freezer 08-10-2006 22:32

Here is the Kizlyar kite, there are thoughts on its acquisition on the nearest blade! I like the knife purely outwardly, I read that Kizlyar is often scolded, what is your opinion specifically on the "bird" series of Kizlyar =)

DenisP 08-10-2006 23:07

I have in stock. I took it purely for looks. At first I had to sharpen for a long time, because. factory sharpening was 60 degrees, no less. If it had a guard on it, it would be great. The handle felt heavy. And so nothing, a normal knife.
If you like it, take it.

freezer 10-10-2006 01:23

Will there be any other opinions?

asi 10-10-2006 02:20

I think that it is worth taking not from 65x13.
Well, before buying, turn it in your hands.

Bonart 10-10-2006 18:49

several times "tried on" to Kizlyar knives with this very "stiffening rib". I understood all its uselessness, because it cuts badly and cuts so-so, and I don’t need to use a knife as a montage. IMHO, "sterkh" is better.

RoUrkE 11-10-2006 05:07

Damn, why is this rib bothering you? I agree, it would be better not to have it, then the knife should be cheaper, heavier and stronger. But for better or worse, he will not cut from this.
2 Freezer: if you have to rest your palm on the end of the handle, the metal will hurt to press.
From the similar ones, I recommend to feel the "Fox" in the elastron - a cross between the "Kite" and the "Sterkh"

freezer 11-10-2006 09:20

Ok ... let's whisper. It is necessary to dig diligently in search of what kind of steel this is 65x13

Bonart 11-10-2006 11:40

Damn, why is this rib bothering you?

Tyson 11-10-2006 18:41

I have such a knife.
On the plus side, it has an impressive appearance, can be used as a crowbar without fear of breaking, a grippy handle made of elastron, steel 65X13 - dulls quickly enough, but also sharpens quickly. For a working camping knife, IMHO, it is better than X12MF, because. not so fragile and not a pity to use.
Of the minuses, the inconvenience of the cut, as Bonart said.

For others to understand what I'm talking about:

RoUrkE 12-10-2006 03:05

quote: Originally posted by Bonart:

for the sake of interest, try with a knife with this same rib to cut a piece of frozen meat or even a liver (it is softer), split a thin chock or bar along the length - everything will immediately become clear.

Cut, prick. True, I have an Alligator - it will be heavier. Yes, and the pk is re-sharpened at 30 degrees - maybe because of this it is easier.

freezer 12-10-2006 03:15

"if you have to rest your palm on the end of the handle, the metal will hurt to press"
Is it possible for those who are on an armored personnel carrier =) is the rib where the knife handle ends, and is the shank not completely filled with rubber there?

RoUrkE 12-10-2006 03:55

Yeah. Even in the photo, the edges are sharp. You can, of course, round them off on emery yourself ... However, on Sterkh, I generally whittled down this “heel” to rubber.

Bonart 12-10-2006 11:09

quote: Originally posted by Freezer:
Is it possible for those who are on an armored personnel carrier =) is the rib where the knife handle ends, and is the shank not completely filled with rubber there?

"rib" - this is which protrudes along the blade.

Tyson 12-10-2006 19:18

quote: Originally posted by RoUrkE:
Yeah. Even in the photo, the edges are sharp. You can, of course, round them off on emery yourself ... However, on Sterkh, I generally whittled down this “heel” to rubber.

Sharp edges of what? The handle is FULLY molded in elastron.
Here is a description of the knife (though custom):

Fet 12-10-2006 21:22

There, from the rear end of the handle, a metal plate sticks out a couple of mm.

Fet 12-10-2006 21:57

Yes, I readily believe, it's just not often needed in everyday life. I left it on my Sterkh, let it be. There are many who like to rest the end of the pen in the palm of their hand when pricking (for example, piercing something) - this is how it interferes with them.

NAVAJO 12-10-2006 22:15

I have Condor-2, the sheath is plastic, I'm completely satisfied, the handle is grippy, and the design is without any bells and whistles.

Tyson 12-10-2006 22:47

quote: Originally posted by Fet:
There, from the rear end of the handle, a metal plate sticks out a couple of mm.

If I'm not mistaken, this is on the old model, but I have it as in the photo - completely elastron

freezer 13-10-2006 11:48

Thanks everyone for the clarification.....

AlexChief 15-10-2006 05:02

Yeah, that's right, I filled a corn on the first day - be healthy!
I have a custom one, from x12MF. It cost 2000 rubles with both types of scabbards. I took it as a test one - what is it like to roam through the swampy forests with a knife on your hip? I dragged almost without shooting for two weeks hunting, well, just like that. From crash tests there was the following: twice felled trees with a diameter of 7-10 centimeters, caught ducks from a rivulet (with an ax, anyway, it’s more convenient; but where can I get it). I had to divide the beaver, it was a sin, so the canopy of the ribs from the ridge cuts down with one movement. I knocked my head off my shoulders with three blows (and there the thickness of the spine is 3-4 centimeters, I was just dumbfounded at how easy it was). He chopped all kinds of chicken-duck-grouse legs-wings-heads with two fingers, practically without applying any effort, flew off under the knife's own weight. In general, I used it as an ax all the way. And for this, I recommend doing two things at once: sawing off these edges on sandpaper - they interfere with real life. And hang a lanyard from the thickest rope that will fit through the hole. I myself intend to fit a Kevlar rope lanyard, sold in sailing stores, because mine showed signs of wear in such a short time.
As a summary, I can say that the knife did not disappoint me. For such money, it fulfilled its function perfectly: I am thinking about purchasing something heavier and more expensive (maybe Camilus is some kind of thread ...).
And one more thing: I didn’t try to cut anything with them :-). There is a strong feeling that this is not what it was invented for (I have a customized ceramic-metal belt for these "fine works").

State Design Bureau "Yuzhnoye" them. M.K. Yangelya (Ukraine) is ready to carry out the development of a new CR and tactical BR according to the requirements of potential customers. Previously, this design bureau was traditionally engaged only in the development of ICBMs and space launch vehicles. The State Foreign Trade Enterprise Ukrspetsexport and the National Space Agency of Ukraine are already offering new rockets to potential customers. The cruise missile, which received the name "Korshun", is designed for air, ground and ship-based. Designed to destroy stationary targets on land and sea targets ...

In terms of dimensions, weight and general configuration, the KR has some similarities with the Kh-55 design bureau and the non-nuclear Kh-555. However, officials at the Raduga ICD have reported that they are not participating in this Ukrainian project.

Ukraine was previously involved in the X-55 program as part of the USSR. The Kh-55 missile itself was developed at the Raduga Design Bureau. The first batches of missiles were built at the Dubna Machine-Building Plant (DMZ), but mass production was launched at the Kharkov Aviation Plant (now - KSAMC) and went on from 1980 to 1987. Perhaps in connection with this, Ukraine has documentation for the X-55.

It is expected that the Korshun will be equipped with a combined control system that will combine inertial and GPS / GLONASS navigation. The anti-ship version of the missile will have a seeker for final guidance.

Stealth technology will be used to reduce radar visibility.

Flight on the cruising section will be provided by a turbojet engine installed in the rear fuselage (not retractable). The "Soyuz" R95-300, which is produced by the Ukrainian company "Motor Sich" (for the Kh-55SM), can be used as a turbojet engine. The land and sea version of the rocket must have a starting TT engine.

The warheads used can be of various types: high-explosive fragmentation, penetrating and cluster warheads. The launch is possible from a container with ship and ground launchers or from an aircraft suspension.

Characteristics of KR "Kite":

. length: 6.07 m,
. diameter: 0.5 m,
. wingspan: 3.1 m,
. weight with transport device and container - 1650 kg,
. rocket weight (with booster) - 1290 kg,
. rocket weight (without booster) - 1090 kg,
. warhead weight - 480 kg,
. range of application - 50 ... 280 km,
. flight altitude - 50…5,000 m,
. flight speed, m - 0.8-0.9

A source -

The Ukrainian army will immediately receive several new models of powerful weapons - the Alder missile system and. This was reported in the National Security and Defense Council in early February.

Military experts believe that the Armed Forces of Ukraine may receive other weapons from their own military-industrial complex. figured out what powerful military weapons Ukraine is working on.

Cruise missiles Neptune

On January 30, the National Security and Defense Council announced the testing of the first fully Ukrainian-made cruise missile. The name of the rocket was not disclosed, but military experts concluded that it was Neptune.

The missiles were discussed not only by the Ukrainian and Russian media, but also by Western ones. According to the Czech newspaper Echo24, there were different comments: in some, the authors warned that the new weapon could threaten even Moscow, while in others they laughed, calling the missile just a demonstration model for the media.

Neptune is similar to the Soviet Kh-35 rocket, also known as 3M24 Uran, but with significant modifications.

The range of the missile is 280 kilometers. Three modifications are planned: ship-based, land-based and air-based. Neptune will be placed in transport launch containers. The length of the booster rocket is five meters.

The new Ukrainian missile is designed to destroy warships and transport ships in strike groups.

Military expert Sergei Zgurets says it is comparable to American, Chinese and Soviet missiles with a range of up to 300 kilometers.

He clarified that this is a subsonic missile, its flight pattern is standard for a cruise model.

"On the marching section, the flight altitude is 10-30 m, on the final section 4-5 m. The warhead is high-explosive fragmentation. Due to the equipment with various types of homing heads, it can hit various types of targets. Both with known coordinates and used as anti-radar rocket," explains Zgurets.

Later, an expert in an interview said that, like any cruise missile, Neptune is equipped with a main engine running on aviation kerosene.

“If the fuel tank is doubled or tripled, the flight range will increase to a thousand kilometers or more. That is, the issue here is the scale of the project,” Zgurets said.

It is assumed that Neptune will be in service with the coastal troops. The missiles will be used to control the Black Sea.

It is still unknown when exactly the missiles will go into service, because Neptune must go through all the stages of state tests.

Alder missile system

A few days after the demonstration of Neptune, Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council Oleksandr Turchynov announced tests of the Olkha missile system, also of Ukrainian design.

Alder is a multiple launch rocket system with a corrected missile flight based on the Soviet Smerch MLRS, the accuracy of which is rather low.

The range of Alder is 120 kilometers, which is 30 kilometers more than that of Smerch. The launcher contains 12 300-mm missiles, each of which can be aimed at a separate target, and the flight will be controlled. Also, missiles can carry various warheads.

Experts say that the missiles will be controlled by impulse engines.

Turchynov says that there is already a huge demand for Ukrainian Alder abroad. However, he noted that first it is necessary to provide the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The National Security and Defense Council reported that the mass production of the missile system should begin in 2018.

Developer: Luch Design Bureau

Rocket complex Grom-2

Not so long ago, footage of a test of the Grom-2 operational-tactical missile system, a mobile complex with missiles capable of hitting ground targets at a distance of up to 280 kilometers, appeared on the network.

The warhead is high-explosive fragmentation or penetrating high-explosive fragmentation - for well-armored objects.

Grom-2 is equipped with less guided ballistic missiles. However, on the site of the developer KB Yuzhnoye it is said that this is a high-precision weapon.

Military experts say Grom-2 is a continuation of the previously suspended Sapsan project being developed for Saudi Arabia, which has invested $40 million in the project.

Last year, a presentation of a prototype launcher for two missiles with a range of up to 300 kilometers and a warhead weighing 480 kilograms took place, and these parameters are identical to the Russian Iskander-E.

Since the missiles were built for export, the range is limited by the export Missile Technology Control Regime, which sets a limit. However, experts say that the complex has a large distance.

Probably, the complex will fall into service with the Ukrainian army under the name Sapsan.

Developer: Yuzhnoye Design Bureau

Cruise missile Korshun-2

The Kite cruise missile, as noted by Echo24, is much more dangerous than Neptune. According to official statements, the flight range reaches 280 kilometers.

"But its appearance and size suggest that this missile can be classified in the same category as the American Tomahawk and Russian Caliber, whose range is about two and a half thousand kilometers. Thus, Kyiv can get a system capable of striking a strategic behind enemy lines," the newspaper notes.

Model of the rocket Korshun-2 / KB Yuzhnoye

That is, Korshun-2 can receive the status of a strategic weapon. While Korshun is at the development stage, the very existence of this project raises concerns, the military expert of the publication notes.

The missile is planned to be placed on a self-propelled launcher, however, at arms exhibitions it was indicated that the missile could be based both on ships and on aircraft.

The Yuzhnoye Design Bureau website said that the Korshun-2 should be put into service with the Ukrainian army.

Developer: KB Yuzhnoye

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Back in 2006, the government remembered that everything needed to create missiles was located on the territory of Dnepropetrovsk. As you know, during the collapse of the USSR, Ukraine abandoned its nuclear potential. But in connection with the unfolding events, at the moment there are more and more rumors that the country is once again ready to develop missiles and other land-based weapons. Thus, it is worth paying attention to the actions of the state in recent years in order to determine what kind of modern Ukrainian missile weapons can be produced on the territory of this country.

The history of the resumption of the creation of rockets

In 2009, a column appeared in the country's budget on the allocation of funds for the creation of a combat missile, which will be called the Sapsan. The case cost just under $7 million. The project is the creation of a multifunctional operational-tactical complex to increase the country's ability to fend for itself. The main part of the funds was sent to the Yuzhnoye design bureau, which is located in Dnepropetrovsk. In the same year, the bureau was able to defend and convey to the government about the benefits of its development.

At that time, the Ministry of Defense fully supported the project and considered it necessary to create it. Another reason for resuming the production of missiles was the fact that by 2015-2016, that is, by now, the weapons that were in Ukraine will become unusable and will be subject to decommissioning. Therefore, when Viktor Yanukovych took office, he supported in 2011 the continuation of the production of the Sapsan complex. And in 2012, the project was suspended due to funding. But despite such interruptions in funding, the design bureau continues to create types of which are very diverse.

"Sapsan" now

The director of the Bureau tried to support the development, but still he did not succeed. First, the project lost its priority of importance, and then it was completely brought to naught. At the moment, the only prospect that awaits Ukraine regarding this complex is 2018. That is how much time the bureau needs to fully complete the project and provide the missile system for testing. At first it was assumed that the range of the missiles would be 280 kilometers with an accuracy of a couple of meters, but now Yuzhnoye is proposing to increase the range to 500 kilometers.

Rocket "Scud"

Back in 2010, it was announced that Scud liquid-fuel missiles were completely destroyed as a missile weapon of Ukraine. They were created during the Second World War. By the way, this model is considered one of the most common around the world. Recently it turned out that there are still some copies of this weapon on the territory of the country, and are actively used in the struggle between the east of Ukraine and the country's armed forces.

It is worth noting that despite the range of this weapon (the radius of destruction is up to 300 kilometers), it is very inaccurate, hitting the target can deviate to a rather indefinite distance of up to 500 meters. At the same time, the unit weighs almost a ton.

Rocket "Point"

Ukraine still claims that it does not use these missiles. For the missile system to work, you need to know in advance the location of the enemy. Four warheads are produced with precisely specified coordinates. The blow is applied depending on the set coordinates and the range at which the shooting is carried out.

The error can be from 10 to 200 meters. In this case, one warhead strikes from 2 to about 6 hectares. The rocket's flight speed exceeds 1000 meters per second. This weapon can play a decisive role in any fight. But officially, Ukrainians refuse to use this type of weapon. It remains to be seen whether this warhead constitutes Ukraine's missile weapon.

Rocket "Grom-2"

Back in the early nineties, the Dnepropetrovsk Design Bureau presented the idea of ​​​​producing the Grom-2 operational-tactical missile. The range of its flight should be 500 meters. The original name of this project is "Borisfen". At that time, through this missile system, a new protective shield of Ukraine was to be created to replace obsolete weapons. At that time, there were more than 200 Scud and Tochka-U missile launchers in the country. But taking into account the social and economic state of the country, the creation of missiles was an irrelevant issue. In addition, the army was then constantly reduced. Then the Yuzhnoye State Bureau began to send sketches of their inventions to foreign exhibitions, where these rockets were called Thunder.

Ukrainian-made military weapons and equipment often attract attention at such international exhibitions. These developments involved the creation of a new generation of precision weapons that would be capable of providing the country with a shield capable of withstanding a non-nuclear attack. The missile system was intended to destroy stationary group and single targets. The range of the missiles would be from 80 to 500 kilometers. In this case, the rockets would be quite light, less than half a ton. It was planned to create an onboard inertial type system equipped with navigation and guidance. The launcher would have an automatic character, and the basis for it would be a chassis with a complete set of automatic preparation for launching warheads.

Rocket "Korshun-2"

One of the priority tasks of the Dnepropetrovsk Design Bureau is the development of the Korshun-2 missile and rocket weapon system. This is a multifunctional missile system, the main task of which is to provide the country's shield capable of withstanding a non-nuclear attack. The project will use cruise missiles capable of hitting ground targets. In theory, he could fully represent Ukraine's missile weapons. The payload of the missiles does not exceed half a ton, and the range of the warhead is 300 kilometers. The estimated mass of the combat equipment of the complex will be 480 kilograms. The new cruise missile will reach a flight altitude of 50 kilometers with the ability to go around the terrain, taking into account its relief.

"Ukraine". missile cruiser

The country also has a missile cruiser, but, unfortunately, its use is impossible. Therefore, the head of the naval forces decided to sell it. With the proceeds, the country will be able to replenish its resources to protect water areas. The main problem of the missile cruiser is that almost 80 percent of the vessel operates with Russian equipment. This missile cruiser could well represent Ukraine's high-precision weapons. At the moment, such products are not produced on the territory of Ukraine, so the ship is, as they say, idle, and cannot serve the good of the motherland.

Unfortunately, the cost of the cruiser on the market is much lower than the country spent on its creation and maintenance, but now it is more profitable for the state to sell it than to continue to maintain and maintain the state. It could represent a new weapon of war for Ukraine, because the ship is equipped with a medium range, there are installations for anti-ship missiles, and 3 batteries of thirty-millimeter six-barreled guns are also installed. The cruiser is equipped with a torpedo tube, an artillery system, and this is not all that is installed on it.


It is known that Ukraine will start using modern small arms of the world only from 2016. Today, every Ukrainian soldier is equipped with a type of Kalashnikov assault rifle, one of the models of TT, PM or PS pistols, as well as a wide variety. In some cases, there are light machine guns and grenade launchers. For the fighters of some units, sniper rifles are issued.

There are models of Ukrainian-made weapons and units purchased abroad. Almost all of these weapons are left over from Soviet times. But the command is not going to stop at outdated models, non-standard models are already being encountered, representing the new small arms of Ukraine. They are created both within the state and abroad. Basically, among the new weapons there are sniper rifles, pistols and other units for single weapons.

Nuclear weapons of Ukraine

According to experts, Ukraine lacks only money to create an atomic bomb. After all, everything else is present in the state in vast quantities. Resources are mined in local mines, and scientists have remained and are ready to resume their labor activity. In addition, there are carriers in Ukraine capable of delivering a ready-made bomb to enemy territory. In addition, there is also the equipment necessary to create a warhead. As we can see, Ukrainian still exists, at least according to experts and analysts.

Everyone is well aware that the country does not have money for this business, but the option of using old reserves is quite possible. During the disarmament of the country, part of the stocks of weapons disappeared. For example, one nuclear warhead and two strategic bombers are missing. At the end of the nineties, the elimination of all nuclear missiles in the territory was officially announced, but over time, more than thirty combat units were found in the warehouses. Therefore, according to foreign experts, if the weapon is found, it will be enough to deliver warning strikes and more.