This will be discussed in this article.

About the profession

How can you briefly describe the profession in question? An APCS engineer is a person who is engaged in various management and control processes, namely their automation. Also, this specialist designs control devices and develops control algorithms. The engineer is obliged to carry out a complete and integral set of works in terms of commissioning, commissioning, and maintenance of the automated process control system.

The main part of the work of a specialist is to set up and configure the existing software of the software and hardware structure for a specific automation object. The employee must carry out special work on setting up the start-up of automated process control systems, is obliged to develop special schematic solutions for automation cabinets (and this also includes the selection of equipment). Only a review of the main job responsibilities of the employee, as well as a list of things that a competent specialist should know, will help to characterize the entire workflow of a representative of the profession in question in more detail.

What should an APCS engineer know?

The representative of the profession in question must have a huge amount of knowledge and skills. Among other things, a specialist in the field of an automated process control system must also have certain qualities and character traits. This includes, for example, stress resistance, mindfulness, patience, good memory and much more.

However, it is worth returning to the knowledge of the APCS engineer. So, the job description of this specialist prescribes the following:

  • the employee must know the automated control system, namely its content, functions and tasks, the procedure and methods for developing projects, etc.;
  • the basis of economic and mathematical methods;
  • economic fundamentals;
  • labor legislation;
  • basis of cybernetics;
  • all documentation standards;
  • basics of labor protection and safety precautions

And much more. Thus, an APCS engineer must have a fairly wide amount of knowledge necessary to conduct labor activities.

Responsibilities and functions of an APCS engineer

The representative of the profession in question is endowed with a fairly large range of job functions. Only the most basic responsibilities of an APCS engineer will be highlighted below.

  • The employee is obliged to perform work related to the design and implementation of automated control systems based on the application of mathematical and economic methods.
  • The specialist is obliged to study and analyze all possible methods of managing the activities of the enterprise.
  • The employee must prepare all the data necessary for work, as well as draw up technical specifications for the design of the automated control system.
  • The employee is obliged to develop an automated control system.
  • The specialist should supervise, as well as assist in the development of systems and schemes.

Of course, an ICS engineer has many other responsibilities and functions. A complete list of them can be found in the employee's job description.

Rights of an APCS engineer

Like all other workers working in different places, a representative of the profession in question has many different professional rights. Only the most basic rights of an APCS engineer will be named below.

  • The employee is able to get acquainted with the projects and plans of the management (but only if they in any way relate to the work of the specialist in question).
  • The employee is able to submit various plans, ideas and proposals for the optimization or modernization of the enterprise for consideration by the authorities.
  • The specialist is able to report to management about various malfunctions, shortcomings and shortcomings in the enterprise. Also, the employee can offer some of his ideas to eliminate these shortcomings.
  • The employee can request from the authorities all the documents necessary for the performance of labor activity. In addition to documents, the employee may demand from the management certain tools or elements necessary to perform the work.
  • Attracting specialists from other areas for the sake of solving any official tasks is also included in the list of specialist rights.

Responsibility of the APCS engineer

A large number of functions of varying complexity has an APCS engineer. The duties of this specialist give rise to a huge responsibility. What can a member of the profession in question be held responsible for?

Here are just a few items from the job description:

  • The employee bears full responsibility for the full performance, or for the performance, but in an improper way, of his job functions and duties.
  • The employee is obliged to bear responsibility in accordance with the current civil and labor codes of the Russian Federation if he caused material damage or other harm to the company.
  • The worker is responsible for the commission of offenses or crimes committed in the workplace.
  • The employee is responsible for conducting any unplanned or uncoordinated experiments in the workplace.

There are other points on which the employee can be held responsible for their actions or inactions. Above, however, the most basic points were named, namely those that the job description of an APCS engineer prescribes.

Responsibilities of the Lead Engineer

Who is a Lead APCS Engineer? It will not be so easy to properly answer this question. However, it is still possible to draw up a relatively complete picture - if you list the main functions and responsibilities of this specialist. ACS TP practically does not prescribe anything about this specialist. For the employee, of course, a list of duties is assigned. These include, for example:

  • timely passage of medical inspections;
  • observance of labor discipline;
  • all functions of an APCS engineer are assigned to a specialist, etc.

However, the main labor functions are not given in the instructions. From this we can conclude that the specialist in question is, one might say, a "headman" in the field of automated control systems. All the duties of an ordinary engineer are shifted to the lead engineer, however, some managerial functions are also assigned to him.

What should the head of the APCS department know?

The work under consideration is quite complex and responsible. The APCS engineer is a really important person.

And what can be said about the head of the APCS department? The first thing worth noting is what knowledge the specialist in question should have. The job description prescribes that the head of the department:

  • must know all the prospects for the development of the organization;
  • must thoroughly know the structure and mechanism of the organization;
  • must understand the order of development of projects in the enterprise;
  • must be aware of all standards and norms established in the organization.

The head of the department should also know many other things.

The first group of duties of the head of the APCS department

The official in question has a much larger number of responsibilities than the lead engineer of the process control system. The job description prescribes the following functions for the head of the department:

  • the employee manages the implementation and development of projects, based on mathematical and economic methods, means of communication, elements of the theory of cybernetics and economics, etc.

  • The specialist is obliged to organize the research of the TP ACS system, as well as to monitor the order and planning of production in order to transfer certain processes to automatic mode.
  • The specialist is obliged to study the problems of the TP ACS system.
  • The head of the department is obliged to periodically draw up technical specifications for certain production processes.

The second group of duties of the head of the process control system

The specialist in question is obliged to ensure the preparation of plans for the implementation and design of automated process control systems, as well as to monitor the implementation, the setting of tasks, their algorithmization, the linkage of technological support, the creation and implementation of certain standard blocks.

The head of the department must organize some types of work to modernize and improve the circulation of documents in production. This includes, for example, the definition of output and input documentation, the order of output and input, transmission through communication channels, etc.

The specialist in question should also lead the preparation of certain instructions, methodological materials, and other documentation. It is also worth noting that all other work with documentation in production must be agreed with the head of the department.

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on the topic: "Application of automated control systems in professional activities"

Prepared by:

student of group 1-T-173

Buz Irina




Basic principles

Asu base

Functional part of the automated control system

Management automated system (ACS)

A set of economic and mathematical methods, technical means (computers, communications, information display devices, data transmission, etc.) and organizational complexes that provide rational management of a complex object (for example, an enterprise, a technological process). The most important goal of building any automated control system is a sharp increase in the efficiency of managing an object (production, administrative, etc.) based on the growth of managerial labor productivity and the improvement of planning methods and flexible regulation of the controlled process. In the USSR automated control systems are created on the basis of state plans for the development of the national economy.

Basic principles

control automated system array

The principle of new tasks. ACS should provide a solution to qualitatively new management problems, and not mechanize management techniques implemented by non-automated methods. In practice, this leads to the need to solve multivariate optimization problems based on economic and mathematical models of a large volume (scale). The specific composition of such tasks depends on the nature of the managed object. For example, for machine-building and instrument-making enterprises, the tasks of operational-calendar and volume-calendar planning are usually the most important. The decisive effect is achieved when all shift tasks, both production and supporting (for example, for logistics, etc.), are precisely coordinated in time, the optimal volumes of production batches are determined, and equipment loading is optimized. Similar problems arise in construction. In a number of cases, the tasks of technicians come to the fore. preparation of production, management of design work. In transport, the optimization of routes and timetables, as well as loading and unloading operations, are of paramount importance. In industry management systems, the optimal planning of the work of enterprises, the exact coordination of the terms of mutual deliveries, as well as the problems of the long-term development of the industry and forecasting tasks are of paramount importance.

Asu base

The basis of ACS is the information base, technical base, software, organizational and economic base. The basis is a common part for all tasks solved by the automated control system.

The information base of the automated control system is a set of all the data necessary for automating the control of an object or process located on machine information carriers. Usually the infobase is divided into three arrays: general, derivative and operational. The design of arrays and their fields (methods of placement on media, features of the relationship of data within the array, specific data layout, etc.) is determined by the type of automated control system and the general characteristics of the objects for which it is intended. However, it is advisable to keep the typical constructive construction of the information base for a general class of objects (for example, for machine-building enterprises). The general array combines data that is common to all tasks, the placement of which corresponds to a universal structure that is not focused on the performance of any one control function. The general array for a large object contains hundreds of millions of characters, occupies large amounts of storage devices and is not always convenient for use in each specific task that requires specialized information for its solution. This problem is complicated by multiprogram data processing and insufficiently capacious random access memory devices, which involve storing many arrays in machine archives (tapes, edema, file cabinets), functionally separated from processors. In this regard, in actually functioning automated control systems, it becomes necessary to form derivative arrays that reflect the specifics of the structure of the object, the features of the functions performed in each period, the frequency of repetition of various tasks, and a number of other factors related to the current operation of the system. All derived arrays, as a rule, are formed from the general array. Any stable change in the characteristics of the serviced object should be reflected in the general array. The operational array covers current information as well as intermediate results of calculations. It also contains primary information about the state of the serviced object, which is received periodically via communication channels or recorded on autonomous media (punched tapes, punched cards, magnetic tapes, etc.). The processed and generalized data can then be entered into the derived and general arrays or directly issued to the consumer.

Functional part of the automated control system

The functional part of the automated control system consists of a set of interrelated programs for the implementation of specific management functions (planning, financial and accounting activities, etc.). All tasks of the functional part are based on information arrays common for this ACS and on common technical means. The inclusion of new tasks in the system does not affect the structure of the framework and is carried out through a typical information format for ACS and a procedural scheme. The functional part of the automated control system is conventionally divided into subsystems in accordance with the main functions of managing the facility. Subsystems, in turn, are divided into complexes containing sets of programs for solving specific control problems in accordance with the general concept of the system. The composition of the tasks of the functional part of the automated control system is determined by the type of managed object, its state and the type of tasks it performs. For example, in the automated control system, the following subsystems are often distinguished by an enterprise: technical preparation of production; product quality management; technical and economic planning; operational and production planning; logistics; sales of products; financial and accounting activities; planning and placement of personnel; transport management; support services management. The division of the functional part of the automated control system into subsystems is very conditional, because the procedures of all subsystems are closely interconnected and in some cases it is impossible to draw a clear line between the various management functions (for example, between technical and economic planning, operational production planning and logistics). The selection of subsystems is used for the convenience of distributing work on creating a system and for linking to the appropriate organizational links of the control object. The structure of the functional part of the automated control system depends on the scheme of control procedures, which determines the relationship of all control elements and covers automated, partially mechanized and manual procedures. The functional part is more mobile than the base, and allows changing the composition and setting of tasks, provided that a standard interface with the basic elements of the system is provided.

List of used literature

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Beginning: 20000 ⃏ per month

Experienced: 40000 ⃏ per month

Professional: 56000 ⃏ per month

* - information on salaries is given approximately based on vacancies on profiling sites. Salary in a particular region or company may differ from those given. Your income is greatly influenced by how you can apply yourself in the chosen field of activity. Income is not always limited only by the fact that you are offered vacancies in the labor market.

Demand for the profession

Many companies and many enterprises require qualified Process Automation Engineers.

Who is the profession for?

The profession associated with technology and mechanisms does not tolerate a familiar attitude to work. Responsibility and accuracy of all actions are important here. Even meticulous work, at times, requires stress resistance. Responsibility and attentiveness of a specialist will help him to avoid mistakes in his work.


Process control automation engineer has three categories. This is determined by the presence of higher education and work experience. An experienced qualified specialist will always be in demand in the labor market.


To improve the quality of products, to make the work of workers in production safe and highly productive, it is necessary to automate the process control systems. Before that, the engineer studies the range of necessary work and conducts research. Draws up plans for automation and mechanization of production processes, hoisting and transport, loading and unloading and warehouse operations. Receives sketches and technical projects, drawings for consideration. Participates in installation works, adjustment and commissioning of automation and mechanization equipment. Supervises their maintenance and ensures that the work meets the criteria of reliability and quality. The engineer describes the results of the work done in the report.

Rate the job: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Currently, computer modeling is used as a means of cognition of reality, design and education in all spheres of human activity. Therefore, the expediency of using a computer in the educational process is obvious. One of the ways to use a computer and its compatibility with the content, forms and methods of teaching are presented in the discipline "Professional activity software".

The purpose of the discipline "Software for professional activities" is to train specialists who own the general principles and methods of automation of engineering activities and have the skills of their practical use in the field of electromechanics and energy.

In accordance with the work program, the discipline is studied for one semester. At the same time, the theoretical material is presented in the form of lectures, which provide the principles and foundations for using application software packages (APP) to automate the professional activities of specialists in the direction 13.03.02 "Electric power and electrical engineering". The main attention, when mastering this discipline, is given to the performance of laboratory work in computer classes. To consolidate the skills of working with applied programs, each student performs independently individual tasks.

The basis for studying the discipline is the knowledge of computer science and computer technology, the foundations of mathematical analysis, the theoretical foundations of electrical engineering, the theoretical foundations of electronics, engineering and computer graphics. Students must have confident skills in working with a personal computer.

Engineering activity as a profession is associated with the regular application of scientific knowledge in technical practice. . The goal of engineering activity is the creation of a fundamentally new technical and technological artifact.

In accordance with the fundamental and special training, the specialists of the above-mentioned direction perform the following types of professional activities:

· Design and technological;

· Organizational and managerial;

· Research.

Adaptation to the following types of professional activity is also provided for in the preparation of specialists:

· Installation and adjustment works;

· Maintenance and service.

At the same time, they should be prepared to solve the following types of tasks:

For design and technological activities:

1. Design, development and construction of elements of electrical equipment, electromechanical and energy systems using information technology;

2. Development of specifications, technological and technical descriptions;

3. Development of control charts and documents for technological quality control

For organizational and managerial activities:

1. Organization of the work of a team of performers, making management decisions in the face of various opinions;

2. Implementation of technical control, testing and quality management in the production process;

3. Estimation of production and non-production costs to ensure a given level of product quality, taking into account international standards

For research activities:

1. The use of theoretical models to predict the properties and behavior of objects of activity;

2. Testing of electrical products, electrical equipment systems and their elements;

3. Application of methods for analyzing the processes of quality assurance, testing and certification of products;

4. Use of computer technologies for modeling and processing results.

For installation and commissioning activities:

1. Development of installation, adjustment and repair documentation;

2. Planning of installation and adjustment works for the commissioning of electrical equipment with remote and program control;

3. Carrying out acceptance tests of electrical equipment

For the organization of operational and service maintenance:

1. Testing and determining the performance of installed and repaired equipment;

2. Selection of equipment for replacement during operation;

3. Management of work on the maintenance of electrical machines, equipment, electrical equipment and internal plant power supply systems.

4. Service maintenance of automated electromechanical and energy systems.

The problems of engineering activities are closely related to social problems. In this regard, the role of the state is especially important. Today, Russian engineers are in dire need of a clear innovation policy of the state, to replenish their ranks with highly qualified specialists, to improve their social status, which would quickly eliminate the backlog from highly developed countries in a number of positions. The creation and development of information processes and technologies makes the activity of an engineer all-encompassing. In this regard, attention should be paid to the fact that with full cycles of automation, a person is excluded from the technical system, but he still remains the main agent in the process of developing, implementing and mastering new equipment and technologies.

In electrical engineering, the electric power industry, the task of an engineer is to organize the processes of receiving, transmitting, converting and distributing electrical energy based on the development of appropriate systems, machines, devices, control devices, etc.

The toolkit of modern engineering activity is a computer-aided design system (CAD), with the help of which the stages functional, algorithmic, design and technological design.

Functional design- is the development of structural, functional and schematic diagrams of technical systems.

Algorithmic design– development of algorithms for the functioning of technical systems, and software for controlling the system as a whole and its individual blocks using a computer and publishing general software.

Structural design- the choice of form and materials, the selection of unified products, their spatial arrangement, etc.

Technological design– development of technological processes and creation of a technical system.

At the same time, all the variety of emerging problems is solved by mathematical modeling, and design procedures are reduced to the calculation and design of individual devices and the system as a whole, the analysis of processes in the system, to the optimization of devices and systems and their synthesis.

Calculation and design consist in determining the parameters and characteristics of individual elements, links, blocks, devices, parts of the system and the entire system as a whole. To do this, on the basis of certain physical dependencies and patterns underlying their principle of operation, algorithms and methods for their calculation are compiled.

Analysis tasks are reduced to determining the properties and indicators of the system and its specific object when their internal parameters or external influences change, in the study of transient and steady-state operating modes, stability conditions, etc.

Optimization consists in determining such an optimal combination of values ​​of the internal parameters of the elements and devices of the system and the system as a whole, with their structure unchanged, in which one or more external characteristics or parameters of the research object have the best values ​​according to the selected criterion. In this case, the goal function is compiled, which in a concentrated form reflects the final meaning of the problem being solved: the search for the optimal characteristics of the object, taking into account certain restrictions. The search for the global minimum or maximum of the goal function, depending on the nature of the problem being solved, is carried out using several methods that are the subject of nonlinear programming.

Synthesis consists in determining the structure of the designed object and the values ​​of the parameters of its elements, in which the device in the best way, according to the selected criterion, meets the necessary requirements.


Automation - one of the directions of scientific and technological progress, the use of self-regulating technical means, economic and mathematical methods and control systems, freeing a person from participation in the processes of obtaining, converting, transferring and using energy, materials or information, significantly reducing the degree of this participation or the complexity of the operations performed.

ACS is an abbreviation that stands for Automated Control Systems. The answer to the question of what an automated control system is can be formulated as follows: it is a set of technical systems and processes, organizational complexes and scientific methods that allow for optimal management of a complex technical process or object, as well as a team of people that has one common goal.

In contact with

Structural diagram of ACS

In the structure of any automated control system, the following components can be distinguished:

  1. The main part - includes mathematical and information support and the technical part.
  2. Functional part - implies specific management functions and a number of interrelated programs.

Systems can be elementary or large and complex.

It is customary to distinguish between two structural varieties of such systems - an automated process control system (APCS) and an organizational management system (ASOU).

The differences among these systems lie in the characteristics of the object that the system will manage. Process control systems are built to control complex technical objects, mechanisms, devices, machines. ASOU are designed to control the functioning of teams of people. According to the use of automated control systems, the methods of transmitting information will also differ - these can be documents or various physical signals.

There is also an abbreviation of ACS - automatic control system. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that it can act for some time without human intervention. Such systems are used to manage small hotel facilities.

Application and main functions of ACS

ACS are widely used in various areas of industrial production. The main functions of the systems are as follows:

Basic principles of ACS

For the first time, the principles of operation of automated control systems, the procedure for their development and creation were formulated by V.M. Glushkov.

Information base of automated control system

The information base of the automated control system can be called the entire set of information placed on machine media and necessary for the normal functioning of the system.

As a rule, the entire information base is conditionally divided into three sectors - general, derivative and operational.

Technical characteristics of the automated control system

Under the technical base of the automated control system, it is customary to understand all the technical means that are used to collect, accumulate and process information, as well as to display and transmit it. This also includes the executive nodes of the system that affect the control object.

The main technical elements and equipment of the automated control system are electronic computers that ensure the accumulation and processing of all data circulating within the system. This technique allows you to simulate production processes and build proposals for management.

For the construction and management of automated control systems, two types of electronic computers are used - accounting and regulatory and information and settlement.

Information and accounting equipment is at the highest hierarchical level in the management system. Their task is to resolve all issues related to the centralized management of the facility. Such mechanisms are characterized by high speed, the presence of a system of interrupts, variable word length, syllabic processing of input data.

The lower level of the control system, as a rule, is given to accounting and regulatory mechanisms and equipment. These mechanisms, as a rule, are placed directly on sites or in production shops. Their task is to collect input data from control objects and the primary processing of this information, followed by its transfer to the information and settlement department and the receipt of planned directive information. In addition, the accounting and regulatory part of the equipment is engaged in local calculations and generates control actions on control objects in case of deviations from the calculated functions. This part of the control system has a well-developed connection with a large number of information sources and control devices.

Mechanical means of collecting and displaying information

If the system provides for the collection and processing of information with the participation of a person, it includes various registrars that allow you to receive initial data directly from workplaces. This also includes all kinds of temperature sensors, timers, meters of the number of manufactured parts and other similar equipment. Automatic fixators of deviations in the production process are also installed, which register and transmit to the system information about the lack of materials, tools, vehicles for sending manufactured products, as well as irregularities in the operation of machines. Such equipment is installed not only in production facilities, but also in warehouses for storing raw materials and finished products.

Data display means include all devices that allow displaying information in the most accessible form for a person. This includes all kinds of monitors, scoreboards and screens, printers, terminals, indicators, etc. These devices are connected directly to the central processor of a computer and can provide information either regulated or sporadically - at the request of the operator or in the event of an emergency.

The technical base of automated control systems also includes various types of office equipment, instrumentation and accounting devices that ensure the normal functioning of the main technical units.