
The term "parliament" comes from a Latin word and literally means "talking room", "interview", "serious conversation". The term "legislature" also comes from the Latin word "lex" - law. The first ancestors of parliaments appeared in the 12th-13th centuries. - Spanish Cortes and English Parliament.

The relevance of the chosen topic for the essay is due to the fact that in the last decade in Russia the political poles of power have been the President and the State Duma. The relationship between the head of state and elected bodies in Russia has always been contradictory. During the reign of the last autocrat of the Russian Empire, Nicholas II, a new state authority appeared - the State Duma.

The concept of “Federal Assembly” was first used in the draft Constitution of the Russian Federation prepared by the Constitutional Commission created by the First Congress of People's Deputies (known as O. Rumyantsev's project), where the Federal Assembly was understood as one of the chambers of the renewed parliament. According to Art. 87 of the draft, the updated Supreme Council was to consist of two chambers: the State Duma and the Federal Assembly. As a name not for one of the chambers, but for the parliament as a whole, the concept “Federal Assembly” was used in the Presidential draft of the new Constitution of the Russian Federation, prepared by S.S. Alekseev, S.M. Shakhrai and presented at the first meeting of the Constitutional Conference in May 1993. However, the legal basis for the real, practical creation of the Federal Assembly as the highest representative institution, the national parliament of the country was created by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 21, 1993 “On step-by-step constitutional reform in the Russian Federation " The decree was of decisive importance in the practical implementation of the proposals for the Federal Assembly.

The Decree stated: “To interrupt the exercise of legislative, administrative and control functions by the Congress of People's Deputies and the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation” and proposed to establish a new bicameral parliament - the Federal Assembly, consisting of the Federation Council and the State Duma.

I was interested in learning about the development of parliamentarism in Russia and comparing the Tsarist Duma with the current one. After all, it was the State Duma of the early twentieth century that was an important factor in political development and influenced many areas of political life. As you know, the main task of historical science is to, based on an objective analysis of identified factors, give an optimal forecast for the development of a particular phenomenon, and reveal the causes of certain phenomena in the present.

1 Concept, characteristics of parliaments, their classification

In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation on December 12, 1993: “The Federal Assembly - the Parliament of Russia - is the representative and legislative body of the Russian Federation” (Article 94).

Parliaments (legislatures), quasi-parliamentary institutions - as bodies that simultaneously carry out the functions of representing society and, at the same time, legislative functions - have been created in the vast majority of states of the modern world, regardless of the form of government and political regime: not only in constitutional, but also in absolute monarchies ; not only under democratic, but also emergency, military and revolutionary regimes. Experts believe that countries where there are no such institutions are rather an exception to the rule.

The official names used to designate the highest bodies of legislative power ... are extremely varied. As N. S. Krylova, a well-known Russian expert on constitutional law of foreign countries, writes: “The term “parliament” is most often used. The classic example is the British Parliament. Some constitutions use the term "legislature". Other names are also common: Federal Assembly in Switzerland, Congress - in the USA, Storting - in Norway, Althing - in Iceland, Cortes General - in Spain, Knesset - in Israel, People's Assembly - in Egypt, Supreme Council (Rada) - in Ukraine , National People's Congress1, etc. In Russia, as we see, according to the formula of the 1993 Constitution of the Russian Federation, a “double” name is used: Federal Assembly - the Parliament of Russia.

The term "parliament" comes from a Latin word and literally means "talking room", "interview", "serious conversation". The term "legislature" also comes from the Latin word "lex" - law. The first ancestors of parliaments appeared in the 12th-13th centuries. - Spanish Cortes and English Parliament. The expression “parliament” itself came into use around the same time. In England, which is considered the birthplace of parliament (where the first use of the concept of "parliament" arose), the word was originally used to name the afternoon conversation of monarchs. Later, this word in England began to mean any meetings with monarchs, and even later, periodic interviews (consultations) of the king with magnates “on the great affairs of the kingdom”2. At the same time, as the famous Russian statesman and professor of constitutional law A. A. Mishin noted: already in the XII-XIII centuries. Most often, the word “parliament” “means a permanent council of statesmen and judges, which received petitions, considered complaints and generally regulated the administration of justice.”3 Thus, historically, the concept of parliament has undergone significant evolution. Along with England, estate (estate-representative) institutions limiting the power of the monarch, but somewhat later in time arose in Poland, Hungary, France, Spain and other countries, where they also, in the process of evolution and revolutions, developed into representative institutions of the modern type or were replaced them.4

However, the models of legislative institutions operating in modern states are not homogeneous; not all of them are parliaments. In particular, the legislative bodies of socialist states are not parliamentary-type entities. Thus, the bodies of state (legislative) power in the USSR and the RSFSR were not parliaments. Moreover, as one of the authors of the well-known series of textbooks “Constitutional (state) law of foreign countries” B. A. Strashun and V. A. Ryzhov note: “The socialist concept of state and democracy avoided even the term “parliament”, because the founders of Marxism-Leninism , especially by V.I. Lenin, this institution was denounced on all sides as a virtually powerless talking shop designed to “deceive the common people”5. The National People's Congress, the legislative body in the People's Republic of China, is not a parliament either, since “in reality, the decisions of such bodies only give state formality to the decisions of narrow governing bodies (the Politburo, central committees) of the communist parties. Finally, “in developing countries, especially in Africa and Asia, parliaments, even in cases where they are formally built on the model of developed Western countries, in fact are usually also powerless, register the decisions of extra-parliamentary centers of genuine power,” i.e. they are not parliamentary entities according to its essence6. In all of these cases, the use of the term “parliament” to designate the highest representative body is possible only for the purposes of practical convenience, as an element of technology, but in essence such word usage is very conditional.7

A qualifying feature of parliament is that, as in court, in the activities of parliament, unlike executive authorities, the rules of due process must be strictly observed. Such a specific procedural form of parliamentary activity is the legislative process, all stages of which are clearly described in the law (parliamentary rules of procedure), and the most important stages - legislative initiative, voting on a bill - are, as a rule, defined in the state constitution. The legislative function is the main, but not the only function of parliaments. Along with legislative functions, parliaments also carry out control functions. The minimum parliamentary control is budgetary and financial control.

Different scientific positions reflect different ways of defining the scope and nature of the legislative competence of parliaments and indicate the need to distinguish between the concepts of “relatively limited competence” and “relatively defined competence”. Therefore, along with the three mentioned above, we can talk about another, fourth, model of organizing parliaments - about parliaments with relatively defined competence. The differentiation of parliaments into such types as: with absolutely unlimited, absolutely limited and relatively limited competence takes into account the difference in the scope of competence of parliaments. And the identification of parliaments with relatively specific competence is associated with a new idea - about the situationally and over time changing boundaries of parliamentary competence. Therefore, the same state can fall into different classification groups (for example, both the third and the fourth).

Parliaments with relatively defined competence are characterized by the following features. With this model of parliamentary organization, at least three lists of powers in the legislative sphere are enshrined in the state constitution: the Federation, its subjects, and the third sphere - joint jurisdiction or competing competence. On this third list of issues, laws can be issued by both the federal parliament and the parliaments of the constituent entities of the federation. Thus, the federal Parliament has not only a sphere of its exclusive jurisdiction, but also a sphere of legislative powers, which it shares with the parliaments of the constituent entities of the Federation. Hence the “sliding” relative certainty of the competence of both the federal parliament and the parliaments of the constituent entities of the Federation.

2 History of the formation of parliamentarism in pre-revolutionary Russia

In January-February 1905, the first Russian revolution began in Russia (1905-1907). It demonstrated that the autocratic period in the history of the Russian state is ending and the period of practical constitutionalization and parliamentarization of the country begins. The first, initially moderate steps towards parliamentarization were associated with the adoption by Nicholas II of documents dated August 6, 1905: “The Highest Manifesto on the Establishment of the State Duma”, “The Law on the Establishment of the State Duma” and “Regulations on Elections to the State Duma”. However, these acts established the status of the State Duma as a legislative advisory body under the monarch. As experts note: “The manifesto on the establishment of the Duma announced that the highest state institutions would include a special legislative institution,” but at the same time, “... the Basic Law of the Russian Empire on the essence of autocratic power remains inviolable”8. In addition, the documents of August 6, 1905 on the elections contained a lot of restrictions and qualification requirements that prevented wide circles of Russian society from taking part even in such a powerless State Duma.

The State Council was supposed to function in tandem with the State Duma. The status of a legislative body under the monarch was given to the State Council on the date of its creation - in 1810. The manifesto of August 6, 1905 only confirmed this status of the State Council.

The starting point for the formation of parliamentarism in Russia was the Highest Manifesto, signed by Tsar Nicholas II on October 17, 1905 “On the improvement of public order” and a number of acts developing the provisions of the Manifesto and also approved by the emperor’s decrees of December 1905-1906: Decree of December 11 1905 “On changing the Regulations on elections to the State Duma (dated August 6, 1905) and the legislation issued in addition to it”, Manifesto of February 20, 1906 “On changing the establishment of the State Council and on revising the establishment of the State Duma”, Decree of February 20, 1906 “Establishment of the State Duma” (new edition), etc.

The rights in legislative activities of not only the State Duma, but also the State Council were expanded. The State Council, like the State Duma, was also vested with legislative, rather than advisory, powers. Characterizing the organization of the State Duma and the State Council of Russia in the model of the Manifesto of October 17, 1905 and the Decrees of Nicholas II of February 20, 1906... “many experts express the opinion that they were, as it were, chambers of the Bicameral Parliament, that the Manifesto and Decrees of February 20, 1906 “turned the State Council, essentially, into the second chamber of the Russian parliament.”9 Although this cannot be said with absolute categoricality, since officially these were two independent state bodies.


In accordance with the Highest Manifesto “On changing the establishment of the State Council and revising the establishment of the State Duma” (dated February 20, 1906), the principles of the formation of the State Council were radically changed: if previously “it consisted mainly of elderly dignitaries of the empire who had retired from active government activities “10 then, according to the Decree of February 20, the transformed State Council consisted of two categories of members: not only those appointed by the monarch, but also elected. There were five categories of elected members of the State Council: elected by the Synod from the Orthodox clergy (6 members); elected from the Academy of Sciences and universities (6 members); elected representatives from industry and trade (12 people); elected from each provincial zemstvo assembly (1 member); elected from noble societies (18 members)11. The addition of an elected part to the State Council provided it with the quality of a body of social representation. In this regard, let us pay attention, however, that the chairman of the State Council was appointed by the emperor from the unelected part of the members of the Council (Article 3 of Chapter I of the Emperor’s Decree of February 20, 1906 “0 reorganization of the establishment of the State Council”).

Changes were also made to the State Duma election procedure. In pursuance of the Manifesto I October 7, 1905, in 1905 - 1906. a number of decrees were issued that introduced significant changes and additions to the Election Regulations of August 6, 1905. The most important among them was the royal decree of December 11, 1905 “On amending the Regulations on elections to the State Duma and the legislation issued in addition to it” . In fact, the Regulations of December 11, 1905 became the second (after the Regulations of August 6, 1905) legislative act on the electoral procedure, in accordance with which “elections to the First and Second State Dumas were held.”12

According to experts (0. I. Chistyakov): “The new law did not differ from the previous one in any significant way.”13 Significant restrictions on the principle of universal suffrage still remained: as in the Regulations of August 6, 1905, property qualifications were fixed for elections Women, young people under 25, military personnel and people leading a nomadic lifestyle were not allowed. The decree of December 11, 1905 also provided for a curial system of elections, separating each estate into an independent curia. However, the innovation was that to the three curiae (landowner, urban and peasant), another one was added - the workers' curia. Similar to the Regulations on the Elections of August 6, and the Decree of December 11, 1905, unequal standards of representation from the curiae were consolidated: the advantage of the curiae of large landowners and the large urban bourgeoisie was ensured. According to O. I. Chistyakov’s calculations: “... one vote of the landowner was equal to three votes of peasants and forty-five votes of working voters.”14

Nevertheless, large representation in the State Duma was also ensured for the peasantry (45% of seats in the Duma)15, which was explained primarily by socio-demographic reasons, since the peasantry made up a significant part of the Russian population of that period. As O.I. Chistyakov notes: while allowing broad representation of the peasantry in the State Duma, “the authors of the electoral laws were... in error: they hoped for the conservative and monarchical attitudes of the peasantry. Count A.A. Bobrinsky, in harmony with some other participants in the Peterhof meetings, said: “All the waves of eloquence of the advanced elements will break against the stable wall of conservative peasants.” The history of the First and Second State Dumas refuted these illusions.”16

The regulations on elections to the State Duma, approved by the Decree of Nicholas II of December 11, 1905, as well as the Regulations of August 6, 1905, provided for multi-level elections, and a different number of levels was established for each curia. The following were preserved: two-level elections for large landowners and bourgeois and four-level elections for peasants; For the new electoral curia - the workers - three-stage elections were introduced.

Many modern experts note that the system of relations between the State Council and the State Duma was built on the model of organizing the upper and lower houses of a bicameral parliament, although the formally analyzed legislation provided for equal rights of the Duma and the Council.17

Signs of the State Council as the “upper house” of parliament 11 were revealed in its following powers:

Bills adopted by the State Duma acquired the force of law only after their approval by the State Council;

The State Council had the right of veto over bills adopted by the Duma. This “veto” did not need confirmation from the emperor: the decisions of the Duma rejected by the State Council were not presented to the tsar; that is, the “veto” of the State Council was absolute (in this regard, the State Council exceeded the level of powers of the upper houses of classical parliaments);

It was the chairman of the State Council (and not the chairman of the Duma) who introduced bills adopted by both chambers at the discretion of the emperor (Article 14 of Chapter II of the Decree of February 29, 1906 “On the reorganization of the establishment of the State Council”).

As for the powers of the Russian parliament itself - the State Duma, they were limited to: firstly, the State Council; secondly, in terms of subject matter. Thus, in accordance with the Decree of February 20, 1906 “Establishment of the State Duma” (Chapter V), the Duma did not have the authority to implement constitutional reform: it did not have the right “even to raise the issue of changing the Basic State Laws”18. Among the most important powers of the State Duma (in the model of acts of February 20, 1906), O. I. Chistyakov notes: “budgetary rights, as well as some issues related to the construction of railways and the establishment of joint-stock companies and the right of Duma deputies to make requests to representatives of the administration."19

The pinnacle of development of legislation on the State Duma, established under the pressure of the first Russian revolution of 1905-1907. The Basic State Laws of the Russian Empire of April 23, 1906, approved by the Decree of Nicholas II, also became. Now the circle of supporters of the position is expanding that the Basic State Laws of April 23, 1906 can be qualified as the first Russian Constitution - although they were not officially called a constitution.

The Basic State Laws formulated the concept of Parliament, “built-in” into a specific mechanism of “separation of powers”. The peculiarity of this mechanism of “separation of powers” ​​stemmed from the fact that the Constitution itself was granted (octroied) by the Russian Emperor on April 23, 1906, so it did not deny the principle of autocracy.

In the basic state laws of April 1906, an attempt was made to combine the principle of autocracy with the principle of “separation of powers”:

Thus, the preamble of the Basic State Laws of 1906 spoke of the delimitation of the area belonging to the monarch “inseparably the power of the supreme government from the legislative power” (Part 3 of the preamble). Obviously, here we are talking about the distinction between constituent and legislative powers.

In the preamble and in Art. 4 of the Basic State Laws it was said about the “supreme autocratic power” that belongs inseparably to the emperor (the power of supreme state administration).

In the preamble and in Art. 7 also called “legislative power”, which is exercised by the “sovereign-emperor... in unity with the State Council and the State Duma.”

Thus, the monarch confirmed that he renounces the monopoly in legislative activity and recognizes the State Council and the State Duma as two more legislative bodies to which he transfers part of his powers in the legislative sphere.

In addition to participating in the parliamentary legislative process, the monarch, according to the Basic State Laws of April 23, 1906, had the authority to make independent laws. We note two aspects here. Firstly, as indicated, the Basic State Laws (i.e., constitutional laws) were subject to change only at the “initiative” (initiative) of the emperor. Secondly, the monarch, in individual cases, could issue normative acts (decrees) on issues within the competence of parliamentary regulation. However, this rule-making activity of the emperor could only be carried out “during the cessation of the State Duma” caused by emergency circumstances. In addition, acts of rule-making activity of the monarch on issues falling under the jurisdiction of Parliament had to be confirmed by the State Duma after the resumption of its work, otherwise their effect was terminated. Thus, the Russian monarch, in accordance with the Basic State Law of April 23, 1906, retained fairly broad powers, although in the sphere of exercising legislative power they were no longer absolute, but limited.

As for the mechanisms of their formation, these legislative bodies differed from each other. The State Council consisted of two categories of persons: up to 1/2 of its composition were “members by highest appointment”, at least 1/2 were members of the Council by choice (Article 58 of the Basic State Laws). Fixed terms of stay in the State Council were not established. The State Duma was formed only from members elected by the population of the Russian Empire; The duration of their registration was set at 5 years (Article 59). The elected members of the State Council and the State Duma in its entirety could be dissolved before the expiration of their term of office (Articles 62, 63). The Basic State Laws did not establish on what grounds the monarch had the right to dissolve elected legislative bodies. That is, theoretically, he could do this completely arbitrarily. The monarch's arbitrariness on the issue of early termination of the powers of elected members of the State Council and the State Duma was limited only by his duty to issue a decree calling new elections to these bodies.

3 History of the formation of the Soviet system as bodies of state power in socialist Russia

In their historical development, the Soviets went through two main stages. The Soviets first emerged as a mass political organization of working people - this was the period of the first Russian revolution of 1905 - 1907. The first Soviets arose as organs of the strike struggle of the proletariat, as Soviets of Workers' Deputies, that is, they were created mainly on the production principle. The Soviets led the armed uprising of the proletariat against the autocracy. According to the definition of the founder of the Soviet socialist state, V.I. Lenin: “The Councils of Workers’ Deputies of 1905, despite all their infancy, spontaneity, lack of formalization, vagueness in composition and functioning, acted as power,” through the Soviets the proletariat exercised its hegemony in the first Russian revolution. However, while leading the revolution of 1905 - 1907. The councils of workers' deputies increasingly grew into organs of general revolutionary struggle, since they put forward the goals of not only the proletarian, but also the bourgeois-democratic revolution: not only the demand for an 8-hour working day, but also for a democratic republic; universal, equal, direct suffrage by secret ballot.

The second stage in the development of the Soviets was the period from February to October 1917. In the very first days of the February revolution, the Soviets re-emerged as bodies of revolutionary power. Unlike the Soviets of 1905, which were created only in large cities and industrial centers, the Soviets of 1905 began to be formed everywhere. Not only the Soviets of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies, but also the Soviets of Peasants' Deputies became widespread. A new phenomenon in the development of the Soviet form was the creation of territorial associations of Soviets, organized on the scale of individual territorial units.


Another step in the formation of the Soviets in February - October 1917 was associated with the creation of their All-Russian associations, as a result of which two centers for organizing the Soviets were established. On May 4-28, 1917, the unification of the Soviets of Peasant Deputies on an All-Russian scale took place: the first All-Russian Congress of Peasant Deputies took place in Petrograd. It elected the Executive Committee of the All-Russian Congress of Soviets of Peasant Deputies (VTsIK). And on June 3-4, 1917, also in Petrograd, the first All-Russian Congress of Soviets of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies was held, which elected its All-Russian Central Executive Committee. Of decisive importance for the prospect of transforming the Soviets from revolutionary public organizations into bodies of state power in Russia during the socialist period was the fact of strengthening the position of the Bolshevik Communist Party (RCP(b)) of Russia in the Soviets. It didn't happen right away. Thus, at the First All-Russian Congress of Soviets of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies (June 1917), the majority were Socialist Revolutionaries and Mensheviks. At the Extraordinary (November 10-25, 1917) and the Second All-Russian (November 26-December 10, 1917) Congresses of Peasant Deputies, the majority of deputies were representatives from the Socialist Revolutionaries (left, right Socialist Revolutionaries and centrist Socialist Revolutionaries). The decisive step towards the Bolshevization of the Soviets was the Second All-Russian Congress of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies. It began its work on October 25, 1917. In parallel with the practical testing of the idea of ​​the Soviets, the practice of the idea of ​​the Constituent Assembly also developed. But in the elections to the Constituent Assembly, the Bolsheviks did not have such high success; the Socialist Revolutionaries enjoyed more support. But in the elections to the Constituent Assembly held on November 12, 1917, 58% of all voters voted “for” the Socialist Revolutionaries, 27.6% for the Socialist Democrats (of which 25% were for the Bolsheviks, 2.6% for the Mensheviks), for cadets - 13% .20

In this regard, immediately after the elections to the Constituent Assembly on December 2, 1917, V.I. Lenin for the first time declared the preference of the Soviets rather than the Constituent Assembly. The reason is easy to see: because the RSDLP (b) had an advantage in the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the Soviets of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies, but found itself in the minority in the Constituent Assembly. To recognize the Constituent Assembly meant for her to transfer power to another party. In a speech on December 2, 1917, V.I. Lenin stated: “The Soviets are above all parties, all Constituent Assemblies.”21 Opposition parties demonstrated a readiness to compromise. Thus, at the congress of the Socialist Revolutionary Party - the Socialist Revolutionary Party (SRP), held from November 6 to December 5, 1917, a resolution was adopted on the Socialist Revolutionary model of Russian democracy in the form of a combination of the Constituent Assembly and Soviets. At the Congress “it was emphasized that the Soviets must be strengthened as powerful class organizations of the working people. The role of the Socialist Revolutionary Party as a constructive opposition force in relation to the ruling regime was also defined. During the work of the Constituent Assembly, it was intended to counter the Bolshevik method of issuing “impossible promises” with the tactics of serious legislative creativity.”22

On January 5, 1918, the first (and last) meeting of the Constituent Assembly opened. It adopted the law on land and the decree on peace and government, which proclaimed Russia the Russian Democratic Federative Republic. The Constituent Assembly refused to discuss the Bolshevik-proposed “Declaration of the Rights of the Working and Exploited People” (written by Lenin). As a result, even before any other discussions, the Bolsheviks left the Tauride Palace. And “in the morning, an armed guard asked the delegates to leave the meeting room. The meeting was dissolved."23

Thus, the Soviets received the prospect of becoming the only bodies of representative power in Russia. After the dissolution of the Constituent Assembly, measures were taken to unite the city and village Soviets. First, the Central Executive Committees of the two types of Councils were united into a single All-Russian Executive Committee of Councils. And on January 23 (13), 1918, the united All-Russian Congress of Workers', Soldiers' and Peasants' Deputies took place. In the same way, the regional, provincial and district Soviets united. As a result, a unified system of Soviets of workers, soldiers and peasants' deputies arose.

4 History of the establishment of the Federal Assembly as the Parliament of the Russian Federation of the post-Soviet post-socialist period

The concept of “Federal Assembly” was first used in the draft Constitution of the Russian Federation prepared by the Constitutional Commission created by the First Congress of People's Deputies (known as O. Rumyantsev's project), where the Federal Assembly was understood as one of the chambers of the renewed parliament. According to Art. 87 of the draft, the updated Supreme Council was to consist of two chambers: the State Duma and the Federal Assembly.24 As the name not of one of the chambers, but of the parliament as a whole, the concept “Federal Assembly” was used in the Presidential draft of the new Constitution of the Russian Federation, prepared by S. S. Alekseev , S. M. Shakhrai25 and presented at the first meeting of the Constitutional Conference in May 1993. However, the legal basis for the real, practical creation of the Federal Assembly as the highest representative institution, the national parliament of the country was created by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 21, 1993 “On the phased constitutional reform in the Russian Federation." The decree was of decisive importance in the practical implementation of the proposals for the Federal Assembly.

The Decree stated: “To interrupt the exercise of legislative, administrative and control functions by the Congress of People’s Deputies and the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation” and proposed to establish a new bicameral parliament - the Federal Assembly, consisting of the Federation Council and the State Duma.26

The status of the Federation Council and the State Duma was initially regulated by the “Regulations on Federal Authorities for the Transitional Period,” which was put into effect by the said Presidential Decree of September 21, 1993 (No. 1400).27

However, the Federation Council on the date of adoption of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 21, 1993 was actually a functioning institution. Therefore, with regard to the Federation Council, the novelty was that its status was transformed, now it was given the quality of the House of Parliament. Thus, the State Duma was to become a completely new institution. The Decree stated: “Give the Federation Council the functions of the chamber of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation with all the powers provided for by the Regulations “On Federal Bodies of Government for the Transitional Period.” Establish that the implementation of these provisions begins by the Federation Council after elections to the State Duma are held.”

So, the Federation Council, unlike the State Duma, began its existence not as a chamber of the Federal Assembly, but as an independent body. The first mention of the Federation Council appeared in the Resolution of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR “On the Federative Treaty” dated July 17, 1990.28 According to this Resolution, to implement the decisions of the First Congress of People's Deputies, to profoundly transform the entire Russian Federation and to organize work on the preparation of the Federative Treaty between the RSFSR and its subjects, among other measures, planned the creation of a Federation Council “in the number of 63 people consisting of the Chairman of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR, chairmen of the Supreme Councils of the autonomous republics, chairmen of the Councils of People's Deputies (SND) of autonomous regions and autonomous districts and 31 representatives from territories, regions and cities of republican subordination, determined by the Chairman of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR."

On January 30, 1991, the Resolution of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR “On the Regulations of the Federation Council of the RSFSR”29 was issued, in which the Federation Council was defined as a slightly narrower board, including: the Chairman of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR (Chairman of the Federation Council), Chairmen of the Supreme Councils of the republics included members of the RSFSR, chairmen of the SND of autonomous regions and districts, regional, regional, Moscow and Leningrad city SND “The resolution also stated that: “The Federation Council is a coordinating body. The main directions of his activity: establishment and development of federal relations; discussion of the most important bills in the field of government and interethnic relations; identification and coordination of the main directions of socio-economic policy; development of a common position in relation to the Union Treaty; ensuring the participation of the subjects of the Federation in the implementation of constitutional provisions on the national-state structure of the RSFSR; development of recommendations for resolving interethnic and territorial disputes; giving specific conclusions on the inclusion of new entities in Federative relations.”

On October 23, 1992, the Order of the President of the Russian Federation was issued on the creation of an even narrower board of the Council of Heads of Republics, i.e., it included only heads of republics. It said: “Accept the proposal of the heads of the republics on the formation of the Council of Heads of the Republics, chaired by the President of the Russian Federation, in order to develop the basic principles for the implementation of the Federal Treaty and public administration of the Russian Federation on the basis of its new Constitution, agreed decisions to ensure the territorial integrity and state independence of Russia.”30 It was approved Regulations on the Council of Heads of Republics and Regulations of the Council of Heads of Republics.

The proposal of the President of the Russian Federation to abolish the Congress and the Supreme Council and transition to a new parliament, set out in the Decree of September 21, 1993, was accepted during the preparation of the draft of the new Constitution of the Russian Federation, adopted in a referendum on December 12, 1993.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation on December 12, 1993 states that the parliament of Russia is the Federal Assembly, consisting of two chambers - the Federation Council and the State Duma.


In conclusion, the following conclusions can be drawn:

The official names used to designate the highest bodies of legislative power are extremely diverse. As N. S. Krylova, a well-known Russian expert on constitutional law of foreign countries, writes: “The term “parliament” is most often used. The classic example is the British Parliament. Some constitutions use the term "legislature". Other names are also common: Federal Assembly in Switzerland, Congress - in the USA, Storting - in Norway, Althing - in Iceland, Cortes General - in Spain, Knesset - in Israel, People's Assembly - in Egypt, Supreme Council (Rada) - in Ukraine , National People's Congress, etc. In Russia, as we see, according to the formula of the 1993 Constitution of the Russian Federation, a “double” name is used: Federal Assembly, Parliament of Russia.

However, the models of legislative institutions operating in modern states are not homogeneous; not all of them are parliaments. In particular, the legislative bodies of socialist states are not parliamentary-type entities. Thus, the bodies of state (legislative) power in the USSR and the RSFSR were not parliaments. Moreover, as one of the authors of the well-known series of textbooks “Constitutional (state) law of foreign countries” B. A. Strashun and V. A. Ryzhov note: “The socialist concept of state and democracy avoided even the term “parliament”, because the founders of Marxism-Leninism , especially by V.I. Lenin, this institution was denounced on all sides as a virtually powerless talking shop designed to “cheat the common people.” The National People's Congress, the legislative body in the People's Republic of China, is not a parliament either, since “in reality, the decisions of such bodies only give state formality to the decisions of narrow governing bodies (the Politburo, central committees) of the communist parties. Finally, “in developing countries, especially in Africa and Asia, parliaments, even in cases where they are formally built on the model of developed Western countries, in fact are usually also powerless, register the decisions of extra-parliamentary centers of genuine power,” i.e. they are not parliamentary entities according to its essence. In all of these cases, the use of the term “parliament” to designate the highest representative body is possible only for the purposes of practical convenience, as an element of technology, but in essence such word usage is very conditional.

The concept of “Federal Assembly” was first used in the draft Constitution of the Russian Federation prepared by the Constitutional Commission created by the First Congress of People's Deputies (known as O. Rumyantsev's project), where the Federal Assembly was understood as one of the chambers of the renewed parliament. According to Art. 87 of the draft, the updated Supreme Council was to consist of two chambers: the State Duma and the Federal Assembly.


The status of the Federation Council and the State Duma was initially regulated by the “Regulations on Federal Authorities for the Transitional Period,” which was put into effect by the said Presidential Decree of September 21, 1993 (No. 1400).

However, the Federation Council on the date of adoption of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 21, 1993 was actually a functioning institution. Therefore, with regard to the Federation Council, the novelty was that its status was transformed, now it was given the quality of the House of Parliament. Thus, the State Duma was to become a completely new institution.


Hesse K. Fundamentals of constitutional law of Germany. M., 1994. P. 90.

Ostrogorsky M. L. Democracy and political parties. T. II. M... 20080. P. 252.

Yudin Yu.A. Political parties and law in a modern state. M.: 1998

Foreign legislation on political pariahs. P. 151.

Essays on parliamentary law (foreign experience). M., 1993.

Gazette of the Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR and the Supreme Council of the RSFSR. 1990. No. 2. Art. 22.

Gazette of the Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR and the Supreme Council of the RSFSR. 1991. No. 35. Art. 1164.

Federal Law “On Political Parties” dated July 11, 2007

Reforming Russia: myths and reality. M, 1994. P. 54

Golovkov A. Russian political theater: without extras there are no soloists // Izvestia. 1996. March 2

First Lady in a Robe // Figures and Faces. Supplement to Nezavisimaya Gazeta. 1998. March No. 5. P.10.

Collection of acts of the President and Government of the Russian Federation. 1993. No. 41. Article 3907

Electoral law: materials for discussion. M, 1993.

Vedeneev Yu. Political parties in the electoral process // Trust. 1995. No. 3-4. P. 10.

Power and democracy. Foreign scientists about political science. M., 1992. P.96.

Elections to the State Duma. M., 1995. P. 33

Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation. 1997. No. 38.

Test on the topic:

Option 1

    The proposal to organize a procession to the Tsar in January 1905 was put forward by: a) Milyukov b) Guchkov c) Gapon d) Chernov

A) convene the State Duma; b) provide peasants with land; c) adopt the Constitution; d) establish democracy in Russia

3. the social meaning of Stolypin’s agrarian reform was to: a) disperse peasants into farmsteads; b) create a wide layer of small and medium-sized owners; c) distract the peasants from the revolution; d) develop and populate underdeveloped territories.

A) preservation of landownership;

C) strengthening communal land tenure;

A) V.I. Lenin 1. KDP

B) P. N. Milyukov 2. P.S.R.

C) L. Martov 3. RSDLP (b)

D) A. I. Guchkov 4. RSDLP (m)

G) V. M. Chernov

6. Determine which party owned the following solution to the agrarian question: “Redemption at the expense of the state and transfer of part of the landowners’ lands to the peasants”? A) KDP B) P.S.R.

7. Which party resolved the issue of government structure as follows: “A socialist republic with the right of nations to self-determination through the dictatorship of the proletariat”?

8. Which party used terror as a method of struggle? A) KDP

10. Which State Duma was called “red”?

A) I Duma; B) II Duma; B) III Duma; D) IV Duma

Test on the topic:

“Russian multi-party system and parliamentarism of the early twentieth century”

Option 2

    the workers' petition, which they carried on January 9, 1905, contained demands: a) economic and political; b) economic; B) political; d) household plan.

    Russians first received freedom of speech, press, and street processions: a) February 19, 1861; b) after the overthrow of the king; c) after the October Revolution of 1917; d) October 17, 1905

4. the social meaning of Stolypin’s agrarian reform was to: a) disperse peasants into farmsteads; b) create a wide layer of small and medium-sized owners; c) distract the peasants from the revolution; d) develop and populate underdeveloped territories.

5. Distribute party leaders:

A) G. V. Plekhanov 1. KDP

B) P. N. Milyukov 2. P.S.R.

B) A. I. Guchkov 3. RSDLP (b)

D) L. Martov 4. RSDLP (m)

E) V. M. Chernov 6. Union of the Russian People

G) V. I. Lenin

6. Determine which party owned the following solution to the agrarian question: “Socialization of the land”

A) KDP B) P.S.R. B) RSDLP (b)

7. Which party resolved the issue of government structure as follows: “Constitutional monarchy or republic, self-government for Poland and Finland, cultural autonomy for other peoples of the empire”?

8. Which party used pogroms as a method of struggle? A) KDP

10. Which State Duma had the majority of cadets?

Test on the topic:

“Russian multi-party system and parliamentarism of the early twentieth century”

Option 3

    The proposal to organize a procession to the Tsar in January 1905 was put forward by: a) Chernov b) Gapon c) Guchkov d) Milyukov

A) provide peasants with land; b) convene the State Duma; c) establish democracy in Russia d) adopt a Constitution;

3. the social meaning of Stolypin’s agrarian reform was to: a) create a wide layer of small and medium-sized owners; b) develop and populate underdeveloped territories. c) distract the peasants from the revolution; d) disperse peasants to farms;

4. The Stolypin agrarian reform actually provided for

A) strengthening communal land tenure;

B) abolition of landownership;

C) preservation of landownership;

D) transfer of arable land for rent.

5. Distribute party leaders:

A) V. M. Chernov 1. KDP

B) L. Martov 2. P.S.R.

C) P. N. Milyukov 3. RSDLP (b)

D) A. I. Guchkov 4. RSDLP (m)

E) V. M. Purishkevich 6. Union of the Russian People

G) V. I. Lenin

6. Determine which party owned the following solution to the agrarian question: “Liquidation of the peasant community”

A) KDP B) P.S.R. B) RSDLP (b)

7. Which party solved the issue of government structure as follows: “Democratic republic of the federal type”?

8. Which party proposed the dictatorship of the proletariat as a transition to a republic? A) KDP B) P.S.R. B) RSDLP; D) Union of the Russian People; D) Union October 17

9. Decipher the abbreviation: A) KDP; B) RSDLP (b)

10. Which State Duma was not dissolved, but served its entire term? A) I Duma; B) II Duma; B) III Duma; D) IV Duma

“Russian multi-party system and parliamentarism of the early twentieth century”

Option 4

    The workers' petition, which they carried on January 9, 1905, contained demands for: a) a living plan; b) economic; B) economic and political; d) political

    Russians first received freedom of speech, press, and street processions: a) February 19, 1861; b) after the overthrow of the king; c) November 9, 1906; d) October 17, 1905

    The policy of accelerated destruction of the community is associated with:

A) with an attempt to create a class of small and medium-sized owners; b) with the severity of the agrarian question;

C) with accelerating the development of sparsely populated lands;

D) with the fact that the common life of the peasants makes the work of the revolutionaries easier.

4. The social meaning of Stolypin’s agrarian reform was to: a) create a wide layer of small and medium-sized owners; b) disperse the peasants among the farms; c) develop and populate underdeveloped territories; d) distract the peasants from the revolution;

5. Distribute party leaders:

A) L. Martov 1. KDP

B) V. M. Chernov 2. P.S.R.

C) P. N. Milyukov 3. RSDLP (b)

D) A. I. Guchkov 4. RSDLP (m)

E) G. V. Plekhanov 6. Union of the Russian People

G) V. I. Lenin

6. Determine which party owned the following solution to the agrarian question: “Transfer of land into the ownership of the state, which provides it for use by the peasants”

A) KDP B) P.S.R. B) RSDLP (b)

7. Which party solved the issue of government structure like this: “Constitutional monarchy. Unitary state?

8. Which party used pogroms as a method of struggle? A) P.S.R.

9. Decipher the abbreviation: A) P.S.R.; B) RSDLP (m)

10. Which State Duma had a majority of leftist parties?

A) in the First Duma; B) in the Second Duma; B) in the III Duma; D) in the IV Duma

    Describe the program and activities of the RSDLP?

    Describe the activities of the First State Duma.

    Describe the program and activities of the KDP?

    Describe the activities of the Second State Duma.

    Describe the program and activities of P.S.R.?

    Describe the reason, essence and results of the Stolypin reform (changes in forms of land use and land tenure)

    Describe the activities of the Third State Duma.

    Describe the reason, essence and results of the Stolypin reform (settlement policy)

    Describe the activities of the IV State Duma.

History test The formation of Russian parliamentarism, grade 11 with answers. The test consists of 2 options, each option has 2 parts (part A - 4 tasks, part B - 1 task).

1 option

A1. The introduction of the estate-curial system of elections to the First State Duma was explained by the desire of tsarism:

1) abolish the class system
2) make elections direct and secret
3) liquidate the State Council
4) ensure the dominance of landowners in the Duma

A2. The State Duma in the Russian Empire had jurisdiction over:

1) approval of the state budget
2) leadership of the Armed Forces
3) introduction of martial law
4) declaration of war and peace

A3. As a result of the First Russian Revolution in Russia:

1) redemption payments were canceled
2) wealth inequality has disappeared
3) a two-party political system emerged
4) landownership was liquidated


It would seem that the Lord God himself... welcomed the reconciliation of the tsar and the people: on April 27, the opening day of the First State Duma, the weather in St. Petersburg was extremely good: not a cloud in the sky. The newspaper “Rech” prophesied: “History will preserve the bright memory of this bright hour in the history of the Russian people...”

1) 1894
2) 1904
3) 1906
4) 1907

IN 1. What factions existed in the First State Duma? Circle two

1) Social Revolutionaries
2) cadets
3) Trudoviks
4) Bolsheviks
5) Black Hundreds

Option 2

A1. The vesting of the State Council with legislative functions in 1906 was caused by the desire of the authorities:

1) limit autocracy
2) abolish landlordism
3) weaken the position of the State Duma
4) create a new code of laws of the Russian Empire

A2. The majority of seats in the First State Duma were received by:

A3. Contemporaries called the publication of the manifesto on June 3 about changing the procedure for elections to the State Duma a coup d’etat, because:

1) the order of succession to the throne has changed
2) the property qualification for the Duma elections was abolished
3) The Duma became a legislative body
4) new laws could only be adopted with the approval of the Duma

A4. When did the event in question occur?

From all over great Russia, assurances of boundless devotion to your person and expressions of great joy on the occasion of the publication of the manifesto on June 3 are flying to the foot of your throne. Russia applauds the coup you accomplished...

1) 1894
2) 1904
3) 1905
4) 1907

IN 1. What are the results of the First Russian Revolution? Circle two numbers corresponding to the correct answers and write them in the indicated place without additional symbols.

1) abolition of the class system
2) proclamation of freedom of speech
3) the disappearance of national oppression
4) the emergence of a bicameral parliament
5) restriction of landownership

Answers to the history test The formation of Russian parliamentarism, grade 11
1 option
IN 1. 23
Option 2
IN 1. 24

The first semblance of parliament in Russia were legislative bodies - the Boyar Duma of the 16th-17th centuries, the council of associates of Peter I, the “circle of young friends of the emperor” under Alexander I.

As a result of the zemstvo reform of Alexander II, unique provincial parliaments-zemstvos appeared, which had legislative deliberative rights. But the emperor was categorically against the creation of an all-Russian zemstvo, seeing this as a limitation of the principles of autocracy.

However, due to the intensification of terror, Alexander II, who believed that the zemstvos were loyal to state power, issued an order to join the assembly of zemstvo representatives to the State Council.

This meeting was supposed to have only a legislative character, but later it could become a full-fledged parliament. The plans were interrupted by the assassination of Alexander II in March 1881.

The next emperor, Alexander III, pursued a policy of counter-reforms in order to strengthen the autocracy.

Nicholas II, who came to power in 1894, continued his father’s policies.

However, in January-February 1905, the first Russian revolution began in Russia (1905-1907). It demonstrated that the autocratic period in the history of the Russian state is ending and the period of practical constitutionalization and parliamentarization of the country begins.

The first, at first moderate, steps towards parliamentarization were associated with the adoption by Nicholas II of documents dated August 6, 1905: “The Highest Manifesto on the Establishment of the State Duma”, “The Law on the Establishment of the State Duma” and “Regulations on Elections to the State Duma”.

However, these acts established the status of the State Duma as a legislative advisory body under the monarch.

In addition, the documents of August 6, 1905 on the elections contained a lot of restrictions and qualification requirements that prevented wide circles of Russian society from taking part in the work of even such a powerless Duma.

The State Council was supposed to function in tandem with the State Duma. The status of a legislative body under the monarch was given to the State Council at the time of its creation - in 1810. The manifesto of August 6, 1905 only confirmed this status.

The starting point for the formation of parliamentarism in Russia was the Highest Manifesto, signed by Tsar Nicholas II on October 17, 1905, “On the improvement of the state order” and a whole series of acts developing the provisions of the Manifesto and also approved by the emperor’s decrees, issued in 1905-1906: Decree of 11 December 1905 “On amending the Regulations on elections to the State Duma (dated August 6, 1905) and the legislation issued in addition to it,” Manifesto of February 20, 1906 “On amending the establishment of the State Council and revising the establishment of the State Duma” , Decree of February 20, 1906 “Establishment of the State Duma” (new edition), etc.

The Manifesto of October 17, 1905 occupies a special place among these documents. It said: “To establish as an unshakable rule that no law can take effect without the approval of the State Duma, and that those elected by the people are provided with the opportunity to truly participate in monitoring the regularity of the actions of the authorities appointed by us.”

This meant that the State Duma was transformed from a legislative body into a legislative one. The rights in legislative activities of not only the State Duma, but also the State Council were expanded. He, like the State Duma, was also endowed with legislative, rather than advisory, powers.


  • Tests with answers on the history of Belarus (Crib)
  • Tests on the history of state and law of Russia (Crib)
  • Tests on Russian history (1 course) (Crib sheet)
  • Sayapin V.V. Russian history. Thematic tests. Preparation for the Unified State Exam 2010. Basic level (Document)
  • Novichkov A.V. Tests on Russian history (Document)
  • Tests on the history of Russia of the 20th century (Crib)
  • Tests and questions for exams in the history of pedagogy and education (Crib)
  • UNT tests on the history of Kazakhstan (Crib)
  • Tests on the medieval history of Kazakhstan (Crib)
  • Bakina N.S. Tests on the history of medieval Kazakhstan (Document)
  • n1.doc

    The emergence of a multi-party system

    in Russia
    1. Name the features of the emergence of a multi-party system in the country:

    A) earlier emergence of political parties compared to European countries;

    B) socialist parties were the first to emerge;

    C) the organization of political parties became possible solely thanks to the efforts of the intelligentsia;

    D) a small number of political parties;

    D) a significant number of political parties.
    2. Pavel Arsky commented on the October 17 Manifesto:
    The king got scared and issued a manifesto:

    “Freedom for the dead! Those alive are under arrest!”

    Prisons and bullets

    The people were returned.

    So they put an end to freedom.
    According to his political views, the poet belonged to:

    A) liberals;

    B) Black Hundreds;

    B) social democrats.
    3. At the Second Congress of the RSDLP (1903), Lenin’s supporters were called “Bolsheviks”, since they:

    A) had a numerical majority at the congress;

    B) secured a majority in elections to the central bodies of the party;

    B) dominated in the composition of grassroots party organizations.
    4. The agricultural part of the RSDLP Program was revised in:

    B) 1910
    5. The project of “municipalization” of the land was put forward by:

    A) Bolsheviks;

    B) Mensheviks;

    B) cadets.
    6. The land “municipalization” program provided for:

    A) nationalization of all land in the country;

    B) confiscation of the landowner's land;

    C) preservation of small peasant ownership of land;

    D) transfer of land to the disposal of local authorities.
    7. The Socialist Revolutionary program for the “socialization” of the land provided for:

    A) withdrawal of land from commercial circulation;

    B) distribution of land according to consumer or “labor” norm;

    C) transfer of land into state ownership;

    D) transfer of land to the disposal of peasant communities;

    D) confiscation of the landowner's land.
    8. The requirement for an 8-hour working day was not included in the program:

    B) constitutional democratic party;

    B) the Socialist Revolutionary Party.
    9. The federal structure of the state demanded:

    A) RSDLP;

    B) constitutional democratic party.
    10. The ideas and demands of the program of the constitutional democratic party were:

    A) liquidation of autocracy;

    B) limitation of autocracy by a parliamentary democratic body;

    B) the right of nations to self-determination;

    D) preservation of a united and indivisible Russia with the granting of autonomy to Poland and Finland;

    D) introduction of democratic rights and freedoms.
    11. The ideas and demands of the program of the “Union of the Russian People” were:

    A) establishment of a constitutional monarchy;

    B) preservation and strengthening of autocratic power;

    B) Russia for Russians;

    D) convocation of the State Duma;

    D) the introduction of universal suffrage.
    12. Name the leaders of the following parties:

    A) constitutional-democratic;

    B) socialist revolutionaries;

    D) RSDLP;

    D) "Union of the Russian People."

    A) A. I. Guchkov; b) V. I. Ulyanov; c) P. N. Milyukov; d) A. I. Dubrovin; d) V. M. Chernov.
    13. At the beginning of the 20th century. The victims of the Socialist Revolutionary terror were:

    A) Governor General of Moscow, Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich;

    B) Minister of Internal Affairs V.K. Plehve;

    B) Governor General of St. Petersburg D. F. Trepov;

    D) State Duma deputy M. Ya. Herzenshtein.
    TEST b

    Experience of Russian parliamentarism
    1. On August 6, 1905, the regulations on the establishment of the legislative advisory Duma, developed in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, were published. The development of this bill was led by:

    A) A. G. Bulygin;

    B) P. A. Stolypin;

    B) P. N. Durnovo.
    2. The law on elections to the First State Duma was adopted:

    A) women;

    B) youth under 25 years of age;

    C) workers of large industrial enterprises


    D) military personnel;

    D) officials.
    4. The principles characteristic of the Russian electoral system were:

    A) direct participation in elections of the entire population;

    B) equal participation in elections of the entire population;

    B) curial election system;

    D) multi-level election system.
    5. Article 87 of the Basic Laws of the Russian Empire provided for the right of the emperor:

    A) issue urgent laws during breaks between sessions of the Duma;

    B) dissolve the Duma at its own discretion;

    C) change the electoral law.
    6. On February 20, 1906, a decree of Nicholas II was published on the transformation of the State Council. From now on this body:

    A) was the upper legislative chamber;

    B) exercised control over the activities of the State Duma;

    C) controlled the execution of decisions of the State Duma.
    7. By decree of February 20, 1906, the principle of staffing the State Council changed, namely:

    A) the entire population of the country participated in his election;

    B) only representatives of the noble class were allowed to participate in his elections;

    C) half of the members of the State Council were elected by elite organizations, half were appointed by the emperor.
    8. On April 16, 1905, S. Yu. Witte was dismissed from the post of Chairman of the Council of Ministers for the reason that he:

    A) delayed the opening of the First State Duma in every possible way;

    B) was going to become a Duma deputy;

    C) assured Nicholas II that with the advent of the Duma, revolutionary protests would stop, but this did not happen.
    9. Instead of S. Yu. Witte, the following was appointed to the post of Chairman of the Council of Ministers:

    A) A. G. Bulygin;

    B) I. L. Goremykin;

    B) P. A. Stolypin.
    10. The 1st State Duma worked with:

    B) February 20, 1906 to June 3, 1907
    11. In the First State Duma, the largest faction was:

    A) Trudoviks;

    B) monarchists;

    B) cadets.
    12. Elections to the First State Duma were boycotted by:

    A) social democrats;

    B) Social Revolutionaries;

    B) monarchists.
    13. The 1st State Duma was called the “Duma of People’s Hopes”, because:

    A) its discovery in society was associated with Russia’s transition to parliamentarism;

    B) the peasants hoped to receive from her hands

    Landowner's land;

    C) the people expected her to adopt a constitution.
    14. “Project 104”, submitted to the First State Duma by the Labor Group on May 23, 1906, provided for:

    A) immediate transfer of all land with its subsoil and waters into public ownership;

    B) alienation of part of the landowners’ lands exceeding the “labor norm”;

    C) creation of a “national land fund”;

    D) immediate and complete destruction of private ownership of land;

    E) providing land to everyone who wants to cultivate it with their labor;

    E) allocation of land within the “labor norm”.
    15. The reason for the dissolution of the First State Duma was:

    A) the Duma “Address to the People” on the land issue;

    B) the Duma’s decision to dismiss the government of I. L. Goremykin;

    C) the murder of Duma deputies M. Ya. Herzenstein and G. B. Yollos.
    16. After the dissolution of the First State Duma, some of the deputies, on the initiative of the cadet faction, gathered in Vyborg to develop an appeal to the population. They called on the people to:

    A) passive resistance - not paying taxes, not performing military service;

    B) armed uprising;

    B) approval of government actions.

    17. The II State Duma worked with:

    B) June 3, 1907 to June 9, 1912
    18. The largest faction in the Second State Duma was:

    A) cadets;

    B) Trudoviks;

    B) social democrats.
    19. The II State Duma was called “red” because:

    A) representatives of all major revolutionary parties took part in its work;

    B) she adopted a law on the partial alienation of landowners’ lands;

    B) it met in the Red Hall of the Tauride Palace.
    20. The events associated with the dissolution of the Second Duma and the publication of the new electoral law of June 3, 1907, were a coup d'etat because:

    A) The Duma was dispersed with the help of the army;

    B) the emperor did not have the right to dissolve the Duma;

    C) the emperor did not have the right to change the electoral law without the consent of the Duma.
    21. According to the electoral law of June 3, 1907, preference was given to:

    A) landowners;

    B) representatives of the bourgeois strata;

    B) intelligentsia.
    22. Boycotted the elections to the Third State Duma:

    A) RSDLP;

    B) Socialist Revolutionary Party;

    B) monarchist party.
    23. The party that received the largest number of seats in the Third State Duma was:

    A) constitutional democratic;

    B) “peaceful renewal”.
    24. On July 26, 1914, a special meeting of the IV State Duma was held, at which the so-called holy alliance between the deputies was concluded. The main outcome of this meeting was that:

    A) almost all deputies, with the exception of monarchists, voted against Russia’s entry into the world war;

    B) deputies expressed no confidence in the government;

    C) almost all deputies, with the exception of the Social Democrats, voted for the acceptance of war loans.
    25. In November 1914, five deputies of the IV State Duma were arrested, contrary to parliamentary immunity. They represented the faction:

    A) cadets;

    B) Social Revolutionaries;

    B) Bolsheviks.
    26. Indicate the chairmen of the Duma:

    A) F. A. Golovin; b) N. A. Khomyakov,

    A. I. Guchkov, M. V. Rodzianko;

    B) M. V. Rodzianko; d) S. A. Muromtsev.
    TEST 7