In 1993, on this day on Easter night, a Satanist committed the ritual murder of three monks Optina Hermitage: Hieromonk Vasily, Monk Trofim and Monk Ferapont

movie: And between Heaven and Earth

Lives of the Martyrs: Optina Pustyn

The joyful Easter ringing suddenly turned into an alarm bell. This is the senior bell ringer Trofim, pierced by a ritual knife, “rising from the dead,” pulled himself up on ropes and sounded the alarm, swinging the bells with his already dead body. A moment earlier, the monk Ferapont fell silently, receiving a terrible blow in the back.

Father Vasily was rushing to the Liturgy at the Skete when the killer inflicted a mortal wound on him, cutting all his internal organs. An unexpected witness, a girl, saw with her pure gaze that from the fallen hieromonk the shadow of a black terrible beast darted towards the fence... In the diary of Fr. Vasily found a recording from a letter from Sschmch. Ignatius the God-Bearer: “I beg you, do not hold me back with untimely love, leave me to be a beast, in the image of God I can achieve”...

But during the early Liturgy on the day of the Holy Resurrection of Christ on April 18, 1993, novice E. did not even run into the skete church, but as if novice E. crawled in, deafening everyone with the terrible news: “The brothers were killed!” Soon all of Orthodox Russia learned: after the night Easter service, the hand of a Satanist with a 60-centimeter knife with the engraving “666” interrupted the lives of three Optina monks: Hieromonk Vasily (Roslyakov), monk Trofim (Tatarnikov) and monk Ferapont (Pushkarev). It seemed that they were no different from the other brothers of the monastery. However, the inner life of those who leave the world and devote themselves only to the One Master and Our Lord Jesus Christ is a mystery, unknown even to those close to them. And therefore, it is no coincidence that the Lord chose them to receive the crown of martyrdom - “the greatest happiness in this earthly life” (St. John Chrysostom).

What were they like? The silent prayer book monk Ferapont. Loving, reliable, jack of all trades, Monk Trofim, whom those who knew him affectionately called Trofimushka. Focused, self-absorbed hieromonk Vasily.

They came to God in different ways, but each had a moment when the soul suddenly knew the Truth, about which the future monk Trofim, overwhelmed with the joy of revelation, once exclaimed: “I found it!”

The inconspicuous Siberian Vladimir Pushkarev was dressed in a cassock and became the monk Ferapont on the day of remembrance of the forty Sebastian martyrs, when Father Vasily spoke at a sermon: “The blood of the martyrs is still shed for our sins. Demons cannot see the blood of martyrs, for it shines brighter than the sun of the stars, scorching them. Now the martyrs are helping us, but at the Last Judgment they will convict us, for until the end of the age the law of blood applies: give blood and receive the Spirit.”...

The monk Ferapont had such a thirst for prayer that even long monastic services could not satiate it. One nun told how, when she was a pilgrim, she once saw Fr. kneeling under the wet snow. Ferapont. Half an hour later, looking out the window, she found the same picture, noting that the monk was regularly fingering his rosary. Incredibly, two hours later she saw him again, prostrate in prayer, already covered in snow.

In the last days of Great Lent, before his death, this silent man did not go to bed at all. I prayed at night. He took the secret of his intense prayer life with him into eternity, but we remembered his words: “Yes, our sins can only be washed away with blood.”

“Trofim was the spiritual Ilya of Muromets and he generously poured out his love on everyone in such a heroic way that everyone considered him their friend,” one worker recalled about the monk Trofim. “He was everyone’s brother, helper, relative,” Abbot Vladimir spoke of him. “Trofim was a true monk - secret, internal, and there was not a shadow of external piety and pharisaism in him... He loved God and all people!.. There were no bad people on earth for him,” said another pilgrim.

And no one during his life knew that he was a secret ascetic, but a joyful ascetic and demonstrating with his life that triumph of the spirit over the flesh, when, in the words of St. right John of Kronstadt, “the soul carries its body.”

Father Vasily, in the world Igor Roslyakov, was a famous water polo athlete before Optina. The Lord endowed him with many talents. Surviving diaries and poems reveal him as a man amazingly capable of words. His last diary ended with the entry: “By the Holy Spirit we know God. This is a new organ, unknown to us, given to us by the Lord to know His love and His goodness... It’s as if they gave you wings and said: now you can fly around the universe. The Holy Spirit is the wings of the soul." Is it really possible to write like this without knowing?

“His life was such a rapid ascent to God,” recalls the icon painter P., “that there was a chill in his soul: what if he fell on the steep side?” Upon learning of the murder of Fr. Vasily, this icon painter exclaimed in shock: “Father, you have reached it. You have won, father!

Three Optintians won...

Through the prayers of the Holy Elders of Optina, the Blessed Monastery, already five years after its return to the Orthodox Church, spiritually raised new martyrs, who washed away not only their sins with their blood. Correctly understanding what happened, one of the fathers, who served in the Skete at the time the news of the murder arrived, said with tears in his eyes: “Glory to You, Lord, that you visited Optina with Your mercy.”

Orthodox people immediately began to honor those killed on Holy Night. At their graves (in the southeastern part of the monastery) there are always a lot of flowers and candles; There are many known cases of healing when turning to them in prayer. Now a chapel has been erected over their graves.

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A new book

The publishing house of our monastery has published a new book - “The Life of the Hieromartyr Veniamin (Kazan), Metropolitan of Petrograd and Gdov, and those like him who suffered the Venerable Martyr Sergius (Shein), the martyrs Yuri Novitsky and John Kovsharov » .

In the new book of the famous Russian hagiographer Archimandrite Damascene (Orlovsky), the reader is offered the life of Metropolitan Veniamin (Kazan) of Petrograd - one of the first holy martyrs who did not sin with their soul or conscience during the persecution that began and gave their life for Christ and His Church .

G os-go long-ter-pit. He then only ends the life of a person when he sees him about to move into eternity or when -yes, he doesn’t see any hope of using it.

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A page dedicated to the Optina brethren killed on Easter 1993: Hieromonk Vasily, monks Trofim and Ferapont

For many years now, at the Optina Pustyn Monastery, the murdered brothers - Hieromonk Vasily (Roslyakov), Monk Trofim (Tatarnikov) and Monk Ferapont (Pushkarev) - have been commemorated daily at the Divine Liturgy. Numerous pilgrims come from everywhere to venerate their holy graves and ask for gracious help in spiritual and everyday needs.

During this time, the fame of the murdered monks spread not only throughout Russia, but also far beyond its borders. God glorifies his chosen ones who gave their lives for the sake of His Holy Name.

The news of the martyrdom of three Optina monks at the hands of a Satanist on Easter 1993, like heavenly thunder, cut through the ordinary everyday life and shocked human souls and hearts.

Interior 3-D view of the chapel

Soon after the death of the brothers, a telegram was sent to the father of the Viceroy:

Christ is Risen! I share Easter joy with you and the brethren of the monastery! Together with you, I also share grief over the tragic death of three inhabitants of Optina Pustyn. I pray for the repose of their souls. I believe that the Lord, who called them on the first day of Christ’s Holy Resurrection through martyrdom, will make them participants in the eternal Pascha in the non-evening days of His Kingdom.

My heart is with you and my brothers.

Patriarch Alexy II

Brothers and sisters, please send us information about cases of miraculous help through the prayers of murdered brothers to the following address: . The most interesting of them will be published on the website.

I happened to be in Optina at that time, to see the death of Fr. Trofim and lower the three coffins into the damp spring Kaluga soil. A lot has happened over the years, but it seems to me that I remember in detail every moment of that tragedy, so it shocked all the eyewitnesses then. My short story will be about some moments of that great day.

I no longer lived in Optina and came to visit on Easter. The pre-Easter evening was quiet and beautiful: the setting red sun painted a lovely warm color and there was nothing alarming about it. It’s even strange that the sunset, despite its redness, could not be called bloody, it was so gentle and pleasing to the eye. Nothing foreshadowed trouble, although trouble was already nearby, next to each of us. The killer had prepared a crime and was just waiting for the push of his “voice that could not be disobeyed.” He was in Optina, nearby, very close, he was looking for his victim. But none of the people knew or guessed about this.

Walking around the monastery, I noticed Fr. Vasily. He stood at the northern entrance to the temple and admired the beauty of the sunset. And I, in turn, stopped and began to admire the picture with his participation: a beautiful monk was standing near a snow-white temple. A hare, slender, athletic, quiet and peaceful, reasonable for his age, clearly future Optina glory.

Many years will pass, he will become even wiser and more experienced, thousands of people will come to him for advice and consolation, and we will have a new Optina elder. After all, they promised that there would be seven lamps. Maybe this will be one of them. “Oh, how good he is, this is a warrior of Christ,” I thought, “God grant you, dear, not to go out of your way and remain a man, accumulate wisdom and love and bestow them on the people of God.” Father Vasily felt that someone was looking at him, turned around and, seeing me, smiled. We had not seen each other for several months, exchanged bows from afar and decided to keep our state quiet. But his smile, his radiant smile, stuck in my memory and will now live with me until my death.

The service has begun. The brethren of the monastery came to the church, including Fr. Ferapont. With o. Nobody was friends with Ferapont. Not at all because he was an evil or bad person. It’s just that, despite the relative youth of his years and early monasticism, he managed to become a real monk - he was not a member of any interest groups or circles that are often formed in monasteries, he lived a very secret and truly monastic life, without quarrels and conflicts, without empty conversations over tea and gossip during obediences. The life of such monks is usually called the beautiful Russian word hidden, as it is said in the letter of the apostle “a man hidden in the heart, in the incorruption of a meek and silent spirit, which is of great value before God.”

Fr. came to the temple. Trofim. He was slightly late for work because he worked a lot in the back room. From morning until late evening he was seen either on a tractor or on a walk-behind tractor. Always joyful, energetic, incredibly lively. The complete opposite of the withdrawn and silent Fr. Ferapont. Around o. Trofim was always in full swing with life and work. He had many friends and was a very sociable and positive person. He approached the left choir, where I was standing, smiled his open smile, we hugged tightly and kissed.

Quick exchange of news, strong handshakes. Who would have known that a few hours later he would not be alive. Lively, energetic, cheerful. Well, he couldn't die young. There are still many, many years ahead. But man proposes, but God disposes.

So these three smiles remained in my memory. So different and each beautiful in its own way. And then there were other smiles and they were imprinted in my memory even more firmly.

The Easter liturgy has ended. All the brethren went to the refectory, broke their fast, most of them went to rest, the bell ringers Trofim and Ferapont went to the belfry, and Fr. Vasily to the skete liturgy to confess to the people. At that time I was in the skete and resting in the cell of the monastery leader. The skete liturgy had just begun when there was a knock on the door. The knocking became more insistent and I decided to open the door.

The man on duty at the monastery hotel stood on the threshold and in an extremely nervous manner reported that a murder had occurred in the monastery - someone had killed some monks. They called him from the monastery entrance and asked him to warn the monastery leader and the entire monastery brethren. I sent the duty officer to the temple, and I myself got ready and went to the monastery. There was something absurd in the message, how could there have been a murder in the monastery, in Optina?! This is obvious nonsense and someone's stupid joke. Who would have known that at the same time as me, a killer walked along the path, only hiding in the bushes and in the other direction.

Optina was very deserted. After all, no one could even see the killer, everyone dispersed. Having heard about the crime, the brethren began to gather. The first I saw was Fr. Ferapont. He lay on the belfry, pierced through with a short sword made from a car spring. As it turned out later, it is very difficult to “work” with such a weapon - you need to have either enormous strength or a lot of training.

The killer Averin was a puny man, but here he was clearly helped by the true eternal killer of people. Only this superhuman force can explain the force of Averin’s blow: in addition to the body, the leather monastic belt was pierced in three places. Having delivered a single blow directly to the liver, he lowered Ferapont’s body to the ground and covered his face with his hood. Why he did this he could not explain himself. Then he quickly stood up and mortally wounded Fr. with a second blow. Trophima. He didn’t even have time to understand anything - both monks stood almost with their backs to each other and Trofim didn’t see what happened, he only heard that the ringing had stopped and turned towards his comrade, but it was too late - a cold, bloody blade pierced his liver.

Averin also lowered Trofim, covered his face with his hood and calmly walked towards the monastery, following the departing Fr. Vasily. The third blow and the third man fell to the ground. Then the killer ran behind the house near the monastery tower, threw his terrible sword there, climbed over the fence and ran into the forest. Only three pilgrims could see the running figure in a gray overcoat. No more traces or signs (except for the sword). But already on the third day there was an ambush in Averin’s house and a search was carried out in the nearby forests. (Since then, I know for sure that if our authorities want to solve a murder, they solve it quickly. They can (and maybe could then) do this if they want).

I did not see the murder itself, but Fr. breathed his last in my arms. Trofim. His face was full of sorrow and pain. It was clear that he was in great pain. He walked away quietly. He just froze and that's it. Father Vasily lived the longest and died in an ambulance on the way to Kozelsk. His trained body resisted death in every possible way, but the wound was too terrible.

Then the police arrived, operational actions began, and all the dead were taken away for an autopsy. A few hours later they were brought to the church of St. Hilarion. As far as I remember, I was the only layman who was present at this first prayer at the bodies of the murdered brothers, I saw their bodies still uncovered, without vestments. According to tradition, lay people should not wear monastic robes, but an exception was made for me. And I thank fate that I was present at this prayer. Believe me, I have never seen or felt anything like this again. First of all, it is necessary to say about the faces of the murdered brothers.

Do you know what struck me then? All three died in terrible agony, from unimaginable pain, and this pain remained on their faces at the moment of death. But several hours passed and I saw completely different faces. They can even be safely called faces, they glowed and shone so much. This was not my exalted perception; everyone noted the strange transformation of their faces - all three had a bright, quiet and peaceful smile. Very calm and confident. It feels like they saw something joyful. Here's what's amazing: the spirit left the body, but transformed it after death. I spoke about these three smiles at the beginning of my story. These are the ones I can never forget. This is clear proof of the existence of the afterlife.

It is difficult to convey in words the state of the brethren of the monastery. I think that the apostles experienced something similar after the execution of Christ and the disciples of the Optina elders after their death. On the one hand, horror from what happened and the bitterness of parting, on the other, joy for his brothers. After all, they are all now at the Throne of God. They began celebrating Easter on Earth and ended it in Heaven. And we believe that there their Easter joy will be eternal. They deserved it with their earthly life and were honored to receive the crown of martyrdom.

Many in the evening of that day said the following words: but I turned out to be unworthy for my sins.

Before writing this short memoir, I found a recording of the speech of the Optina hieromonk Theophylact, delivered at the funeral service for the murdered Optina monks. I don’t know if the quote is accurate, but it is very true in essence and conveys a lot from our experiences at that time: “... today something unusual, wonderful and wondrous is happening here... Every Christian who is well acquainted with the teachings of the Church knows that people don’t die so easily on Easter that there are no accidents in our lives, and to go to the Lord on the day of Holy Easter is a special honor and mercy from the Lord. From this day, when these three brothers were killed, the bells of Optina Pustyn sound in a special way. And he proclaims not only the victory of Christ over the Antichrist, but also that now the soil of the Optina Hermitage is abundantly watered not only by the sweat of ascetics and inhabitants, but also by the blood of the Optina brothers, and this blood is a special cover and evidence of the future history of the Optina Hermitage. Now we know that there are special intercessors for us before the Throne of God.”

The murder of three monks in Optina Pustina on Easter 1993. The mysticism of Easter day..

The photo shows the dome of the Church of the Resurrection in Jerusalem

Perhaps, dear reader, you have read Nina Pavlova’s book “Red Easter” or even the article “Three Smiles” by Georgy Gupalo, anyway, I want to tell you something, tell you in detail what I know about the murder of three monks of the Optina Pustyn monastery.
When this murder happened on April 18, 1993, I was still on the ship, on my first voyage I worked as a sailor on a trawler. We returned from a flight to Kaliningrad at the end of April, and I soon learned about this terrible crime. This fact did not leave me indifferent, it shocked me and shook me to the core. In July of the same year, I went to Bulgaria and met with the clairvoyant woman Vanga, and on the way back I got off the Sofia-Moscow train in Kaluga and came to Optina Pustyn for the day. I saw the fresh graves of monk Trofim, monk Ferapont and hieromonk Vasily. Then I came to Optina Pustyn from Kaliningrad in October 1993. In the monastery I got a job as a simple worker, got a temporary registration and lived with all the other pilgrims and workers in the church of St. Hilarion in the monastery until February 1994.

It must be said that the Optina Pustyn monastery is unique primarily because it was created by the repentant robber Opta. What happened to the soul of Opta's killer? What mystical and metaphysical event occurred in his soul? Why does he repent of his crimes and begin an ascetic life, founding a monastery? We don't know and will never know about it. However, some original mystical spirituality of its creator is invisibly present in the monastery.
Few people know that in the Optina Pustyn monastery before the revolution of 1917, one unique incident occurred: Some crazy student completely naked entered the Vvedensky Church during the evening service. He entered the temple completely naked through a side door. Everyone was taken aback. A naked student entered the altar area. He jumped and stood on the altar, spread his legs and arms to the sides, as in the famous drawing by Leonardo da Vinci... Imagine the picture. A naked man stands on the altar in front of the believers. Such sacrilege and blasphemy, an insult to the feelings of believers. He didn't stand like that for long. The student was pulled from the altar and arrested. The altar was re-consecrated. This was the case.
Having settled in the monastery in October 1993, I began to conduct my own investigation into the murders of three monks - monks Trophim and Ferapont, and Hieromonk Vasily. In Kozelsk, I found the house where Nikolai’s aunt Averina lived, and where the police found the killer sleeping.
After the murder in Optina Pustyn, 32-year-old Averin rushed into the forest and went to the forester’s lodge. He was excited and behaved aggressively, shot at the floor with a sawn-off shotgun, demanded clothes, leaving a couple of cartridges in return. He himself told the forester that he had killed three monks. From the forester he went to the city of Suvorov, robbed some dacha there, stole a couple of mirrors, sold them, then got to Kaluga, and then made his way to Kozelsk at night. In Kozelsk he came early in the morning to his aunt’s house and went to bed. He intended to commit suicide and end his life.
The forester reported the incident to the police. The head of the Kozelsky District Department of Internal Affairs, Lieutenant Colonel N. Zobov, and his two deputies, captains N. Gunko and Yu. Sidorchuk, drew up a verbal portrait, used the portrait to identify Averin and set up an ambush, keeping a 24-hour watch at his house in the village of Volkonsk.
When Averin fell asleep, his Aunt Vera was very scared and called Tatyana Ilyinichna Averina, the mother of the killer, in Volkonsk. Soon after this call, the police were at her house. They found Nikolai Averin sleeping and arrested him.
Averin said: “There is no God. Satan controls everything. I don’t understand how I did it. I had to kill two people. I saw another one running to find out what happened. And he also lay down.”
Here's what I learned about him: Nikolai Nikolaevich Averin was born on June 13, 1951. Since childhood, he had an inclination towards music. He graduated from a music school in the accordion class and played the guitar well. He had a kind character, loved to joke, and had many friends. In 1980, he was drafted into the army and sent to Afghanistan. He was a mortarman in a reconnaissance company. In Afghanistan, he several times found himself in situations where he was on the verge of death. Once he was nearly killed by his helicopter pilots, who mistakenly mistook their group for dushmans. Someone, thank God, managed to fire a flare in time. One day, intelligence reported incorrectly; they ran into a large group of dushmans. They showed military cunning - they ran from stone to stone, imitating the fire of a large group of fighters. The spirits believed and did not attack. No one was killed who was with him. Nikolai Averin came from Afghanistan a different person, he changed both externally and internally. His hair fell out and he grew a beard. He was unlucky in his personal life. At first he worked as a driver as a father. Then a vacancy arose in a local club, and in order to take this position, he entered the Film and Mechanical College in Kaluga. There he thinks about God, leads an ascetic life, begins to hear voices, and reads various religious literature. He even walks in Kaluga with the Gospel and tries to preach the word of God. He came to Optina Pustyn, but did not find mutual understanding among the monks. In 1988, Averin graduated from technical school and returned to his native village. He starts drinking to sleep and drown out the voices that mock him. And then he decided that it was God who was mocking him and punishing him. Satan controls everything and does good, and God torments him with his voices. He is interested in magic and reads various books on this topic. Tries to stop the heart. He decides to go to Moscow to the Ganushkin Psychological Institute. Averin stayed there for a month, they didn’t understand him there, he lied that the voices had passed, and returned home. In 1991, an incident occurred on Easter. He and his friends decided to have a drink. Averin and a friend went to a 45-year-old woman who sold moonshine. When they came to her house, it turned out that her lover was there. There was a fight. The woman wrote a statement to the police about attempted rape. His friend was imprisoned, and Nikolai Averin spent 10 months in a mental hospital in the city of Kaluga. He was released from the mental hospital. He said the voices had passed. But this was not true.
The voices told him that God was taking revenge on him. He was tormented by insomnia and nightmares. He said that if God appeared before him in the form of a man, he would empty the entire clip of his machine gun into him. He is preparing to take revenge on God, to kill the priests as servants of God. Averin withdraws into himself and prepares to commit suicide. In 1993, on Maundy Thursday, he comes to Optina Pustyn with a sawn-off shotgun, but Averin did not shoot - he felt sorry for the children. On Easter I wanted to shoot at the religious procession, but I couldn’t. He was about to leave, but a voice harshly told him: “You are not a man! You are a coward!” And then he stayed in the monastery and began to wait for an opportune moment. He hid behind a pile of bricks. The cold made his teeth hurt, and he wanted to leave again. Suddenly a bell rang...

In November 1993, the trial of Nikolai Averin took place in Kaluga for several days. During the meetings, I asked for time off and went to Kaluga. Since the forensic examination declared Nikolai Averin mentally insane, the trial took place without his presence. The materials from the Kaluga court are in the archives. At the trial, I met Nikolai Averin’s parents and brother. I went to the village of Volkonsk to visit them several times and learned a lot about the life of Nikolai Averin.
Averin himself, without assistants, prepared the murder, being for several years under the influence of “voices” from the afterlife. He decided that Satan rules the world, and God mocks him and takes revenge on him, then he decided to take revenge on God. One day he ran naked around the village and blasphemed, chopping up the Gospel with an ax. He prepared a sawn-off shotgun and made a sword, knocking out three sixes on it, in the collective farm workshop. Nikolai Averin spent the entire cold Easter night hiding in the monastery. During the religious procession, he wanted to shoot people with a sawed-off shotgun, but changed his mind. Since he was only supposed to kill monks, the voice said: “Monks are the enemies of Satan.” He was chattering his teeth from the cold and was hiding behind piles of bricks brought to build the bell tower. At six in the morning the first sounds of the bell brought him out of his stupor. It was as if another demonic entity had possessed him. The monks Trofim and Ferapont were at the belfry, ringing the bells and standing with their backs to each other. They did not notice the killer when he ran up and plunged his sword into the back, first of one and then of the second monk.
Then Averin said in an interview with reporters: “I was sick and disgusted, but I did it.” Having slaughtered the monks on the platform, the belfry, he rushed to run to the monastery wall. As he ran, he was noticed by female pilgrims. At this time, Hieromonk Vasily came out of his cell and heard the bells suddenly stop ringing. Averin said that he did not want to kill anyone else... They suddenly came face to face - Hieromonk Vasily and the Satanist Averin.
Hieromonk Vasily stood on his road and asked: “What happened?” In response, Averin pierced him with a sword. He ran further, jumped over the fence, dropped the sword with three sixes knocked out, took off and threw the stolen black peacoat.
Hieromonk Vasily bled to death and died in the ambulance, on the way to the Kozelsk hospital. The ambulance only brought his body to the hospital, but his soul had already flown away.
According to local residents, the day before the murder there was an apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary over the building of the Kozelsk hospital.
I thought, why didn’t they stop him? Now, if Father Vasily had stayed even for a minute in his cell, he would have remained alive. But the past cannot be changed and it does not tolerate the subjunctive mood and the particle “would”. What happened, had to happen. Nothing happens in the monastery without blessing.
Nothing on earth passes without a trace, and this murder of the monks was a triple incomprehensible occult sacrifice.
This was decided from Above. Just as Christ was crucified with two thieves, the triple sacrifice was also offered at Easter in 1993. The lives of three monks lay on the altar.
Then I also came to Optina Pustyn, went to Volkonsk and met with Averin’s parents. Now he is under compulsory treatment in a mental hospital in the city of Sukhinichi or Kaluga. His mother feels sorry for him and sometimes comes and delivers parcels of food. Averin told her that at first, instead of voices, bells sounded deafeningly loud in his head.

In 2013, I traveled from the Russian Orthodox Church on an organized pilgrimage trip to Israel for Orthodox Easter. Unfortunately, I didn’t get to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. The Israeli police did not allow me and many other pilgrims to enter. With numerous pilgrims, I met the Holy Fire outside the walls of the old city near the Jaffa Gate. Then I went to the Mount of Olives and a fairly large piece of red sandstone caught my eye. I brought it home with me as a reminder of the pilgrimage. One day I had a vivid dream in the morning: Hieromonk Vasily stood in front of me as if alive in the black robes of a monk. He told me: “Go to Optino, confess, take communion. Stone to Father Iliodor.”
Mystic! But such unusual dreams are not accidental.
I placed the stone from Jerusalem in a special wooden box, signed it and brought it to Optina Pustyn. In the monastery, after the evening service, I approached Hieromonk Iliodor and told him my story. I gave him the box with the stone. Father Iliodor also advised me to tell all this to the monastery commander, Father Tikhon, since he collects such non-fictional stories.
Father Iliodor kissed the stone from Mount Eleon as a shrine and gave it to his ward workers to venerate it. In confession, I told this story to Father Tikhon. He was surprised, but listened calmly to my story. He just asked me again:
- Did you want to keep the stone for yourself?
- Yes, until I saw this dream.
- Clear.
I went to Volkonsk and once again met with Tatyana Ilyinichna Averina. Averin's aunt and father had died by that time. Averin's mother still goes to see her son in a psychiatric hospital, delivers parcels and hopes that he will be released someday...

After Optina Pustyn, I went to Moscow and went to the Temple of the Descent of the Holy Spirit at the Lazarevskoye cemetery. Among other things of Orthodox ascetics, boots with the blood of Father Vasily are kept there. I prayed and bought in the Temple an icon of the Kazan Mother of God, which Hieromonk Vasily loved and revered. He wrote in his diary:
October 17, 1988 Came to the monastery. Reverend Our Father Ambrose, pray to God for me!
November 17, 1988 The icon of the Kazan Mother of God and the icon of St. Ambrose exuded myrrh. Mother of God, strengthen us! Holy Elder, intercede for the monastery!

“The greater the love, the greater the suffering of the soul; the more complete the love, the more complete the knowledge; the more ardent the love, the more ardent the prayer; the more perfect the love, the more holy the life.” Elder Silouan.
“Nothing can stop you from loving God. What must you do to have peace in your soul and body? To do this, you must love everyone as you love yourself, and be ready for death every hour.”
Hieromonk Vasily
“When a strong cold grips me, I will begin to say my prayer more intensely, and soon I will be completely warm. If hunger begins to overcome me, I will begin to call on the name of Jesus Christ more often and forget that I was hungry. When I become sick, aching will begin in my back and legs, "I will begin to listen to prayer and I will not hear pain. When someone insults me, I will only remember how delightful the Jesus Prayer is; immediately the insult and anger will pass and I will forget everything."
Candid stories of a wanderer to his spiritual father.

Igor Roslyakov, journalist, athlete - master of sports, European water polo champion, spiritual disciple of Elder John Krestyankin - Hieromonk Vasily of the Optina Pustyn Monastery.
When parishioners of the Optina Metochion in Moscow asked him the question: “Father, do you have a cherished desire?”
“Yes,” he answered. I would like to die on Easter with the bells ringing.”
From the book “Red Easter”: Entry from his diary: “April 14-19, 1988 Tbilisi. Five games. Fasting. I learned from experience the words of David: my knees were weak from fasting, and my body was deprived of fat. Lord, save and preserve!”
The spiritual path is chosen by the chosen ones. These are a few, but our world still rests on them. This was Igor Roslyakov - Hieromonk Vasily. His soul and rich inner world were dedicated and directed towards serving the Orthodox Church and Christ.
Wonderful poems:
“I didn’t sit in a circle of drunken friends,
I didn’t read Rubtsov and Blok to them.
I became sad, and with my sadness
I sat by the icons alone"
And more from his diary:
“Dark forces are angry with us because we, approaching God, condemn them. Thus, a person who does good unselfishly arouses the anger and contempt of scoundrels.”
Hegumen Melchisidek said: “Father Vasily had a certain premonition that night. He was the only one of the brethren who carried the icon of the Resurrection of Christ, and at the time of the festive Easter service he was the only one of us dressed in red clothes (we were all in white clothes), because he was performing proskomedia. When I approached him and said: “Brother! Christ is risen!" - he looked at his red clothes and answered me:
"And I have already risen" As if joking, but this phrase of his became prophetic..." Hieromonk Vasily was at the age of Christ. On December 23, 1993, he would have turned 33 years old...

On Bright Monday, April 17, 2017 - the first day after Easter at 06.00, I sat down at my laptop and immediately began typing. I woke up with words in my head: “The dark ones have taken your energy. You can’t drink.”
Mystic! You can't mean you can't.
I felt bad. My fingers on my right hand are numb - index, middle and thumb. With these fingers I make the sign of the cross. My throat and head hurt. I rubbed my right hand for a long time until my fingers began to bend normally.
At Easter there was a reunion of graduates in a cafe and an evening of bard songs... It was fun there. I relaxed, drank and even had a little too much. Now I have received a blow to my health. I got up, got dressed, ran to exercise, took a dip in the quarry, came running, took a shower and started working on this article, because YOU SHOULD ALWAYS BE READY TO RESPONSE WITH A LIGHT STAB TO A DARK STAB. The blows of demons should not remain without consequences. Crime must be followed by punishment. The threat of a light strike and inevitable punishment will make you fear dark spirits. “A thief should go to jail” The crime should not go unpunished, otherwise they will think that they can do whatever they want.
This is my spiritual experience. And I try not to cheat on him.

The bright Resurrection of Christ, Easter is the most joyful and most mystical day of the year!
Many holy people died on Easter, leaving the suffering of the flesh on a sinful earth and moving into the Kingdom of Heaven. And it is especially surprising that not only Christian saints go to Easter, but even non-Christian saints - like the Indian saint Sai Baba and other saints. How great is the Lord! This Great and joyful day is incredibly, inexplicably mystical!
This is the day of the greatest event of cosmic importance - the Resurrection of Christ, rebirth and the beginning of a new life! Day of Cosmic and earthly joy, and not only human, but angelic, archangelic and Divine joy! This Great Day, holy for all bright people, evokes impotent anger and gnashing of teeth among the dark demonic forces on earth.
We do not realize and do not know much, there is a lot of blind faith, fears, prejudices, superstitions in this area of ​​​​knowledge.
Remember the immortal words of Viktor Tsoi’s song: “Wherever you are, no matter what you do, there is war between earth and sky.”
Viktor Tsoi knew that the war between light and dark forces on earth, between angels and demons continues and will continue.
In one of the books of the Living Ethics Teaching “Leaves of the Garden of Moria” there are the following words:
“My children, don’t you notice what a battle is going on around you. Dark forces are fighting secretly and openly.”
Religion is based on the Holy Scriptures, affirms this war, but symbolically, vaguely and non-specifically speaks about the age-old battle of God and Satan, the battle of the forces of light and darkness on earth. But we are immersed in the worries and problems of earthly life and our little world; we do not care about the battle of good and evil on earth.
Only selected and dedicated people are able to discover the truth about this Supermundane War, such a chosen one was the artist Hieronymus Bosch, such a prophet was Dante, the author of the “Divine Comedy”, such was Emmanuel Swedenborg and our contemporary author of “The Rose of the World” Daniil Andreev.
If you want to know more about this, re-read these books, especially “Rose of the World” chapter 3 “Original Concept” part 2 “The Origin of Evil - World Laws - Karma”.

However, “Rose of the World”, this great book - the spiritual revelation of our time, requires constant updating and adjustment, in accordance with the state of affairs in the metaphysical supermundane reality, which is still inaccessible to our minds. I don’t know of similar spiritual revelations among contemporaries.
On top of all the wars on earth there has been, is and will be one unforgettable War of Good and Evil. We know little about this, but we need to know, since in this case we do not know what we are doing, we can become unwitting accomplices of the Forces of Evil and destruction on earth in the Subtle World.
Wherever you were, whatever you did, whatever you thought about and whatever you strived for, the War was, is and will be. These words came to me on their own. Whose side are you on? In this War it is impossible to remain egoistically neutral and indifferent.
My house is on the edge, and I don’t know anything - this is not an excuse for laziness, cowardice and indifferent indifference.
When a person says in his own defense: I followed the orders of my leadership - this cannot be an excuse for personal crimes.
A person always faces a choice. He is always responsible for his actions or inactions, depending on the life situation. It has long been said that ignorance does not exempt a person from responsibility for deeds and actions.
In the spiritual battle for the soul of an individual, the forces of Light and Darkness have defeats, but there are also victories!
The person is easily suggestible. Inspire yourself and those around you with bright and kind thoughts and feelings.
We are too immersed in our earthly affairs and know almost nothing about the Mystery of the Battle. This spiritual knowledge can only be accepted by spiritual people. But they can also lift the veil a little. We know one thing for sure: the war of good and evil has been visibly and invisibly for many millennia on earth, it is going on now and will continue to go on, and the battlefield, as before, is the vector of the spirituality of each individual person and all of humanity, your heart, your consciousness and subconscious, your worldview and attitude towards yourself and people.
A terrible injustice - an occult crime - the murder of three monks of the Optina Pustyn monastery on Easter on April 18, 1993 confirms this truth.
At the end of the article I will quote lines from the book “Faces of Agni Yoga” 1972, paragraph 442:
“Mental abnormalities are people who have opened the veil and touched the Subtle World, but were unable to maintain balance. Therefore, balance comes first.”

And also the words of Father John (Krestyankin):
“Pray for the monks - they are the root of our life. And no matter how the tree of our life is cut, it will still give green shoots as long as its life-giving root lives.”


Several times he wanted to commit a crime - he himself was connected to religion, but for some reason he may have fallen away from it...

"No one is born with hate in their heart" Nelson Mandella

It was as if he waited and waited over and over again for permission and set out on a dark matter like Raskolnikov - to decide or not to decide - and still decided...

There, one of the terrible murders of children was committed already in the 20th century by a sect of Satanists; by the way, the musician was a choir singer named Nikolai.

The Christian position is that when sacrifices are made for the devil, God prepares a crown to Heaven for the one who stood against this Devil.

If from the point of view of evil the necessary action is murder, then from the point of view of good the humble death of someone good is a greater cleansing from sins.

The daily audience of the portal is about 100 thousand visitors, who in total view more than half a million pages according to the traffic counter, which is located to the right of this text. Each column contains two numbers: the number of views and the number of visitors.

On Easter night, three monks: Hieromonk Vasily, monks Trofim and Ferapont

Optina New Martyrs

On Tuesday of Easter Week 1993, three crosses stood up simultaneously at the new brotherly cemetery in Optina Pustyn. The blood of the monks buried under them spilled onto the graves of great elders for Russia, for the whole world. The temporary belfry, on which two were slain - the creators of the Easter gospel - was hastily erected for Easter 1991 in the vacant lot of the old monastery cemetery. The killer, without hiding his intentions, engraved his nickname and number on the sword of his ritual murder: 666.

The event is blatant and symbolic: in the famous monastery, which under the elders was the spiritual pinnacle of universal Orthodoxy and thus the glory of Russia, an obvious worshiper of Satan kills three monks on Holy Easter. However, instead of immediate condolence messages from the country's leaders (such as, for example, there were during the attack on the synagogue in January 2006), all television channels on that day broadcast ordinary entertainment programs and demonstrated obvious indifference, even mocking articles appeared in Izvestia and Moskovsky Komsomolets" (one title speaks for itself - "Silence of the Lambs"!)...

The story of novice Evgeniy

Bright Resurrection of Christ. A day that reminds us of the common resurrection for all. For if the dead do not rise, then Christ is not risen; and if Christ has not been raised, then your faith is vain: you are still in your sins (1 Cor. 15:16-17).“Without the future blessed endless life, our earthly stay would be incomplete and incomprehensible,” wrote the Monk Ambrose of Optina.

Easter 1993 in Optina Pustyn began, as usual, with the Easter Midnight Office, followed by a procession to the monastery of St. John the Baptist - according to the established tradition of the reviving monastery. Then Easter Matins began, turning into the early Liturgy.

They say that future events cast shadows. Many people had a feeling of something heavy. Even the singers on the two choirs sometimes got confused. Some pilgrims said that they seemed to force themselves to rejoice. The service ended at six o'clock in the morning, and the brethren went to break their fast in the refectory. After the meal, the monks Trofim and Ferapont returned to the monastery belfry to proclaim to all people the joy of the Risen Christ.

Literally ten minutes later the Easter bell stopped. Alarmed pilgrims who ran to the monastery first-aid post and to the cell of the governor, who at that time was talking with the monastery brethren, reported that the bell ringers had either been beaten or killed. The inhabitants who ran out in the pre-dawn twilight saw two monks on the platform of the belfry. Both lay motionless. It was impossible to understand, like in a nightmare: someone must have hit them so hard that they lost consciousness, or maybe they were seriously hurt when they fell. Some woman shouted: “There’s another third one,” and on the path leading to the monastery tower they saw another monk lying on the ground. Monk Trofimus began to be carried to the temple. His blue eyes were wide open, and it was unclear whether there was still life in him, or whether his soul had already been separated from his body. As soon as they entered the open doors of the Nikolsky chapel closest to the belfry, the brethren who were carrying Fr. Trofim, saw a trickle of blood on the white marble floor of the Vvedensky Cathedral. This means they hit him with a knife or something sharp... At the same time, the monastery doctor, novice Vladimir, tried to perform artificial respiration on Father Ferapont right in the belfry, but soon realized that it was already useless...

The third was Hieromonk Vasily, who was on his way to confess the pilgrims at the skete Liturgy, which began at six in the morning. Some of those who ran up to him could not even immediately recognize which of the Optina monks was lying in front of them, so the priest’s face was drained of blood. He did not utter a single groan, and only from his eyes one could guess the suffering that he was experiencing. Hegumen Melchizedek ran with a blanket to carry Fr. Vasily, but he was already carried in their arms to the Vvedensky Cathedral and laid in the St. Ambrose chapel opposite the shrine with the relics.

One of the women heard Fr. Trofim, who continued to strike the bell, said, losing consciousness: “Our God, have mercy on us...” One of the pilgrims saw a man in an overcoat running up to the bell ringers. Traces were found on the roof of the barn, located near the eastern wall of the monastery; an overcoat was lying next to the barn. When they lifted it, they saw a small dagger on the inside. The blade was shiny. There was a feeling of some kind of unreality: the killer could not have had time to wipe it until it shined, and why would he need it? But then, under the wall of a wooden two-story outbuilding, between the barn and the monastery tower, they found a huge bloody sword. They did not touch it so as not to leave extra fingerprints. The picture of the murder began to somehow become clearer.

The overcoat was hung on the fence around the foundation of the former Church of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God. The fraternal confessor, schema-abbot Iliy, was already standing there, around whom the brethren and pilgrims had gathered. Father Eli immediately said about what happened: “There can be no question that this random murder is the work of the servants of the devil.”

All this happened when Fr. Vasily was transferred to the Vvedensky Cathedral. We were waiting for the ambulance and the police to arrive. Brother Vladimir began to bandage it - the wound was terrible, through and through. The women who spent the night in the temple were asked to leave the St. Ambrose chapel - no one should see the monk’s body.

“This is how the devil hates the ringing of bells,” said Hierodeacon Mitrofan, who entered the church. “We need to go to the monastery and tell them to remember,” I turned to him. “Yes, go and tell me.”

Hieromonk Mikhail, who served the Liturgy in the Church of St. John the Baptist, was already perplexed as to why such an obligatory Father did not always come. Vasily, when I entered the altar on the prokinna before the reading of the Apostle.

- Father, remember the newly deceased slain monks Trofim and Ferapont. -Which monastery? - Ours.

– This is how the Lord honored Optina... Now we have martyrs. For Easter!..

– Pray for the health of Fr. Vasily, he is seriously wounded. Immediately after the reading of the Gospel, a health litany was proclaimed, to which three petitions were added for the seriously ill hieromonk Vasily. Then - this was a special occasion - the funeral litany began with the prayer “God of spirits and all flesh.” From the liturgical health prosphora of Fr. Mikhail took out a piece about the health of Hieromonk Vasily, and from the funeral document about the repose of the monks Trofim and Ferapont. The servant, Hierodeacon Hilarion, had tears streaming down his cheeks.

And when the Liturgy ended, Hierodeacon Stefan came to the church and told the singing brethren that the hospital had reported the death of Fr. Vasily. The pilgrims heard this, and the temple was filled with sobs.

Two days later, the rector of the Moscow metochion of Optina Pustyn, Hieromonk Theophylact, who came to the funeral, said that, having learned about the death of Fr. Vasily, on Monday morning he, together with Hieromonk Hypatius and Monk Ambrose, went to his mother and said that Fr. Vasily, her only son, is already with Christ. Anna Mikhailovna immediately understood: “He’s dead?!” In the cell of Fr. Basil remained lying Apostle, opened on the fourth chapter of the Second Epistle of the Apostle Paul to Timothy: I fought the good fight, I died, I kept the faith. Otherwise, the crown of righteousness will be kept for me, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will reward me on the day; not only to me, but to all those who loved His appearance(2 Tim. 4, 7–8)...

From the words of Hieromonk Theophylact during the funeral service for the murdered Optina monks

Every Christian who is familiar with the teachings of the Church knows that people do not die so easily on Easter, that there are no accidents in our lives, and to go to the Lord on the day of Holy Easter is a special honor and mercy from the Lord. From this day, when these three brothers were killed, the bells of Optina Pustyn sound in a special way. And he proclaims not only the victory of Christ over the Antichrist, but also that now the land of Optina Pustyn is abundantly watered not only by the sweat of ascetics and inhabitants, but also by the blood of the Optina brothers, and this blood is a special cover and evidence of the future history of Optina Pustyn. Now we know that there are special intercessors for us before the Throne of God...

Monks cannot be praised during their lifetime. The Holy Fathers say that one cannot praise any person at all; one can only praise a person in a state of despondency. But now, when these three brothers appear before us here with their bodies, and their souls stand today, on the third day after their death, before the Throne of God, we can remember the good things that happened in their lives...

The first person we need to talk about is Hieromonk Vasily. He was already in the rank of priest, and it was difficult for him to hide those traits of piety and asceticism that he had internalized and internalized from the first days of his stay in Optina Pustyn. Everyone who knew him can say that he came to lead a monastic life unfeignedly and never sought to be tonsured or ordained as quickly as possible, but thought about how to acquire the Holy Spirit in his heart. Those who lived next door to him or in nearby cells can remember that at night through the plywood partition they could hear him reading the Psalter in a low voice, and although in order to bow, he put a padded jacket or a piece of felt on the floor , it was heard that he was saying the Jesus Prayer. He served in Optina Pustyn and in Moscow during the opening of the Compound at first, which was the most difficult, the most difficult. And although there was a lot there that bent and relaxed internally, he remained unshakable. According to the testimony of his relatives and friends, he was the same in the world. Everyone who knew Fr. Vasily, they somehow internally hoped that he would turn out to be a good priest, that he would turn out to be a real monk, whom they could turn to for advice, who would never leave. But, apparently, one court is human, and the other is God’s. And the Lord judged him to cross the path of this land in order to intercede for us there, in the unevening day of the Kingdom of God.

Monk Trofim worked in agriculture while still in civilian life, and here, in Optina Pustyn, great hopes were placed on him in setting up a subsidiary farm, and he justified these hopes. He was distinguished by simplicity, kindness, generosity and forgiveness. His kind blue eyes always shone with inner joy.

Monk Ferapont will remain in our memory as a modest, silent man, as a man who secretly performed the Pentecostal prayer every night with bows. While on general obedience, he worked where the monastery hierarchy assigned him...

We believe that these brethren have now piously inherited the lot of eternal blissful life, because even in relation to worldly persons, and even outside the Easter period, it is said that when killing a person, the killer takes all his sins onto his soul. Therefore, brothers and sisters, they went to the Lord, cleansing their human infirmities with innocently shed blood...

The killer of monks - Averin - served in Afghanistan in military service. After returning from Afghanistan, he became interested in amateur mysticism. He began to attend church, but imagined himself to be “enlightened from above” with some mystical help. Voices began to appear to him, dictating what to do. These voices, or rather the voice that gradually gained power over him, called themselves “god.”

These voices really helped Averin at times and saved him from troubles. And he rose more and more in his opinion of himself. His submission to the spirit of evil became the reason for the development of mental illness, and demons further developed mental disorder in order to subjugate the person to themselves. The demon did not let him rest, then he began to scold and humiliate him in every possible way, forcing him to do something. Day and night there was a voice in the man’s head that simply tormented him.

The spirit that tormented Averin aimed him at murder. Averin understood this, but could no longer free himself from him - he was so subordinate to him. He began to worship Satan as the enemy of God because the being who was tormenting him called himself “god.” He began to serve Satan and write blasphemous poems. And then the moment came when the spirit that possessed Averin demanded from him what happened. (From Father Tikhon Shevkunov’s description of his conversation with the killer.)

Materials from the Optina New Martyrs website were used:

The further time moves us away from the tragic events of that Easter, the clearer the scale of what happened becomes. The murder of monks went far beyond the scope of banal criminality. The martyrdom of our contemporaries entailed a chain of various kinds of miracles and signs... Already on the 40th day from the moment of the murder of the monks at their graves, the first healing of a person recognized by medicine as terminally ill took place. And since then, many thousands of people have witnessed the miracles revealed to the world. Many carved about. Ferapont, the crosses began to stream myrrh over time. Exactly a year after the death of the monks, an abundant flow of myrrh was discovered from the crosses placed on their graves.

Even according to the Orthodox religious tradition - very rich in examples of miracles and signs - this seems to be an exceptional event. Numerous miracles associated with the personal belongings of dead monks have been recorded.

The miracles revealed over the past years are so numerous and so convincingly testify to Divine grace on everything connected with the Optina new martyrs, that perhaps the current generation (i.e., contemporaries of the murdered) will be able to see them canonized.

At one time, Saint John of Kronstadt prophesied that Russia would not perish as long as at least one person was alive, ready to die for the Lord God. In this aspect, the death of the monks, born in the era of total atheism, but who found the Faith and were ready to die for it without trepidation, seems optimistic in its own way. Not one person in Russia was ready to die for Christ that Easter morning, but three at once! And martyrdom was a worthy crown of life for each of them. This is exactly how believers explained the behavior of the dead to investigators.

During interrogations, Averin also emphasized the mystical nature of his deed. He directly stated that the murder of the monks was committed by him deliberately and was prepared in advance. As an incentive, he cited the commands of the inner Voice, which constantly sounded in his head for several years. This voice tormented Averin for a long time with all sorts of roars and hums, which caused terrible headaches. There was no way to fight him, and over time the Voice achieved Averin’s complete subjugation. On the orders of the Voice, the criminal committed the most unimaginable acts: ate used toilet paper, chopped up the Bible with an ax, attacked women, swore uncontrollably in public, etc. The Voice hated Orthodoxy and everything connected with Christianity, and therefore Averin himself became imbued with hatred of religion . The criminal agreed that this inner voice belongs to Satan, and that he himself - Nikolai Averin - is a conscious assistant to evil spirits.

These statements by the accused allow us to classify the crime he committed as ritual, that is, committed out of motives of religious fanaticism. In this case, the killer's religion was Satanism. It is noteworthy that modern domestic law in every possible way moves away from the concept of “ritual crime”, replacing religious motivation with political or economic one. Meanwhile, the pre-revolutionary law of Russia (i.e., before 1917) was much wiser in this regard. It is obvious that legal systems that refuse to consider religious fanaticism as a motivation for crime demonstrate a significant one-sidedness...

Despite the fact that the criminal was captured and exposed, a number of very significant points were never clarified during the investigation. The fact that Nikolai Averin had a significant amount of money about three months before the crime was committed remained unexplained. Meanwhile, many who previously knew him as a person constantly in need of money noted with surprise that he suddenly began to easily lend money and give drink to drunkards. Averin himself did not drink, but after the New Year (in 1993) he suddenly began easily giving money for drinks to people from whom he could not expect repayment of the debt... The investigation never established from what sources and for what merits Averin received money in the first months of 1993, although the very fact of his unexpected enrichment involuntarily suggests the existence of unidentified friends (and, possibly, like-minded people) of the Satanist killer.

The investigation did not want to consider the substance of the numerous evidence that pointed (albeit indirectly!) to the possibility of the existence of an organized group of Satanists, which set itself the goal of intimidating the monks of Optina Hermitage and parishioners with the threat of terror...

The investigation actually ignored the indication that Averin’s accomplices were in the monastery at the time of the murder. Two female pilgrims who witnessed the killer’s attack on the bell-ringers reported that when they screamed in horror at what they saw, two unfamiliar men standing nearby shouted at them: “Well, shut up, otherwise the same thing will happen to you!” It is noteworthy that these men were not on the list of witnesses to the crime compiled by the investigative team. In other words, these people hastened to leave the monastery, taking advantage of the turmoil that arose. This behavior is all the more strange because all the people who were in the monastery hurried to the belfry, puzzled by the unexpected break in the festive ringing.

The murders of pilgrims in the Optina Hermitage occurred annually throughout the 90s of the last century. Often these crimes were timed to coincide with the feast of the Holy Resurrection of Christ. They took place, however, not in the monastery itself, but in the surrounding forests, which allowed local law enforcement agencies not to consider them in any way connected with pilgrimage missions and not to consider the investigation materials in their entirety.

The specific nature of some of these murders serves as an indirect indication of the existence of a certain satanic organization that does not advertise the fact of its existence (one can assume that this completely coincides with the intentions and sentiments of the local authorities). Most likely, this organization is based in Moscow and its adherents appear intermittently in the vicinity of Optina Hermitage...

Most likely, no one will ever be able to reliably establish whether Averin was a member of such an organization. And therefore, can vice really be considered punished and truth triumphed?

a murderer who obeys a demon, he cannot go to the temple, he hurt people close to him, the parents of these monks, it was correctly written on the sword three 666 Satan, he is a Satanist, why should he burn in hell, a snake under the well.

We all forget about God's providence. And it is good that the crown of martyrdom in the Orthodox Church has not become obsolete. Remember the first martyr Stephen. Now we have prayer books before the Lord who lived next to us in our time.

A year after the death of the monks...

Oh people, lift your eyes to Heaven,
Let FAITH flare up in our hearts with renewed vigor.
Just a year has passed, and the myrrh is flowing
The crosses of the deceased were placed on the graves.

New saints have appeared to the world -
Make the road to salvation easier for people.
And often there are seriously ill people here
Suddenly they find a miracle of healing.

And I believe with all my heart and soul, -
The darkness of unbelief will not engulf the Fatherland,
As long as there are at least three saints in it,
Ready to give their lives in the name of LIFE!!!

Dmitry Batrakov

On the one hand there are tears and grief; on the other, the crown of martyrdom is Glory from the Lord!

The influence of psychotronic weapons with the aim of raising an unquestioning killer and this was successful in Afghanistan, he killed obviously!

Averin is a victim of psychotronic weapons!

so who actually killed the monks? blamed on the innocent? Look for traces in the monastery itself! The information changes all the time! intimidate

who killed them and why we don’t need this, because time cannot be turned back and returned and we cannot return to life. We can only descend from some kind of sin from condemnation to evil desires! We can usefully spend time and energy on the CREATOR with a prayer for forgiveness and remission of sins to the servants of the LORD, who accepted death in torment on the bright day when the LORD conquered death! May these martyred people come with CHRIST GOD in HIS kingdom! wonderful is the LORD in his saints!

In our family, we really love the Optina martyrs Vasily, Trofim and Ferapont; We pray to them and have received help through prayers to them several times. Maybe someone has reliable information about the fate of Nikolai Averin? About 7 years ago I saw a mention on the Internet that in the psychiatric hospital where Nikolai was serving his sentence, he prayed and bowed before the icon; says that the murdered monks have forgiven him and are helping him return to God. It is unknown whether this is true or a “pious” fiction. Sincerely, Ludmila

The murder of the three Brothers is GOD’s sign that monasticism will be “killed” - slaughtered (destroyed) by assigning to all inhabitants of the monasteries the “number of the name of the beast-666”, which is present in electronic identifiers of a person’s identity and in electronic media.

Read about these monks, "Red Easter" I read and cried. Lord have mercy on us sinners.
Note: Let's let God deal with nnn, 6666 and the murderers too.