It is necessary to return to the tradition of cooperation between the university and the Church, especially since there is already positive experience of such cooperation; it is enough to cite as an example a university that is far from being ranked last in the world - Moscow State University. The temple should become an integral part of the university organism. After all, if it is impossible to learn professional skills without appropriate practice, how is it possible to become a spiritual and moral person without engaging in the practice of spirituality acquired in the Church.

Of course, creating a new education system and a new economic science that corresponds to the principle of sociocultural identity will require a lot of work and a lot of time, but we have no other way.


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2. Ilyin I.A. About education in the coming Russia [Electronic resource] /I.A. Ilyin.- Access mode: katehiz/ilyin/stat/vosp-ros. htm

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4. Ilyin I.A. The Russian people need spiritual renewal [Electronic resource] /I.A.

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5. Bulgakov S.N. Main problems of the theory of progress [Text] / S.N. Bulgakov // Rozmisli. Creative decline in the context of the XXI pillar; per ed. V. D. Bazilevich. - K.: Zannanya - (Slavett stay), 2006. -P. 606 - 631.

6. Bulgakov S. N. Problems of political economy [Text] / S. N. Bulgakov // Rozmisli. Creative decline in the context of the XXI pillar; per ed. V.D. Bazilevich. - K.: Zannanya - (Slavett Posta), 2006. - P. 678 - 693.

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8. Bulgakov S. N. Brief essay on political economy [Text] / S. N. Bulgakov // Rozmisli. Creative decline in the context of the XXI pillar; per ed. V.D. Bazilevich. - K.: Zannanya - (Slavett postap), 2006. - P. 695 - 806.

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Expert of the editorial board, candidate of economic sciences, associate professor of UkrGAZhT Polyakova E.N.


Plugina Yu. A., Ph.D., senior teacher (UkrGAZhT)

Methods of training personnel, through which their professional development is carried out, can be classified according to many criteria, one of which is the “degree of innovation”, namely: traditional and modern. Modern ones include: video training, distance learning, modular training, case training, training, business game, metaphorical game, role-playing game, brainstorming, behavioral modeling, storytelling, action learning, basketball method, training using the Shadowwing method, training using the Secondment, training using the Buddying method. The article analyzes them, highlights their advantages and disadvantages, and also identifies the key methods used in training various target groups.

Key words: professional development of personnel, methods of training enterprise personnel.



PlugshaYu. A., Ph.D., senior vikladach (UkrDAZT)

Methods of training staff to help them achieve their professional development can be classified according to impersonality as the “step of innovation”, and itself: tradition and particularity. Up to the present day you can see: video learning, distance learning, modular learning, case learning, tretng, double play, metaphorical play, role play, brainstorming, command modeling, storrtelltg, learning with diet, basketball method, learning with the Shadowwing method, learning with the method Secondment, learning the Buddying method. The statistics have carried out the ixth analysis, the results of the vicissitudes of the i should not be seen, the key methods have also been identified to be used in the primary sacristy groups

Km4oei words: professional development for staff, training methods for staff and reception


Plugina J. A., PhD, sen. lecturer (USART)

Personnel development of the enterprise is carried out in three directions: professional, social, personal. Professional development is carried out by means of personnel training. Methods of personnel training can be classified by a set of the signs. One of them is "degree of novelty of use", namely: traditional and modern. The modern treat: video training, distance learning, modular training, case training, training, business game, metaphorical game, role-playing game, brain storm, behavioral modeling, storrytelling, training by action, in-basket, training on the Shadowing method , training on the Secondment method, training on the Buddying method. In the article the analysis of modern methods is carried out, advantages and shortcomings are marked out, the key methods which are using in training of various target groups are also defined. The choice of a concrete method of training depends on tasks which need to be solved by means of their use, type of target audience, organizational culture of the enterprise etc. The best effect can be expected from use of several methods in a complex.

Keywords: professional personnel development, methods ofpersonnel training of the enterprise.

Statement of the problem and its connection with scientific and practical tasks. The main factor in the effective functioning of any socio-economic system is people. Man as an intrinsic value, man as an engine of progress, man as an implementer of ideas. Such a socio-economic object as an enterprise is no exception. The human potential of an enterprise is the basis of its overall potential. Man is at the same time the main carrier of knowledge, its “producer”, and consumer. Staff

loses the role of “mechanized” performers, becoming the main competitive advantage, strategic factor, and key competence of the enterprise. That is why finding ways to effectively manage personnel development is becoming one of the most important tasks in the strategic management of an enterprise.

The development of the enterprise's personnel is carried out in the following areas: professional, social, personal development. At the same time, the connections between these directions are presented in Figure 1.

Personal development

Professional development of personnel occurs in the process of acquiring skills and abilities, as well as in the process of direct training. Professional development of personnel pursues the goal of increasing and revealing their professional potential.

Professional potential (as an element of human) is the total ability of the physical and spiritual properties of an individual worker to achieve certain results under given conditions

production activity, its ability

improve in the process of work, solve new problems. Professional potential has its own structure, namely:

Qualification potential - the volume and depth of general and specialized knowledge, labor skills and abilities that determine the employee’s ability to perform work of a certain content and complexity;

Psychophysiological potential - a person’s abilities and inclinations, his state of health, performance, stamina, type of nervous system;

Personal potential - the level of civic consciousness and social maturity, the degree of mastery of norms of attitude towards work, value orientations, interests, needs and encroachments in the world of work.

Unfortunately, the second and third elements are currently not given enough attention at the enterprise (both from the point of view of assessment and from the point of view of management), which does not contribute to the full potential of employees, and, consequently, to achieving the maximum effect of using labor resources.

As a result of effective

professional development occurs the social development of the individual, which manifests itself, first of all, in career growth, as well as an increase in social status. The final link in the chain of development is personal growth, which occurs as a result of the formation of a value system, the acquisition of skills in preventing and resolving conflicts, working in a team, as well as through the physical, psychological, spiritual, cultural, ethical and aesthetic development of the individual. In turn, personal development influences professional development (by increasing self-motivation to learn) and social development (due to recognition of merit, experience, knowledge, etc.).

Professional development of personnel is carried out through training. Personnel training is a purposefully organized, systematically and systematically carried out process of mastering knowledge, abilities, skills and methods of communication under the guidance of experienced teachers, mentors, specialists, managers, etc. .

There are three types of training: vocational training (initial and specialized; vocational

improvement (or increase

qualifications), which is divided into: improvement of professional knowledge and abilities, professional

improvement in order to advance

service; professional retraining (requalification) of personnel.

Purposeful professional development of qualified personnel requires a close connection between the above types of training. The objectives of training, however, vary for different target groups: students, specialists with work experience, managers with work experience. Good design of training programs must take these differences into account.

Personnel training can be carried out on-site or off-site. Methods of on-the-job training include: directed experience acquisition;

industrial training; rotation; using workers as assistants and trainees; training in project groups; business communication of staff, mentoring. Off-the-job training methods include: lectures; programmed training courses; conferences and seminars; modeling of organizational problems; modeling processes occurring at competing enterprises; business games; creation of working groups (“quality circle”, “instead of studying”); self-study.

Analysis of the latest research and publications. The methods described above are well studied; their essence, advantages and disadvantages are presented in the literature.

Identification of unsolved parts of a general problem. In our article, I would like to dwell on modern methods of personnel training, which are not so widely represented, and conduct a critical analysis of them in order to identify advantages and disadvantages, as well as the possibility of use for various target groups, which is its goal.

Presentation of the main research material. Currently, modern methods of personnel training are just beginning to be used in the practice of domestic enterprises. According to the data, average usage rates

enterprises of modern teaching methods are: in the West - 63.29%, in Russia - 35.14%. Unfortunately, there are no data on domestic enterprises, but it can be assumed that they would be closer to Russian indicators than to Western ones.

In addition to dividing methods into types according to the degree of innovation (traditional and modern), there are also other classifications: according to the degree of involvement (passive and active); by the number of students (individual and group); by the degree of integration with production (without interruption and without interruption from production); by duration (long-term, medium-term, short-term); By

sources of financing (budgetary, non-state public funds and organizations, international funds and organizations, the enterprise’s own financial resources, the individual’s own financial resources); by the method of carrying out training activities (the enterprise’s own resources or with the involvement of third-party organizations).

Modern methods of personnel training include: video training, distance learning, modular training, action learning, metaphorical play, etc. Let’s take a closer look at each of them.

1. Video training is implemented by providing staff with audio and video programs, electronic documents, etc.

The advantages of the method are as follows: 1) connection with practice; 2) visibility and accessibility of the material; 3) the possibility of self-learning and repetition; 4) possibility of repeated use; 5) ease of use in temporal and spatial aspects; 6) profitability.

Disadvantages of the method: it is a passive teaching method; does not allow for differences in the skill level of workers to be taken into account; there is a problem with employee motivation due to the lack of strict control; lack of a motivating personality - a teacher.

The method can become quite widespread, given its effectiveness and low cost, but it requires the development of an effective system of motivation and incentives.

2. Distance learning - the use of telecommunication technologies to train personnel at a distance.

The advantages are: 1)

the ability to attract a large number of employees; 2) can be carried out at the workplace; 3) ease of use in the temporary aspect; 4) the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in practice immediately after mastering it.

The disadvantage is the difficulty of developing behavioral skills using distance learning. Also, this method requires good technical equipment and expressed employee motivation for professional development.

This method is widely used in enterprise practice.

3. Modular training - a training program consisting of separate thematic blocks (modules) aimed at achieving a specific result (solving a specific business problem, developing a skill, etc.). The training course may include both theoretical knowledge and practical work, as well as final projects. Duration of modular training

depends on the amount of knowledge that needs to be learned.

Advantages: 1) flexibility in choosing the area of ​​knowledge, methods of presenting materials, ways of consolidating results; 2) the ability to change the sequence of modules and their content depending on the requests and qualifications of students; 3) is an active learning method.

The disadvantage of the method is

the need to involve third parties in drawing up the training program.

4. Case training - analysis of practical situations from the experience of various enterprises, involving analysis and group discussion of hypothetical or real situations. Allows you to develop skills in analysis, diagnosis and decision making. It has proven itself best as training programs for managers at various levels.

Advantages of the method: 1) active learning method; 2) the presence of both horizontal and vertical interaction between students; 3) the relevance of the acquired knowledge and the possibility of its real application in practice; 4) high motivation of students is ensured by active work in a group.

Disadvantages of the method: the need for good organization of the discussion process to ensure its constructivism; the need for highly qualified students; high level of requirements for teacher qualifications; requires high financial, organizational and time costs.

This method is effective in training managers at various levels and improving the skills of managers.

5. Training - training in which the main focus is on practical development of skills and abilities, theoretical blocks of material are minimized. It involves modeling situations with the aim of developing or consolidating certain skills, mastering new behavior patterns, changing attitudes towards completing tasks, etc. This method is not “basic”, but appears to be a combination of the following: business, role-playing and simulation games, discussions, analysis of practical situations, etc.

Advantages: 1) effective in mastering or developing specific skills and abilities; 2) the opportunity to apply the acquired knowledge, skills, and abilities in practice immediately after mastering them; 3) relevance of the acquired knowledge; 4) increasing staff motivation during training.

Disadvantages of the method: the need to involve third parties in the preparation of training programs; providing post-training

accompanying personnel in order to maintain, consolidate and enhance the training effects.

6. A business game involves working on educational topics based on situations and material that model certain aspects of the students’ professional activities.

Advantages: 1) the possibility of a comprehensive study of the problem; 2) maximum proximity to

professional activity; 3) training in modeling solutions to situations that can actually happen to a student; 4) allows you to assess the readiness and ability of personnel to solve certain problem situations; 5) can serve as information for selecting employees for vacant positions.

The disadvantages of the business game method are similar to those of case learning.

7. The metaphorical game is aimed at developing new forms of activity, changing attitudes in behavior, and developing non-standard approaches to solving problem situations. It involves choosing a metaphor as a problem situation, searching for a solution and then transferring effective solutions into real practice.

Advantages: 1) development of employee creativity; 2) reducing the anxiety of participants about the uncertainty in the correctness of the proposed solutions (in comparison with real situations); 3) increasing the attractiveness of this method due to its originality; 4) development of the skill of group search for ways to solve a problem.

Disadvantages: the complexity of the organization in terms of achieving efficiency and constructivism; Mandatory presence of a highly qualified teacher.

8. Role-playing is a method that simulates real or typical work situations with the definition of the roles of participants in order to find solutions to a problem situation. Effective in teaching interpersonal communication skills, therefore useful for managers and applicants for leadership positions.

Advantages: 1) during the role-playing game, there is an understanding of the underlying motives of a certain behavior of the individual whose role is being played (manager, subordinate, customer, etc.); 2) helps to identify common mistakes in standard situations, and also helps to find effective solutions to problem situations.

The disadvantage of this method is that the teacher must be highly qualified and have knowledge in various fields (personnel management, production, marketing, personality psychology, etc.), in

Otherwise, the method leads to worsening problems.

9. Brainstorming is a method that allows you to generate a large number of ideas for solving a problem situation in a short period of time, followed by analysis and selection of the most appropriate options.

Advantages of the method: 1) the method is simple, low-cost, effective even with low qualifications of the participants; 2) does not require preparation on the part of the participants (except the organizer); 3) the presence of a “hive mind effect”; 4) increasing students’ self-esteem, improving the psychological climate in the team, bringing coalition goals closer together.

Disadvantages: not used to find solutions to complex problems; does not have criteria for assessing the strength of decisions; there is no clear algorithm for developing strong solutions; the presence of a qualified and experienced organizer is mandatory to achieve constructivism.

10. Behavioral modeling is a method designed to develop in students a certain model of behavior in standard situations. Teaches specific skills and attitudes related to the performance of professional activities. It occurs by searching for an example to follow (“behavioral model”), analyzing this model of behavior, and reproducing it in practice. Role models reflect real practical situations as fully as possible, so behavioral modeling allows you to immediately apply the acquired knowledge in practice. However, one should take into account the fact that if you choose an unsuccessful role model (not respectful, unproductive, etc.), the behavioral modeling method will not bring the expected results.

Advantages: 1) opportunity

applying the acquired knowledge in practice immediately after mastering it; 2) the ability to take into account the individual personal, qualification, and behavioral characteristics of students; 3) the method is quite flexible in terms of time.

The disadvantage of the method is the difficulty in choosing a behavioral model; low predictability of learning outcomes, depending on the individual characteristics of the student.

11. Storytelling is a method of training new employees of an organization in order to become familiar with the organizational structure, corporate culture, local regulations, etc. Training begins at the personnel selection stage and ends during the period of full adaptation. Training is carried out by the immediate supervisor by enriching knowledge about the organization,

providing information about it, supervising activities during the probationary period.

Advantages of the method: 1) the adaptation period for a new employee is easy and quick; 2) forms the new employee’s loyalty to the organization.

The disadvantage is the difficulty of motivating immediate supervisors to effectively carry out this training method due to temporary, personal characteristics.

12. Action learning is a method of learning by solving real practical problems occurring in the enterprise. It is the most effective method of training managers on-the-job. The basis of this method is the creation of a working group of managers to solve the task assigned to them. The training period can last from several weeks to a year. Using this method, strategic planning skills are improved, decision-making skills are developed, real situations are analyzed, and production problems are solved, which is a definite advantage for both students and the organization as a whole. Students' self-esteem, self-motivation, and responsibility increase. The disadvantage of this method is the risk of making the wrong decision in the absence of appropriate qualifications and experience.

13. Basket method - a method of simulating situations often encountered in the work of managers, a method in which the student is “immersed” in the role of a leader. The student should systematize information, analyze the documentation provided to him as a teaching aid, and conduct business meetings and negotiations. Based on the analysis, decisions should be made on the proposed materials and the relevant documents should be prepared - orders, instructions, letters, memos, etc. to solve the problems posed.

This teaching method develops the ability to analyze, systematize information, identify key problems taking into account their importance and urgency, develop alternative methods for solving problems, and select the optimal ones. As a rule, the student is given a short deadline to complete the task.

Advantages of the method: 1) high level of motivation of students; 2) a high degree of involvement in solving assigned tasks; 3) the method allows you to evaluate potential candidates for vacant management positions; it is also effective as

preparation for filling a vacant position; 4) short training periods.

The disadvantage is its

ineffectiveness for training specialists, employees, and workers.

14. Training using the Shadowing method - literally translated from English - “surveillance”, “being a shadow”. The essence of the method is to provide an opportunity to an employee nominated for promotion, retraining, or rotation for at least two days to be a “shadow” of an employee occupying a potential position. In this way, the student is completely immersed in the specifics of the work being studied and can determine the essence and scope of the knowledge and skills he needs.

Advantages: 1) possibility of use for all categories of personnel; 2) simplicity, efficiency; 3) acceleration of the adaptation process.

The following can be highlighted as a disadvantage: a role model must be highly qualified, distinguished by productivity, the ability to explain (if necessary) specific aspects of work, etc.

15. Training using the Secondment method - in

literally translated from English - “business trip”. The method is

a type of personnel rotation, however, it involves moving an employee to another place of work in another unit of the organization (department, department) for a while with a subsequent return to performing previous duties. This method is widely used in the UK.

Advantages of the method: 1) development of interpersonal communication skills,

staff interactions; 2) strengthening teamwork; 3) distraction from the “routine”, which helps to increase motivation; 4) professional and personal development through the acquisition of new experience, knowledge, skills and abilities.

Disadvantages of the method: can be used in large organizations with a flat structure; there is no experience of use in the post-Soviet space; accordingly, the mechanism for replacing employees has not been worked out.

16. Training using the Buddying method - the method consists of assigning a partner (buddy) to an employee, whose task is to provide constant feedback on the actions and decisions of the employee assigned to him in order to identify “bottlenecks” in his work. The participants are equal, which distinguishes this method from mentoring. Before using this method, the employee should be psychologically prepared for the fact that

they will “follow” him and analyze his actions. Buddy, in turn, needs to be taught methods of analysis, objective assessment, and constructive criticism.

Advantages: 1) allows you to “look at your work from the outside”; 2) allows you to identify points of personal and professional growth, see weaknesses and shortcomings; 3) improving interpersonal skills.

If the psychological preparedness of the participants is insufficient, the use of the method can lead to conflict situations.

Based on the results of the analysis of modern methods of personnel training, we propose to introduce a new classification feature of personnel training methods: “focus on the target group.” Thus, it is possible to distinguish methods aimed (mainly) at training managers, specialists, employees, workers or all categories of personnel. Of course, the boundaries are quite blurred. However, we are talking about achieving the greatest effect when using certain methods in training certain categories of personnel.

When training managers and applicants for leadership positions, the following modern methods are mainly used: role-playing game, action learning, basketball method. The following training methods can be used for all categories of personnel: video training, distance learning, modular training, case training, training, business game, metaphorical game, brainstorming, behavioral modeling, training using the Shadowing method, training using the Secondment method (except for top-level managers ), training using the Buddying method (except for top-level managers). The Storytelling method is primarily used to train newly hired employees or candidates for vacant positions.

Conclusions of the study and prospects for subsequent work in this direction. Thus, there are a huge variety of methods of personnel training: both traditional and quite new. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. The choice of a specific teaching method depends on the tasks that need to be solved through them.

use: obtaining new knowledge, developing skills and abilities, developing personal characteristics of personnel, etc. It should be noted that the best effect can be expected from using several methods in combination. The prospects for subsequent research are the analysis and comparison of methods and models for the development of the organization’s personnel and its type of organizational culture.


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4. Personnel management: Textbook for universities / Ed. T.Yu. Bazarova, B.L. Eremina. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M: UNITY, 2002. - 560 p.

5. Theory and practice of personnel management: Educational method. allowance / Auto-stat. G. V. Shchekin. - 2nd ed., stereotype. - K.: MAUP, 2003. - 280 p.

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7. Modern methods of personnel training // Innovative approaches in management and consulting. - Proceedings of the 6th International Forum of the National Guild of Professional Consultants. - 26-27.10.2010. - Access mode: methods.pdf)

Reviewer Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor UkrGAZhT Yakimenko N.V. Expert of the editorial board, candidate of economic sciences, associate professor of UkrGAZhT Sukhorukova T.G.

13.1. The role and place of social management in planning and organizing personnel development

13.2. Forecasting and planning of social development of personnel in the organization and outside of production

13.3. Improving the social structure and professional qualifications of workers

13.4. Social development of young employees of the organization

13.5. Satisfying the needs of women and other less socially protected groups of the organization’s personnel in their professional development

13.6. Social design of personnel of a new and reconstructed enterprise

Key words and concepts

Questions and tasks for individual work


After studying the material in this section, you will know:

The role and place of social management in planning and organizing personnel development;

Forecasting and planning of social development of personnel in the organization and outside of production;

Social structure and professional qualification composition of the organization’s employees;

Features of social development of young employees of the organization;

The needs of women and other less socially protected groups of the organization’s personnel in their professional development and growth;

Social design of personnel of a new and reconstructed enterprise,

and also BE ABLE TO:

Forecast and plan the social development of personnel in the organization and outside of production;

Assess the social structure and professional and qualification composition of the organization’s employees;

Organize the social development of young employees of the organization;

Provide for the needs of women and other less socially protected groups of the organization’s personnel in their professional development and growth;

Carry out social planning of the personnel of a new and reconstructed enterprise.

The role and place of social management in planning and organizing personnel development

The social policy of the organization plays a significant role in the development of an employee and increasing the efficiency of his work activity. Its important component is the training of personnel, improvement of its social structure and professional qualifications of workers, meeting the needs of less socially protected groups of personnel in their professional development and growth.

Social development of an organization means forward movement, changes for the better in its social environment - in the material, social and spiritual-moral conditions in which employees work, live with their families and in which production, distribution, exchange and consumption of goods take place, and objective connections are formed between individuals, their moral and ethical values ​​are determined.

Managing the social development of an organization - a set of methods, techniques, procedures that allow solving social problems based on a scientific approach, knowledge of the patterns of social processes, accurate analytical calculations and social standards verified in practice. This is an organizational mechanism for a pre-thought-out, predicted, versatile, that is, systematic and comprehensive impact on the social environment.

Production efficiency in an unstable external market environment is largely determined by social management and the organization of personnel development, a high degree of coordination of the joint work of employees and enterprise owners, the desire of personnel to meet production goals, encouraging employees’ own initiative in order to solve personal problems, in particular their development, career planning and professional and qualification advancement.

Based on this social development of personnel - a targeted process of increasing the competitiveness of employees through improving their social structure and professional qualifications, meeting the needs of less socially protected groups of the organization’s personnel in their professional development. This development is ensured by measures to train personnel, their industrial adaptation, certification and certification, planning the working career of employees and their professional advancement.

Social development of the organization’s personnel is aimed at:

Improving the social structure of the workforce in order to gradually overcome disagreements between social groups of workers, bringing them closer in the nature and content of work, level of income and achieving greater social homogeneity on this basis;

Improving the professional and qualification structure of personnel in order to increase the share of labor of qualified and highly qualified workers, increasing their general educational and cultural level;

Increasing the educational and professional level of youth, women and people before retirement age, disabled people;

Reducing the volume of manual, unskilled and low-skilled labor and stabilizing the organization’s personnel on this basis and reducing labor turnover;

Retention and further development of personnel through improvement of ergonomic, sanitary and hygienic and other working conditions, labor protection and ensuring the safety of workers;

Taking into account social factors when introducing changes, creating new enterprises or structural divisions, reconstructing enterprises in order to form competent, loyal workforce;

Stimulating measures of both material reward and moral encouragement for the successful completion of industrial adaptation, certification and certification of workers, continuous training, planning their working career and professional advancement, formation of the organization’s personnel reserve;

Formation and support in the work team of a healthy socio-psychological climate in relation to employees who are constantly working towards their individual development and thereby contribute to the coordinated work of the department’s personnel and the organization as a whole;

Ensuring the development of personnel as a result of more complete use of the possibilities of social insurance of employees, strengthening by the organization of its social guarantees and compliance with civil human rights at work;

Increasing the standard of living of employees and members of their families and, on this basis, meeting the needs of personnel for various educational services, self-expression and further improvement.

Social personnel management, in its essence, is primarily aimed at the organization’s employees. Its main task is to create favorable and safe working conditions, ensure an appropriate level of wages and living conditions for workers and, on this basis, promote the continuous development of the organization’s personnel.

The organization implements personnel development benefits within the framework of labor legislation and social protection of the employed population, they are established at the state level. Thus, the Fundamentals of the legislation of Ukraine on compulsory state social insurance define the following types of insurance: pension; insurance in connection with temporary disability and expenses due to birth and burial; medical insurance; insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases resulting in loss of ability to work; unemployment insurance; other types of insurance provided for by the laws of Ukraine.

At the same time, organizations also provide employees and members of their families with additional payments for personnel development at the expense of their own funds and social packages. This is, in particular, payment for on-the-job training of employees in educational institutions, payment for training and scholarships for persons sent for off-the-job training by the enterprise, etc. Providing such benefits to employees in a number of cases, in accordance with current legislation, is not mandatory for the organization’s administration . It provides their personnel on its own initiative, thereby implementing its own social policy for personnel development.

Social policy for personnel development as a component of management provides for activities in the field of relations between social groups related to the formation of the organization’s social package (tuition, social assistance, services, non-material rewards for employees, etc.), which ensure further development of personnel through payment training of employees, enriching the content of their work, participation in enterprise management. The more such payments and social assistance from the organization, the more their amount or significance is higher than the amount stipulated by the current legislation, the more successful the process of industrial adaptation of workers is usually, the more effective the certification and certification of personnel is, the training and professional qualification promotion of employees is purposefully carried out, the more effective a personnel reserve is being formed.

Social development of personnel is an integral part of the mechanism for the formation, distribution, exchange of labor and its effective use. At the same time, the object of influence of the social development of personnel is not only employees, but also members of their families, including the younger generation. So, the social development of personnel contributes to the reproduction of human resources both within the enterprise and outside it. Work on the social development of personnel also ensures an increase in the level of social prestige and attractiveness of workers' professions among young people and thereby creates favorable conditions for the formation of labor dynasties.

Among the factors influencing the amount of employers' funds spent on the social development of personnel are the following: the size of the enterprise, the type of economic activity, the level of technical equipment and technology, the knowledge intensity and innovation of production, the financial and economic condition of the organization, corporate culture, the influence of representatives of hired workers, the effectiveness of the current legislation to stimulate personnel development, etc.

The directions and measures of social development in different organizations differ from each other. This leads to an unequal cost structure for social development activities for personnel. The share of additional payments and social assistance related to the implementation of the organization's social policy in total labor costs should tend to increase. Therefore, it is important to ensure rapid growth in the spending of organizations’ funds on the social development of personnel. This will significantly increase the level of competitiveness of both the organizations themselves and their personnel in the domestic and global markets, employee loyalty and implement talent retention programs.

At a large enterprise, the social development of personnel is managed by the social division of the personnel service. At the same time, in a medium or small enterprise such functions are assigned to individual employees of the personnel service or the employer. The tasks and functions of these workers have their own specifics. In the process of working on the social development of personnel, they, through the reasonable provision of additional payments and social assistance, encourage personnel for their further development.

This, in particular, concerns targeted planning of training and work careers, thereby maintaining the well-being of employees and a favorable socio-psychological climate in the workforce. Important functions of the social service also include forecasting and planning the social development of personnel at work and outside it, eliminating the negative impact of market relations on the professional and qualification composition of workers.

Lecture outline:

1. Personnel development: basic concepts

2. Organizational learning is the main technology of personnel development

3. Career as an element of the personnel development system in a social organization.

4. Improving the professional skills of managers.

Personnel development: basic concepts.

The development of an organization's personnel is a set of measures aimed at developing professional skills and abilities among employees in accordance with certain professional needs; setting complex professional tasks; creating situations that promote the development of managerial qualities of employees; empowering employees to take on greater responsibility; stimulating employee creativity.

Development of the organization's personnel is necessary in the following cases:

Adaptation to environmental changes

Increasing production volumes and improving the quality of services

Increasing job satisfaction among employees of the organization

The need to improve the quality of management decisions.

Thanks to an effective personnel development system, employees can develop, staff turnover decreases, the quality of services improves, the psychological climate in the team improves, employee burnout is prevented, and organizational values ​​are formed and consolidated in the team.

As a rule, the management of the organization begins to think about

the need to engage in personnel development only when problems arise in team management, when difficulties in work are observed and the outflow of specialists from the organization increases. As practice shows, the greatest interest in the problems of personnel management and, in particular, the development of the organization’s personnel is found during the period of transformation of the organization. During this period, personnel changes are carried out, new divisions and management departments are created, existing divisions are reorganized or liquidated, the structure of both the organization itself and the management structure of this organization changes.

To develop a strategy and management system for the development of personnel in a social organization, it is necessary to:

Determine the strategic goals of the organization, which are a prerequisite for planning personnel development for the coming years;

Form a general strategy for the development of the organization, allowing for assessment, analysis and selection of the necessary system of influences on personnel for its successful implementation in practice;

Conduct a personnel assessment to determine the current abilities and capabilities of the organization’s employees;

Clarify the goals and objectives facing employees;

Establish the dynamics of requirements for the organization’s personnel.

In this case, the requirements for personnel mean, first of all, business qualities, as well as those features in work that are dictated by a specific position (education and its profile, age, work experience).

Before deciding on the need to develop the organization’s personnel, a number of activities are carried out:

Analysis of training and development needs

Calculating the costs and benefits of investing in employee development

Analysis of the effectiveness of the existing organizational management style

Evaluation of the staff motivation system

Analysis of the attractiveness of the company as an employer

The results of the development of the organization’s personnel are:

Efficient team of specialists (in the process of training and development, employees improve their skills, using them later in their workplaces, employees are included in activities to apply innovations, their receptivity and openness to change increases)

High commitment of employees, their loyalty and patriotism to the company (employees involved in personnel development programs show greater loyalty and devotion to the company)

Company personnel reserve

An effective system of personnel motivation (by participating in development programs, employees receive clear guidelines in their activities, work within the framework of the assigned tasks, which gives them confidence in their abilities and an incentive to work. The process of personnel development itself is a strong motive in its activities, gives staff an awareness of their relevance and usefulness in the company)

A system for preserving the company’s intellectual knowledge and innovations (in conditions of rapid growth and the introduction of new technologies, proactive personnel development becomes relevant)

Algorithm for planning and monitoring employee career development

High level of management quality

Methodology for assessing the effectiveness of investments in personnel

Attractive image of the employer company

Enterprise personnel monitoring system (the most active employees are identified, on whom you can further rely in the process of implementing changes)

■ Advantages over competitors (trained personnel, firstly, in itself is the capital of the organization, and secondly, with

highly qualified personnel, the social organization increases its capabilities in solving social problems)

■ Team spirit and team potential (participation of employees in personnel development programs develops teamwork skills and unites employees around new tasks)

■ Resolving problem situations (in any organization there are issues and situations that need to be resolved, but there is not enough time for them. During the programs, there is an opportunity to step away from everyday life, understand the accumulated issues and make the necessary decisions).

It is possible that there is not enough time to develop a development strategy. In this case, you can use an extremely simplified grouping of work collectives from the point of view of “their degree of innovation.” You can imagine a linear scale (segment), on the left side of which a work collective with the most routine nature of activity is noted, and on the right - a team of an innovative type, actively responding to changes in the external environment by making non-standard, creative decisions. Other intermediate options will correspond to the internal points of the scale.

Characteristic from this point of view are three main types of work collectives.

“Early industrial”, characterized by a disciplinary mechanism of implementation, a focus on the cooperation of the efforts of workers, carried out by a hierarchical (line) manager.

“Technocratic”, characterized by an administrative-economic mechanism aimed at ensuring the functioning of sociotechnical systems and carried out by a linear-functional hierarchical leader using a combination of economic, administrative and motivational methods. For sociotechnical systems, which include most production units

organization, the correct organization of not only interpersonal, but also human-machine, ergonomic interactions is crucial.

An “innovative” type of work team, characterized by the competition of workers headed by a leader-manager. The efforts of the manager are aimed at ensuring three main components of this type of management:

Interactions between workers and groups in the daily work process;

Activation of their creative, personal and organizational potential;

Integration of the efforts of employees, micro-teams, orientation of personnel towards the implementation of the organization’s goals and achievement of the final result.

Some traditional ways of introducing a personnel development system into an organization: 1. Creation of organizationally formalized work groups, brigades ^ Deindividualization of management Team management “Brigade” wages ^ Strengthening intragroup relations. Weakening intergroup ties. Excessive concentration of attention and interests on intragroup relations; 2. Creation of “production pairs” ^ Binary management ^ Strengthening

interactions between individual workers Possible weakening of group ties; 3. Creation of temporary informal groups

Stimulating acceptance of group assignments and commitments ^ Functional management ^ Strengthening group interaction. There may be contradictions between intragroup and hierarchical relationships

One of the most important goals of the personnel development process is to activate the creativity of employees, awakening in them a taste and interest in innovative activities, both on an initiative basis and in the performance of their job duties. Principles and

methods for creating conditions for innovative activities of employees of a social organization:

1. Creation of a favorable socio-psychological climate in the organization ^ Trust in the employee. Acceptability of search errors ^ More impulsive behavior. Increase in creative activity. Strengthening self-confidence. Possible deterioration in the controllability of workers;

2. Creation of a system of intra-company communications ^ Free exchange of information. Open leadership strategy ^ The effect of the interaction of ideas. Intellectual agility. In some cases

Fear of generating your own ideas;

3. Formation of a goal-setting system ^ Initiative formulation of goals. Initiative self-assessment. Reward for taking additional risks ^ Sharing responsibilities and coming up with new ideas together. Decrease in conformity. There may be a violation of the unity of goals of the organization and individual employees;

4. Reforming control mechanisms ^ Assumption of self-control.

Linking individual control with the activities of the organization as a whole ^ Priority of diversity and creativity over monotony and opportunism. Expanding the sphere of creativity. Possible

functional conflicts.

The tasks of personnel development management related to ensuring the integration of the efforts of employees are to consolidate their interests and the interests of the organization. Organizational and managerial measures for

implementation of intra-company personnel integration:

1. Creation of a system for delegating employees to decision-making bodies (supervisory board, etc.) ^ Participation of the majority of employees in the preparation, adoption and monitoring of the implementation of the most important

management decisions ^ Bringing together the interests of workers and managers Awareness of the organization's goals Minor disorganization of the production sphere is possible;

2. Refusal of hierarchy of management and line managers ^ Conviction instead of command. Priority of actions following the example of the leader ^ Mitigation of administrative contradictions;

3. Creation of a strategic planning system for a production organization ^ Coordination-target management. Transparent information structure ^ Awareness of employees about the principles and strategy of the organization. Costs may increase due to the costs of informatization of the organization and work on strategic planning.

The success of any organization depends on the ability of employees to absorb and use new knowledge and skills. In these conditions, the personnel development management system should be aimed at preparing employees to perform new functions and occupy new positions.

Development of personnel, expansion of the degree of their participation in

the vital activity of a social organization is important for the more successful functioning of social services in modern conditions.

It is no coincidence that many researchers note that the main task of the new strategy of any organization is to create conditions and incentives for personnel development, consolidation of interests and mutual control of the activities of all participants in management activities.

Human capital for most Russian enterprises is the main asset today. Creating and developing an efficient team is the main task of a modern manager (this is how 68% of managers understand the first definition of the word management). And the creation of such a team is possible only when employees clearly understand and accept the goals and objectives of the organization, in the development of which they took a direct part.

An integral element of personnel development is the motivation of employees for self-improvement, achievement, development

abilities, encouraging enthusiasm, energy, and dedication among employees of the organization. To encourage employees to participate in

In activities for the development of the organization’s personnel, it is necessary to take into account 6 groups of motives for work activity: broad social motivation (orientation towards the interests of the whole society, understanding the importance and significance of one’s business); group motivation (the desire to contribute to the achievement of group goals); affiliation motivation (the desire to belong to a specific group); procedural motivation (interest in the labor process in the specialty); motivation for self-actualization (the desire to more fully express one’s capabilities and abilities); material motivation (the need to improve one’s level of well-being). The process of developing the organization’s personnel, thus, is directly related to the formation of motivation for development among employees (maintaining a position, place of work, the possibility of promotion, obtaining a new position, increasing wages, interest in the learning process, establishing contacts with other participants)

Organizational learning is the main technology of personnel development

One of the components of the personnel development system is professional training. Vocational training is the acquisition of new knowledge and skills necessary for the successful performance of work in higher or secondary specialized educational institutions. Obtaining a vocational education allows you to master a new profession, develop the required abilities, master new work technologies, and maintain your qualifications. Thanks to professional training, a specialist is more easily included in new structures (divisions or positions). The results of such training will be: increased productivity, increased responsibility of performers, reduced fatigue of workers, rationalization of the performance of labor and management functions.

In the modern world, learning is becoming a continuous process, an integral part of human life. Organizations, of course, cannot remain aloof from the processes taking place in the country and the world, and in order to be competitive, increase the level of production, and attract new personnel, they are developing strategies for personnel training. This is especially true for social services due to the transformation of the social sphere and the search for new ways to solve old problems.

There are 3 concepts for training qualified personnel:

Specialized training focused on today or the near future. This is training in specific work technologies, acquiring knowledge necessary for a specific workplace. Effective for a relatively short period of time.

Multidisciplinary training. Effective from an economic point of view, as it enhances the employee’s intra-production and non-production mobility. The employee has the opportunity to choose and is therefore less tied to the relevant workplace.

Personality-centered learning. The goal is the development of personal qualities inherent in nature or acquired in practical activities.

The increasing role of training in the process of organizational development is due to the following factors:

Personnel training is the most important means of achieving the strategic goals of the organization. Success in achieving the organization's most important strategic goals largely depends on the extent to which personnel are aware of the content of strategic goals and how prepared they are to work to achieve them. The need for rapid changes in the structure and principles of management, increasing the organization's ability to survive in new conditions is forcing the management of an increasing number of organizations to move from short-term planning to the development of long-term strategies for organizational development. The implementation of these strategies requires a higher level of professional training, both for managers and for ordinary personnel. Training for all categories of employees is designed to contribute to the successful achievement of long-term and short-term organizational goals.

Training is a critical means of adding value to an organization's human resources. Sooner or later, the management of any organization will inevitably have to face the fact that if they do not invest money in improving the level of knowledge and skills of their employees, then the return on the organization’s human resources will be less and less every year.

Some organizations prefer to hire qualified workers from outside, believing that this way they save time and money on training their own staff. But at the same time, the wide range of tasks that can be solved during employee training is often underestimated. In addition to providing workers with the necessary knowledge and developing the skills required to work in

new conditions, training is designed to convey important information about the organization, help reinforce desirable patterns of behavior and increase the degree of commitment of staff to their organization. Thus, training is the most important tool through which management is able to create an organizational culture that will contribute to the successful achievement of organizational goals. Experience shows that the implementation of these “additional” tasks during training is no less important than the set of tasks associated with transferring knowledge to students and developing the necessary professional skills.

Modern approaches to management are based on the need to maximize the potential of people working in an organization, when personnel are considered as a key factor determining the effectiveness of the use of all other resources available to the organization.

The transition to work in market conditions, the emergence of new technologies, the reorganization of the social system and the change of generations require the solution of a whole range of issues related to increasing the qualification level of workers, as well as a willingness to use not only old, tested, well-proven approaches and methods in the past, but and fundamentally new teaching methods.

Carrying out organizational changes is impossible without staff training. The work that many organizations are doing to improve operational efficiency is impossible without the use of new, modern equipment, without the introduction of more effective technologies, work methods and management methods. Technological changes and the setting of new organizational goals can radically change the content of the work of a wide variety of categories of workers - from senior management to ordinary personnel - and this requires additional knowledge, the development of necessary skills and a revision of old approaches to

work. In these conditions, training of all main categories of workers becomes absolutely necessary. Employee training, among other things, plays an important role in conveying to the staff the basic meaning and necessity of the changes being carried out, in explaining their essence and in achieving support for innovations not only from above, from management, but also from below, from ordinary employees.

Staff training requires support and commitment

participation of top officials of the organization. Support and cooperation from senior management through an understanding of what training can bring to the organization is one of the priorities when organizing training. The clearer the organization's management sees the goals of personnel training, the better it understands the possible benefits associated with their achievement, the higher will be its interest in actively addressing the entire range of issues in the field of training.

Personnel training is a continuous process and includes a number of interrelated stages:

1. Determination of training needs.

At this stage, it is determined what kind of training is needed in the organization - all employees, a department or an individual employee. To determine the need for training, performance indicators are analyzed, performance results are compared with indicators of previous periods, with other companies, regulatory documents, job descriptions of employees, the professional skills of specialists are examined, and the results of employee self-assessment are assessed. Identification of training needs is the responsibility of immediate managers (of an organization or department) and independent experts.

Many organizations do not link promotion to the need for the employee to undergo training designed to prepare him to work in a new position, to solve a new range of tasks.

It is a completely natural practice when a manager who receives a promotion, before starting work in a new place, undergoes a training course that prepares him to perform new, more complex and responsible tasks,

The need for training of various categories of personnel of an organization is determined both by the requirements of work or the interests of the organization, and by the individual characteristics of employees. The need for training, the acquisition of new knowledge and the development of certain professional skills is influenced by age, work experience, level of abilities, characteristics of work motivation and other factors. More complete consideration of differences in the level of training of training participants allows for a reduction in the organization's costs and a more rational use of the time of employees undergoing training. Students can begin training at different levels (stages) of the program depending on their level of knowledge and degree of preparedness to master the material.

In order to determine the content and methods of training that can help achieve the goals of the organization and training goals, it is necessary to establish the qualitative and quantitative needs for training of the main categories of employees. Qualitative (what to teach, what skills to develop) and quantitative (how many employees of different categories need training) training needs can be identified using the following methods:

Assessing information about employees available in personnel records

service (length of service, work experience, basic education, whether the employee has previously participated in training or promotion programs

qualifications, etc.);

Regular assessment of work results (certification). During regular assessment of work results (certification), not only strengths, but also weaknesses in the work of a particular employee may be revealed. TO

For example, low scores for employees of a certain professional group in the “professional knowledge” column indicate that a need for training has been identified for this category of employees. After this, you can decide on the need for training and determine the specific form and content of training.

Analysis of long-term and short-term plans of the organization and plans of individual departments and determination of what level of qualifications and professional training of personnel is necessary for their successful implementation. What should be the training (content, methods used) that will allow workers to achieve the required level of qualifications and training?

Supervising the work of staff. The discrepancy between the work of personnel identified as a result of observation and the established standards and requirements of job descriptions may serve as an indicator of the need for appropriate training.

Analysis of the sources of problems that interfere with effective work. If the organization has problems related to poor performance, defects, safety violations, or unreasonably large losses of time, then this information can also be used both in preparing training programs and to justify applications for training of certain categories of personnel .

Studying problems the cause of which lies in the lack of necessary knowledge and skills among workers. These issues reflect not only the existing need for training, but also how the results of training can be used in the daily practice of the organization.

Collection and analysis of requests for personnel training from department heads.

Employee suggestions. Such suggestions can be collected through employee surveys or questionnaires.

Organization of work with the personnel reserve and career planning. In the process of working with the personnel reserve and when planning the careers of the organization's employees, HR specialists receive additional information about the training needs of different categories of personnel.

Identification of factors influencing the work of personnel. For example, changing standards or introducing new procedures and new equipment often require additional training.

Unfortunately, it sometimes happens that organizations train their staff without getting the return they expected. This may be due to the following reasons.

production problems (poor quality of services, low

productivity, etc.) will be solved through personnel training, underestimating the importance of factors such as equipment quality,

perfection of the technologies used, working conditions, etc.

During training, employees are forced to study material or learn skills that they already possess.

Wrong choice of training programs. Workers are trained on

familiar or currently popular programs, regardless of whether they meet the needs of the organization, whether employees, after completing the training course, will be able to more successfully perform their

professional functions.

Personnel training specialists do not

analyze the effectiveness of the training and do not draw conclusions from previous mistakes.

The above errors show the need for an extremely careful and demanding approach to this problem.

2. Setting a specific learning goal.

Researchers identify 5 main goals:

Improving performance results

Improving behavior

Acquiring new knowledge

Increased job satisfaction

Changing attitudes towards the organization

During training, several goals can be achieved, but the priority goal is always selected. A properly set learning goal helps to later evaluate the effectiveness of the learning outcomes.

3. Choice of teaching methods

All researchers agree that training methods in organizations are divided into two large groups: off-the-job and on-the-job.

Intra-organizational training (on-the-job) includes the following forms: mentoring, coaching,

assistance, staff rotation.

Off-the-job: lecture, case study, role-playing game,

brainstorming, business game, group discussion.

Mentoring. This method is widely used in Russia. In general, this is the most natural, although far from the simplest, method of training and developing personnel. Mentoring is understood as the individual or collective patronage of experienced workers over individual young workers or their groups, or a form of education (patronage), professional training and adaptation of young employees in the organization, involving the transfer of the mentor’s experience and instilling a work culture and corporate values ​​in a newcomer.

You can attract mentors to train newcomers in different ways; there is both non-material motivation (the title of the best

mentor, honor and respect, authority in the company, etc.) and material (additional payment for mentoring). Non-material motivation is largely due to the fact that the organization's management is looking for people who have a natural tendency to mentor, and focuses on these people when building mentoring systems in organizations. One of the main qualities that a mentor must have is the desire to pass on his own experience to newly hired employees. Therefore, the mentor must be loyal to the company, know the subject of the transfer, constantly improve and be able to correctly transfer his knowledge. In this he is helped by sociability, patience, sense of humor, openness, responsibility, exactingness, sense of proportion, respect for the trainee, competence

In general, it is clear that a manager's role in principle includes mentoring, but many people development professionals believe that a colleague is a more effective mentor than a manager.

Mentoring is a process that needs to be controlled, like any other, even if the employee is a mentor, which is called “from God.”

Mentoring differs from other training methods in that training takes place on the job during working hours with constant support of a new employee by a more experienced and highly qualified one. The purpose of this method is to minimize the adaptation period for newly hired employees of departments and (or) the period for employees to master new technologies in the workplace, with the help of which the following tasks are solved:

Improving the quality of training and qualifications of personnel;

Developing a positive attitude towards work in new employees;

Providing new employees with the opportunity to quickly achieve the performance indicators required by the company;

Saving time for department managers to train new employees;

Providing mentors with opportunities for career growth, encouraging them for good work, recognizing their services to the company;

Reduced staff turnover;

Characteristics of mentoring include:

1) flexibility. Mentoring can be done in a variety of ways and in a variety of situations. The necessary conditions are time and the presence of at least two people;

2) applied nature. Mentoring is relevant to professional activities and covers the entire range of these activities;

3) individuality. Mentoring is directly related to the needs and interests of the individual;

4) people orientation. People are perceived as they are, with all their values, motives, feelings;

5) availability of feedback;

6) high motivational potential.

The advantages of this training method are the fulfillment of job responsibilities by the mentor and the trainee, the implementation of a work plan (personal, department, company), and the acquisition of working skills in a short time.

In the mentoring process, there are 5 main stages of training, which can be described as follows: “I’ll tell you, and you listen”; “I’ll show you, and you look”; “Let's do it together”; “Do it yourself, and I’ll tell you”; “Do it yourself and tell me what you did.”

Employee briefing^

Briefing helps the employee to “join” the work process and become familiar with the structure of the organization. There are several main

types of instruction:

Induction training is carried out for all newly hired employees, regardless of their education, work experience in a given profession or position.

Initial training at the workplace should be carried out with all newly hired employees, as well as with employees who are assigned to perform a new job. This type of instruction is carried out with each employee individually with a demonstration of safe work practices.

Repeated briefing is carried out with the aim of checking and increasing the employee’s level of knowledge of rules and instructions individually or with a group of workers of the same profession or team according to the workplace briefing program. This type of briefing must be completed by all workers at least 6 months after the next briefing, with the exception of those workers who are not involved in the use of tools and equipment in their work activities. Unscheduled briefing is carried out in the event of changes in labor protection rules, when changes in technological processes, replacement of equipment and other changes affecting the safety and nature of work of workers.

Targeted instruction must be carried out in cases where an employee is assigned to perform one-time work that is not related to the employee’s direct job responsibilities in his main specialty.

Primary briefing at the workplace, repeated, unscheduled and targeted is carried out by the immediate supervisor of work (foreman, head of department, laboratory, etc.). On-the-job training should be completed by testing the instructee's knowledge through oral questioning or using technical training tools, as well as an actual test of acquired skills in safe work practices. The assessment of employee knowledge is carried out by the same manager

who provided the appropriate instructions.


A type of training aimed at familiarizing an employee with problems of a qualitatively different order, more complex and requiring not only theoretical training, but also practical skills. Assisting allows an employee to look at a new activity from the inside and even take on a certain share of responsibility for completing assigned tasks.

Personnel rotation

Personnel rotation implies a planned career move or a significant change in an employee’s job responsibilities. In general, intensive use of rotation is considered a positive factor and has a beneficial effect on the final result. It is necessary to move people “horizontally” due to the fact that a long stay in one position reduces work motivation, the employee limits his horizons to the framework of one area, gets used to shortcomings, and ceases to enrich his activities with new methods and forms. Changing places makes it possible to compare situations and quickly adapt to new conditions.

Rotations are often used to train university graduates who are just starting their professional careers. Personnel rotation is classified according to the frequency (speed) of movements: annual, monthly, daily.

Depending on the trajectory of movement, rotation is divided into: 1) circular, when an employee, having completed a number of positions over a certain period of time, returns to his position; 2) irrevocable, when

the transfer occurs without returning to your “starting” position; 3) castling, in which two workers of the same level change places.

According to the level of specialization, the following personnel rotation is distinguished: in another specialty; in a related specialty; with a change in character

work, but in the same specialty; rotation, when the nature of the work does not change much.

According to the purposes, personnel rotations are divided into movements for: training of management personnel; changes in people’s circumstances (when a person has held a position for a long time and wants to gain new knowledge and skills in a different place); preventing or resolving conflicts; training specialists as generalists; ensuring the interchangeability of people in case of illness, vacation, etc.; searching for a more suitable position for an employee if the results in the old position are unsatisfactory; increasing the degree of cohesion among the organization’s employees, strengthening communications between them, etc.

Some authors divide personnel rotation into inter-organizational (transition to another organization) and intra-organizational. During interorganizational rotation, a return to the previous organization or management body often occurs, but to a higher position. Sometimes rotation refers to any movement of a person throughout his working life.

A method unfamiliar to us is Shadowing. One of the most easily implemented and inexpensive methods of training and development of personnel. This method involves assigning a “shadow” to the employee. This could be a university graduate who dreams of working in this company, or a person who has worked in the company for some time and wants to change departments or take a position that interests him. The employer shadows him for a day or two to see if the person's motivation continues or not. As studies conducted in the USA show, after shadowing, 50% of people give up their dreams. Organizations very widely use this method to reduce the cost of recruiting, that is, constantly replacing people who leave due to the fact that their expectations were not met.

But why is shadowing called a method of personnel training and development? When a “shadow” is attached to a specialist, who watches him all day, he will definitely be fine with time management, the ability to set priorities and make decisions. In Western companies, people often take the initiative to have a “shadow” assigned to them, since this motivates and organizes them, allows them to feel their authority and demonstrate professionalism.


In its pure form, self-training of employees is rarely used. The undoubted advantages of such training include the ability of the student to independently set the pace of learning, choose the number of repetitions of the material, and determine the duration of classes.

No feedback. To effectively use this type of training requires a very high level of discipline, even self-discipline in the first place. This problem should be solved by maximizing the interactivity of training programs: distance learning programs should not only be aesthetically beautiful, but also interest the employee and stir up his interest.

Passive teaching method, transfer of information from teacher to students with minimal feedback. Listeners act as objects that must assimilate and reproduce the material.

Group discussion

Participation in discussions develops logical thinking and develops ways of behavior in various situations

Case study

Consideration of practical situations (cases) is the most

effective type of off-the-job training, as it involves analysis and group discussion of a specific problematic or, on the contrary, successful situation.

Business game

A type of vocational training that allows you to present a model of real labor organization. During the training, the operational cycle is significantly shortened and it is demonstrated what final results the decisions and actions of specialists will lead to.

Business games can be global (simulation of the company management process) and local (organizing a conversation with clients, conducting negotiations, preparing a project, etc.)

This type of training is useful when employees already have theoretical knowledge and need to reinforce practical behavioral skills. The method is expensive, as it requires experienced instructors for effective training.

In the 80s, the National Training Center (Maryland, USA) proposed a learning pyramid, where different teaching methods are located depending on the degree of material being learned:

Lectures - 5%

Reading - 10%

Video/audio materials - 20%

Demonstration - 30%

Group discussion - 50%

Business games, situation simulation - 75%

Immediate application of acquired knowledge, training others - 90%

4. Assessing the effectiveness of the training provided.

There are several principles that underlie effective teaching: to give students a holistic idea of ​​the subject, to show how all its parts are interconnected with each other, with other disciplines,

more practical classes, confirm theoretical statements with examples, use visual aids, motivate students, receive feedback, use collective forms of work, the information that students receive should be relevant to them (relevant to professional or personal life); repetition of material, use of interactive techniques (use of new knowledge and skills in practice).

The main difficulty lies in assessing the results of the implementation of training programs. The results can be objective, noticeable to everyone, immediately visible, or they can be subjective, affecting the employee’s sense of self in the organization. There are several groups of results by which the effectiveness of training can be judged: production (increased labor productivity, reduced errors in staff work, increased work pace, increased (or decreased) number of new clients); changes in behavior (changes in communication with clients, participation in new forms of work, ability to resolve conflicts, etc.); increased job satisfaction, changed attitude towards the organization (increased loyalty to the organization, better understanding of the institution’s problems).

The results must coincide with the goals and objectives that were set at the first stages of formulating the problem and the expected results. The results of training can also be negative, this is due to the fact that as a result of training and advanced training, the needs of employees increase, their self-esteem grows, and a desire appears to realize the accumulated potential, while receiving well-deserved recognition of their achievements and adequate remuneration. The point of evaluating the effectiveness of training programs in which employees of an organization participate is to determine whether this form of training is effective and how much benefit the organization receives from the training of employees.

Objectives of training program evaluation:

The main reason why organizations seek to evaluate the effectiveness of training programs is to find out to what extent the training objectives were ultimately achieved. A curriculum that does not allow one to achieve the required level of knowledge, performance indicators, or achieve a change in the skills or attitudes of students in the right direction must be changed or replaced by another program.

The second reason training programs are evaluated is to ensure that changes in trainees' performance results as a result of the training. To do this, you can compare the professional effectiveness of workers before and after training or compare these indicators with the effectiveness (production indicators) of workers who did not participate in training.

After training its employees, an organization does not always achieve the desired result. In this case, there is a need to identify the reasons for failure. Good programs may not be effective enough for many reasons: they may have been

unrealistic or too general training goals, the training process itself may be poorly organized, there have been some disruptions due to reasons beyond the control of those specialists who organize the training (for example, teacher illness, equipment breakdowns or staff errors). Analyzing the reasons why a given training program failed allows necessary corrective steps to be taken in the future. Training programs should also be evaluated for cost-effectiveness. Since training costs can be viewed as an investment in personnel, training should be beneficial to the organization, that is, it should strive to ensure that the benefits that will be received upon completion of the training exceed the costs of providing the training. Training is designed to promote growth

efficiency and productivity of employees or the formation of such work behavior that the organization needs to achieve its goals.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of training can be carried out using tests, questionnaires, exams, etc. The effectiveness of training can be assessed by both students and teachers, experts or specially created commissions. The point of assessing the effectiveness of training is so that the information obtained can be further analyzed and used in the preparation and conduct of similar training programs in the future. This practice allows us to constantly work to improve the effectiveness of training and get rid of such curricula and forms of training that have proven to be ineffective.

There are four criteria commonly used to evaluate the effectiveness of training:

Students' reaction. In this case, the students' impression of the curriculum in which they took part is determined. How do they evaluate the benefits of training? Was the course load excessive? Did you like the training program? How do they evaluate the work of teachers?

Level of mastery of educational material. According to this

The criterion determines the volume of material learned. Typically this information is collected through examinations or tests.

Behavioral changes. According to this criterion

determines how employees' behavior changes after they have completed a training course and return to work. The main issue here is to identify the extent to which the knowledge and skills acquired during training are used in the process of performing work.

Working results. This is the criterion by which

determines the real benefit that the organization received in

the result of the training. For example, the incentive to start training staff may be too high a level of errors or dissatisfaction of a large number of customers. In this case, the goal of employee training will be to reduce the number of errors (the number of dissatisfied customers), for example, from 10 to 3 percent. If such a result is achieved, we can consider that the training was successful.

The effectiveness of training can also be assessed some time after completion of training.

3. Business career is an element of the personnel development system.

Career growth is part of the development of both the individual employee and the organization as a whole. Career is any change in a person’s position in an organization. Experts distinguish two approaches to understanding careers: narrow and broad. If we consider career growth in its narrow meaning, then it is moving up the career ladder. A broad interpretation of the concept of career includes mastering new types of activities, work experience, awareness of one’s position, choosing appropriate forms of behavior, and changing one’s position in the organization.

Thus, a business career is understood as the progressive advancement of an individual in any field of activity, a change in skills, abilities, qualifications and remuneration associated with the activity, moving forward along the once chosen path of activity, achieving fame, glory, and enrichment.

Types: vertical (promotion up the career ladder), horizontal (consecutive change of activities within one level of hierarchy), centripetal career (inclusion in the circle of selected people).

Career characteristics: highest point, length (number of steps from lowest to highest point), position level (number of people at the highest level / number of people at a given level of management), potential

mobility (number of vacancies at the highest level of management/number of employees at a given level of management).

Business career goals:

Achieving independence in solving administrative issues or creativity

Gaining high professional status

Strengthening positions in the organization

Obtaining a high position associated with status and success

Realization of the need for primacy

Providing high wages and benefits

Creating favorable working and living conditions

Career growth is influenced by many factors and depends on socio-economic conditions. Researchers identify three groups of factors: socio-economic, organizational and personal. Socio-economic factors include the economic situation in the country, competition, technical factors, the prestige of the profession, the introduction of new technologies, and innovation in this type of activity. Organizational factors include the size of the institution, its structure, the level of organizational culture, the nature and working conditions, leadership style, the availability of career development programs (growing your own specialists or selecting already trained professionals, relying on narrow specialists or generalists). Personal factors influencing career growth include employee orientation, personal preferences, motivation for achievement, for promotion, and employee abilities.

Stages of a business career: preparatory (18-22 years, receiving education); adaptation (23-30 years old, mastering a new profession, looking for a place in a team, beginning of administrative promotion); stabilization (30-40 years, turning employees into professionals);

consolidation (40-50 years, rethinking the chosen path, adapting to the situation), maturity stage (50-60 years, transfer of knowledge and experience to youth); stage of preparation for retirement (over 60 years).

In the process of career growth, problems may arise that make it difficult to advance in the organization. The main problem associated with building a vertical career is that the closer to the top of the hierarchical ladder a person is in an organization, the fewer vacancies there are; at the same time, the requirements for candidates for senior management positions increase and are more difficult to meet. If career growth begins to slow down, it is necessary to focus on horizontal movements of specialists within the organization and rotation of management personnel.

Young professionals in the first months of work after graduation are characterized by inflated or unrealistic expectations from their position/workplace; to prevent this from happening, realistic expectations must be formed at the hiring stage.

People after 45 years of age sometimes face the problem of losing interest in work and try to invest as little effort as possible into their work activities, believing that they have already reached the highest possible career peak for themselves. In order to prevent the fading of interest, you can involve them in mentoring young people, use various methods of motivation and control over their activities.

Career planning should be carried out at three levels at once: the employee, the department, and the organization as a whole.

At the organizational level, it is necessary to have a clear development strategy for at least the next 5 years, including a training plan for employees, information support for career development programs, this strategy must be supported by the organizational culture of the enterprise. The role of a department or division of a company is to help

for individual employees to draw up a plan for individual career growth, assess their abilities and capabilities, and also correlate such a plan with the development strategy and goals of the organization, with the needs of the department and adjust it if necessary. Employees of the organization draw up an individual career growth plan, which includes a realistic assessment of their abilities, desires, goals, interests, identification of development needs and career growth, analysis of opportunities for this, discussion with senior management of career prospects.

Professional growth of employees has both direct and indirect benefits. If a social service employs people with greater experience, skills and abilities, this allows the organization to better satisfy the desires of clients, solve problems and deal with crises, as well as more quickly adapt to changing social conditions, and respond more quickly to the emergence of new problems.

In addition, many workers believe that they will be richly rewarded by acquiring new skills and coping with difficult tasks. Employees whose needs are met work harder and stay with the organization longer than those who do not have career opportunities. There are many ways to maintain an atmosphere of career growth in an organization:

Development of training programs for specialists. When an employee joins a job or receives a new position in an organization, offering him training is necessary to maintain such an environment so that he feels that he is valued and is given a task for which he will be rewarded.

Assigning mentors to junior employees. Employees with little experience can learn a lot from more experienced colleagues. When faced with new challenges, employees will feel more comfortable knowing where to turn for help. Mentors

are able to inspire employees to achieve greater success, help them channel their ambitions in the right direction and teach them new ways to effectively solve current problems.

Reimbursement of tuition fees. By supporting employees' desire to learn, it is possible to improve the educational level in the organization. This will permanently increase the efficiency of internal operations, reduce the need to seek knowledge and experience from outside and allow the social organization to occupy a leading position in the social services market.

Attaching special importance to the professional growth of the employee and promoting him towards this. Evaluation of the work performed and regular checks make it possible to perfectly define goals and outline prospects. Leaders should ask their employees what they have learned, how much responsibility they can take on, and what prospects they are interested in.

Recognizing the employee’s professional growth and rewarding him for it. It is necessary to consider options for recognizing the success of employees at the company level, for example, rewarding the “best employee of the month,” as well as methods such as introducing new bonuses, increasing wages, and moving up the career ladder.

Offering new vacancies to working specialists. When a vacancy appears in a company, you should consider the option of appointing an existing employee to the position, inform employees about new prospects for them, let them know that they have the opportunity for career growth, and that the organization's management is ready to help them with this.

4. Improving the professional skills of managers as a condition for the effective development of a social organization.

There are two ways to lead people. Firstly, to command them, push them, etc., which is what a traditional manager-administrator does. Secondly, to captivate and lead, which is typical

An official position formally creates the necessary preconditions for a manager to be at the same time a leader of a team, but does not automatically make him one.

The leader is not appointed by a higher authority and is not approved by order, but is nominated and psychologically recognized by others as the only one who is able to ensure the satisfaction of their needs and show a way out of difficult situations.

Administrators and leaders differ:

1. Approach to problem solving. Leaders have a clear vision of the future and ways of moving towards it.

Administrators for the most part wait for instructions “from above” and carry them out unquestioningly. Thus, the leader's main task is to determine what to do; administrator - how to achieve the goals set by others, organize and direct the work of subordinates according to plans.

2. The nature of the actions. Administrators build them on the basis of clear regulations, instructions, rules, procedures, strictly controlling their subordinates. Leaders independently determine their actions based on the current situation, take initiative, and provide followers with freedom of action.

3. The basis of power. People obey administrators out of obligation, fearing punishment or counting on additional remuneration. Leaders are followed voluntarily, sharing their views, understanding the importance of what they do, what they call for, without counting on any special rewards.

A leader who attracts people to solve certain problems important to the organization is called instrumental. But in any team there is also a so-called emotional leader (usually the most respected person), who has the final say in

interpersonal relationships.

In teams with a low level of development, the leader most often acts as an expert specialist on any issue or an emotional center (he can encourage, sympathize, help). In a team with a high level of development, the leader is primarily an intellectual center, a source of ideas, and a consultant on the most complex problems.

But in both cases, he is the integrator of the team, the initiator and organizer of its active actions, the model with which others compare their thoughts and actions.

The leader of an informal team ensures that the specific actions of each of its members do not contradict common interests or undermine the unity of the group. If necessary, he can defend these interests before the administration, enter into conflict with it, sanctioning only labor behavior that does not contradict them.

It is impossible to fight this, because pressure on the leader causes even greater unity of the team in its opposition to the administration. Therefore, it is better to compromise with the leader by offering him at the same time an official position, which he usually does not have, but fully deserves. This also simplifies the management process, because, while simultaneously enjoying the trust of the team and the administration, it is easier to coordinate their interests.

Science has developed a behavioral theory of leadership, according to which the main role in its development is played not by a person’s personal qualities, but by the manner of his relationships with others. The main drawback of this theory was its conclusion about the existence of a certain optimal leadership style, with the help of which all management problems can be solved, and the need to search for it.

Of course, personal qualities and leadership style are important conditions for success, but more recent research has convincingly proven that

situational factors can play a decisive role in it, including

includes the personal qualities of the performers, and the nature of the work, features

external environment, etc.

Questions for self-control:

■ What forms of social work staff development do you know? Have you observed it in reality? How effective are they?

■ What problems of personnel development in the social sphere do you consider the most pressing?

■ What are the basic requirements for the personality of a leader as a manager in the social sphere?

■ What forms of staff training are most effective in relation to the social sphere?


1. Ivanov V.N., Patrushev V.I. Innovative social technologies of state and municipal management. M., 2011.

2. Organization, management and administration in social work: Textbook / Responsible editor. P.V. Palekhova. - M.: INFRA-M, 2015. - 128 p.

3. Cole D. Personnel management in modern organizations. - M.: Vershina, 2014.

4. Udaltsova M.V., Averchenko L.K. Sociology and psychology of management: Textbook. allowance. - Rostov-on-Don: “Phoenix”, 2011. - 320 p.

5. Khokhlov A. A. Personnel processes in the system of state power: sociological analysis. - M., 2010.

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The market, forming a new reality, in its own way influences the structure of industrial, scientific, sales and other organizations, and shapes their social priorities. This is clearly visible in the example of today's Ukraine.

The market gives birth to a new mentality of social formations of people. the constant production and reproduction of the system of social relations, which constitute the work collective as a social entity, their adaptation to a continuously changing environment requires management.

In the system of managing the social development of work collectives, the role and place of both economic, socio-organizational and motivational management methods increases many times over. And the principles of social development of the team, which are formed through the activities of leaders and the social entities led by them, organize and organize the work of management mechanisms.

In the structure of managing the development of the workforce, methods play a special role.

Management methods are certain norms, rules, methods, techniques of practical influence on the object of management. A method is a unique way to achieve the desired results.

But before a method or system of management methods arises, the subject of management is obliged to study the controlled object, in this case the personnel, to understand the connections and relationships that drive its development and, on the basis of this, formulate norms, rules, techniques , technologies for upcoming transformations.

Every team leader feels the need to use management methods. But not everyone, due to the peculiarities of their scientific training and social experience, can independently formulate them and present them as a system. However, the needs of management practices require management subjects to master open and described methods, test and enrich them with social practice.

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The specifics of production and reproduction of social relations in a team always require the development and implementation of innovative management methods. Modern theories of social management increasingly direct managers to the search and use of probabilistic methods, to the use in managing teams of the concept of behavioral uncertainty, variability of attitudes, and people’s values. Rapid and flexible reorientation of the activities of work collectives requires managers to create quickly responsive management mechanisms. Their arsenal includes those far from standard methods of encouraging team members to be creative, their adaptation to new conditions of social life. According to researchers, this is one of the most important management problems today.