Dobrenkaya Galina Vasilievna, teacher of the secondary educational institution no. 17, Alekseevka, Belgorod region

“What is round and what is oval?”

Progress of the game: The teacher asks the child to name as many round and oval-shaped objects as possible. The child starts the game.

If he cannot name it, the teacher begins: “I remember, an apple is round, and a testicle is oval. Now you continue. Remember which is the shape of a plum and which is a gooseberry? That’s right, the plum is oval, and the gooseberry is round.” (Helps the child name objects and compare them by shape: ring-fish, hedgehog-ball, cherry-cherry leaf, watermelon-melon, acorn-raspberry, tomato-eggplant, sunflower-seed, zucchini-apple).

In case of difficulty, the teacher shows the child a set of pictures and together they sort them into two groups.

"It flies - it doesn't fly"

Progress of the game: The teacher invites the children to quickly name objects when he says the word “flies”, and then name other objects when he says the word “does not fly”.

The teacher says:"Flying."

Children call:“Crow, airplane, butterfly, mosquito, fly, rocket, dove,” etc. Then the teacher says: “Does not fly.” Children name: “Bicycle, daisy, cup, dog, pencil, kitten,” etc. The game continues: the words “flies” and “does not fly” are named by one of the children, and the teacher names the objects together with the children. The game can be played while walking.

"Edible - inedible"

The game is played in the same way as the previous one.


Progress of the game: First, we explain that we call all living objects “WHO” and non-living objects “WHAT”. Here are some examples.

Then we play questions and answers. You can use books with story pictures.

What's growing? Who's growing?

Who's flying? What flies?

Who's swimming? What floats?

Who's the biggest? What's the biggest?

“What happens below, and what happens above?”

Progress of the game: The teacher invites the children to think and name what happens only at the top.

If the children find it difficult, he prompts: “Let's look up, the sky is above us. Does it happen downstairs? No, it always happens only at the top. What else happens only at the top? Where are the clouds? (stars, moon). Now think about what happens only below? Look at the ground. Where does the grass grow? Where does she go?” (plants, bodies of water, earth, sand, stones, etc.).

After this, the children independently list the objects of nature that are only at the top, and those that are only at the bottom.

“What is sweet?”

Progress of the game:

The teacher invites the children: Listen carefully, I will call what is sweet. And if I make a mistake, then I need to be stopped, I need to say: “Stop!”

The teacher says: “Sugar, marshmallows, raspberries, strawberries, lemon.”

The children listen carefully and stop him on the word where he “made a mistake.” Then the children themselves name what is sweet.

"Answer quickly"

Progress of the game: The teacher, holding a ball in his hands, stands in a circle with the children and explains the rules of the game: “Now I will name a color and throw the ball to one of you. The one who catches the ball must name an object of the same color. Then he himself names any other color and throws the ball to the next one. He also catches the ball, names the object, then his color, etc.”

For example, “Green,” says the teacher (takes a short pause, giving the children the opportunity to remember green objects) and throws the ball to Vita.

“Grass,” Vitya answers and, saying: “Yellow,” throws the ball to the next one.

The same color can be repeated several times, since there are many objects of the same color.

The main feature for classification can be not only the color, but also the quality of the item.

The beginner says, for example: “Wooden,” and throws the ball.

“Table,” answers the child who caught the ball, and offers his word: “Stone.”

“House” - the next player answers and says: “Iron”, etc.

Next time, the main feature is the form. The teacher says the word “round” and throws the ball to anyone playing.

“Sun,” he replies and names another shape, for example “square,” throwing the ball to the next player.

He names a square-shaped object (window, scarf, book) and suggests some form. The same shape can be repeated several times, since many objects have the same shape. When repeated, the game can be complicated by offering to name not one, but two or more objects.

“How are they similar?”

Progress of the game: The teacher invites the children to look around and find two objects that are somewhat similar to each other.

He says: “I’ll call it: chicken sun. How do you think they are similar to each other? Yes, that's right, they are similar in color. And here are two more objects: a glass and a window. How are they similar to each other? And now each of you will name two objects that are similar to each other.”

Games to eliminate the fourth “extra” word

"Be careful!"

Progress of the game: The teacher says to the children: I will name four words, one word does not fit here. You must listen carefully and name the “extra” word.” For example: matryoshka, tumbler, cup, doll; table, sofa, flower, chair; chamomile, hare, dandelion, cornflower; horse, bus, tram, trolleybus; wolf, crow, dog, fox; sparrow, crow, dove, chicken; apple, Christmas tree, carrot, cucumber.

After each highlighted “extra” word, the teacher asks the child to explain why this word does not fit into this group of words, that is, to explain the principle of grouping.

"Listen carefully!"

Progress of the game: The teacher says to the child: “I will name the words, and you will say which word does not fit: cat, fox, horse, cow; tractor, car, rocket, bus; pear, turnip, beet, carrot; book, pencil case, ball, notebook; water, thermometer, medicine, cotton wool.”

In case of difficulty, he slowly repeats a certain set of words and helps the child identify what is inappropriate for any reason.

"Find out!"

Progress of the game: Tell me, what berries do you know? Now I will name the words, if among them you hear a word meaning berry, then clap your hands.

Words for presentation - cabbage, strawberry, apple, pear, currant, raspberry, carrot, strawberry, potato, dill, blueberry, lingonberry, plum, cranberry, apricot, zucchini, orange.

“Now I will name the words, if you hear a word related to berries, clap once, if related to fruit, clap twice.”

(You can use the same words, you can come up with others.)

The basis for systematization may be a theme - tools, furniture, clothes, flowers, etc.

Tell me how they taste similar? color? size?

Lemon and pear

Raspberries and strawberries

Apple and plum

Currants and gooseberries

How do they differ in taste? color? size?

"Divide into groups"

Progress of the game:“What groups do you think these words can be divided into? Sasha, Kolya, Lena, Olya, Igor, Natasha.

What groups can be made from these words: pigeon, sparrow, carp, tit, pike, bullfinch, pike perch?

"Choose your words"

Progress of the game:

  1. Choose as many words as possible that can be classified as wild animals (pets, fish, flowers, weather patterns, seasons, tools, etc.).
  2. Another version of the same task.

Connect with arrows the words that match the meaning:

ball | furniture

poplar | flower

wardrobe | insects

plate | tree

coat | cloth

ant | dishes

pike | toy

rose | fish

"Similarities and Differences"

Progress of the game: Invite your child to indicate the similarities and differences between the following pairs of words:

Book - notebook | Day Night

Horse - cow | Tree - bush

Telephone - radio | Tomato - cucumber

Airplane - rocket | Table chair

"Find the opposite object"

Progress of the game: Naming an object (eg sugar), we must name as many others as possible that are opposite to this one. It is necessary to find opposite objects according to the function “edible - inedible”, “useful - harmful”, etc., according to the characteristic (size, shape, condition) and etc.

"Search for an analogy"

Progress of the game: A word is called, for example, briefcase. It is necessary to come up with as many “analogs” as possible, i.e. other objects similar to it in various essential ways (bag, bag, backpack, etc.)

“Call it in one word”

Progress of the game: Invite your child to name a group of objects in one word. We call many specific objects with one word. For example, we call birch, pine, oak, etc. trees.

Invite your child to name in one word:

A table, a chair, a closet - it's...

A dog, a cat, a cow is...

Cup, saucer, plate - this is...

Cornflower, chamomile, tulip - that's it.

"Find a common word"

Progress of the game: This task contains words that have a common meaning. We must try to convey this general meaning in one word.

What common word can be used to describe the following words:

  1. Faith, Hope, Love, Elena
  2. a, b, c, c, n
  3. table, sofa, armchair, chair
  4. Monday, Sunday, Wednesday, Thursday
  5. January, March, July, September."

The general word can be “spring months”, or maybe “months of the year”, etc.

A more complex version of the exercise contains only two words for which you need to find a common concept.

Find what the following words have in common:

a) bread and butter (food)

b) nose and eyes (parts of the face, sensory organs)

c) apple and strawberry (fruit)

d) clock and thermometer (measuring instruments)

d) whale and lion (animals)

e) echo and mirror (reflection)

"Twin Words"

Progress of the game: This exercise is associated with such a phenomenon in the Russian language as homonymy, i.e. when words have different meanings, but are identical in spelling.

Which word means the same thing as the words:

1) a spring and what opens the door;

2) a girl’s hairstyle and a tool for cutting grass;

3) a branch of grapes and a tool used for drawing.

Come up with words that sound the same but have different meanings.

Additional tasks for the exercise:

4) a vegetable that makes you cry and a weapon for shooting arrows (scorching vegetable and small arms);

5) part of a gun and part of a tree;

6) what they draw on, and greenery on the branches;

7) a lifting mechanism for construction and a mechanism that needs to be opened for water to flow.

"What does what need"

Progress of the game: The car runs on gasoline or other fuel; a tram, trolleybus or electric train runs on electricity. All this together can be classified as “transport”.

Seeing an unfamiliar car (for example, a truck crane), they ask: what is this? Why?

Similar exercises are performed with other concepts: tools, dishes, plants, animals, furniture, etc.


Progress of the game: Now I will tell you words, and you will answer me, which is more, which is smaller, which is longer, which is shorter.

Pencil or pencil? Which one is shorter? Why?

Cat or whale? Which one is bigger? Why?

Boa constrictor or worm? Which one is longer? Why?

Tail or ponytail? Which one is shorter? Why?"

The teacher can come up with his own questions based on the ones above.

"Choose the main thing"

Progress of the game: The adult says to the children: Now I will read a series of words. Of these words, you will have to choose only two, denoting the main features of the main word, i.e., something without which this object cannot exist.

Other words are also related to the main word, but they are not the main ones. You need to find the most important words.

For example, a garden... Which of these words do you think are the most important: plants, gardener, dog, fence, earth, i.e., something without which a garden cannot exist? Can there be a garden without plants? Why?... Without a gardener... dog... fence... land?.. Why?

Each of the suggested words is analyzed in detail. The main thing is for children to understand why this or that word is the main, essential feature of a given concept.

Sample tasks:

a) Boots (laces, sole, heel, zipper, shaft)

b) River (shore, fish, fisherman, mud, water)

in town (car, building, crowd, street, bicycle)

d) Barn (hayloft, horses, roof, livestock, walls)

d) Cube (corners, drawing, side, stone, wood)

f) Division (class, dividend, pencil, divider, paper)

g) Game (cards, players, fines, punishments, rules)

h) Reading (eyes, book, picture, print, word)

i) War (plane, guns, battles, guns, soldiers)


Progress of the game: The presenter thinks of a word or tells the conditions of some completely unusual situation, and the players (children or adults) must unravel a word or explain a situation by asking questions that can be answered with one of five answers: “yes”; "No"; "Yes and no"; “there is no information about this”; "It's not important."

For example: “I wished for a plant in the middle zone. In ten questions, identify the plant that I wished for.”

Topics for "Danetki" and possible continuations of the game.

What vegetable did I have in mind?

Is this a root vegetable? (Carrots, beets, radishes)

Is it a leafy vegetable? (Cabbage, salad)

Is this a fruit vegetable? (Tomatoes cucumbers)

What name did I think of?

Is this a man's name?

Does the name start with a vowel?

Is there such a name in our group?

What piece of clothing did I have in mind?

Is this outerwear?

Is this men's clothing?

What fairy tale did I have in mind?

Is this a Russian fairy tale?

What historical figure did I have in mind?

This is a man?

What is one thing I must do in the morning?

What color did I have in mind?

What property of ice cream, light bulb, watermelon, pencil did I wish for?

What country am I thinking of?

What kind of writer, storyteller, poet, scientist did I have in mind?

What famous battle did I have in mind?

"Black box"

Progress of the game: Children are shown a “black box” or just a bag or briefcase and asked to guess in 10 questions - what’s in there? Etc.

Is it a man-made object? Is there something soft there? Is there something metal there? Etc.

"List the items"

Progress of the game: One driver is selected from a group of children. He leaves the room for 2 minutes. At this time, 7 objects are placed on the table in the room and the situation is thought about. For example, children imagine the situation “I’m going for a walk,” then there should be 7 items of clothing on the table.

The driver is invited, he is told the situation and is allowed to inspect the table for 1-2 minutes. He then turns his back to the table and faces the group of children and begins to list the things on the table. After each correct answer, the group says “Correct!”, after an incorrect answer, “Wrong!” If the driver did not list all the items, the group says which items he forgot.


Progress of the game: The leader calls a group of children a word. The task is to name the word that denotes the opposite object.

For example, the presenter says the word “cup”. Children can name the following objects: “board” (the cup is convex and the board is straight), "Sun" (the cup is made by a person, and the sun is part of nature), "water" (water is the filler and the cup is the mold) etc.

Each child takes turns offering his answer and making sure to explain why he chose that particular item.

"Come up with a riddle"

Progress of the game: A driver is selected from a group of children. His task is to come up with a riddle. The group must solve this riddle. Next, another child comes up with a riddle, etc. Children 6 years old love to come up with riddles, the game is lively.

"Who by whom (how) will?"

Progress of the game: The good thing about the game is that you can play with a group or alone with your child anywhere. Ask each other questions, make sure your child answers the question correctly.

Who will the egg be? (can be a chick, crocodile, turtle, snake.)

Chicken - rooster;

A boy is a man;

Calf - cow or bull - paper - book;

Snow - water;

Water - ice;

A seed is a flower;

Flour - for pancakes;

Reverse game:"Who was who?"

Horse - foal

Flower - by seed

"Third wheel"

Progress of the game: An adult says three words - owl, crow, fox. The child must quickly analyze these three words in his mind and determine that all three words relate to living nature, however, the owl and the crow are birds, but the fox is not. Therefore, the fox is superfluous here.

More examples for younger preschoolers:

Milk, juice, bread - all three words mean edible. But they drink milk and juice and eat bread;

Car, horse, tram;

Hat, scarf, boots;

Rose, birch, Christmas tree.

For children 5-7 years old, the tasks become more complicated:

Rain, snow, river;

Doctor, tourist, driver;

Shadow, sun, planet;

Frost, blizzard, January;

Stone, clay, glass;

Door, carpet, window;

Sea, river, pool.

“What happens?”

Progress of the game: First, the adult asks the questions, and the child answers. Then you need to give the child the opportunity to express himself.


What is high? (tree, pillar, person, house). Here it is appropriate to ask what is taller - a tree or a house; person or pillar.

What is long? (short)

What is wide (narrow) ?

What's round (square) ?

A variety of concepts can be included in the game: what is fluffy, soft, hard, sharp, cold, white, black, etc.

"What's outside, what's inside?"

Progress of the game: The adult names a couple of objects, and the child says what can be outside and what can be inside. Home - closet; book - cabinet; purse; wallet-money; pan - porridge; aquarium - fish; booth - dog; hole - fox.

Then switch roles - let the child think of pairs of words.

"Who is this?"

Progress of the game:

Option 1: We ask questions: who treats the sick? Who teaches children at school? Who's cooking lunch? Who works on the tractor? Who delivers letters and newspapers? Who sews the dress?

Option 2: Questions: what does a janitor do? What does the doctor do? What does an electrician do? What does the teacher do? What does the driver do? What does a painter do? What does a hairdresser do?

Option 3: We come up with riddles. For example: this person works outside, he has a broom and a shovel.

Option 4:“Who needs what?” What does the postman need? What does a hairdresser need? And vice versa: who needs scissors? Who needs a needle?

“Guess the object by its parts”

Progress of the game: We name the parts of an object for children. The one who first guesses what is being said gets one point. This option is good because you can play together with your child anywhere. For example, on the way to kindergarten, sitting in line to see the doctor, etc.


Four legs, back, seat.

Numbers, arrows.

Letters, pictures, sheets.

Trunk, branches, leaves.

Root, stem, leaves, petals.

Screen, buttons, electrical cord, remote control.

Spout, handle, lid, electrical cord.

Paws, tail, collar.

Paws, tail, trunk.

Does everything seem too simple at first glance? But in fact, not all children can describe objects. Try it!

“Guess the object by description”

Progress of the game: The game conditions are the same as in the previous one. But the task here is more difficult. It is necessary not only to find the correct definitions of objects, but also to correctly agree on the genders of adjectives and nouns, as well as to know such concepts as furniture, vegetables, fruits, insects, domestic and wild animals, etc.

A wild animal, lives in the forest, large, shaggy, loves honey.

A wild animal, cunning, red, with a fluffy tail.

An insect with colorful wings that looks like a flower.

Transport, large, heavy, with wings and a tail.

The vegetable is red, round, and is put in salads and borscht.

Sweet, small, in beautiful paper.

“Think and choose!”

Progress of the game: Now I will read you a proverb, and you try to find a suitable phrase for it that reflects the general meaning of the proverb, for example:

Measure seven times and cut once

a) If you cut it incorrectly, don’t blame the scissors

b) Before you do, you need to think carefully

c) The seller measured seven meters of fabric and cut it

The correct choice here is “Before you do, you need to think carefully,” and the scissors or the seller are only details and do not reflect the main meaning.”

Sample tasks:

1. Less is more.

a) It is more useful to read one good book than seven bad ones.

b) One tasty pie is worth ten bad ones.

c) It is not quantity that matters, but quality.

2. If you hurry, you will make people laugh.

a) The clown makes people laugh.

b) To do a job better, you need to think carefully about it.

c) Haste can lead to absurd results.

3. Strike while the iron is hot.

a) A blacksmith forges hot iron.

b) If there are favorable opportunities for business, you must immediately take advantage of them.

c) A blacksmith who works slowly often gets more done than one who is in a hurry.

4. There is no point in blaming the mirror if your face is crooked.

a) You shouldn’t blame the reason for failure on circumstances if it’s about you.

b) The good quality of a mirror does not depend on the frame, but on the glass itself.

c) The mirror hangs crookedly.

5. The hut is not red in its corners, but red in its pies.

a) You can’t eat pies alone; you must also eat rye bread.

6) A case is judged by its results.

c) One tasty pie is worth ten bad ones.

6. If you’ve done the job, go for a walk safely.

a) If you have done the job well, you can rest.

b) The boy went for a walk.

7. Skillful hands do not know boredom.

a) Pyotr Ivanovich is never bored.

b) A master of his craft loves and knows how to work.

8. Don’t sit in your own sleigh.

a) If you don’t know the business, don’t take it on.

b) In winter they ride on a sleigh, and in the summer on a cart.

c) Ride only your own sleigh.

9. All that glitters is not gold.

a) The copper bracelet shone like gold.

b) External shine is not always combined with good quality.

c) What seems good to us is not always really good.

Entertaining game library. Scenario


A smart gnome was walking through the forest,

He carried a thick volume in his hands.

But the smart gnome stumbled,

That volume slipped out of my hands.

“The house is in danger, friends!

We’re all saving ourselves, trouble!” -

The letters started to run

The dwarf cannot hold them back.

The gnome is very upset

You can't read a goth volume without letters...

Urgently help the gnome,

Return all the letters to the book.

E. Arsenina

Exercise 1: find the missing letters and return them to their place, arranging them according to their meaning. Having completed the task, you will find out the name of the smart gnome's book.

Answer: The Golden Book of Fairy Tales.

Task 2: replace a letter in a word with another one so that the original meaning of the word changes. For example:

Mouth - sweat.

Shock - juice.

Nora - leg.

The world is fat.

House - catfish.

Goat - rose.

Raspberry - Marina, etc.

Task 3: choose a word that, when replacing one syllable with another, will acquire a completely different meaning. For example:

The baby is naked.

A tub is a pillow.

Cuckoo - top, etc.

Task 4: replace, add or delete a letter in the words so that they answer the question “who?”:

Mouth - ... (mole).

Kol - ...(ox).

Drop - ... (heron).

Door - ...(beast).

Moroka - ... (magpie).


Crown... (crow).

House - ... (som).

Rose - ... (goat).

Crust... (mink).

Dew - ... (wasp).

Stanza - ...(bustard), etc.

Task 5: what semantic meaning will a word acquire if one of its letters suddenly disappears? Remember the plot of one animated film in which there was a terrible confusion and confusion with the meaning of words. And all because one boy could not make friends with letters and words, for which they decided to teach him a lesson.

Remember: “the door to the kindergarten was closed, but now it is buried.” Or: “the boy was once Kolya, but now he’s called Olya.”

Come up with your own examples:

mole - mouth;

gastronomer - astronomer;

spy - peony;

small - scarlet, etc.

Task 6: Put the letters in the correct order and try to unravel the encrypted message. What did the great Russian poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin bequeath to his descendants?

Answer: “Reading is the best teaching.”

Task 7: It is well known that the East is famous not only for its sweets, beautiful fabrics and amazing fairy tales, but also for its wise sayings and proverbs, the content of which is understandable and interpretable only by “the wisest of the wise”, “the most worthy of the worthy”...

Try your hand - explain the meaning of these eastern sayings and proverbs. Having successfully completed the task, you can be proud of yourself - you have become one of the most worthy sages:

One day a wise man remarked:

Good parents have good children.

Making new friends

Be true to your old friendship.

Study, knowledge and work

They walk side by side through life.

The gardener is wonderful in his work,

The nightingale sings beautifully in the garden.

It doesn't matter what you have

What's more important is what you can do.

The Russian people have no less wise proverbs and sayings, some of them are similar in meaning to Eastern ones. Remember them. (An apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. An old friend is better than two new ones, etc.)

Task 8."Verbal duel" Two rivals begin their intellectual duel: they “shoot” words starting with a certain letter. For example: one says gun, the other says parquet, etc.

The one whose vocabulary runs out is considered defeated. The right to be the first to start a “duel” and with which letter to “shoot” is decided by drawing lots.

Task 9. Test of attentiveness and intelligence. Read an excerpt from a short story that has a hidden meaning. Try to guess which one?

“...Today all students had to stay home. It was reported on the radio that due to severe frost, school classes were canceled for three whole days.

Hooray! - I exclaimed and immediately called my friend Vaska. But his mother answered the phone:

Roma, Vasilek is sick. He has a bad cough...

Everything is clear, I thought, it’s all because of the ice cream. Oh, to know that classes will be cancelled! The point is that there is a crucial math test today. L Vaska already argues between twos and threes, he doesn’t have a mathematical mind, what can you do? But try to explain this to our math teacher. Liliya Petrovna is a stern person. You're not good at mathematics, which means you're a complete loser - a quitter and a loafer. “Two” to the magazine and mom to school. So Vaska decided to play it safe; yesterday after school he ate three popsicles and two ice creams. What will you take from the patient? He needs peace and positive emotions.

Well, you need to morally support your friend. With a bag of his favorite toffees and a book about spies, I went up to Vaska. He lived in my house, two floors above. The door was opened for me by Vaska’s younger sister, who, by the way, is an extremely mischievous girl. She was wearing only one shoe.

“Hello,” I said and asked, nodding at her feet, “Where is the second one, did she lose it or something?”

And I didn’t lose anything! I didn’t have time to put on the second one, I opened the door for you! Mom left for work. Vaska is sick. Having blurted out all this in one breath and managed to stick her tongue out at me, Ritka immediately galloped off to her room.

Vaska greeted me with a forced smile, lying on the bed. Silently nodding in greeting, I placed some toffees and a book on his bed.

Vaska, it's time to take your medicine! - Ritka said importantly with adult intonations in her voice. She had already put on her shoes and was now holding a glass of rosehip infusion in her hands. “You have to drink this drink, otherwise you won’t get well, that’s what mom said.” And grandma Lyuba told my mother, she lives with us in Astrakhan - these words were already intended for me. - Mom called my grandmother and said that Vaska was sick, and my grandmother told my mother...

Listen, Ritka, go away, okay? - Vaska suddenly croaked - / Let me at least get sick in peace....”

Excerpt from E. Arsenina’s story “Unlucky.”

Question: How many colors can you find in the sentences? Title the story. Come up with your own version of the ending of the story.

Answer: The story mentions seven flowers: cornflower, lily, iris, peony, poppy, rose hip, aster.

Task 10. Let's play with words. Choose words that easily rhyme with each other and sound almost the same, but... If you remove just one letter from the word or replace it with another, it turns out... What can happen, you will now hear:

A GOAT is nibbling grass,

Nearby is an oak tree with bark on it.

A wasp crawls along the bark,

DEW glistens in the meadow.

And in the hands of a man the SCITTER rings merrily...

Try to continue by rhyming, for example, words such as nora-leg-horns, etc.

Task 11. Words are separated by commas. Arrange them in semantic order so that you get a tongue twister: crows, because of, two, early in the morning, steering wheels, fought.

Two crows early in the morning

They fought over the steering wheel.

Task 12. An ancient parchment found during archaeological excavations, which, according to historians, is more than three hundred years old, was subjected to careful and thorough study and analysis. “The mysterious scroll could belong to one of the wizards,” scientists - archaeologists, historians and philologists unanimously declared.

Read what was written and answer the question: why did the pundits come to this conclusion?

Answer: The ancient document contains the following “magic” words: “please”, “thank you”, “sorry”, “forgive me”, “hello” - read from right to left.

Task 13: read the beginning of E. Arsenina’s poem “A Ridiculous Story.”

Outside the window, on the glass

A midge has stuck.

Fly away quickly

I'll crush you, baby!...

Try to continue the poem by replacing the word “stuck” with “scared”, adding “I’m knocking”...

I knock on the glass:

“Fly away - I’ll crush you!”

Baby got scared

The midge flew away...

It would seem that the story with the midge is over - it flew away, the poem ended. However, let's try to imagine what consequences a meeting with a small harmless midge could have for the author of this poem.

The task is quite difficult, so here’s a little hint: in a cozy kitchen in front of the window, there’s a delicious breakfast on the table. The author, getting ready to pick up a plump, fragrant sausage with a fork, suddenly notices a small booger scurrying back and forth on the glass of the slightly open window.

And since our author, as all authors in the world should be, is a very nervous (albeit very kind) person, he really doesn’t like it when something flashes before his eyes while eating. Agree, this greatly distracts from the delicious, juicy sausage... it just ruins your appetite! So, the author, with a sigh, puts his sausage back on the plate and tries, through “peaceful negotiations,” to convince the midge to leave his window.

As you already understood, the midge turned out to be a rather stubborn insect. In order for it to fly away, the author had to persistently and continuously knock on the window glass. Sighing with relief that the conflict with the stubborn woman was resolved without assault (our author has never hurt a fly in his long life, so he would never forgive himself for the death of a small defenseless booger), the author returns to his untouched and slightly frosty breakfast in order to continue the meal.. .but... that was not the case... Only empty plates and a fork remained on the table. Tasty, juicy and so appetizing sausage, and with it the cheese and sausage disappeared without a trace! Evaporated! Why do you think? What happened next? Try to imagine and develop the plot yourself. ..

Now listen to how he describes the further events of the ill-fated morning

While I was standing at the window

And watched the midge -

Breakfast suddenly disappeared without a trace

In my cat's stomach!!!

My breakfast!

Was eaten!

A treacherous fat cat!

Sausage, cheese and sausage

Disappeared instantly and without a trace!

I grabbed the slipper rashly,

To punish the thief.

But the cat, purring joyfully,

She gave me such a streak...

There is no need to look for the culprits,

I'm ready to tell you honestly:

Don't get carried away by the midge,

If he hadn't been robbed by a cat...

Agree, what is not a detective story: a midge in the role of a distracting accomplice in the crime, in the role of a victim, an unfortunate author left without his breakfast, and an insidious adventuress cat. The latter was clearly lucky: she not only had breakfast for herself and her master, but also avoided a good beating.

Guys, who do you think is really to blame for this whole story: the current circumstances, the author, the midge or the cat? What educational measures, in your opinion, should be applied to a thieving cat?

Creative tasks.

1. Title the poem.

2. If you like to draw and know how to use paints, illustrate this plot.

Speech games for children 6-7 years old

Games for the development of sound-letter analysis skills, the formation of phonemic hearing

1) Game “Chain of words”

Objective: to teach children to identify initial and final sounds in words, expand their vocabulary, develop auditory attention and intelligence.

Description. You can play alone or with a group of children and adults. One of the players names any word - a noun in the singular and nominative case, the second - comes up with a word based on its last sound, the third - on the last sound of this word, etc., as if building a chain of words. For example: Anya - apple - autumn - threads - turkey - cat - cable - dog, etc.

2) Game “Live Letters”

Objective: to consolidate the skills of sound-letter analysis.

Equipment: cards with letters, pictures.

Description. The game is best played with a group of children. An adult shows a picture and names the word from it that they will make up. The role of each letter will be played by children who have cards with letters attached to the front. Children must line up so that they can read the given word. The words are chosen simple, without spelling. For example, poppy, cat, house, mouse, table, etc.

3) Game “Stomp - Slam”

Task: to teach the child to distinguish sounds that are similar to each other.

Equipment: words in which the consonant sound is pronounced clearly, with effort, and the vowel sound must be stressed.

Description. The game is played by ear. The adult tells the child: “Today we will learn to hear sounds and distinguish them from each other. For the task, sounds are selected that are somehow similar to each other: for example, O-U, Y-I, M-N, K-T, P-T, etc. - for children 5 years old, pairs of consonants due to deafness -voice (V-P, D-T, G-K, V-F) and hardness-softness (M-M", T-T", K-K", etc.) - for children 6-7 years old .

First, the game is played on individual sounds, then on syllables and words. The adult selects speech material and pronounces it clearly, and the child, according to the adult’s instructions, claps on one of the sounds and stomps on the other.

For example, the sounds [O-U] are different.

Sounds: O, U, N, U, O, Y, O, U, A, M, U, T, O, etc. Syllables: OH, UK, PO, UT, KO, NU, MO, UP, MU, etc.

Words: Olya, duck, autumn, window, fishing rod, walking, cow, morning, lake, Ulya, etc.

4) Game “Choose Pictures”

Objective: to teach children to choose a picture with a word that begins with a given sound, to expand their vocabulary, and to develop visual attention.

Equipment: subject pictures with words starting with a given sound, several pictures starting with other sounds.

Description. An adult lays out pictures on the table and gives instructions to the child that he must choose those pictures that depict words with a certain sound, for example the sound [k]. Then the adult clearly names all the pictures, and the child chooses the appropriate ones from them (cat, pony, fly, horse, jacket, tank, cube, candy, nose, spider, poppy, doll, etc.)

5) Game “Put into piles”

Task: to teach children to identify the initial sound in a word.

Equipment: subject pictures with words starting with different sounds, several pictures for each of them.

Description. The adult lays out the pictures on the table, names them, then gives instructions to the child that he must combine the pictures into several piles according to the initial sound.

For example:

[L] - forest, moon, fox, horse, lamp, etc. [A] - bus, pineapple, watermelon, album, etc. [U] - duck, fishing rod, beehive, snail, iron, etc. etc. [M] - poppy, fly, raspberry, car, bridge, etc. [K] - cat, horse, cube, jacket, doll, etc. [N] - nose, leg, knife, scissors, rhinoceros, etc. [And] - willow, turkey, needle, toys, oriole, etc. d.

6) Game “Repeat the words after me”

Task: to train children in sound analysis, teach them to identify given sounds in words.

Equipment: series of words prepared by an adult, most of which contain a given sound, and the rest do not. The game uses words with vowels (A, O, U, I, Y) and consonant sounds that the child can pronounce correctly ([M-N], [D-T], [G-K], [B-P] , [V-F], [X]). For voiced consonant sounds [D], [B], [G], [V], the use of words in which these sounds come at the end and are deafened is not allowed. Hard and soft pairs of sounds are distinguished separately from each other. The vowel sound [O] can only stand out in those words in which it is stressed, since in other cases it turns into the sound [A]. The vowel sound [ы] is emphasized only in the middle and end of the word.

Description. The adult pronounces a series of first 5^6, then 8-10 words and gives the child the task to remember and repeat only those words that contain a certain sound, for example, the sound [M]. The following series of words is given: mother, cat, soap, house, spider, bridge, bow, fly, leg, lemon. Of these, the child must repeat the following words: mother, soap, house, bridge, fly, lemon.

7) Game “Find the sound”

Objective: to teach children to hear the initial and final sounds in words, to develop their auditory attention, to consolidate correct, clear pronunciation and distinction of sounds.

Equipment: rows of pictures with a specific sound.

Description. The game can be played with one child or with a group of children.

The adult says: “Now I will show the pictures and name the objects depicted on them, and you listen carefully and guess what sound is in all these words.” Then the adult shows and names a series of pictures that begin, for example, with the sound [K]: cat, horse, jacket, wheel, doll, candy, and the children must answer with a complete answer: “All these words have the sound [K].” Next, they must remember the words named by the adult with the sound [K], and come up with a few of their own words with this sound.

8) Game “One word - many words”

Objective: to teach children to form new words using the letters contained in a long word, to develop sound-letter analysis skills.

Description. The players must make up as many other words as possible from the letters included in any one long word. Compiled words Must be nouns in the nominative case. Letters can be used in any order, but in invented words the letter should not be repeated more often than in the original word.

9) Game “Sound Lotto”

Objective: to train children in determining the location of a given sound in a word: at the beginning, middle or end.

Equipment; stripes divided into 3 parts, indicating the beginning, middle and end of the word; subject pictures with words for certain sounds: vowels and voiceless consonants - beginning, middle, end; sound [s] - middle, end of a word; voiced consonants are the beginning and middle of a word.

Description. The child examines and names the picture with the given sound, then places it on the first, second or third square in the strip, depending on its location in this word. The beginning of a word - when all other sounds come after the given sound, the middle of the word - other sounds come before and after the given sound, the end of the word - the remaining sounds come before the given sound. For example, a child is given pictures with the sound [m]. On the strip they are arranged in squares in the following sequence: poppy - bag - house.

10) Game “Who has more words?”

Task: teach children to find words in a picture or come up with words with a given sound. Equipment:

Option 1 - a picture in which many objects with a given sound are collected.

Option 2 - object pictures with words that contain a given sound; chips.

Description. You can play with one child or with a group of children.

Option 1. An adult shows a plot picture (for example, “Forest”) and invites the child to find as many words with a given sound in it as possible.

For each word the child receives a chip. The one who collects the most chips wins.

Option 2. The adult names the sound to the children and shows pictures with words that contain this sound.

Then the pictures are removed, and the children must name as many words as possible from memory. For each word, the child also receives a chip. As you practice, you can play without pictures, throwing the ball between the players and calling words with the agreed sound.

11) Game “Replace the sound”

Task: to teach children to mentally rearrange, replace sounds with given ones, and name the resulting new words.

Equipment: rows of words for transformation, object pictures with words that should be obtained.

Description. The adult sets the sound with which the first or last sound in the word will need to be replaced.

Then he lays out the pictures and pronounces the words, and with their help the child mentally replaces the sound in the original word with the given one and says the resulting word out loud.

For example, you need to replace the first (porridge - cup, nut - seagull, suit - part) or the front sound (enemy - doctor, beak - key, chalk - sword) with [h].

As you practice, the game can be played by ear, without using pictures.

12) Game “Name the vowels”

Task: to train children in isolating vowel sounds from words.

Description. An adult pronounces words syllable by syllable, highlighting and extending vowels. Then he pronounces only the vowels in the order in which they appeared in the word.

For example, fish - y-a; ba-ra-ban - a-a-a; cat-o-a; ball - ya-and, etc. Next, the child tries to independently draw out the vowels in the syllables and name them in order.

If necessary, an adult helps him in correctly dividing words into syllables. First, two-syllable words with straight syllables are selected for the game, in which the vowel sounds do not change depending on stress or spelling rules, i.e. the words are written and pronounced the same (words like wasp, road, tire, summer are excluded), then one- and three-syllable words and containing a consonant cluster.

13) Game “What happened?”

Objective: to train children in repeating and memorizing whole words.

Equipment: pictures depicting the words that should be obtained.


Option 1. The adult lays out pictures in front of the child and begins to name words in which he omits the first sound. The child must find this word from the pictures and name it. For example, (h)amok, (k)oshka, (m)ashina, (p)latier, (v)agon, etc.

Option 2. An adult selects words so that they all begin with the same sound. He gives the child the task of pronouncing a certain sound each time, and after that he finishes the whole word.

Then the child must repeat the word in its entirety again. For example, for the sound [x] - (x)vost, (x)leb, (x)omyak, (x)alat.

For the sound [sh] - (sh) peony, (sh) cola, (sh) pagat, (sh) uba.

For the sound [k] - (k) lubok, (k) key, (k) rask, (k) apusta.

14) Game “Agree the Word”

Task: to train children in adding a given sound or syllable to a word.

Equipment: subject pictures depicting the words that should be obtained.


Option 1. The adult lays out pictures in front of the child and begins to pronounce the first syllable of the word, and the child must find a suitable picture and complete the missing syllable in this word. For example, vil(ka), ar(buz), snake(ya), li(sa), etc.

Option 2. The child pronounces the initial syllable, agreed upon in advance, and then the adult finishes the remaining 1-2 syllables, and together they repeat the resulting word in its entirety. For example, ka(sha), ka(reta), ka(mouse), ka(men), ka(ban), ka(cheli).

Option 3. Now the adult pronounces the beginning of the word, and the child finishes the missing pre-agreed last syllable and repeats the entire word. Depending on the child’s pronunciation capabilities, an adult can select words, excluding sounds that the child pronounces incorrectly, or, conversely, words with a certain sound in order to reinforce the child’s correct pronunciation of the sound.

For example, love (ka), re (ka), shish (ka), horse (ka), bunny (ka), gal (ka), book (ka); snake(s), seven(s), stan-qi(s), fe(s), shve(s); ig(ra), no(ra), u(ra), konu(ra), zha(ra), child(ra); school(la), ska(la), mirror(yes), marshmallow), etc.

15) Game “Insert the second sound into the word”

Equipment: subject pictures with words that should be obtained.

Description. The adult selects words and invites the child to insert a specific sound into them second to form a new word. For example, you need to insert the sound [l]: pan - plan, side - block, gas - eye, sleep - elephant, sweat - raft or sound [p]: cat - mole, tone - throne, cat - baby, heels - hide and seek , battle - razor, hoe - rag, etc.

16) Game “What sound is missing?”

Objective: to improve children's sound analysis skills.

Equipment: subject pictures for each word.

Description. An adult selects pictures with words, lays them out on the table and names them, replacing the desired sound with a pause.

The child must guess what the word is using the corresponding picture and identify the missing sound in it.

For example, piama - sound [zh] is gone, vocal - sound [z], tarela - sound [k], konfea - sound [t], mar-tyka - [w], makaons - [r], etc. Adult can select pictures with words for a specific sound, the pronunciation of which needs to be reinforced in the child.

17) Game “Choose a sound”

Objective: to consolidate the correct pronunciation of individual sounds that are difficult for the child, to develop the ability to add the missing given sound to the end of a word and to pronounce the word completely.

Equipment: rows of words with the same missing sound at the end, object pictures depicting the resulting words.

Description. The adult invites the child to complete the word with a sound, choosing the appropriate one from two or three proposed.

For example, you need to end a word with the sounds [p] - [t] - [k]: kato(k), tulu(p), bile(t), kuso(k), compo(t), Ukro(p), veni( k), ma(k), ko(t), su(p), sto(p), zamo(k), etc. Or with the sounds [h] - [sch]: vra(ch), comrade(sch ), gra (ch), ovo (sch), god (ch), mya (ch), pla (sch), le (sch), etc. Or with the sounds [ts] - [h]: ogure (ts) , key(h), hare(ts), vo(h)b, hoop(h), deck(ts), kala(ts), etc.

Words are selected depending on the child’s pronunciation capabilities: words with sounds that he cannot pronounce correctly are excluded.

18) Game “Guess the word by vowels”

Objective: to improve children's sound analysis skills.

Description. The adult lays out pictures in front of the child and offers to find among them a word in which the vowels are arranged in the sequence specified by him. He pronounces only vowels, emphasizing the stress, for example, a - y" (spider), a - a" (eyes), y-a (fish), etc.

First, the child is offered words of two direct, reverse or closed syllables, and as training progresses, three-four-five-syllable words: a - y - a (mar-tysh"-ka), a - y~- a (ma-shi" - na), e -a - a" - o (ex-ka-va"-tor), etc.

Games to develop the syllable structure of words

1) Game “Rearrange the syllables or sounds”

Objective: to train children’s intelligence, the ability to rearrange letters or syllables in one word to form another, to expand their vocabulary.

Description. Option 1. The adult calls the child words and offers to swap letters or syllables in them, and then repeat the new word.

As you practice, you can play with a group of children, when a word with rearranged sounds or syllables is asked to the driver, and he must guess it: lok - kol, mod - house, zako - goat, bars - fish.

Option 2. An adult first shows with simple examples that some words can turn into others if you rearrange the letters in them (ros - sleep, body - summer, meadow - hum, forest - village) or syllables (bed - sting, bast - cola, pump - pine). Gradually, as you practice, the words can be complicated and the number of letters in them can be increased.

Bank - boar. The mouse is a reed. Hair is a word. Bayan - bathhouse. Brand - frame. Kapal is a stick. Pump - pine.

Kolos is a falcon. Vobla - collapse. Fork - valnk. T-shirt - border.

2) Game “Clap the word”

Task: to strengthen in children the ability to divide a word into syllables depending on the number of vowel sounds, to train them in dividing words into syllables using claps.

Description. The adult pronounces the word, and the child must clap each syllable. After clapping, the child must say how many syllables he counted.

In this game, children can be offered words with a combination of consonants, and it is necessary to explain to the child that with a combination of consonants, the division of the syllable takes place between them: that is, one consonant goes to the first, and the other to the second syllable. For example, cat, open, honey, etc.

3) Game “Come up with a word with a certain number of syllables”

Task: to train children in composing words with a certain number of syllables.

Description. The adult claps or taps out a certain number of syllables, and the child must come up with words that match them from the pictures. If he finds it difficult to name the word, the adult repeats the rhythm and pronounces the first syllable. As you practice, you can invite children to come up with words themselves without using pictures, or choose one of the children to drive.

4) Game “Name the given syllable in a word”

Task: to teach children to highlight and name a certain syllable in a word.

Description. An adult pronounces a word of two straight syllables syllable by syllable and asks the child to name the first, then the second syllable, for example, ra-ma, vo-da; then he is offered the next word, etc.

As training progresses, the adult offers the child two-syllable words with reversed or closed syllables, three-four-syllable words (ma-shi-na) and words with a combination of consonants, for example, honey.

5) Game “On the contrary”

Task: to train children in transforming syllables by replacing a hard sound in a syllable with a soft one or, conversely, a soft one with a hard one.

Equipment: rows of syllables for conversion.

Description. An adult shows a child how to turn a hard syllable into a soft one (or, conversely, soft into a hard one) by replacing the vowel sound in it. For example, py - pi, mo - me, be - be, la - la, well - nu, se - so, ke - ke, du - du, vya - va.

Then the child tries to transform the syllables on his own, and the adult selects them so that they contain sounds that the child pronounces correctly.

6) Game “Put out the syllable you hear”

Objective: to develop phonemic analysis and reading skills, fine motor skills of children.

Equipment: counting sticks, matches or beans.

Description. The adult clearly and slowly pronounces syllables containing sounds that the child can pronounce correctly, and invites him to lay out the letters corresponding to the sounds made from sticks, matches or beans.

7) Game “Repeat the syllables after me, emphasizing the emphasis”

Task: to teach children to repeat after an adult syllables with a given stress.

Description. The adult pronounces a series of syllables, emphasizing the stress, and the child listens and try to repeat, observing the location of the stressed syllable. At the initial stage, a series of two and then three syllables is proposed: sa’ - sa; sa – sa’; la’ - la – la’; la – la – la’

8) Game “Find the stressed syllable in the word”

Objective: to teach children to identify stressed syllables in words by ear.

Description. The adult pronounces the word syllable by syllable, emphasizing the stressed syllable, and the child must hear and repeat it. At the initial stage, words of two, then three or more syllables are offered.

For example, spider - stressed syllable -uk; hedgehog - e-; bunny - hare-; phone -background; autumn - o-; raspberry -li- etc.

9) Game “Unravel the Words”

Objective: to train children’s intelligence, the ability to rearrange syllables in one word to form another, to expand their vocabulary.

Equipment: subject pictures for each of the words.

Description. The adult lays out pictures in front of the child and names words in which the syllables are rearranged, and the child must find the corresponding picture and name the word correctly. For example, ba-so-ka - dog, po-sa-gi - boots, fet-sal-ka - napkin, mo-sa-let - plane, son-ko-ka - scarf, be-re-nok - child, ra-ba-ban - drum, ka-rel-ta - plate, etc.

10) Game “What new syllable appeared in the word?”

Objective: to train children’s intelligence and speech hearing.

Description. An adult names pairs of words that differ from each other in some syllable: the child must determine which syllable appeared or changed in the second word.

For example: hand - ru-bash-ka; crust - kor-zin-ka; roses - frost roses; front sight - front sight; a child is a child.

11) Game “Turn one word into another”

Objective: to improve the skills of sound-letter analysis, the ability to transform one word into another by rearranging sounds or syllables.

Description. The game is intended for children with basic reading skills. The adult invites the child to name the word from the picture and read the word next to it. When he notices that what is written is not what is shown in the picture, the adult shows how to turn the given word into the right one: rearrange the syllables, replace one sound with another, add the missing sound. For example, a ram is a banana, concrete is a loaf, a fist is + a (shark), a child is -+ same- (foal).

Games to expand vocabulary, improve grammatical structure of speech

– Nouns

1) Game “Say the right word”

Task: to consolidate general concepts in children, to expand their vocabulary.

Equipment: ball.

Description. The adult invites the child, by throwing the ball, to name words of a certain group, for example: flowers, animals, names, cities. The loser is the one who cannot come up with a word when he has the ball. The words called by the players should not be repeated.

2) Game “He - She - It”

Task: to consolidate in children the concept of the type of objects.

Equipment: a set of pictures familiar to the child, with masculine, feminine and neuter objects.

Description. The adult lays out pictures on the table and begins to form piles of them, explaining to the children that objects that can be called the word “he” are placed in the first, “she” in the second, and “it” in the third. Then the child continues to arrange the pictures independently. An adult, if necessary, helps him by asking guiding questions: Is he or she the table? Apple - she or it?

3) Game “Choose related words”

Task: to give children an idea of ​​related words, i.e. words formed from one original word.

Description. An adult explains to a child that some words are similar to each other in some way, like relatives, dear people, that’s why they are called related. Then he gives examples of such words and shows the corresponding pictures, highlighting the part that is similar in all these words.

For example, the main word is SNOW: snowy, snowflake, snowfall, snowball, snowman, bullfinch, Snow Maiden. Or the main word is HOUSE: house, house, house, home, housewife, housewife. Next, the adult invites the child to select or come up with related words to several given ones, using picture clues. For example, you can suggest the words: HARE - bunny, hare, hare, hare; WINTER - winter, wintering, wintering, wintering, wintering; SUN - sun, sunny, sunflower; ROD - native, homeland, spring, parents, etc.

4) Game “One object - many objects”

Objective: to improve the grammatical structure of speech, to teach children to correctly use singular and plural nouns in speech.

Equipment: pairs of object pictures with one and many objects, a ball.

Description. The adult lays out pairs of pictures in front of the child; he names the object from the picture in the singular, and the child names it in the plural. If necessary, the adult corrects the child’s mistakes in the endings of words in the plural. As you practice, the game can be played without pictures, throwing the ball.

5) Game “Name it kindly”

Objective: to teach children to form and use nouns with a diminutive meaning in speech.

Equipment: object pictures depicting large and small objects, a ball.

Description. An adult shows an object picture and names a large and a small object from it.

Then he begins to name a large object, and the child must form a word for a small object with a diminutive meaning.

For example, a table - a table, a chair - a chair, a ring - a ring, a hat - a cap, etc. As you practice, the game can be played without pictures, throwing the ball.

6) Game “Who has who?”

Task: to consolidate the names of baby animals and birds in children’s active speech.

Equipment: paintings depicting animals and birds, cut-out pictures depicting their young, a ball.

Description. The adult invites the child to select suitable babies for animals and birds, overlaying cut-out pictures on large pictures.

When all the small pictures have been selected, the child must correctly name and count the babies, answering the question with a complete answer: “Who has who?”

For example. The dog has three puppies. The cat has five kittens. A hen has nine chicks, etc. As you practice, the game can be played without pictures, throwing the ball.

7) Game “One - One - One”

Task: to teach children to distinguish objects by gender and correctly use them with the numerals one, two.

Equipment: pictures depicting masculine, feminine, neuter objects.

Description. An adult randomly lays out pictures on the table, and then begins to form three piles depending on the gender of the noun and the corresponding numeral. For example: This is a pencil. He's alone. This is a book. She is one. This Apple. It is one. Then the child arranges the remaining pictures independently, matching the noun with the numeral in gender.

8) Game “What does anyone need?”

Objective: to teach children to correctly use nouns in the dative case in speech.

Equipment: subject pictures depicting people of different professions familiar to the child and the items and tools they need.

Description. The adult shows a picture of a person of some profession, and the child selects the objects and tools he needs from the pictures laid out on the table. For example, a doctor - a phonendoscope, a syringe, medicine, a thermometer; teacher - pointer, blackboard, chalk, pen; hairdresser - scissors, mirror, comb, etc. A child at this age can be offered pictures depicting a driver, policeman, seamstress, salesman, builder, cook, artist.

– Adjectives

1) Game “Replace the word”

Task: to consolidate in children the concept of words with opposite meanings.

Equipment: subject and subject pictures depicting antonyms, ball.

Description. The adult shows the child pairs of pictures and names one word, and the child must pronounce the word with the opposite meaning.

At the initial stage, it is better to name words - action verbs (open - close, stand up - sit down), and then move on to nouns, adjectives and adverbs (high - low, day - night, cheerful - sad, hot - cold, etc. )

As you practice, the game can be played in the form of throwing a ball, while naming words that have opposite meanings.

2) Game “Whose - Whose - Whose - Whose”

Task: to train children in the formation of possessive adjectives from the names of animals and birds.

Equipment: subject pictures depicting animals and their individual parts.

Description. An adult shows a picture of an animal, names it, then asks a question about any part of the body of this animal. For example: whose head? - cow's; whose tail? - cow's, whose tracks? - cow's, etc.

- Verbs

1) Game “Say the word”

Objective: to improve children's word formation skills, train them in memorizing and repeating new words - verbs formed by changing the prefix.

Description. The adult pronounces the beginning of the word - the prefix, and the child finishes the missing, pre-agreed part of the word - the root - and repeats the whole word. The game offers verbs that form many new words with the help of a prefix: carry, go, drive, fly, swim, wear, walk, etc.

For example, bring, take away, bring in, bring in, take out, move; go, leave, arrive, leave, drive in, drive in, go around, drive off, leave, move, get there, etc.

2) Game “Swims, runs, flies”

Task: to train children in inventing objects suitable for a given action. Equipment: ball.

Description. The players stand in a circle. An adult (and as training progresses, a driver chosen from among the children) throws the ball to one of the children, calling the action. The one who catches the ball returns it back, adding a suitable object.

For example, it flies - a bird, an airplane, a rocket, a swan, a butterfly, a helicopter.

3) Game “Think of an action”

Task: to teach children to correctly correlate actions with a specific object and call them with the corresponding verb.

Equipment: ball.

Description. You can play with one child or with a group of children. The players stand in a circle. An adult (and as training progresses, a driver chosen from among the children) throws a ball to one of them, while naming an object (an animal, a person of a certain profession, the name of a boy or girl). The person who catches the ball must return it to the driver, calling the appropriate action for this object. For example, a cow moos; cat - meows, purrs, scratches; doctor - treats; fireman - extinguishes; Vanya - jumping; Olya - plays; Katya - dances; Dima - draws, etc.

– Numerals, adverbs, pronouns

1) Game “Count the objects”

Task: to train children in quantitative counting of objects, correctly using endings in words.

Equipment: numbers from 1 to 5, object pictures depicting one, two, three, four, five objects; ball.

Description. The adult names a number and shows a picture with the corresponding number of objects, and the child must correctly name this object in combination with this number. For example, one cucumber - two cucumbers - three cucumbers - five cucumbers; one apple - two apples - five apples, etc.

As you practice, the game can be played by ear, throwing the ball and calling the number of objects. For example: one watermelon - five (watermelons).

2) Game "More"

Task: to train children in the formation of comparative degrees of adjectives. Equipment: ball.

Description. The adult explains to the child that some characteristics of objects can be compared with each other and this comparison can be expressed in words. He throws the ball to the child and names the attribute and the comparative word “yet,” and the child must return the ball and correctly form the comparative degree. For example, loud - even louder, long - even longer, high - even higher, easy - even lighter, etc. If a word is encountered whose comparative degree is formed by another word, the adult must explain to the child how to pronounce such a word correctly: good - even better, bad - even worse, a lot - even more, little - even less.

3) Game “My - Mine - Mine”

Objective: to teach children to distinguish objects by gender and correctly use them with possessive pronouns.

Equipment: personal belongings (toys, clothes, shoes) of children, a bag.

Description. The game can be played with one child or with a group of children. The adult quietly puts several items from each child into a bag. Then, taking them out of the bag one at a time, he asks: “Whose T-shirt (doll, car)? Whose shoe (scarf, teddy bear)? Whose dress? etc.

– Coherent speech

1) Game “Professions”

Task: to teach children to make sentences about people in professions familiar to the child.

Equipment: subject pictures depicting people of certain professions: salesman, cook, teacher, driver, policeman, builder, hairdresser, artist, fireman, doctor.

Description. The child must make a proposal based on the picture about the responsibilities of a person in this profession. For example, “The driver drives the car”; “The builder is building a house”; "A teacher teaches children at school."

2) Game “Finish the sentence”

Task: teach children to make simple sentences based on pictures.

Equipment: subject pictures.

Description. The adult places pictures in front of the child and begins to say a sentence, and the child must complete it with a suitable word, based on the pictures.

For example, “The cat catches (the mouse)”; “The girl throws (the ball)”; “The dog is chewing (a bone)”; “Mom baked (a cake).”

3) Game “Fix the sentence”

Objective: to train children in transforming a deformed phrase, to develop a sense of language.

Equipment: deformed phrases prepared in advance by adults, in which the words are nouns in the nominative case, verbs are in the initial form.

Description. The adult reads the words, and the child must rearrange and change them so that a normal sentence is obtained.

For example, “Mom, vase, put sweets,” in “Mom puts sweets in a vase”; “Fly, on, glass, sit” - “Fly sits on glass”; “I, book, read, interesting” - “I am reading an interesting book.”

4) Game “My Family”

Task: teach children to make sentences about family members using pictures.

Equipment: plot pictures depicting family members in various situations.

Description. The adult shows the picture and asks the child: “Who is this? What is he doing?" The child must answer in a complete sentence.

For example, “Mom washes clothes (cooks food, sews a skirt, irons a shirt, etc.). Dad cleans the carpet (fixes the faucet, plays chess, watches TV, reads the newspaper, etc.).”

5) Game “Where the toy is hidden”

Objective: to develop children’s spatial orientation skills, to teach them to understand verbal instructions and the meaning of adverbs of place.

Equipment: toys.

Description. The adult hides the toy somewhere on the playground or in the room and gives the child verbal instructions on how to find it. For example: stand facing the closet, take three steps to the left, look for the doll on the shelf, between the teddy bear and the matryoshka doll. Or: go straight to the tree, go around it and behind the beggar under the Bush you will find a typewriter. The child must perform the given actions, find the hidden object and answer in a complete sentence where the toy was: “The doll was on the shelf between the bear and the nesting doll. The car was lying under a bush.”

6) Game “Little Right Word”

Task: to introduce children to the meaning of simple prepositions in speech.

Equipment: objects surrounding the child (toys, dishes, furniture), story pictures.

Description. The adult gives the child small instructions, deliberately omitting prepositions. He must guess by meaning what little word is missing here. For example: “Put the doll (in) the stroller. The book lies (in) the box. The cat hid (under) the bed.” As you practice, you can invite your child to make sentences with a small word based on the picture.

7) Game “Make a story”

Objective: to develop children’s coherent speech.

Equipment: a series of pictures connected by a single plot.

Description. The adult offers to look at the plot pictures, put them in order and come up with a story based on them. At the initial stage, an adult can ask the child leading questions - start a sentence, and the child will finish it. The adult also helps the child with the use of initial, introductory and final phrases, and coming up with a title for the compiled story. As training progresses, the child can become more independent: work without leading questions, show imagination, explaining the reasons for this or that action of the characters.

Games with words: materials for speech games and speech activities with children. Poems for children's speech development.

Games with words for children: speech development

Dear readers of “Native Path”, in this article you will find 17 original educational speech games for children of senior preschool age. These games will help develop the child’s vocabulary, master the grammatical structure of the Russian language, develop the linguistic sense and creative speech abilities of children.

Playing with words “What does it say?”

I. Gamazkova. Ding dong

“Dong-dong! Ding Ding!" —
The bell rang.
“Click-clack! Come in!” —
The castle said.
“Creak-creak! – the door was happy. –
I’ve been waiting for you, believe me!”
“Top-top? - asked the shoes. –
What's in our kitchen?"
“Bul-gul, I’m soup,
I'm already boiling!
Now I’ll feed you!”
“I’m a teapot, I’m standing on the fire!
I’ll give you some tea!”
Ah, the song is familiar!
It's so good that I'm home! (I. Gamazkova)

Let's play game with words based on this poem “Who will hear the most sounds?”.

Purpose of the game: This game develops children's imagination, their creative speech abilities, auditory perception and attention.

How to play: Invite your child to walk around the room and listen to what and how objects can talk about - what sounds are heard in the room, in the corridor, on the street. After a minute, we begin to share with each other one by one who heard what. You need to come up with an onomatopoeia and say what it means. For example: “Shhh, the washing machine says, I’ll finish it soon.” “Creak-creak (it’s a wooden floor) - it’s time for me to repair it. “Tra-la-la! How I love to sing!” - this is the voice of the piano. “Ding-ding! Have fun at the Christmas tree” - that’s what the Christmas tree decorations say. “Plop-plop!” - this is the voice of a pillow falling from a chair.

You can come up with a whole dialogue of objects in the morning or evening, or a fairy tale about what happens in the house when people sleep.

Games with words and sounds in words

A. Shibaev. The letter got lost. Joke

Purpose of the game: This wonderful poem - speech game will help you develop children's phonemic hearing.

How to play: Read a couple of lines to your child and ask him to replace one sound to get the correct word (doors - animals, stream - doctors, rat - roof, on a goat - on a horse, etc. I won’t suggest further :)

Not all children, even at 5-6 years old, immediately figure out how to replace a sound in an incorrect word in a line. If the child has difficulties, then prompt: “Can doors chase? What is a similar word? Who lives in the forest? So, not doors, but...?”

Poems for the game with words:

It is unknown how it happened
Only the letter got lost.
Dropped into someone's house
And he rules it.
But I barely got there
Mischievous letter -
Stranger Things
Things started to happen...

The hunter shouted: “Oh!
Doors They're chasing me!"

Snow is melting. A stream flows
The branches are full doctors.

In front of the kids
Rat painters are painting.

Mom with barrels went
On the road along the village.

Old Grandpa Pakhom
On goat rode on horseback.

Sat down in spoon- and let's go!
Along the river back and forth!

The doctor reminded Uncle Mitya:
"Don't forget one thing:
Be sure to accept
Ten herons before bedtime".

We didn't write any letters:
Tuchka We searched all day.

Sits firmly in the garden
Orange cap.

Spring thundered dwarf,
Clouds in the sky all around.
They say one fisherman
I caught a shoe in the river.
But then he
Got hooked house.

The lazy man is lying on a cot,
gnawing, crunching, guns.

Uncle was driving without vest,
He paid a fine for this.

Bug booth didn't finish it
Reluctantly, tired of it.

The goalkeeper has a big catch:
Five flew into the net oxen.

I sewed a shirt big shot,
I'll sew some pants for him.

The poet finished the line,
At the end I put barrel.

On the yellowed grass
Drops a lion your foliage.

Where did you have lunch, sparrow?
At the zoo doors.

On wolf- sour cream,
Cottage cheese, milk.
And I would be glad to eat
Not easy to get.

Gored me boiler,
I'm very angry with him.

The mouse drags into the hole
Huge bread slide.

Didn't study lessons
And he played football.
That's why in the notebook
Appeared Goal.

A hurricane hit the island,
The last one left on the palm tree ram.

Under the birch trees, where there is shade,
Old man lurking day.

In a clearing in spring
Increased tooth young.

Having dropped the doll from my hands,
Masha rushes to her mother:
There's green creeping there onion
With a long mustache.

Hey, don't stand too close.
I'm a tiger cub, not Bowl.

Five rams Tolka ate
And he said: “There would be so much more...”

We collect cornflowers
On our heads puppies.

There are also wonderful poems for playing with the sounds of another author - these are the confusion poems of Yakov Kozlovsky.

The letter F hurt my leg

The letter "F" hurt my leg,
"P" came to the rescue,
He tells her:
- I’ll make friends
I will serve for you.

The little siskin whistled: -
Phew, whew, whew!
I am dewdrops in the morning

Get busy playing
To forfeits
Three deer
Throwing up my antlers.

Accountant fell ill
He began to confuse minus
With a plus.

I got into the bath
And tiles
All covered
A hail of drops.

I began to create the Fleet,
Turned into a sponge
Into the raft.
Lil lamp,
Like a headlight
Light from above
Through the clouds of steam.

My brother took the violin
"Fa" -
The cat started to do

The cups grunt like pigs

The letter “A” was attacked by an illness,
And “U” stood up instead of girlfriend.
I ask for varnish -
They give me onions
And cups
Grunt like

Where I stood
A tank with water,
Suddenly grew

The woodpecker thought:
"So so so",
But it turned out:

I write in my notebook:
"Ten Countries"
"Ten Strings"
I scold myself:
“Here is a ram!”
It turns out:
“Here’s a breaker!”

Game of rhymes. Y. Kozlovsky

The letter “L”, having arrived at the square,
I met the letter "R"
He says: - Let's play,
Well, at least in rhymes, for example...

“L” said: - Yellow fox... -
“R” said: “Cooking rice.”
“L” said: - Coal for the fox... -
“R” said: “Carrying an eel.”

“L” said: “They’re asking for a lama…”
“R” said: -Insert frame.-
“L” said: -I’m from the box... -
“R” said: “I’m making faces.”

“L” said: - Through the log
I gallop on a horse like a dun... -
“R” said: -Blowing the horn
And I don’t bend before a snowstorm.

“L” said: - It’s a pity,
That our bun has disappeared.-
“R” said: -It’s very hot -
He climbed into the boxes.

“L” said: -Get out of tune...-
“R” said: “You’re not happy!” -
“L” said: “Give me the needle!” -
“R” in response: - Finish the game!

Playing with words and syllables

A. Shibaev. Magic words

Purpose of the game: This word game can introduce your child to syllables and the fact that words are made up of syllables.

How to play:

Clap different words with your child and determine how many parts - syllables - there are in each word. One clap - one syllable.

Clap the words “po-ezd” and “gu-se-ni-tsa.” Lay out with chopsticks and count the number of syllables in each word. Ask your child which word is longer? This question is provocative, because... Very often children answer that the train is longer than the caterpillar. In fact, to answer the question you need to count the number of syllables in a word: the word “caterpillar” is longer than the word “train”.

Lay out the word “grandchildren” with sticks of different colors or colored pencils (one stick = one syllable). Then change the sticks and syllables. What happened? Nod (nod) = grandson – ki (grandchildren).

Then read a fragment from the poem, but not to the end. Let the children guess what word it will be if the syllables are reversed.

In three-letter words, there is a play not with the syllables in the word, but with the sounds. Make a word out of sounds and swap them. What will happen? (n+a+s = us, s+n+a = sleep)

Poems for the game:

There are magic words:
Say the word -
You hear two.

“I have,” said the grandfather, “
There are no worries, no grief.
I want to rest,
There are younger hands:
Just a little nod-nod-nod -


Animal, animal, where are you running?
What's your name, baby?
- I’m running to KAMYSH-KAMYSH-KAMYSH,

In the field-ALL-ALL-ALL:

We were sleeping in the forest one day,
And the night was dark
And the wolf howled
He deprived him of SNA-SNA-SLEEP...

Father taught me to work
Smart Danilka.
Danilka FISH-FISH.

Ivan Ganka says:
- Look:
- Where is BOAR-BOAR-BOAR? -
Ivan is surprised.

How many in the house

I carry
- And to whom?

Hey, Seryozha, Vera, Ira,
Why are you hanging your nose?

Why are you keeping silent?
- When I eat,
I'm like a fish
And let me
Have lunch in silence!

Lexical games with words

A game with choosing words that have opposite meanings

Purpose of the game: In the game, the child learns to select antonyms for words (the term “antonym” is not given to children; children are asked to find and say words with opposite meanings).

Poems for the game:

And now it’s your turn
Play the game "On the contrary".
I'll say the word "high"
And you will answer... (low).
Then I will say: “Far”
And you will answer... (close).
“Now I’ll say: “Ceiling”
And you will answer... (gender).
I will say the word “Lost.”
You will answer... (“Found!”)
Now: “The beginning,” I will say,
“No,” you say... (“The end!”) D. Ciardi

A game with the ambiguous word “plays”

Purpose of the game: This poem develops a child’s speech and introduces children to the concept of polysemy of a word (children are not taught the term “polysemantic words”), and teaches them to select words that are accurate in meaning.

Poems for the game:

And the sun plays (with its rays on the river),
And the cat plays (with a ball on the porch),
And Zhenya plays (Zhenya has a doll),
And mom plays (in the theater on stage),
And dad plays (on a copper trumpet),
And grandfather (playing with his grandson in the hut).
And the grandmother washes her grandson’s diapers.
Grandma is probably playing with laundry? (A. Shibaev)

How to play:

Ask the children how you can say it differently, how you can replace the word “plays” (that is, choose synonyms with your child),

- "Sun plays rays - what does it do? (glitters, shines, shines).

- Dad plays on stage on the trumpet - what is he doing? (speaking)

- Cat plays- what is she doing? (jumps, frolics, catches a ball, rolls a ball on the ground)
- Zhenya plays with the doll - what is it doing? (Feeds the doll, puts it to bed, dresses the doll, etc.)

By choosing words, the child learns from his practical experience that a word can mean phenomena with different meanings, learns to select the exact words, and listens to speech.

What kind of rain is there? Enriching children's vocabulary

Purpose of the game: enrich children's vocabulary with new words.

Poems for the game:

The rain drizzled and drizzled,
He let it go, knocked, mowed down,
It poured like a shower, stood like a wall,
He drummed and crushed herbs.
The rain is blind and pouring,
Growing, mushroom,
Cover, hanging, fast,
Sleepy, slow and argumentative.
Like a reed standing upright,
Both cold and hot.
And there is also a thunderstorm,
Rainbow, stripe,
Parallels and in a grid,
And in the wind, even in a cage...
There's so much rain
For plants and people (O. Grigoriev)

How to play: What kind of rain happens - who has heard more beautiful words about rain? We collect all the words from the poem.

You can play with words in a playful way - draw a cloud and a flower on the ground. We need to help the cloud water the flower. One word - definition from the poem - is one drop of rain that we draw (draw a line from the cloud to the flower). The task is to make a real rainstorm, that is, to pick up as many words as possible about rain from the poem.

Grammar games with words and games with words to develop word creativity

V. Lunin. Morning mood. Making up new words

Purpose of the game: development of word creation and linguistic flair, the ability to experiment with words, to combine linguistic units and parts of words in different ways.

Poems for the game:

Dad's in a mood
Breakfast reading,
Mom's in a mood
Napapoo offensive.
Brother's in a mood
Screamingly rattling,
And with me, and with me -
The room is bouncy (V. Lunin).

How to play: Together with your child, come up with names for different moods: sitting on chairs, capriciously crying, laughing, jumping, gift-giving, smiling, laughing, etc. If it’s difficult for the child, then you can suggest options: “What can you call the mood if you/we are with you...?”

V. Stepanov. Straw summer. Word agreement

Purpose of the game: teach the child to correctly agree adjectives and nouns in gender, number, case, prevent or correct errors in the child’s speech.

Poems for the game:

Straw summer
Straw sand.
Straw hat
Slides to the temple.

Strawy distances
Straw days.
Straw horses
Visible in the sun.

Straw sky
Straw hut.
I draw with a straw,
Forgetting about the pencil.

How to play: Invite your child to come up with something he would draw with a straw: “I would draw a straw horse, a straw hat, a straw house, straw toys.” Fantasy is welcome! In this exercise, we train the child to correctly agree adjectives and nouns in gender, number, and case. We also teach the child to use the subjunctive mood of verbs in speech (I would..)

After “word drawing”, invite your child to play with words in the game “Guess what I’ll draw.”

Game task:

I will draw a beautiful straw - a briefcase or a bag? I will draw a tall straw with a straw - a fence or a gate? I'll draw a funny straw - a toy or a stuffed animal? I will draw beautiful straw flowers or a rose? Come up with your own versions of similar tasks.

Children often make mistakes in these word games. For example, they say that straw is a briefcase. Then ask: “Is this what we say – a beautiful briefcase, give me a beautiful briefcase? How do we talk? So what is this?

Never repeat your child’s mistakes out loud and never make fun of them! Just correct it to the correct version and show examples of using the word in speech - a new briefcase, a leather briefcase, I wished for a straw briefcase.

We come up with new words. A game for the development of word creation and creative abilities of children

P. Sinyavsky. Mushroom train

Purpose of the game: development of word creativity, the ability to experiment with words, combine parts of words, invent new words based on known ones.

Poems for the game:

They are traveling on the train
Volnushki and chanterelles
With girlfriends and friends,
Nigella milk mushrooms.
From Prigorkino station
To Vederkino station,
From Podyolkino station
To Zasolkino station.

Wheels with effort
They rumble along the rails,
Delivery on schedule
The company again.

From Polyankino station
To Smetankino station,
From Penkovkino station
To Dukhovkino station.

The fly agaric has a sly look
A malicious grin -
He got on the train and sits
It's like russula.
But then the controller comes in,
Brings out fly agaric.
And the fly agaric stowaway
Blushes with shame.

And the old boletus,
Intelligent fat guy
Raises his beret
And shows his ticket.
Attached to the ticket
Fourteen receipts.

Fourteen receipts
With station names:

Dorozhkino, Lukoshkino, Opushkino, Zasushkino, Kastryulkino, Bulbulkino, Luchkovo, Selderyushkino, Morkovkino, Perlovkino, Nemnozhkino-Kartoshkino, Lavrushkino-Petrushkino, Tarelkino and Lozhkino.

How to play: This is a wonderful poem, which both kids and “respectable children” aged 6-8 years play with delight. Encourage your children to travel by train. Draw a plan of the train route on a landscape sheet. And mark the different stations on it. Come up with funny names for them.

Task options:

What do you call a station where all the people laugh? (Smeshinkino, Veselchakovo, Ulybkino and so on - select as many different options as possible, play with a variety of words).

What can you call a station where many hares live? (Zaychikovo, Zaichatkino, Zaykin Les and other options)

What do you call a station that has a lot of benches?

Come up with as many different stations as possible and get involved in word creation together with your child. Pleasure, relaxation, smiles, hearty laughter and a great mood are guaranteed! Play with us!

We come up with new words on the topic “Vegetables”. Poem – joke by N. Konchalovskaya “About vegetables”

Poems for the game:

There lived a gardener
He planted a garden
I carefully prepared the beds.
He brought a suitcase
Full of different seeds
But they were mixed up in disarray.
Spring has come,
And the seeds sprouted -
The gardener admired the seedlings.
I watered them in the morning,
Covered them up at night
And the shore from cold weather.

But when the gardener
He called us to the garden,
We looked and everyone shouted:
- Never and nowhere,
Neither in land nor in water
We have never seen such vegetables!

Showed by the gardener
We have such a garden,
Where in the beds, sown thickly,
The cucumbers grew
The tomatoes grew
Radishes, chives and turnips.

The celery has ripened,
And the carrots are ripe,
The asparagus has already begun to crumble.
And such little bottles
Yes furry pods
Every gardener would be scared.

We carried the basket
But they couldn't decide
What to do with vegetables like this?
Should we fry them?
Should we steam them?..
Well, we just ate them raw!

Purpose of the game: development of word creation, mastering ways of forming new words in the native language.

How to play: Remember the names of unusual vegetables that the gardener grew: cucumbers, tomatoes, chives, turnips, eggplants, asparagus, celery, radishes. Ask your child where these strange, amazing vegetables and their names come from? Cucumbers = cucumbers and watermelons. Tomatoes = tomatoes + melons.

Lay out cards with pictures of different vegetables (any pictures or real vegetables). Try combining parts of words into one word to come up with a new name. For example Kartopusta = potatoes + cabbage.

This creative task is very useful because... it not only develops attention to words, but also the ability to identify their parts in words - syllables.

Games with words: listening to words

A. Barto. Word game

Purpose of the game: development of attention to the word and its sound.

Poems for the game:

Say it louder
The word "Thunder"
The word thunders
Like thunder.

Say it quietly:
"Six little mice" -
And immediately the mice
They will rustle.

"Cuckoo on a bitch"
You will hear:

Will you say a word?
"Leaf fall" me
And the leaves are falling
They're flying,
And, as if in reality,
Do you see autumn?
Yellow Garden
And wet grass.

Say "Spring" -
And then it arose
Runs in the green thicket
A cheerful babbling key.
We also call the spring a key.
(The door key has nothing to do with it.)
...Words are different -
Nice, simple,
Words are empty -
Unnecessary, empty.

How to play:

With your child, choose “loud” words, quiet words, sweet words, ringing words, funny words, sad words. You can play this game with words on the road or just in your spare time.
Here are some more examples of poems for such games - selection of “prickly words”, “russling words”, “loud words”.

Additional verses for the game:

We met few words,
Where does Yo stand at the beginning?
The first thing you'll call
Three words: Yolka, Hedgehog and Ruff
And everything is terribly caustic
And the Hedgehog and the Ruff and the Christmas Tree. (A. Shibaev)

Underfoot in leaf fall
The leaves are yellow.
The yellow leaves lie
And under the leaves they rustle
Shursh, Shurshikha and Shurshonok
- Dad, mom and child.
(V. Golyakhovsky)

she has changed!
And now it's raining
Quietly -
Can you hear?
CROPPED across the roof...
Now he will begin to DRUM...
Already DRUMING!
Already DRUMING! (A. Shibaev)

Games with letters, sounds and words

Purpose of the game: learn to select words with a given sound.

How to play with words: It is very important for every child to see their results clearly. That's why I usually play the game like this. We take a basket (chest) and “put” our words into it. You need to type a full basket of words with sound. The role of words can be construction kit parts, chips, pebbles and other small objects.
We select words with the sounds “K”, “T” and with the sound “S”. Please note that these are hard sounds, so words with the sounds k or s will not suit us or they will need to be put in a separate basket!

Poems for the game:

Here's how many in K I can name:
Pan, coffee pot, box, bed,
Cow, apartment, painting, carpet,
Pantry, gate, chest of drawers, corridor...,
- Oh, that's enough! And the letter can get tired!
But what can you name with a T?
- An axe, a stool, a plate and a spoon...
- You seem to have mixed up something a little!
- Well, okay, I won’t get confused anymore.
Listen, I’ll name the dishes in C:
A glass, a frying pan, a salt shaker... and a cat!
- Where is the cat from?
- She climbed into the window!
Better ask the cat where it came from
And are all the dishes in the kitchen intact...
(L. Kuklin)

In the next poem, we will select words with the sounds R and R with our child. We put the words found in the poem into separate baskets - one with the sound R (for Raya, because her name begins with the sound R, for boys - an option for Roma), the other with the sound Rb (for Erema or Irina, because in these names have a soft R sound). Then we come up with our own words with these sounds.

Let's play
With the sound "R":
"First grader"
On Rechnoye I
BeRegu took shelter,
I accept you
I can do it as a friend.
KhutoR GRakov,
Near the river,
Near BoR.
Near Bor,
Three fences
And bugorR.
The birch trees grew in full swing.
Along the river
Catching Fish
Fishing Fishermen,
Catching Fish on Fishing
On the hook
Which has bait -
In our River and for Cancers
There is SPACE.
MOUNTAIN Crayfish Dragged
Riverman EgoR.
For fishermen Rechnik
Gave a good example...
So, guys, we've become friends.
With the sound "R".
(S. Eidlin)

Game with words "Tall Tales"
L. Stanchev. Is this true?

Purpose of the game: development of attention and speech - explanations.

How to play? The child needs to distinguish correct statements from incorrect ones. And explain why you think so.

They collect cheese from the bushes.
Cows are grazed with hares.
Oxen are being milked in the meadow.
The bear starts dancing.
The pumpkins began to sing songs.
Mowers are mowing the forests.
There is dew on the snow.
Is it true that once
Did the umbrella save us from the rain?
Why does the moon shine on us at night?
What don't children like sweets? (L. Stanchev)

Warm spring now
The grapes are ripe here.
Horned horse in the meadow
Jumping in the snow in summer
Late autumn bear
Loves to sit in the river.
And in winter among the branches
"Ga-ha-ha!" - the nightingale sang.
- Give me an answer quickly
Is this true or not?

I wish you interesting games with children!

You will find exciting and funny modern games for children’s speech development in the articles:

"Speech development from 0 to 7 years: what is important to know and what to do. Cheat sheet for parents"

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Games of this kind are convenient because they do not require props (if any are needed, then minimal ones), they can be used anywhere and at any time. Oral games can either diversify the holiday or simply occupy hours on a tiring journey or in a long line. Such entertainment can become not only an interesting pastime, but also a good stimulus for the mental and speech development of a child.


This is perhaps the most famous game of all time in our country. The first player names any city, the next participant comes up with a city starting with the final letter of the previous one, for example: Moscow - Arkhangelsk - Kursk.

Alternatively, you can make the game more difficult: pronounce the names of cities in a certain country.

Another city game has something in common with the game “I know...”, where the continuation of the initial phrase “I know” can be completely different options: five city names starting with the letter P, five cities in Germany, five cities in Siberia, etc. The main thing is to name all five without getting confused or pausing.


Both individuals and teams participate here. The first player or team sings any song (1-2 lines), the opponents must sing the answer - a song starting with the last letter of the previous one. This fun game is good for holidays and in groups where people like to sing. This way you can have a real concert, singing the songs in full.

Three stories (fact or fiction)

Each participant takes turns telling two real stories that happened to him and one fictional one. The task of the others is to guess which one is not true. It is advisable to tell a fictional story in such a way that it is difficult to immediately guess which of the three is made up.


The presenter leaves the room, and the rest of the participants guess the name of any player. The presenter’s task is to guess this person by asking association questions, for example:

“Which bird does this person look like: a penguin, a sparrow or a peacock?”, “If this person was a house, would it be a high-rise building, a cottage or a hut?”, “Is this person a poppy, a rose or a forget-me-not?”

Find the color

This is a game of speed. The presenter writes the names of the players on a piece of paper and for each quick answer puts a point next to the name of the answerer. The task of the participants is to find and show the color chosen by the presenter as quickly as possible (in household items, clothing, nature, etc.) in the immediate environment.

A more complicated version of the game: guess colors with shades, for example, light green, dirty pink. You can also guess rarely spoken names of colors: lilac, olive, khaki, etc.

For schoolchildren, such a game in English or another language that they are studying will be useful.

Find the hidden object

From everything that is visible to the eye, the presenter makes a wish for one object. Players take turns asking leading questions to guess it. Questions can only be answered “yes” or “no”. Each player can do one thing on his turn: either ask a leading question, or guess what kind of object is in store. If the player guesses the item incorrectly, then he misses the next move. The winner changes places with the leader and wishes for a new item.

This game teaches you to listen carefully, analyze and draw conclusions, because with the help of questions asked by other participants, you can guess the object on your turn.

I never…

For this game you will need matches or other small objects that you can take and give.

Each participant is given 10 matches (seeds, beads, sticks, etc.). Players take turns saying the phrase: “I have never…” and continue it with some fact from their lives. It is important that this statement be as unique as possible and that as few participants as possible can say the same thing about themselves. As soon as the player says his phrase, everyone else who cannot say this about themselves gives him one match.

For example, if you say, “I've never been a pilot on an airplane,” you most likely won't get more than one match because... none of the players were pilots either. But, if you say: “I have never ridden a bicycle,” rest assured that they will give you a lot of matches. Close friends who know each other well will ensure that there is no cunning or deception, because Some facts are difficult to verify with unfamiliar game participants.


This game develops memory and attention. The first participant begins the game with the phrase: “I take a bag and put in it...” then he continues, pronouncing any object, for example, an apple. The next person repeats everything said by the previous one, but adds one more item of his own: “I take a bag and put an apple and socks in it.” And so on the game continues in a circle. Everyone who stumbles out. The last remaining participant who managed to pronounce the entire chain without hesitation wins.


This funny game, if you catch a wave of inspiration, will greatly amuse its participants. The task is simple: the first player pronounces the first phrase of the verse, the second - the next, and so on. The most important thing is to follow the rhyme. For fun, you can write down the work that the writers produce.

You can make this game easier by giving everyone a word that rhymes with their neighbor's word. Then there will be no tension with coming up with a rhyme: everyone composes the “filling” of the line. For example, from the words: love-carrots, tears-roses, you can get the following poem:

I have love in my heart

Grows like a carrot.

That's why I shed tears -

For watering a cute rose.


This is a game for schoolchildren and their parents. Any word can be invented (preferably a verb). Participants in a circle begin to pronounce its synonyms. There should be no pauses, so the one who stops leaves the game. The last remaining participant wins.

The chain of synonyms will be longer if figurative concepts are inserted into it, for example: run - fly, work - hump, etc. You can also use not only one word, but also expressions that will reflect the same meaning: cry - shed tears, gather - wash your skis.

Continue the word

Option 1. Two people play. The first one says half of any word, the second one must continue it and say the whole word. For example:

First: “Re..”

Second: “...rights. Horus..."

First: “od... Udo...”, etc.

The winner is the one who can hold on without stumbling.

Option 2. A game for company. Participants are divided into 2 teams, three minutes are timed and during this time the teams must come up with as many words as possible from the beginning syllable. The team with the most words wins. For example, you need to come up with a continuation of part of the word “com...”: communism, utility worker, room, combine, company, comedian, team, etc.

Decipher the song

The presenter leaves the hall, everyone makes a wish for a famous song. When the presenter enters, he must, by asking any questions (not related to the song), understand what the participants wished. Each participant must insert one word from the song into their answer. The next leader becomes the player on whom the song was recognized.

For example, the song “Oh, the viburnum is blooming in the field by the stream”:

Host: What's the weather like today?

Player 1: Oh, it looks like it's going to rain.

Host: What did you have for breakfast today?

Player 2: A sunflower is blooming under my window, I ate the seeds from it.

Host: What color is your shirt?

3rd player: If you compare the color of my shirt with the plants, it will be about the same as viburnum. And so on.

It is important to make such sentences that the presenter will not immediately guess what song they are talking about.

You cannot change the case, number, declension, or conjugation of words: they must remain in the form in which they appear in the song.

Games of wits

In these games, participants must guess what scheme the leader is using.

From cross to parallel

Everyone sits around on chairs. Take a phantom (any item) that will be convenient to transfer. The presenter begins the game by passing the forfeit to any participant, with the words: “From the cross to the parallel.” The participant must pass it to any other player, correctly saying: from the cross to the parallel, or from the parallel to the cross. The players' task is to guess what kind of system operates in this game: when they are crosses and when they are parallels.

In fact, the answer is extremely simple: when a person sits on a chair with his legs crossed, he is a cross, and when both of his legs are parallel, he is a parallel. Therefore, the same participant can be both a cross and a parallel dozens of times.

Warn the players so that those who are the first to guess about the game system and are convinced that they really understood everything correctly do not immediately tell the other participants about it. You can only say: “I got it,” continue to play and wait for others to guess.

I take it with me on a hike...

The presenter says the initial phrase: “I take with me on a hike...” and then pronounces some object. One by one, the players begin to try to take something with them and name their items. The presenter must say: you can take them or not, and in the meantime the participants must guess on what principle they can take things on a hike.

There can be a lot of options here (you can come up with them yourself): from simple to complex. Everything will depend on the age of the players. For example, you can take items on a hike:

1. starting or ending with a specific letter:

Host: “I take a mug with me on a hike.”

Player 1: “I take a stroller with me on a hike.”

Player 2: “I take a hockey stick with me on a hike.”

2. consisting of a certain material (only metal or only wood):

Host: “I take a needle with me on a hike.”

Player 1: “I take a spoon with me on hikes.”

Player 2: “I take a coin with me on a hike.”

3. starting with the first letter of the player’s name:

Presenter (Vanya): “I take jam with me on a hike.”

1st player (Lena): “I take skis with me on a hike.”

Player 2 (Slava): “I take salt with me on my hike.”

4. only edible (or only inedible).

5. only those that are around the players. Etc.


The presenter says that he has a detective story, the plot of which players will learn by asking leading questions. The presenter has the right to answer only “yes”, “no” and “I don’t know”, and the participants must guess in what pattern the presenter gives answers.

For example:

Player 1: “Was it in a big city?”

Host: “Yes.”

Player 2: “Was it April?”

Host: “I don’t know.”

3rd player: “Did the residents hear the shot?”

Host: “Yes.”

The secret of this game of ingenuity is as follows: when the question ends in a vowel, the leader says: “Yes,” when - in a consonant: “No,” when in a soft sign: “I don’t know.”

Photo - photobank Lori