Greetings to all of you, stay in touch! I want to start by saying that this article was written thanks to a new section on the site. In it, absolutely each of you can choose the topic for a future article.

This time the question came from a certain Lyudmila and it sounded like this: “How to achieve success at work if the managers themselves strive for success and do not want to see you as a leader, but promote themselves.”

I would like to say right away that in order to succeed at work you will have to work very hard. It is important to understand that no one climbs the career ladder just like that. Often behind luck and success lies a lot of hard work and many failures. After all, overcoming them gives us the necessary training and experience.

First of all, the correct one is important. Set a big goal. After that, outline the stages of moving towards it - draw up an action plan to achieve the goal.

Well, for this, here is a step-by-step action plan:

1. Creation of strategic goals.

Do you need to decide what exactly you wanted in your activity?

You must set a super task for yourself and draw up a specific plan for its implementation. Actions without a plan, through thoughtless trial and error, can simply lead a normal person tonot counting all the fanatics and ardent workaholics.

I advise you to strive for strategic goals. Although you shouldn’t completely forget everyday tasks.

2. Active work (labor salaries).

All successful careerists “paid” for their victories.This payment comes from daily hard work. Do not feel sorry for yourself and your efforts and work daily towards achieving your big goal.

3. Goodwill.

Genuine friendliness at work towards each other one from both the company and the individual employee considered. All people, regardless of age and social status, value open and friendly relationships with people.

Psychologists are convinced that constant loneliness and anger at the whole world takes away an average of 8 years of people’s lives! Just think about this figure! Start smiling at your boss and colleagues, but just try to do it sincerely. Flattery will destroy you sooner or later.

4. Preparedness for mistakes and failures at work.

We are all people first, not robots. Moreover, making mistakes and failing is one of the components of a successful career and success in general. But if you are wrong, it is important to realize this and draw the necessary conclusions in order to avoid making similar mistakes again.

Remember that mistakes and failures make you stronger and bring you closer to your cherished dream. Move towards it and never give up.

5. Only the best result.

To achieve success at work You must always do your job to the maximum. Any work is often not completed to the end - after all, there is always the opportunity to make it even better. Therefore, do not rush to complete your work ahead of time and think about how to do it as well as possible.

How to achieve success is a question many people have asked themselves. We want to achieve success in business, study, family life, in many large and small endeavors, but we don’t know how to truly achieve what we want. In this article we will talk about 17 incredible rules of success that apply in any situation, for any task. We can say that they are universal, and the practicality of these rules has been tested by more than one generation of successful and rich people. If you are a reader of our column, then these 17 rules will not be a new discovery for you. After all, almost every millionaire we wrote about, in one way or another, in his lectures, interviews, and speeches, spoke about one of the rules and focused attention on it. We can say that this article contains all the wisest thoughts, all the experience of several generations, by understanding which you can radically change your life today.

Solve problems immediately

The first rule of success is that you must solve all problems as they arise, and immediately, without procrastination. After all, problems tend to accumulate unnoticed, and one fine day you will be faced with a whole bunch of unsolved problems that can take many months to sort out. Remember that successful people have everything structured, everything is clear and understandable. You always need to act confidently, quickly, decisively. No unnecessary swaying.

Work for yourself

The second rule of success is: “You must create jobs, not take them.” Get rid of the idea that you can achieve success by working for someone else. Just not in our country. Nobody values ​​workers, and it’s hard to achieve success if you give your knowledge, energy and time to someone else’s project. Work for yourself, do what you love, develop yourself, and only when your work becomes a highly paid hobby can you truly become successful.

You are above all

Personal interests, desires and aspirations should be a priority above all else. Your loyalty is unlikely to be appreciated by your superiors. Working for a company, you will bring profit to the owners, and the moment you become financially unprofitable, they will get rid of you without a doubt. The sooner you start setting your own goals ahead of the rest, the faster you will achieve success.

Set high goals

Constantly raise your income bar. Just started a business, earned your first $1000, and don't stop there. Set the goal next month to double the amount, in half a year to earn 10 times more, and in a year to reach a level 25 times higher than earnings in the first month. Constantly stimulate yourself, be hungry for new knowledge, new goals, new victories.


Acquiring new acquaintances, obtaining useful contacts, developing partnerships and friendships is another important component of the overall success of your business. Try to communicate as much as possible, take part in various symposia, forums, and exhibitions. As they say, show yourself and look at others. Isolation and fear of communication are the main enemy of success.

Environment first

“Tell me who your friends are, and I will tell you who you are” - this phrase has an incredible deep meaning. If you want to be successful, rich, happy, then you must surround yourself with such people, communicate with them, adopt knowledge and visions of the world. Run away from those who do not believe in you, who say that you are worthless and will never achieve your goals. As a rule, such people are losers themselves, and communicating with them will not bring anything useful. Your friends should be optimists and winners in life.

Don't forget about responsibility

Remember that as soon as you start earning more, as soon as you start your own business, hire a team, then a burden of responsibility will fall on your shoulders. It will be different: responsibility to employees, to whom you give hope for long and stable work, to partners, to society, and, ultimately, responsibility to yourself. Don't be afraid to be responsible for the results of your actions.

Do it here and now

Are you constantly short of money? This is a compelling argument for thinking about starting your own business. And if there is no money at all, then the business needs to be opened today. Don’t sit with folded arms and hang your nose, look for ways out of the current situation, try to think more broadly, find interesting solutions and unusual answers. Believe me, there are always dozens of opportunities around us, we just need to learn to see them and choose the best ones for you. The main thing is the desire to do something, and the opportunity will appear.

Passive income

Another step to success is passive income. As Rockefeller said: “I would rather get 1% of the work of 100 people than 100% of my own work.” Strive to create a company that will make a profit with little intervention from you. Then there will be more free time for new things, new goals and successes.


A lot of successful people are investors. Having made money on one project, they prefer not to create a new one, but would rather invest in a successful startup. If you see a prospect in some business, then take a risk and invest money in it. Success comes to those who are determined and take risks, and where else if not in investing can one obtain such qualities.

Find a good incentive

Stimulus is what will make you move, develop, and reach new heights. Articles from various people, advice and recommendations from millionaires, or . You will find all the necessary information in the sections of our website.

Ask yourself questions

Very often a person cannot achieve success, because he does not know what to do, what to strive for, why all this. Try asking yourself questions: Who am I? What can I do and how unique is my knowledge? Why am I here? What will I do if I earn a lot of money? What do I want to achieve? Try to answer the questions posed as honestly as possible, do not deceive yourself. The path to success begins with inner answers.

Dream and strive

You must have a dream. You cannot live, develop and reach heights without having a dream, without seeing what you need to strive for. The dream will become an incentive that will force you to wake up every morning, do work, go to bed late, not get enough sleep, but know that you are not doing all this in vain, that in the end you will achieve what you dream of.

Help others

Have you not noticed that many successful people happily help others, are philanthropists, donate money to charity, and open their own foundations. Some may say that they became like this after they achieved success, but I assure you that this is not so. If a person is kind, open, ready to respond to the requests of others and help in a difficult situation, then fate will respond in kind. Help others, and they will help you in difficult times.

Keep a success diary

In one of our previous articles, attention was already focused on the fact that it is worth keeping a success diary. Write down all your plans and tasks in it, and after achieving them, describe the result, praise yourself and set new, more serious goals. As a rule, we can remember negativity longer, and if a moment comes when you give up, a bad mood comes over you and the desire to work disappears completely, then take your success diary, re-read everything, remember your victories and achievements, at what cost they were obtained, what emotions you experienced. Believe me, the blues will disappear instantly.

One of the most important principles that make it possible to achieve success is self-discipline, victory over oneself, over one’s own laziness, disorganization and failures. Before you get started, you must understand one very important principle: if you don’t stop looking for freebies, you won’t get off the ground. Success is work!

But there are some ways in which you can achieve the results you want with much less effort.

Tells business coach Alexander Belanovsky.

So how can you get maximum results?

We often hear the same phrase from friends and colleagues: “You’re so lucky, but I’m unlucky, that’s why I can’t do it... no money... not enough time...”

Is this luck? Not at all! The more we work, the luckier we get. First of all, it’s working on yourself, as well as using time with maximum efficiency. Self-discipline can help you. Use your time wisely! This is the basic rule of a successful person.

Here are a few other rules that help in achieving important goals:

1. An assistant is inevitable

No matter how much you convince yourself that you are able to do all the work yourself, you will never be able to achieve results if you shoulder the whole heap of tasks.

Remember: if there are people whose working time is cheaper than yours, then it is best to delegate responsibilities. Especially if you are an entrepreneur or business owner. Never do routine work, give it to someone who can do it without your participation, perform routine tasks with someone else’s hands.

2. Keep a task list

When your head is a mess and your brain is literally exploding from the piled-up problems and worries, you won’t find a better assistant than paper and pen.

Write down current and future activities, relieve your brain from an overabundance of information. Then it will be much easier to structure everything, and accordingly, the process of self-discipline will be much more effective.

3. Deadlines are required!

In order to achieve a goal faster and more efficiently, you must set yourself a time limit. Only a strict deadline will allow you to clearly complete the task. You shouldn't go to bed if you have a deadline. Don't let yourself relax until the task is completed.

4. How well do you prioritize?

In life and business, much depends on the sequence of actions with which you move towards your intended goal. If you don’t take important steps on time, you risk not getting another chance to achieve your plans, missing out on opportunities, benefits, or even worse, money.

Therefore, sit down and think about which matters at this stage you need to solve first, and which ones can wait.

5. Don't be distracted from important matters

If you are moving towards your intended goal, then do not be distracted by nonsense. Give yourself the mindset that you don’t have time to talk on the phone, hang out on social media, or sit on the couch in front of the TV. Avoiding distractions is the main key to self-discipline.

6. Make promises publicly!

In combination with rule No. 3, the result will generally be almost lightning fast. Of course, there is a possibility of creating a stressful situation, but it is stress that will help you work even more efficiently. A public promise is the strongest motivator for completing assigned tasks and meeting deadlines.

7. Order on the table - order in the head

By periodically clearing your workplace of rubble, you can reach 100 points on the self-discipline scale. Conduct an experiment and you will notice how much more productive you work when everything is in order.

So, if you have a goal that has not yet been achieved, but you really want to get to the finish line as quickly as possible, once again analyze everything you have read and immediately begin to follow the rules. Self-discipline is serious work on yourself that you need to start right now!


Start believing in yourself. Most people perform poorly at their jobs not because they lack knowledge or ability. The reason for their failures is a lack of faith in themselves and their strengths. The more often you tell yourself “I can’t do this,” the less often you will actually succeed at something. Set yourself in a positive mood, believe that you are a worthwhile employee and can do much more.

Take on more and more difficult tasks each time. This will give you an incentive to improve yourself. If you constantly stagnate in the same place, success in your career will be extremely difficult to achieve. However, you shouldn’t overestimate yourself. If you feel like a job is too much for you, give it up. But don't deliberately look for the easy way out.

Be proactive. Try to make your colleagues and bosses notice you. This does not mean that you need to grab everything at once. Just try to always be aware of what is happening in the company. Offer your ideas, volunteer to perform various tasks. Sooner or later you will be noticed, and your abilities will be appreciated.

Don't be afraid to make mistakes. Of course, everyone would like to avoid wrong decisions and actions, however, this is impossible. You cannot meet a person who always does everything right. Take mistakes as lessons. Learn from them and soon there will be fewer and fewer of them.

Don't be afraid to take risks. Often it is risky decisions and actions that open up new opportunities. Be open to everything new, don't get hung up on one thing. Success is largely determined by the desire for the unknown. However, remember that every risk must be justified. Before you take a risky step, consider whether the gamble is worth the candle.


You need to clearly understand what success means in the business you are doing. In trade, for example, this may be a profitable buyer. Don't be selfish, don't go beyond the bounds of decency, don't turn up your nose in front of your colleagues, otherwise you will never be invited to participate in collective projects, and you won't be able to show yourself.

Plan how to achieve a specific goal (or a specific step towards achieving it). A goal should be chosen of medium difficulty, since achieving easy goals will not be experienced as success, and achieving goals that are too difficult will require a lot of time and effort, and is often simply impossible. What goal would you like to achieve? Determine quantitative or qualitative indicators by which you could record even minor positive changes in your work.

Well, it's done! You stopped knocking on the thresholds of institutions, you were tired of despair, you were almost sure that they wouldn’t take you anywhere, because (then there is a list of self-deprecating characteristics), and only at the last interview, out of anger, or out of despair, or out of principle - we’ll figure it out later - They said something... that they liked you and hired you. Naturally, with a probationary period. Anyway, yay! The first step towards success has been taken, a job has been found.

The main thing is to get hooked

You know, there is an opinion that the main thing is to get there. The main thing is to get hooked. And then everything depends on you. And let them consider you a person of average ability - one of those people who don’t grab stars from the sky. You and I know the popular wisdom: “Patience and work will grind everything down.”

So, get hooked. Everyone clings differently.

We had a case. We conducted surveys of population groups. In this case, it is not important - why. There was another survey. The questionnaire was prepared by several specialists - and with extensive work experience. I checked it myself several times. In general, it would seem that we have honed the questions, the content... We can work. Naturally, we recruited a group of young people who would directly engage in surveys. After the next training, a girl, a student, 18 years old, approached me. And she said that, in her opinion, there were several errors in the questionnaire. And she spoke quite reasonably. This was already something: a girl with no work experience not only found errors, she also had the courage to report it to much more experienced people. I must tell you that this girl’s work efficiency was much higher than that of others. Naturally, she now works for me. I couldn't help but take it. I think she has a very good career ahead of her.

This is what is called “getting hooked.” True, it happens differently.

A young man came to try out for us as a cameraman. Immediately after school, he expressed his desire to work anywhere. It’s clear: the guy needs money and experience in equal measure. I was going to study to become a journalist. Just from us you would gain good professional experience: the ability to communicate with people and communication skills.

The first day I listened carefully to the explanations and tried to do something myself. On the second, I also tried to work, but, as I noticed, I was turning my head around with too much curiosity. In general, he could not stand it on the third day. I began to explain to the guys who had been working successfully for a long time what they were doing wrong. This already seemed interesting. Then he simply stopped doing his job, and looked at others and told them how to work better. The suggestions made to him were enough for about half an hour. In general, it lasted a working week, but we decided not to experiment with it further. They announced that he had not passed the probationary period.

Once hired, you have the right to demonstrate your knowledge, skills and ideas. With the caveat that in this case you are obliged, first of all, to fulfill your duties, and well. And the demonstration of your knowledge and ideas should be more than justified. Simply put, if you want to say something, think: do you have anything to say?

Achieving success at work

We've clearly gotten ahead of ourselves. Where did we start? Because those around you (teachers at school, for example) or parents (this also happens, unfortunately) consider you to be a person of average abilities. And they got so used to it that they convinced you of the same thing.

Well, first of all, they shouldn’t be like that. If you have not yet shown what you are capable of, it means nothing. Not everyone showed talent right away. More precisely, if we take the statistics, then basically talent manifests itself gradually. Only thanks to the internal efforts of the person himself, his work on himself - daily and purposeful.

Where should you start your career? From very simple things. In the shortest possible time, you must carefully understand the range of tasks that you have to solve. Or, if you prefer, the volume of your work. Or, finally, for what specific actions you will be paid.

The next thing you need to understand, and also as quickly as possible, is the range of tasks of your entire department: who does what. What is the structure of your organization, how and on what principle does it work.

Finally, having figured out what and how you should do, immediately sketch out for yourself a simple and still approximate diagram of your tasks and ways to complete them. This will help you a lot.

And remember: a person of average ability who organizes his work correctly can achieve much greater results. good luck at work than talent that failed to organize itself correctly. It is a fact.

Make a plan

How do you need to work to establish yourself well? And it's very simple. Imagine that you are taking an exam. That is, you prepare everything you need at home: pens, paper, cheat sheets... And in the classroom you lay it all out neatly and conveniently, sit down and... start working.

It's much the same at work.

Start from your workplace. You should be comfortable. Thus, you will save working time, plus you will not experience physical and aesthetic discomfort.

As for time. The functionality of your workplace and the time you will spend on unnecessary operations are closely related. That is: nothing superfluous. Everything is laid out in the order most convenient for you. Non-essential items - in the nightstand, desk drawers or on the shelf. And before your eyes there is always a plan of tasks for today!

Understand your tasks

So, you have decided on a plan - it’s time to start.

Your first and main task: to understand. In my opinion, almost half of the unfulfilled tasks, half of the failures and mistakes are due precisely to the fact that the employee simply did not understand what and how he should do. Either they explained it poorly to him, or he was embarrassed to clarify. And this is exactly what you don’t need to be afraid of. Feel free to ask and clarify. You want achieve success at work? This means that try to clearly and clearly understand what is required of you.

The main thing is to find an algorithm for solving professional problems. Here you will be given advice by more experienced colleagues, to whom, naturally, you can and should contact with questions.

At this stage, you need to understand one thing: everything that your colleagues can do, you can too. Moreover: You will be able to do it better.

Here's another hint for you. Concentrate on solving the most important and difficult task, complete it accurately and on time, and bring the job to the end. Learn from the whole heap or, if you want, the list of your tasks to choose the most important one - usually it is the most unpleasant. And start your working day with it. And so on every day. Without sipping on tea and coffee and conversations with colleagues about how wonderful the weather is, you don’t feel like working at all and it would be nice to rush somewhere out of town.

RULES to follow to succeed at work

1. Plan your workday on paper.

2. Mark the deadline for solving the task assigned to you. And try to get the job done faster.

3. Write down what intermediate tasks you must complete and within what time frame.

4. Summarize each week, month, etc.

5. Break down all tasks into major and minor ones.

6. Start with the main thing. It is often the most unpleasant.

7. If you spent an unreasonably long time on completing a certain task, try to compensate for it by completing other points of the plan ahead of schedule.

8. At the end of each working day, try to plan, at least approximately, your next day.

9. As you complete tasks, cross off what is done. This will be a clear picture of your successes and your failures. And failures, as you know, should serve as an incentive to achieve success.

Greetings to all of you, stay in touch! I want to start by saying that this article was written thanks to a new section on the site. In it, absolutely each of you can choose the topic for a future article.

This time the question came from a certain Lyudmila and it sounded like this: “How to achieve success at work if the managers themselves strive for success and do not want to see you as a leader, but promote themselves.”

I would like to say right away that in order to succeed at work you will have to work very hard. It is important to understand that no one climbs the career ladder just like that. Often behind luck and success lies a lot of hard work and many failures. After all, overcoming them gives us the necessary training and experience.

First of all, the correct one is important. Set a big goal. After that, outline the stages of moving towards it - draw up an action plan to achieve the goal.

Well, for this, here is a step-by-step action plan:

1. Creation of strategic goals.

Do you need to decide what exactly you wanted in your activity?

You must set a super task for yourself and draw up a specific plan for its implementation. Actions without a plan, through thoughtless trial and error, can simply lead a normal person to not counting all the fanatics and ardent workaholics.

I advise you to strive specifically for strategic goals. Although you shouldn’t completely forget everyday tasks.

2. Active work (labor salaries).

All successful careerists “paid” for their victories. This payment comes from daily hard work. Do not feel sorry for yourself and your efforts and work daily towards achieving your big goal.

3. Goodwill.

Genuine friendliness at work towards each other one from both the company and the individual employee considered. All people, regardless of age and social status, value open and friendly relationships with people.

Psychologists are convinced that constant loneliness and anger at the whole world takes away an average of 8 years of people’s lives! Just think about this figure! Start smiling at your boss and colleagues, but just try to do it sincerely. Flattery will destroy you sooner or later.

4. Preparedness for mistakes and failures at work.

We are all people first, not robots. Moreover, making mistakes and failing is one of the components of a successful career and success in general. But if you are wrong, it is important to realize this and draw the necessary conclusions in order to avoid making similar mistakes again.

Remember that mistakes and failures make you stronger and bring you closer to your cherished dream. Move towards it and never give up.

5. Only the best result.

To achieve success at work You must always do your job to the maximum. Any work is often not completed to the end - after all, there is always the opportunity to make it even better. Therefore, do not rush to complete your work ahead of time and think about how to do it as well as possible.


Success in a career is almost always the result of a person’s colossal work, desires and aspirations. This is why I always recommend doing just any business. This is the only way to succeed in our highly competitive times.

How to achieve success in your career? It's great that you asked yourself this question. This means that you already have a conscious goal and a great desire to prove yourself. Such motivation in itself is the key to success. But it’s not enough to just want, you need to know some of the tricks of this process. A few simple but important rules will help you succeed at work.

Rule 1. They always greet you according to their clothes

When crossing the threshold beyond which lies the coveted career ladder, do not forget about the dress code of your team. The most modest establishments do not tolerate the sports-cowboy style of clothing, so try to part with your favorite jeans and T-shirts with symbols.

Your clothes should be exclusively business style, clean, tidy, and carefully ironed. Make sure that it looks good on your figure and does not attract unnecessary attention with its very bright colors and provocative style. Wear it naturally and with dignity.

A repulsive appearance prevents even experienced and qualified employees from achieving success and moving up the career ladder. Never slouch, keep your hands in your pockets, or fiddle with your buttons or tie. This is usually done by insecure people who have low self-esteem and whose life goals do not extend beyond one or two days.

Rule 2. Language is a person’s calling card

Your speech should be correct and confident, there should be no unnecessary words, so-called “clogs” - well, and so on, that means, so to speak. Speak in simple but literary language. Do not use words whose meaning you do not know for sure.

And of course, do not utter slang, vulgar and, especially, abusive expressions - this will definitely prevent you from succeeding at work and making an outstanding career. But it is necessary that you have an impeccable command of the terminology associated with the specifics of your type of activity.

And in general, the ability to speak coherently, touching on the very essence of the issue, and the correct intonation of individual words will endear you to both your superiors and your colleagues. And the ability to raise or lower the volume of individual phrases of speech at the right time will force the audience to listen carefully to everything you say. You will be considered not only an intelligent interlocutor, but also an excellent speaker.

Do not allow condescending notes in your intonation, do not react violently to criticism, do not respond harshly and rudely, even when you consider yourself to be on top or offended, and you will certainly win the respect of others. Be sincere and friendly. The ability to work in a team is an important component of career success.

Rule 3. Study, study again

Do you have a good stock of knowledge? Are you actively using it? Great. But, strangely enough, this is not enough. If you want not only to achieve success, but also to keep it in your hands, you will have to constantly study. Take every opportunity to gain fresh information and new experiences. Do not refuse to improve your skills by attending various seminars, courses, and receiving additional education.

Only a bad employee does not dream of taking the place of a boss. Everyone dreams, but if through active efforts you have surpassed the level of knowledge and skills of your manager, learned to do what he does, better, faster, using more modern techniques and methods, then this means that you can not only dream, but also set clear goals for yourself. Rest assured, this investment of time and effort will definitely pay off. So learn and don't be afraid of innovation.

Professionalism is the main key to achieving success in any job.

Rule 4. “Show me your weekly planner and your workspace, and I’ll tell you who you are.”

Yes, few people can boast of the ability to organize their workday. Try to gradually become one of them.

There should be nothing superfluous in the workplace. Put everything in its place so that it is at hand. Before your eyes is a weekly planner with a clear plan for the day and month. Distribute tasks in order of priority and urgency. Set aside a certain time for each of them, develop an execution algorithm.

Learn to concentrate, don’t waste minutes talking and smoking breaks - at work it is advisable to do only work. Do not hesitate to seek advice from more experienced colleagues and never refuse such advice if they contact you. Know how to observe and analyze.

Rule 5. “Accuracy is the courtesy of kings”

The simplest and most important rule, without which it is almost impossible to succeed in serious work, is punctuality. Even small but regular delays or work not completed on time can nullify all your efforts on the path to success. All other things being equal, a punctual employee has a better chance of a successful career than others.

Study these simple rules carefully and learn to put them into practice every day. Then it will be much easier for you to achieve success.

Video about an important aspect of successful work - time planning.

One of the most important principles that make it possible to achieve success is self-discipline, victory over oneself, over one’s own laziness, disorganization and failures. Before you get started, you must understand one very important principle: if you don’t stop looking for freebies, you won’t get off the ground. Success is work!

But there are some ways in which you can achieve the results you want with much less effort.

Tells business coach Alexander Belanovsky.

So how can you get maximum results?

We often hear the same phrase from friends and colleagues: “You’re so lucky, but I’m unlucky, that’s why I can’t do it... no money... not enough time...”

Is this luck? Not at all! The more we work, the luckier we get. First of all, it’s working on yourself, as well as using time with maximum efficiency. Self-discipline can help you. Use your time wisely! This is the basic rule of a successful person.

Here are a few other rules that help in achieving important goals:

1. An assistant is inevitable

No matter how much you convince yourself that you are able to do all the work yourself, you will never be able to achieve results if you shoulder the whole heap of tasks.

Remember: if there are people whose working time is cheaper than yours, then it is best to delegate responsibilities. Especially if you are an entrepreneur or business owner. Never do routine work, give it to someone who can do it without your participation, perform routine tasks with someone else’s hands.

2. Keep a task list

When your head is a mess and your brain is literally exploding from the piled-up problems and worries, you won’t find a better assistant than paper and pen.

Write down current and future activities, relieve your brain from an overabundance of information. Then it will be much easier to structure everything, and accordingly, the process of self-discipline will be much more effective.

3. Deadlines are required!

In order to achieve a goal faster and more efficiently, you must set yourself a time limit. Only a strict deadline will allow you to clearly complete the task. You shouldn't go to bed if you have a deadline. Don't let yourself relax until the task is completed.

4. How well do you prioritize?

In life and business, much depends on the sequence of actions with which you move towards your intended goal. If you don’t take important steps on time, you risk not getting another chance to achieve your plans, missing out on opportunities, benefits, or even worse, money.

Therefore, sit down and think about which matters at this stage you need to solve first, and which ones can wait.

5. Don't be distracted from important matters

If you are moving towards your intended goal, then do not be distracted by nonsense. Give yourself the mindset that you don’t have time to talk on the phone, hang out on social media, or sit on the couch in front of the TV. Avoiding distractions is the main key to self-discipline.

6. Make promises publicly!

In combination with rule No. 3, the result will generally be almost lightning fast. Of course, there is a possibility of creating a stressful situation, but it is stress that will help you work even more efficiently. A public promise is the strongest motivator for completing assigned tasks and meeting deadlines.

7. Order on the table - order in the head

By periodically clearing your workplace of rubble, you can reach 100 points on the self-discipline scale. Conduct an experiment and you will notice how much more productive you work when everything is in order.

So, if you have a goal that has not yet been achieved, but you really want to get to the finish line as quickly as possible, once again analyze everything you have read and immediately begin to follow the rules. Self-discipline is serious work on yourself that you need to start right now!

The more ambitious and ambitious you are, the more valuable these rules will be to you; they apply to any level of career and ambition. As you look at these rules in detail, look for ways to apply our ideas to your own career.

  1. Specialize in a very narrow area; develop your own methods of working in this area.
  2. Find a niche area of ​​expertise that you enjoy working in, excelling at, and look forward to the chance to become a recognized leader in that field.
  3. Understand that power is in knowledge.
  4. Identify your market and core customers and provide them with your best services.
  5. Determine where 20% of your efforts will give you 80% of your results.
  6. Learn from the best.
  7. Start working for yourself early in your career.
  8. Hire as many surplus value producers as possible.
  9. Outsource work that is not your specialty.
  10. Use the capital you have as a means of getting rich.


Specialization is one of the greatest and most universal laws of life. The evolution of life itself obeys this law - each species of plant or animal strives to find its own ecological niche and develops unique characteristics. A small commercial company that cannot find its niche in the market is doomed to death. An individual who is not an expert in his field is doomed to be a slave living on a salary.

Higher living standards are made possible precisely through greater and greater specialization.

The computer appeared as a result of the development of a new specialized branch of electronics; the personal computer was the result of further specialization; modern, user-oriented software has become a new branch of specialization; The advent of CD-ROM storage systems is another stage in the same process. Biotechnology is developing in the same way - with each new step requiring even greater specialization - and this science will soon revolutionize food production.

Your career should evolve the same way. The main thing here is competence.

Almost by definition, specialization is unthinkable without specialized knowledge. In most countries, only 20% of all working people can apply for 80% of jobs that require high qualifications. In developed societies, increasingly, the most important class characteristic is not the degree of ownership of land or even financial property, but the degree of ownership of information.

Find your niche. This may take a lot of time, but this is the only way to gain access to super profits.

Choose a niche of specialization in which you will enjoy working and can become the best

Specialization requires a very careful approach. The narrower the area of ​​specialization, the more care should be taken in choosing it.

Specialize in an area that interests you and that you enjoy working in. You will not become a recognized leader in anything that does not inspire your enthusiasm and passion.

This condition is not as difficult to fulfill as it might seem at first glance. Nowadays, almost any hobby, any passion, any activity can be turned into a commercial activity.

You can look at it another way. Almost everyone who has already climbed to the top has worked with the greatest enthusiasm. Enthusiasm is the engine of any achievement, and when a person infects others with his enthusiasm, his power increases many times over. You cannot fake enthusiasm and infect others with it if you do not experience it yourself.

If you are not enthusiastic about your current profession but want to succeed, quit it. But before you take this step, you must choose the best field. Take a piece of paper and write down the things you feel passionate about. Then think about what you've written that you can turn into a niche for your future career. Choose the one area that gives you the most passion.

Understand that knowledge is power

The main thing in building a career based on enthusiasm is knowledge. You should know more about your field than anyone else. And then you can turn your knowledge into money, create a market for this knowledge and build a network of clients.

It is not enough to know a lot about a little. You should know more than anyone else knows about this little bit. Don't stop deepening and expanding your knowledge until you are sure that you know more than anyone else in your niche, and know it better.

Turning your knowledge into a product that can be sold is a creative process, and you should think carefully about how you can do it. Try to take advantage of the experience of people who sell their knowledge in a field related to yours. If you don’t have such an example before your eyes, follow the instructions below.

Find out what your market is and who your most important customers are and provide them with your best services

Your market is those people who can pay for your knowledge. Your main clients should be those people who will evaluate your services most well.

Your battlefield will be the market, so you must decide how you can sell the knowledge you have. Are you going to work for an already reputable company or a successful individual entrepreneur as an employee? Or maybe you will work as a freelancer for several companies or people? Or will you create a company yourself that will sell your services to other companies or individuals?

Your main clients or clients should be the people or firms that best value your work and can provide you with a stream of well-paid work.

Whether you are an employee, a private entrepreneur, a small or large employer, or even a head of state, you still have key clients on whom the successful continuation of your activities depends, no matter at what level you started.

In any field of activity, 80% of people achieve only 20% of the results, and 20% of people get 80% of the results. What is the majority doing wrong and the minority doing right? After all, who are this minority? Can you do what they do? Can you take what they do and do it better?

Are your clients right for you, and are you right for your clients? Is this the right company you work for? Is it in the right department? Are you doing the right job? Where in your job can you make the best impression on your clients with the least amount of effort? Do you enjoy what you do and do it with enthusiasm? If not, then start planning today how to move to a job where you can feel like a human being.

In the field where I worked, in management consulting, everything is very clear. A large client is good. Large order is good. A team of employees with many low-paid young people to whom all the routine work can be delegated is good. Close personal acquaintance with clients at the subordinate level - good. Connections with the most important person in the company, such as the chief executive officer, are very good. Long-term partnership with clients is excellent. Long-term and close acquaintances with the top management of large corporations with huge budgets and in need of many young consultants - on the way to the bank you just laugh, looking at how easily everything turns out.

How do corporations make obscenely large profits in your activities? Which of your colleagues has the highest performance and at the same time always works without stress, having time to have fun? What are they doing so clever? Think, think, think. The answer is out there, you just have to find it. But, for God's sake, don't look to your bosses for answers, don't poll your colleagues, and don't try to dig up anything valuable in print. There you will find established and common truths in a million different variations. Only eccentrics, people obsessed with their profession, who are considered heretics in their field of activity, know the correct answer.

Learn from the best

In any field of activity, the most successful people never think and act the way their ordinary colleagues think and act.

However, although they usually do not explain the secrets of their success, we can often find out these secrets ourselves through observation.

In earlier times, people understood this very well. Be it a disciple sitting at the feet of a guru, an apprentice learning from a master, a student gaining knowledge by assisting a professor in his research, or an aspiring artist working with an established master, they all learned by discovering and imitating what they learned. what is the best course of action in their profession.

Be prepared to pay a high price for the right to work with the best. Find any excuse to spend time with them. Find out what is unusual about their way of acting. You will see that they see things differently, use their time differently, and interact with people differently. If you can't do what they do, or something even more different from the stereotypes of your profession, then you will never rise to the top.

Start working for yourself early in your career

When allocating your time, prioritize activities that are at least five times more productive than others. After this, your main task is to take advantage of this productivity as much as possible. Ideally, which you should strive for early in your career, you should enjoy all the fruits of your labor yourself.

And there is only one circumstance that you should not start your own business: if you are still in the process of intensively absorbing knowledge. If working for a corporation or firm gives you knowledge that you do not have, then the benefits of this training may be worth your low salary. Most often this happens in the first two or three years of a professional career. This may also apply to cases where people who are already experienced in their profession come to work in a company that has higher standards than the one where they previously worked. In these cases, the training period usually lasts several months, or at most a year.

When these training periods are over, start working for yourself. And don't worry about your own financial security. In any case, the company hiring you does not guarantee anything to you either.

Give jobs to as many producers of surplus value as possible

If at the first level of the path to success you must learn to make better use of your own time, at the second - to ensure that the fruits of your labor fill only your own pocket, then at the third level you must learn to use the power of other people.

You won't have enough time to do everything, so pay attention to the huge number of people you could potentially employ. Among all these people, only a very few can be of great benefit to you.

Using other people's labor is the greatest source of wealth. To a certain extent, you can and should benefit from people who do not work for you - from your friends. However, you can directly and fully benefit from the people you hire.

It goes without saying that the only benefit will come from hiring pure profit producers, those whose value more than pays for their cost. However, it would be a mistake to assume that you should hire only the best of the best. Surplus value is created by hiring as many surplus value producers as possible, even if some of them are only twice as productive as the average worker and others are five (or more) times more useful. Within your own team of employees, there will still be an 80/20 or 70/30 split in efficiency. The highest absolute rates of surplus value production may well be combined with a rather uneven distribution of talent among your workforce. The only requirement remains that your least successful employee must still bring more benefit than he costs you.

Outsource work that is not your specialty

The most successful professional firms and corporations are those that have abandoned all pursuits except those at which they are best. If they are best at marketing, they don't do production. If they are much stronger than others in the field of research and invention, then they use the services of a third party not only in production, but also in advertising and in the sale of their goods. If they are great at producing huge volumes of standard products, then they are not trying to develop products for wealthier customers. If they are specialists in producing goods for the “cream of society”, they do not venture into the consumer goods market. These examples can be continued ad infinitum.

The fourth stage in achieving success in your professional activities is to use as much of the extra work as possible. Keep your firm structure as simple as possible. Focus on those areas where you are several times stronger than your competitors.

Use existing capital as a means of enrichment

So far, we've looked at ways to improve your finances through work. This doesn't mean you can't get rich with the capital you already have.

Getting rich with capital means using money to generate surplus value. The essence of the process is to purchase machines to replace human labor as soon as the use of machines becomes more efficient.

In fact, capital is used to clone know-how expressed by a certain formula. Examples of this use of capital include various forms of software distribution, the promotion of fast food restaurants like McDonald's (which is increasingly not so fast), and the global distribution of soft drinks.


The winner takes all, so people who truly want to succeed should strive to become leaders in their field.

This scope of activity does not have to be extensive. Be a specialist. Look for the niche that best suits you. You will never succeed if you don't enjoy what you do.

Success is impossible without knowledge. To achieve success, you also need to see how to satisfy your customers while using the least amount of resources. Find out in which area 20% of resources can bring 80% of the profits.

Early in your career, learn everything there is to learn. This can only be done if you work for the best companies with the best people. The word "best" means "best in terms of usefulness for working in your own narrow niche of specialization."

Go through 4 levels of regulation of your work activity. First, make the best use of your own time. Second, by working as a freelancer, ensure that 100% of the fruits of your labor go to you. Third, use the labor of as many producers of surplus value as possible. Fourth, outsource work in which you and your colleagues are no better than your competitors.