More than 2/3 of all products consumed by the population of our planet are provided by crop production. This is a leading branch of agriculture with a rich history and tradition. People learned to cultivate plants hundreds of years ago, and since then this industry has developed and expanded in every possible way. Let's consider what needs are satisfied through crop production.

What is crop production

Crop production - this is the fundamental basis of world agriculture, its most important branch, which is engaged in the cultivation of cultivated plants. It is thanks to her that the world's population is provided with food.

Plant growing is a very ancient industry. Just a few thousand years ago, South American aborigines were able to grow potatoes, and rice was first processed in China more than 9,000 years ago.

Rice. 1. Growing rice in China.

Plant growing is also a broad science that studies:

  • variety of varieties and forms of cultivated plants;
  • features of their growth and development;
  • searching for the most effective ways to grow crops, in which high yields would be combined with the lowest material and labor costs.

Crop products - This is not only food for people, but also food for animals, raw materials for numerous industries (perfume, pharmaceutical, textile, etc.) and decorative floriculture and horticulture.

The key to success in crop production - human labor. Only thanks to him it was possible to develop a huge number of the most diverse varieties of cultivated plants, adapt them for cultivation in various regions of the planet, and regularly reap generous harvests.

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Main branches of crop production

Crop growing is a very broad branch of agriculture, which, in turn, is divided into several sectors:

  • Grain farming - the most important part of world crop production, is engaged in the cultivation of valuable grain crops: wheat, corn, rice, buckwheat, oats, barley. It is this that forms the basis of nutrition not only for people, but also for farm animals.

Rice. 2. Wheat is a valuable grain crop.

  • Root crops and industrial crops . The most popular root vegetable around the world is the potato, which is native to South America. Sugar-bearing crops are also of great value - sugar beets and sugar cane, from which sugar is made.

Sugar cane is grown in large quantities only in warm countries - in China and Cuba, and sugar beets, on the contrary, “feel” good only in regions with a temperate climate.

  • Vegetable and melon growing . This is an important, but not primary branch of crop production. He is engaged in growing various vegetables: cabbage, tomatoes, carrots, onions, etc. In regions with a dry and hot climate, melons and melons are successfully grown: melons and watermelons.
  • Horticulture and viticulture . Growing all kinds of fruits both for fresh consumption and for the preparation of various juices, jams, jams, syrups.
  • Tonic crops . These include tea, coffee, cocoa. These are tropical plants that need a warm and humid climate. The leader in coffee production is Brazil, tea is traditionally grown in the Asian region, and cocoa is grown in the countries of the African region.

Rice. 3. Tea plantation.

  • Spinning crops. The cultivation of cotton and flax provides textile production with high-quality raw materials for the manufacture of a wide variety of fabrics.

What have we learned?

When we got acquainted with the report on the 3rd grade program of the surrounding world, we learned what crop production is and what significance it has for humans. We found out what industries it consists of and what human needs it satisfies.

Test on the topic

Evaluation of the report

Average rating: 4.4. Total ratings received: 190.

Caring for crops consists of destroying the soil crust with light harrows and rotary hoes, 2-3 times weeding with the use of herbicides, as well as dusting crops with insecticides against flax flea beetle and other pests.

Important conditions for obtaining good flax are the uniform development and maturation of plants. Green early yellow, yellow and full ripeness occur after mass ripeness, respectively, after 15, 25-30, 35 40-50 days.

To obtain fiber, harvesting is carried out during early ripeness, and seeds and fiber - at yellow ripeness.

Unlike other row-sowed crops, flax is not cut, but rather pulled out of the soil along with its roots. This technique is called tugging.

For such cleaning, special machines and combines are used. The harvested flax is knitted into small sheaves and dried for 4-6 days, after which the seed pods are combed or threshed (when harvested in yellow or full ripeness). After the seeds are separated, the remaining stalks are called flax straw and are further processed.

Mass harvesting of flax with combines should be carried out in the yellow ripeness phase in a short time (no more than 6-8 days).

When using oilseed flax on one side, it is harvested at full ripeness using conventional combine harvesters with simultaneous threshing. Threshed and thoroughly cleaned flax seeds are dried to a moisture content of 10-12% and sent for storage.

Oilseeds. Essential oil.

60. National Economy. sunflower meaning. Morphological features.

The amount of oil reaches 60% or more, high taste, the by-product cake contains 8-10% fat, 36-40% protein and 20% carbohydrates, used as a highly nutritional product. Concentrated Animal food. With the help of solvents, cake flour is obtained - meal. The baskets are threshed - for livestock feed, the stems are obtained - potash, from the husks - ethyl alcohol, feed yeast, furfural (for making plastic). Good honey plant, snow retention.

The annual cross-pollinated family is Asteraceae. The root is taproot (depth 2-3m), the stem is erect (1-3m), in silage (3-4m), the stem ends in an inflorescence - a basket (diameter 8-40cm), on the receptacle there are 600-1200 or more tubular flowers, blooms 8-10 days, the fruit is an achene enclosed in a hard pericarp, called a husk. According to the size of the achenes, huskiness and oiliness, subdivision for 3 grams:

Oilseed, gnawing, mezheumok (intermediate). Drought-resistant, critical point is the formation of a basket before flowering. t germinated 4-5*C, optimal 12-15*C. Demanding on heat, during flowering t 20-25*C, 30 and above - depressing. The plant is a short day plant and requires light intensity. Development phases: germination, budding, flowering, formation and filling of seeds, ripening. Soils – chernozem, chestnut, podzolized, gray forest.

Varieties: Voronezh 436, Kharkov 49, Don 22.

Predecessors: winter crops, in open or full fallow. After grain legumes. In Siberia, spring grain crops. To its original place in 8-10 years. (Suffers from powdery mildew and broomrape, gray rot, sclerotinia). You can’t – after beans, peas, rapeseed.

Soil cultivation includes pre-plowing hulling 5-7 or 8-12 cm, plowing with harrowing 20-22 cm (light soils), 25-30 cm (heavy soils). Herbicides: treflan, prometrin are applied on leveled soil simultaneously with pre-sowing cultivation, as well as in a belt method during sowing

Fertilizers: The combination of organic and mineral fertilizers is especially effective. Responsive to manure and superphosphate during sowing.

Sowing: Sow early at temperature 8-10*C. Dotted method with row spacing of 70 cm using pneumatic seeders SUPN8A, SKPP12, SPC6M. Seeds are treated with downy mildew - apron (6 kg/t) followed by encrustation.

Silage is sown in the usual, row, wide-row and dotted method. The norm is 35-40 kg/ha. The crops are rolled, 2-3 cultivations between rows, cultivation depth 6-7 cm.

Harvest. 10-15% of plants have yellow heads. Combines - SK-5, PUN-5.

69. The technologist cultivated rapeseed for feed and seeds.

Oilseed, fodder, green manure crop. Annual herbaceous plant, cabbage family, inflorescence - loose raceme, fruit - pod, spherical seeds.

The predecessors are cereal grains, row crops and many grasses along the rotation of the layer, which will not take their original place earlier than 4 years. Thorough pre-sowing tillage and leveling. Excessive nitrogen retards seed growth. Sowing is usually row or wide row, seeding rate 12-15, or 6-8 kg/ha, depth 2-3. Remove separately. Mowing begins in the yellow-green phase of seed ripeness up to 30-33%. Thresh the wolves at a humidity of 8-12 with immediate cleaning and drying. Varieties - Galant, Lipetsk, Lugovsky.

64. People/household meaning essential oil cult. Air technologist anise, cariandra .

In Russia there are 30 species (coriander, anise, sage, mint) They produce essential oils that are used in perfumery, confectionery, and medicine.

Coriander– 1.2% essential oil, 18-22% fatty oil. Family: celeryaceae. Weight of 1000 seeds is 7-10g. Seedlings tolerate frost –7..-8 *C. No need for moisture or light. Vegetation – 90-110 days. In crop rotation after winter, spring grain, row crops. Tillage as for spring grains

It is responsive to fertilization, but manure must be applied under the predecessor, miner before sowing. They sow broad crops with an interspace of 45 cm at the earliest possible time at a sowing rate of 13-15 kg/ha, and row crops - 20-22 kg/ha. Seeding depth – 2-4. Care - rolling, harrowing before and after germination and 2-3 rows of cultivation. It crumbles easily - clean in a two-phase manner.

Anise– requires moisture and soil, light-loving, germinates at 4-5*C. Vegetation period is 120-130. In crop production Placed after winter and row crops. Responsive to fertilizers. They are sown in the early stages broadly like coriander, in strips or rows, seeding rates are 12, 14, 18 kg/ha, respectively, depth is 2-5cm. Care - harrows and cultivation (in wide crops) Harvesting - one- and two-phase.

Grain legumes.

31. Agricultural technology for soybean cultivation in Khakassia.

In the conditions of Khakassia it grows well. Heat-loving, minimum t for germination is +8*C, favorable for growth 12-14*C, tolerates –3*C, total active t*C is 1700-2000. Towards moisture – critical period – flowering, grain filling. Soils – fertile sandy loam and loamy chernozems, rich in calcium and organic matter, unsuitable – acidic, highly saline. Fertilizer – org. – 40-60 t/ha, when sowing – phosphorus and potassium, when sowing in rows – superphosphate. Before sowing, treat the seeds with nitrogin, risotphori (promotes the formation of nitrogen bacteria on the tuber root). Preceded by row crops, grains, not after grains and legumes, Sudanese. The seeding rate for wide rows is 60-50 kg/ha, for row rows – 90-100, planting depth – 6-7 cm. Before and after sowing, rolling, after harrowing, harrowing on seedlings with light harrows (across the rows), then inter-row cultivation 2-3 (cultivation). Fertilizers - phosphorus, herbicides - "Treflan" (4-6 kg/ha), and during the vegetative period. “furore-super.” When harvesting, use a single-phase or two-phase method, adjusting the cutting machine, the cutting height is not higher than 11 cm, reducing the drum speed to 400-600 revolutions.

44. Agricultural technology and chickpeas.

China– single legume, self-pollinated. Increased requirement for heat, but coldness. Seeds germinate - t-2-3*C, seedlings can withstand frost-free temperatures down to -8*C, drought-resistant, undemanding to soils, the best ones are chernozem, light loams. In crop rotation - after winter and row crops, tillage as for early spring crops

Sow early, in rows or narrow rows. Seeding rate – 150-250 kg/ha, depth – 4-6, on light soils and insufficient moisture – up to 8 cm. Before sowing, seeds are treated with rhizotorphin. After sowing, the field is harrowed before and after germination, and harvested in a two-phase manner when 80% of the beans are ripe.

Chickpeas- single legume, self-pollinated. Requires heat, but is very cold-resistant, seeds germinate at temperatures of 2-5*C, seedlings can withstand temperatures down to –6-11*C. It is very drought tolerant and has excellent heat tolerance in this category. It is not picky about soils, but the best ones are light loams, black soils, and chestnuts.

Previous – winter crops, row crops, fertilized spring crops.

Tillage of the soil as a rank, sow broad (120-150 kg/ha), row (200-250 kg/ha), depth of the village - 6-8, light - 10, after sowing roll. You can remove single-phase, two-phase.

50. The importance of grain legumes. A biologist is special.

Peas are the most important and most common grain legume. It has food, feed and agrotechnical importance. Pea grain contains up to 30% protein, vitamins A, B1, B2 and C and basic amino acids. Pea grain is easily absorbed by the human body. Green seeds are widely used for canning, and in this form they are a highly nutritious food. Pea hay contains up to 13, and straw up to 8% protein. They are readily eaten by animals. Peas are a good fallow crop and an excellent predecessor for all spring crops, and early varieties for winter crops. With a high level of agricultural technology, peas produce large and stable yields of grain and green mass. Among grain legumes, this is one of the most productive and economically profitable crops.

Self-pollinating pea, light-loving crop. Peas have little need for heat. Seeds begin to germinate at 1-2*C, the optimal temperature. For seedlings to emerge, temperature is 6-12*C. Seedlings tolerate frosts down to –8*C. High temp. During flowering, negative flowers affect the harvest. The culture is relatively moisture-loving. For swelling and germination of seeds, 110-115% of water by weight of the seeds is required. Peas consume a significant amount of moisture during the growing season. The best for peas are fairly moist, lime-rich chernozems and chestnut soils. Sandy, saline and acidic swampy soils are unsuitable for peas.

53. Technology for growing peas.

Tillage the soil as for early spring crops. Pre-sowing treatment – ​​moisture conservation. Convenient application under the predecessor. From mines - phosphorus and potassium, and lime on acidic soils, phosphorite flour, granulated superphosphate in rows when sowing. Adding nitrogen is not possible. For sowing - large and cleaned seeds, treated with rhizotrophin (nodule bacteria). Sow as early as possible. After sowing - rolled, except for loamy soils. Sowing method - narrow row, usually row and cross. Seeding rates when sufficiently moistened are 250-300g/ha for large seeds, 200-250kg/ha for small seeds; in arid regions the rate is reduced. It tolerates deep seeding well. With weeds, the top layer was loosened with light harrows across the rows. It ripens unevenly and lays down before harvesting, with the beans cracking, so it is necessary to carry out the harvesting in a timely and thorough manner, using a two-phase and single-phase method. When yellowing (browning) of 60-75% of the beans and moisture content of the seeds is 35-40% of the plant, cut it with the reapers, and then, without allowing it to dry out, the wolves select a combine and thresh. A direct combine is used until full ripeness is achieved. The most efficient combination of both cleaning methods.

Agriculture is an integral part, or industry, of the economy. A part (branch) of agriculture is crop production - growing cultivated plants.

Practical work

Consider the cultivated plants offered to you. Compare them with each other: find similarities and differences.

Write (orally) a description of each plant according to the plan:

  1. What is the name of the plant?
  2. Which group does it belong to (tree, shrub, herbaceous plant)?
  3. Where is it grown (in the field, in the garden, in the garden)? What parts do you see in the plant? How do they look?
  4. How does a person use this plant?
Think about why people grow crops. Read the text and complete it yourself. Test yourself on the “Self-Test Pages” (2).

People engage in crop production primarily to obtain food. For example, so that there is always bread on our table, plant growers grow grain crops - wheat, rye, etc.

Wheat can be winter or spring. Farmers sow winter wheat in the fall. Young plants overwinter under the snow and continue to develop in the spring. Spring wheat is sown in the spring. At the end of summer, winter wheat ripens first, and then spring wheat.

Rye in our country is grown mainly as winter rye, and in areas with severe winters as spring rye.

People engage in crop production not only to obtain food, but also to provide food for domestic animals. For this purpose, fodder crops are grown - timothy, clover, alfalfa, and fodder beets.

For another purpose, spinning crops are grown - cotton and flax. Fiber is obtained from these plants at special industrial enterprises. Fiber is used to make threads, and threads are used to weave fabrics.

  • Read the story about the work of plant growers. Compare what you read with what you know about plant growing from your own observations from adults.

Work of plant growers

People of many professions work in crop production. These are grain growers, vegetable growers, gardeners, and cotton growers. They know well when to sow this or that plant, how to care for it, and when to harvest. They can determine by the appearance of a plant whether it is healthy or sick, and they know how to treat it. Plant growers are familiar with modern technology. But they do some of the work manually, and this requires strength, dexterity, and patience. Only someone who loves plants and the earth can be a good plant grower.

Let's discuss

  1. How is crop production related to industry?
  2. Imagine that you are managing a farm where a large harvest of apples and pears is being harvested. What do you suggest for better preservation and use of the harvest?

check yourself

  1. What is crop production?
  2. Why do people engage in crop farming?
  3. What groups are cultivated plants divided into?
  4. What do you know about professions in plant growing?

Homework assignments

  1. Write it down in the dictionary: industry, crop production.
  2. Do some research on what plant products you eat throughout the day. Write it down in your workbook.
  3. If one of your relatives or friends works in crop production, ask him about his work. Be prepared to talk about this in class.

Pages for the curious

Nikolai Ivanovich Vavilov

Algeria, Greece, Italy, Mexico, Brazil... It is difficult to even list the names of all the countries where Nikolai Ivanovich Vavilov visited. After all, he traveled to more than 60 countries! Vavilov's travels were not easy. With his companions, Nikolai Ivanovich climbed high into the mountains and went far into the desert. Vavilov’s friends were amazed at his courage, strength, and endurance.

Who was this wonderful traveler? And why did he go to various corners of the Earth?

N. I. Vavilov (1887-1943) - an outstanding Russian biologist. Studying cultivated plants all over the world, he established that each plant has its own homeland. For example, the birthplace of potatoes is South America, and cucumbers are India. From there they were settled in different countries.

Nikolai Ivanovich collected the world's largest collection of seeds of cultivated plants, which scientists in our country are still proud of.

Next lesson

Let's find out what animal husbandry is and why people do it. We will learn to classify domestic animals.

Remember what animals are called pets. What kind of pets have you watched? What professions do you know of people related to breeding pets?

Lesson topic: Plant growing.

Lesson objectives: introduce one of the branches of agriculture – crop production; teach to distinguish cultivated plants; learn to analyze and generalize acquired knowledge; develop speech, cognitive activity, reasoning, drawing conclusions; cultivate a caring attitude towards crop products.

Development of cooperation skills with peers;
Promote the development of the ability to work in a group;
Help expand children's vocabulary.
Develop the ability to plan, control and evaluate educational activities in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation;
Teach children the actions of comparison, analysis, synthesis, establishing analogies and cause-and-effect relationships.
Systematize and expand children's knowledge about plant growing.

Lesson type: learning new educational material.

Equipment: ICT – presentation “Crop Growing”, drawings depicting agricultural crops, cards with names of crops.

During the classes

I . Organizing time.


The long-awaited call was given,

The lesson begins.

How would you like our lesson to be? (Interesting, educational)

What will this depend on? (On how we answer, listen to each other and the teacher).

What qualities do you need to have in order to learn something new in class, to make your own little discovery? (Attentive and observant)

Today we have guests at our lesson, and guests are always a joy, a good mood. Smile at each other and greet guests with a smile. To make today's lesson interesting and useful, I will ask you to be my assistants and listen carefully. And of course, do not remain silent, but answer questions. Let's mentally wish ourselves good luck and quietly sit down at our desks.

II . Checking homework.

Before we move on to learning new material, let's remember that

we studied in the last lesson.

Test on the topic: “Minerals”
1. What profession do people find mineral deposits in nature?
a) doctors
b) geologists
c) builders
2.Which minerals are used in construction?
a) sand, clay
b) granite, peat
c) coal, table salt
3. Which minerals serve as fuel?
a) tin and copper ores
b) coal, natural gas
c) graphite, sulfur
4. What minerals are extracted using drilling rigs?
a) marble, granite
b) natural gas, oil
c) gold

Peer review
III . Creating a problematic situation. Self-determination for activity

Look at the objects (pictures of fruits, vegetables,


What are these items? What common? (these are plants)

What's different about them? (some are fruits, others are vegetables, others are trees).

Are there any other differences? (some will answer NO, others will say yes

plants that people grow, and there are wild plants)

IV . Self-determination for activity

Guess the riddles.

From the sky
The sun is golden
Golden rays are pouring.
In the field as a friendly wall -
Golden barbels.(Wheat.)

What turns green in two weeks,
It's been earing for two weeks,
It blooms for two weeks
It's been pouring for two weeks,
Does it dry out for two weeks?(Rye.)

How are rye and wheat similar?(These are grain crops.)

Which branch of agriculture deals with the cultivation of grain crops?(Crop production.)

V . Updating knowledge.

Introduction to a new topic.

Let's look at the crop production sectors(slide 2).

To what branch of crop production can these crops be classified?(Field farming.) (slide 3)

What grain crop gives us white bread?(Wheat.) (slide 4).

Wheat in our country is grown winter and spring. Farmers sow winter wheat in the fall. Young plants overwinter under the snow and continue to develop in the spring. Spring wheat is sown in the spring. At the end of summer, first winter wheat ripens, and then spring wheat(slide 5).

Guess the riddle.

White belyana
I walked across the field,
I came home
She lay down in the ground.(Flour.) (slide 6).

What grain crop gives us dark bread?(Rye.) (slide 7,8).

Another one of the most recognized cultivated plants is buckwheat. Buckwheat porridge is a heroic porridge. It is tasty and nutritious. In ancient times, buckwheat porridge was called princess; it was served even at the royal table, as well as at the peasant and soldier’s table. In Rus' they said: “Our mother is buckwheat porridge, and rye bread is our dear father.”(slide 9,10).

VI . Physical education minute

Hands patted

They stomped their feet,

Turned around, turned around,

One - sit down, two - sit down,

They stretched out and sat down at their desks.

V II . Work on the topic of the lesson.

Next to grain crops in importance is potatoes. Let's talk about potatoes in more detail. He is native to South America. In 1697, Tsar Peter I brought the first tubers to Russia. Peasants refused to grow potatoes for a long time. There were even potato riots. St. Petersburg fashionistas decorated their hairstyles with flowers(slide 11).

We will also focus on one of the most common crops in our region - sunflower, from the seeds of which wonderful sunflower oil is obtained.(Slide 12)

People engage in crop production not only to obtain food, but also to provide food for domestic animals. For this purpose, fodder crops are grown - timothy, clover, alfalfa, fodder beet(slide 13).

For another purpose, spinning crops are grown - cotton and flax. Fiber is obtained from these plants at special industrial enterprises. Fiber is used to make threads, and threads are used to weave fabrics.(slide 14).

The next branch of crop production is vegetable growing(slide 15).

What does this industry do?

What vegetable crops do you know?

Where are vegetables grown?

What is called open and protected ground?

How many of you have a garden plot, a summer house or a house in the village?

Do your parents grow anything in greenhouses?

Why are greenhouses built?

Another branch of crop production is fruit growing.(slide 16).

Try using word formation to explain the meaning of the word fruit growing.(Fruit breeding.)

What plants bear fruit?

Why do people grow fruit crops?

Why do they grow flowers?

What is the name of the branch of plant growing that produces flowers?(Floriculture.) (slide 17).

Working with the textbook (pp. 51 – 53)

V III . Consolidation of the studied material.

1. Work using tables and cards. (Work in groups)

The class is divided into three groups. Each group is given an envelope with pictures of cultivated plants. The first group must select pictures with grain crops, the second – with fodder crops, the third – with spinning crops.

Cereals: rye, oats, barley, wheat.

Feed: timothy, clover, alfalfa, fodder beet.

Spinning: flax, cotton.

2. Imagine that you are foremen on a farm where they are harvesting a large harvest of apples and pears. Tell us about your work.

Story plan.

    What do you suggest for better storage and use of the crop?

    What kind of enterprise needs to be built on this farm?

    What is your profession?

IX . Lesson summary.

What is crop production? (growing cultivated plants)
– Why do people grow cultivated plants? (in order to obtain food, animal feed, material for industry)
– What professions do people work in crop production? (gardeners, grain growers, vegetable growers, melon growers, cotton growers)
X . Performance reflection. Self-esteem .
Game "Recognize the plant"

Guess the plant and name the branch of crop production that grows it.

1. For a curly tuft

I dragged the fox out of the hole.

Very smooth to the touch

Tastes like sweet sugar (Carrots, vegetable growing).

We will collect the spikelets,

What grows in the field.

Let's bake black bread.

And sprinkle with salt. (Rye, field cultivation).

Wonderful flower

Like a bright light

Magnificent, important,

Like a gentleman

Delicate, velvety... (Tulip, floriculture)

The young lady sat down in the garden bed,

Dressed in noisy silks.

We are preparing tubs for her

And half a bag of coarse salt. (Cabbage, vegetable growing)

Low and prickly

Sweet but not smelly.

Pick the berries -

You'll rip off your whole hand (Gooseberries, fruit growing)

Well done! Today we worked very well, we worked actively in class.

There are different lessons.

What was our lesson?

We agree - I hear a clap,

If you don’t agree, shut up

And sit quietly.

Our lesson was:






Very light;


Very lethargic;



Reading the output in the textbook on page 58
X I. Homework. (Slide 19)

1. pp. 51-53, study; answer the questions in the “Test yourself” section, page 54.

2. Complete the tasks in the workbook pp. 32 - 34