Interest in the British ruling family excites many minds and hearts around the planet. The press service of the Queen of England announces and tells only about politically important moments and events taking place in her family. As a rule, all official messages have a positive connotation. But there are no ideal people, including in palaces. There are those who try to hide the details of their lives, hiding behind the walls. Others want to live life to the fullest, to love, to travel around the world. The latter includes Prince Harry of Wales, the youngest son of the heir apparent. His life passes under the flashes of cameras. It seems that we know everything about him, but is it really so? Surely there are pages hidden from prying eyes in his life.

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Prince Harry of Wales - Biography

Harry's home name is firmly attached to him, although in the documents he is Henry Charles Albert David Mountbatten-Windsor. He was born on 09/15/1984 in the capital of England. He is credited with the title of Prince of Wales by analogy with his father, although he is not a direct heir. Officially he is titled Prince Henry of Wales, but if York does not have a son, then Harry will inherit the title of uncle. Today Harry is on the fifth step of the line to the throne after his father, brother, two nephews. In an interview, Prince Harry of Wales talks about the joy of giving birth to every child and his desertion from the throne.

Parents, Charles of Wales and Diana Spencer, were married in 1981. The girl acquired the title of princess, but the marriage lasted only 15 years. She died after a divorce in a car accident. Then he was only 12 years old, and Prince William, his brother, 15 years old. Of course, the tragedy left its mark on the character of the brothers.

Diana sent the princes to study in public schools, although the children from the royal family could study individually. Of course, these were elite institutions: Weatherby School in London (elementary) and Ludgrove School in Berkshire. The intellectual William was successful in his studies and sports, and Harry gained a reputation as a flighty student and a difficult teenager. He sometimes could not make informed decisions, was noticed for the use of alcohol and soft drugs (marijuana), loved noisy parties and adventures, unworthy of the title of prince. The ubiquitous journalists have captured such misconduct, happily publishing photos and articles in their newspapers. He followed in the footsteps of his brother after graduation, studying at Eton College from 1998 to 2003. In studies, he did not shine, in geography he even had a negative assessment. After graduating from college, Harry went to travel, first to Australia, then to the tiny African country of Lesotho. Here he stayed for a long time and took up charitable affairs. Many see this as a tribute to the memory of Diana, who gave her soul and money to the unfortunate. Harry, in collaboration with a local prince, founded Sentebale, an organization that helps orphans. The Forgotten Kingdom: Prince Harry in Lesotho is a documentary about their destitute, filmed during those times.

In 2005, an unpleasant high-profile story was associated with Prince Harry of Wales. He showed up to the masquerade party dressed as a Nazi. Photos and notes in newspapers shocked the public, the prince publicly apologized. In 2005, with the name Wales, he enrolled in courses at Sandhurst Academy and the following year became second lieutenant in the palace cavalry. In 2007, Harry went to Helmand (Afghan province), where from December 2007 to February 2008 he served as an aircraft pilot. Subsequently, he came home to England, but invariably returned to Afghanistan. Harry participated in military operations for several years, flying a helicopter, and received several medals. In 2011 he became a captain of the army aviation. The Taliban movement did not hide their plans to destroy it, it would have served them with excellent PR.

Prince Harry of Wales - personal life

The love affairs of the royal offspring are the most delicious topic for any journalist or tabloid. The paparazzi pursue them, leaving no hope for solitude and the preservation of any secrets. For several years, Chelsea Davey was next to Prince Harry of Wales. They met in England during their school years, but became a couple after meeting in Africa. Her father is the owner of a large safari tour business. Chelsea graduated from the University of Cape Town in 2006 with a degree in economics. From 2004 to 2009, their romantic relationship was stable, the girl was accepted in the family, and then several partings and reunions followed. In April 2011, Chelsea attended William's wedding. After that, the gap between her and Prince Harry finally took place. For the media, the girl reported that life next to the royal family did not suit her.

In March 2013, Cressida Bonas was often noticed with the prince. A blonde girl was born in 1989 in the family of businessman J. Bonas and socialite M. Curzon. The mother of the prince's girlfriend is from the richest Curzon family and is related to King Edward VII. Cressida has been friends with Prince Harry of Wales' cousin, Eugenie, daughter of the Duke of York, since childhood. Apparently, it was through Eugene that the young people met in 2012. A short romance ensued, which ended after Harry's next unsightly trick. In 2013, the couple reunited and, according to media reports, announced their engagement. The royal family did not accept Cressida, apparently because her sister had met with William for some time before his marriage. Kate Middleton and Prince Charles were unhappy with this relationship. In the spring of 2014, Harry and Cressida broke up. After Cressida, he could not choose a permanent girlfriend for a long time. For a short time, actress J. Coleman appeared next to him, as well as Pippa Middleton, Kate's younger sister. Recently, Harry has been dating Juliette Labelle, a model and actress. The royal family is again unhappy, as too many people see his girlfriend in photographs half-naked. How long their relationship will last, time will tell.

What do we know about Prince Harry? Youngest son of Prince Charles of Wales and his first wife, the late Princess Diana, grandson of Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain, and brother of Prince William. Harry is young, wealthy and famous, but he is known not only for his origins, he is also famous for his active charity work. Today you will learn 15 interesting and little-known facts about the Prince of Wales.

Harry hates Twitter

Prince Harry has repeatedly stated that he hates Twitter and other social networks for their invasion of privacy. Still, the prince was forced to write his first tweet, not for fun, but in support of the Invictus Games sports event, organized for disabled soldiers.

The prince has a nickname

In the service Harry is called "Captain of Wales". The red-haired prince has been serving in the army under the name Harry of Wales for over 10 years.

He was at the South Pole

In 2013, Prince Harry became the first member of the British royal family to visit the South Pole. Despite the harsh weather conditions, Harry covered 15-20 kilometers daily. The purpose of the expedition, which was organized by charitable foundations, was to draw public attention to the problems of military veterans and raise funds to help them.

Harry loves children

Prince founded Sentebale, a charity dedicated to children with HIV / AIDS in Lesotho. So far, 31-year-old Harry does not have children of his own, but he spends a lot of time with his nephew George and niece Charlotte.

Daddy still gives Harry money

Charles, Prince of Wales, continues to transfer money to his son's account every month. And Harry spends these funds not only on himself, he also donates hundreds of thousands of pounds to charities. And the prince himself makes good money in the British army. And according to Diana's will, Harry received $ 450,000 annually from 21 to 29 years old.

Real military

Harry successfully completed a 44-week training course and was promoted to the rank of second lieutenant in the Royal Horse Guards. He has several medals, including for his participation in the military campaign in Afghanistan, where he was regularly involved in military operations.

Talented broker

In 2011, at the annual charity auction at the London office of brokerage firm BGC Partners, Harry set a world record with a € 18 billion deal between British bank Barclays and a European partner. The action was timed to coincide with the tragedy of September 11, 2001, in which 658 employees of the company were killed. The proceeds were transferred to various children's centers and aid funds.

Harry grew up in the shadow of his older brother

Until the age of 17, Harry calmly lived his own life while the paparazzi hunted for his brother. And then he somehow abruptly turned into an attractive young man, heartthrob and the most enviable groom on the planet.

Personal coat of arms

One of the main gifts that Prince Harry received for his 18th birthday was his personal coat of arms. The design of the coat of arms was personally approved by Elizabeth II. The emblem includes elements from the family coat of arms of the Spencer house, to which Harry's mother, Princess Diana, once belonged. The coat of arms depicts a lion, a unicorn, a shield and a crown.

Role in Invictus Games

Invictus Games or "Games of the Undefeated" is a competition for disabled veterans of the British and Allied armies. The idea for these games belongs to Prince Harry, and he managed to implement his idea in just 10 months! This year the games were held in Orlando, USA, and in 2017 they will be held in Toronto, Canada.


Prince Harry is truly a jack of all trades. During a visit to Chile, he went to visit a local woman and saw that the TV was working with interference. The Briton examined the device and began fiddling with the cable, after which, according to the owner, the TV began to work better. He also personally helped build a school in Lesotho.

Avid traveler

Harry lived in Australia for a year, where he worked on a ranch. Then he went to Lesotho, Africa, where he worked in an orphanage. Personally, he and the younger brother of the King of Lesotho Letsie III, Prince Seiso, founded a charitable organization in 2006 to help children and adolescents in the country. A little later, the prince was admitted to the Royal Military Academy in Sandhurst, after which he went to Afghanistan.

As Diana called her son

Princess Diana called her youngest son "my little Spencer" because Harry's hair color went well with her relatives. Harry really has a lot in common with his mother: a similar sense of humor, modesty and kindness, a desire to help people.

Show "I want to marry Harry"

In 2014, FOX aired the reality show I Want to Marry Harry. The organizers gathered 12 young American women in an estate located in the county of Berkshire in the south of England, and presented them with the main "prize" - a stately red-haired handsome man. Until the end of the project, the girls did not know that in front of them was only an actor who looked like the Prince of Wales.

He inherited a great fortune

When Prince Harry turned 30, he received a £ 10 million inheritance from his late mother, Princess Diana. Prince William received the same amount on his 30th birthday. But Harry's inheritance is greater than William's, due to the bank interest that has accumulated over two years. Princess Diana's $ 40 million legacy included stocks, bonds, jewelry, savings, dresses, and other personal items. April 30, 2011 10:38 pm

Full name: Henry Charles Albert David Windsor Date of birth: 15 September 1984 Place of birth: London, UK Height: 188 cm Title: HRH Prince Harry of Wales. Harry and family Harry was born on September 18, 1984 at 4.20 a.m., at St Mary's Hospital in Paddington, central London, and on December 21, 1984, he was baptized by the Archbishop of Canterbury at St George's Chapel in Windsor, where he was named Henry Charles Albert David Windsor. Prince Harry is the youngest of the two sons of the Prince of Wales and Princess Diana. The grandson of Queen Elizabeth II, he is the third in the line of heirs to the British throne. Princess Diana, who did not receive parental affection in childhood, surrounded her sons with care and attention, so little Harry, like his older brother, had a happy childhood. Diana insisted that her children not study in isolation, as befits the royal offspring, but went to school, where they could communicate with their peers. Therefore, at first Harry attended Mrs. Minors' kindergarten, in September 1987 he went to Weatherby School in London, and in 1992 he joined Prince William and became a student of the prestigious Ludgrove School in Berkshire, where he studied for the next five years. In 1997, Harry's happy childhood ended at one point: on August 31, Princess Diana crashed in a car accident. Harry was 12 years old when he was left without a mother, his brother William - 15.
At Lady Dee's funeral, the orphaned brothers followed her coffin. They behaved courageously and steadfastly, as befits real men, although they could not hold back their tears. Harry grew up from childhood to be an athletic and agile guy. In physical education, he always had a solid five, for the young prince adores sports, be it football, rugby, alpine skiing or polo (he is engaged in the latter sport quite professionally).

Harry and the service In September 1998, Harry entered Eton College, where he graduated with honors, and after that he devoted one year to travel and work. In May 2005, Harry entered the Royal Military Academy at Sandhurst. He successfully completed a 44-week training course and was posted to the Royal Horse Guards in April 2006 with the rank of second lieutenant. Harry has successfully completed a 10-month training course as an Apache Attack Helicopter Pilot and may return to Afghanistan in 2012. Apache helicopter pilot qualifications are earned by a very small percentage of the most talented applicants out of the total number of military helicopter pilots.
Harry and charity He spent several months in Australia and Argentina, and then went to Africa, where he worked and did charity work, in particular, he shot a documentary about the hard life of orphans in the state of Lesotho. Harry continues the work of his mother, who was a passionate philanthropist, and has already raised more than $ 2 million to help those in need.
In April, Harry joined an expedition of disabled veterans who took to the North Pole. "This outstanding expedition will help people to realize what a debt our country owes to those who fight for it and who return later with physical and emotional wounds and scars." Harry in life Until the age of 17, Harry practically did not get into the lens of the paparazzi, who were without exception fascinated by his older brother, handsome William. However, when Harry turned from a red-haired freckled boy into a slender tall young man with a mischievous sparkle in his eyes, he suddenly began to attract the attention of journalists and girls from all over the planet! In 2001, in the ranking of the sexiest men in Great Britain, he immediately took 11th place, while his brother did not make the list at all. And I must say that the younger Prince of Wales is not deprived of female attention. Girls like him, and often bragged about his victories on the love front in front of his comrades, and even the love letters kept by Harry, according to rumors, are occupied by two secretaries. In addition, unlike his older brother, who until recently had a crystal-clear reputation, Harry has never been distinguished by exemplary behavior. Harry and Chelsea As for the young prince's personal life, since 2003 he has been dating Chelsea Davey.

Updated 01/05/11 15:25: For those who have not heard Harry's voice Updated 01/05/11 15:32: Updated 01/05/11 16:57: Updated 01/05/11 16:59: Updated 01/05/11 16:59: Updated 01/05/11 19:44: Coat of arms of harry One of the main gifts that Harry received at the age of 18 was his personal coat of arms, the design of which was personally approved by his grandmother. The emblem includes elements from the Spencer family coat of arms, which is an exception to the traditions of the British monarchy. Coat of arms of William. Find 10 differences. Harry's coat of arms is similar in essence to the coat of arms created specifically for his older brother William two years ago. It features a lion, unicorn, shield and crown. From the Spencer house, Harry took the pattern that adorns the collars of a lion and a unicorn, as well as a shield. The same pattern is present on Wilm's coat of arms.

The friendship between the two royal brothers is indestructible and touching, but still not without mutual jokes and witticisms. Prince Harry laughed at his older brother when he married Kate Middleton in 2011. After seven years, Prince William took revenge - and it was very funny.

“Oh, great ... Revenge is always sweet,” - with these promising words, the Duke of Cambridge reacted to the offer of his younger brother to act as his best man. Seven years ago, Prince Harry brilliantly coped with this role at the wedding of William and Kate Middleton, acting as the classic "best friend" of the groom - a kind of cheeky merry fellow who has the sacred right to make fun of the newlyweds and the pathos of the whole day.

“William didn't have a single bone in his body that was somehow responsible for romance,” Harry joked during a private wedding reception for the Dukes of Cambridge. "So when I heard him cooing on the phone with Kate, I knew immediately that things were very serious between them." In his speech, the prince repeatedly called the groom "dude", and also did not miss the opportunity to tell the guests that at home Kate calls William Billy, and he calls her a baby.

In a word, the Duke of Cambridge definitely had something to "take revenge" on his younger brother for - especially since on the morning of May 19, Prince Harry was an ideal target for jokes. Usually smiling and cheerful, the groom on the eve of the ceremony was noticeably nervous and could hardly control his excitement. But his brother clearly felt like a "seasoned": while Harry impulsively waved to passers-by, straightened his gloves and seemed to barely understand what was happening, the Duke of Cambridge walked to St. George's Chapel with a light gait, smiling and probably secretly laughing at the groom's awkwardness (of course, kindly).

William's triumphant serenity, towering over his younger brother's nervousness, could in itself be good revenge for 2011. However, as the lip-readers found out, the Duke of Cambridge still tried to help his brother and defuse the situation, setting the groom in a less serious mood.

“My pants are really tight,” William said casually to his brother as they made their way to the Chapel.

The young people continued to talk in the Capella itself, while they were waiting for the bride. The experts managed to find out that at times the princes remembered, for example, their mother or talked about Megan. Prince William, however, even in the Chapel did not abandon the idea of ​​reducing the degree of pathos of the whole event. You can guess this only by watching a small (and very funny) video from the church. It is not known exactly what the brothers were talking about, but some amateur, apparently inspired by the Duke of Cambridge's remark about pants, interpreted the conversation as follows:

William:"I have potatoes in my pants."


William:"I have potatoes in my pants."

Harry:"Does your wife know that you have potatoes in your pants?"

William:"No, he doesn't know."

But the most interesting thing was ahead of the groom, because in the evening Prince Charles gave a private reception in honor of Harry and Megan. Here, as they say, all the fun began - with an abundance of booze, dancing and, of course, "awkward" congratulations ( more details:). Of course, Prince William was well prepared to repay his younger brother for his best man speech in 2011. Oratory exercise of the Duke of Cambridge, according to insiders, was a success - it is no coincidence that many guests described his speech as "shameless", but very "touching".

Here are just a few funny quotes from Prince William's greetings, shared by British and international sources.

About Megan

William is said to have referred to the Duchess of Sussex as "the sister he never had" (courtesy of Prince Harry in 2011). The Duke of Cambridge generally chose the classic strategy of any best man: praise the bride and joke with the groom. Megan received such a compliment: “She is the best thing that happened in the life of Haz” (Haz, as a derivative of Harry - as the prince is called in the inner circle).

Prince Harry (Henry Charles Albert David Mountbatten-Windsor)

Henry Charles Albert David Mountbatten-Windsor

Prince Date of birth September 15 (Virgo) 1984 (35) Place of birth London Instagram @princeharry_w

The red-haired Prince Harry of Wales is perhaps the most beloved member of the British royal family by the yellow press. After all, journalists are very fond of following the personal life of celebrities, especially for juicy details. And monarchs and their children are constantly under the gun of cameras. Harry periodically throws scandalous news to them with his rash actions.

Prince Harry biography

Prince Harry is the son of Princess Diana and Prince Charles, was born on 15.09.1984 in London. The prince's real name is Henry, but everyone calls him Harry. Officially, his name in English sounds like Prince Henry of Wales.

Traditionally, the children from the royal family are taught individually, but the mother insisted that Harry go to a regular school with other children. While it cannot be said that the school was quite ordinary, it was originally the elite institution "Weatherby" in London, after the "Landgrove" School. When Harry and his brother grew up, they said more than once that they were very grateful to their mother for the opportunity to live as normal a life as possible, not separated from other people.

Harry was a rather difficult teenager, got into history, sometimes abused alcohol and even tried soft drugs. Perhaps this was due to the tragic death of his mother, whom Harry loved very much. When she died, the boy was 13 years old, and he was very upset about the loss.

Despite learning and behavioral problems, Harry successfully graduated from high school and entered Eton College. There he became interested in classic sports games: rugby, cricket, polo. The prince graduated from college in 2003 and, wanting to take a break from his studies, went to Australia. After staying there for a short time, he left for Lesotho, a small state in Africa. There he organized the filming of a film about the hard life of African children. We can say that being there, far from his usual comfortable life, Harry quickly matured and began to look at life in a new way. In 2006, he co-founded the Sentebale Charitable Foundation with the Prince of Lesotho to help orphans who have lost their parents to HIV.

Like his mother, Princess Diana, Harry and his brother are actively involved in charity work. They organized a fundraiser for the victims of the tsunami in Southeast Asia. He also worked as a children's rugby coach.

At the age of 21, Harry was awarded the title of State Counselor and received the legal right to participate in the meetings of the Privy Council.

Returning home from Africa, Harry entered the Royal Military Academy and quickly became a cadet officer. After 10 months he was enlisted in the elite regiment of the Palace cavalry "Blues and Royals". Harry was going to participate in hostilities in Iraq, but the leadership of the army felt that it would be too dangerous for both him and his colleagues. When the prince threatened that he would leave the army altogether if he was patronized so diligently, his regiment was sent to Afghanistan. For several months, the prince served there as an aviation gunner, underwent training in piloting an Apache military helicopter.

In his service, Harry did not avoid dangerous situations and often risked his life in doing his duty. He was personally involved in the operation that resulted in the destruction of one of the leaders of the terrorist Taliban. The Taliban appointed a high award for the head of the prince, which made it necessary to strengthen the secrecy of military operations. However, Harry returned home safely with the rank of Air Force Captain, with several military medals.

Harry is not always so revealing. While on vacation, he periodically finds himself in the center of scandals. So, once in Africa, he showed up for a Halloween costume party wearing a Third Reich swastika dress. Thanks to the ubiquitous paparazzi, it was leaked to the press and caused a sea of ​​outrage. It took a lot of trouble for the royal family to hush up this scandal. Harry personally also apologized for such a stupid and thoughtless joke.

In 2012, Harry was on leave from military service and spent it in Las Vegas. There he lost a game of chance and, as punishment, was forced to arrange a strip contest. Once again, his nude pictures were leaked to the press and led to a scandal. However, the royal house said that it was a private trip, and what the prince does in his private time is his business.

Prince Harry openly flirts with an American athlete without a leg

Prince Harry's personal life

From 2004 to 2010, the prince had an affair with Chelsea Davey, they had known each other since childhood. The girl is engaged in business - she organizes safari tours. Chelsea became very close to the royal family, she was even invited to the wedding of Prince William, although at that time she and Harry had already parted. The girl realized that being a new princess was not for her.

From 2012 to 2014, the prince had a romantic relationship with an actress from an aristocratic family, Cressida Bonas. Then there was a short-term relationship with Emma Watson, but they did not lead to anything serious.

In November 2016, photos of Prince Harry began to appear with Meghan Markle, an American actress and model known for the TV series Majors. Their relationship is actively developing, despite the fact that the prince's grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II, is not happy with the choice and even threatened to be excommunicated from the court if the grandson still marries the chosen one. The main reason is not even Megan's origin, but that she is divorced. The grandson was not particularly upset about this, judging by the fact that in the summer of 2017 the couple went on a romantic trip to Kenya. Harry has long said that he has no plans to ever take the throne and wants to live an ordinary life.