Slide 2

Antenatal prevention is an effect on the child’s body before birth through the mother’s body.

Slide 3

Pregnant women represent a special group of patients: during pregnancy, a woman’s oral health worsens (caries and other diseases). It is believed that all predispositions to diseases are laid down in intrauterine development.

Slide 4

Goals of dental care for pregnant women:

Improve the dental status of the pregnant woman herself. Implement antenatal caries prevention in children.

Slide 5

Impaired dental status in a pregnant woman is associated with:

  • Slide 6

    1. The risk of developing caries in the second half of pregnancy. Due to changes in calcium metabolism in the body. Normally, this goes unnoticed, but if a woman suffers from frequent toxicosis (histosis), gastrointestinal diseases, chronic kidney diseases, then the distribution of calcium is more noticeable: the bones are more separated, there is less calcium in the saliva, the enamel does not receive enough calcium, the active development of the carious process. The construction of the fetal skeleton begins after the 20th week of pregnancy.

    Slide 7

    2. Periodontal diseases. Gingivitis and periodontitis. They include pathology of the gums, bone tissue and root cement. These changes are associated with hormonal imbalance.

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    Slide 9

    There is an increased release of hormones from the pituitary gland and gonads. The production of gonadotropic and thyroid-stimulating hormone increases, this leads to swelling of the skin and mucous membranes (including PR). Progesterone and estrogen increase keratinization of the PR mucosa and provoke swelling. On the mucous membrane, the accumulation of large layers of desiccated epithelium is favorable for the development of pathogenic microflora in the PR.

    Slide 10

    As a result, hypertrophy and hyperemia of the gums, followed by the development of cervical caries due to prolonged inflammation of the gums. The processes of excessive formation of gum tissue are activated. Tumor-like formations are epulis. Gum growths in the form of papillae or mushrooms.

    Slide 11

    Signs of activation of the carious process:

    Typically for people with metabolic diseases, teenagers, pregnant women. The appearance of white spots on the enamel (caries in the white spot stage - focal demineralization of the enamel).

    Slide 12

    The appearance of new carious cavities in a short period of time. Rapid loss of fillings. If we follow all the technologies, we can observe a relapse around the filling, chipped fillings, etc. The carious process is quite active.

    Slide 13

    Factors contributing to the development of dental diseases in a pregnant woman:

    Slide 14

    General somatic pathology - metabolic disorders, chronic gastrointestinal diseases, chronic enterocollites and biliary tract diseases, kidney diseases (pyelonephritis) and thyroid gland (hypothyroidism).

    Slide 15

    The presence of dentoalveolar anomalies (narrowing of the upper and lower dentition (crowding of teeth), anomalies of the frenulum (short frenulum of the tongue and lips - their tension leads to ischemia of the gum tissue), small vestibule of the PR (tissue tension, transitional fold, gum ischemia, inflammation). Unsatisfactory oral hygiene.

    Slide 16

    Studies have shown that 94% of pregnant women require medical treatment and 54% require orthopedic care.

    Slide 17

    Features of the intrauterine period of development of the dental system:

  • Slide 18

    4 – 5 weeks – the formation of the fetal jaw bones and soft tissues of the face occurs. Exposure to aggressive factors leads to the formation of clefts.

    Slide 19

    Slide 20

    6 – 7 weeks – formation of the rudiments of temporary teeth; teeth may not develop or supernumerary teeth.

    Slide 21

    17 – 18 weeks – the formation of the rudiments of permanent teeth begins. Edentulism or supernumerary teeth may develop

    Slide 22

    Slide 23

    Week 20 – mineralization of the deciduous incisor rudiments begins. The enamel may be weakly mineralized, and future teeth are susceptible to caries. Non-carious lesions such as enamel hypoplasia may form.

    Slide 24

    Slide 25

    Week 28 – the rudiments of primary canines and molars begin to mineralize. There is active mineralization of the fetal skeleton.

    Slide 26

    32 – 34 weeks – mineralization of the rudiments of the first permanent molars begins. Week 38 – the beginning of mineralization of the first permanent incisors.

    Slide 27

    Violation of the intrauterine period of development leads to:

    Disproportion of growth and impaired maturation of organs and systems Morphological and functional immaturity of tissues and organs of the dental system The child develops a predisposition to caries and develops various non-carious lesions of hard dental tissues

    Slide 28

    Factors that disrupt the normal formation of the AF system:

    Chronic diseases of women (extragenetal pathology) Histoses of the second half of pregnancy, hereditary factors Occupational hazards Chronic stressful situation

    Slide 29

    Dental care program for pregnant women:

    Registration of a pregnant woman at a dispensary (in the first 12 weeks). The dentist develops the frequency of visits. According to the standard: up to 20 weeks - 1 time per month, from 20-32 weeks - 2 times per month, after 32 weeks 3 times per month. But at least appear once a trimester.

    Slide 30


    Sanitation of the oral cavity (before pregnancy) Treatment of dental caries Monitor periodontal diseases. !Periodontogenic toxins easily pass the hematoplacental barrier

    Slide 31

    Features of rehabilitation measures:

    The ideal time for treatment is the second trimester (at other times, X-ray diagnostics and antibiotics cannot be prescribed; organogenesis is in progress; in the third trimester, a stress factor can cause the onset of labor, a pregnant woman cannot be treated lying down - the uterus with the fetus can press the inferior vena cava - drop in blood pressure, dizziness, frequent pulse, loss of consciousness, if necessary, treat while sitting, or at least half-sitting.

    Slide 32

    There are no contraindications to anesthesia. Use the articaine series of anesthetics, 1: 200,000 – vasoconstrictor content. Antibiotics are not prescribed - tetracycline (impaired mineralization), aspirin is not prescribed - blood thinning. Timely removal of decayed teeth

    Slide 33

    Preventive courses aimed at preventing caries and preventing periodontal diseases:

    Prediction of caries in a pregnant woman (enamel resistance test, clinical determination of the rate of enamel remineralization, etc.) high or low risk. Correction of calcium metabolism.

    Slide 34

    Prescription of calcium supplements orally. That's a moot point. On the one hand, this is a vital element. The daily requirement of a healthy person up to 25 years is 1000 mg/day, after 25 years 800 mg/day. In pregnant women 1500 mg/day. For nursing mothers, 2000 mg/day. In children, 600–800 mg/day.

    Slide 35

    Calcium preparations: calcium D3 nycomed – pregnancy and lactation, contains calcium carbonate; Calcimide – from mussel shells, contains calcium citrate; Vitrumcalcium – calcium carbonate; Gravinova; Calciumsandesforte. Gluconade and calcium glycerophosphate are poorly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and are not prescribed. Citrate comes first and calcium carbonate comes second. They are prescribed in the second half of pregnancy, but it is better to consult with an obstetrician-gynecologist or supervising doctor.

    Slide 36

    Know about chronic kidney diseases, chronic enterocolitis accompanied by diarrhea. Foods rich in phosphates inhibit calcium, as well as strong tea and coffee.

    Sections: Biology

    Goals and objectives of the lesson:

    1. Review the material from the previous lesson “Structure and functions of the oral cavity organs.”
    2. Study the structure of the tooth, consider the main tissues, their structure and functions.
    3. Consider the main causes of dental diseases and their prevention.
    4. Fix the new material during the laboratory work “Amount of plaque before and after brushing teeth.” Draw a conclusion about the need for oral care.

    Lesson equipment:

    1. Tables “Structure of the oral cavity”, “Structure of the tongue”, “Structure of the tooth”, “Main tissues of the tooth”.
    2. Samples of tap water from different city streets, a table with the results of water research.
    3. X-ray images of teeth with different stages of caries.
    4. Exhibition of hygiene products for oral care.
    5. Exhibition of literature on the topic of the lesson.
    6. Overhead projector, screen, microscopes, slides with plaque.

    During the classes.

    1. Introductory speech by the teacher about the importance of the oral organs for the digestive process.

    2. Repetition of the material covered:

    Teacher question: Explain the structure and functions of the oral cavity:

    • language,
    • salivary glands,
    • tooth

    A student’s story based on the table “Structure of Language.”

    The tongue consists of a root, body, tip, and has filiform, mushroom-shaped, leaf-shaped, and grooved taste buds. The tongue performs the following functions: determines the temperature and taste of food, mixes food with saliva, ensures the act of swallowing, participates in the articulation of speech. The lingual tonsil is involved in immune processes.

    Student’s story on the table “Oral organs.”

    In humans, there are 3 pairs of salivary glands: parotid, submandibular, sublingual and small salivary glands (labial, palatine, lingual). Salivary glands secrete saliva to moisten food and glue the food bolus (contains the enzyme mucin), breaks down starch into disaccharides (amylase enzyme), disinfects food (lysozyme enzyme).

    Student’s story on the table “Structure of the tooth.”

    A tooth consists of a crown, neck, and root. Inside the tooth there is a pulp with nerves and blood vessels. An adult has 32 teeth, they are divided into incisors, canines, large and small molars. The teeth are used for biting and mechanically grinding food.

    Teacher: The formation of teeth begins at 6-7 weeks of intrauterine development. The rudiments of baby teeth appear, 10 on each jaw. At 17-18 weeks, the rudiments of permanent teeth appear, the process of mineralization of dental tissues occurs, which continues after their eruption for several years. The first teeth erupt at 6-7 months and up to 3 years, the first teeth are milk teeth, there are 20 of them. By the age of 12-13 years, the teeth are replaced with permanent ones, at the age of 18-30, “wisdom teeth” erupt. Thus, damaged teeth cannot be restored again, since they were formed during embryonic development.

    3. Studying new material.

    • Structure of tooth tissues– a student’s story based on the table “Basic dental tissues.”

    Hard fabrics:

    1. enamel – contains 95% minerals, can withstand loads of up to 400 kg. by 1 mm 2. Enamel thickness 0.01 -1.7 mm,
    2. dentin – 70% minerals,
    3. cement – ​​70.4% mineral substances, covers the tooth in the root area.

    Soft fabrics:

    pulp - contains blood vessels, nerve fibers, odontoblast cells (the cells of the outer layer of the pulp have long processes that penetrate the dentin and reach the enamel). The pulp regulates metabolic processes in hard tissues, forms dentin, and nerves transmit pain sensations from the upper layers of dentin to the pulp.

    Teacher: Enamel consists of enamel prisms - faceted “cylindrical fibers” 4-7 microns thick, which run radially from dentin to the tooth surface. Prisms are formed from the cells of the tooth germ; the function of these cells is completed long before teeth erupt, so the destroyed enamel is not restored. Enamel is permeable to many organic and inorganic substances, which can penetrate into it from the pulp and from the oral cavity. The enamel of emerging teeth is more permeable than the enamel of adult teeth, and over the course of a number of years it “matures.”

    It is during this period that the action of unfavorable (cariogenic) factors is especially dangerous, leading to disruption of physiological processes, and therefore to dental disease.

    • Cariogenic factors:

    1 . Lack of fluoride ions(norm 0.8 - 1 mg/l.).

    Effect of the factor: the enamel becomes less durable; for prevention purposes, fluoridation of tap water is used, sodium fluoride is taken for 180-250 days, and fluoride-containing toothpastes are used.

    When considering this factor, students report the results of the research work “Determination of fluoride ions in tap water.” Samples of tap water from different streets of the city were used (if the samples do not contain fluoride ions, it is recommended to use fluoride-containing toothpastes).

    2. Leftover food– dental plaque is formed, which creates a favorable environment for microorganisms, the formation of lactic acid, which causes the dissolution of the enamel. To remove plaque, you need to rinse your mouth or brush your teeth after eating, limit your intake of carbohydrate foods, and you can use chewing gum.

    When considering this factor, it is appropriate to play out a small scene:

    Tooth with food plaque: “That plaque again!”

    Carious monsters run in and begin to dance around the tooth, joyfully singing::

    “Ah, plaque! How lovely! There is something to profit from!”

    At this time, a glass of water, toothpaste and brush, chewing gum come in one by one and the carious monsters are taken away.

    Glass of water:

    “I'll help you, tooth. Rinse your mouth after eating!” (leads one monster away)

    Toothpaste and brush: “Brush your teeth after eating - this will help!” (two monsters are taken away)

    Chewing gum: “And I am the most delicious protection against caries!” (leads one monster away)

    3. Smoking causes the formation of plaque on the enamel; due to temperature changes in the oral cavity, cracks form on the enamel.

    It is advisable to stop smoking or use toothpastes that strengthen the enamel.

    • Stages of caries development– a teacher’s story with a demonstration of x-rays.
    1. Changes in the appearance of tooth enamel (becomes dull, chalky).
    2. Formation of a cavity in a tooth.
    3. Pulpitis is inflammation of the dental pulp as a result of the penetration of microorganisms into the pulp chamber through a carious cavity.
    4. Periodontitis is an inflammation of the root membrane of the tooth, which causes swelling of the soft tissues of the face, enlargement and soreness of the lymph nodes of the maxillofacial area. Periodontitis can manifest itself in the form of:

      osteomyelitis - inflammation of the jaw bones,
      abscess, phlegmon - these are purulent foci in the soft tissues of the tooth,
      purulent inflammation in the neck, abscesses of the brain, liver and other organs,
      Possible death.

    5. Chronic periodontitis – damage to internal organs, decreased immunity, allergic diseases due to the activity of microorganisms and the toxins they produce.
    6. Gingivitis is inflammation of the gums due to plaque accumulated at the necks of the teeth, on the gums, in the periodontal pocket. It manifests itself as redness of the gums and bleeding of the gums when brushing your teeth.
    • Disease Prevention– a teacher’s story about the exhibition of hygiene supplies and literature.
    1. it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle;
    2. fluoridate tap water;
    3. systematically visit the dentist for a preventive examination of the oral cavity;
    4. Carry out hygienic oral care: brushing teeth (3 min.):

      toothbrush (changed at least once every 3 months),
      toothpaste (hygienic, medicinal, therapeutic and prophylactic),
      dental floss,

    5. refreshment and deodorization:

    tooth elixir,
    oral deodorant,
    chewing gum.


    1. Instructor card for performing the student experiment “Determination of the content of fluoride ions in tap water.”

    Goals of work:

    1. Determine the concentration of fluoride ions in tap water;
    2. Carry out characteristic reactions to fluoride ions;
    3. Based on the results of the experiment, give recommendations to students about what toothpaste they should use.

    Completing of the work:

    Add 5-6 drops of 2N to 5-6 drops of the test solution. calcium chloride solution. If fluorine ions are present in the solution, a white precipitate of calcium fluoride is formed. Let's filter the sediment, weigh it, make calculations and compare the results obtained with the norm - 0.8-1 mg/l.

    2. Card – laboratory work instructor “Determining the amount of plaque before and after brushing your teeth.”

    1. Preparation of the drug: in the morning, before brushing your teeth and eating, remove plaque with a toothpick and apply it to a glass slide, cover the first with a second glass slide.
    2. Repeat the procedure after brushing your teeth.
    3. Examine the first specimen under a microscope and sketch what you see.
    4. Examine the second preparation, sketch what you see.
    5. Compare the amount of plaque on the first and second preparations, draw appropriate conclusions about the need for hygienic oral care.

    Conclusion: based on the results of laboratory work No. 2, students conclude that oral hygiene reduces the risk of dental diseases.

    Problem situation An expectant mother came to see a dentist for a preventive examination. From the anamnesis: 1st pregnancy, weeks old, notes the presence of morning sickness, refusal to eat meat products. At 7-8 weeks she suffered from ARVI. She did not take any medications. Notes bleeding gums when brushing teeth.

    Among the key risk factors for caries in early childhood is early infection of the baby. The main source of infection is usually the mother and other family members who are in close contact with the child. Therefore, the dental status of the mother (including during pregnancy) must be taken into account when assessing the risk of dental caries in young children.

    Pregnant women have one of the highest risks of developing major dental diseases - dental caries and inflammatory periodontal diseases. During the physiological course of pregnancy, the prevalence of dental caries is 91.4 ± 0.7%, periodontal tissue diseases occur in 90% of cases, damage to previously intact teeth (with a predominant acute course of the carious process) occurs in 38% of pregnant patients

    The occurrence of these problems is associated with very specific reasons: Changes in hormonal levels during pregnancy lead to impaired blood circulation in the oral mucosa. Clinical signs of gingivitis clearly correlate with the level of progesterone in the blood at this time. changes in the tone of the autonomic nervous system and vascular pathologies in the gums associated with calcium metabolism disorders, hypovitaminosis C, A, E and dysfunction of the parathyroid glands.

    Presence of local factors. Changes in the composition of dental plaque are observed: periodontopathogenic species of bacteria (Prevotella intermedia, Bacteroides subspecies, etc.) are more common and can replace the food product naphthoquinone, which is important for their life, with hormones found in significant quantities in the gingival fluid during pregnancy. The situation is aggravated by sore and bleeding gums. As a rule, because of this, pregnant women stop brushing their teeth and eating solid foods. This leads to the deposition of plaque, deterioration of the hygienic condition of the oral cavity and, as a consequence, to the progression of pathological processes in the periodontium and the development of dental caries.

    During pregnancy, the need for nutrients, vitamins and minerals always increases, including a two- to four-fold increase in the need for calcium. However, very often pregnant women experience a deficiency of this essential microelement. And the child takes calcium, necessary for the formation of the skeleton, from the mother’s body. A lack of calcium in the mother’s blood leads to an activation of the process of resorption of her own bones, which contributes to their increased fragility and deformation. The bone tissue of the upper and lower jaws is among the first to suffer. The alveolar processes that create the tooth socket lose calcium, which ultimately contributes to the development of periodontitis. Teeth also lose calcium.

    Often calcium deficiency occurs against the background of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which interfere with the natural process of absorption of this microelement. That is why calcium deficiency cannot always be eliminated with the help of a balanced diet or taking special vitamin and mineral complexes. Toxicoses, accompanied by vomiting, constant nausea and lack of appetite, also lead to a decrease in the intake of calcium into the body of a pregnant woman.

    The growth of pathogenic microflora is also facilitated by the development of immunosuppression in the body of a pregnant woman, which makes her more susceptible to the development of pathological processes, including in the oral cavity. It is known that these diseases pose a danger not only to teeth, but also to the woman’s body as a whole, as well as to the unborn child. Dental and periodontal pathologies are chronioseptic foci from which microorganisms and their metabolic products spread throughout the woman’s body, causing pregnancy complications.

    In pregnant women with hidden foci of infection, infection of the fetus is observed in 30% of cases. In addition, the presence of dental caries in the mother means an increased risk for it in the child. Close contact between mother and baby in the first months of life leads to infection of the child by maternal microorganisms. As a result, caries often develops on the baby’s first teeth. Therefore, it is very important to monitor a pregnant woman, examine her for predisposition to major dental diseases, early detection and treatment of dental caries and inflammatory periodontal diseases, as well as professional oral hygiene and specific preventive measures.

    During pregnancy, a woman should be examined by a dentist at least four times - at 6-8, 16-18, and weeks. When risk factors for the development of major dental diseases are identified (aggressive microflora of the oral cavity, a significant decrease in the remineralizing properties of saliva, etc.), the number of examinations increases.

    It is very important for the expectant mother to maintain a high level of oral hygiene. Therefore, the main task of the dentist is to teach rational oral hygiene with controlled brushing of teeth and individual selection of hygiene products. Due to the high risk of developing major dental diseases, they must have maximum anti-caries and anti-inflammatory effects, and also be safe for the body of the mother and her unborn child.

    During visits to the dentist, a woman undergoes professional oral hygiene, and is also given or prescribed several courses of remineralization therapy. The theoretical justification for the use of the remineralization method in the prevention and treatment of caries is the preservation of a protein matrix in the tooth enamel in the early stages of caries (caries in the spot stage), the collagen proteins of which, interacting with calcium ions and phosphates, contribute to the formation of properly organized crystallization nuclei

    Studies conducted at TsNIIS using immobilized alkaline phosphatase have demonstrated that in the presence of calcium glycerophosphate, the remineralization process is most successful. Therefore, the drug of choice for remineralizing therapy in pregnant women can be the remineralizing gel R.O.C.S. Medical Minerals containing calcium glycerophosphate and magnesium chloride.

    But visits to the dentist should not be limited to this. Even before the birth of the baby, the mother needs to learn how to care for his oral cavity, temporary and permanent teeth, and also learn about those preventive measures that will keep the child’s teeth healthy.

    It is known that during the physiological course of pregnancy, the prevalence of caries is 91.4%, periodontal diseases occur in 90% of cases, damage to previously intact teeth, mainly with an acute course of the carious process, occurs in 38% of patients.

    Secondary caries, progression of the carious process, enamel hyperesthesia occur in 79% of pregnant women, while the rate of increase in caries is 0.83%. A clinical feature of the course of the carious process in pregnant women is its rapid spread not only along the periphery, but also into the depths of the tooth tissue, which in a short time leads to the development of complicated caries.

    By the end of the second half of pregnancy, periodontal tissue damage is 100%. Pregnant women experience increased sensitivity of intact teeth to chemical, thermal and mechanical stimuli. With toxicosis in the second half of pregnancy, the prevalence of caries increases to 94.0%, and the intensity of the damage depends on the severity of toxicosis.

    The goal of the prevention of dental caries and periodontal diseases in pregnant women: to improve the dental status of women and to carry out antenatal prevention of dental caries in children. Measures to prevent dental diseases during pregnancy should be organized taking into account the severity of dental diseases and the course of pregnancy.

    Factors that disrupt the full formation of the dental system: the presence of extragenital pathology in the mother; complications of pregnancy (toxicosis of the first and second half); stressful situations during pregnancy; diseases of newborns and infants; early artificial feeding.

    The main sources of vitamins should be food, as well as taking multivitamin preparations - "Dekamevit", "Undevit", "Gendevit", etc. Multivitamin preparation with mineral supplements "Pregnovit", containing vitamins A, D2, B1, B2, B6 hydrochloride, B12 cyanocomplex, calcium pantothenate, iron furamate, anhydrous calcium phosphate. From the 32nd week of pregnancy, it is necessary to prescribe vitamin D3 to prevent dental caries.

    Pregnavit is prescribed in the following dosages: up to 4 months of pregnancy - 1 capsule, from 5 to 7 months - 2 capsules, from 8 to 9 months - 3 capsules per day. The drug is especially effective for iron deficiency anemia, the development of which can be caused by a decrease in the intake of iron from food, impaired absorption, multiple births, or prolonged breastfeeding.

    When carrying out preventive and therapeutic dental measures in pregnant women, it is necessary to take into account that the woman should be in a semi-sitting position, since the horizontal position provokes an increase in intra-abdominal pressure in combination with relaxation of the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, clinically manifested by heartburn, nausea, vomiting, sternum pain . Manipulations should be carried out under the control of heart rate, heart rhythm, blood pressure, changes in which are possible during the appointment and are caused by psycho-emotional stress associated with a visit to the dentist and the expectation of pain.

    Alyabyeva Daria - 11th grade

    Project theme: " »

    TsO No. 1430, 11 “a” class


    Prevention of dental diseases is the prevention of the occurrence and development of oral diseases. The introduction of prevention programs leads to a sharp decrease in the intensity of dental caries and periodontal diseases, a significant decrease in cases of tooth loss at a young age and an increase in the number of children with intact teeth.

    Purpose of research

    Teach hygienic teeth brushing skills to children of primary school age.

    Study and analysis of sociological, technical, medical and scientific literature on the prevention of oral diseases, using a mathematical, sociological method.

    1. A training manual was created in the form of a multimedia disc on the topic “Healthy Teeth” in the Power Point program using the capabilities of this program: the introduction of sound, multimedia videos, pictures. This manual can be used in natural history lessons, and the disc can also be used by class teachers to conduct thematic classes.
    2. As part of the project, second-grade students of Education Center No. 1430, numbering 54 people (7-8 years old), were divided into 2 groups (27 people each): observations and comparisons. A sanitary lesson “Healthy Teeth” was developed for students in the observed group to teach oral hygiene skills.
    3. A sanitary lesson on the topic “Healthy teeth” was conducted for students in the observed group.
    4. A survey of students in the observation group and the comparison group was conducted using the Fedorov-Volodkina hygiene index. The examination was carried out visually after using the drug "Dynal". After 2 weeks, a repeat examination was carried out.
    5. The conducted research was processed and analyzed.


    Considering that the intensity of major dental diseases in children of primary school age is quite high, knowledge and implementation of preventive measures is of great importance.

    An important step is motivating children. Classes with children should be conducted regularly to teach oral hygiene skills.

    Thus, to improve the dental health of children, the efforts of not only specialists, but also society as a whole are necessary. A public opinion must be formed that taking care of oral health is as necessary as taking care of the beauty of your appearance.



    Youth Talents Forum:

    Young Researchers Competition

    program “Step into the Future” in Central

    Federal District of the Russian Federation,

    Moscow open conference

    schoolchildren “NTTM Moscow 2011”


    “Prevention of dental diseases in primary school students”

    Scientific consultants: Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Prokhonchukov Alexander Alekseevich

    Scientific supervisor: Natalya Mikhailovna Alyabyeva – IIT teacher

    Moscow, 2011

    Project theme: " Prevention of dental diseases in primary school students»

    TsO No. 1430, 11 “a” class


    Justification for choosing a direction

    Prevention of dental diseases is the prevention of the occurrence and development of oral diseases. The introduction of prevention programs leads to a sharp decrease in the intensity of dental caries and periodontal diseases, a significant decrease in cases of tooth loss at a young age and an increase in the number of children with intact teeth.

    Purpose of research

    Research methods

    Study and analysis of sociological, technical, medical and scientific literature on the prevention of oral diseases, using a mathematical, sociological method.

    Results of the study

    1. A training manual was created in the form of a multimedia disc on the topic “Healthy Teeth” in the Power Point program using the capabilities of this program: the introduction of sound, multimedia videos, pictures. This manual can be used in natural history lessons, and the disc can also be used by class teachers to conduct thematic classes.
    2. As part of the project, second-grade students of Education Center No. 1430, numbering 54 people (7-8 years old), were divided into 2 groups (27 people each): observations and comparisons. A sanitary lesson “Healthy Teeth” was developed for students in the observed group to teach oral hygiene skills.
    3. D "Healthy teeth".
    4. A survey of students in the observation group and the comparison group was conducted on the hygiene indexFedorova-Volodkinoy. The examination was carried out visually after using the drug "Dynal". After 2 weeks, a repeat examination was carried out.
    5. The conducted research was processed and analyzed.


    Main part

    Justification for choosing a direction

    Prevention of dental diseases is the prevention of the occurrence and development of oral diseases. The introduction of prevention programs leads to a sharp decrease in the intensity of dental caries and periodontal diseases, a significant decrease in the incidence of tooth loss at a young age and an increase in the number of children with intact teeth.

    One of the ways to prevent dental diseases is proper brushing of teeth.

    Purpose of research

    Teach hygienic teeth brushing skills to children of primary school age.

    Research objectives

    1. Learn about methods of preventing oral diseases.
    2. Learn how to properly brush your teeth.
    3. Develop a health lessonoral hygiene.
    4. Conduct an examination usingmethods for assessing oral hygiene using the Fedorov-Volodkina hygiene index.

    Relevance of the problem

    According to WHO, 92% of the world's population does not know how to brush their teeth.

    The high prevalence and intensity of dental caries and periodontal diseases makes the problem and prevention of these diseases particularly urgent. The prevalence of dental caries in children in different regions of Russia ranges from 60 to 95%. The prevalence of inflammatory periodontal diseases in school-age children reaches 80%. Prevention of dental diseases is the prevention of the occurrence and development of oral diseases.

    The lack of preventive measures in preschool and school institutions, the lack of school dental offices leads to the occurrence of oral diseases.

    Research Article

    Introduction. The high prevalence and intensity of dental caries and periodontal diseases makes the problem and prevention of these diseases particularly urgent. The prevalence of dental caries in children in different regions of Russia ranges from 60 to 95%. The prevalence of inflammatory periodontal diseases in school-age children reaches 80%. Prevention of dental diseases is the prevention of the occurrence and development of oral diseases. The introduction of prevention programs leads to a sharp decrease in the intensity of dental caries and periodontal diseases, a significant decrease in cases of tooth loss at a young age and an increase in the number of children and adolescents with intact teeth. The cost of preventive methods is, on average, 20 times lower than the cost of treating existing dental diseases.

    Dental morbidity in our country is quite high, and its further increase should be expected unless the conditions influencing the development of the disease are changed in a favorable direction.

    Materials and methods.As part of the project, training and testing were carried out for second grade students at Education Center No. 1430. Students of 54 people (7-8 years old) were divided into 2 groups (27 people each): observations and comparisons. A sanitary lesson was held for the students of the observed group on the topic:"Healthy teeth". Then a hygiene index survey was carried out according toFedorov-Volodkina. The examination was carried out visually after using the drug "Dynal". Two weeks later, and then a month later, a repeat examination was carried out.For the work, an analysis of sociological, technical, medical and scientific literature on the diagnosis and treatment of oral diseases using mathematical and sociological methods was used.

    Methods for preventing major dental diseases:

    1) dental education of the population;

    2) training in the rules of rational nutrition;

    3) training in the rules of hygienic oral care;

    4) endogenous use of fluoride preparations;

    5) use of local prophylactic means;

    6) secondary prevention (sanitation of the oral cavity).

    Dental education methods include conversations, lectures, seminars, health lessons, games, etc.

    Methods that involve the interested participation of the population are called active. Their advantage is the direct relationship and interaction between the specialist and the audience, which provides the best impact.

    Methods that do not require the active participation of the population are called passive.
    They do not require the presence of a medical professional, act for a long time and on a large audience. The disadvantage is the lack of feedback between patients and specialists.

    Dental education, depending on the number of people involved in educational work, is divided into 3 organizational forms: mass, group, individual.

    The steps that any person must overcome to develop a useful habit: knowledge => understanding => belief => skill => habit.

    Training in the rules of rational nutrition.For the formation of teeth resistant to caries, one of the main conditions is the qualitatively and quantitatively complete nutrition of a pregnant woman, including dairy products, minerals, vitamins, vegetables, and fruits.

    The occurrence and progression of dental caries in the population is facilitated by the following dietary habits:

    High content of easily fermentable carbohydrates in food, especially sugar;

    Increasing the frequency of meals;

    Reducing consumption of foods that require intensive chewing, which leads to an increase in saliva flow and “natural cleansing of the oral cavity”;

    Reducing the consumption of foods that help inhibit dental caries.

    Individual oral hygiene.Personal hygiene involves careful and regular removal of dental plaque from the surfaces of teeth and gums by the patient himself using various hygiene products.

    There are many methods for brushing your teeth. One of them is the standard method of brushing teeth Pakhomov G.N. It is as follows: teeth brushing begins with an area in the area of ​​the upper right chewing teeth, sequentially moving from segment to segment. The teeth on the lower jaw are cleaned in the same order.

    When cleaning the vestibular and oral surfaces of molars and premolars, the toothbrush is placed at an angle of 45º to the tooth and cleansing movements are made from the gum to the tooth. The chewing surfaces of the teeth are cleaned with horizontal movements. When cleaning the oral surface, the brush handle is positioned perpendicular to the occlusal plane of the teeth. Finish cleaning with circular movements.

    The main tool for cleaning teeth is a toothbrush.

    There are 5 degrees of toothbrush hardness: very hard, hard, medium, soft, very soft. Medium hardness brushes are the most widely used.

    Toothpicks are designed to remove food debris from interdental spaces and plaque from the side surfaces of teeth.

    Fluxes are designed to thoroughly remove plaque and food debris from contact surfaces of teeth that are difficult to reach with a brush.

    Toothpastes should be good at removing soft plaque and food debris; be pleasant to the taste, have good deodorizing and refreshing effects and have no side effects: locally irritating and allergenic.

    The most widely used therapeutic and prophylactic agent is fluoride-containing toothpastes. The entry of fluoride into tooth enamel increases its resistance to acid demineralization due to the formation of structures more resistant to dissolution.

    Toothpastes containing stone phosphates, sodium, calcium and sodium glycerophosphates, calcium gluconate, zinc oxide have a pronounced anti-caries effect.

    Recently, therapeutic and prophylactic toothpastes have been widely used, which contain several medicinal plants (sage, peppermint, chamomile, echinacea, etc.).

    Chewing gum is a means of improving oral hygiene by increasing the amount of saliva and the rate of salivation, which helps clean the tooth surface and neutralize organic acids produced by plaque bacteria.

    Dental elixirs are intended for rinsing the mouth. They improve the cleaning of dental surfaces, prevent the formation of plaque, and deodorize the oral cavity.

    Conclusion. In the absence of prevention programs at the population level, the relatively low incidence of dental caries and mild periodontal disease in children and adolescents becomes quite severe in adults, which, in turn, leads to an increased need for therapeutic, surgical and orthopedic treatment.

    Practical part

    1. The topic of teaching the prevention of dental diseases is relevant for school students. A complete information review of both library material and Internet materials was carried out on this topic. Achievements and prospects have been studied. The most interesting, from our point of view, aspects are presented in a multimedia training manual.

    A training manual in the form of a multimedia disc on the topic “Healthy Teeth” was created in Power Point using the capabilities of this program: introducing sound, pictures, video. This manual can be used for prevention and teaching oral hygiene skills.

    1. As part of the project, second-grade students of Education Center No. 1430, numbering 54 people (7-8 years old), were divided into 2 groups (27 people each): observations and comparisons. A sanitary lesson “Healthy Teeth” was developed for students in the observed group to teach oral hygiene skills. The plan and course of the lesson are presented in Appendix 1.
    2. D For the students of the observed group, a sanitary lesson was held on the topic"Healthy teeth".
    3. Students in the observation group and in the comparison group were examined according to the hygiene indexFedorova-Volodkinoy. The examination was carried out visually after using the drug "Dynal". Two weeks later a re-examination was carried out. As a test for hygienic cleaning of teeth, coloring of the labial surface of the six lower front teeth with an iodine-iodide-potassium solution (potassium iodide - 2 g; crystalline iodine - 1 g; distilled water - 40 ml) is used.

    Quantitative assessment is made using a five-point system:

    staining the entire surface of the tooth crown – 5 points;

    staining 3/4 of the surface of the tooth crown – 4 points;

    staining 1/2 of the surface of the tooth crown – 3 points;

    staining 1/4 of the surface of the tooth crown – 2 points;

    absence of staining of the surface of the tooth crown – 1 point.

    By dividing the sum of points by the number of teeth examined, an indicator of oral hygiene is obtained (hygiene index - IG).

    The calculation is made using the formula:

    IG = Ki (sum of ratings for each tooth) / n

    where: IG – general purification index; Ki – hygienic index of cleaning one tooth;

    n – number of teeth examined [usually 6].

    The quality of oral hygiene is assessed as follows:

    good IG – 1.1 – 1.5 points;

    satisfactory IG – 1.6 – 2.0 points;

    unsatisfactory IG – 2.1 – 2.5 points;

    poor IG – 2.6 – 3.4 points;

    very bad IG – 3.5 – 5.0 points.

    With regular and proper oral care, the hygiene index is within 1.1–1.6 points; an IG value of 2.6 or more points indicates a lack of regular dental care.

    Fig.1. Determination of the hygiene index according to Fedorov-Volodkina.

    The results of the examination conducted after the lesson “Healthy Teeth” showed that a good indicator of oral hygiene (IG) - 1.1 points was determined in 2 students. 5 students received a satisfactory IG rating of 1.6 – 2.0 points. Unsatisfactory IG – 2.1 – 2.5 points was determined in 13 people. Poor IG – 2.6 – 3.4 points was recorded in 4 people. Very bad IG – 3.5 – 5.0 points – for 3 guys. (Fig. 2)

    Fig.2. Assessment of the quality of oral hygiene according to Fedorov-Volodkina in the observation group immediately after the sanitary lesson.

    In the comparison group, students were also examined on the day of the sanitary lesson. A good indicator of oral hygiene (IG) - 1.1 points was determined in 1 person. 5 students received a satisfactory IG rating of 1.6 – 2.0 points. Unsatisfactory IG – 2.1 – 2.5 points was determined in 11 people. Poor IG – 2.6 – 3.4 points was recorded in 8 people. Very bad IG – 3.5 – 5.0 points – for 2 guys. (Fig. 3).

    Fig.3 . Assessment of the quality of oral hygiene according to Fedorov-Volodkina in the comparison group on the day of the sanitary lesson in the observation group.

    2 weeks after the “Healthy Teeth” sanitary lesson, students in the observation group were re-examined. A good indicator of oral hygiene (IG) - 1.1 points was determined in 5 students. 11 students received a satisfactory IG score of 1.6 – 2.0 points. Unsatisfactory IG – 2.1 – 2.5 points was determined in 11 people. Poor IG – 2.6 – 3.4 points and very poor IG were not detected in any of the children. (Fig. 4).

    Fig.4. Assessment of the quality of oral hygiene according to Fedorov-Volodkina in the observation group after 2 weeks.

    2 weeks after the “Healthy Teeth” sanitary lesson, students in the comparison group were re-examined. A good oral hygiene index (OH) - 1.1 points was determined in 2 people. 6 students received a satisfactory IG rating of 1.6 – 2.0 points. Unsatisfactory IG – 2.1 – 2.5 points was determined in 7 people. Poor IG – 2.6 – 3.4 points was recorded in 8 people. Very bad IG – 3.5 – 5.0 points – for 4 guys. (Fig. 5).

    Fig.5. Assessment of the quality of oral hygiene according to Fedorov-Volodkina in the comparison group after 2 weeks.

    Conclusions. As a result of the examination, it can be stated that children in the comparison group and in the observation group do not know how to brush their teeth correctly. On average, children have a poor assessment of oral hygiene.

    After conducting the “Healthy Teeth” sanitary lesson, the students in the observation group learned (not all!) how to brush their teeth correctly. Although there are children with unsatisfactory IG, poor IG - 2.6 - 3.4 points and very poor IG were not identified in any of the children.

    Conclusions and Conclusion

    Considering that the intensity of major dental diseases in children of primary school age is quite high, knowledge and implementation of preventive measures is of great importance.

    An important step is motivating children. Classes with children should be conducted regularly to teach oral hygiene skills.

    Thus, to improve the dental health of children, the efforts of not only specialists, but also society as a whole are necessary. A public opinion must be formed that taking care of oral health is as necessary as taking care of the beauty of your appearance.


    1. Pediatric Dentistry, edited by T.F. Vinogradova. Moscow, 1987.
    2. Guide to therapeutic dentistry edited by A.I. Evdokimov. Moscow, 1967.
    3. Bazhanov N.N. Dentistry. Moscow, 1984.
    4. Rybakov A.I., Platonov E.E. Therapeutic dentistry. Moscow, 1968.
    5. Rozhnovskoy A.V. Prevention of dental diseases in children. 2007.

    Appendix 1. Plan and course of the sanitary lesson “Healthy teeth”.

    Lesson topic: Healthy teeth.

    Lesson objectives:

    Fostering students’ information culture, attentiveness, accuracy, and discipline.

    Development of cognitive interests, oral hygiene skills, self-control.

    Developing the ability to competently express one’s point of view

    Lesson objectives:

    1. Tell students about the structure of the tooth;
    2. Show students the importance of proper dental care for health, talk about the role of food in keeping teeth healthy, and about food that is harmful to dental health.

    Equipment: computer presentation, multimedia projector,
    computers, test.

    Lesson plan:

    Organizing time.

    Learning new material.

    Primary consolidation of the studied material

    Bottom line.


    During the classes:

    Organizing time

    Greeting, explanation of the lesson. Setting goals and objectives for students.

    Explanation of new material. There is no lesson topic on the board.

    View the presentation for the lesson.

    [Slide 1]. Now we have to solve the riddle, and having solved it we will find out the key word, this will be the topic of the lesson.

    Guys, do your teeth hurt?

    [Slide 2].Viewing a fragment of the cartoon: “The Brave Bird of Tari.”

    [Slide 3] Guys. What fairy tales do you know in which the main character has toothache?

    Poem by B.P. Kornilov (excerpt).

    After watching the cartoon, a short conversation is held about what children know about dental care, whether they know how to care for their teeth, about food that is good or bad for teeth.

    [Slide 5]. The structure of the tooth.

    [Slide 6]. Personal hygiene.

    – this is a thorough daily removal of dental deposits from the surface of the teeth and gums using various hygiene products. You need to brush your teeth for at least 3 minutes 2 times a day - morning and evening.

    [Slide 7]. Proper brushing of teeth.

    Teeth should be brushed after every meal. According to the World Health Organization, 92% of the world's population does not know how to brush their teeth.

    [Slide 8]. Toothpastes.

    The most widely used therapeutic and prophylactic agent is fluoride-containing toothpastes. Fluorides increase the resistance of teeth to acids that form after eating. These pastes are recommended for children and adults to prevent dental caries.

    Systematic brushing of teeth and removal of soft dental deposits contribute to the formation of tooth enamel. Regular gum massage activates metabolic processes and improves blood circulation in the gum tissue.

    [Slide 9]. All children should remember that to maintain dental health and prevent dental diseases they need:

    1. effective oral hygiene;
    2. limiting the consumption of sugar-containing products;
    3. fluoride use;
    4. regular visits to the dentist.

    Summing up the lesson. So, our lesson comes to an end. Let's analyze what we managed to do today:

    Homework. The results are summed up. The rules of dental care are repeated.



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    Slide 2

    Statistical data

    It is known that during the physiological course of pregnancy, the prevalence of caries is 91.4%, periodontal diseases occur in 90% of cases, damage to previously intact teeth, mainly with an acute course of the carious process, occurs in 38% of patients. Secondary caries, progression of the carious process, enamel hyperesthesia occur in 79% of pregnant women. A clinical feature of the course of the carious process in pregnant women is its rapid spread not only along the periphery, but also into the depths of the tooth tissue, which in a short time leads to the development of complicated caries. By the end of the second half of pregnancy, periodontal tissue damage is 100%.

    Slide 3

    Medical data

    Pregnant women experience increased sensitivity of intact teeth to chemical thermal mechanical stimuli, as well as non-carious lesions in the form of wedge-shaped defects and vertical pathological abrasion of teeth.

    Slide 4

    The need for therapeutic dental care for pregnant women occurs in 94.7% of cases, orthopedic care in 56.1%, emergency surgical interventions in 2.2% of the total number of pregnant women. It has been noted that during pregnancy, an increase in dental morbidity is due not only to changes occurring in the woman’s body as a whole, but also to a deterioration in the condition of the hard tissues of the teeth, which is associated with: changes in the microflora of the oral cavity, a decrease in the resistance of tooth enamel to acids.

    Slide 5

    Prevention of dental caries and periodontal diseases in pregnant women has a dual goal: to improve the dental status of women and to carry out antenatal prevention of dental caries in children. Measures to prevent dental diseases during pregnancy should be organized taking into account the severity of dental diseases and the course of pregnancy.

    Slide 6

    The health of the mother during pregnancy affects the development of the child's teeth, especially during the 6-7th week, when the process of developing teeth begins. Studies of tooth buds have shown that during a pathological course of pregnancy, the mineralization of fetal tooth enamel slows down and often stops at the stage of initial calcification

    Slide 7

    There is a group of factors whose action disrupts the full formation of the dental system. These include: the presence of extragenital pathology in the mother; complications of pregnancy (toxicosis of the first and second half); early artificial feeding. stressful situations during pregnancy; diseases of newborns and infants;

    Slide 8

    Already in the early stages of pregnancy, the condition of the hard tissues of the teeth and periodontium deteriorates against the background of unsatisfactory hygienic condition of the oral cavity and changes in the composition of the oral fluid. This necessitates the need for preventive measures throughout pregnancy.

    Slide 9

    Women are recommended to carry out a set of general preventive measures, including: proper work and rest schedule, good nutrition, vitamin therapy. Adequate sleep of up to 8-9 hours, staying in the fresh air in combination with dosed physical activity contributes to the supply of oxygen to the body.

    Slide 10


    The diet should be varied, with the necessary amount of vitamins and microelements. In the first half of pregnancy, a woman’s body needs a continuous supply of protein. In the second half, the need for vitamins, microelements and mineral salts increases. Vegetables and fruits should be regular ingredients of the diet. The main sources of vitamins should be food, as well as taking multivitamin preparations - “Dekamevit”, “Undevit”, “Gendevit”, etc.

    Slide 11


    A multivitamin preparation with mineral supplements "Pregnovit", containing vitamins A, D2, B1, B2, B6 hydrochloride, B12 cyanocomplex, calcium pantothenate, iron furamate, anhydrous calcium phosphate, is prescribed in the following dosages: up to 4 months of pregnancy - 1 capsule per 5 to 7 months - 2 capsules; from 8 to 9 months - 3 capsules per day. The drug is especially effective for iron deficiency anemia, the development of which can be caused by a decrease in the intake of iron from food, impaired absorption, multiple births, and prolonged breastfeeding.

    Slide 12

    To the dentist

    To achieve the maximum effect, it is necessary to carry out medical examination of women throughout the entire period of pregnancy and coordinate the work of the gynecologist and dentist, to whom the woman should be referred at the first visit to the antenatal clinic. In the dental office it is necessary to organize: training in rational oral hygiene with controlled brushing of teeth, assistance in the selection of basic and additional hygiene products; sanitation of the oral cavity; professional hygiene; carrying out remineralization therapy to increase the resistance of tooth enamel.

    Slide 13

    Promotion of medical knowledge

    Particularly important is the organization of educational work on the prevention of dental diseases and motivation to care for children’s teeth immediately after they erupt. In addition, dental education should include: promotion of breastfeeding until the child reaches 12 months of age; recommendations for limiting sugar in children’s diets (up to 20 g per day); rules for using a pacifier. The implementation of a complex of treatment and preventive measures undoubtedly improves the dental health of both the mother and the unborn child.

    Slide 14

    Scheme for the prevention of dental diseases in pregnant women:

    TACTICS. OBSTETRIC-GYNECOLOGIST At the first visit to the antenatal clinic, refer the woman to the dentist. Explain the need for training in rational oral hygiene, dental treatment, and professional hygiene.

    Slide 15

    DENTIST 1. Examination of the oral cavity, individual recommendations for dental care. 2. Training in rational oral hygiene. 3. Professional hygiene at intervals of 2-3 months. 4. Motivating women to care for their children’s teeth immediately after they erupt. 5. Recommendations for limiting sugar in children’s diet to 20 g per day and using pacifiers.

    Slide 16

    PEDIATRIC 1. Promotion of breastfeeding. 2. Recommendations on diet, limiting sugar consumption to 20 g per day. 3. Motivating parents to regularly visit the dentist, starting from the age of 6 months.

    Slide 17

    Let's not forget that

    When carrying out preventive and therapeutic dental measures in pregnant women, it is necessary to take into account that the woman should be in a semi-sitting position, since the horizontal position provokes an increase in intra-abdominal pressure in combination with relaxation of the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, clinically manifested by heartburn, nausea, vomiting, sternum pain . Manipulations should be carried out under the control of heart rate, heart rhythm, blood pressure, changes in which are possible during the appointment and are caused by psycho-emotional stress associated with a visit to the dentist and the expectation of pain.

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