Displacement: 4012 tons.
Dimensions: length - 112.5 m, width - 15 m, draft - 3.7 m.
Full speed: 17.59 knots.
Cruising range: 3500 miles at 16 knots, 6000 miles at 12 knots.
Power plant: 2 diesel engines "Zgoda-Sulzer" 16ZVB40/48, 19200 hp, 2 propellers.
Armament: 2x2 57-mm AK-725 gun mounts, 2x1 45-mm 21KM guns, 2x40 122 mm NURS MS-73 "Grad-M" launchers, 4x8 MTU-4 MANPADS launchers.
Capacity: up to 500 tons of equipment and cargo and 225 paratroopers, tank hold length - 95 m, width - 4.5 m, height - 4.5 m.
Crew: 98 people.

Ship history:
Project 775 large landing ship

In the USSR Navy, the main motive for the emergence of new types of ships was the experience of combat services, according to which it was established that a large landing ship (LDS) was supposed to transport one battalion, a medium landing ship (SDK) - a company, and a small landing ship (SDK) - a platoon . Only the BDK Project 1171, which was already in service, fully met these requirements, but the SDK Projects 770, 771 and 773 did not satisfy them at all. For this reason, in 1968, at the direction of the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy, Admiral S.G. Gorshkov was given a tactical and technical task for the design of a new Project 775 SDK.

The design of the new SDK was carried out in Poland, the chief designer was the Polish shipbuilding engineer O. Vysotsky, the main observer from the USSR Navy was first captain 1st rank B.M. Molozhzhnikov, then civilian specialist M.I. Rybnikov, senior representative of the customer - engineer L.V. Lugovin. During the design process, the ships were reclassified into second-rank BDKs due to a significant increase in displacement.

The lead ship "SDK-47" (building No. 1) pr. 775 was built at the shipyard "Stocznia Polnocna" ("Northern Shipyard", where the chief was engineer B. Standura) in Poland in 1974. The first series of ships, which consisted of 12 KFOR, was completed in 1978. In the West, these ships were dubbed “Ropucha I” - this is how the word “frog” is pronounced in English transcription.

The second series of 16 SDKs (Project 775.ІІ or "Ropucha II") was completed in 1992. The ships of the second series were distinguished by other general detection radars, and starting from the third ship of the series - by other gun mounts (one 76-mm AK-176 and two 30 mm AK-630 instead of two 57 mm AK-572). It was also planned to build the third series of Project 775 specifically for the new T-80 tanks (in some sources referred to as “Project 778”), but the collapse of the Soviet Union interrupted the construction of these ships. The lead landing ship of this series, Rear Admiral Gren, was discontinued and scrapped in 1992-1993.

The construction of the BDK of this project was carried out by order of the USSR exclusively for its fleet. Not a single ship of Project 775 became part of the Navy of the allied powers under the Warsaw Pact. The only exception can be considered only one large landing craft, transferred to Yemen in 1979 from the Soviet forces that were based in the Indian Ocean.

The design of the landing ship Project 775 is a multi-deck, flat-bottomed ocean-going landing ship with a forecastle and a developed aft superstructure. By design, it belongs to ships built using the “Ro-Ro” system - with a tank deck that runs along the entire length of the ship. Its main purpose is to receive tracked, wheeled and any military transport equipment and infantry units of equipment from an equipped or unequipped shore, transport them by sea and land on both an equipped and unequipped coast with a small bottom slope through an open bow device, as well as receive from water, transportation by sea and launching of floating equipment through an open bow or stern device.

The ship can be used to lay minefields, deliver humanitarian aid and evacuate the population from dangerous areas. In addition, the landing ship can be used for military transport, supplying ships and fleet units at dispersed deployment points.

The BDK can be used with various loading options: 150 landing troops and 10 T-55 tanks with a crew of 40 people; 12 PT-76 amphibious tanks with a crew of 36 people; a unit consisting of 3 tanks of the T-55 type with a crew of 12 people, 3 120-mm mortars, 3 combat vehicles of the 2G 27 type, 4 ZIL-130 vehicles, 4 GAZ-66 and one GAZ-69 passenger SUV. Landing personnel - 147 landing personnel. The ship is capable of transporting a cargo weighing 650 tons over a distance of 4,700 miles and sailing in all ice-free seas and oceans without restrictions.

The landing party is placed in a tank hold (length - 95 g, width of the bow - 6.5 g, width of the stern - 4.5 g, height along the center plane - 4.0 m), and can be landed on an equipped, unequipped coast or on the sea surface when the sea state is up to 4 points and the wind force is up to 5 points. The landing personnel are housed in several cockpits and 4-berth officer cabins.

Landing is carried out using a nasal landing device, which includes a nasal gate and a ramp. The landing of a landing force with non-floating equipment can be carried out directly onto equipped or unequipped coasts with a minimum bottom inclination of 2-3 degrees (depending on the general mass of cargo taken on board the ship). The presence of a bow ramp and a stern gate allows you to connect several vessels to create a kind of “bridge”. Dimensions of entry from the nose: width - 4.8 g, height - 5.5 g. Dimensions of entry from the feed: width and height - 5.5 g.

As a rule, Project 775 ships operate as part of a naval landing group or as part of a detachment of peacekeeping forces, but can perform their functions independently, without covering ships.

The large landing ship "BDK-67" of project 775/II was built in Gdansk (Poland) in 1988 (serial number 775/25). Entered service on April 30, 1988, and became part of the Black Sea Fleet.

In 1997, "BDK-67" took part in the international exercises "Fairway of the World - 97", in 1998 - in the international exercises "Sea Breeze-98". In 1999, the BDK-67 completed the government task of transporting the Russian peacekeeping contingent to Thessaloniki (Greece). In 2000, the ship fulfilled the government task of removing military equipment from Georgia.

Since June 2001, the administration of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug of the Russian Federation has been supervising the ship. On January 3, 2002, by order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy, the ship was given a new name - "Yamal".

In July 2002, the Yamal BDK participated in supporting a naval religious procession across the Black Sea in honor of the first anniversary of the canonization of Saint Admiral F.F. Ushakova. And in October he participated in events dedicated to the day of memory of Admiral Fedor Ushakov on the island of Kerkyra (Corfu).

In June 2003, the BDK participated in a business call to the Egyptian Port Said as part of a detachment of Black Fleet ships. In October 2003, he made an official visit to the Greek island of Corfu, dedicated to the days of memory of the famous admiral Fyodor Ushakov, under whose command in 1799 Russian sailors liberated the island of Corfu from foreign invaders, with a visit to the islands of Spetses, Syros, as well as the ports of Pylos and Piraeus .

Currently, the large landing ship "Yamal" is part of the 197th brigade of landing ships of the Black Sea Fleet and is actively used in exercises and combat training of the fleet.

This ship was commanded at different times by:
- captain 2nd rank I. Gavrish;
- captain 2nd rank A. Kononenko;
- captain 3rd rank A. Gritsai;
- captain 2nd rank Valery Polyakov;
- captain 3rd rank Valentin Tyutkalo.

The 197th Brigade of Landing Ships is an active unit of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Navy. It is based in Sevastopol. Includes large landing ships of Project 1171 Nikolai Filchenkov, Orsk (not in service) and Saratov, as well as Project 775 and 775M Azov, Novocherkassk, Caesar Kunikov and Yamal.

Sleeve emblem of the Black Sea Fleet

Guys of the Russian Navy.

Flag of the Russian Navy.

History of creation

Command staff

Commander 1st Rank Captain Evgeny Krylov. Since 2014, the brigade has been commanded by Captain 1st Rank Sergei Zvyagin

Active composition of the compound

"Nikolai Filchenkov" is a large landing ship of Project 1171. Board number 152, in the fleet since 1975. Commander 3rd Rank Captain Evgeniy Myasoedov.

BDK-65 "Saratov" is a large landing ship of Project 1171. Board number 150, in the fleet since 1966. Commander: Captain 2nd Rank Oleg Pochinov.

BDK-69 "Orsk" is a large landing ship of Project 1171. Board number 148, in the fleet since 1968. Commander Captain 2nd Rank Vadim Bolsun. Under repair.

BDK-46 "Novocherkassk" is a large landing ship of Project 775. Board number 142, in the fleet since 1987. Commander: Captain 2nd Rank Sergei Zvyagin.

BDK-54 "Azov" is a Project 775M guards large landing ship. Board number 151, in the fleet since 1990. Guard commander, captain 2nd rank Dmitry Khudoba.

BDK-64 "Caesar Kunikov" is a large landing ship of Project 775. Board number 158, in the fleet since 1984. Commander 2nd Rank Captain Sergei Larchuk.

BDK-67 "Yamal" is a large landing ship of Project 775. Board number 156, in the fleet since 1988. Commander Captain 2nd Rank Valery Polyakov

The large landing ship "Yamal" is the last in a series of 13 ships of Project 775/II, which is the second series of ships of Project 775. Construction of the series was carried out at the shipyard "Stochni Polnoczny im. Bokhaterev Westerplaty", the city of Gdansk, Poland.

The ship is designed for amphibious landings on an unequipped coast and for transporting troops and cargo by sea. Capable of transporting various types of armored vehicles, including tanks.

It was laid down at the shipyard under construction number 775/25 under the name “BDK-67” on April 6, 1987. Launched in 1988. Entered the Black Sea Fleet on April 30, 1988. Initially, since 1988, it had tail number 137. In 1990, tail number 156 was assigned.

Main characteristics: Displacement 40812 tons. Length 112.5 meters, width 15 meters, draft 3.7 meters. Speed ​​18 knots. Cruising range 6000 miles at 12 knots. Crew 98 people.

Power plant: 2 diesel engines, 2 propellers, power 19200 hp.

Capacity: Up to 500 tons of equipment and cargo and 225 paratroopers can be located on board. The tank hold is 95 meters long, 4.5 meters wide, 4.5 meters high.

Armament: 2x2 57-mm AK-725 gun mounts, 2x1 45-mm 21KM guns, 2x40 122 mm MS-73 Grad-M NURS launchers, 4x8 MTU-4 MANPADS launchers.

In 1997, he took part in the international exercise “Peace Fairway - 97”.

In 1998, he took part in the international exercise Sea Breeze 98.

In 1999, he fulfilled the government task of transporting the Russian peacekeeping contingent to Thessaloniki (Greece).

In 2000, the ship fulfilled the government task of removing military equipment from Georgia.

Since June 2001, the administration of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug of the Russian Federation has been supervising the ship.

On January 3, 2002, by order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy, the ship was given a new name - “Yamal”. In July, he participated in supporting a naval religious procession across the Black Sea in honor of the first anniversary of the canonization of Saint Admiral F.F. Ushakova. In October, he participated in events dedicated to the day of memory of Admiral Fedor Ushakov on the island of Kerkyra (Corfu).

In June 2003, he participated in a business call to Egyptian Port Said as part of a detachment of Black Sea Fleet ships. In October, he made an official visit to the Greek island of Corfu, dedicated to the days of memory of the famous admiral Fyodor Ushakov, under whose command in 1799 Russian sailors liberated the island of Corfu from foreign invaders, visiting the islands of Spetses, Syros, as well as the ports of Pylos and Piraeus.

Currently it is part of the 197th brigade of landing ships of the Black Sea Fleet and is actively used in exercises and combat training of the fleet.

According to a report dated September 16, 2013, the crew of the ship under the command of Captain 2nd Rank Sergei Gritsai is preparing to enter the Mediterranean Sea. On December 4, the crews of two ships of the Northern Fleet - and the large landing ship "George the Victorious" - together with the Black Sea Fleet large landing ship "Yamal" in an inter-fleet exercise.

On March 4, 2014, through the Turkish Bosporus Strait and entered the Black Sea. April 11 of the Northern Fleet of the Aegean Sea with large landing ships "Saratov" and "Yamal" of the Black Sea Fleet. After the meeting, the crews of the ships began to practice the main types of interaction under unified leadership.

On February 16, 2015, a patrol ship and a large landing ship "Yamal" of the Black Sea Fleet, part of the permanent formation of the Russian Navy in the Mediterranean Sea, for sea and air targets.

On February 22, 2016, through the Bosphorus towards the Black Sea, completing the 3rd voyage to the Mediterranean this year.

On January 29, 2017, the BDK left the Black Sea for its first deployment to the Mediterranean Sea, from which it entered the Black Sea on February 18. On March 2, transited the Black Sea straits and entered the Mediterranean Sea. This is the second trip to the Mediterranean Sea on the basis of a planned rotation. March 12 to the Black Sea. On December 30 at about 07:00 in the morning in the Aegean Sea while passing the Karpathos Strait (9-10 miles south of the island of Rhodes) with the container ship “Orca 2” (flag of Sierra Leone). At this time, the container ship was transiting from Egypt to Turkey, and the Black Sea Fleet landing craft "Yamal" was en route to Sevastopol from the Mediterranean Sea. No one was injured as a result of the collision. The ships remained underway and continued moving to their destinations.