The long-awaited opening of the Revitonika school in Moscow for many women!

In October 2011, the training center of the Moscow branch of the Revitonika school finally opened its doors. We are located in a cozy building in the center of Moscow, a short walk from the Prospekt Mira metro station.

The Moscow school is already the third Revitonika school in the world, so we had the opportunity to absorb all the best from our predecessors - schools in Lithuania and Denmark. The Moscow branch gathered 10 myology trainers from all over the world. All coaching staff of Revitonika schools are required to undergo regular training and certification in Europe. In the short time that has passed since the opening of the branch in Moscow, we have managed to train more than 30 groups, prepare more than 200 graduates, and about 2000 people studied remotely using the DVD course. The Moscow school is the only Revitonics school that independently organizes and actively conducts open educational events. Thus, our seminar-forum “What the Mirror is Silent” functions on a regular basis.

We at Revitonics consider it our mission to convey to modern women around the world (including Russia) the idea that the ability to be young at any age is inherent in our bodies by nature!

What we offer is an innovative breakthrough in the field of rejuvenation. The "Revitonika" method has been developed by scientists for almost 20 years. The result is effective, safe, accessible to every woman. system of techniques for manual self-modeling of the face. With our own hands we launch process of self-rejuvenation of the body! Now that there is the “Revitonika” method, it is possible to rejuvenate from the inside, in the most natural and pleasant way! And exercises according to our system can be used at any time and almost anywhere!

Currently, there is nothing similar to the “Revitonika” method in Russia in terms of efficiency of use and scale of distribution.

What do you get by studying at the Revitonika school?

Our goal is not just to memorize a certain set of exercises with you. Our goal is to turn you into a competent user of the Revitonics method:

  1. We strive to convey to you fundamental knowledge with which you will go through life and be able to apply it yourself (!) in order to look good every day.
  2. By studying according to a planned school schedule, you develop the habit of regularly paying attention to yourself, which will make it easier for you to independently work on your appearance in the future.
  3. You learn to consciously approach the rejuvenation process. We will teach you to monitor the external signs of aging, correctly diagnose their causes, and most importantly, be able to work with them competently using Revitonics techniques.

Advantages of studying at school:

  • Unified corporate European education standard.
  • You receive a course of classes with a professional instructor who will put your hands to work and help you understand the theoretical intricacies of the method.
  • We guarantee an individual approach - at all our meetings, each participant receives mandatory personal attention from the teacher.
  • You study in a room fully equipped for effective mastery of the technique.
  • During classes at school you are provided with multimedia software based on modern technologies.
  • We have provided everything to make it comfortable for you to study with us: bright, cozy rooms with air conditioning, a comfortable personal workplace, coffee breaks at the request of students.

There is a constant enrollment for the following programs:

  1. Promotional lesson "The first step to beauty". Contents: myths and truth about aging; biomechanics of facial aging; the secret of the "Revitonika" effect; practical techniques facial modeling.
  1. Basic courseRevitonica. Contents: correction of posture and neck, facial contours, nasolabial folds, facial wrinkles, vacuum massage.

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People try to prolong the youth of their skin in different ways. Some do this with the help of creams and masks, others go for procedures, give injections and even undergo plastic surgery such as. But few people know that there is a set of physical exercises that increase tone and improve the condition of the skin and affect the shape of the face. And the name of this method is revitonics.

It is a whole set of special exercises specifically designed to eliminate not only the effects of skin aging that affect the appearance, but also the causes of aging itself, as a result the face becomes fresher and younger. Revitonics makes all the muscles work, which in ordinary life practically do not tense on the face.

The author of this technique, revitonics, was Natalya Osmina. Developed back in the mid-90s, the technique was refined and researched so that the method became super effective, scientifically proven and completely safe.

Revitonics exercises became known in our country in 2010, although in many countries it has already reached the peak of popularity. Women in Europe and the Baltics (the birthplace of revitonics) have long been using it to preserve youth.

Exercise system

The idea of ​​the revitonics system formed the basis of a set of exercises. The essence of the revitonics approach lies in the relationship between the musculoskeletal system of our body and the condition of the whole person, including the condition of his skin.

The main causes of aging are swelling, muscle spasms and fascial pulls. Let's take a closer look at these causes of aging.

  • Fluid stagnation

Leads to the appearance of a disease - lymphostasis. Lymph stagnates, blood circulation and blood supply to tissues are disrupted, and there is insufficient supply of oxygen and nutrition to skin and muscle cells. Because of this, the skin becomes sagging, its tone decreases, and slow metabolic processes lead to the deposition of fat, on the face this manifests itself on the cheeks and chin.

  • Muscle spasm

When constant stress occurs in the muscles, they are in a tense state, and this is called a spasm. An increase in muscle size in a spasmodic state leads to the skin being stretched, and this stretching of the dermis leads to a loss of tone and the appearance of sagging. Revitonics will teach you how to completely relax your muscles, give them the necessary rest and recovery.

  • Fascial traction

This terminology is not familiar to everyone, let’s figure out what it is. Fascia is the name given to the membranes of muscles; all muscles are connected to each other and due to this, the so-called soft human skeleton is formed. Therefore, if you have pain, then these fasciae tighten in the area of ​​pain, but they also pull their counterparts on the neck, and they, in turn, pull the muscles and skin of the face. Classes using the revitonics exercise method can remove fascial tension and minimize their consequences.

Revitonics for the face - types

There are two types of revitonics exercises:

  • vacuum fitness,
  • sculptural fitness.

Vacuum revitonics

For vacuum fitness you need a set of three jars of different sizes. The smallest one is designed to work with small areas on the face: nose, area around the eyes, lips. The medium-sized jar is intended for medium-sized areas, and the largest will help to work on large muscles and even their groups.

Vacuum fitness for the face - one of the types of revitonics

Normalization of collagen synthesis in the body, elastin in the skin, general increase in tone, improvement of blood circulation - all this happens thanks to vacuum fitness.

Facial massage with cups (video)

Super effect in 8 minutes a day - from facial massage with cups.

Sculptural revitonics

Sculptural fitness - this type of revitonics includes exercises for the face. During training, muscles are worked out and relaxed, which promotes an influx of nutrition, and therefore improves the condition of the surface of the dermis.

Exercises for the face - sculptural revitonics (photo 1)
Exercises for the face - sculptural revitonics (photo 2).jpg


Revitonics in all its manifestations has long been recognized as a successful alternative to plastic surgery. Anyone can master this super-effective method, while revitonics is completely safe and you cannot cause any harm to yourself, since the effect is only physiological.

But, despite all the safety of these fitness activities, there are still contraindications. We will list them. If there are purulent inflammations or lesions on the skin, then classes should be postponed. An obstacle will be the exacerbation of some ailments of the epidermis, as well as the presence of cancer. In case of serious diseases of the nervous system and brain, lymph nodes and blood vessels, revitonics is prohibited.

Feeling unwell is a reason to stop exercising. Lessons are not recommended for those under 16 years of age.

Revitonics includes exercises, with the help of which you can perfectly work out all groups of facial muscles and neck to increase tone, improve skin condition and tighten the oval of the face. Of course, today dozens of different complexes with exercises are successfully used to rejuvenate the face and eliminate a double chin. However, let's not forget that to strengthen the facial muscles (as well as to strengthen any muscle groups), it is useful to change one exercise to another from time to time, vary the intensity of movements and load. In short, muscles should not get used to monotonous activities and revitonics will definitely find a place on your list of anti-aging facial procedures.

Material navigation:


Revitonics includes both basic exercises for general strengthening of facial muscles and improving skin condition, as well as basic exercises for more thorough treatment of problem areas of the face. Such home gymnastics stimulates the work of all facial muscles, many of which are practically not strained in everyday life.

But revitonics helps fight not only the signs of aging on the face in adulthood. For example, a woman strictly follows a diet, runs to lose weight, and goes to the gym. The desired results do not take long to arrive and you have lost extra pounds and your figure has become slimmer. But after burning excess fat, the face often looks haggard, haggard and the cheeks sag. Even expression lines are more clearly visible on the skin. Therefore, we highly recommend doing at least a basic set of exercises at home to strengthen the muscular frame of the face and keep the skin smooth and elastic.

The obvious benefits of revitonics also include a long-term lifting effect if you perform the exercises regularly and correctly. Popular and quite expensive cosmetic procedures (cryomassage, mesotherapy, ozone therapy, Botox injections) give a temporary effect, after which you need to visit the cosmetologist’s office again.

The main causes of deterioration in appearance and early aging include muscle spasm, swelling and fascial traction. And with the help of revitonics you can successfully combat these causes. A set of exercises helps relieve spasms in the facial muscles and completely relax, promoting rapid recovery. Revitonics helps improve the outflow of accumulated intercellular fluid, which will help get rid of swelling and dark circles, and reduce bags under the eyes. Fascia (muscle sheaths) are often tightened in certain areas of the muscle frame, and special exercises relieve fascial tension after just a few procedures.


To achieve the maximum lifting effect, in addition to performing a set of facial exercises, do massage movements. Change your technique from month to month. Below are some options:

study face building, performing 12-14 exercises every day within a month. As part of this course do a honey massage once every two days . After the course, be sure to take a week break.

We do 15-17 exercises daily to tighten the oval of the face and eliminate wrinkles within a month. Let's alternate massage with tablespoons And vacuum massage with cups (every other day) .

❷ before practicing revitonics, remove makeup and treat your skin with moisturizer;

❸ do the exercises while sitting in front of a mirror, with your back perfectly straight;

❹ if you want to visually reduce the volume of a wide face, then do weight loss exercises while exhaling;

❺ after revitonics, wash your face with cold water and apply nourishing cream to your facial skin;

❻ in addition to revitonics, it is important to properly organize skin care, using masks made from natural products suitable for your skin type, scrubs to cleanse the stratum corneum (

A set of special exercises for the face (face building) is an effective alternative to plastic surgery methods for tightening the oval and toning muscles, and rejuvenating the appearance.

Today, there are numerous proprietary face-building courses available, sold as courses in the form of video lessons. One of the most effective is considered a course called “Revitonika”, developed in the 90s by a Russian doctor specializing in helping to restore the musculoskeletal system and facial muscles, Natalia Borisovna Osminina.

Revitonics, first of all, is aimed at a comprehensive tightening of the facial muscles, toning the skin, getting rid of jowls, Bisha's lumps, manifestations of signs of aging - deep nasolabial folds, wrinkles and sagging skin.

Over the years, the technique has been improved, adding useful elements and getting rid of the least effective ones. And in 2004, the final version was created, incorporating the most effective techniques and methods for different age groups of patients.

Revitonics is based on vacuum massage and sculptural fitness. Each technique solves specific problems and is aimed at toning the facial muscles, correcting the shape and oval of the face.

Using the technique, problems such as:

What does revitonics give?

Regular exercises can quickly effectively tighten the shape of the face and get rid of deep expression wrinkles.

After completing the full course, the following effects are observed:

All of the above effects can be achieved to varying degrees. This depends on the age and individual characteristics of the body. However, a complete lack of result when applying the technique is excluded.

Results: Photos before and after

The photo (below) clearly shows the result after a 3-week course. General swelling of the face has decreased (especially around the nose and eyes). Bags and dark circles under the eyes began to stand out significantly less. The chin and neck were tightened.

Revitonics, if the exercise technique is followed, is an excellent alternative to plastic surgery.

Long-term exercise in adulthood helps to get rid of such serious problems as jowls, loose, sagging neck skin, and severe facial asymmetry. In the photographs presented, the woman looks 10 years younger. There are no deep wrinkles on the forehead, the nasolabial fold is greatly smoothed.

The results of facial fitness classes are amazing; they are indeed, in some cases, an alternative to plastic surgery.

Are there any negative reviews

Doctors of various specializations mostly approve and support Osminina’s technique, since her concept is based on carefully researched medical information about the structure and functioning of the whole body (and mainly the musculoskeletal system).

Negative reviews are insignificant in overall percentage terms. These are people who lacked regularity and integrity and did not get the expected results.

For example, it is prohibited to do exercises for those who:

Complete basic course

The basic course includes 40 different exercises that affect and train all facial muscles and ligaments to varying degrees. The main exercises that are useful to master first are given in this table.

Table. The main exercises of revitonics

Exercise Information about him
Shoulder abduction (see neck exercises) Elimination of spasms of the trapezius muscle of the back. Prevention of the appearance of cervical withers and osteochondrosis. After exercise, it is important to stretch the muscle.
Abduction of clasped arms and head (see exercise for the neck) Relaxation of the posterior occipital area. Improving blood supply to the head (including the face). After the exercise, it is important to stretch the posterior cervical muscle with your hands.
Chin to chest (see neck exercises) Strengthening the front of the neck, reducing horizontal neck wrinkles (so-called rings). Tightening and toning of the dermis.

After the exercise, you should stretch the neck muscle (lifting your head up).

Stretching the nasolabial triangle (see nasolabial folds) Reducing the depth of the nasolabial fold, increasing the size of the lips, changing their color to a more natural one.
Pinching the inner ends of the eyebrows (see exercise for the forehead) Elimination of vertical glabellar wrinkles. After the exercise, you need to stretch the working area. To do this, place the index finger of one hand along the nose, and place the other finger of the second hand above the first. Pull your fingers in the opposite direction, relaxing the muscle.

Facial massage to reduce wrinkles

Vacuum fitness is a massage with small vacuum cans. It helps reduce facial swelling, improve metabolism at the cellular level, as well as complete facial rejuvenation. The most effective massage is combined with sculptural fitness.

Before starting the session, you need to cleanse your face and generously smear it with cosmetic oil. The skin should be warm (for example, after a light manual massage or a hot shower).

Vacuum massage can be static and dynamic. When static, cups are attached to large areas of facial skin (cheeks, forehead, chin) for a period of 5 seconds to a minute (no longer recommended).

With dynamic massage, the vacuum should be very small, the time of static exposure should be minimal. The average diameter of the jar is 2.5-4 cm. This will help avoid bruising and unnecessary stretching of the epidermis. Do not apply a vacuum to the delicate areas of the skin around the eyes.

When massaging the cheeks, you should start from the middle of the nasolabial fold (laughter line) and slowly move the jar up to the cheekbone and temple. Do not grab the skin above the cheekbone with the cup.

Massage of the jaw line takes place in two approaches. It is necessary to roughly divide it in half and place your finger in the middle. The movement of the can should be from finger to chin and from finger to ear. This way, by holding the skin, it is prevented from over-stretching.

The chin area is massaged in a circular motion, without touching the corners of the mouth. In the forehead area, you first need to draw a line from the bridge of the nose up to the hairline. Then from the center of the forehead to the temples. Each manipulation is carried out no more than 5-7 times, until the skin turns red. At the first session up to 3 times.

The massage is performed for 15-35 minutes. After the session, it is important to cleanse your face again, thoroughly rinsing off the oil. A massage course consists of 8-12 sessions, which are carried out at intervals of 2-3 days, no more. A repeat course is possible in a month.

Important! Before starting a vacuum fitness course, it is important to independently or with the help of a doctor exclude the presence of diseases or factors that would prohibit this type of massage.

Forehead exercises

Revitonics - simple and effective exercises for facial rejuvenation. The video lessons of the course explain how to get rid of wrinkles on the forehead, tighten the skin and straighten the oval.

Exercise 1

Aimed at eliminating horizontal wrinkles. It is necessary to take a sitting position (preferably in front of a mirror), with your back straight. Next, you need to place your palm on your forehead, just behind your eyebrows. Press the skin and muscles with your hand for additional fixation.

You should alternately raise and lower your eyebrows with force. At the top point the position is fixed for 5 seconds. Perform from 5 to 15 repetitions (depending on the fitness of the face).

Exercise 2

Aimed at eliminating vertical wrinkles.

The starting position is similar to exercise 1. Use your thumbs to fix the inner ends of the eyebrows.

In this position, you should bring your eyebrows together and apart with effort. Perform 10-20 repetitions.

Exercise 3

Place the thumbs of both hands under the inner ends of the eyebrows. Place your index fingers 2-3 cm above the eyebrows.

Bring your fingers together, lightly pinching the skin and eyebrows. Record the final position for 30 seconds.

Nasolabial folds

Exercises to reduce nasolabial folds on the face through revitonics are no less effective than the previous ones. A lot of video materials help you thoroughly study the technique and perform it correctly.

Exercise 1

Starting position: sitting straight on a chair. You need to combine the index and middle fingers on each hand. Place them on the nasolabial folds and apply pressure.

Open your mouth slightly and make a circle with your lips. Mentally count down 10 seconds. Open your mouth wider, forming a large circle with your lips. At the same time, do not forget to press the muscles of the nasolabial triangle (tension should be felt). Hold the final position for 20 seconds. It is performed 5-10 times.

Exercise 2

Place your index fingers on the skin between your nose and upper lip. Very slowly stretch your fingers in opposite directions to the very corners of your lips.

A similar manipulation must be carried out with the skin under the lower lip. The exercise is repeated 5 times for each zone.

Important! Sliding-stretching is carried out only after the skin has been naturally moistened by the influence of the fingers. Otherwise, stretching will be harmful to the epidermis.

Neck exercises

The exercises are aimed at relaxing the cervical spine, improving posture, and maintaining skin tone.

Exercise 1

  1. You need to sit up straight, your back straight. Right hand on the belt.
  2. The right shoulder rises as high as possible, then in the same position is pulled back all the way to the spine.
  3. You need to turn your head slightly to the left and stretch the back of your head towards the abducted shoulder. Lock in position for 30 seconds.
  4. Slowly return to the starting position and slightly stretch the trapezius muscle. To do this, you need to put your left hand behind your head and place it on your neck under your hair. Bend the right one at the elbow and place it on the shoulder. It is easy to pull your hands in opposite directions until you feel muscle tension.

Exercise 2

It is important to know! If you feel too much tension on the front of the neck, you can open your mouth.

Exercise 3

  1. Place your palms slightly above your chest. Press the skin and muscles with your hands. Tilt your chin forward.
  2. At the same time, tilt your head forward, trying to reach your neck with your chin and reach your neck and chin with your hands. Perform for 30 seconds, then relax the muscles.

Exercises for the eye area, eyelids

Carefully treating the eye area helps to naturally get rid of puffiness and dark circles. To do this, it is important to regularly perform a small set of exercises.

Exercise 1. Warm up

You should sit on a chair and not slouch. Open and close the eyelids sharply and clearly (do not squint). Breathing is important in this exercise. You should inhale through your nose while opening your eyes. In this case, you need to retract your cheeks. Exhale in the same way (closing your eyes) and puffing out your cheeks.

Exercise 2. Closing your eyes

The starting position is classic. Bend the index fingers of both hands slightly and press them on the edges of the cheek bones (1-1.5 cm from the lower eyelid).

In this position, you need to close your eyes with effort, holding in the final position for 10 seconds. The interval between blinking is 5-8 seconds. You should perform 7-10 repetitions.

Exercises 3. Blinking

The starting position is similar to exercise 2. Place your index fingers on the outer corners of your eyes. Apply light pressure to fix the skin and muscles.

Blink as quickly as possible for 10 seconds. Perform 8-12 repetitions with a rest interval of 2-5 seconds.

Exercise 4. Relaxation

Sit up straight, tilt your head slightly forward. Your elbows should rest on your knees and your palms should be open. Slowly lower your face into your palms so that the hills of Venus lie on the protrusions of your cheekbones, and the rest of your hands on your eyes and forehead. Lightly press on your face (2-3 seconds).

Then extend your arms a few centimeters and repeat the manipulation. In this way, move from the nose to the temples, relaxing the eye muscles after exercise.

Exercises for tightening the oval face

Revitonics are simple and effective enough facial exercises to be performed regularly at home. Video classes demonstrate how to tighten the oval of the face and form a clear line of the lower jaw.

Exercise "elemental scream"

Open your mouth in an “O” shape with the corners of your lips slightly raised. Use your index finger and thumb to form a “C” shape or a hook.

Using the thumbs of the hooks, “catch” the jaw corners on both sides of the face. The index fingers are pressed to the beginning of the masticatory muscle located under the zygomatic bone. It is necessary to move the index fingers towards the thumbs with pressure inside the muscle. Don't forget to keep your mouth open.

Exercises to lift the cheeks, from jowls on the face

One of the common facial problems is sagging cheeks, which results in the appearance of jowls. To get rid of “bulldog cheeks” the following exercises are recommended:

Exercise 1

Place your index fingers at the beginning of the cheek bone. Using your thumbs, grab the skin from the bottom line of the jawbone and pull it upward, forming a muscle roll between the fingers.

Pressing your fingers with the roller to the bone, you need to slowly roll it to the very bottom of the cheek. In this case, you need to pick up the skin and muscles with your thumbs. The exercise is performed 6-10 times.

It is important to know! The exercise can be very painful due to the stiffness and tightness of the chewing and zygomatic muscles. Therefore, you should not panic during your first workouts; after a few weeks, the muscles will relax and the pain will go away.

Exercise 2

Toning the depressor labii and triangular muscles also prevents the formation of jowls and normalizes the functioning of the depressors. The index fingers are located in the crease between the chin and lower lip. The thumbs are placed under the chin (in the hollow) at the very edge of the muscle.

Squeeze your fingers tightly to form a roll. Slowly pull your lower lip up so that your index fingers slide smoothly, but with pressure, towards your thumbs. The exercise is repeated up to 15 times, depending on the fitness of the facial muscles.

Double chin exercises

You can reduce or completely remove a double chin using the “Frame” exercise. You need to raise your arms above your head, cross them, clasping your elbows with your palms. A frame should be formed visually. The head bends forward, resting against the interclavicular cavity.

In this position, you should stretch your spine upward as much as possible. The exercise is continued for 30 seconds. It is necessary to get out of the situation smoothly and slowly.

Back exercises

Revitonics is useful not only for the face, but also for the back. Exercise videos and reviews show how simple and effective they are.

Exercise 1. Active standing

Stand straight, shoulders and feet should be at the same parallel. The body should be aligned: tense the stomach and buttocks and “squeeze” into yourself, the tailbone tends downwards. The crown of the head should be pulled up as far as possible. In this case, the chest, if the technique is performed correctly, should “open” and straighten.

The exercise must be performed for several minutes. The longer the time of active standing, the less time it will take to restore the spine.

Exercise 2. Roller stretch

This exercise has a beneficial effect on the entire spine, gently stretching it. At the same time, pain and stiffness in movements go away.

It is necessary to take a lying position. Place a bolster under your back (perpendicular to your navel).

Extend your legs and place them at a distance equal to the length of one foot. Connect your big toes (a visual triangle should form with the floor).

Your arms should be raised above your head and your palms facing the floor. Place your little fingers together.

You need to stay in this final position for 2 minutes or more (depending on fitness and back condition). With each subsequent time, you should try to increase the exercise time.

Breathing while stretching should be deep and smooth. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth.

Video lessons from Natalia Osminina

Exercises from Anastasia Dubinskaya

Truly effective results of appearance rejuvenation using the revitonics method can only be felt by purposeful and persistent students, since a one-time course can only give a short-term effect.

Videos demonstrating exercises help beginners and prove that for facial rejuvenation it is not necessary to resort to radical means of plastic surgery and cosmetology.

Video about revitonics

The result of the first week of revitonics classes:

Open webinar on revitonics:

What woman, noticing the first signs of aging on her face, begins to dream of non-surgical rejuvenation? And it’s absolutely free too. At first glance, it seems that such a desire is from the realm of fantasy, but in fact there is nothing unrealizable in it. You just need to start regularly doing sculptural fitness, and the result will immediately be reflected in the mirror.

Today we will talk about one of the many sets of exercises for skin rejuvenation, namely the revitonics system. About who created it, what can be achieved with its help and how to properly perform such gymnastics at home.

How it all began

The revitonics program was developed in the mid-nineties by Natalya Osminina, a Russian woman with Lithuanian citizenship, the author of several books on the theory and practice of facial rejuvenation. She has more than two dozen different methods for restoring muscle structures, including this self-modeling system, which has no analogues in the whole world. It came to Russia several years ago, but in Europe and, among other things, in the Baltic states it has been popular for a long time.

So, revitonics is a kind of fitness for the skin, affecting the facial and skeletal muscles of the face and neck and giving an amazing rejuvenating effect.

Many compare the effect of revitonics with the result of plastic surgery. It allows you to pay attention to every muscle, even the smallest one.

When performed systematically, such exercises make it possible to:

  • bring facial muscles to natural tone;
  • improve blood circulation;
  • remove swelling and bags under the eyes;
  • improve complexion;
  • get rid of a double chin;
  • smooth out wrinkles;
  • reduce rashes;
  • model the oval of the face;
  • solve the problem of cervical osteochondrosis;
  • restore softness and smoothness of the skin.

Moreover, this facial fitness is suitable for absolutely all women, allowing you to look a good ten years younger.

Three types of exercises

This type of fitness is divided into three categories: liquid, sculptural and vacuum.

Liquid fitness

By this we mean a creamy product that is designed to properly nourish and moisturize the skin, making the structure of the face better. For greater effectiveness, it is better to use it with a mesoscooter, gently massaging the face and helping the valuable substances penetrate deep into the tissue.

Sculptural Fitness

This is osteopathic gymnastics for the face, described in detail in one of Osminina’s books entitled “Resurrection of the Face, or an Ordinary Miracle.” You can also read about the causes of age-related skin aging. You need to do the exercises indicated in the book for half an hour a day, and then the results will not keep you waiting.

Anti-aging exercises are described in the book “Resurrection of the Face”

Vacuum fitness

It is a facial massage with vacuum cans of different sizes. There are three of them in the set. The smallest one is designed to work on the nose and lips, as well as the area around the eyes. The medium jar is used to affect larger areas, but the larger one can affect the strongest facial muscles and help delicately cleanse the skin.

There are special courses where you can take training in the revitonics program. After all, to work successfully, you need to have a good understanding of anatomy, understand the principle of muscle function and the main causes of aging. There are also many videos published on the Internet demonstrating how to do the exercises correctly at home. In addition, you can get acquainted with Natalia Osminina’s system and the facial fitness she developed from her books.

Indications and contraindications

Revitonics is indicated for ladies of any age and with any skin type. It can be practiced not only if there are obvious signs of wilting, but also to prevent aging.

You should not engage in revitonics before the age of 16.

However, there are a number of contraindications:

  • lymphatic diseases;
  • purulent inflammation on the skin of the face;
  • oncology and neuropathy;
  • disorders of brain activity;
  • bad feeling.

Also, girls under 16 years old should not do these exercises.

Before developing the revitonics program, Natalya Osminina, a design engineer by training, worked with the musculoskeletal structure for more than 20 years. She also simultaneously studied quantum psychobiology, bioengineering recreation, energy practices and other disciplines that revealed the psychological and biological secrets of skin aging.

As a result of many years of practice, it was revealed that the main causes of aging are muscle spasm, swelling and fascial traction.

Spasm is a tense state of muscles that lose tone. In this state, they increase, stretching the skin, which is gradually reflected on the face in the form of sagging.

Swelling leads to a disease called lymphostasis, that is, lymph stagnates under the skin, which impairs the blood supply to the cells and the supply of oxygen to them, which, again, leads to sagging skin and the deposition of fat on the cheeks and chin.

Fascia is a kind of connective membrane of muscles, their “packaging”, due to which they are connected to each other, forming the human muscular skeleton. When, for some reason, pain occurs in the face or neck, the fascia is pulled into this place and pulls its fellows. Accordingly, muscles and skin are also stretched.

Revitonics can relieve women from the effects of fascial traction, remove lymphostasis and help relax and restore muscles.

At the same time, the attitude with which the young lady approaches the exercises is very important. The internal state should be comfortable, you need to have a positive attitude towards fitness, in the process visualizing how much it can affect your face and eliminate skin imperfections. Then rejuvenation will go much faster and give a much more impressive effect. You need to exercise daily.

We wish you success in the fight against skin aging!