. The smallest fish

Let's continue the theme of the sea. In 2004, ichthyologists from Australia announced the discovery of "Stout Infantfish" - a small fish that is only 7 or 8 mm long. It lives in the coral lagoons of the Great Barrier Reef. In 2009, another small fish was found in the peat bogs of the island of Sumatra, the length of which does not exceed 9 mm. It should be noted that males are slightly larger than females. The found species belongs to the carp family, Paedocypris progenetica.

6. Mini bull and mini cow

In India, pygmy zebu were bred. An adult animal reaches a height of 81 cm and weighs almost 80 kg. They are more like calves, only with a small hump on the nape. It should be noted that the mini zebu was saved from extinction a few years ago. Their numbers are already on the rise. There are about 26 breeds of dwarf cows today. They are considered the closest relatives of Zebu from India. Several of these cows were brought to the United States and sent to the zoo. After a while, ranchers began to breed them for the rodeo. And then these cows turned into pets. In size, they are like a dog: height - 80-90 cm, weight - 90-150 kg. The difference is that these "handsome" give 3 liters of milk per day.

No. 5. The smallest chameleon

Brookesia minor is a species of tiny chameleon from the forests of Madagascar. Among their representatives there are such small specimens that it is simply unbelievable: from 1.3 to 3 cm in length. These reptiles live in fallen leaves, in tropical rainforests and do not have the ability of chameleons to change their color. Well, they are purely outwardly similar to leaves and twigs, especially since the color is suitable - shades of green and brown. Some kind of disguise! Fifth line in the top 10 smallest animals in the world.

No. 4. The smallest hamster

Roborovsky hamsters are the smallest hamsters. An adult reaches a length of 5 cm. But, however, a hamster appeared in the UK, 2.5 cm tall. And I must say that this is the most common rodent, i.e. not dwarf. It just stopped growing, at some point there was a malfunction in the body of this hamster.

3. Tiny cat

It is established that the smallest cat lives in the USA, the state of Illinois. Its weight is 1.5 kilograms, length - about 15 centimeters. The owner named his pet Mr. Pibbles. Such a small size of this kitten, according to doctors, is a consequence of a genetic defect. So, no selection experiments were carried out in this case. Although, a dwarf cat exists. And this breed is called "Munchkin". Weight does not exceed 1.2 kg, and height is not more than 15 cm.

2. The smallest horse

One inconvenience - you can’t jump on this horse and you can’t ride into the “light distance”. If we compare a pony (just a small horse) and this little one, then the first one is just a giant. Zoologists cannot understand why the horse stopped growing and remained a dwarf. The height at the withers of such a horse is from 40 cm, and the weight is about 30 kg. In the US, these babies are becoming popular pets. The most interesting thing is that they do not have fleas, and US veterinarians have recognized them as the best guides for blind people. By the way, the cost of such horses is from 40,000 dollars.

No. 1. The smallest snake

First place in the top 10 smallest animals in the world. Narrow short snake - "Leptoyphlops Carlae" - from the island of Barbados in the Caribbean. The length of an adult does not exceed 10 cm. This species of snake is on the verge of extinction. Due to its size, the female bears only one egg, but what! The cub appears half the size of a miniature mother (5 cm). Experts say that this is the law of nature: the smaller the snake, the larger the offspring. In 2008, a biologist from Pennsylvania discovered this baby and named her his wife (Karla). Don't wonder what prompted him to do it.

The animal world is so diverse that we are hardly familiar with a hundredth of the inhabitants of our planet. The most famous are large mammals. But there are many miniature representatives of the fauna.

The smallest frog

The length of this tiny frog called Paedophryne is 7.7 millimeters, although there are “giants” among them, reaching 11.3 millimeters. Males are always smaller than females. Due to their brown color, they manage to remain unnoticed both on the ground and in the trees.

The smallest chameleon


The tiny chameleon lizard the small brookesia (Brookesia minima) lives in the tropics of Madagascar. Its length is 1.2 centimeters.

The smallest jellyfish


The Irukandji jellyfish looks like a tiny (25 by 12 millimeters) almost transparent white bell. At the same time, the size of the tentacles can reach lengths from one millimeter to a meter. The main feature of the Irukandji is that its poison, which, by the way, has not been studied by scientists, can paralyze or kill a person.

smallest mammal


The weight of a dwarf multi-tooth with a body length of 3-4.5 centimeters is less than 2 grams.

The smallest deer


The growth of the northern pudu reaches 30-40 centimeters. The horns are also very small. The northern pudu lives in southern Chile and the island of Chilos, although it is very difficult to see it there - the animals lead a rather secretive lifestyle.

Little animals of Russia



The smallest bird is the yellow-headed kinglet. The length of his body is about 10 centimeters, the bird weighs up to 10 grams. His brother - the red-headed kinglet - weighs even less, only 5 grams, and the body length barely reaches nine centimeters.


Quails are considered the smallest representatives of chicken. They weigh about 100 grams.


The smallest fox is called the corsac. With a body length of about 50 centimeters, the fox reaches a height of 30 centimeters.

The smallest creature on earth


Kitty's pig-nosed bat is considered the smallest creature on Earth. This inhabitant of Thailand weighs less than 2 grams with a body length of 2.9 cm to 3.3 cm. During the day, animals hide in the caves of limestone hills, and in the evenings they hunt insects in small groups. According to biologists, their number reaches a little more than 500 individuals.


The pygmy shrew Savi is the smallest animal on Earth among land mammals. Its weight is approximately 1.5 - 2.5 grams. This creature has one feature - it eats food about three to four times its weight per day.

Eternal human interest in everything very, very in the world - big, small, long, high, deep - inexhaustible in the search for new curious facts and unusual records. And if it is not possible to outdo exceptional natural masterpieces, then in the fields of construction and industrial production, people from generation to generation tirelessly strive to establish at least a temporary superiority over competitors in height, size and a number of other parameters. In the material below - the most amazing sights of the world, created by nature and human hands.

The biggest country in the world

According to a 2015 estimate, its population does not exceed 1,000, and almost all are subjects of the Holy See.

The next largest state in terms of territory (other autonomous territories are not taken into account) is Monaco with an area of ​​​​2.02 square meters. km and with a population of approximately 38,800 people, according to a 2014 estimate.

The largest city in the world

The largest city in the world in terms of population and at the same time the largest seaport is Shanghai, China. In this metropolis, according to 2015, 24,152,700 people live.

The largest urban agglomeration is Tokyo-Yokohama, 37,843,000 people. The population of Tokyo alone is 13,617,445 people (as of 2016).

There is no single assessment of cities by area, since the official city limits around the world are formed and indicated in different ways: with or without suburbs. Currently, one of the largest cities in terms of area is Beijing, 16411 sq. km (according to other sources - 16801 sq. km), of which the city proper accounts for approximately 1368 sq. km. km (and this territory is steadily growing every year due to the suburbs), the suburbs - about 15042 square meters. km.

The largest and smallest island in the world

With such a vague definition, the volume of wood was taken as the main criterion for "calculating" the winner. The volume of the trunk of this sequoiadendron at the time of setting the record is 1487 cubic meters, while the mass of the entire tree is estimated at 1900 tons - "General Sherman" is not only the largest, but also the heaviest living organism on Earth at the present time, if you do not take into account the aspen poplar grove - clonal colony Pando (about 6000 tons). And this sequoiadendron, whose age is estimated at 2300-2700 years, continues to grow and adds about 1.5 cm in width every year. The measured height of the tree is 83.8 meters, the trunk circumference at the ground is 31.3 meters, and the maximum trunk diameter is 11.1 meters.

However, in terms of diameter, the giant is inferior to the Mexican Tule Tree in the city of Santa Maria del Tule. According to the measurements of 2005, its diameter at the ground is 11.62 meters, the circumference is 36.2 meters. The exact height of the tree is difficult to measure due to its wide crown; according to approximate measurements - about 35.4 meters. Scientists still argue about its age and the actual number of trunks, but this did not prevent the Tule Tree from being included in the UNESCO list in 2001 as a natural monument of international importance.

The largest animal in the world

The largest animal on the planet is the blue whale (aka blue whale, vomited). The body length of these marine mammals reaches 33 meters, and the weight can exceed 150 tons. Historically, the range of this cetacean species was the entire World Ocean, but now their populations are scattered. All year round, blue whales are found in the equatorial waters of the Indian Ocean, they can be seen from the shores of Sri Lanka, the Maldives and the Seychelles.

The largest whale ever taken by people is considered to be a female blue whale, caught in 1926 in the waters of the South Shetland Islands. The length of her body from the fork of the tail fin to the end of the snout is 33.27 meters, and her weight is 176.792 tons.

The largest animal on land is the bush elephant (a type of African elephant). As a rule, males weigh an average of 7 tons, females - about 5 tons. With a body length of about 6-7.5 meters, the height of the elephant at the shoulders is close to 3-3.8 meters. The recorded weight of the largest bush elephant was 12.24 tons. The animal was shot in 1974 in the village of Mukusso (Angola). Tourists can see savannah elephants in Africa in national parks and reserves.

The fastest animal in the world

The cheetah is the fastest land mammal. According to various sources, these predators can accelerate in 3 seconds to a speed of 96.6 - 112 km / h. National Geographic magazine named the fastest female cheetah named Sarah (also Sahara): she ran 100 meters in 5.95 seconds. The sprint run of cheetahs for prey lasts no more than 20 seconds and is limited to a distance of 400 meters.

At the same time, among all the animals of the world, cheetahs occupy only 13th place in terms of speed. The championship is for the birds. And the fastest bird and, in general, the fastest representative of the animal kingdom is the peregrine falcon, which in a dive flight develops a speed of 322 km / h, the record noted by the researchers is 389 km / h. However, in horizontal flight, the peregrine falcon is inferior to the Brazilian folded lip (a species of bats and the fastest mammal) with its speed over 160-200 km / h and swifts (species - black, needle-tailed), capable of accelerating to 169 km / h.

Among fish, black marlin stands out for its speed: on average, these large oceanic fish are able to cut through the water column at a speed of 85 km / h, the maximum set speed of a representative of the species is 129 km / h.

Of the insects, horseflies fly the fastest - on average 60 km / h, maximum - 90 km / h.

Some representatives of the class of reptiles can reach speeds of up to 35-40 km / h, but no more. These are bearded dragons, green iguanas, and leatherback turtles in the water.

The biggest fish in the world

The largest fish of our time is the whale shark, harmless to humans, living in the warm waters of the tropics. It feeds mainly on plankton, and its average length varies between 10 and 12 meters, although such specimens are extremely rare for fishermen.

The second largest species is the giant shark (giant shark). Like the whale shark, this shark feeds on small organisms - plankton. On average, adults reach 6-8 meters, and only a few sharks grow up to 9-12 meters.

Beluga is the largest freshwater fish, part of the sturgeon family. This species is listed in the Red Book. The largest fish caught in the Caspian Sea and at the mouth of the Volga were over 4 meters long and weighed about 1.5 tons.

The biggest shark in the world

The debate about the size and weight of the largest sharks has been going on for decades. Currently, the existence of exceptional specimens of whale sharks over 20 meters long is allowed. In particular, information credible by researchers includes reports of a shark 20 meters long and weighing 34 tons, caught near Taiwan in 1997, and a shark 17.5 meters long and weighing 15 tons, caught in the Arabian Sea off the coast of the city of Veraval, India.

The last report of a very large whale shark was on February 7, 2012. Then Pakistani fishermen caught an already dead shark near Karachi, 11 to 12 meters long and weighing about 15 tons.

The largest shark that ever existed is considered to be the megalodon, an extinct species, the size of whose representatives can be judged by paleontological finds: the average length is about 15 meters, while megalodons were predators.

The biggest snake in the world

The largest snakes on the planet are representatives of boas and pythons, namely the green anaconda and the reticulated python.

The heaviest snake in the world is the common or green anaconda, and the name "water boa" also applies to it. National Geographic indicates that the largest female anacondas can grow up to 8.8 meters and weigh more than 227 kg. However, at the moment this indicator remains only a theoretical estimate. There have been a lot of reports of giant anacondas by now, but most of them do not have any material evidence and are legends. The largest recorded specimen of an anaconda in captivity was kept at the Pittsburgh Zoo. The snake grew to 6.27 meters, and was weighed at a length of 5.94 meters - 91 kg.

The longest snake, the reticulated python, is native to Asia and grows up to 1.5-6.5 meters in nature. The largest measured representative of the species was 6.95 meters long and weighed 59 kg, but had not eaten for almost 3 months before the measurement. With pythons, as well as with anacondas, a lot of unconfirmed evidence is associated, including about a length of more than 8 meters.

The biggest spider in the world

The largest spider in the world is the goliath tarantula tarantula, in Latin - Theraphosa blondi. The specimen described in the Guinness Book of Records was discovered by members of the expedition of Pablo San Martin in the tropical forests of Venezuela in 1965. The leg span of the Goliath tarantula was 28 cm. In 1998, the same size was recorded in a two-year-old spider grown in captivity, while it weighed 170 grams.

With a leg span of about 25 cm or more, some species of the Sparassidae family grow, their sonorous often used name is giant crab spiders.

The largest spiders in Russia are the South Russian tarantula and several types of crosses. Basically, the sizes of the largest individuals do not exceed 2.5-3 cm.

The biggest dog in the world

The title of the tallest dog in the world with a mention and photographs in the Book of Records belongs to Zeus, a Great Dane (aka Great Dane), a pet of the Durlag family from Otsego, Michigan, USA. The height of Zeus is 111.8 cm, the dog weighs more than 70 kg. If Zeus stands on his hind legs, his "height" will be 224 cm. The record was set on October 4, 2011. At the same time, Zeus is not much taller than the previous record holders - Giant George (109.2 cm) and Titan (107.3 cm), which, by the way, are the same breed - Great Dane.

The English mastiff Zorba was named the heaviest dog back in 1987: a six-year-old dog weighed 142.7 kg. Two years later, when weighed again, he was even heavier: 155.6 kg at a height of 94 cm.

According to the Guinness Book of Records, the largest dog ever lived lived on Earth about 15.3 million years ago, during the Late Miocene. The average weight of this ancient wild dog is estimated at 170 kg.

The biggest cat in the world

The longest living pet cat is the Maine Coon Ludo, pet of Kelsey Gill from Wakefield, UK. The cat was measured for the Guinness Book of Records on October 6, 2015. As expected, measurements were taken three times, and then the average length was calculated - 118.33 cm. At the time of measurement, the pet was 17 months old, it weighed 11 kg. Now several active pages in social networks are devoted to news from his life.

The record of the famous predecessor of Ludo, also a Maine Coon, the cat Stewie, is 123 cm, he was named the domestic cat with the longest tail. He died in 2013 at the age of 8.

Officially, the largest living cat in the world is the liger Hercules (a hybrid of a lion and a tigress). He was born in 2002 at the Institute of Endangered and Rare Species in Miami, at the time of the last measurements at the age of 11, he weighed 418.2 kg, was 3.33 meters long and 125 cm high at the withers. Hercules is mobile and does not suffer from obesity.

The tallest man in the world

The height of the tallest man in history, American Robert Pershing Wadlow, registered in the Guinness Book, is 272 cm. With this height, he weighed 199 kg. The giant was diagnosed with a pituitary tumor and acromegaly, so he grew vigorously from the age of four until his death - at the age of 22 in 1940.

The second largest in the history of observations remains John Rogan, whom the newspapers of his day dubbed the "Negro giant." However, already in adolescence, due to growth, he began to develop ankylosis - immobility of the joints. His exact weight was measured only posthumously, in 1905 at the age of 40, and amounted to 267 cm with a weight of only 79 kg.

The tallest living person is Turkish farmer Sultan Kösen, born in 1982, whose height is 251 cm. Gigantism in his case is also caused by a pituitary tumor, but as a result of treatment, doctors managed to slow down the further growth of the man.

Currently, the history of medicine knows about 17 people who have reached a height of more than 244 cm.

The fastest man in the world

Usain Bolt

Kai Pfaffenbach / Reuters / Scanpix / LETA

The glory of Usain Bolt, the Jamaican runner, thunders from the Beijing Olympics in 2008, and now the athlete has 9 gold medals from the Olympic Games and 11 from the World Championships. The athlete, nicknamed "Lightning" (Lightning Bolt - literally "Thunderbolt"), set 8 records.

The fastest person reached his first world speed record in 2008 at the age of 22 - 100 meters in 9.72 seconds. In 2009, he improved the 100m to 9.58 seconds. His world record for the 200 meters is 19.19 seconds.

The tallest building in the world

The tallest building and structure ever built by mankind is the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, also known as the Dubai Tower.

The grandiose eastern skyscraper, shaped like a futuristic center or a stalagmite, rises 828 meters from the ground, includes 163 floors and a sharp spire directed upwards. The grand opening of the skyscraper, which thundered all over the world, took place in 2010, on January 4, then the ceremony included a light show and fireworks, and was broadcast online.

The Dubai skyscraper was built with a large margin, because the earlier (and also not yet overcome by the third high-rise) record was correlated with the Warsaw radio mast (646.38 meters), which fell in 1991.

The tallest building in Russia and Europe is the Federation Tower (about 374 meters) as part of the Moscow City complex, followed by two more skyscrapers of the same complex - OKO (South Tower, 354 meters) and Mercury City (339 meters). The fourth tallest building in Europe after the Moscow towers remains the pyramidal London skyscraper The Shard (309 meters), which opened to tourists in 2013.

The tacit international competition for the construction of super-skyscrapers continues, and, perhaps, very soon it will be possible to learn about taking a new height.

The tallest tower in the world

Among the TV towers already built, the Tokyo Skytree (634 meters high), towering in the special Sumida area, is in the lead. It is also the second high-rise building in the world after the Burj Khalifa. The tower was built by February 29, 2012, as part of a program to completely convert Japanese television to digital format, since the height of the Tokyo TV tower (332.6 meters) was insufficient for this task. Observation decks on the Tokyo Skytree are located on several levels, the highest is at 451 meters.

The Guangzhou TV Tower is 34 meters lower than the Tokyo Sky Tree, but from its highest observation deck you can see the panorama of the metropolis from a height of 488 meters.

In the Western Hemisphere, height superiority remains with the famous CN Tower in Toronto, Canada, built back in 1976. Its height is 553.3 meters, and the observation platform at 447 meters annually receives more than 2 million people. By the way, the Ostankino Tower in Moscow is only 13 meters lower than the Canadian CN Tower, and it has the 4th place in the world.

The longest bridge in the world

The three longest bridges are railway bridges, all of which are located in China.

The maximum length is at the Danyang-Kunshan viaduct (164.8 km), put into operation at the end of June 2011. The bridge is part of the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway, about 9 km of the bridge passes over the water surface. The largest body of water crossed by the Danyang-Kunshan Viaduct is Yangcheng Lake. Two other operating railway bridges from the trinity of record-breaking lengths - the Tianjin Viaduct (113.7 km) and the Wei Bridge (79.732 km) - are two to three times longer than the largest of comparable structures in other countries.

The longest marine girder bridge was laid along the route Hong Kong - Zhuhai - Macau. The second longest beam bridge - Qingdao - is also located in China.

The longest among the ground structures of the bridge type currently remains the Bang Na highway in Bangkok, opened in 2000, 54 km long.

The largest aircraft in the world

Air giants fulfill the dreams of many travelers traveling to new countries and even to other continents.

Passengers who frequently fly internationally have the chance to see the largest production airliner, the Airbus A380, which is operated by several leading airlines. The wing span of the liner is 79.75 meters, length - 72.75 meters, width - 24.08 meters. The capacity of this double-deck passenger aircraft is 853 passengers or 525 passengers in a three-class configuration.

The status of the largest and heaviest aircraft in the world is held by the only copy of the An-225 Mriya, which was put into operation in 1988. The board is used for cargo transportation and has already managed to break over a hundred records, including transporting the heaviest monocargo in the history of aviation weighing 187.6 tons, while the maximum load capacity it reached was much more - 253.8 tons.

The largest ship in the world

The infamous Titanic, which struck the whole world with its size at the beginning of the 20th century, can hardly be compared with the new cruise ships these days. The Titanic, launched in 1912, was 269.1 meters long and 28.19 meters wide. At that time, these figures were record-breaking.

Currently, the Harmony of the Seas, 362 meters long and with a passenger capacity of 5479 / 6500 people, which was put into operation relatively recently, in the summer of 2015, is the leader in the cruise giants' size race. Notably, Harmony of the Seas is the third ship in the Oasis class and is only two meters longer than its predecessors, the 2008 Oasis of the Seas and 2010 Allure of the Seas twins.

The largest floating facility currently under construction is the Korean floating liquefied natural gas plant Prelude FLNG, which has already been launched. The ship-factory with a length of 488 meters resembles other smaller industrial ships in its appearance.

The fastest train in the world

A new world train speed record was achieved relatively recently - in April 2015. A Japanese L0 Series maglev train reached a speed of 603 km/h on the Shinkansen high-speed rail.

Since 2007, the championship among rail trains has been held by the French train TGV POS, which has reached a speed of 574.8 km/h. Now trains of this series serve regular routes in France and Europe, not exceeding the design speed of 320 km/h.

In constant operation, the Shanghai Maglev train maintains the highest speed - 430 km / h, but only on a number of flights (on others - 300 km / h) and at a distance of 30 km.

The largest metro in the world

When comparing the largest subways in the world, it is customary to single out several records: this is the deepest and longest subway, the leading subways in terms of the number of stations and the number of passengers per year.

The longest subway (in terms of the total length of completed lines) is Shanghai, the total length of the underground transport network is 588 km, and this is not the limit - the expansion of the subway is planned in stages for several decades to come.

Most of the stations and routes are in the New York subway. This subway includes 472 stations (or 425 unique interchange nodes) on 36 branches.

The busiest subway (in terms of maximum daily load) is in Beijing, its daily load is on average 9.998 million people, the peak is more than 12.69 million people, the annual figure is 3660 million passengers. At the same time, the consistently expanding network of the Beijing Subway holds the position of the second longest - 574 km.

The next in terms of daily load is the Moscow Metro: at the end of 2015, the traffic volume reached 2384.5 million people per year or 6.533 million per day, the peak load was recorded on December 9, 2014 - 9.5 million people.

The undisputed leader in terms of annual passenger traffic is the Tokyo Metro (3334 million). And Seoul ranks third and behind Beijing - according to the latest official figures, it serves 2,619 million people annually.

The depth record belongs to the Arsenalnaya station of the Kyiv metro: it was laid 105.5 meters underground. Sometimes there are attempts to “calculate” the deepest metro in the world by the average bookmark of all its stations, but the unambiguous champion for this indicator has not yet been precisely determined.

The longest car in the world

Recorded in the Guinness book, the car was assembled according to the project of Jay Orberg, a Hollywood collector, designer and creator of unique cars. It was the 100-foot (about 30.5 meters) limousine that brought Orberg worldwide fame.

The car is put on 26 wheels and inside can hardly resemble the interior of a classic car. It is equipped with a swimming pool with a springboard and a double waterbed; in addition, there are about a dozen beds, satellite TV, a sunbathing area and other amenities. For safe control of this, in fact, an exhibition model, a second driver's cabin is provided.

The fastest car in the world

The land speed record set in 1997 is astonishing: it is the world's first officially confirmed breaking of the sound barrier. In a Thrust SSC car with turbofan engines, Briton Andy Green reached a speed of 1227.985 km / h. Speed ​​measurements were taken in the Black Rock Desert, USA.

The Guinness Book of Records stipulates that a Budweiser Rocket Car race in 1979 at the American Edwards Air Force Base claims to be the first to break the sound barrier, but this experience was not officially sanctioned by the USAF, its results were never counted.

The fastest production car is the Hennessey Venom GT. The acceleration record - up to 300 km / h in 13.63 seconds was set on this car on January 21, 2013. In addition, the car showed the best result in average acceleration to 200 mph, its figure was 14.51 seconds. The maximum speed reached by this car is 435.31 km/h.

Mikhailov Boris Pavlovich - Soviet artist, author of children's stories about nature.

Born in 1919 in Leningrad. He studied at the Faculty of Architecture of the Leningrad Civil Engineering Institute and at the same time in the art studio. In 1942, after graduating from the institute, he voluntarily went to the front. In August 1943 near Smolensk he was seriously wounded. He spent almost two years in hospitals in Moscow and Leningrad. After his recovery, he was engaged in painting on his own: he improved his technique, studied the paintings of outstanding Russian artists.
Here is what Boris Pavlovich wrote about his stories in the book "The Tiny Beast": "Love for the motherland begins with love for its nature." Every time I sit on a stump in a forest or field and paint sketches of our dim, but surprisingly soft and lyrical northern nature, I remember this phrase. And no matter how successful my sketch turns out, every time I see, I feel that I have not fully expressed my enthusiastic attitude towards my native nature. And then I take a small book out of my pocket and hastily write down the impressions and feelings that overwhelm me...


Stupid, ill-mannered dog Plaid followed me on a hunt. Only this is not the hunt that you probably thought about - I went hunting for sketches.
It was an early morning. Droplets of morning dew glistened on the leaves of trees and bushes, on every grass and blade of grass. And in the low places a whitish mist floated slowly. From a distance it seems that this fabulous milky river flows in front of you. You enter this river and find yourself waist-deep in a dense fog, so thick that you can touch it with your hand.

I do not know in what way and where the dog Nalyot marks his impressions. But that he perfectly feels and understands all this unusually pure morning beauty in nature - there is no doubt about it. In a frenzy of delight he rushes about like crazy, rushing about in all directions, jumping on my chest with wet and dirty paws. "Let's kiss!" - written in his kind brown eyes.
I don't feel like kissing at all - Nalyot's face is very wet. The dog understands this, but is not offended at all. In excess of feelings, he throws himself on the ground, rolls on wet grass. Then he jumps up, shakes himself violently, dousing me with cold rain, and again rushes with an enthusiastic squeal, where his legs are.

Look, the dog is gone. Only the tail dangles absurdly over the waves of mist. Only by this wagging tail I guess that he has not yet smashed his head, crazy with happiness, on some stump.
But what is it? The tail stopped in one place, stretched out into a string and quickly, quickly swayed from side to side. I understand a little bit of doggy. This movement of the tail means that the Raid has stumbled upon something alive. What's there? Maybe some kind of bunny, or a hedgehog, or some other little animal? - Raid, you can't! I shout sternly and run as fast as I can to help the unlucky animal.
I make it on time. The raid had just opened its mouth and grunted something very small, grey, fluffy.
A small head with a long beak and very large black eyes sticks out of the mouth.
“Woodcock,” I guess.
- Give it back! I order in a tone that brooks no objection.
The raid frowns, thinks something, squints at me with a guilty eye and reluctantly opens its mouth. A gray, warm lump falls into my palm. Woodcock is completely unharmed. He looks at me boldly, as if he had not just been on the verge of death.
- Ay-ya-yay, don't be ashamed of yourself, such a club, - I reproach the dog, - to offend such a nice kid.

The raid blinks guiltily, turns away and slowly twists its tail. He is clearly ashamed. He looks sideways at me.
“Well, it’s my fault,” Nalyot says with all his appearance, “I won’t do it again ...”
I pat him softly on his long, soft ears.
- Good dog, smart dog. Now you can kiss.
But now Naletu is not in the mood for kisses. His tail swung violently from side to side again. I looked into the grass and saw a few more gray living lumps. The woodcocks, waddling funny in the tall grass, fly away in different directions.
And a few steps away from us, with an alarming hoarse cry, flies, jumps, as if knocked out, beats on the ground, a mother woodcock. So she diverts our attention from her little ones.
I lowered the woodcock to the ground, and as if nothing had happened, he quickly hobbled to his mother. Soon the whole woodcock family disappeared into the bushes.
I sat down on a stump to write it all down in my notebook.
The raid is curled up at my feet, patiently waiting. His vision is blurred. What is he thinking about? How and where will he mark the events of today's "hunt"?
And I am very sorry that I understand very little in dog language.


From our village Malaya Runa to the large village where the school is located, if you go straight, there will not be a kilometer. A narrow path, densely trampled down by children's feet, runs through hills and ravines, through fields and copses.
I constantly hunt in these places, often go out on the children's trail. Early in the morning, ten of our children rush to school, busily pacing at the back of each other's head, like a brood of goose.
Fedya Khrapov usually goes ahead. He is the oldest, he is the leader. Fedya's swirling head is constantly spinning on a long, thin neck. The attentive, strict eyes of the leader see the farthest and most of all. And there is something to see here - there are a lot of birds and animals. Fedya's father is a hunter, so it is not surprising that he knows a lot about the inhabitants of the local forests and fields. When meeting with me, Fedya says solidly:
- Hello, hunter!
And all the guys are waiting and listening with obvious respect - we are seriously talking with him, like a man with a man.
Behind Fedya, two smaller boys relentlessly follow along the path: Sanka, nicknamed Karabara, and Kolka Matryonin, the son of Aunt Matryona. Behind them nimbly mince six guys from the lower grades. The fourth grader Sveta closes the brood. She has a pioneer assignment: patronage of first-graders. She is little interested in birds and animals, but she always carefully watches the kids - if they are tired, they would not lag behind.
While there is a dry and warm Indian summer - this easy path to school for the guys turns out like a morning walk.
And when it rains, things get worse. The ruffled children walk in silence, some in a waterproof raincoat, some under an oilcloth. Fedya is walking in his father's warm padded jacket. And Sveta is hiding under her mother's big umbrella, and with her two more, or even three kids. Damp... Sad...

And as soon as the snow falls and freezes a little - it’s good again!
The further time goes into winter, the higher the snow walls on the sides of the children's path. By the New Year, you see, snow is knee-deep for the guys, in February it is already waist-deep, and in March, when snow and snowstorms sweep, the path goes very deep into the snowdrifts. You look from the side - in front, jumping from a snowdrift to a snowdrift on a thin neck, as if on one leg, Fedina's swirling head in a hare three-piece, turns incessantly, vigilantly looks around. Two smaller heads roll further on - these have no necks above the snowdrifts. At some distance, a black pom-pom of Sveta's hat floats. And the heads of the kids above the snowdrifts can not be seen at all.
But that's for the best. In the field and in the forest in winter, everyone who is smaller strives to hide in the snow. There, neither frost, nor a blizzard, nor a blizzard are not terrible. The children know this, they see it with their own eyes every day.
There, someone made a small hole in the snow, jumped up, stitched a stitch of tiny footprints over the fresh powder, and dived under the snow again through another hole.
- Mouse it! - the kids are chirping. - It's cold, go, in the snow, it's cold today.
But aside from the path between thin pink birch trees under thick black Christmas trees, someone also made holes in the snow. Large holes - four childish fists enter freely. And under the snow the course is laid. They looked, and from the other end of the snowy passage, from another hole, someone's head appeared, gray, with red eyebrows and black currant eyes, like a small cockerel.
Frr-frr-frr! - the nimble wings crackled softly, and the gray-brown bird dived into the thick needles of a tall fir-tree from mid-flight.
- Ryabok! - children shout cheerfully. - Our grouse!
This hazel grouse - their old friend, always flies here.
Everyone notices, our guys know everything. The Snow Book is always read in chorus and unmistakably. Almost always... Once they saw in the snow small footprints the size of a penny. Tracks jump - two side by side in front and two of the same in the back, and then they go into the hole, like mice, under the snow. Only the hole is three times larger than the mouse hole.
For a long time the guys stood near unfamiliar tracks - who would it be? And as always in such cases, the kids turned to their leader.
- Who?
- Mole! Fedya answered confidently.
- Of course, the mole, but who is it ?! Everyone immediately agreed.

Only Sveta thought: like a mole, but like not a mole. Silently, I thought so to myself, I didn’t say a word. And Fedya suddenly turned to her and asked sternly:
- What are you?
- And I'm nothing, - Sveta answered quietly, as if justifying herself, - only ...
- Just what? Fedya raised his eyebrows.
- These traces - look! - they jump, but the mole seems to be crawling, right? - And Sveta fixed her clear eyes on the leader.
And eight more pairs of eyes - gray and blue, black and brown, blue and green - incredulously asked: "Ahhh?"
Oh, this Light! Always says something along the way. So he would have slapped her stupid white cap with a black pom-pom - as if a hare's ear sticks out: it's white itself, and the tip is black. Laugh...
- Crawling, crawling! You don’t crawl through the frost, so he jumped in order not to freeze, - Fedya was found.
Frr-frr-frrf! - the hazel grouse familiar to the guys suddenly crackled its wings, fluttering out of its hole.
And after him, from under the snow, an unprecedented animal darted like an arrow - all white, only the very tip of the tail is black.

The animal missed, fell, made two or three jumps and disappeared under the snow.
- Nu what same this mole? - Sveta said again in a quiet voice, and her thin eyebrows stubbornly moved. - Is the mole black?
- Black-black! What about a hare in summer? And the swamp partridge? Although both are white in winter, Fedya does not give up.
- What about the tail? - even quieter, but even more confidently answered Sveta. - Did your mole's tail grow back by winter too?
The guys got excited, argued. Who is for Fedya, who is for Sveta. The noise was such that the snow began to crumble from the branches. Animals and birds around were alarmed. Black grouse, which hung with overripe black fruits on thin branches of birch trees, noisily flapped their wings and flew away. The hare jumped out of his snowy hide and rolled swiftly through the snow. And the guys do not let up, huddled together, arguing, shouting, waving their hands.
It’s funny to watch from the outside: disheveled childish heads jump over the snowdrifts with flushed faces and inflamed eyes, as if cocky young roosters fly into each other.
I had to intervene. I threw my gun over my shoulders - the black grouse flew away! - and rolled up on skis to the guys. He asked everything in order, understood everything and, as best he could, explained what was what ...
My roosters calmed down, hastily cleaned and smoothed their disheveled feathers, and again walked in single file along their path.
Only now Sveta was ahead of everyone. And Fedya, obviously upset and puzzled, walked behind with bowed head.
Coming up with me, he stopped and, after a pause, nodded at a black pom-pom jumping ahead on a white cap:
- Neither give nor take - the tail of an ermine: it is white, and the tip is black. Laugh...
He told me this with a mocking smile, confidentially, like a hunter to a hunter, like a man to a man. Then he sighed and followed the guys.


Have you heard of shrews? Maybe you have heard. And, perhaps, you even know that shrews are of great benefit to the forest, as they exterminate many harmful insects. You may have heard it, but you probably haven't seen it. Because shrews are the smallest animals that inhabit our forests and fields. Well, who, tell me, will make out in the dense tall grass a tiny little thing smaller than a child's finger? And if we add to this that the shrew is an extremely secretive, shy, cautious animal, and hides and hides at any approaching unfamiliar noise, then it is clear why it is almost impossible to see a shrew.
But I got to see her. And not one, but with a whole brood of cubs! Can you imagine what it is like - cubs of a tiny shrew? These are absolutely unimaginable crochotulins the size of a fly! And these babies have everything that a beast is supposed to have: a torso, legs, a tail, and a head, of course. And in the head - the brain is probably the size of a millet grain. It's in size. As for the mind, judge for yourself.
It so happened that in the forest the paths of two animals crossed - the largest and the smallest.
I went to sketches with a box for paints and brushes, such a box is called a “sketchbook”. I was walking and accidentally frightened off a resting elk from a daytime resting place. The elk jumped up and trotted away from me. Here is the beast! Kilograms, probably three hundred - four hundred in weight. The scope of the horns of such giants reaches one and a half meters. And the footprints are probably the size of my cap.
With a terrible noise, the elk broke through the green wall of young pines and hid in a dense aspen grove. “That's the thug,” I thought, and went to look at the tracks.

I knelt in front of the dent, took off my cap to try to cover the elk trail with it for fun.
And then I saw that a small animal was rushing about along the edge of the dent, and at the bottom of the dent a second one was swarming, several times smaller than the one above. Well, how tiny! I had to wear glasses to get a better look at him. As I put on my glasses, I immediately realized - yes, these are shrews, a mother and a cub!
That's how good luck is, that's how happiness came to me! I'm on my knees and held my breath so as not to frighten away rare animals. I look and see: the mother found a flat area of ​​the dent, quickly went downstairs and offered her tail to the baby. He, without thinking for a long time, as if he had been doing just that all his life, grabbed his teeth (I didn’t see them, but only guessed about it) at the tip of the mother’s tail, and she dragged the baby up the gentle slope, as if in tow, up.
What followed was quite strange. Once upstairs, the mother opened her mouth and squeaked something in her earthmoving dialect. And immediately, out of nowhere, a dozen, as it seemed to me, the same kids as the first one, turned out to be near her. They lined up - believe it or not! - one by one: ponytail to mouth, ponytail to mouth. It turned out to be a living chain, as if the children from the kindergarten were crossing the road: each rear one held on to the coat of the front one. And all this procession - and the procession is only a few centimeters long! - instantly moved towards some of its goals, quickly, quickly seeding with tiny legs.
And before I could blink an eye, everyone disappeared into the grass. There were shrews - and no!
Here's a brain the size of a millet seed!