Valery Evgenievich was born on October 13, 1948 in Moscow. After receiving his education (Lenin Moscow State Pedagogical Institute), he worked as a history teacher at school for ten years, then as a research fellow at the Research Institute of General Pedagogy of the Academy of Pedagogics of the USSR; senior correspondent for the newspaper Izvestia.

Studying the influence of epidemics on the course of History, in March 1990 he discovered a universal property of the Universe - a system of gravitational electromagnetic poles (Khrapov poles), determined the trajectories and conditions for the spread of diseases, and answered questions that had remained unanswered in world science for over 500 years.

Introducing his theory of victory over ALL diseases into practice, he became a psychic of the highest level, healing about 20,000 people in absentia, over the phone. V.E. Khrapov is the author of a dozen books, over 300 articles and essays, the author and hero of radio and radio shows, such as “For you, parents!”, “Family and School”, “World and Youth”, “12th Floor”, “Press” -express”, “White Crow”, “Third Eye” and others. Foreign honorary member of the International Association of the EU "Eurotalant", member of the geophysical association for the study of ring structures, member of the Union of Journalists of Russia.


I, Valery Evgenievich Khrapov, was born on October 13, 1948 in Moscow. Until 1959 he lived with his mother, grandmother and younger brother in the village. Springs of the Ramensky district of the Moscow region (sq. 33rd kilometer), and since 1959 in Moscow, where from the 5th grade he began to study at physics and mathematics school No. 2.

In 1965 (during the summer holidays) he worked in the survey party of the Central Scientific Research Institute of the USSR State Construction Committee on the Salekhard-Nadym railway (the 501st construction site) as a drilling worker.

In 1966, he graduated from secondary school No. 2 at the same time as the tenth graders and did not enter the history department of the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute. IN AND. Lenin and began working as an electrician at the Neftepribor plant, as a communications fitter (electrical mechanic, radio operator) of military unit 54023, and as a released secretary of the Komsomol committee of the same group. School No. 2, electrician at the Miussky telephone center.

In 1967 he entered the evening department of the Faculty of History of Moscow State Pedagogical Institute. IN AND. Lenin, and in 1972 he graduated from it, defending his thesis “Political projects of M. M. Speransky 1801–1811.” (140 pp.), awarded a third degree diploma a year later at a competition of student works dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute. At the same time, in 1972, he was recommended for graduate school in the Department of History of the USSR, but did not enter because All places, as an experiment, were given “for target soldiers,” and he went to serve in the ranks of the Soviet Army. In 1970 he married Tatyana Vladimirovna Rogova, from 1971 he raised his eldest son Andrei, and from 1978 and his youngest son Artem.

In 1973, he returned to the Miussky telephone center as a ventilation mechanic, and part-time began working as a history teacher at evening shift school No. 43 in the Krasnopresnensky district.

In 1974, having completed his postgraduate studies at Moscow State Pedagogical Institute, he began working as a teacher of history, social studies and the fundamentals of state law at secondary school (new buildings) No. 99 in the Kuntsevo district of the capital.

In 1976, my applicant’s documents were returned to me, and the school theater group, which I had to lead, became a diploma winner at the VI Art Festival of Pioneers and Schoolchildren in Moscow. During the same period, I went with high school students to labor and recreation camps (for the first and last time, as an official leader).

In 1978, I wrote and in 1979 sent a letter to L.I. Brezhnev with a request to pass a law that would prohibit lying in school (percentomania) and received a response from the USSR Ministry of Education, where they recommended that I improve teaching methods and generally work better. I began to improve it at the same time with the help of V.F. Shatalov’s book. “Where and how the triplets disappeared” (M., Pedagogika, 1979). I began to receive reprimands from the administration and gratitude from students and their parents.

Since 1964, he wrote poems, stories, plays, dramatizations, and since 1980 he began publishing his own in central newspapers and magazines (Izvestia, Smena, Family and School, Soviet Culture, Week, Teacher’s newspaper", "Soviet Pedagogy", "Rural Youth", "Communist", "Vocational Education", "Novosti" Press Agency), and then abroad and in local publications as a publicist-teacher.

In 1982, I was invited to work as an organizer of extracurricular and extracurricular activities at secondary school No. 146 of the Frunzensky district, but quickly realized that the administrative path was not mine and on December 13 of the same year I was transferred to work in the laboratory of theory and methods of studying and generalizing the pedagogical experience of the Research Institute of General Pedagogy of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR as a junior researcher, where he worked on the topic “Pedagogical self-analysis of the teacher as a method for studying experience”, and part-time (on a voluntary basis) was a member of the editorial board of express information releases in the series “advanced pedagogical experience” "together with academician M.N. Skatkin, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences P.V. Khudominsky, candidates of pedagogical sciences V.O. Aransky, Ya.S. Turbovsky, A.M. Tsirulnikov, and also (again on a voluntary basis) taught the topic “People's Teachers of the USSR”. The result of this activity was that in two months of 1985 I wrote a book (the 3rd of mine) “Your best teacher, school!” , which was published at the beginning of 1987 (M. Pedagogy. 1987 - 176 pp., circulation 100,000 copies), passed two candidate exams (philosophy - 5, English - 4), but did not take the exam in pedagogy, as and defend another dissertation, since he was invited to work for the Izvestia newspaper as a special correspondent.

From June 12, 1986 to the present time, I have been working as a senior correspondent for the Izvestia newspaper in the department of education and upbringing of youth. I am the author of 4 books, 16 brochures and other scientific works, 4 television scripts, about 150 popular science and journalistic articles and essays in Soviet and foreign countries. press. Some of the works have been translated into Japanese, Czech and Mongolian. In 1984, he invented a new method of teaching history and other subjects (see Teacher’s Newspaper // 1985, January 19: “Problems without problems”), but I do not have an author’s certificate, poems and plays have not been published. My basic notes on history and social studies, which aroused great interest among a number of teachers and which could benefit other Soviet teachers, as well as my tasks in history, elements of equipment for the history classroom, and most importantly, those ideas for a fundamentally new approach to teaching, have not been published either. stories that I am rich in at the present time.

Life after life

Comments left in the site’s guest book (, excerpts from requests to the site:

  • ..I very often told my children about my amazing teacher, and I was always interested to know how he lives now, what he does...
    It's a shame and bitter that SUCH people leave SO early. As far as I remember him, he was full of life and energy. He always boldly and stubbornly defended his positions, which caused discontent among teachers who did not have such qualities. The envy of these resigned specialists, who did not have their own opinion, grew and tensed the situation in our school. I remember how hard it was for him to leave when his patience reached its limit and the time came to say goodbye to us. Of course, he could not tell us, then students, anything, complain about anything. And it was not pedagogical. We only saw that he was very bad, but we could not help him.
    Now, looking at his achievements, I think that he still would not have stayed at school all his life. He felt cramped in it.
  • Valery Evgenievich was my history teacher and class teacher from 1975 to 1980. I will remember him for the rest of my life and I am very sorry about his untimely death. He was very sensitive and sincere towards us children, he taught us to think, to have a creative approach to everything, worldly wisdom, we could design wall newspapers after school and at the same time talk with him about everything. He organized excursions and hikes for us. The whole class visited him at home, where he made a lot of things with his own hands. V.E. was an extraordinary personality, creative, so he was looking for new ways, approaches in pedagogy and more. Some teachers and colleagues did not understand him, they were frightened by everything new, so V.E., as a talented person, periodically had problems in his life.
    His entire subsequent life testifies to his further improvement and spiritual development, the discovery of healing abilities in himself, and real help to many people. It is a pity that at the same time he least of all thought about himself, about protecting himself and his biofield from serious illness. I regret that he is no longer with us. I'm sure he was moving in the right direction. Books and articles by Valery Evgenievich are of practical value. May his memory be blessed.
  • V.E. Khrapov is my favorite teacher. Only now have I learned of his untimely death. I’m happy that there is such a site that you can read his works. I still remember V.E. and I tell my children about it.
  • Eh, Valera, Valera... So that’s why I haven’t heard about you in recent years... We met in 1987 at Artek, the All-Union Rally of Pioneers, although before that I knew him in absentia from Izvestia. Then we occasionally called each other in Moscow and met, I remember, at the All-Russian Conference of Public Education Workers in 1988. Surprisingly, these two or three meetings were enough for me to feel sincere, deep sympathy for him for many years later. This has happened to me extremely rarely. Something real remained in him - something that had not been in many of us for a long time. I remember him as a bright, original personality, and in character as a big, open child. It’s an amazing thing: we have never been close, haven’t communicated for many years - but there is a feeling of loss for myself personally...
    Vladimir Zhukov, journalist
  • Valery Khrapov’s main work for me is related to the geomagnetic poles of the Earth. I consider it far from finished... It requires further research in terms of application and improvement of application methods. I'm trying to move in small steps in this interesting direction. Applied dowsing methods allow this. I experienced the effectiveness of the method myself. It’s a pity that only on the website “Real Unreality” this most interesting topic found its continuation.

There are responses from grateful people, only recently who read his books and said that his books helped improve their health. There are continuers and researchers of my father’s ideas.

Knowing all this, you begin to understand the depth of his texts:

“Spiritual development is determined not by quantity, but by quality. The quality of those steps, the quality of the understanding to which you were able to rise and raise others above the mouse fuss with everyday problems, kitchen and family scandals, scientific, party and national conflicts, the division of bonuses, fees, territories, spheres of influence... Spiritual development is a gradual ascent from the position of a family man and citizen of the courtyard, street, city, country, globe to the position of a citizen of the Universe, a small but integral part of the single body and Spirit of the Lord. “There is and cannot be me without the Universe, but the Universe is flawed without me” - this is the truly spiritual position that I have been trying to understand all these years, or rather, all my life.”

“How often during my teaching career have I heard: “Ballet is wonderful, but I can’t handle it!” or “Oh, I’m too fat, I can’t do it!”)) And other similar misconceptions...))) Yes, not everyone who loves ballet and dreamed of becoming a ballerina as a child connected their lives with the stage of the Bolshoi Theater. But maybe it is Now you have the time and opportunity to make your dreams come true?...))

Dagis Nikolay Leonidovich
ballet classes for adults

Ballet dancer, teacher-choreographer. Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. In 1982 he graduated from the Vaganova School (teacher S. S. Kaplan) and performed at the Sverdlovsk Theater. In 1990-92, soloist of the “Classics of Choreography” troupe under the direction of. A. A. Prokofiev. In 2005 Graduated from the Moscow State Academy of Arts, receiving a diploma as a teacher-choreographer with a degree in "Pedagogy of Choreography". Nikolai has an excellent school, stage appearance, and acting talent. The studio teaches classes for adults and individual lessons.

Teslenko Veronica

Circus performer. Stretching teacher. She came to the circus at the age of 5. She studied at a circus studio in the city of Korkino, Chelyabinsk region. In 1997 she won a bronze award at the international festival in Belgium (Tournai). In 2000 she won a gold medal at an international festival in Sweden (Norrkopping). In 2005 she took part in the youth international competition in Monte Carlo, where she won a silver medal and three prizes. From 2005 to 2007 she worked for Cirque du Soleil, in the show "Corteo". She toured Japan, Hungary, Germany, Spain, China, Canada, and the USA. In 2008 At the international youth festival in the circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard she won a silver medal. In 2009 became the owner of a silver clown at the international festival in the circus on Vernadsky "Golden Buff". In 2014, she won two gold medals at the World Circus Competition “Idol 2014”, as well as three special prizes,
In 2014, she won the gold award and the prize of the Mayor of Domont at the international festival of circus arts in the city of Domont, France.

Khasiev Georgy
ballet classes for adults, stretching

Ballet dancer, teacher-choreographer. In 2002 he graduated from the Choreographic School "Classical Dance School". In 2012 he graduated from the Institute of Russian Theater. From 2002 to 2008 he danced in the troupe of the Moscow State Academic Classical Ballet Theater. He took part in productions of the Bolshoi Theater, the Kremlin Ballet, and the Musical Theater. K. S. Stanislavsky and Vl. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko. From 2008 to 2010 he worked as an artist in the musical “Beauty and the Beast” and gave ballet classes to artists as a teacher.

Balushkina Anna
Ballet gymnastics, ballet classes

Ballet dancer, teacher-choreographer. In 1980, Anna graduated from the MAHA (now the Moscow State Academy of Arts) with a degree in ballet dancer. From 1980 to 1989 she worked as a ballet dancer at Rosconcert and at the Souvenir choreographic ensemble. From 1990 to 2017, artist of the Bolshoi Theater. In 2004, she received a specialty as a teacher-choreographer at the Institute of Russian Theater and almost immediately began teaching, without leaving her work in the theater. For more than 10 years, Anna has been teaching choreography to children and adults.

Kulko Olga
ballet class, ballet gymnastics

Ballet dancer, teacher-choreographer. In 1983 she graduated from the Kiev State Choreographic School, class of V.P. Mei. From 1983 to 1989 she worked at the Kiev Musical Theater. Since 1991 he has been working at the Bolshoi Theater of Russia. She performed leading parts in the ballets: “The Young Lady and the Hooligan”, “Scarlet Sails”, “Harlequinade”, “An Evening of Ancient Choreography”, “Aleko”, etc. She has several certificates of honor from the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation. In 2013 Graduated with honors from the Moscow Academy of Choreography with a degree in teacher-choreographer, she has been teaching since 2008.

Alikin Alexander
Ballet class

Ballet dancer, teacher-choreographer. In 1998 Graduated from the Perm Choreographic School. He was accepted into the troupe of the Perm Academic Opera and Ballet Theater, where he performed solo roles from the very first season. Since 2003 worked at the Krasnodar Opera and Ballet Theater under the direction of Yu.N. Grigorovich. Since 2006 - ballet soloist in the Imperial Russian Ballet (G. Taranda) Currently working as a leading soloist in the Moscow Ballet troupe under the direction of A. Ivanova. Repertoire: Prince "Nutcracker", Prince Désiré, blue bird "Sleeping Beauty", Albert "Giselle", James "La Sylphide", Prince Siegfried, Jester "Swan Lake", Prince "Cinderella", Toreodor "Carmen", Youth "Chopiniana" , Romeo “Romeo and Juliet” Pas de deux: Corsair, Classical Pas de deux Tchaikovsky, Esmeralda, Don Quixote, etc. He took part in ballet festivals both in Russia and abroad. In the studio he conducts individual classes in classical ballet and repertoire.

Ballet classes for adults

Teacher-choreographer, ballet dancer at the Bolshoi Theater.
In 1995 Graduated from the Moscow State Academy of Choreography (MGAC) as a ballet dancer, in 1999. - Institute at the Academy with a degree in teacher-tutor, in 2019 - graduate school at the Academy in the field of pedagogical sciences.
From 1995 - present - ballet dancer at the Bolshoi Theater, Moscow. Participation in the Bolshoi Theater ballets in solo parts: “The Nutcracker”, “Spartacus”, “The Sleeping Beauty”, “Ivan the Terrible”, “The Golden Age”, “Romeo and Juliet”, “Pharaoh’s Daughter”, “Giselle”, “La Sylphide” , “Cipollino”, “Fantasies on a Casanova Theme”, etc. Worked with choreographers: Y. Grigorovich, M. Lavrovsky, V. Vasiliev, A. Ratmansky, J. Neumayer, P. Lacotte, R. Petit, B. Eifman, Yu. Posokhov and others.
From 2015 to the present - teacher of classical dance, folk stage dance, gymnastics at the Moscow State Academy of Choreography.
2007-2008 - work as a teacher-tutor at the Bolshoi Theater School in Joinville (Brazil).

Kozitsyna Anastasia Maksimovna
Folk stage dance, ballet class for adults and children.

Choreographer, folk stage dance teacher; .
She graduated from the Choreographic School-Studio at the State Dance Ensemble "Black Sea" as a ballet dancer in Sevastopol, then from the Moscow State Institute of Culture choreographic department, as a teacher of folk stage dance.
She worked as a ballet artist of the 2nd category in the State Ensemble "Black Sea" and the Red Banner Military Ensemble of the "Black Sea Fleet" in Sevastopol.
She worked at the studio school at the Black Sea State Aviation Theater, at the music school named after. Kalinnikova, Moscow; at the Children's Development Center "City of the Sun" (Children's rhythm teacher, modern and classical choreography) Moscow;
In the Exemplary Folk Dance Ensemble Carnival (senior group leader, production teacher, main disciplines: folk stage dance and classical dance)
I have experience with both children and adults.

The new production of the theater “TALARIUM ET LUX” is a continuation of the experiment that began with success in May 2013 with the premiere of the first ballet in 3D format “The Nutcracker” based on Hoffmann’s phantasmagoria. Before that, Russians could only watch this kind of action during mass shows. So in 2011, when the executive producer of the Olympic Games in Sydney and Vancouver, David Atkinson, in front of thousands of Muscovites, turned the Moscow State University high-rise building on Sparrow Hills first into the Eiffel Tower and then into the Taj Mahal. Similar technologies were used at the opening of the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi. The 3D scenery for the new version of the classic “Swan Lake” was created with the participation of the “Olympic team” of artists and designers.

The theater team, whose name translates as “Ballet and Light,” consists of 35 artists who have experience working in leading theaters in Moscow and Russia. Soloists Andrei Evdokimov, Sergei Smirnov, Diana Kosyreva, Denis Akinfeev, Olga Sizykh, Honored Artist of Russia Elizaveta Nebesnaya, previously performed roles in the best productions of the Bolshoi Theater, Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko, Ballet Moscow Theater, Kremlin Ballet and other theaters . Experienced choreographers work with the artists: People's Artist of Russia Natalya Chekhovskaya, Valery Khrapov.

« Our ultimate goal is to instill a love of ballet even among those who, for various reasons, have never been interested in it, says Mikhail Lavrovsky, artistic director of the theater. - Classical art cannot compete with pop culture, which instantly responds to the needs of the audience, which boldly adopts any technological innovation if its use can fuel the public’s interest. We see how interest in ballet is fading. But we are obliged to preserve the masterpieces of Russian ballet and give them new life. Ballet is always a fairy tale, always an extravaganza. The use of multimedia technologies envelops the viewer in an atmosphere of magic, opening the doors to a fairy-tale world.».

In part, the “super task” outlined by Mikhail Lavrovsky was already solved by the production of “The Nutcracker”. Its premiere shows in cities such as Sochi, Rostov-on-Don, Lazarevskoye, Belgorod, Kursk, as well as in the Moscow region and Israel were sold out and received the most flattering reviews from theater critics. And in this sense, “Swan Lake” promises to be a successful continuation of a bold experiment, combining, on the one hand, classical choreography, and on the other, the use of even more innovative computer technologies. Technical support for 3D technologies is provided by Panasonic, which can be called a guarantee of quality, since its projections are the absolute leader in the world.

Videos by Studio Balletomagia in Moscow. Choreographic studio "Baletomagia"

Performances by students of Balletomagic and Ballet in the Big City

You can only feel like a real ballerina on stage, so twice a year we hold concerts for our students, even the youngest. And they really love these performances! The video shows fragments of concerts at the Luna Theater and the Lyudmila Ryumina Center.

These emotions will never be forgotten!

Check out the studio schedule on Tverskoy Boulevard:

And make an appointment by phone: +7 926 246-21-06

We also enroll children for classes at the studio school on Kutuzovsky Prospekt

Other Studio Balletomagia videos

Performances by students of Balletomagic and Ballet in the Big City
You can only feel like a real ballerina on stage, so twice a year we hold concerts for our students, even the youngest. And they really love these performances! The video shows fragments of concerts at the Luna Theater and the Lyudmila Ryumina Center. These emotions will never be forgotten! Study the studio schedule on Tverskoy Boulevard: And sign up by phone: +7 926 246-21-06 We also enroll children for classes at the studio school on Kutuzovsky Prospekt

Grand class at Balletomagia on Tverskoy Boulevard
“I didn’t even imagine how much ballet classes could change me. Not just my body. I began to perceive myself completely differently - with each new class, the beauty and harmony of ballet help me see this in myself. Two years ago, after watching a series about a ballerina, I decided try and came to class for the first time. And now I simply cannot imagine my life without a ballet class, performing on stage at studio concerts, communicating with our wonderful teachers and, of course, with new friends - studio students," says one of the ballerinas , captured in this video from the class of Nikolai Leonidovich Dagis. We always welcome new students! The professionalism of teachers and specially developed teaching methods help students of any age achieve serious success. We are waiting for you and your children in the studios: - Balletomagia (Tverskoy Boulevard, 9) - Ballet in the Big City (Kutuzovsky Prospekt, 12, building 1) See you in class!

We present to you a new class in our schedule: folk stage dance. This subject is included in the compulsory program of the choreographic school and is one of the favorites among students. A bright, expressive dance that does not require strict adherence to classical canons, and can be easily learned and performed even by beginners. Good mood guaranteed! Every Saturday from 15:00.

Our young ballerinas love to dance and perform on stage) Therefore, we are happy to organize concerts for them twice a year. Each performance is a holiday for both children and, of course, parents. P.S. The video shows fragments of the reporting concerts.

We thank our wonderful guest from Ballet in the Big City - Tatiana Pavlovich for the classes held today and for the rare opportunity to feel like students of the Moscow State Academy of Choreography!

Many people are not ready to exchange Valery Sergeevich Khrapov’s class for trips out of town or walks, even on such a rare sunny day for this summer.

Ballet class
This is how the ballet class of teacher-choreographer, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Nikolai Dagis goes. Beginner and intermediate groups. Sign up for a trial lesson!

On Sunday, December 25, at 16:00, at the Ballet studio in the Big City on Kutuzovsky there will be a master class by prima ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater Marianna Ryzhkina “Plie. Puante. Points”. You will learn how to fly from the depths of plie, through a sharpened toe, to the highest point of classical dance - pointe shoes. The duration of the master class is 1.5 hours. We invite students with Grand (advanced) level of training. You can sign up by mail, phone 89262462106, or message on Facebook.

Dear students! We invite you tomorrow, Saturday, to the classes of the studio's new teacher - choreographer, Honored Artist of Russia Valery Sergeevich Khrapov. This highly academic, old-school teacher has extensive experience working with professional dancers not only from Russia, but also from Japan, Korea and Finland. Valery Sergeevich's track record includes work as a teacher-tutor at the Moscow Ballet Theater, and participated in the production of the ballet Scriabiniana for the Bolshoi Theater. Schedule of classes for adults on Saturday: 12:00 - Ballet class for beginners (60 min) - V.S. Khrapov 13:00 - Ballet class for intermediate (90 min) - V.S. Khrapov No prior registration required. See you in class! P.S. The video shows an open lesson led by Valery Sergeevich.