Under what constellation, under what planet were you born, young man? Near Mercury, distant Al Saturn, Mars, Cypridina? Alexander Pushkin

You probably won’t meet a person today who hasn’t heard about astrology at least once in his life. We are used to consulting horoscopes almost every day. And few popular newspapers do not give “star reports” for the week. When meeting people, they almost immediately find out their compatibility in accordance with their Zodiac signs. And of course, in order to decide on any action, you need to calculate its success in advance based on heavenly signs.

Aries (March 21 - April 20). The sign is patronized by Mars, its symbol is the head of a ram, its element is fire. People born under the sign of Aries are extraordinary individuals. The influence of the patron planet is manifested in their character: Mars endows its wards with a strong will, the ability to set clear goals and successfully achieve them. Women of this sign are seductive and mysterious. They may not have a striking appearance, but meeting them is fatal for members of the opposite sex. Aries men are impulsive and unpredictable. And if Aries in a female form is most often pragmatic, then in a male form he becomes incorrigible for romance. People of this sign associate their main life goals with work. The rest is just an application to a successful career. Aries know how to love. But often - - themselves. However, they are characterized by strong feelings that can turn the world upside down. Alas, such bright moments pass quickly and leave Aries again with their interests. And happiness, if they really have any.
It is best for Aries to choose the imposing Leo, the soft-hearted Gemini, or the compliant Sagittarius as their life partner. Aries can also be conquered by the sophistication of Aquarius and the harmony of Libra. But Aries is hardly worth associating life with the expressive Scorpio or melancholic Pisces: such a union will crack even at the first tests of everyday life.

Taurus (April 21 - May 21). Following the lamb, a bull enters the heavenly arena. The sign is patronized by Venus, and the brightest star in the constellation is named Aldebaran, which in Arabic means “coming after.” Even in Greek mythology, we look forward to the noble, hardworking bull. the supreme god Zeus sometimes took his guise. And in Egypt, the Apis bull was considered completely sacred. The element of earth endowed Taurus with endurance, prudence, and patience.

Twins They often find themselves in difficult situations, which can only be resolved by sacrificing some principles. The life of Gemini is a constant attempt to come to terms with oneself. Often these people can talk to their other self, comment out loud on their actions, which scares or irritates others. To find happiness, Geminis need to tie the knot with the equally ambiguous Libra, impulsive Aquarius or indulgent Leo. But it is better to avoid relationships with the unrestrained Virgo or picky Pisces, so as not to destroy the rich inner world.

Cancer (June 22 - July 22). Some astrologers interpret this zodiac sign as a symbol of motherhood, as well as the desire for development and self-improvement. The patron moon makes Cancers melancholic, and the element of water gives them a philosophical mindset. Cancer is a mysterious sign. He is sensitive and vulnerable. But at the same time, no one will ever guess about this, since a person born under this sign cannot stand the emotions of others. Cancers are often very educated people. Moreover, already in their school years, they are least interested in teachers’ assessments. But they are ready to fight even with the teachers themselves to gain true knowledge. For example, it is absolutely in the spirit of Cancer to contact the school principal with a request to replace the mentor with a more knowledgeable and qualified one. Cancers are fighters for truth. But they are fighters on the invisible front. They don't shout about their achievements at every corner. However, such people are the most persistent scientists and meticulous researchers. When taking on some work, Cancers will not rest until they bring it to perfection. And it doesn’t matter to them that someone is dissatisfied with their sluggishness. Their motto was expressed by a famous poet: “In everything I want to get to the very essence!” Cancer men are charming and sexy. They have remarkable knowledge and the ability to express their thoughts ornately and beautifully. The only negative is the inability to maneuver. They always say what they think straight out. But not every woman, even someone in love, will like such communication. Cancer women are impressed and sincere. They are very attached to their lovers. And their penchant for self-sacrifice can save even a barque on the verge of collapse. It is better for Cancers to choose Aquarius as their work partners: the creativity of the latter will logically complement the thoughtfulness and planning of the former. And for a love relationship with Cancer, passionate Scorpios, Leos who are forgiving of human weaknesses, or enthusiastic Geminis are suitable.

Leo (July 23-August 23). Both the king of beasts and the person born under the sign of Leo are the embodiment of strength and courage. The sign is also patronized by the “royal” planet - the Sun. And the element of fire speaks of a hot temper and imbalance. The entire personality of these people reveals spoiled and temperamental natures. But since Leos are often given a lot, a lot is asked of them. Self-confident, proud and independent people of this sign often suffer from a lack of understanding of others, from various troubles associated with Leo’s inability to put up with reality.
tew. Lioness women are graceful and majestic. They are able to openly express their feelings without fear of ruining their reputation. They are constantly followed by a lush retinue of assorted gentlemen, but the Lioness can only open her heart to the one whom she chooses. Leo men are proud and unapproachable, achieving great success in their careers. But for personal happiness, they need a woman who understands them perfectly, who accepts them as they are, and not as they want to appear. Leos love flattery, and in order to become closer to them, you need to learn to praise their royalty. Moreover, such people take any compliments addressed to them at face value - Leos love with their ears. Taurus or Virgo can become a reliable ally for Leo. But mutual attraction with Scorpio will sooner or later end in failure: two strong natures do not get along under one roof. It is useful to maintain friendly relations with Aquarius, and Pisces is an ideal partner for marriage.

Virgo (August 24 - September 23). The symbol of the sign is a sheaf of ears, which symbolizes the immaculate). Element - earth, planet - Mercury. The basic traits inherent in people of this sign are integrity, integrity, and skepticism. In addition, there is an irresistible desire to stand out from the crowd. Their main credo: let me do what I like, and you will not be disappointed. Virgo women know how to present themselves in a favorable light, they love good clothes and expensive wines. They are skilled housewives and caring mothers. But as soon as they “go off the rails,” they begin to commit one rash act after another, thereby jeopardizing their well-being and, sometimes, life itself. Men of this sign are completely immersed in themselves: They are not inclined to noisy campaigns and aimless passing of time. Their T[el is to achieve self-improvement through the full realization of their abilities. Virgos are excellent conversationalists on topics about the meaning of life; they methodically seek answers to philosophical questions and strive to accumulate not material, but spiritual values. Virgo will be happy with those born under the sign of Aries or Sagittarius. You should avoid not only love relationships, but also friendships with Taurus, Aquarius and Scorpio. In business you can rely on Capricorn and Libra.

Libra (September 24 - October 23). The patroness Venus endowed this sign with tenderness and impressionability. The element of air constantly draws such people to nature, to the origins, and the symbol - two bowls - tries to balance and harmonize the contradictory nature. Libras show themselves to be ambiguous people. Like all dual signs, they are characterized by indecision and a tendency to think for a long time.
Libras are sybarites: they love to lie in bed until noon and skip a couple of working days without a good reason. The only factor that can survive Libra's love for idleness and laziness is a heightened sense of responsibility. And sometimes for their own benefit. Libra men are slightly arrogant and intolerant of other people's shortcomings. Both of them adore children and dream of procreation. Libras are sensitive to criticism. And if it is necessary to achieve positive results, they should not be scolded, but praised. For balance in the family, such people are suitable for purposeful Aquarius, obsequious Leo and Gemini who know how to maneuver. Libras develop strong friendships with Capricorns for many years. But you shouldn’t tempt fate and fall in love with Pisces or Scorpios: such a relationship will certainly reach a dead end.

Scorpio (October 24 - November 23). This sign is ruled by two planets at once - Pluto and Mira. The first distinguishes Scorpios by attractiveness, the second by belligerence. People born under this sign always have an irresistible craving for water, because it is their element. A distinctive feature of Scorpios is self-criticism: when they make mistakes, they do not forget them like all other signs the next day, but bully themselves for a long time, regardless of how serious the mistake was. However, not for all Scorpios this is a defining quality of character. It all depends on which planet is leading in a person’s horoscope. Scorpio women are another fatal sign in the Zodiac. They have the ability to conquer any man without making any effort. Most often these are green-eyed beauties, snow queens, pictures from glossy magazines. But even if they have the appearance of Cinderellas before turning into princesses, men cannot resist. It's all about magnetism, which, however, is emitted by all Scorpio representatives. Scorpio men come in two types: they are either passionate dandies, interested only in satisfying their own needs, or simpletons, but with such a zest that they don’t even need a flashy appearance to conquer women’s hearts. In a word, Scorpios are the most passionate sign of the horoscope. But building a relationship with him is all; difficult. Perhaps, a union of this people with apathetic Pisces, an indulgent Virgo and a tolerant Cancer will be successful. Work and friendship are favorable with Libra.
You should not tempt fate and rush into the maelstrom of passion with Leo, Aries or Aquarius. A fleeting connection will end in a big scandal.

Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21). The symbol of Sagittarius is a bow and arrow, which many astrologers interpret as a conflict between body and mind. However, this symbolism can also be explained as determination, the desire to always be ahead. Sagittarius is ruled by the mysterious Jupiter, and the element of the sign is fire. Sagittarians are very impulsive and energetic. While they ignite quickly, they also go out quickly. And not even a few days later, a new fire is lit. This situation occurs in work, in love, and in relationships with friends. Sagittarius is a kind and generous person. But he will not tolerate a disdainful attitude towards himself. His whole life is a struggle for the right to be himself. He tirelessly demands from those around him that he be loved for who he is. The Sagittarius woman is a true lady. She knows exactly where, when and what needs to be said, is not without charm and uses it to achieve goals, but most often not her own, but her beloved, whom she places on a pedestal at the first appearance in her life. The Sagittarius man is a true owner and family man. He loves working with children, and from the age of 10-12 he dreams of his own family. No one can cook a romantic dinner better than a Sagittarius in love. And only he can achieve what he has dreamed of since childhood: he knows how to move towards his goals, clearly defining them. Aries, Virgo, Gemini or Taurus can become the second half for Sagittarius. But with Pisces and Scorpios there will be constant quarrels due to misunderstandings.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 20). The symbol of this sign is a mythical beast, whose head and front part of the body are goat-like, and the back part is fish-like. Capricorns' element is earth, and they are ruled by Saturn. People of this sign are the most resilient and strong. They are stubborn and self-willed. But, despite this, they cannot always get their way: after all, in order to “be on a horse” you need not only strength, but also patience, loyalty, and cunning. And straightforward Capricorns are sometimes too fixated to slow down and look around. That is why they sometimes strike in absurd and difficult situations. The Capricorn woman is independent and freedom-loving. She is not one of those who rushes to win the man she likes. She would rather abandon him completely than humiliate her dignity. And the one who chooses her will have to try hard to melt the heart of the cold beauty. The Capricorn man is also proud and independent. He is drawn to risk and is not ready to try all types of extreme sports to prove to himself what he is worth. And one more thing: Capricorns never forgive betrayal and insults. They respect themselves too much for this. Building relationships with Capricorns, Taurus, Virgo, Scorpios or Pisces-I Libra can be flirting, but nothing more. But you should avoid Cancer and Evna) so as not to ruin your life.

Aquarius (January 21 - February 18). The Water symbol is two waves, identified with “living” and “dead” water. This speaks of Aquarius’ ability to revive and resurrect even after the most severe blows of fate. The element of the sign is air, and the ruling planet is Uranus. Aquarians are very sincere and open people. They never hold a stone behind their back, they are always friendly and decent, they know how to help in difficult times, they will support and reassure you like no one else. People of this sign are paradoxically amorous. Moreover, when they fall in love, they are sure that the feeling is forever. However, having seen another ideal, they are completely disappointed in their former lover, and with all their passion they rush to conquer a new passion. Aquarius women are dreamy and willful. They will not sit idly by if some idea comes to their mind, and they will direct all their efforts towards its implementation. In addition, they are talented and practically any idea is realized with a bang. Aquarius men are slightly slow and clumsy. But this only gives them charm. They often have an excellent ear for music and a gentle voice, which makes them welcome guests in any company. The life of Aquarius is a continuous fireworks festival, where one thing gives way to another. Therefore, it is especially important for these people to be understood. And in this case, the closest person to Aquarius may be someone born under the signs of Libra, Gemini or Sagittarius. But the pragmatism of Taurus or the skepticism of Scorpio can kill Aquarius. After all, the most important thing for him is that they believe him.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20). Two fish, connected by their tails and rushing in different directions, symbolize the struggle between soul and body. The element of the sign is water, and it is ruled by two planets - Neptune and Jupiter. Already in the symbolism lies the main characteristic of people born under the sign of Pisces: they constantly solve the problem of what is more important to them. On the one hand, Pisces have great intuition, they are believers, on the other hand, this sign is sensual, it is attracted by bodily, physical pleasures, and this is not compatible with all religious denominations. Pisces are wise and fair. Women are psychologists by nature, capable of understanding the secrets of the subconscious, even without special education. This is certainly good in building relationships with people, including those of the opposite sex. Pisces men are generous and warm-hearted. Often they are philosophers in life and do not seek good from good: they adapt to the conditions that fate offers them. In general, Pisces are friendly and friendly, economical and decent. But they cannot stand large, noisy companies. Such gatherings make them despondent. It is better for this sign to be friends with Taurus or Cancer, who do not require violent manifestations of feelings from melancholic Pisces. Capricorn, Scorpio and Virgo are capable of making Pisces happy in marriage. But you can hardly count on a long-term alliance with Libra and Aquarius: differences in temperaments and interests can play a bad role in such relationships.

Fortune telling technique:

This is the most popular Tarot layout for love. The main goal of fortune telling is to find answers to questions. Card prediction is a kind of mirror that reflects your true thoughts and emotions at a certain point in time. During fortune telling, it is important not to think about extraneous things and ask specific, not vague questions. Before you start choosing cards, focus for 1-2 minutes and think about the situation that interests you. The more you relax and immerse yourself in it, the more useful the advice you receive from the deck of cards will be.

Card 1 - means the problems that the questioner has; Femininity Card 2- means feminine energy (which is also present in men); Masculinity Card 3- means masculine energy (which is also present in women); Transformation Card 4- means the past of the questioner, including his previous incarnations; Hope Card 5 - means the desires and hopes that the questioner places on the future; Opportunity Map 6- means the opportunities and strengths that will be given to the questioner to achieve the goal.

Tarot during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance:

Just 20 years ago, no one could say where playing cards, including tarot, came from. There are many theories, but not one contains absolute evidence. It was assumed that they could have originated in countries such as China, India, Italy or Persia. All these countries had their own types of playing cards, but no one could find a connection between European cards and cards from the East or Asia.

The study of the origins of cards in Europe is based on the study of prohibitions on playing them. As a result of the search, the first prohibitions were discovered in the 14th century. Card games quickly gained popularity among all segments of the population. The governments of some countries believed that such games contributed to the spread of drunkenness, fraud, gambling addiction and other vices. Such prohibitions smacked of double standards, because having banned card games among the common people, the nobles and upper class often spent evenings in the company of a deck of cards, and even legally allowed playing cards in palaces and noble houses.

In 1939, the Istanbul Museum displayed a handmade deck of cards made in the 15th century. At that time, the ruler of Egypt was a Mamluk from the dynasty of Egyptian sultans. Subsequently, the deck began to be called after him. The game for which this deck was used was called "Kings and Delegates". For a long time, no one studied the deck, until L.A. discovered it in 1971. Mayer, who released a document showing that the deck contains 4 suits: Cups, Coins, Swords and something similar to wands. In 1980, there was an attempt to prove that this deck had more significance than just its similarity to ancient Italian cards. The curved shapes of the swords of the Mamluk dynasty are reminiscent of the saber, the most common weapon of Egyptian medieval warfare. The wands depicted on the cards were crossed and had an elegant shape. In addition, the dragon, a symbol of the world of Islam, was very often encountered. Images of cups and coins provide a clue that these cards were used for gambling. There is evidence that the Mamluk won a large sum of money in this card game. The word "dinar" is still used in Italian when referring to the suit of coins or pentacles. And cups in the Mamluk deck were the name for valuable Persian coins.

There is a version that the manufacturers of this deck took the idea of ​​​​Chinese cards as a basis, changing the name of the suits. At that time, in a number of countries there was a ban on the depiction of a human figure in maps, so they were replaced by signs and other elements of calligraphy. Nowadays, no one adheres to this rule, so in modern maps we see figures of people, their clothes and jewelry. Initially, the deck was not similar to the modern one, since it did not have many cards familiar to us. The tarot deck has undergone a great transformation over several centuries to obtain the appearance that we see now.

Many artists have been involved in deck design, such as the Italian Andrea Mantegna. Inspired by Mantegna's work, Albert Dürer painted several tarot cards in the Gothic style. By the beginning of the 16th century, there were different types of decks made by Italians, Germans, and French, and they all had some differences among themselves. Like Chinese cards, medieval and renaissance cards were designed with the values ​​of the occult and talismans in mind. Other versions compare the origins of the tarot suits with the main benefactors: wisdom, justice, modesty and courage.

Research by Gertrude Mauchly:

In 1996, New York Public Library archivist Gertrude Mauchly found a clue left by 16th-century Florentine artist Alessandro Di Francesco Roselli. Roselli mentioned in the 1528 catalog that, among other card games, it described a game called The Triumphs of Petrarch. Mauchly has put forward a theory that Roselli is describing tarot cards. In an attempt to solve this mystery, Gertrude Mauchly's team studied the poem about Petrarch and Laura.

Petrarch's poem describes love, modesty, luck, priests, the emperor, the empress, death, time, the devil, the wheel of fortune, the sun, the moon and the world. The cards of three benefactors are not taken into account: the fool, the deceiver, the sacred servant, the tower, the hanged man. Petrarch's poem, although it does not explain the origin of all the tarot arcana, nevertheless contains a lot of information about the origin of the major arcana. The only thing that Mauchly did not take into account is that this poem is not Petrarch’s only work. He is the author of other works related to religion and power.

Origin of the major arcana of the tarot:

Cards such as death, wheel of fortune, and judgment may have been taken from Petrarch's "Things to Remember" written in 1343. Taking a closer look at the origins of the death card, it is worth looking at the first instructive performance, “The Dance of Death,” which contains elements of drama. Many believe that some tarot arcana owe their origin to this play. This play shows the enormous power of death over people. The play contains a scene where death approaches the emperor and his courtiers, including the jester. At that time, there was a plague epidemic in Europe, and the essence of the play was to show the wealth and frivolity of that time, in the hope that people would pay attention to more spiritual things.

The image of the jester is very often found in illustrations for the play; he was a central character in medieval history. As for the wheel of fortune, this card originated in honor of the image of the goddess of fortune, i.e. lady luck. Some 16th century engravings contain an illustration of the goddess Fortuna sitting opposite the goddess of wisdom and holding in her hands her famous wheel, which controls the fortunes of the whole world. The goddess of wisdom holds a mirror with which she consults and observes the universe. Perhaps this mirror is reflected in the tarot by the suit of pentacles.

A study of the documents of the Catholic Church may provide an answer to the emergence of the cards of judgment, peace and the devil. The world card is connected with the others, and can be the personification of heaven. The Prado Gallery in Madrid contains a panel depicting the Judgment, the Devil and the Tower. The Catholic Church pays attention to inevitable processes. It is believed that no one can escape death and judgment, and the need to choose between heaven and hell.


Analysis of last week's layout and exercise on the new layout in the latest issue of Sunday Tarot School.

Last Sunday I told you about the new “Seven Stars” layout and gave you an exercise to consolidate it. You had a week to leave your interpretation in the comments to the article.

If you missed the last episode, you can watch it.

Today we will analyze the exercise from last week and you will receive a new one to consolidate the layout.

Analysis of the “Seven Stars” layout from last week

On the eve of her wedding to Odysseus, Penelope asks how their personal life will turn out.

First position - Your Star

Position value:
The card speaks about you and the situation you are in. Emperor.
Odysseus is the basileus of Ithaca. The Emperor card precisely indicates that Penelope’s situation is changing dramatically. She becomes not just the wife of Odysseus, but part of the Emperor. And knowing the plot of the Odyssey, we can say that in the future she herself will become the Emperor and personify power.

Second position - Star of the Chosen One

Position value:
The card describes the personality of your chosen one. Queen of Swords.
In terms of his archetype, Odysseus is not the Lady of Swords. His resourcefulness and cunning suggest that he is the Knight of Pentacles. However, if we remember the meaning of the Queen of Swords “Widow” card, we can assume that this card indicates that Odysseus and Penelope will spend a significant part of their life together alone.

In some cases, the meaning and meaning of a card fits well with the overall story, but at the same time does not correlate well with the position in which it fell. Blind adherence to dogma makes it difficult or even impossible to read the layout. But neglecting form is not always appropriate. Finding a balance between maintaining form and unlimited freedom is an important task for a tarot reader.

Third position - Star of Love

Position value:
The card speaks of the connection between you. Page of Swords.
The Page of Swords is a negative card for relationships. It indicates serious contradictions and even hostility. In the Odyssey, Homer talks about the mutual love of Odysseus and Penelope. But maybe the relationship between them was not so rosy. Penelope's irritation at Odysseus's ten-year failure to return from the war may well be reflected in the Page of Swords card.

Fourth position - Danger Star

Position value:
The card warns of possible obstacles to your love. 3 swords (Judgment, Knight of Swords, 10 of Cups).
The 3 of Swords card says that there are many more dangers for this love than favorable aspects. Even without additional cards, the image of a broken, split heart directly points to difficult trials. to which the senses will be exposed. However, the presence of 10 cups inspires hope that everything will end well.

Fifth position - Star of Luck

Position value:
The card speaks of what will help your love. 5 cups.
A paradoxical situation - tears, grief and resentment will help your love. Actually, that’s what happened. Odysseus returned just at a time of great emotional stress for Penelope.

Sixth position - Star of Secret Thoughts

Position value:
The map helps you understand what your chosen one is keeping silent about. World.

The World card is played out in this layout both literally and figuratively. On the one hand, it indicates Odysseus’s best feelings for Penelope. And on the other hand, the world is calling Odysseus. By the standards of that time, he almost traveled around the world. And in general, the positive card takes on an additional not very pleasant connotation for Penelope.

Seventh position - Star of Secret Thoughts

Position value:
The card shows what awaits your union in the future. Chariot.

Glory, victory, trophies, travel. The Chariot indicates all this. And all this was present in the union of Penelope and Odysseus.

We read the layout after the fact, already knowing the story of Odysseus and Penelope.

Here's what she might hear from a tarot reader at a fortune-telling session

“Your situation is developing unusually well for you. The Emperor card indicates that you are gaining strength and power, and your position is becoming significantly stronger. Your chosen one is serious and reliable. However, you may feel lonely with him. In your love relationships, you should be passive and not strive to take a leading position. The Page of Swords speaks about this. There are many dangers in your love relationship. But most likely, you and your chosen one will be able to overcome everything. Luck will come to you at the most difficult moment of your life. Your fiancé values ​​and values ​​your relationship and adores you. Your future promises you success and victories, as well as material well-being.”

Second exercise for the “Seven Stars” layout

Carmen recently met a young soldier, Jose, and asks how their relationship will develop. We are talking about the characters from Bizet's opera, not Mérimée's novella.

Your Star (First Position) - Ace of Swords

Position value:
The card speaks about you and the situation you are in.

Star of the Chosen (Second Position) - Priestess

Position value:
The card describes the personality of your chosen one.

Star of Love (Third position) - Sun

Position value:
The card speaks of the connection between you.

Danger Star (Fourth Position) – 6 Swords

Position value:
The card warns of possible obstacles to your love.

Star of Luck (Fifth Position) – 4 of Pentacles

Position value:
The card speaks of what will help your love.

Star of Secret Thoughts (Sixth Position) - Mage

Position value:
The map helps you understand what your chosen one is keeping silent about.

Star of the Future (Seventh Position) – 3 of Pentacles

Position value:
The card shows what awaits your union in the future.

Write your interpretation in the comments!

If you want to learn how to guess quickly, I advise you to do the exercises that I send you every week. Write a detailed comment on how you see the outcome of the situation.

P.S. Preliminary enrollment for the course “Tarot Practice: Semantic field of cards” is open; if you want to learn how to see the connection between cards in a layout, sign up and complete the preliminary tasks.

Tarot relationship fortune telling, or as they say, love tarot fortune telling, is one of the most popular fortune telling. Starting with fortune telling by girls about their betrothed. Continuing with tarot readings for a man. Fortune telling when you have met a person and want to know what to expect from continuing to get to know him.

It also happens that you have already been married for a certain period. And here you still think that you do not yet fully understand certain aspects of your relationship. Fortune telling seven stars online on tarot cards can lift the curtain of fog before you.

In fortune telling about relationships in the Tarot, the seven star alignment shows us the situation in which we find ourselves. What your loved one thinks that may be interfering with your relationship. How to improve these relationships. What awaits you and your loved one in the future, as in fortune telling.

Tarot love on tarot for relationships

Fortune telling with tarot cards for love is one of the most accurate fortune telling. Fortune telling that best reveals your situation. What awaits you in the future. You want to know what awaits you today. The layout will tell you what you should expect today. And also to check any fortune-telling, you can use other fortune-telling on our website besides the tarot for relationships. For example, fortune telling with bones or online.

Fortune telling with tarot cards for love 7 stars will help you pay attention to seemingly insignificant aspects in your relationship. Better understand your loved one's intentions. When fortune telling the Tarot for love, it is always important to mentally imagine the person before the fortune telling. Imagine the loved one you are thinking about. Ask the Tarot cards a specific question. Then the Tarot relationship fortune telling will be as truthful and accurate as possible.

Relationship fortune telling tarot love

Tarot cards give us an excellent opportunity to tell fortunes about love. Fortune telling for love is the most common fortune telling. This arrangement will help dispel doubts. Will assess relationships in the present. He will tell you what will happen to you in the future. The love tarot will tell you whether your relationship is worth developing. Tarot cards for fortune telling about relationships will show the way to strengthen them. This tarot reading reveals the mental characteristics of partners. Love fortune telling for relationships is your hint about the unexplored corners of your loved one’s soul.

Choose a deck of Tarot cards that suits you

Gothic Tarot Vargo Gilded Tarot Ciro Marchetti Journey to the East Tarot Art Nouveau Tarot of the Goddesses Tarot Bosch Tarot of the Witches Tarot of the Dwarves Tarot Decameron Tarot of the Druids Tarot of Durer Tarot of the Celts Tarot of the Celts Celtic Dragons Tarot of Leonardo da Vinci Tarot of Manara Tarot of the Pirates Tarot of the Mysterious World Tarot of Fantastic Creatures Tarot of the Pharaoh Ramses Fairy Tarot

Choose a part of the deck on which you will guess

Full deck major arcana minor arcana minor truncated arcana (36 cards)

How will the cards be selected in the layout?

The fortuneteller chooses at random

Ask Tarot cards about what interests you at the moment. Try not to let anything distract you from the subject of fortune telling. Tune in to fortune telling and ask the Tarot cards to give you the information you need.

Are you ready?
Then click the "Start fortune telling" button!

The most popular fortune telling is, of course, relationships. This is a very interesting and informative layout for a detailed analysis of the relationship between a man and a woman. The layout involves seven cards, symbolizing the seven stars of your destiny. These are the hidden forces that determine your relationship with your loved one:

Your Star card speaks about you and the situation you are in;
Star of the Chosen One - the card describes the personality of your chosen one;
Star of Love - the card speaks of the connection between you;
Star of Danger - the card warns of possible obstacles to your love;
Star of Luck - the card speaks of what will help your love;
Star of Secret Thoughts - the card helps you understand what your chosen one is keeping silent about;
Star of the Future - the card shows what awaits your union in the future.

Now let's look at this scenario

The young people had been dating for quite some time and were planning to get married. A few months ago, a man left to earn money for a wedding.
It seems to the girl that the relationship has noticeably cooled down and she suspects that he has someone else.

1. Your Star, in this case a fortune-telling girl. Queen of Pentacles. This card perfectly shows the girl’s condition and the situation itself. She is making plans for marriage, wants certainty and stability. The status of a married woman is very important to her. External beauty is just as important. as we know, the man left to work, wanting to please her and make a beautiful wedding.

2. Star of the chosen one, i.e. men. 6 of Wands. People who get this card are born winners. They are used to being in the lead; their social achievements are just as important to them. They need to realize their importance and the more often they experience a state of triumph, the more they affirm their exclusivity. they are used to returning only with victory.

3. Star of love. Map of the connection between a girl and a young man. 2 swords. Calm, waiting for the fortuneteller and silence of the man. In Crowley's book this card is called "Peace" and in our case this name is very suitable. The woman is waiting. Everything looks good, the balance is maintained, but the future together is a big question.

4. Danger Star. Priestess inverted. An obstacle to the relationship between our fortuneteller and her man is a certain woman who actively interferes in their union. She has her own interest and will actively fight for it. She is not satisfied with the position of her mistress and will stop at nothing to achieve a different status.

5. Star of luck. 2 of Pentacles reversed. If a man refuses the second woman, then the relationship can still be saved.

6. Secret thoughts. What is a man hiding? Queen of Cups. The man is in love and while he is not advertising it, he is hiding it from our fortuneteller.

7. Star of the future. Death reversed, Lovers reversed, 10 of Pentacles reversed. Unfortunately for the girl, the choice will not be made in her favor; the relationship will be stagnant, a swamp. They will not create families, but there may not be a final separation. Perhaps the man will not be able to decide and will rush between two women.