Born on November 10, 1919 in the village of Kurya, Altai Territory, in a large peasant family. Father - Kalashnikov Timofey Alexandrovich (1883–1930). Mother - Kalashnikova Alexandra Frolovna (1884–1957). Wife, Ekaterina Viktorovna Kalashnikova (1921–1977) - design technician, performed drawing work for Mikhail Timofeevich. Daughters: Nellie Mikhailovna (born 1942), Elena Mikhailovna (born 1948), Natalya Mikhailovna (1953–1983). Son - Viktor Mikhailovich (born 1942).

Until 1936, Mikhail Kalashnikov studied at school. After graduating from the 9th grade, he went to work as a technical secretary of the political department of the 3rd branch of the Turkestan-Siberian Railway.

In 1938, Mikhail's army life began. His military service took place in the Kiev Special Military District. First, he took a course as a tank driver, then he was sent to a tank regiment stationed in the city of Stryi.

And here the creative nature of Mikhail Kalashnikov already manifested itself. In particular, he created a recorder of the number of shots fired from a tank gun. It was then that I first met G.K. Zhukov. The commander of the troops of the Kyiv Special Military District presented the young inventor with a personalized watch.

A great creative path opened up for Kalashnikov. But soon the Great Patriotic War began. And of course, he, a young tanker, could not help but end up at the front. However, in October 1941, his tank was hit by a fascist shell. Mikhail Kalashnikov was seriously wounded and seriously concussed.

But lying in a hospital bed for a long time, doing nothing, was not in his character. Kalashnikov was tormented by one thought: how to help the front? This thought brought him to the library and forced him to sit down at the drawing table. And as soon as he was granted recovery leave, he immediately went to Matai station, where he worked for some time before the war. There, with the help of friends, he made his first submachine gun.

Kalashnikov felt that something needed to be adjusted in his weapon, to achieve a higher accuracy of fire. However, when he presented his sample to the outstanding weapons scientist A. A. Blagonravov, he heard praise from him. A new stage has begun in the life of Mikhail Timofeevich Kalashnikov, an as yet unrecognized designer.

Its first samples were never put into service. But they enriched him with considerable experience. And this experience, when the victorious 1945 year was already underway, inspired confidence in success. Kalashnikov began work on the creation of automatic weapons chambered for the 1943 model. He did not even imagine that he would be able to solve the problem relatively quickly: the new machine passed the very first tests.

In 1948 he was sent to Izhevsk. Then the young designer did not even think that he would “settle” in this city, which was still little known to him, that it would become dear to him. It is from here that, after a short time, the first batches of machine guns will go to the troops.

But he was attracted by another idea: how to create a self-loading carbine. He worked with unprecedented passion. I changed a lot along the way. In the end, the Kalashnikov self-loading carbine turned out to be both lighter in weight and more reliable in operation. In some ways it was even superior to the Simonov version of the same carbine.

During this period, military tests of the machine gun created by Mikhail Timofeevich were successfully completed. And then the decision was made to take it into service with the Soviet Army. A new era was beginning in the history of world small arms - the era of automatic weapons. He, Mikhail Timofeevich Kalashnikov, was the first to open this era. The AK-47 gave him a start in the weapons world and brought him fame such as no other designer on the planet had ever known. With the advent of such a powerful machine gun, the need for a self-loading carbine itself disappeared.

On September 1, 1949, Mikhail Timofeevich Kalashnikov joined the staff of the department of the chief designer of Izhmash. He still works there today. First of all, he is engaged in the further development of the AK-47. To this brainchild of Kalashnikov are added a 7.62-mm modernized AKM assault rifle and a modernized assault rifle with a folding stock - AKMS.

After the transition to a caliber of 5.45 millimeters, a large family of Kalashnikov assault rifles appeared - the shortened AKS-74U, AK-74 and AK-74M.

Mikhail Timofeevich is also known as a designer of machine guns. Among its designs are 7.62 mm Kalashnikov RPK and RPKS light machine guns - with a folding stock; 5.45-mm Kalashnikov light machine guns RPK-74 and RPKS-74 - with a folding stock. In total, the Kalashnikov design bureau created more than a hundred samples of military weapons.

Kalashnikov also has another hobby - creating hunting weapons. His Saiga self-loading hunting carbines, designed on the basis of an assault rifle, have gained enormous popularity among hunting enthusiasts in our country and abroad. Among them are the smooth-bore model “Saiga”, the self-loading carbine “Saiga-410”, “Saiga-20S”. More than a dozen modifications of carbines are still produced today.

M. T. Kalashnikov is a world-famous designer. The famous Israeli designer Uzi Gal stated very accurately when he once told Mikhail Timofeevich: “You are the most unrivaled and authoritative designer among us.”

The popularity of M. T. Kalashnikov is limitless. Once, the American philosopher and weapons specialist Edward Clinton Ezel sent a letter with the following address: “USSR. Mikhail Timofeevich Kalashnikov." Just like “to grandpa’s village.” And this message, of course, came through carefully, although there are thousands of Kalashnikovs in our country.

As for the main brainchild of the designer - the Kalashnikov assault rifle - it is recognized as the invention of the century. This assessment was given by the French newspaper Libération, which compiled a list of outstanding inventions of the 20th century - from aspirin to the atomic bomb. According to foreign experts, by the beginning of 1996, from 70 to 100 million machine guns had been manufactured in the world. It is used in 55 countries around the world. It is depicted on the banners and coats of arms of some countries.

For the creation of the AK-47 assault rifle, Mikhail Timofeevich Kalashnikov was awarded the Stalin (State) Prize of the first degree. Later, the AKM assault rifle and the RGS light machine gun were adopted. For this work, the designer was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor. In 1964 he was awarded the Lenin Prize. After 34 years, M. T. Kalashnikov again became a laureate of the State Prize.

In 1976, Mikhail Timofeevich was awarded the second Gold Medal “Hammer and Sickle”. Among his awards are three Orders of Lenin, “For Services to the Fatherland” II degree, Order of the October Revolution, Red Banner of Labor, Friendship of Peoples, Patriotic War I degree, Red Star, and many medals. M. T. Kalashnikov is a holder of the Order of St. Apostle Andrew the First-Called.

Mikhail Timofeevich Kalashnikov - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Honored Worker of Industry of the USSR, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the Republic of Udmurtia. He is an honorary member (academician) of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Academy of Missile and Artillery Sciences, the Russian Academy of Engineering, a full member of the Petrovsky Academy of Arts and Arts, the International Academy of Sciences, Industry, Education and Art of the USA, the International Academy of Informatization, the Union of Designers of Russia, and a number of other major scientific institutions; Honorary citizen of the Udmurt Republic, the city of Izhevsk, the village of Kurya, Altai Territory.

Mikhail Timofeevich is passionate about classical music. He is a regular participant in the traditional days of music by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. Loves poetry. Even at school I was interested in writing poetry. His pre-war poems were published in the newspaper of the Kyiv Special Military District "Red Army".

Class hour: “Mikhail Kalashnikov - a symbol of Russian technical thought”

Goals and objectives:

1) Fostering a sense of patriotism.

2) Talk about the legendary man M. Kalashnikov, a symbol of Russian technical thought.

3) Study the biography and career path of M. Kalashnikov.

4) Foster pride in M. Kalashnikov’s inventions.

5) To instill in students the desire to acquire deep knowledge and high moral qualities in the process of studying the life path of M.T. Kalashnikov.

Research methods

Working with information on the Internet, literary sources, periodicals, analysis, systematization, generalization.


M. Kalashnikov, AK-47 assault rifle, heroism, love for the Motherland, .

Expected results

Active interest of students in military weapons as a means of protection against any invaders.

The positive influence of educational information, instilling patriotism and interest in military professions.

Training in methods of research work with books, magazines, newspapers; using the Internet to obtain new knowledge, developing library skills.

Acquiring communication skills.

Speech development and vocabulary enrichment.

The historic handshake did not take place

It has become a tradition for us to talk during class hours about our country, its traditions, about outstanding people who bring glory to their state, about people with a worldwide reputation, about Russia - our glorious state. Students of our school spend this academic year under the motto “70th anniversary of Victory in the Second World War.” My class and I took part in many school-wide events: visiting veterans at home, cleaning the graves of WWII soldiers from different countries at the Lublin city cemetery, meeting with veterans during class hours, holding literary and musical evenings, concerts, sports games dedicated to the great Victory , debates, round tables and other events that gave us the opportunity to feel the spirit and pride of the Soviet people, who won such an important victory over fascism 70 years ago. Today we will talk about one person whose achievement, if not the whole world, then almost the whole world knows about. This man's name is Mikhail Timofeevich Kalashnikov. What did he do? And he made a machine gun. Military weapons. The machine gun is now in service in more than 100 countries around the world. And it was originally called AK-49. Mikhail Timofeevich said: “Whoever creates a machine better than mine, I will be the first to shake his hand.” Our outstanding gunsmith is no longer alive today, but the handshake never took place. Until today, no one has been able to come up with a weapon that is simpler, more reliable, and cheaper than the Kalashnikov assault rifle to protect their state from uninvited enemies.

Historical background Born into a large peasant family in 1919. In 1930, the family of his father Timofey Aleksandrovich Kalashnikov, recognized as a kulak, was exiled from the Altai Territory to Siberia. In 1938 he was drafted into the Red Army, received the specialty of a mechanic - a tank driver, and served in a tank regiment in the city of Stryi. He began the Great Patriotic War in August 1941 as a tank commander; in October 1941, near Bryansk, he was seriously wounded.

Beginning of a gunsmith's career Since 1942, Kalashnikov has been working at the Central Small Arms Research Site (NIPSMVO) of the Main Artillery Directorate of the Red Army. Here in 1944 he created a prototype of a multi-shot carbine, which, although it did not go into production, partially served as a prototype for the creation of an assault rifle. Since 1945, M. T. Kalashnikov began developing automatic weapons chambered for the 7.62×39 intermediate cartridge of the 1943 model. In the 1947 competition, the Kalashnikov assault rifle, after testing, showed the highest efficiency.

M. T. Kalashnikov In Izhevsk After this, Mikhail Timofeevich was sent to the Izhevsk Motor Plant on the instructions of the Chief Marshal of Artillery N. N. Voronov for the author’s participation in the creation of technical documentation and the organization of the production of the first pilot batch of his AK-47 assault rifle. After being demobilized from the army, Kalashnikov moved to permanent residence in Izhevsk and continued design work at the Izhmash plant.

His creations In the x years, on the basis of the AK, unified models of small arms were developed and adopted for service: AKM Kalashnikov assault rifle modernized, AKM RPK Kalashnikov light machine gun, RPK PK Kalashnikov machine gun, PK PKT Kalashnikov tank machine gun (installed together with the gun), PKT tank AK -74 modification of AKM chambered for 5.45×39. AK-74

The pride of Russia is Mikhail Timofeevich Kalashnikov.

Dmitrieva N.L., teacher of Russian language and literature. MCOU "Yeltsovskaya Secondary School".

There are many famous names in Russian history. M.T. Kalashnikov is a name that belongs to history.

In terms of its fame, it rightly ranks one

from the first places

among the outstanding names of the 20th century.

(1919 - 2013)

The future designer was born into an ordinary peasant family. He was the 17th child. In 1930, when Mikhail’s father was recognized as a kulak, the Kalashnikovs were exiled to the Tomsk region. Even as a child, young Kalashnikov was interested in technology, exploring the structure of various mechanisms. In addition, he was interested in geometry and physics. It is worth noting that the teachers of the future designer were exiled political settlers, most of whom had a university education. At the end of the 7th grade, Mikhail decided to return to Altai. Already in his native Kurye, he begins to get acquainted with the design of weapons, having personally disassembled a Browning pistol. At the age of 18, Mikhail leaves his native village and moves to Kazakhstan. Here he became an accountant at the railway depot.

Father - Kalashnikov Timofey Alexandrovich (1883-1930).

Mother - Kalashnikova Alexandra Frolovna (1884-1957).

1938 - Kalashnikov is drafted into the army. Here he becomes a tank driver. Mikhail Kalashnikov served in the 12th Tank Division, which was located in Stryi (Ukraine).

Even then, he showed his design abilities, developing a counter for shots from a tank gun, a counter for the service life of a tank, and an adaptation for a TT pistol. Kalashnikov gave a report on his inventions to General Georgy Zhukov. Later, the designer noted that if it had not been for the war, he might not have become an inventor.

The first Kalashnikov submachine gun.

1941 - Kalashnikov, with the rank of senior sergeant, becomes a tank commander. But soon he was seriously wounded. While in the hospital, I decided to create my own model of automatic weapons. Making sketches and drawings, Mikhail Timofeevich analyzed his own impressions and opinions of his comrades in arms, as well as information from books in the local library.

In 1945, M. T. Kalashnikov took part in a competition to develop an assault rifle chambered for the 1943 model. Based on the results of competitive tests in 1947, the AK-47 assault rifle was recommended for adoption by the Soviet Army. In 1948, the young designer was sent to the Izhevsk Motor Plant, where a pilot batch of an assault rifle was being manufactured for military testing. In September 1949, it moved to the Izhevsk Machine-Building Plant for serial production of the AK-47 assault rifle.


He is a member of the Russian Writers' Union.

Let's sing about heroism and strength,

About the tanks of the Soviet country,

As a child, Mikhail dreamed of becoming a poet. His pre-war poems were published in the newspaper "Red Army".

They were bravely led into battle

Sons of the Great Fatherland.

One of the first poems by Mikhail Kalashnikov.

Enemies have experienced

In 1940, it won a creative competition for young army writers.

The assertiveness of our armor,

It became an epic folk tale

Have wonderful days of hiking.

We walked through fog and ambushes,

And the armor thundered menacingly.

Swept away enemies without mercy

A mighty avalanche of fire.

No wonder everything is louder and more beautiful

Great Free People

Sings about our drivers,

He sings about Soviet tanks.

Legendary Russian gunsmith Mikhail Kalashnikov says that all his life he has been inventing weapons for protection, not for killing: “I sleep peacefully because I have always created weapons for protection. It is the politicians who cannot agree and use them for murder.”

The museum has Mikhail Timofeevich's apartment.

Reconstructed Kalashnikov workplace.

In 2004, the Museum and Exhibition Complex named after. M.T. Kalashnikov in the city of Izhevsk.

In 1980, a bronze monument was erected in the designer’s native village with the inscription on the pedestal:



for outstanding services

in the creation of new technology, by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated January 15, 1976, he was awarded the Order of Lenin and the second gold medal “Hammer and Sickle.”

On November 15, 2013, in the village of Kurya, Altai Territory, the opening of the Mikhail Timofeevich Kalashnikov Museum took place, dedicated to his 94th birthday.

The museum is located in the building of the parish school, where Mikhail Kalashnikov once studied. The builders preserved the historical appearance of the building, carved frames on the windows, and ancient stoves.

The museum exhibition consists of 3 main sections, introducing visitors to different periods of the life of the outstanding weapons designer.

Chapter " Guy from Altai" dedicated to the period of life of Mikhail Kalashnikov in the village of Kurye in Altai. The museum's exposition creates an image of Kurya in the first third of the twentieth century; copies of archival documents tell about the life of the family.

"Automatic Man"- the name of the second section of the exhibition, which traces the life path of Mikhail Timofeevich: military service, participation in the battles of the Great Patriotic War, the creation of an assault rifle, the development of a small arms complex.

This section of the exhibition ends with an arsenal - a set of small arms developed by Mikhail Kalashnikov.

Model of the MMG AK 74 assault rifle - a gift to the museum

from M.T. Kalashnikov.

The third section of the exhibition "Legendary person" shows Mikhail Timofeevich not only as a world-famous outstanding designer of small arms, but also as a person whose name is associated with endless love for the Motherland, with the desire to ensure its security.

Interesting Facts

In some African countries, newborns are given the name Kalash - in honor of the Kalashnikov assault rifle.

Former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein owned a gold-plated AK of a modified design.

In 2008, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation issued coins with the image of a Kalashnikov assault rifle in honor of the 450th anniversary of Udmurtia joining Russia.

The Kalashnikov assault rifle is used in the coats of arms and flags of some countries:

Flag of Mozambique

Coat of arms of Mozambique

Coat of arms of Zimbabwe

Coat of arms of Burkina Faso

in 1984-1997

“My mental pain is unbearable, one and the same unanswerable question: if my machine gun took people’s lives, then I, Mikhailo Kalashnikov, ninety-three years old, the son of a peasant woman, a Christian and Orthodox by my faith, am guilty of the death of people, let even an enemy?

“Yes, the number of churches and monasteries on our land is increasing, but evil still does not decrease!.. Good and evil live, coexist, fight and, worst of all, reconcile with each other in the souls of people - this is what I came to at sunset of your earthly life. It turns out to be some kind of perpetual motion machine, which I so wanted to invent in my youth. Light and shadow, good and evil - two opposites of one whole, unable to exist without each other? And did the Almighty really arrange everything this way? And will humanity vegetate forever in this ratio?”

Mikhail Timofeevich wrote a letter of repentance to Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus' six months before his death.

In it, he shares his mental anguish and doubts about responsibility for the deaths of many people who were killed with a machine gun created by his hands.

Mikhail Timofeevich Kalashnikov

Buried at Federal Military

memorial cemetery.

Biography Kalashnikov was born on November 11, 1919. in the village of Kurya, Altai Territory, in a large peasant family. Mikhail was the seventeenth child in the family. After graduating from the 9th grade of high school, M.T. Kalashnikov went to work as a student at the Matai station railway depot. In 1938, M.T. Kalashnikov was drafted into the Red Army, served in the Kiev Special Military District, and graduated from the school of tank driver mechanics. Since 1949, M.T. Kalashnikov has lived and worked in the city of Izhevsk. During his work, he promoted from an ordinary designer to a chief designer of small arms. General M.T. Kalashnikov was awarded high state awards.

History of creation In October 1941, he was seriously wounded and shell-shocked. While still in the hospital, M.T. Kalashnikov decided to develop and manufacture a submachine gun. Having received a six-month leave, he arrived at the Matai station and in the workshops of the depot, with the help of his fellow workers, carried out his plan. The outstanding Soviet scientist in the field of small arms A.A. Blagonravov became interested in the submachine gun of senior sergeant Kalashnikov. In 1942, M.T. Kalashnikov was sent to serve at the Central Research Range of Small Arms (NIPSMVO) of the Main Artillery Directorate of the Red Army.

At the training ground in 1944, Kalashnikov developed a prototype of a self-loading carbine, the design of the main components of which served as the basis for the creation of an assault rifle in 1946. In 1947, M.T. Kalashnikov improved his assault rifle in the same year due to its high reliability and operational efficiency machine won a brilliant victory in the most difficult competitive tests. The assault rifle was adopted by the Soviet Army in 1949 under the name “Avtomat Kalashnikov (AK)”, and senior sergeant M.T. Kalashnikov was awarded the Stalin Prize of the first degree in 1949.

Caliber: 5.45 mm. Magazine capacity: 30 rounds Weight: 3.6 kg. (with a full magazine) Weight of the bayonet with scabbard is 0.49 kg. Length (without bayonet): 940 mm. Barrel length 415 mm. Sighting range: 1000 m. Initial speed: 900 m/s Maximum bullet range: 3150 m. Country of origin: Russia Magazine weight 0.23 kg. Combat rate of fire when firing in bursts when firing a single shot Up to 100 rounds per minute. Up to 40 rounds per minute. Rate of fire600, rounds/min. Combat properties of the Kalashnikov assault rifle

Procedure for cleaning the machine 1. Prepare materials for cleaning and lubrication: Gun lubricant Rags 2. Disassemble the machine. 3. Clean the bore and chamber from the receiver side. 4. Clean: Gas pipe Gas piston Bolt frame Wipe the remaining metal parts dry with a rag