A conspiracy for good trade can improve the state of affairs: get rid of stale goods, establish relationships with those performing audits and inspections, competently organize the structure of seller - goods - buyer. Market relations involve real art - proper interaction with people, a psychological approach to the buyer, calculation of risks and forecasts. But no matter how professional you are in this area, no matter how promising and thoughtful the strategy is, it will collapse if you are not lucky.

You often have to deal with the injustice of fortune when one seller with an overpriced and low-quality product has an active and profitable trade. And the next counter with products that are more interesting in terms of price-quality ratio is empty. The slow-witted entrepreneur wonders what’s going on here, makes discounts, further reducing the cost of the goods, increases the already high selection criteria, but the situation does not change. And the point is ordinary, but not always achievable, luck. To attract and increase it, it is enough to use proven sales conspiracies.

Remember, work with a conspiracy is carried out with a sober head and with all seriousness. Ridicule and skepticism about the process will not bring results.

For trade

For honest and conscientious sellers, there is a unique trading conspiracy that works for sure and quickly. Take a handful of millet and slowly pour the cereal from palm to palm with the words:

Gold-gold, be friends with me, like ice with water, like a nightingale with spring, like dew with grass! I am not a tradesman - a morgash, but a merchant - a fine fellow, I sell with honor, I hang with excess, measure with powder, cut with extra, pour with the remainder. Be in my barn treasure and harmony, and ergot in everything, without holes, without ruin, Without waste and without burnout in all the days and years of my bazaar.


If for some reason you are afraid of magic, use prayer. Many saints encouraged trade and patronized it. Saint John the New, Sochavo is one of them. Buy an icon with his image, put it in a secluded place or carry it with you.

It is also recommended to read a daily prayer with the words:

Having nurtured life on earth with goodness, suffering, with alms, and frequent prayers, and tears, and having courageously rushed towards suffering, you denounced the Persian wickedness. In the same way, you were the affirmation of the Church and the praise of Christians, John of everlasting memory. You strove to buy the floating depths of the sea, from the east to the north, but I called you to God, like Matthew, the tollhouse, but you left the purchase, and you followed him with the blood of torment, having redeemed the impassable with time, and You have received the crown, invincible. Amen.

Another prayer to Seraphim of Sarov:

Oh, Wonderful Father Seraphim, the great Sarov Wonderworker! Help everyone who asks You! During the days of Your earthly life, no one left You skinny and inconsolable, It was good to see Your face and hear Your voice. Let your gift of healing, insight, and healing of weak souls appear. When the Lord called you to heavenly peace from earthly labors, always honoring and loving You, we believe in Your miracles, multiplying like the stars in the sky. All over the world you appear to people and give them healing. We ask you the same thing, O Pleasant of God. Ask the Lord God for us with Your prayer, granting strength and blessings necessary in life, useful in spiritual salvation. Protect us from the fall and teach us to truly repent, believing in the eternal Heavenly Kingdom, where You now shine in glory, singing with all the saints the Life-Giving Trinity forever and ever. Amen.

For stale goods

To profitably say goodbye to slow-moving and stale goods, do not reduce the price. Perform a simple ritual: find an anthill in the forest, collect a bunch of it in a jar or rag and sprinkle the stale goods, saying three times

As many ants in that house, so many buyers sent me, God. Amen

A conspiracy will help you sell a “problem” item quickly and not at a loss:

I am a merchant, always a great guy. I will sell our goods to you. Money - to money. Your money for us - our product for you. Amen.

Words must also be spoken above the product.

And the last spell for water

Deeds, O Lord, you have spoken with your most pure lips, as without me you cannot do anything, my Lord, Lord, by faith the volume of our soul, help me, a sinner, your servant (name), this life of ours in trade, in buying, selling, money changers and everything. You, Master Lord, accomplish it yourself in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Holy angel Michael, in Your holy name we trade, save, preserve and bless with your holy prayers the servant of God (name) to begin and carry out a happy and prosperous trade. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Afterwards, spray the product with enchanted water.

For a handmade product

It happens that you need to sell a product you made yourself. I feel sorry for the energy and wasted time. A simple but powerful selling spell will help effectively.

We will entangle the evil angels of darkness with hemp nets and shackle them! Evil spirit! Whether you come out of a tree, or from water, or from the air, or from the wind, You appear from the sun or the moon, Move away, you are still an evil spirit! My cross protects me. God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit are with me. In the name of the Holy Trinity we will confuse evil spirits

And we will seal it with the words of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

You, God, preserve and protect with Your merciful cross the roof of my house.

Amulet from the evil eye

Often people, without knowing it, can become envious and bring the evil eye or damage to a trade or trading place. Some do this inadvertently, others out of envy of a successful merchant or to get rid of competitors. To protect yourself from this trouble, make a talisman from a comb, handkerchief, pin or other small thing that will not be used for its intended purpose. Speak on the subject

Lord my God, I am before You, I ask you to save me, to protect me with a talisman. I ask you to save and protect the entire holy army: Ivan the Theologian, Ivan the Long-Sufferer, Ivan the Headless, Ivan the Baptist, Ivan the Postilite, Michael the Archangel, Archangel Gabriel,

Nicholas the Wonderworker, Praskova the Great Martyr. Faith, Hope, Love and their Mother Sophia. I stand under your shield, which will protect me. In the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Another talisman is made of carnelian. Place a drop of cinnamon and orange essential oils on it and cast a spell

Carnelian stone, you are dear to everyone’s heart, your face is pleasant to everyone. So make sure that I too am (was) sweet for money and for prosperity, for generous people, rich and noble. Let them come to me and take the goods from me. Yes it is!

These talismans will not only protect you from damage and the evil eye, but will also additionally bring good luck and success in business. Carry amulets with you or hide them in the place where you carry out transactions or trade.

For a good deal

It often happens that a large product - a car, an apartment or other real estate - does not attract a buyer, despite the favorable price, excellent quality and condition. The fact is that the buyer on a subconscious level is not interested in the object itself as a material value, but in the energy that it carries from its previous owner. Therefore, before making an important transaction for you or selling any large and expensive item, read a strong conspiracy to sell over any paper document that will be needed during negotiations

Gold-gold, pour in to me, Like peas in the bins, Like barley in the threshing floor, Like rye in the threshing floor! Gold-gold, Stick to my hands, Like flies to honey, butterflies to the light, Grass to the sun! Gold, gold, pour into my pockets without calculation or counting. Without edge, without measure! Gold-gold, Be near me, Like ice with water, Like a nightingale with spring. I am not a tradesman, but a stately merchant. I sell in parts, I receive in excess, I measure by sprinkling, I cut by adding, I pour and leave. Let there be treasure and harmony in my barn, So that everything goes smoothly, Without wasting time, without ruin, Without waste, burnout, on any day of my market. Amen".

These words will imbue the object of sale with strong energy potential and will help you complete the transaction with maximum benefit.

To eliminate competitors

In trade, as in no other business, the issue of rivalry arises very acutely. Not all people are ready to act according to their conscience. Slander is the softest way to get off. Competitors do not disdain even more powerful methods - intrigues, slander, even causing severe damage. Be far-sighted and enterprising so that you don’t have to regret and repent of your stupidity in the face of suddenly collapsed wealth.

The following is considered an excellent conspiracy against the machinations of ill-wishers:

I go out into the wide courtyard, I look along all the roads and crossroads, I see clear stars from earth to sky. You, confused paths, will delay my competitors. You, clear stars, will darken your heavenly bright light. So that without your light my competitors would have no way, no way. So that they are deaf and dumb.

It can be spoken weekly. Out loud, thoughtfully and with faith.

If you suspect an evil eye, prepare charmed water and spray it on your retail space every month. This must be done during the full moon. If there are flowers indoors, water them with this water too. Conspiracy text:

Lessons, prizes, touches, cinnamon, Evil man's speeches, clearer eyes, Marmot, marmot, marmot, From the female evil eye, from the male. Mother Friday, of the peasant race, Take this evil eye: From the walls, from the windows, from the doors, from the steps, From me, from my deeds, from my speeches, From my clear eyes, From the blood, from my relatives, from my head, from my back, From things, from a wallet, from gold, from silver, From windy, feigned, from the evil eye. As my mother gave birth to me, the Mother of God blessed me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen.


The emotional state of the trader himself also plays an equally important role in successful trading. If you are dishonest and greedy with customers, overweight or shortchange, then harmonious and productive trading will not work. The powers of conspiracies for a good sale are effective and efficient only if the merchant has a harmonious and friendly attitude towards his buyer. Be polite and try to help, even if you don’t see the same attitude towards yourself. A bad attitude can be the machinations of ill-wishers and is aimed at destroying the protection of your biofield, and, accordingly, your business.

The attitude and focus on success and successful trading is very important. When asked about the state of affairs, the progress of trade, never complain or become poor, even if things are really bad. There is no need to reveal all the ins and outs either. Don’t stain a person’s aura with your negativity and problems, but don’t brag either. In order not to dodge, learn humorous positive phrases like “Enough for bread and butter” or “Little by little.” Remember that the glass is half full.

If the problems become more and more, and the losses are overwhelming, do not despair. To professionally solve the problem - to perform energy cleansing, establish strong and indestructible protection for your business and attract the powerful force of success, contact a specialist.

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Today I want to share with the readers of the site my thoughts and tips on trading techniques and its improvement. Probably, any trading person is interested in understanding why some people trade quickly and have a lot of money, while others do not.

So, I realized that a product is an energy structure. Although, of course, you can pick it up, touch and feel it. But goods for sale behave absolutely like energy. Remember the hackneyed expression: “money to money”? The people accurately reflected the essence of the energy of the money received for the goods - this is a clear principle of a magnet.

I tried to understand what is a magnet for buyers, why some come up to the counter and willingly buy everything, while others, after thinking, leave. And I began, at first just for myself, to accumulate impressions about the characters of wealthy merchants. And I discovered that most of them have some kind of so-called “trading power” potential. In other words, not every person manages to become a successful seller. Remember how in the early difficult 90s absolutely everyone rushed into trade - from teachers to plumbers. Yes, many of them “found themselves” - they gradually developed themselves, opened retail outlets, shops, etc. Some of them magically even managed to enter the arena of big business and established themselves as Fortune’s favorites. But, unfortunately, many of the traders, to tell the truth, were burned to smithereens. And all because they did not have one or another potential of “trading power”. Well, they didn’t follow fate - that’s all.

The reserve of “trading power” determines how much a trading person can earn and, most importantly, spend it wisely or invest in promoting his business. This power can be attracted, retained and even trained. By increasing it, sellers accordingly increase the cash flow that comes to them. The main thing is to learn how to maintain cash flow: “product - money - product”, determine its direction and adjust it in the right direction. After all, the flow can be upward (money flows to you) or downward (money leaves you). Of course, when trade falls, only an extremely frivolous trader will not feel it. It is important to learn to catch the moment when the “trading force” changes direction. Nothing has happened yet, and the situation is tense. This is where you need to feel it - and correct it.

Places of trade and the product itself that needs to be sold are very important. Not far from my house, two years ago they bought two apartments on the ground floor and turned them into a store. They sold everything they could during this time: live fish, flowers, souvenirs, sugar and flour in bulk, etc. Nothing worked! Having gone there a couple of times, I was convinced that this room needed a thorough energetic cleansing and without doing this, there would be no use there. And so it happened: the store has been closed with roller blinds for several months now and an advertisement for rent is dangling forlornly on it, which, unfortunately, does not appeal to anyone...

To put it mildly, I am surprised by the so-called boutiques and departments in huge shopping centers. People take things from Turkey or “on Malaya Arnautskaya”, attach labels from well-known companies to them, write amounts with several zeros on the price tags and display all this in their windows. You can, of course, read conspiracies for their sale, but, frankly speaking, you need to look at things realistically, because it often happens that the only buyers in such departments all day are sleepy flies.

The story about the atmosphere in the market deserves special mention. What kind of passions flare up here, where are they compared to Shakespeare’s! Over the years of my practice there was a full spectrum: envy, the evil eye, deceitful discussions of merchants, witchcraft, etc. What respected merchants do not slip under each other’s counters: corn, salt, burnt matches, pins, burnt banknotes, etc. And this is an eternal clarification: “who is right - who is wrong”, “who looked at whom wrongly”, “who has offended whom”... And may my respected businessmen forgive me, but very often the place of trade on the market simply turns into cloaca. People don’t realize that this serious showdown breaks both their biofield and the aura of the trading place and nothing good will come of it for any of the gentlemen entrepreneurs.

Both the mood and thought patterns of trading people are important, what they think about themselves and their business, and how they see their role in their financial situation. I know several businessmen who each have several stores, market outlets, and wholesale warehouses. Every winter they spend several weeks in the Alps; in the summer they fly to the Canaries. Their children study in prestigious gymnasiums, their house is a full bowl, and there is everything on the table except bird's milk. Yes, of course, they work, they work hard. But you just have to ask: “How’s trading? How’s business?”, the same picture begins: they all purse their lips as if by magic and the “cry of Jeremiah” begins: “Well, everything is bad: trade is not going well, there is nothing to pay the workers, we are eating the last piece of bread, in general, complete collapse..." I would like to say to such businessmen: "Dear sirs! Of course, you shouldn’t shout left and right about your successes, so as not to jinx your business. But still, well, fear God! Look around: most people don’t have even a tenth of what you have. By talking about your imaginary problems, you are programming yourself to close the road to success and good luck.”

When trade collapses, problems begin with finances and inspection authorities; if you find ruinous items at a trading place, and you see that the situation is getting out of control and you don’t know what to do, please don’t guess with a daisy, but urgently carry out energetic cleaning of premises, which will protect your trade. Contact a specialist who will cast an amulet for you for good luck in business and attract “trading power” to you.

Well, now let’s move directly to the rituals and conspiracies to improve trade. All of them, except the first, are performed only on the waxing moon. Do all this secretly, never tell anyone that you performed these rituals. During them you cannot joke, laugh, or have fun. Never perform rituals “for fun” or “for company.” Three days before the event you should not drink alcohol. Here's what you should keep in mind when trading. We must treat all customers humanely. Don’t be stingy, don’t respond to attacks from energy vampires and female vampires, don’t fight with them. Don't deceive, don't overweight, don't be greedy. Give change correctly. Meet and see people off with kindness and gratitude, no matter how difficult it may be.

I admire a woman I know who has been involved in trading for quite some time. Going to the market in the morning, she reads trading conspiracies and morning prayers at home for about half an hour. Arriving at the trading place, she, without being embarrassed by anyone, sprinkles her goods with holy water, sprinkles them with enchanted poppy seeds and loudly and clearly reads “Our Father” 3 times over the goods. At first, many of the neighboring traders twirled their fingers at their temples, but then they got used to it. But the woman doesn’t care about all this: she trusts herself and her trade to God, and her business is going great.

So let your trading place become not just a “shopping point”, but a Fortune Zone!

And now rituals and conspiracies for trade

1. To get rid of failure in trading, on the waning moon, take any old rag and wipe the dust from your trading place with it. You can also wash the floor with it. Wrap any unnecessary key in it, say the following words to the package: “Dashingly beggar, dashingly non-trading, dashingly loss-making, don’t touch me, servant of God (name), be quiet, swim away on the water, don’t call me with you. Lie under the snag, keep the clawed crayfish, the white-faced fool. So that I don’t wear rags and don’t be poor forever, so that I don’t sell all my goods and don’t hoard rags. The wave carries you away, I am rich and free. I send poverty away, I close the words. The lock is in the company, and the key is in the water. Amen".

Take the package to the river and drown it in the water.

2. If you see a hop among the grass that curls and strives towards the sun, cross yourself and say the following words to it 3 times: “Like hops curl around a pillar towards the sun, so that private merchants curl around me, the servant of God (name).
yes generous customers. Forever and ever. Amen". There is no need to pull hops out of the ground.

3. To help establish trade, turning to the so-called “Point of Power”, which is located in the center of the trading place. In a store, this is the center of the trading floor. In the market, estimate approximately where its center is. At home, take an iron ruble or hryvnia, dip it in eucalyptus oil, let it dry and say to it 3 times: “My gift is on your trade roads. As soon as you accept this money, you will crown me with luck. Good luck fort, I will be dearer to you than white light, clean water, delicious food. Miss me, good luck, God’s servant (name). My word for word, my deed for deed, so that good luck for me, (name), has a heart ache. My conspiracy is long, my words are strong, whoever disproves the word, otherwise everything will be new, for better, for worse, as it was said before.”

In the center of the trading place, powerful energy trade flows intersect, which have colossal power. Therefore, it is important to “appease” this force and throw a metal charmed hryvnia into this center, saying at the same time: “Paid.” It doesn’t matter that you may even immediately see that someone took this ransom for themselves (this is natural), what’s important is the magical manipulation you performed.

4. You can also make a purchase for good luck in trading. Place a unit of your product, a kilo of nuts, a loaf of white bread, a bottle of good red wine and a banknote in a clean bag. Say a conspiracy to trade: “I will stand, blessing the east, the eastern side. I have the Holy Cross on me, Jesus Christ is with me everywhere. The sky is my castle, the earth is my keys, and you, good luck, knock on me. From this day of God, wealth comes to my trade, the purchase gives wealth. I am giving purchases to the mother church, I will ask her to come to me, (NAME), to drive people - gather to me, the merchant, people from all sides, you have my goods, my bow to you. Ordinary people and bars, take my goods, they are sweeter than mother's milk, tastier than honey, more than a sip of water. My deed and word are in the name of the Lord. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Take the package to the church, but under no circumstances place it on the funeral table.

5. You need to cross the goods, iron what you are selling and say a conspiracy to trade: “I, servant of God (name), iron my goods (name of the goods), I bring the buyer to him. The first one will come and take a look, the second one will come and praise it, and the third one will come and buy it at exorbitant prices. The word is a knot that cannot be untied. Amen".

6. Take a small black rag, crumple it, then roll it in salt and say over it: “My black melancholy, my black sadness, my black blackness. Go away forever. Fly to me good, gold and silver! Money to money, ruble to penny! My chamber is always full of goodness. Everyone who comes will leave with nothing. It’s a profit for me, a joy for myself. It’s good for me to sell, but I won’t know grief! Amen".

After this, the black rag must be thrown out the window, and it must be thrown with such force that it flies far, far away.

7. This conspiracy to trade must be read over water, and then wash your hands with it. After that, dry them with a white towel without a pattern.

“With my hands, with my lips I speak, I pronounce, I speak pure water. Give, O water, strength for trade, for prosperity, send, Lord, through the water, prosperity. Jesus Christ will rinse His little hands, my guardian angel will take this water and bring it to me, God’s servant (name). I will pray to the Lord God, I will be saved by his pure water. Whoever knows this conspiracy and reads it before trading will not count the gold and silver. I lock my word and my deed and lock it with seven keys. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen". Wash your hands before trading.

8. On the eve of the trading day, not late in the evening, you need to read the following trading spell: “Send me, Saint Nicholas the Pleasant, honest and profitable trading. Forever and ever. Amen".

9. At night, cut the loaf of bread into quarters. For each piece of bread, read the trading spell like this: “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The true Christ washed and rinsed himself, was not afraid of anything, then he sat down at the oak table, ate some white bread, stood up and said: “As this bread was divided into four parts, so (name) had good luck.” Just as people’s hands are greedy for bread, so that I, God’s servant (name), would take everything, sort it out, and give me good money for everything. Key. Lock. Language. Amen. Amen. Amen".

In the morning, take this bread to the church and give each piece of bread to an individual begging person.

10. To improve trading, you need to look into the eyes of the turtle and stroke its shell 4 times. To change your luck more radically, you need to take the turtle into your home for two weeks, and the larger it is, the more significant changes in trading await you. From time to time you can take it with you to trade.

No matter how much figures and percentages dominate traders, these pragmatic people sometimes resort to the help of magical rituals and, in particular, conspiracies. And this is not a matter of superstition or lack of self-confidence, it’s just that trading is, in many ways, a matter of luck, which even the most talented entrepreneurs require. Therefore, many of the most influential people in the business world believe in the power of magic, especially as it relates to attracting good luck at work. Most often, they use a trading conspiracy that is effective in business, capable of attracting customers and returning them if income is needed. The ritual will help maintain the price of goods and protect against the machinations of competitors who want to do their best to interfere with the commercial success of a more successful neighbor. In trading, as in many other areas, along with business qualities, experience and professionalism, there is luck and luck. A strong conspiracy to trade, as well as other rituals for good luck in this matter, are designed to increase trade turnover, increase profits and speed up all these processes as much as possible.

For success in trading

If you own a store, then take care of success in trading. So that you always have a lot of customers, do this. Take oats from nine horse feeders, then from two canteens or cafes at the door. Sprinkle this in the corners of your store, saying: There are so many oats in nine logs, so much rubbish in two taverns, so many customers in my shop. Amen.

For good trading

They talk about salt, pour it with their right hand with a backhand over their left shoulder at the workplace.
Those on foot, those traveling, come here, here is a place for you, food and water. Money for me, goods for you. Amen.

When washing before trading, they read, drying themselves with a handkerchief, and take the handkerchief with them to the trade. You can’t count the stars, you can’t knead the plowing with your hands, you can’t take my word away from me. I am a merchant, my crown is with me. Just like bees fly to honey, everyone looks at my product and wants to take it away. Amen.

For profitable trading

Look at the person (buyer), smile and rub your hands, say out loud: “Please take it. Inexpensive! And to myself: “You take what’s mine, you give away what’s mine.” Amen.

For a quick and profitable sale

Before sunrise, holding in their left hand the prosphora purchased on the holy holiday, they cross themselves with their right hand, saying “Lord, help” twelve times. Then they bow to the front corner of the room and read: King Herod had 12 daughters. And just as it is true and true that there were 12 of them, not 13, so it is true and true that I will sell my goods.
They eat the prosphora and go to trade. Trading should be very successful.

For good luck when traveling to buy goods

They bow to the sunrise and read before leaving the threshold. Sunrise side, Father Sun. You walk high, you see far. Track the paths for me (name), take more, sell better. Be my word, my deed. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

So that the product sells out

They cross themselves near a shop with goods, saying: Go, goods, get out, return the money for it. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Do not do it on church holidays and the first of March.

To always be profitable

They cast poppy seeds on the profitable Moon and sprinkle them where they sell them. Spell for poppy:
Whoever steps on you, poppy, will buy my goods from me. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

Prayer when selling vegetables and berries

Before you go trading, cross yourself and say:
Through God I received, through God I rescued, through God I will receive again. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Removing the evil eye from a product

If your product is not selling, do this. On the first Wednesday of any month, read the conspiracy at your trading place. Until you read it seven times in a row, don’t talk to anyone.
They read it like this: Solomonida’s grandmother, Christ’s right-mother, washed Christ, poured clean water over him, and covered him with a towel. Grandmother of Solomonida, Christ's Ruler, remove, wash away, rinse the inflows, damage, counterfeits, allotments, crookedness, emptiness, poverty from my business, from my goods, from silver money, from copper money, from paper money, from gold money, rustling, ringing . So that they never decrease for me, but grow and arrive. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Amulet for goods

Remove the knot from the birch board. You will get a wooden ring. Every time on the full moon, at twelve o'clock at night, put this ring on the little finger of your left hand and say Who would the influx take, but not me. Whom misfortune would love, but bypass me. Take care of me, bereginya, mother birch, forest goddess: from damage, from harm, from misfortune and shame. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
In the morning, when you arrive at your workplace, put the charmed ring on the same finger as at night, and move it crosswise over the product you want to sell.

If the goods are stale

Take a handful from the ant heap in the forest, sprinkle it on the goods and say: Just as there are many ants in that house, so send me buyers for my goods, Lord God. Amen.

To give in in price when selling

Imperceptibly turn your head to the left, spit and say: Who spits to the side, and who gives me the price I need. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

From trade checks

If officials show up to conduct an inspection on you, make a fig in your pocket and say: God’s protection is for me, and the fig is for you. Mind you, I'm ahead, and you, mind you, are behind. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
No test will cause you much trouble if you do this.

From brazen extortion

There is a dry shulga in a dead field, it never blooms or grows. Cattle do not eat it, animals never devour it, man’s hand does not tear it, does not take it. I conjure you, shulga, whoever comes to me, the servant of God (name), with evil, let him be damaged in his mind, rot in his body, not heal his wounds and die cursed. The gates of hell are with my enemy nearby. Shulga, take my enemy. There are three leaves with three words inscribed on them: Father, Son, Holy Spirit. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

From the evil eye when purchasing goods

This curse is read three times. The first one is before the trip. The second is before buying, the third is before selling. Just as you can’t break the Mother Church with your gaze, you can’t reach the sand from the ocean with your hand, a black eye, a brown eye, a blue and green eye can’t interfere with my trading business. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Amulet for the store

To remove the spell, take a broom with an aspen handle, tie three black bows on it, and place it with the stick down and the broom up in a corner. And three times during the evening they approach the broom, talk to it, and at night they put it out on the street. If the broom does not disappear within 24 hours from the place where you put it, you will have to do it all over again. Opening hours are full moon. Hello, mother broom, grandmother of the devil, great-grandmother of the devil, take yourself three black bows and my curse. Meet on the side, don't miss me. Amen. Amen. Amen.

So that no customer leaves without purchasing

A trading person must take care of his profitable business in advance. Previously, a merchant would go to the field in the fall, pick up the dropped wheat there with his own hands, and carry it to his shop with a spell word. Then there was no end to people in the shop. The merchant was happy and kept quiet about his secret.
Let this conspiracy help your business too. The Lord God gave wheat to people. It bears ears of grain, it feeds young and old, beggars and boyars. Kings and princes eat it, and I too bow to this ear. How do you, ear of wheat, allow wheat to grow from one grain: one, two and three. Most Holy Trinity, help me, protect me from poverty, protect me. Cover, multiply all my money lari tenfold. Let my money be born, multiply, like an ear of corn in a field is born, multiplies, grows night and day, does not allow people to die of hunger: beggars and princes, bars and kings and us, Orthodox merchants. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

A conspiracy to attract buyers

In clear weather, when all the stars are visible in the sky, go out into the yard, stand at an intersection, where cars do not drive. Raise your face to the sky and say:
Hello, mother clear star! It was I who came to you uninvited, to whom God gave a star to walk in the sky, and to whom God gave to trade in a court shop. Look from above, mother clear star, at my goods and at me myself. And how can you not count the clear stars in your sky so that I can collect so much profit from the goods? My word is strong, my deed is sculpted. Key. Lock. Language. Amen. Amen. Amen. After this, take some earth from under your feet. Spin around on your heels clockwise and go home. The soil needs to be poured out near your trading place.

From theft and damage to goods

I get up, walk, come up, go into the church to pray to God, to worship the Mother of God. There is a coffin on the right hand - there is a dead man in it, on his forehead lies a burial crown. His legs gave way, his arms dropped, his mind became numb, numb and numb, his little eyes did not open, his jaws did not unclench. So the thief, the villainous villain, would become numb, numb, his mind and reason would become numb. And whoever steals my goods or whoever tortures him with witchcraft, the coffin will stand on his right hand, the deceased will not leave his soul. I close my words with a lock, I close my business with a key and protect it with a talisman. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

To avoid being dragged from the workplace

Ulyana sewed, Maryana hemmed. Two dawns came together and agreed among themselves: not to take it from its place, not to move it, to protect it from any hands. Your hands would turn to stone, your eyes would become glassy, ​​your legs would become stiff. Whoever takes (name) from the servant of God without asking will not leave the lightning of Ulyana and Maryana. Amen.

Amulet against witchcraft when trading

Before going to work, wash your face with water, scooping it out of a cup with a spoon and pouring it into your palm. Before this, recite the water charm: The oak is strong, the spirit is strong, the faith is strong. Amulet - water, wash away the bad, give the dear. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

A conspiracy for those who sell meat

Have you ever noticed how heavy the energy is in the meat pavilion? No wonder, because they sell killed animals there. The word “animal” comes from the word “living,” and a living creature (pig, cow, calf, etc.) has its own energy. If you kill a living thing, what will happen? That's right, dead! So the energy is changing. Corpse toxins are present in meat (dead meat), since dead is a corpse. Corpse poison affects the skin of the hands, penetrates and forms ulcers. And dead energy, among other things, puts pressure on the seller’s personal energy. How can we protect those who sell meat?
In addition to protective hygiene measures, be sure to make a talisman against the depressing (overwhelming) negative energy of the animal corpse. In the evening, place a cup of water on the window, lower a silver cross into it, and in the morning wash your face with this water, saying:
Lord, my God, I, Your servant (name), am before You. She was baptized with the cross, she washed herself with the cross, she protected herself from dead blood with the cross. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

What to do if your trade is ruined

When you arrive at your workplace, cross yourself and say: Saint Peter was carrying a wallet, and on his path a snake lay across it. Whoever counts the scales of this snake will only interfere with my bargaining. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Rituals and conspiracies for trade. Conspiracies for profit.
. A product is an energy structure. Although, of course, you can pick it up, touch and feel it. But goods for sale behave absolutely like energy. Remember the hackneyed expression: “money to money”? The people accurately reflected the essence of the energy of the money received for the goods - this is a clear principle of a magnet.
. What is a magnet for buyers, why some come up to the counter and willingly buy everything, while others, after thinking, leave. Or maybe it’s the character of wealthy traders? The fact is that most of them have one or another potential of the so-called “trading power”. In other words, not every person manages to become a successful seller. Remember how in the early difficult 90s absolutely everyone rushed into trade - from teachers to plumbers. Yes, many of them “found themselves” - they gradually developed themselves, opened retail outlets, shops, etc. Some of them magically even managed to enter the arena of big business and established themselves as Fortune’s favorites. But, unfortunately, many of the traders, to tell the truth, were burned to smithereens. And all because they did not have one or another potential of “trading power”. Well, they didn’t follow fate - that’s all.
. The reserve of “trading power” determines how much a trading person can earn and, most importantly, spend it wisely or invest in promoting his business. This power can be attracted, retained and even trained. By increasing it, sellers accordingly increase the cash flow that comes to them. The main thing is to learn how to maintain cash flow: “product - money - product”, determine its direction and adjust it in the right direction. After all, the flow can be upward (money flows to you) or downward (money leaves you).
. Of course, when trade falls, only an extremely frivolous trader will not feel it. It is important to learn to catch the moment when the “trading force” changes direction. Nothing has happened yet, and the situation is tense. This is where you need to feel it - and correct it.
. When trade collapses, problems begin with finances and inspection authorities; if you find ruinous items at a trading place, and you see that the situation is getting out of control and you don’t know what to do, please don’t guess with a daisy, but urgently carry out an energy survey cleaning of premises that will protect your trade. Contact a specialist who will cast an amulet for you for good luck in business and attract “trading power” to you.
. Let's move on directly to rituals and conspiracies to improve trade. All of them, except the first, are performed only on the waxing moon. Do all this secretly, never tell anyone that you performed these rituals. During them you cannot joke, laugh, or have fun. Never perform rituals “for fun” or “for company.” Three days before the event you should not drink alcohol. Here's what you should keep in mind when trading. We must treat all customers humanely. Don’t be stingy, don’t respond to attacks from energy vampires and female vampires, don’t fight with them. Don't deceive, don't overweight, don't be greedy. Give change correctly. Meet and see people off with kindness and gratitude, no matter how difficult it may be.
. I admire a woman I know who has been involved in trading for quite some time. Going to the market in the morning, she reads trading conspiracies and morning prayers at home for about half an hour. Arriving at the trading place, she, without being embarrassed by anyone, sprinkles her goods with holy water, sprinkles them with enchanted poppy seeds and loudly and clearly reads “Our Father” 3 times over the goods. At first, many of the neighboring traders twirled their fingers at their temples, but then they got used to it. But the woman doesn’t care about all this: she trusts herself and her trade to God, and her business is going great.
So let your trading place become not just a “shopping point”, but a Fortune Zone!
1. To get rid of failure in trading, on the waning moon, take any old rag and wipe the dust from your trading place with it. You can also wash the floor with it. Wrap any unnecessary key in it, say the following words to the package: “Dashingly beggar, dashingly non-trading, dashingly loss-making, don’t touch me, servant of God (name), be quiet, swim away on the water, don’t call me with you. Lie under the snag, keep the clawed crayfish, the white-faced fool. So that I don’t wear rags and don’t be poor forever, so that I don’t sell all my goods and don’t hoard rags. The wave carries you away, I am rich and free. I send poverty away, I close the words. The lock is in the company, and the key is in the water. Amen".

Take the package to the river and drown it in the water.

2. If you see a hop among the grass that curls and strives towards the sun, cross yourself and say the following words to it 3 times: “Like hops curl around a pillar towards the sun, so that private merchants curl around me, the servant of God (name).
yes generous customers. Forever and ever. Amen". There is no need to pull hops out of the ground.

It can help to establish trade by turning to the so-called “Power Point,” which is located in the center of the trading place. In a store, this is the center of the trading floor. In the market, estimate approximately where its center is. At home, take an iron ruble or hryvnia, dip it in eucalyptus oil, let it dry and say to it 3 times: “My gift is on your trade roads. As soon as you accept this money, you will crown me with luck. Good luck fort, I will be dearer to you than white light, clean water, delicious food. Miss me, good luck, God’s servant (name). My word for word, my deed for deed, so that good luck for me, (name), has a heart ache. My conspiracy is long, my words are strong, whoever disproves the word, otherwise everything will be new, for better, for worse, as it was said before.”

In the center of the trading place, powerful energy trade flows intersect, which have colossal power. Therefore, it is important to “appease” this force and throw a metal charmed hryvnia into this center, saying at the same time: “Paid.” It doesn’t matter that you may even immediately see that someone took this ransom for themselves (this is natural), what’s important is the magical manipulation you performed.

4. You can also make a purchase for good luck in trading. Place a unit of your product, a kilo of nuts, a loaf of white bread, a bottle of good red wine and a banknote in a clean bag. Say a conspiracy to trade: “I will stand, blessing the east, the eastern side. I have the Holy Cross on me, Jesus Christ is with me everywhere. The sky is my castle, the earth is my keys, and you, good luck, knock on me. From this day of God, wealth comes to my trade, the purchase gives wealth. I am giving purchases to the mother church, I will ask her to come to me, (NAME), to drive people - gather to me, the merchant, people from all sides, you have my goods, my bow to you. Ordinary people and bars, take my goods, they are sweeter than mother's milk, tastier than honey, more than a sip of water. My deed and word are in the name of the Lord. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Take the package to the church, but under no circumstances place it on the funeral table.

5. You need to cross the goods, iron what you are selling and say a conspiracy to trade: “I, servant of God (name), iron my goods (name of the goods), I bring the buyer to him. The first one will come and take a look, the second one will come and praise it, and the third one will come and buy it at exorbitant prices. The word is a knot that cannot be untied. Amen".

6. Take a small black rag, crumple it, then roll it in salt and say over it: “My black melancholy, my black sadness, my black blackness. Go away forever. Fly to me good, gold and silver! Money to money, ruble to penny! My chamber is always full of goodness. Everyone who comes will leave with nothing. It’s a profit for me, a joy for myself. It’s good for me to sell, but I won’t know grief! Amen".

After this, the black rag must be thrown out the window, and it must be thrown with such force that it flies far, far away.

“With my hands, with my lips I speak, I pronounce, I speak pure water. Give, O water, strength for trade, for prosperity, send, Lord, through the water, prosperity. Jesus Christ will rinse His little hands, my guardian angel will take this water and bring it to me, God’s servant (name). I will pray to the Lord God, I will be saved by his pure water. Whoever knows this conspiracy and reads it before trading will not count the gold and silver. I lock my word and my deed and lock it with seven keys. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen". Wash your hands before trading.

8. On the eve of the trading day, not late in the evening, you need to read the following trading spell: “Send me, Saint Nicholas the Pleasant, honest and profitable trading. Forever and ever. Amen".

9. At night, cut the loaf of bread into quarters. For each piece of bread, read the trading spell like this: “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The true Christ washed and rinsed himself, was not afraid of anything, then he sat down at the oak table, ate some white bread, stood up and said: “As this bread was divided into four parts, so (name) had good luck.” Just as people’s hands are greedy for bread, so that I, God’s servant (name), would take everything, sort it out, and give me good money for everything. Key. Lock. Language. Amen. Amen. Amen".

In the morning, take this bread to the church and give each piece of bread to an individual begging person.

10. To improve trading, you need to look into the eyes of the turtle and stroke its shell 4 times. To change your luck more radically, you need to take the turtle into your home for two weeks, and the larger it is, the more significant changes in trading await you. From time to time you can take it with you to trade.
I. Popovich, healer. According to materials.

Spells, prayers, affirmations, mantras create special energy using the vibration of the sound of the voice. These vibrations are able to penetrate the energy-information field of the subtle world and activate the corresponding mental layers.

If your field of activity is related to sales, then this article will come in handy. Here you will find more than one effective conspiracy for successful trading.

  • unconditional belief in strength and effectiveness. If there is even the slightest doubt that the ritual may not work, first make sure: you believe in what you are doing;
  • love for your business and for your customers. If you don’t love your business, hate trading and curse customers, and do it only for profit, no magic will help you;
  • it is necessary to carry out an appropriate ritual or ceremony;
  • It is better to read any conspiracy for good trading in a calm whisper from memory, and not from paper or the screen of an electronic device (copy the text you like with your own hand and remember it);
  • after pronouncing the right words and performing the ritual, fill your inner state with the energy of gratitude
  • It is advisable to read conspiracies for successful trading on Wednesday or Saturday, preferably early in the morning on the waxing moon.

Seven proven conspiracies


So, a ritual and a strong conspiracy to trade. It is recommended to read the necessary words on the water. In order to sell the goods as quickly as possible, we need buyers who activate the energy of money. It will spin, spin and attract even more monetary energy. For this ritual, pour some water into a saucer and place your ring in the water: a wedding ring or any other ring, preferably gold. Place your finger in the ring and twist it around yourself and at the same time around the saucer clockwise, while saying:

After performing the magical ritual, the ring should be returned to the finger on which you usually wear it and try not to remove it for at least a week, but the longer, the more effective. Flush the water down the toilet.


A proven conspiracy for good trading, which you can read with salt. Prepare a pinch of salt, preferably regular coarse, non-iodized salt. Say salt nine times to the waxing moon:

“Those on foot, those traveling, come here, here is a place for you, food and water. Money for me, goods for you. Amen".

After you repeat the necessary words nine times, take the charmed salt with your right hand and throw it with a flourish over your left shoulder in the very place where you are selling the goods. This ritual can be performed once a month, especially when you notice that there are fewer buyers than usual.


Such a plot for successful trading is usually read using honey dissolved in water. It will help you sell your product quickly and profitably. Take honey - one teaspoon is enough, dissolve it in a glass of water, whisper the honey water:

Half a glass of water in which honey is dissolved should be drunk before breakfast, on an empty stomach, and the rest should be sprinkled discreetly at the point of sale.


Ritual with honey, grass and banknotes.

Pick a regular blade of grass, not dry, it should be green. It must be lightly greased with honey and glued to a banknote of any denomination, then whisper:

This money with a blade of grass should be bent in half so that the leaf of grass is hidden inside and put in a wallet or bag that you use all the time at a retail outlet.


  • buy a poppy;
  • spread a new scarf on the table, and sprinkle a handful of poppy seeds in the center;
  • cross the poppy with your finger, saying:

After performing this ritual from Vanga, the enchanted poppy in a handkerchief should be tied into a knot and kept away from prying eyes at home in a secret place. Money will begin to flow often and easily, business will go smoothly, cash receipts from buyers will literally flow like a river.


A strong conspiracy to trade from Vanga. Read on flowers. Buy or pick a beautiful bouquet of flowers. Alternatively, you can use potted flowers. Only condition: you must really like them. Place them where you trade. Come early, while no one is there yet, and whisper the necessary words to the flowers:

When the bouquet withers, place a new one, not forgetting to say the spell from Vanga again.


This trading conspiracy must be read for sugar. If business is going poorly, and in addition, you suddenly discover grains of salt that you did not leave at the place where the goods were sold, a suspicion arises that competitors or enemies made the so-called “sprinkling”. To neutralize the negative effect of the “sprinkle”, it is recommended to read the sugar plot and carry out the appropriate ritual.

It is necessary to sweep everything thoroughly, and then wipe the floors with a dry cloth. After which, throw away all garbage and rags, including.

Take sugar in crystals; powder or cubes will not work.

Concentrate on the energy of abundance, mentally bless your product, customers and yourself, scatter sugar around, saying:

To ensure that the number of buyers arrives and does not change, early in the morning any coins (as many as you don’t mind using for the ritual) need to be scattered at the place of trade. Exactly one day later (the next morning), sweep them into one pile towards the middle of the room from the entrance or from the place where customers usually are. When you sweep, say in a whisper:

After this, you need to collect the coins from the floor and hide them in a corner inaccessible to prying eyes, let them lie there.