November 6 is the Constitution Day of the Republic of Tatarstan. Today, ceremonial events are taking place in cities and regions - this is one of the main holidays of the republic. We invite you to plunge into the holiday atmosphere by preparing dishes of Tatar cuisine.

The culinary traditions of Tatar cuisine have evolved over many centuries. The people carefully keep the secrets of national dishes, passing them on from generation to generation. Liquid hot dishes - soups and broths - are of primary importance in Tatar cuisine. Depending on the broth (shulpa) in which they are prepared, soups can be divided into meat, dairy and lean, vegetarian, and according to the products with which they are seasoned, into flour, cereal, flour-vegetable, cereal-vegetable, vegetable. The most common first course is noodle soup (tokmach). For the second course, serve meat or chicken boiled in broth, cut into large pieces, and boiled potatoes. During dinner parties, especially among city residents, pilaf and traditional meat and cereal belish. In Tatar cuisine, all kinds of porridges are often prepared -millet, buckwheat, oatmeal, rice, pea, etc. are highly valuedproducts made from sour (yeast) dough. These primarily include bread (ikmek). Not a single dinner (regular or festive) can pass without bread; it is considered sacred food. In the past, the Tatars even had a custom of swearing with ip-der bread.

Let's learn how to cook delicious Tatar dishes. Eat and enjoy!

Tutyrma with offal

By-products - 1 kg, rice - 100g or buckwheat - 120g, egg - 1 pc., onion - 1.5 pcs., milk or broth - 300-400g, salt, pepper - to taste.

Process the by-products (liver, heart, lungs), chop finely, add onion and mince (can be chopped). Add pepper, salt, beat the egg and mix everything thoroughly, then dilute with milk or cooled broth, add rice (or buckwheat) and, after mixing, fill the intestine and tie. The filling for tutyrma should be liquid. Cook in the same way as tutyrma with beef. You can cook tutyrma with only one liver and cereal. Tutyrma made from offal is considered a delicacy and is served as a second course. Usually it is cut into circles and beautifully placed on a plate. Serve tutyrma hot.

Tatar pilaf

Lamb (low-fat) - 100 g, table margarine and tomato paste - 15 g each, water - 150 g, rice - 70 g, onion - 15 g, bay leaf, pepper, salt - to taste.

Chop the meat into pieces weighing 35 - 40 g, sprinkle with salt and pepper, fry, put in a saucepan and pour hot water over the tomato sautéed in fat. When the liquid boils, add the washed rice. Add the chopped onion and bay leaf and cook over low heat, stirring gently, until all the liquid has been absorbed by the rice. Close the lid and let stand. Traditional Tatar pilaf can be prepared without tomato; instead, you should add any chopped vegetables or even fruits (the pilaf will turn out sweet).


for minced meat:
meat 500 g, onion bunch 3 pcs., salt, pepper, liquid, fat for frying

Balls weighing 50 g are made from yeast or unleavened dough, rolled in flour and rolled out into flat cakes. Place minced meat in the middle of the flatbread and press down. Then lift the edges of the dough and gather them nicely into an assembly. There should be a hole in the middle of the crossbar. The peremechs are semi-deep-fried, first with the hole down, then, when browned, they are turned over with the hole up. The finished swords should be light brown in color and have a round, flattened shape. Peremetches are served hot. The shifts can be made small. In this case, you need to take half as much food.

Preparation of minced meat.
Finely chop the washed meat (beef or lamb) and put it through a meat grinder with onions, add pepper, salt and move everything carefully. If the minced meat is thick, add cold milk or water and mix again.

Stuffed lamb (tutyrgan teke)

Lamb (pulp), egg - 10 pcs., milk - 150g, onion (fried) - 150g, butter - 100g, salt, pepper - to taste.

To prepare teke, take the brisket of young lamb or the pulp of the back of the ham. Separate the rib bone from the breast meat, and trim the flesh from the back so that a pouch is formed. Separately, break the eggs into a deep bowl, add salt, pepper, melted and cooled butter and mix everything well. Pour the resulting filling into a pre-prepared lamb brisket or ham and sew up the hole. Place the finished semi-finished product in a shallow bowl, pour in broth, sprinkle with chopped onions, carrots and cook until tender. When the tutyrgan teke is ready, place it in a greased frying pan, grease the top with oil and put it in the oven for 10-15 minutes. Stuffed lamb is cut into portions and served hot.

Balish with duck

Dough - 1.5 kg, duck - 1 piece, rice - 300-400g, butter - 200g, onion - 3-4 pieces, broth - 1 glass, pepper, salt - to taste.

Rice is usually added to belish with duck. First cut the finished duck into pieces, then cut the flesh into small pieces. Sort the rice, rinse in hot water, put in salted water and lightly boil. Place the boiled rice in a sieve and rinse with hot water. Cooled rice should be dry. Add oil, finely chopped onion, the required amount of salt and pepper to the rice, mix all this with duck pieces and make belish. Knead the dough in the same way as for the previous belishes. Duck belish is made thinner than belish with broth. Belish bakes for 2-2.5 hours. Half an hour before it is ready, broth is poured into it.
Belish with duck is served in the same frying pan. The filling is placed on plates with a large spoon, and then the bottom of the belish is cut into portions.

Tunterma (omelet)

5-6 eggs, 200-300 g milk, 60-80 g semolina or flour, 100 g butter, salt to taste.

Release the eggs into a deep bowl, beat thoroughly until smooth, then add milk, melted butter, salt, mix everything well, add semolina or flour and mix again until the consistency of thick sour cream.
Pour the mixture into a greased frying pan and put on fire. As soon as the mixture thickens, place in the oven for 4-5 minutes. Grease the top of the finished tunterma with fat and serve. You can cut tunterma into diamonds into portions.

Dumplings with hemp grain

75 g dough, 100 g minced meat, 50 g sour cream or 20 g melted butter, 1 egg.

I option. Place the peeled hemp grains in the oven to dry for 1-2 hours, crush them in a mortar, and sift through a sieve. Mix hemp flour with mashed potatoes and eggs. If the filling turns out cool, dilute it with a small amount of hot milk.
Prepare the dough in the same way as for other dumplings. Boil the dumplings in salted water, place on a plate, season with sour cream or melted butter and serve hot.

Option II. Grind hemp grains in a wooden mortar, squeeze out excess fat, add sugar, salt, mix everything well to obtain a thick, homogeneous mass. This mass is used as minced meat for dumplings.
Prepare the dough in the same way as in option 1.

Gubadia with meat

For one frying pan of Gubadiya: dough - 1000-1200 g, meat - 800-1000 g, ready-made korta - 250 g, rice - 300-400 g, raisins - 250 g, eggs - 6-8 pcs., melted butter - 300- 400 g, salt, pepper, onion, onion.

Roll out the dough to a size larger than the frying pan. Place it in an oiled frying pan and grease the top with oil. Place the finished court onto the dough. Place rice on it in an even layer, then fried meat minced with onions, another layer of rice on the meat, hard-boiled, finely chopped eggs on top of the rice, and again rice. Place a layer of steamed apricots, raisins or prunes on top. Then pour ghee generously over the entire filling.
Cover the filling with a thin layer of rolled out dough, pinch the edges and seal with cloves. Before putting it in the oven, gubadia should be greased with oil and sprinkled with crumbs. Gubadiya is baked in an oven at medium temperature for 40-50 minutes. Cut the finished gubadia and serve hot in pieces. Gubadia in cross-section should present clearly defined layers of various products, harmoniously combined both in taste and color.

Preparing a soft court for gubadia.
Crush the dry cork and sift through a sieve. For 500 grams of cort, add 200 g of granulated sugar, 200 g of milk, mix everything and boil for 10-15 minutes until a homogeneous mass resembling gruel is formed. Cool the mass, then place it in an even layer on the bottom of the gubadiya.

Preparing crumbs for gubadia.
In 250 g of butter, put 500 g of sifted wheat flour, 20-30 g of granulated sugar and rub it all thoroughly with your hands. As you grind, the butter mixes with flour and fine crumbs form. Before putting the gubadia in the oven, sprinkle crumbs on top. Gubadiya is a rich round pie with multi-layer filling. The filling consists of kort (dried cottage cheese), boiled fluffy rice, chopped egg, steamed raisins (apricots or prunes), minced beef with sautéed onions.

Fried peas in Kazan style

Peas, salt, butter, onion

Fried peas are a favorite dish of the Tatars. Before frying, sort out the peas, rinse with cold water, then add warm water and leave to swell for 3-4 hours. You need to make sure that they do not swell too much, otherwise the grains may fall apart during frying. Strain the soaked peas through a colander and start frying. There are several methods of frying.
Method 1 (dry frying) - place the peas in a dry frying pan and fry, stirring.

2nd method - pour a little vegetable oil into a hot frying pan, as soon as it gets hot, add peas and fry, stirring, add salt while frying.

3rd method - add peas to the cracklings remaining after melting the internal beef fat and mix together with the cracklings. While frying, add salt and pepper to taste.

Chak-chak (nuts with honey)

For 1 kg of wheat flour: 10 pcs. eggs, 100 g milk, 20-30 g sugar, salt, 500-550 g butter for frying, honey 900-1000 g, 150-200 g sugar for finishing, monpensier 100-150 g.

Prepared from premium flour. Place raw eggs into a bowl, add milk, salt, sugar, mix everything, add flour and knead into a soft dough. Divide the dough into pieces weighing 100 g, roll them into flagella 1 cm thick. Cut the flagella into balls the size of a pine nut and fry them, stirring so that they deep-fry more evenly. The finished balls take on a yellowish tint.
Pour granulated sugar into honey and boil in a separate bowl. The readiness of honey can be determined as follows: take a drop of honey on a match, and if the stream flowing from the match becomes brittle after cooling, boiling should be stopped. You cannot boil honey for too long, as it can burn and spoil the appearance and taste of the dish.
Place the fried balls in a wide bowl, pour over honey and mix well. After this, transfer the chak-chak to a tray or plate and, with your hands moistened in cold water, give it the desired shape (pyramid, cone, star, etc.). Chak-chak can be decorated with small candies (monpensier).

Modern Tatar cuisine was formed on the basis of the cuisine of the Volga Bulgars, who were once nomads, but about 1,500 years ago turned to agriculture. Subsequently, Tatar cuisine was influenced by the surrounding peoples - Russians, Udmurts, peoples of Central Asia, in particular Uzbeks and Tajiks. However, despite the most diverse culinary influences and a wide variety of products, the typical features of Tatar cuisine remain unchanged today.

Geography played an important role in the formation of Tatar cuisine. The Tatars lived on the border of two geographical zones - the northern forests and the southern steppes, as well as in the basin of two large rivers - the Volga and Kama, which contributed to the development of trade and, as a result, enriched the local cuisine. Thus, from ancient times the Tatars were familiar with rice, tea, dried fruits, nuts, seasonings and spices.

The basis of Tatar cuisine was and is the main agricultural products of the region - grains and livestock. Fruits and vegetables are used less frequently, although some of them - onions, carrots, horseradish, turnips, pumpkin, apples, raspberries, currants - are quite popular. Forests are a source of wild berries, nuts, sorrel, and mint that are actively used in cooking. But mushrooms are almost never used in Tatar cuisine. The most popular types of meat are beef and lamb; horse meat is relatively popular. Milk is used to prepare various dairy products - cottage cheese, sour cream, etc. Poultry farming is also widespread in the local economy, which is why chicken, goose and eggs are also popular ingredients in Tatar cuisine. Honey is actively used.

Dishes of Tatar national cuisine can be divided into five main categories: hot soups, main courses, dough dishes, hearty pastries and dessert pastries.

Depending on the broth used, Tatar traditional cuisine divides soups into meat, chicken, fish, vegetable and mushroom. Often noodles, grains, and vegetables are added to soups - individually or in different combinations. Perhaps the most popular combination is soup with homemade noodles and pieces of boiled meat or chicken. Soups are served with bread and a variety of buns and pies. A festive and ceremonial dish for the Tatars, dumplings are usually served along with the broth in which the dumplings were boiled.

Main courses are usually based on a mixture of meat, grains and potatoes. One of the oldest dishes for which Tatar traditional cuisine is famous is belish - a large pie filled with fatty meat and, as a rule, some kind of cereal. Other popular Tatar dishes are tutyrma (kishka stuffed with liver and millet), pilaf, kullama, bishbarmak, kazylyk. A typical Tatar “every day” dish is meat or chicken boiled in broth, served with vegetables (onions, carrots, peppers) and side dishes (potatoes, rice).

The peculiarities of Tatar cuisine also lie in the extremely wide selection of dough dishes. Both fresh and yeast dough are used. Tatars traditionally bake bread from rye flour, although wheat is also gaining popularity today. A unique Tatar version of pancakes are kabartma and kyimak. Well, Tatar cuisine knows not even dozens, but hundreds of all kinds of pies and pies - it would take a very long time to list them. Both baked goods with fatty meat filling and baked goods made from rich and sweet dough are extremely popular.

The most popular Tatar drinks are ayran (a fermented milk product, which is a mixture of sour milk with cold water), kvass borrowed from Russians, and dried fruit compote (especially dried apricots). A traditional drink symbolizing hospitality is tea - Tatars drink hot, strong tea, often adding milk to it.

In general, it should be noted that Tatar cuisine, recipes with photos of dishes of which are presented in this section, even over time and under the influence of other cultures, has not lost its authenticity and continues to be an original culinary tradition with pronounced traditional features.

In the process of centuries-old history, an original national cuisine has developed on the territory of Tatarstan, which has formed its own distinctive features. The cuisine of this eastern people has been influenced over the centuries by many nationalities: Arabs, Chinese, Uzbeks, Turkmens, Kazakhs, Russians. However, despite this, Tatar national cuisine retains its originality.

Traditional main courses are quite varied. Among them are the following most notable dishes:


Chuck-chuck- one of the symbols of Tatar cuisine, an oriental sweetness. Chak-chak is made from soft dough made from premium wheat flour and raw eggs. The softer the dough, the more tender and airy the chak-chak will be. The dough is formed into thin short sticks, shaped like spaghetti, or balls the size of a nut, deep-fried, and then poured over a hot mass prepared with honey. The dish is given the desired shape (often in the form of a slide). This is a dessert dish, consumed with tea or coffee.

– a triangular pie filled with fatty meat, onions, and potatoes. Most often, fatty meat (lamb, lean beef, chicken or goose) in combination with potatoes and onions is used as a filling for echpochmak.

Kastyby with millet porridge- a Tatar and Bashkir dish made from stuffed dough, which is a fried unleavened flatbread stuffed with porridge (usually millet) or stew, and more recently with mashed potatoes.

- national Tatar round butter pie, the main feature of which is a multi-layer (usually 4-6 layers) sweet or meat filling. The composition of the filling of Tatar Gubadiya may vary, but it always uses kort - dried cottage cheese prepared in a special way on the stove.

Kosh tele

Kosh tele- a dish of Tatar national cuisine, better known as “ brushwood“. Kosh tele means “bird tongues”. The dessert received this name because of its peculiar elongated shape, although in fact the Tatar kosh tele looks different from different housewives. The only thing that remains unchanged is its wonderful taste, which children especially like.

- one of the heartiest soups. It can be an independent dish - just a rich soup, or can be used as a sauce for various porridges or noodles. This soup has a particularly high fat content, as well as the addition of spices and herbs. Traditional shurpa consists of lamb broth, unfried onions, finely chopped potatoes, thinly sliced ​​noodles, as well as herbs and black pepper.

Tatar cuisine, perhaps one of the most delicious and famous in the whole world.


The Tatars, who are descendants of Turkic-speaking tribes, took a lot from them: culture, traditions and customs.
It is from the times of the Volga Bulgaria - the ancestor of Kazan, that Tatar cuisine begins its history. Even then, in the 15th century. this state was a highly developed commercial, cultural and educational city, where peoples of different cultures and religions lived together. In addition, it was through it that the great trade route connecting the West and the East passed.
All this, undoubtedly, affected the modern traditions of the Tatars, including Tatar cuisine, which is distinguished by its variety of dishes, satiety, at the same time ease of preparation and elegance, and, of course, extraordinary taste.
Basically, traditional Tatar cuisine is based on dishes made from dough and various fillings.
Well, let's start getting acquainted?

Tatar hot dishes

Translated from Tatar “bish” is the number 5, “barmak” is a finger. It turns out 5 fingers - this dish is eaten with fingers, all five. This tradition dates back to the times when Turkic nomads did not use cutlery while eating and took meat with their hands. This is a hot dish consisting of finely chopped boiled meat, lamb or beef, with onions cut into rings, and unleavened boiled dough in the form of noodles, all of which is strongly peppered. It is served on the table in a cauldron or cast iron, and from there everyone takes with their hands as much as they want. Along with it, they usually drink hot, rich meat broth, lightly salted and peppered.

Traditional chicken noodle soup, which includes potatoes, chicken meat and finely chopped homemade noodles. This dish has a special taste thanks to the combination of these products. Yes, the soup is really incredibly tasty and rich.
Already in the plate, the soup is usually sprinkled with a small amount of herbs (dill or green onions).
This is a fairly light dish that does not cause any heaviness in the stomach.

Azu in Tatar
It is a stew of meat (beef or veal) with potatoes and pickles, with the addition of tomato paste, bay leaf, garlic, onion, and, of course, salt and pepper. Prepared in a cauldron or other cast iron cookware. A delicious, very filling dish!

A traditional roast consisting of horse meat (less commonly lamb, beef or chicken). The meat is fried in a frying pan very hot with fat. Fried meat, as a rule, is placed in a casserole dish or other elongated form, onions, potatoes, salt, pepper, bay leaf are added, and the whole thing is stewed in the oven. The dish has a very beautiful appearance, and most importantly, an incredible smell and taste!

Steamed meat rolls. In addition to minced meat, the dish includes potatoes, onions, flour, and eggs. Katlama is Tatar manti, so it is prepared in a mantyshnitsa. After cooking, it is cut into pieces 3 cm thick, poured with melted butter and served. The dish is usually eaten with hands.

Tatar pastries

Translated from Tatar “ech” means the number 3, “pochmak” means angle. It turns out 3 angles, or a triangle. This is the generally accepted name for this dish.
They are juicy, very tasty pies with finely chopped meat (lamb is best), onions and potatoes. Sometimes a little fat tail fat is added to the filling. Echpochmak is prepared from unleavened or yeast dough.
The peculiarity of this dish is that the filling is placed in the dough raw. Salt and pepper must be added to it.
The triangles are baked in the oven for about 30 minutes. Served with salted and peppered rich meat broth.

Pies fried in a frying pan with a lot of oil or special fat. They are prepared from unleavened or yeast dough with meat filling (usually minced beef with finely chopped onion and ground pepper). They have a round shape. A very filling and tasty dish! Served with sweet tea.

They are flatbreads with potatoes. Flatbreads are prepared from unleavened dough in a very hot frying pan, without oil. Mashed potatoes are prepared separately, which is then placed in small portions into each flatbread. Kystybyki turn out to be very soft, tender, filling and incredibly tasty! They are usually consumed with sweet tea.

A delicious, hearty pie made from potatoes and duck or chicken meat.
It is prepared mainly from unleavened dough. The filling is added in large quantities. Fatty meat juice is periodically added to the small hole on top during cooking.
Varieties of pie: vak-balesh (or elesh) - “small” and zur-balesh - “big”.
Whatever the size of the balesh, it is always a real holiday!

Tatar snacks

Another name is horse meat in Tatar. This is raw smoked horse meat (in the form of sausage), dried using a special technology, with the addition of spices and salt. It is believed to have a beneficial effect on men's health, giving strength and energy.

One of the popular types of traditional snacks, consisting of lamb meat (beef or horse meat), sprinkled with spices, garlic, salt, pepper and vinegar. Then the meat is wrapped, turning it into a roll, and fried in a frying pan. After cooking, the roll is divided into parts. The dish is served chilled.

Tatar tenderloin
The tenderloin is fried in animal fat, then stewed, adding onions, carrots, and sour cream cut into rings. The finished dish is laid out in a special elongated dish, boiled potatoes are placed next to it, and the whole thing is sprinkled with herbs. If desired, you can add more cucumbers and tomatoes.

Tatar sweets

A sweet treat made from dough with honey. The dough resembles brushwood, consists of small balls, sausages, flagella, cut into noodles, fried in a large amount of oil. After preparing them, everything is poured with honey (with sugar). Usually chak-chak is decorated with nuts, grated chocolate, candies, and raisins. Cut into pieces and drink with tea or coffee. As they say - you'll lick your fingers!

A sweet cake with several layers. Its filling consists of boiled rice, eggs, kort (dried cottage cheese), raisins, dried apricots and prunes. To make Gubadiya, yeast or unleavened dough is used. This dish is one of the most delicious in Tatar cuisine. Prepared for holidays and major celebrations. Tea is usually served with the pie.

A very tender, tasty pie consisting of yeast dough and sour cream, beaten with eggs and sugar. It is usually served for dessert, with tea. Sour cream literally melts in your mouth, so sometimes you don’t even notice how you eat it.

Talkysh Kelyave
In appearance they can be compared to cotton candy, but they are made from honey. These are small dense pyramids, homogeneous in mass, with an extraordinary honey aroma. Sweet, melt in your mouth - pure pleasure. A very original dish!

Tatar pancakes made from yeast or unleavened dough. Koymak can be made from any type of flour: wheat, oat, pea, buckwheat. Serve it with butter, sour cream, honey or jam.

Tatar bread

A dish prepared from yeast dough, fried in a frying pan or in the oven under an open fire. Usually eaten hot, with sour cream or jam.

Rye bread prepared with hop sourdough with the addition of bran and honey. Bake in the oven for about 40 minutes. Eat it with sour cream or butter.

Tatar drinks

a drink made from horse milk, whitish in color. Pleasant to the taste, sweetish-sour, very refreshing.
Koumiss can turn out differently - depending on the production conditions, the fermentation process and the cooking time. It can be strong, having a slightly intoxicating effect, and it can be weaker, with a calming effect.
It is a general tonic. It has a number of useful properties:
- has a beneficial effect on the nervous system;
- has bactericidal properties;
- effective for stomach ulcers;
- preserves youthful skin;
- promotes rapid healing of purulent wounds, etc.

A product made from cow, goat or sheep milk, obtained on the basis of lactic acid bacteria. It is a type of kefir. It looks like liquid sour cream. A light, but at the same time satisfying drink that quenches thirst very well.

Translated from Turkic “kat” means food. It is a type of curdled milk. It is made from milk by fermenting it with special bacterial cultures. It has its own characteristics that distinguish it from other types of fermented milk drinks, which consist in preparing it from boiled milk, which makes it fattier. Yes, katyk is a truly satisfying drink, and at the same time very healthy!

Traditional milk tea
At the same time, tea can be either black or green, the main thing is that it is strong. A little more than half of the tea is poured into the cup, the rest is filled with milk (preferably cold). It was believed that nomadic Turkic tribes used this tea as food. It's really very filling!

You can try all of the above dishes:
- in the Bilyar restaurant chain;
- in the cafe "Tea House";
- in the bakeries "Katyk";
- in the chain of stores "Bakhetle".


They say that the term “Tatar cuisine” was first introduced by Auguste Escoffier. The same restaurateur, critic, culinary writer and, part-time, “the king of chefs and the cook of kings.” “Tartare” dishes appeared every now and then on the menu of his restaurant at the Ritz Hotel - sauces, steaks, fish, etc. Later, their recipes were included in his books, which are now called classics of world cooking. And even though in fact they have little in common with real Tatar cuisine, almost the whole world associates them with it, without even suspecting that ideally they should be more complex, interesting and varied.


Modern Tatar cuisine is incredibly rich in products, dishes and their recipes, but this was not always the case. The fact is that in ancient times the Tatars were nomads who spent most of their time on campaigns. That is why the basis of their diet was the most nourishing and affordable product - meat. Traditionally, horse meat, lamb and beef were eaten. They were stewed, fried, boiled, salted, smoked, dried or dried. In a word, they prepared delicious dinners and preparations for future use. Along with them, the Tatars also loved dairy products, which they consumed on their own or used to prepare soft drinks (kumys) and delicacies (krut, or salted cheese).

Moreover, while exploring new territories, they certainly borrowed new dishes from their neighbors. As a result, at some point, on their dogarkhana, or tablecloth, there appeared flour cakes, different types of tea, honey, dried fruits, nuts and berries. Later, when the first nomads began to get used to settled life, poultry dishes also seeped into Tatar cuisine, although they never managed to occupy a special place in it. At the same time, the Tatars themselves actively grew rye, wheat, buckwheat, oats, peas, millet, and were engaged in vegetable growing and beekeeping, which, of course, affected the quality of their food. This is how porridge and vegetable dishes appeared on local tables, which later became side dishes.


Tatar cuisine developed rapidly. Moreover, during this period it was greatly influenced not only by historical events, but also by the culinary habits of its neighbors. At different times, popular dishes of Russians, Udmurts, Maris, and the peoples of Central Asia, in particular Tajiks and Uzbeks, began to penetrate into it. But this did not make her worse; on the contrary, she became richer and blossomed. Analyzing Tatar cuisine today, we can highlight its main features:

  • widespread use of fat. From time immemorial, people here loved vegetable and animal fat (beef, lamb, horse, poultry fat), as well as ghee and butter, which generously flavored food. The most interesting thing is that practically nothing has changed since then - Tatar cuisine today is unthinkable without fatty, rich soups and cereals;
  • conscious exclusion of alcohol and certain types of meat (pork, falcon and swan meat) from the diet, which is due to religious traditions. The fact is that the Tatars are predominantly Muslims;
  • love for liquid hot dishes - soups, broths;
  • the possibility of preparing national dishes in a cauldron or cauldron, which is determined by the way of life of the entire people, because for a long time they remained nomadic;
  • an abundance of baking recipes in original shapes with all kinds of fillings, which are traditionally served with various types of tea;
  • moderate use of mushrooms, which is determined by historical factors. The tendency to become more interested in them has been observed only in recent years, mainly among the urban population;

Basic cooking methods:

Perhaps the highlight of Tatar cuisine is the variety of tasty and interesting dishes. Many of them have noble roots and their own history. Thus, ordinary millet porridge was once a ritual food. And even though time does not stand still and everything changes, the list of popular Tatar delicacies and delicacies that both the Tatars themselves and their guests love remains unchanged. Traditionally it includes:

Dumplings. Just like us, the Tatars make them from unleavened dough, however, they use minced meat and vegetables as filling, and also add hemp grains to them. Most often, dumplings are prepared for holidays or for important guests.

Tatar pilaf - prepared from beef or lamb in a deep cauldron with a large amount of animal fat and vegetables. Sometimes fruits may be added to it to add sweetness.

Tutyrma is a homemade sausage made from offal with spices.

Chak-chak is a treat made from dough with honey that has gained wide popularity around the world. Among the locals, it is a wedding delicacy that the bride brings to the groom’s house.

Chebureks are fried flat pies with meat, which also became the national dish of the Mongolian and Turkic peoples.

Echpochmak are triangular pies filled with potatoes and meat.

Koymak - pancakes made from yeast dough, which are cooked in the oven.

Tunterma is an omelette, the preparation process of which uses flour or semolina.

Gubadiya is a round tall pie with a multi-layer filling of cottage cheese, rice and dried fruits.

Ayran is a national drink, which is essentially diluted katyk (a product of fermented milk fermentation).

Useful properties of Tatar cuisine

Despite the widespread use of fats, Tatar cuisine is considered one of the healthiest and healthiest. And all because it is based on hot, liquid dishes, cereals, and fermented milk drinks. In addition, Tatars prefer stewing to traditional frying, due to which the products retain more nutrients. Unfortunately, today it is difficult to unambiguously answer the question of what is the average life expectancy of the Tatars, because they themselves are literally scattered throughout Eurasia. Meanwhile, this does not prevent them from storing and passing on from generation to generation the recipes of national dishes, which make up the chic cuisine of this country.