On March 23, 1983, President R. Reagan made a televised address to the country from his office in the White House, in which he outlined a breathtakingly fantastic plan for space defense of the US territory from nuclear attacks from the enemy - at that time the Soviet Union. The next day, the New York Post summarized what Reagan had said in an article headlined: “Star Wars Will Destroy the Red Missiles,” and since then the announced Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) program has become known around the world as "Star Wars"- after the name of the popular film, the third film of which was released in May 1983.

The essence of Reagan’s speech was that it was necessary to abandon mutually assured destruction and move to a new format for ensuring national and world security - placing defense systems in space.

Reagan's speech was a surprise to everyone– for the Americans, for the American allies, for Moscow, and in general for the whole world. Moreover, it came as a surprise even to Reagan's own cabinet, including Secretary of State Shultz and the leadership of the Department of Defense. This entire topic of space defense was not previously considered by the American government and its departments. It was not the military and diplomats who imposed this topic on Reagan, but on the contrary, he imposed it on them.

According to his closest collaborators, Reagan for many years, even before becoming president, saw a threat to US national security in the very presence of nuclear weapons and looked for options to reduce dependence on them and even eliminate them completely. In particular, he was greatly impressed by his visit in 1979, as part of the election campaign, to the North American Aerospace Defense Command Center NORAD in Colorado Springs. During the orientation tour, Reagan asked what would happen to Cheyenne Mountain, where the Center was located, if it was hit by a heavy Soviet missile, to which the general accompanying him replied: “It will blow it to hell.” Reagan was then struck by the discrepancy between the scale and level of sophistication of military technology and the level of protection of the country from nuclear destruction - it was not protected, everything rested on the supposed agreement of both parties - the USA and the USSR - that they would both refrain from a nuclear strike, fearing retaliatory destruction. But it was just a concept, nothing more - not formally approved by anyone and never discussed at any negotiations.

Having already become president, Reagan since January 1982 began with his questions and his interest to stimulate discussion of previously disparate military-technical ideas and options. He began discussing with military and scientific and technical specialists the idea of ​​destroying ballistic missiles after they were launched from launch positions on almost any part of their flight path. Reagan asked the question: if it is possible to detect the launch of a rocket from a satellite, is it really impossible to destroy it within a short time of the launch field? The answer was to place anti-missile systems in space and supplement them with ground and air systems. Many of these systems were based on the use of fundamentally new technical solutions, such as electromagnetic and laser guns. It was also planned to place many new satellites, optical reflectors, and interceptors in space.

Autumn 1982 the leaders of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (analogous to the Soviet General Staff) presented the president with a review report on space defense, which brought together previously expressed ideas and proposals. But the Committee could not have imagined that the president would soon publicly declare space defense a military-political priority of his administration.

The emergence of such weapons systems broke the logic of the concept of mutually assured destruction on which the post-war world was based. Reagan himself viewed SDI as a defensive program in nature and, moreover, was ready to later involve the Soviet Union in participation in it, thereby forcing it to eliminate its nuclear potential.

However, theoretically, it was possible to strike at the enemy and then repel his retaliatory strike, which violated the existing security system in the world. By the way, this is precisely why, having begun negotiations on strategic arms limitation (SALT) in 1971, the United States and the USSR simultaneously limited missile defense systems - missile defense - that could repel or mitigate a retaliatory nuclear strike.

To work on the program, the Strategic Defense Initiative Organization was created within the US Department of Defense.

Despite all the authority of Reagan, his the SDI program met with strong resistance from the very beginning in Washington itself, which, in the end, buried this program. Democratic progressives (in particular, Senators T. Kennedy and J. Kerry, who became Secretary of State under Obama) pointed out the danger of undermining the concept of mutual assured destruction, which, according to them, only increased the threat of a nuclear conflict. The US State Department and Department of Defense believed that this program was technically unrealizable, and in addition violated the ABM Treaty with the USSR and the Outer Space Treaty. US allies feared that if implemented, SDI would “disconnect” the joint defense system of the United States and Western Europe.

The Soviet Union immediately accused Washington in attempts to create for themselves unilaterally a strategic advantage and achieve military superiority over the USSR. Initially, Moscow's reaction was mainly of a propaganda nature - everything that came from Washington was condemned. Moscow believed that the SDI program was designed to intimidate the Soviet Union and put pressure on it in disarmament negotiations, which by that time had reached a dead end. It is also important that Reagan made the announcement of the start of the SDI program just 2 weeks after he called the USSR in a conversation with American evangelical preachers "evil empire".

However, after some time, as the Americans began to methodically work on SDI, Soviet assessments of the prospects for this program became increasingly alarmist - the USSR understood that America has the scientific, technical, production and financial potential to implement everything that what was stated. Likewise, the USSR understood that they would not be able to oppose the United States with anything similar, although they themselves carried out certain developments on placing weapons in space. In Moscow, SDI generally began to be presented in an even more fantastic form than its authors themselves - they say, the Americans are planning to deploy battle stations in space similar to those depicted in “Star Wars” for attacks on the USSR.

The total costs of SDI deployment were estimated at approximately $150 billion ($400 billion in 2017 prices).

With Reagan's resignation from the presidency in early 1989, the SDI program gradually faded away., and in May 1993 B. Clinton actually closed it, although some promising scientific and technical work continued. The United States spent about $40 billion on it from 1984 to 1993 ($100 billion in 2017).

It is quite difficult to present the SDI program as an integral system in military-technical terms

  • rather, it is a sketch of possible solutions. There were various variants of SOI depending on the degree of development of its various component systems.

The influence of this program on Soviet-American relations should neither be underestimated nor, at the same time, overestimated. SDI convinced the Soviet military-political leadership of the futility of the arms race - the USSR (even before Gorbachev) returned to the table of disarmament negotiations interrupted by Andropov, and began to discuss the option of a real reduction, and not limitation, as before, of nuclear weapons. Having come to power in March 1985, Gorbachev made no secret of the fact that he did not believe in the feasibility of SDI, and called on the Soviet military not to frighten themselves with this program. He considered it necessary to normalize Soviet-American relations and reduce armaments even without SDI However, in subsequent negotiations he linked the reductions to the US abandonment of SDI.

The program to create a nuclear shield that could intercept missiles along the entire flight path involved launching weapons into space and therefore received the popular name “Star Wars.” The US President began the presentation of the “Strategic Defense Initiative,” capable of countering Soviet nuclear weapons, with discussions about the future of “our children of the 21st century.”

Addressing the Americans, who at that moment were most worried not about Soviet missiles, but about the money in their own wallets, Reagan said that

Defense is not a matter of interest and expense; what is at stake is America's security and ability to counter the USSR, which over the past 20 years has "created a massive arsenal of new strategic missiles that could strike the United States."

At the same time, Reagan could not resist pricking his Democratic predecessor, although he did not call the latter by name. With pathos in his voice, the US President said that when he came to power in 1984, he saw “planes that would not fly” and ships without spare parts that could not sail.

Now, Reagan continued, America has the necessary technology, and said that US scientists, together with allies, have begun developing a program that can “achieve the goal of destroying the threat posed by strategic nuclear missiles.”

The purpose of their creation, the US President emphasized, is “to reduce the likelihood of a nuclear war.” Moreover, the new system, although called “defensive,” also contained offensive elements.

“The plans are not impressive”

The president's speech made a great impression on many Americans, although the development of new weapons was discussed only in general terms. A Soviet scientist, head of the Space Research Institute, said in an interview with Gazeta.Ru that at that moment no one imagined that Reagan would come up with the idea of ​​SDI.

“We met with a group of scientists in the American. Our conversation was constructive, nothing seemed to indicate that they would have the idea of ​​SDI. We found out about her on the way home. When we boarded the plane, we agreed that the first thing we would do upon arrival was to analyze it and write our conclusions for the government,” recalls Sagdeev.

Many American experts, although they knew in general terms about the program, did not have much faith in it. As former US Secretary of Defense William Perry writes in his recent book, My Journey to the Brink of Nuclear War, Reagan was not very impressed with his plans.

Perry understood that it would take more than 20 years to develop Reagan's plans, and during this time the USSR would develop “countermeasures” to counteract it. The system would become costly and ineffective, Perry wrote, and could “lead to a new arms race.”

But if it was the new arms race that frightened a professional like Perry, for Reagan it was the ultimate goal.

His administration was well aware that a system for launching weapons into space was unlikely to be created in the near future, but it could force the USSR to spend more on military purposes.

The Soviet Union at that time was not in the best position: the relative prosperity of the early Brezhnev era was over, the grueling war in Afghanistan was in its third year, and the standard of living of the population was rapidly deteriorating. And while brilliant scientific minds were thinking about new types of weapons to protect the country, in this country people stood in lines for imported boots.

“We were deliberately intimidated”

At the same time, as the former deputy head of the USSR writes in his memoirs, “American intelligence deliberately exaggerated the military potential of the Soviet Union so that the administration could pass new appropriations for “defense” through Congress:

“We were deliberately intimidated by SDI, in this case clearly exaggerating its danger to the USSR. They assured that this was a purely defensive project, although we knew (later the Americans admitted it) that offensive functions were also envisaged ... "

Sagdeev shared the same opinion: “The main thing that scared us was not American ideas, but the fact that our own military-industrial complex would seize the opportunity to create our domestic version of “star wars” with such zeal that we would get bogged down in this swamp "

The leader of the USSR, who had previously worked in the KGB system, Yuri Andropov, was confident that SDI was not a bluff. As Andrei Aleksandrov-Agentov writes in his book about the times “From Kollontai to Gorbachev,” the program was designed to “disarm” the USSR. “And especially emphasize that Reagan is lying when he talks about the Soviet threat,” recalls Soviet international affairs specialist Vitaly Zhurkin in his book.

Realizing that it was necessary to confront the new program not head-on, Soviet specialists began to prepare an “asymmetric response” to SDI.

True, in the USSR there were also voices of scientists who believed that such a complex system would not work - this opinion was shared, for example, by an academician. The academic commission, created under Andropov, came to the conclusion that this system would not work effectively.

After Andropov's passing, certain steps towards stabilizing the situation were taken by his replacement, Konstantin, whose team proposed negotiations with the Americans on the demilitarization of outer space. The proposal was accepted - the American side understood that due to the still non-existent “star wars” it would be able to achieve greater concessions from the USSR.

In addition, Reagan, whose election race was in full swing, wanted to win over the votes of the Democrats who opposed the arms race. In January 1985, the USSR and the USA, at a meeting of the heads of foreign affairs departments and George Shultz, agreed to hold negotiations on the entire range of nuclear issues. However, Chernenko's death slowed down these plans.

Negotiations had to be continued by Gorbachev’s team, who also tried to convince him of the futility of SDI. Thus, Marshal Sergei Akhromeyev assured the Secretary General that Reagan was “bluffing.” But not only the potential danger of SDI, but also the more real threat of American missiles in Europe forced the USSR to negotiate with the United States, which led to the elimination of missiles under the INF Treaty, which today is the cornerstone of international security.

Now, a growing number of researchers believe that the SDI program, which cost billions of dollars, was a hoax, but, as noted in 2009, it helped “win the Cold War.” The parties stopped it, but after one of them disappeared, the other unilaterally declared itself the winner.

The famous SDI (Strategic Defense Initiative) program, as you know, was focused on the deployment of numerous anti-missile systems, very expensive and difficult to manufacture.

It is now known that “the game was worth the candle” and the money spent fully paid for itself - the Soviet Union could not withstand the next “arms race,” but the United States also spent a lot of money. So how much did the SDI program cost?

Americans have never been stupid people and any budget cut was carefully planned without total consequences for the state.

After R. Reagan announced the deployment of SDI, only a few months passed and at the beginning of 1984 the Army Strategic Defense Command (USASDC - U.S. Army Strategic Defense Command) was organized, whose specialists drew up a detailed plan for the phased deployment of systems, both ground and and space-based.

In particular, the program approved in 1987 included the following systems:

Boost Surveillance and Tracking System (BSTS) - improved surveillance and tracking systems,
Space-Based Interceptors (SBI) - space interceptors,
Space-Based Surveillance and Tracking System (SSTS) – space surveillance and tracking systems,
Ground-based Surveillance and Tracking System (GSTS) – ground-based surveillance and tracking systems,
Exoatmospheric Reentry Vehicle Interceptor System (ERIS) - extra-atmospheric interception systems,
Battle Management/Command, Control, and Communication (BM/C3) – combat command and communications.

The first phase (Phase I) of SOI involved the deployment of BSTS and some SBI components, which was a completely non-trivial task, given the huge coverage area. And the money flowed like a river...

In 1989, when the collapse of the USSR became inevitable, America was still discussing possible ways to “optimize” the missile defense program. Bush Sr., who replaced Reagan as president, continued the work of his predecessor and instructed the Department of Defense to develop a four-year plan for the further development of SDI.

At that time, the emphasis shifted to the space anti-missile program codenamed “Brilliant Pebbles” (until 1988 it was designated as “Smart Rocks”), according to which it was planned to deploy 4000 (!) satellites and orbital stations in orbit.

The cost of the first thousand satellites was estimated at $11 billion, which was a fairly optimistic estimate. However, “Brilliant Pebbles” turned out to be cheaper than the previous project, which cost $69.1 billion. Now they intended to spend 55.3 billion, which, however, was also a lot.

At this time, the United States entered into real euphoria, anticipating the imminent fall of the “Evil Empire.” The Americans did not intend to stop there; on the contrary, the priority of “Brilliant Pebbles” was so high that in 1990, Secretary of Security Dick Cheney declared it “program number one.”

Thus, despite the obvious victory, the budget continued to be absorbed at the same pace, and significant progress was still not expected. The main “developers” were the companies TRW-Hughes and Martin Marietta, who were entrusted with the implementation of the government order, but they failed to do anything other than prototypes and mock-ups after three years of “hard” work.

They never managed to fully “use” the allocated funds - in December 1991, the Soviet Union ceased to exist and the need for a powerful missile defense system disappeared. The new administration of President Clinton immediately cut budget allocations, and in 1993 it was announced that all work on SDI would be curtailed.

In total, $20.9 billion was spent on the SDI program between fiscal years 1985 and 1991, of which:

6.3 billion – sensory systems,
4.9 billion - directed energy weapons (DEW),
4.8 billion – kinetic-energy weapons,
2.7 billion – combat control and communications systems,
2.2 billion – other scientific research.

In addition, the Department of Energy received another $1.6 billion to conduct its own research work.

By today's standards, this seems like little, but we should not forget that the Cold War world of the last decade did not know economic crises, and the expansion of the United States was so great that there was no doubt about its future role as the “world policeman.” All this was not felt then, but it is felt now - as of the end of 2011, the US national debt exceeded $15 trillion. And the SDI program made a significant contribution to this.

So what is left for us from the entire Star Wars program? Perhaps the only SDI “splinter” worthy of mention was the Deep Space Program Science Experiment, conducted in 1994. The purpose of the experiment was to test the operation of new sensors and some components of a new type of spacecraft. A single probe, called Clementine, flew to the Moon and back from January 25 to May 7, until it was lost as a result of on-board equipment malfunction. This program cost another 80 million, which, compared to SDI, can be considered a drop in the ocean.

According to some military experts, a name that more accurately conveys the essence of the program would be “strategic initiative defense,” that is, defense that involves performing independent active actions, up to and including an attack.

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    ✪ COSMIC REVELATION About the secret space program with Corey Goode and David Wilcock

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    ✪ Phil Schneider about secret underground alien bases


    THE VIEWS AND OPINIONS OF INDIVIDUALS IN THE FOLLOWING BROADCAST DO NOT NECESSARILY COINCIDE WITH THE VIEWS AND VIEWS OF GAIAM TV, PARENTS AND SUBSIDIARIES COSMIC REVELATION About the Secret Space Program with Corey Goode and David Wilcock A MESSAGE TO HUMANITY We are interviewing a remarkable man . DAVID WILCOCK Corey Goode, 45, is a native of Texas. You still live in Texas. What did he do? He shared inside information about what is really going on behind the scenes of secret government and military programs, their development and the industrialization of our solar system. The story is remarkable, I have conducted dozens of interviews over many years with employees with access levels up to 35, which is higher than the President of the United States. I did not disclose 90% of this information to the public, because they could be killed for it, and I also did not want to disclose something that would prevent me from identifying the real insiders. With the advent of Corey, it turns out that he not only knows 90%. He also had other pieces of the mosaic that I was looking for. I knew that they were not telling me something. But the mosaic has come together. So Corey, welcome. - Thank you for coming. - Thank you too. As I understand it, you are now going to tell us something so unusual that it will be difficult for people to accept it, especially if they do not understand the subject of the conversation. Let's not try to console everyone in advance, let's take the bull by the horns. Can you quickly tell us about your connection to what the space program was for you? For me it started when I was 6. COREY GOOD I was then taken to what was called MILAB. MILAB Also called the MILAB Program. I have been identified as an intuitive empath. What does it mean? Intuitive means you intuitively feel what might happen. - Extrasensory ability? - Yes, prophetic. And empaths have a strong emotional connection with others. You feel what they feel, you connect on an emotional level. This was exactly the skill set required. I was trained, my skills grew. To such an extent... I was 12-13 years old. I was trained with other people involved in the program... We were the so-called IE support for the delegation of earthlings to the super federation. It was a federation of a large number of alien federations that were meeting to discuss a great experiment. What kind of experiment? What were the aliens doing? A group of 40 humanoids was almost always present, sometimes there were up to 60. There were 22 genetic programs in progress. What does it mean? What is the genetic program? A program mixing their genes and manipulating ours. Did this happen? Yes, it is happening now. That's what we're talking about here. The earthly delegation tried to get... It has been trying to participate in this for a long time. Finally, they managed to get a place. As intuitive empaths, sitting there, we didn't know what was going on. Because most of it took place in an ancient monotonous alien language that we did not understand. Much was communicated through telepathy. We just sat there, they gave us a device - a glass smart tablet, similar to an iPad, with access to the alien database. We were told to occupy our minds by looking at the materials. This has helped us with intuitive empaths' abilities to detect danger and betrayal. And what were you able to view on these tablets? There... Basically, they wanted to show us information about 22 genetic experiments that were in development. But we also had access to other information. Depending on the person... We had different interests. We looked at various information. I looked at a lot of things. Reminds me of remembering my school days. All the books you’ve read, all the information you’ve viewed, how much of that can you keep in your memory? You know, there was so much information. Were there unanswered questions where it was simply “I don’t know”? No. In general, you were simply given accessible information. You were looking at something that our group, the human delegation, was not aware of. But almost all the information was revealed to us. What did the screen look like? Looks like an iPad? No, more like a piece of plexiglass. Nothing remarkable. If it were dropped from a window, and you found it in the field and picked it up, you would not understand that it was something special. You need to take it in your hand and activate it mentally. Then it turns on on your tongue. You also enter the database using your mind, the device shows what you want. Text, images and video. The pictures and videos seemed to be holographic; they rose slightly from the screen. Well, not completely, but the holography is such that you might think so. Just three-dimensional depth, like holography. And at this moment you can also see your hand - under the glass? - No. - Does it get dark first? - Exactly. Yes, it becomes completely opaque or black or something before showing pictures and text. Were there buffers or firewalls? So that there is no access to some answers? Well, I already said that it was extremely rare that the screen turned blue. Well, so that there is no information. Basically, everything was available. The same devices were on the research vessel with access to our own databases. Is this advanced technology used in the space program? Yes. Large screens are used for conferences and demonstrations. Obviously, you came across a lot of different information. Was there anything there that seemed truly significant, shocking, even given what you already knew? I wonder what's there... The information was provided almost like... Let's go back to the college analogy. There were 22 competing courseworks. Each of the genetic programs was presented in this form. They competed with each other. They didn't keep up at all. Did this apply to humanoid aliens? - Yes. - Connections of their DNA with ours? - In that spirit? - Yes. And manipulation of our DNA. There is also a spiritual component. They are participating in an experiment. They don't just experiment on us. They themselves are participating in an extensive experiment. Did they have a goal? Why do they need this? What do they care? I do not know this. Maybe just because they can. In an attempt to create... Some kind of super being. But why try..? Mix the best genes, and then manipulate us and our civilization to prevent us from rising? How long do you think the program has been running? 22 different programs run for different times. But genetic manipulation of us has been going on for at least 250 thousand years. These programs vary in duration. From 5 thousand to... They are all different. It doesn't seem like our secret or elected government would like these programs. Can we stop this? Hardly. Just recently we managed to get a seat at the table to participate in the discussion. It turns out that these are hostile aliens? Neutral or friendly? It depends on how you look. It all comes down to... Point of view. It’s hard to say that this group is good and this one is evil. After all, they consider their experiments positive. On your website you mention a certain LOK. What is this? Lunar Operations Building. This establishment on the far side of the moon is something like a neutral diplomatic corps that is used by all participants in space programs. There... They have their own employees, but it's a transit station. People are constantly arriving there and departing for further... To the solar system and beyond, to other stations and bases, to home ships. Tell us about how you went from home to a research vessel in the solar system. Like a sightseeing tour. I was taken from my home in the middle of the night in the usual manner to Carswell Air Force Base. Carswell Air Force Base is now a Naval Air Station There is a secret room underneath the base. There is an elevator leading there. Many people know about the underground tram system under the United States. It is called the shuttle subway. Yes, it's a shuttle system. Single-rail cars run along a pipe. Something like a magnetic plane in a vacuum tube. I was transported from there to another place. From where I was transported to the LOK using Stargate technology - or "portal". - So. I ended up in LOK. And then they put me on a manta-shaped vessel. - In the form of a stingray? - Yes. Yes, it looked like a manta ray. And not just me. Then we were transported from the moon further into the solar system. Was there a hangar at the LOK? Yes, there are several of them. This one was big. - So. - And... What size was the manta-shaped vessel? Person for 600. - Large. - Yes. It delivered us to the address. How long were you at the LOK before landing on the manta ray? Not at all. I signed the papers there, even though I was too young to sign the papers. They explained to me that I was signing for 20 years. They called 20-and-back. Doesn't it look like a set from The Next Generation of Star Trek? - What kind of interior is there? - Mostly narrow corridors and ordinary doors. Not at all... No Star Trek doors closing like an elevator. Nothing advanced. If you take a video inside there, can you easily tell that this building is on the ground? - Yes. Exactly. - So. What kind of hangar was it? Was there anything unusual? This is something naval. - So. “It’s as if an airplane hangar was connected to a submarine hangar.” How long did it take you to fly on a manta ray? 30-40 minutes. So. And then what happened? I got to see the research vessel I was assigned to. And how long were you there? I was assigned to this ship for 6 years. You said the service life is 20 years? Yes. Why were you kept on a research vessel for 6 years? The skill set of an intuitive empath was needed in other programs, and for the remaining 20 years I was transferred between programs. Can you give an example of a program? For example, a program for intercepting and interrogating violators. What kind of violators? These are those who have entered the solar system or the earth's atmosphere without invitation or permission. And you could detain them and question them? This was done by the team participating in the program. I attended the interrogations as an intuitive empath. And tried to define betrayal? Somewhat. Sometimes. . When communicating with these creatures, it is called docking. Sometimes I had to connect, sometimes I just had to read them, read the emotions, see if they were telling the truth, like a lie detector. Consciousness works in almost the same way that we can consider aliens? More or less like people? Definitely. You left the program after 20 years of service. My tenure had ended, all that was left was the job to complete. On your website you mention 5 factions of the Secret Space Program. Could you identify these factions for us? Tell us a little about each, how they differ? Certainly. I'll start with the oldest - Solar Watcher. SOLAR WATCHER It all started in the seventies, eighties, during the Strategic Defense Initiative, STRATEGIC DEFENSE INITIATIVE, abbreviated as SDI, before and after the Reagan administration. DEFENSE PROTECTION Budget battles and star wars And then there is the ICC ICC (INTERPLANETARY CORPORATE CONGLOMERATE) Interplanetary corporate conglomerate. Corporations from all over the world have representatives on the supreme corporate council that manages the infrastructure of the Secret Space Program deployed in space. Extensive. There is also the Dark Fleet. DARK FLEET This is a top secret fleet operating primarily outside the solar system. There are also black operations BLACK OPERATIONS (MILITARY) secret military space operations, they are all in the same group. And then there is the group of the Global Galactic League of Nations. GLOBAL GALACTIC LEAGUE OF NATIONS This is something of a carrot offered to other nations to keep what's going on in space a secret. They were given the space program and information about the security threat in the form of invasion. That we need to get together and work together. I also visited one place that looked like the TV series “Stargate Atlantis”. There was a relaxed atmosphere there. People wear overalls with distinctive signs from different countries of the world. This group also works primarily outside the solar system. You often mentioned a certain “alliance”, please clarify to avoid confusion. There is an Earth Alliance. It has its own agenda. They are working on creating a new financial system, on liberation from the political clique and much more. And then there is the Space Alliance. It consists of what began as a faction of the Solar Warden and defectors from other secret space programs. These defectors left their programs with skills, with information, and joined the Secret Space Programs alliance. What series of events made you a whistleblower? What prompted you to expose? I was contacted by a group of aliens known as the bluebirds. - Feathered? You mean, birds? - Feathered. And what do they look like? 2.5 meters tall. Very similar to birds. Feathers of all colors from blue to indigo. Are you saying that these are birds with wings? Without wings. Sketch of Android Jones according to Corey They have a human torso, arms, hands, - feet. - Humanoids? Bird's head on a human body? Yes, but without the long beak, like in many images on the Internet. They have a soft, flexible beak. And they... When talking, they use sign language with one hand. They also move their mouths and communicate via telepathy. Who are these blue birds? Where did they come from? - What's on their mind? “The bluebirds told me that they and the other beings they work with come from densities six through nine. - And this... - What kind of density? Everything around us is made of substances and energy. Thoughts are made of vibrations. They are from a different vibration or frequency. Like another plane? - Yes. - Is she somewhere out there, in the galaxy, in the universe or around us? It's not on a planet far, far away, closer to the center of the universe, nothing like that. It's all around us. Very close and at the same time far. So what's on their mind? Why are they here? They've been here for a long time. They are watching. But... We are moving towards a high-energy part of the galaxy that will change the density of the solar system and the local star cluster. Is that what they told you? Or was there evidence of this in the program? There is tangible evidence of this. They have been studied for a long time. But they told me the same thing. If we find ourselves in a different density, what will happen to humanity according to the blue birds? What we... There will be a transformation. We will change mainly at the level of consciousness. How is that? Extrasensory and telepathic abilities? Well, there are many theories. They didn't tell me that we could do this or that. I've heard many different theories. I don't know if this will happen to everyone at the same time, or if more spiritually developed people will notice the signs earlier. I don't have all the answers. I'm not a guru. I can't answer all the questions. Are blue birds good-oriented? Do they have ulterior motives? Can we trust them? They are definitely positive. As far as I know, beings above sixth density do not have the ulterior motives we ascribe to them. Third and fourth density beings are different, we always have motives. Get money. Manipulate people so that they do or think as we want. You cannot project this onto high-density beings; you cannot say that they will behave and think the same way. Their enormous spheres help defuse the gigantic waves of energy entering the solar system. They discharge energy so that we don’t get too much at once, they give us time to prepare. If it weren't for the spheres, what would happen? Many would go crazy, chaos would reign. You are talking about spheres, what are they? People don't see spheres through a telescope. No. They are also of a different density. Many people think that these are spaceships. I'm pretty sure after my travels in these areas that they are at the macro level. And spherical creatures are also giant spheres. What are these spherical creatures? One of the five creatures of the Spherical Alliance. They are of high densities. From... From five types of creatures. Have you personally met blue birds? Yes. I was nominated as a delegate to participate in the communication of this group with the secret space program alliance council. And to begin to speak on their behalf with the old council of the super federation, where I sat in my teens as an intuitive empath. I tried to talk my way out of the nomination. I can't speak in public. The voice is weak. He made many excuses not to be a delegate. I made excuses when they brought me to one of the huge spheres in outer space. I met a blue bird named Ro-T-Air. While I was trying to talk myself out of nomination, he came up to me, put his hand on my forearm and telepathically conveyed to me that I needed to throw away everything negative, stop thinking about the bad. I felt the softness of his hand on my skin. He only physically touched me once. And then he told me that only the message to humanity is important. What message? Message to humanity... All religious groups. We need to love more. We need to forgive ourselves, forgive others, thereby stopping the wheel of karma. We need to focus on serving others. Daily. We need to focus on raising vibrations and consciousness. Many aggressively comment on the articles, saying that the elite wants to mix us into one world religion. How can we understand that this is not just another mental operation to force us to march in line to someone’s new tune? They said, and I posted it on my website, that there is no need to change my faith. You can use... These provisions exist in major religions. There's nothing new here. Here... There's not much time. And this must be done. It's time to focus. Christians, Muslims, Buddhists can remain themselves. Let the faith remain. Are they trying to appear as new gods? Not at all. They managed to get it into my head that this should not become a cult or a religion. I don't know the story exactly, but they've already tried three times. And every time the message was distorted, people used it for control. They turned it into a cult and religion. It is clear that we have just begun. The information is fascinating. I would like to add on my own that this confirms what I have been studying for many years. I did everything I could to find a scientific basis. There's a lot to talk about. We've only just begun. I'm glad you agreed to participate. Courage does you credit. You have two children. You turned down a high-paying job. So, revelations are not a trifle for you. I appreciate it very much. Thank you. - Thank you too. - So. Freemasonry Judaism Brahmanism Islam Confucianism Buddhism Christianity Taoism Mayan Bahai faith COSMIC REVELATION About the secret space program with Corey Goode and David Wilcock


The main elements of such a system were to be based in space. To hit a large number of targets (several thousand) within a few minutes, the missile defense system under the SDI program provided for the use of active weapons based on new physical principles, including beam, electromagnetic, kinetic, microwave, as well as a new generation of traditional surface-to-air missile weapons -space", "air-space".

The problems of launching missile defense elements into reference orbits, recognizing targets in conditions of interference, divergence of beam energy over long distances, aiming at high-speed maneuvering targets, and many others are very complex. Global macrosystems such as missile defense, which have a complex autonomous architecture and a variety of functional connections, are characterized by instability and the ability to self-excite from internal faults and external disturbing factors. In this case, the possible unauthorized activation of individual elements of the space echelon of the missile defense system (for example, putting it on high alert) could be regarded by the other side as preparation for a strike and could provoke it into preemptive actions.

Work under the SDI program is fundamentally different from the outstanding developments of the past - such as, for example, the creation of the atomic bomb (the Manhattan Project) or landing a man on the Moon (the Apollo project). When solving them, the authors of the projects overcame fairly predictable problems caused only by the laws of nature. When solving problems with a promising missile defense system, the authors will also be forced to fight an intelligent adversary capable of developing unpredictable and effective countermeasures.

The creation of a missile defense system with space-based elements, in addition to solving a number of complex and extremely expensive scientific and technical problems, is associated with overcoming a new socio-psychological factor - the presence of powerful, all-seeing weapons in space. It was the combination of these reasons (mainly the practical impossibility of creating SDI) that led to the refusal to continue work on creating SDI in accordance with its original plan. At the same time, with the coming to power of the Republican administration of George W. Bush (junior) in the United States, this work was resumed as part of the creation of a missile defense system.

SOI Components

Detection and targeting

Defeat and destruction


Anti-missiles were the most “classical” solution within the framework of SDI and seemed to be the main component of the last echelon of interception. Due to the insufficient reaction time of anti-missiles, it is difficult to use them to intercept warheads in the main part of the trajectory (since the anti-missile requires considerable time to overcome the distance separating it from the target), but the deployment and maintenance of anti-missiles was relatively cheap. It was believed that anti-missile defenses would play the role of the last echelon of SDI, finishing off those individual warheads that could overcome space-based missile defense systems.

At the very beginning of the development of the SDI program, it was decided to abandon the “traditional” nuclear warheads for anti-missile missiles. High-altitude nuclear explosions made it difficult for radars to operate, and thus, the downing of one warhead made it difficult to defeat the others - at the same time, the development of guidance systems made it possible to achieve a direct hit by an anti-missile missile on a warhead and destroy the warhead with the energy of a counter-kinetic impact.

In the late 1970s, Lockheed developed the HOE (Homing Overlay Experiment) project - the first project of a kinetic interception system. Since a perfectly accurate kinetic hit at that level of electronics development was still somewhat of a problem, the creators of the HOE tried to expand the area of ​​destruction. The HOE striking element was a folding structure, reminiscent of an umbrella frame, which, when leaving the atmosphere, unfolded and moved apart due to the rotation and centrifugal action of weights attached to the ends of the “spokes.” Thus, the affected area increased to several meters: it was assumed that the collision energy of the warhead with the payload at a total closing speed of about 12-15 km/s would completely destroy the warhead.

Four tests of the system were undertaken in 1983-1984. The first three were unsuccessful due to failures in the guidance system, and only the fourth, undertaken on June 10, 1984, was successful when the system intercepted a Minuteman ICBM training unit at an altitude of about 160 km. Although the HOE concept itself was not further developed, it laid the foundations for future kinetic interception systems.

In 1985, the development of the ERIS missile defense system was initiated. Exoatmospheric Reentry Interceptor Subsystem - Subsystem for the exoatmospheric interception of warheads entering (the atmosphere)) and HEDI (eng. High Endoatmospheric Defense Interceptor - High Altitude Atmospheric Protective Interceptor).

The ERIS missile was developed by Lockheed and was intended to intercept warheads in outer space at approach speeds of up to 13.4 km/s. The missile samples were made on the basis of the stages of solid-fuel Minuteman ICBMs, targeting was carried out using an infrared sensor, and the striking element was an inflatable octagonal structure, at the corners of which weights were placed: such a system provided the same damage area as the HOE “umbrella” with much less weight. In 1991, the system carried out two successful interceptions of a training target (ICBM warhead) surrounded by inflatable simulators. Although the program was officially closed in 1995, ERIS's developments were used in subsequent American systems like THAAD and Ground-Based Midcourse Defense.

HEDI, developed by McDonnel Douglas, was a small short-range interceptor missile developed from the Sprint missile interceptor. Its flight tests began in 1991. A total of three flights were completed, two of which were successful, before the program was canceled.

Nuclear-pumped lasers

In the initial period, X-ray laser systems pumped by nuclear explosions were seen as a promising basis for the SDI system. Such installations were based on the use of special rods located on the surface of a nuclear charge, which, after detonation, would turn into ionized plasma but would retain (the first milliseconds) the previous configuration, and, cooling in the first fractions of a second after the explosion, would emit a narrow beam of hard material along its axis. X-ray radiation.

To circumvent the treaty on the non-placement of nuclear weapons in outer space, missiles with atomic lasers had to be based on converted old submarines (in the 1980s, due to the decommissioning of the Polaris SLBM, 41 SSBNs were withdrawn from the fleet, which were supposed to be used for the deployment of missile defense ) and launched outside the atmosphere in the first seconds of the attack. Initially, it was assumed that the charge - codenamed "Excalibur" - would have many independent rods that would autonomously aim at different targets, and thus be able to hit multiple warheads with a single strike. Later solutions involved concentrating multiple rods on a single target to produce a powerful, focused beam of radiation.

Mine tests of prototypes in the 1980s yielded generally positive results, but raised a number of unforeseen problems that could not be quickly resolved. As a result, the deployment of atomic lasers as the main component of SDI had to be abandoned, transferring the program to the research category.

Chemical lasers

According to one proposal, the space component of SDI was to consist of a system of orbital stations armed with chemically pumped lasers. Various design solutions have been proposed, with laser systems ranging from 5 to 20 megawatts. Deployed in orbit, such “battle stars” (English battlestar) were supposed to hit missiles and breeding units in the early stages of flight, immediately after leaving the atmosphere.

Unlike the warheads themselves, the thin casings of ballistic missiles are highly vulnerable to laser radiation. The high-precision inertial navigation equipment of autonomous breeding units is also extremely vulnerable to laser attacks. It was assumed that each laser combat station would be able to produce up to 1000 laser series, and the stations located at the time of the attack closer to enemy territory were supposed to attack taking off ballistic missiles and breeding units, and those located further away - separated warheads.

Experiments with MIRACL laser Mid-Infrared Advanced Chemical Laser - improved infrared chemical laser) demonstrated the feasibility of creating a deuterium fluoride laser capable of achieving megawatt output power within 70 seconds. In 1985, during bench tests, an improved version of the laser with an output power of 2.2 megawatts destroyed a liquid-propellant ballistic missile fixed 1 kilometer from the laser. As a result of 12-second irradiation, the walls of the rocket body lost strength and were destroyed by internal pressure. In a vacuum, similar results could be achieved at a much greater distance and with less irradiation time (due to the absence of beam scattering by the atmosphere and the absence of external pressure on the rocket tanks).

The development program for laser combat stations continued until the closure of the SDI program.

Orbital mirrors and ground-based lasers

In the 1980s, within the framework of SDI, the idea of ​​a partial-space laser system was considered, which would include a powerful laser complex located on Earth and a redirecting orbital mirror (or rather, a system of mirrors) that directs the reflected beam at the warheads. The location of the main laser complex on the ground made it possible to solve a number of problems with energy supply, heat removal and system protection (although at the same time it led to inevitable losses of beam power when passing through the atmosphere).

It was assumed that a complex of laser installations located on the tops of the highest mountains in the United States would be activated at the critical moment of the attack and send beams into space. Concentrating mirrors located in geostationary orbits would collect and focus the beams scattered by the atmosphere, and redirect them to more compact, low-orbit redirecting mirrors - which would aim the doubly reflected beams at the warheads.

The advantages of the system were simplicity (in principle) of construction and deployment, as well as low vulnerability to enemy attacks - concentrating mirrors made of thin film were relatively easy to replace. In addition, the system could potentially be used against taking off ICBMs and breeding units - much more vulnerable than the warheads themselves - at the initial stage of the trajectory. The big drawback was the enormous required power of ground-based lasers due to energy losses during passage of the atmosphere and re-reflection of the beam. According to calculations, to power a laser system capable of reliably destroying several thousand ICBMs or their warheads, almost 1000 gigawatts of electricity were required, the redistribution of which in just a few seconds in the event of war would require a gigantic overload of the US energy system.

Neutral particle emitters

Considerable attention within the framework of SDI was paid to the possibility of creating the so-called. “beam” weapons that hit a target with a stream of particles accelerated to sublight speeds. Due to the significant mass of particles, the damaging effect of such a weapon would be significantly higher than that of lasers of similar energy consumption; however, the downside was problems with focusing the particle beam.

As part of the SDI program, it was planned to create heavy orbital automatic stations armed with neutral particle emitters. The main emphasis was placed on the radiation effects of high-energy particles when they are decelerated in the material of enemy warheads; such irradiation should have damaged the electronics inside the warheads. Destroying the warheads themselves was considered possible, but would require prolonged exposure to radiation and high power. Such a weapon would be effective at distances of up to tens of thousands of kilometers. Several experiments have been carried out with the launch of prototype emitters on suborbital rockets.

It was assumed that neutral particle emitters could be used within SDI as follows:

  • Discrimination of false targets - even low-power beams of neutral particles hitting a target would cause emissions of electromagnetic radiation, depending on the material and structure of the target. Thus, even at minimal power, neutral particle emitters could be used to identify real warheads against a background of decoys.
  • Damage to electronics - when neutral particles are inhibited in the target material, they would provoke powerful ionizing radiation capable of destroying electronic circuits or living matter. Thus, irradiation with streams of neutral particles could destroy target microcircuits and hit crews without physically destroying the target.
  • Physical destruction - with sufficient power and density of a beam of neutral particles, its inhibition in the target material would lead to a powerful release of heat and physical destruction of the target structure. In this case - since heat would be released as particles travel through the target material - thin screens would be completely ineffective against such weapons. Given the high precision inherent in such weapons, it was possible to quickly disable an enemy spacecraft by destroying its key components (propulsion systems, fuel tanks, sensor and weapon systems, control cabin).

The development of neutral particle emitters was considered a promising direction, however, due to the significant complexity of such installations and enormous energy consumption, their deployment within the framework of SDI was expected no earlier than 2025.

Atomic buckshot

As a side branch of the nuclear-pumped laser program, the SDI program considered the possibility of using the energy of a nuclear explosion to accelerate material projectiles (buckshot) to ultra-high speeds. The Prometheus program involved using the energy of the plasma front generated by the detonation of kiloton-power nuclear charges to accelerate tungsten buckshots. It was assumed that when the charge detonated, a specially shaped tungsten plate placed on its surface would collapse into millions of tiny pellets moving in the desired direction at speeds of up to 100 km/s. Since it was believed that the impact energy would not be enough to effectively destroy the warhead, the system was supposed to be used for the effective selection of false targets (since the “shot” of an atomic shotgun covered a significant volume of Space), the dynamics of which should have changed significantly from a collision with buckshot.


Electromagnetic rail accelerators, capable of accelerating (due to the Lorentz force) a conducting projectile to a speed of several kilometers per second, were also considered as an effective means of destroying warheads. On oncoming trajectories, a collision with even a relatively light projectile could lead to the complete destruction of the warhead. In terms of space-based use, railguns were significantly more advantageous than the powder or light gas guns considered in parallel with them, since they did not require a propellant.

During the experiments under the CHECMATE (Compact High Energy Capacitor Module Advanced Technology Experiment) program, significant progress was made in the field of railguns, but at the same time it became clear that these weapons are not very suitable for space deployment. A significant problem was the large energy consumption and heat generation, the removal of which in Space necessitated the need for large-area radiators. As a result, the railgun program under SDI was canceled, but gave impetus to the development of railguns as weapons for use on Earth.

Year long-term program of research and development work. The main goal of SDI was to create a scientific and technical basis for the development of a large-scale missile defense (BMD) system with space-based elements, excluding or limiting the possible destruction of ground and sea targets from space. The program looked so incredible in its goals and methods of achieving them that the media (at the instigation of Senator Edward Moore Kennedy) dubbed it the “Star Wars” program, after the name of the famous science-fiction film project “Star Wars” directed by George Lucas.

Its ultimate goals are to gain dominance in space, to create a US anti-missile “shield” to reliably cover the entire territory of North America through the deployment of several echelons of strike space weapons capable of intercepting and destroying ballistic missiles and their warheads in all areas of flight.

According to some military experts, a name that more accurately conveys the essence of the program would be “strategic initiative defense,” that is, defense that involves performing independent active actions, up to and including an attack.


The main elements of such a system were to be based in space. To hit a large number of targets (several thousand) within a few minutes, the missile defense system under the SDI program provided for the use of active weapons based on new physical principles, including beam, electromagnetic, kinetic, microwave, as well as a new generation of traditional surface-to-air missile weapons -space", "air-space".

The problems of launching missile defense elements into reference orbits, recognizing targets in conditions of interference, convergence of beam energy over long distances, targeting high-speed maneuvering targets, and many others are very complex. Global macrosystems such as missile defense, which have a complex autonomous architecture and a variety of functional connections, are characterized by instability and the ability to self-excite from internal faults and external disturbing factors. In this case, the possible unauthorized activation of individual elements of the space echelon of the missile defense system (for example, putting it on high alert) could be regarded by the other side as preparation for a strike and could provoke it into preemptive actions.

Work under the SDI program is fundamentally different from the outstanding developments of the past - such as, for example, the creation of the atomic bomb (the Manhattan Project) or landing a man on the moon (the Apollo project). When solving them, the authors of the projects overcame fairly predictable problems caused only by the laws of nature. When solving problems with a promising missile defense system, the authors will also be forced to fight an intelligent adversary capable of developing unpredictable and effective countermeasures.

An analysis of the capabilities of SDI shows that such a missile defense system does not fully solve the problem of protecting US territory from ballistic missiles and is strategically inappropriate and economically wasteful. In addition, the very deployment of missile defense under the SDI program is undoubtedly capable of initiating a strategic offensive arms race by Russia/USSR and other nuclear states. In particular, the SDI project caused serious concern among the leadership of the USSR in 1983-86.

The creation of a missile defense system with space-based elements, in addition to solving a number of complex and extremely expensive scientific and technical problems, is associated with overcoming a new socio-psychological factor - the presence of powerful, all-seeing weapons in space. It was the combination of these reasons (mainly the practical impossibility of creating SDI) that led to the refusal to continue work on creating SDI in accordance with its original plan. At the same time, with the Republican administration of George W. Bush coming to power in the United States, this work was resumed as part of the creation of a missile defense system - see US Missile Defense.

see also


  • Tarasov E. V. et al., “US Strategic Defense Initiative. Concepts and problems" M.: VINITI, 1986. - 109 p.
  • Zegveld V. Strategic Defense Initiative: Technological Breakthrough or Economic Adventure? : Per. from English / W. Zegveld, K. Enzing; General ed. and after. I. I. Isachenko. - M.: Progress, 1989. - 302, p. ISBN 5-01-001820-9
  • Kireev A.P. Who will pay for Star Wars? : Econ. aspects of the imperialist. plans for the militarization of space / A. P. Kireev. - M.: International. relations, 1989. - 261, p. ISBN 5-7133-0014-5
  • Kokoshin A. A. SOI. 5 years are behind us. What's next? : [Translation] / Andrey Kokoshin, Alexey Arbatov, Alexey Vasiliev. - M.: Publishing house of the Novosti Press Agency, 1988. - 78, p.
  • Kotlyarov I. I.“Star World” versus “Star Wars”: (Political and legal problems) / I. I. Kotlyarov. - M.: International. relations, 1988. - 221, p. ISBN 5-7133-0031-5


  • Shmygin A. I. SOI through the eyes of a Russian colonel (also review by RAS Academician V.S. Burtsev)


  • War economy
  • US military history
  • Military-industrial complex
  • US foreign policy
  • Ronald Reagan
  • US nuclear missile weapons
  • Space weapons

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what the “Strategic Defense Initiative” is in other dictionaries:

    - (SOI) a long-term program to create a missile defense system (BMD) with space-based elements, which also makes it possible to hit ground targets from space. Proclaimed by US President R. Reagan in March 1983. See Treaty on ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (Strategic Defense Initiative) See: Cold War. Policy. Dictionary. M.: INFRA M, Ves Mir Publishing House. D. Underhill, S. Barrett, P. Burnell, P. Burnham, etc. General editor: Doctor of Economics. Osadchaya I.M.. 2001 ... Political science. Dictionary.

    - (SOI), a long-term program to create a missile defense system (BMD) with space-based elements, which also makes it possible to hit ground targets from space. Proclaimed by US President R. Reagan in March 1983. See Treaty on ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

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