For just over three years, Ekaterina Klimova and Gela Meskhi have been legally married. In September 2015, their daughter Isabella was born, who became the actress’s fourth child. Until recently, the couple of Ekaterina and Meskhi was considered exemplary, but today the 32-year-old actor published a controversial post on his microblog, because of which many fans of the acting couple suggested that not everything in their family is as good as it seems at first glance.

“Freedom and only forward,” the man wrote on Instagram. Moreover, Gela and Ekaterina unfollowed each other, which has long been a clear signal of problems in the relationship of any couple.

Once the actors said that they met on the set. According to Meskhi, when he saw Ekaterina Klimova for the first time, he was struck by her beauty, so he wanted to kiss her every now and then.

Meskhi admitted that he had to propose marriage to his future wife more than once. Thus, he wanted to impress his chosen one, which, however, the actor managed to do.

“We went to New York, I wanted to impress Katya. Our suitcases got lost somewhere, we were little homeless people. We lived next to the Guggenheim Museum, there was Central Park, which we walked through. We were told about the bridge where everyone makes proposals. Without thinking twice, I knelt in front of Katya. The second time I proposed was in France, in Paris, on the Eiffel Tower,” Gela said.

The common daughter of the star couple was a long-awaited child. Klimova admitted more than once that she was very worried about the baby’s health during pregnancy, fortunately everything turned out well. Parents dote on the charming baby. “Kikabidze’s smile,” - with these words Klimova described the happy expression on little Isabella’s face. "She is very beautiful. She likes herself. Kisses herself in the mirror,” added the actress.

Let us remember that for Gela Meskhi, marriage with Klimova was the first; the actress has two marriages behind her with jeweler Ilya Khoroshilov - the couple has a daughter, Elizaveta, as well as Igor Petrenko. Petrenko and Ekaterina have sons growing up - Matvey and Korney.

Gela Meskhi is a Russian actor with Georgian roots. He became widely famous for his work in the series “Physics or Chemistry,” where he played a high school student in love with a teacher, and the serial film “Son of the Father of Nations,” in which his hero was Joseph Stalin’s son Vasily.


Gela was born into an international family, his mother is Russian, his father is Georgian with Spanish ancestors in his family tree. The parents spent a long time choosing a name for their son; among the options there was even the unusual “Rocky Junior”, but they settled on the name Gela.

The boy's parents were far from creativity: his mother worked in the housing office, his father was a civil engineer. However, they were and remain the most important critics of each of his son's works.

In his childhood, the boy divided his free time between football matches in the school yard and classes in the school amateur group. The final choice between sports and theater was made only at the end of school. Having received the certificate, Gela submitted documents to the Moscow Art Theater School, for the course of Konstantin Raikin.

The teachers noticed the talented student almost immediately, and while still studying, Gela received roles in productions of the educational theater of the Studio School: “The Valencian Madmen,” “The Kidnapping of Sobinyaninov,” “Silence is Golden” and “Hamlet.”

Great interview with Gela Meskhi

In 2009, his studies were successfully completed, and now certified actor Gela Meskhi became a full member of the troupe of the Stanislavsky Theater, where he was involved in the plays “7 Days Before the Flood,” “There Will Be No Trojan War,” and “Romeo and Juliet.”

Actor career

In the same year, Yuri Kara began filming the film “Hamlet. XXI Century". Both well-known actors (Dmitry Dyuzhev, Alexey Serebryakov, Konstantin Kryukov) and recent students applied for the main role. Yuri Viktorovich visited the Moscow Art Theater production of Hamlet and appreciated the performance of 23-year-old Gela, who played several roles at once: Rosencrantz, Osric, Bernardo, Marcellus. After the performance, the director called all the actors in turn; He suggested that Meskhi audition for the role of Rosencrantz.

As it turned out later, Kara intended the young man not for Rosencrantz, but for Hamlets, but still had doubts and asked the actor to read the famous monologue of the Danish prince. Gela's tears in the middle of the monologue convinced the director that Meskhi would cope with the role of Hamlet better than anyone else. The correctness of Yuri Viktorovich’s choice was also confirmed by members of the jury of the VIII Amur Autumn Film and Theater Festival, which was held in Blagoveshchensk - the young actor was awarded the “Best Actor in Film” prize.

Gela Meskhi: Hamlet's monologue

In 2010, Gela was involved in several more films: the comedy “An Adult Daughter, or a Test for...” (another name is “The Young Master’s Adult Daughter”) and the film-plays “Comedians” and “There Will Be No Trojan War.” Working with experienced actors Dmitry Maryanov, Olesya Sudzilovskaya, Igor Sklyar and Sergei Gorobchenko was not in vain for the talented actor.

In 2011, he starred in a film that made him famous throughout the country - in the melodrama about school everyday life “Physics or Chemistry”. The role of a high school student in love with his teacher brought him widespread popularity and new roles. In 2012, Gela starred in three films: the film almanac “Astra, I Love You”, the melodrama “It’s Simple” and the social drama “Emergency Situation (Emergency)”.

In 2013, Meskhi was offered the main role in the historical drama “Son of the Father of Nations.” The role of Vasily Stalin became a real challenge for Gela, because during the filming he had to learn new skills, for example, driving a car, riding a horse, shooting a gun, and also gain 10 kilograms. The strain was not only physical, but also emotional, because Gela’s hero lived a difficult life, in which there were both loud victories and deafening defeats. To better understand his hero, Gela even wanted to meet with the eldest son of Vasily Stalin, but still did not dare to disturb him.

In the same year, Gela Meskhi was cast in the leading role in two more projects. In the series “Wolf Sun” (released in 2017), Gela played a security officer who must prevent an attack by White émigré troops on Soviet Russia, in the sports drama “Shot” - one of the sportsman friends who, through numerous difficulties, strive for their cherished dream - Olympic gold medal. The roles turned out to be complex and multifaceted, but Gela, according to the audience and most critics, coped with them brilliantly.

The following year, the actor worked on several projects that were released in 2016: the crime drama “Bouncer” with Dmitry Maryanov, Nadezhda Markina, Konstantin Yushkevich, as well as the detective story “Black Cat” - a new version of the well-known film “The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed” "with Igor Petrenko and Mikhail Boyarsky. Gela played the leader of the criminal gang “Black Cat”, who is caught by Petrenko’s hero, investigator Karatov.

Also in 2016, fans of the actor could see him in the historical film “Men and Women,” which told about the difficult times of collectivization and dispossession in the 20-30s of the last century. In addition, Gela appeared in the mystical series “Guardian,” in which he worked on the same set with his beloved wife Ekaterina Klimova. Meskhi's hero is a ghost who is trying to protect his investigator wife.

Personal life of Gela Meskhi

During the filming of the spy film “Wolf Sun,” Meskhi met Ekaterina Klimova, who at that time was married to Igor Petrenko, ironically, Gela’s future partner in the series “Black Cat.” March 24, 2012, 12:01

Igor Petrenko born August 23, 1977 (34 years old) in the city of Potsdam (GDR) in the family of a Russian military man. His father was a lieutenant colonel, and in addition to military service, he was also a candidate of chemical sciences. Igor's mother is an English translator by profession. When Igor was three years old, his family moved to Moscow.

In 2000 he graduated from the Higher Theater School. M. S. Shchepkina. In the same year he married actress Irina Leonova. The marriage lasted 3 years. Ekaterina Klimova born January 24, 1978 (34 years old) in Moscow. Graduated from the Higher Theater School named after. M. S. Shchepkina with honors in 1999.
Ekaterina dated her first husband, Ilya Khoroshilov, from the age of fifteen. The marriage produced a daughter, Lisa.

Petrenko and Klimova met on the set of the TV series “Moscow Windows” in 2000. Sympathy flared up, but it only grew into a serious feeling with consequences in the form of a secret relationship in 2003, when the actors were invited to film the sequel to “Windows” - “The Best City on Earth.” The actors' wedding took place on December 31, 2004.
In November 2006, son Matvey was born.
In September 2008, the son of Korney.
Excerpts from the interview How did you choose your children's names? They are quite rare... AND.: We somehow decided right away with Matvey. I starred in a film where my character's name was Matvey. Katya really liked this name. And we decided to name our son that even before he was born. TO.: Then we were still renting an apartment in Matveevsky on Matveevskaya Street. And Korney? AND.: We thought about it for a very long time with Cornuchon. He was two months old and we still couldn’t name him. TO.: Come on! Just a couple of weeks! He was born very funny. Calm, serious. AND.: He exuded such calmness! But none of the options - Alexander, Andrey, Ostap, Potap, Maxim - suited him. TO.: He didn't look like any of them. AND.: My grandfather's name was Andrey Kornev. And suddenly it surfaced: Roots. An unusual name, rare. Korney Igorevich Petrenko. Sounds good.
Does life change after a stamp in your passport? AND.: It changes, of course. Some kind of harmony appears in the family. We live in a society. For a man, what difference does it make - it’s a stamp or not a stamp. What will actually change? After all, the most important thing is that we love each other. But a woman takes the nest, the concept of “family” more seriously. TO.: For a woman, the opinions of others are more important. You come to register your child, and they ask you: “Will dad adopt him? And what surname should I write down?” AND.: There are two somewhat similar questions: how do you feel about the church and about official marriage. The answers are actually the same in essence. Many people think this way: “I am a believer, but I believe in something that is out there somewhere...” It doesn’t matter how many times you get married. Ideally, this is once and for all. But many people get married five times and get the same number of stamps. And it is right. Because, oddly enough, after the stamp appeared in my passport, I felt more freedom. Katya lost some of her excessive tension. This edge is almost invisible. But in any nonsense conflict situation the question can no longer arise: “Who are you to me? Husband, or what?!” Katya, when should you obey your husband? TO.: Serious issues should be decided by a man. Whatever happens, he will be the answer. I don't make big decisions. He will tell me: “Let’s go live in Chita.” So, we will go to live in Chita. And what will be for dinner today, I can decide myself somehow. AND.: In everything that concerns the home and hearth, a woman should be in charge. Then the man will be able to save this fire. Men are like children - careless. If my wife is not at home, I will get disposable dishes.

By the way, which way do you prefer to be spoken: Igor Petrenko and Ekaterina Klimova or Ekaterina Klimova and Igor Petrenko? AND: Not important. Although the Bible says: “Let the wife cleave to her husband.” And, probably, it is more correct if first the man and then the woman. TO: I’m happy with “Igor Petrenko and his wife.”

Wonderful actress Ekaterina Klimova is a Russian theater and film star. She plays a lot in plays, stars in films and popular television series. She became very famous after her role as Natalie in Poor Nastya. The artist has high acting skills, wonderful vocals, femininity and charm. It is not surprising that many admirers are actively interested in her personal life; who Ekaterina Klimova’s husband is now worries many of her fans.

The actress has been married several times and has four adorable children. The husbands and children of Ekaterina Klimova are regularly discussed among her fans.

For the first time, the actress got married very early - immediately after graduation from school. She started dating her boyfriend at the age of 15. Ekaterina Klimova’s first husband was businessman Ilya Khoroshilov. In marriage, the couple had a daughter, Elizabeth - with age she becomes very similar to the star mother.

After the actress began to actively develop her career, she and her husband began to have problems. For a long time, Catherine tried to improve the relationship and did not leave her husband. But on the set of the series “Moscow Windows” she met her fellow student Igor Petrenko. For some time, Klimova and Petrenko hid their romance and even broke up for a short time. Igor was also married, and after divorcing his wife, he decided to return to Catherine’s favor. This was successful for him - a month after his call, the artists already began to live together.

The ex-husband tried to get the actress back, but to no avail. In 2004, Igor and Ekaterina got married on New Year's Eve. Their wedding was the simplest one imaginable. They forgot the rings at the registry office and arrived there late, and after painting they went to celebrate the New Year.

Ekaterina Klimova and her new husband were considered the most attractive and sincere couple in Russian cinema. They were often compared to the couple Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. In their marriage, they had two sons: Matvey and Korney.

The couple was married for about 10 years and they were considered a model family. The news of the separation of Klimova and Petrenko was a surprise. Catherine commented on the breakup like this: “Our relationship is in the past...”. At the same time, she noted that there are no disagreements between the ex-husband and wife.

Ekaterina Klimova's husband Gela Meskhi

In the summer of 2015, photos of Ekaterina Klimova and her husband, the young artist Gela Meskhi, began to appear in the tabloids. They met on the set of the series “Wolfheart”. After the wedding of Klimova and Meskha, the couple had a daughter, who was given the unusual name Bella. Many people notice the difference in the age of the newlyweds - about 9 years. Ekaterina Klimova is older than her last husband, but this does not affect their relationship in any way.

How old is Ekaterina Klimova’s husband is of interest to many admirers of her work and fans. An artist with Georgian roots, Gela Meskhi, turned 31 years old. His first acting work in cinema was the film “Hamlet”. He gained fame thanks to the series “Physics and Chemistry”. Now Gela is a member of the troupe of the Provincial Theater under the direction of Sergei Bezrukov. It is with this famous artist that Gela Meskhi is often compared because of their external similarity and some similar behavioral traits.

Domestic cinema. Of course, she has many fans. Although she herself is a rather contradictory nature. Perhaps this is what attracts the most. She is a real woman. Although she knows how to pretend to be a fatal beauty. Gypsy blood flows in her veins. She was able to inherit this emotionality from her great-grandmother. The biography of Ekaterina Klimova will be presented to your attention further.

Cloudless childhood

Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Klimova was born at the very beginning of 1978 in the capital of the Soviet Union. The childhood of the future actress was far from cloudless. The fact is that when she was only one year old, her father, who was a professional artist, was sentenced to twelve years for manslaughter. Ahead of the curve, let us tell you that the next time they saw each other was when she was already a teenager. It is easy to calculate what Ekaterina Klimova’s age was at that time. She was 13. Unfortunately, her father passed away several years ago.

School time

When the father received his sentence, little Katya and her older sister were raised exclusively by her mother. And she raised them in Orthodox traditions. The Klimov family then lived in a 2-room apartment.

Despite the fact that the sisters were four years apart and had completely different characters, the girls turned out to be very friendly. Although, of course, they managed to fight. True, these quarrels never lasted long.

When Katya was at school, she was not at all an excellent student or an exemplary and diligent student. She did not understand the exact sciences at all, and therefore learned to bribe teachers with flowers, chocolates, and sometimes an ordinary kind word.

When the summer holidays began, the sisters went to children's pioneer camps. It was there that young Catherine actively took part in the activities of drama clubs. Her appearance in one form or another constantly caused stormy applause. As a result, over time, she began to form a firm conviction that she simply had to become a real actress.

Within the walls of the university

According to her biography, Ekaterina Klimova received her matriculation certificate in 1996. After which she submitted documents to the legendary "Sliver". My first attempt to become a student was successful. Such actors as M. Konovalov and P. Krasilov studied with her on the course. Their mentor was the famous N. Afonin.

At the university, of course, she liked acting classes most of all. Ekaterina recalled how students depicted not only animals, but also plants. At the same time, they must imitate their behavior. Many times those passing by stopped at the doors of the auditorium. This spectacle greatly amused them.

My diploma work was a play called “Romantics”. In the production, Ekaterina played the main role. The costumers gave her an old, shabby dress. Every night she had to restore and decorate it with lace and beads.

Be that as it may, in 1999 she received a honors diploma, becoming a professional actress.

On the theater stage

In the same year, Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Klimova immediately began working in her profession. She played on the stage of the Russian Army Theater. As a theater actress, she made her debut at the same time. She played the role of Desdemona in the production of Othello. And she managed to cope with this role on the theatrical stage brilliantly. She was awarded a prestigious award for her game.

In addition, the aspiring actress played in such plays as “Much Ado About Nothing”, “The Stingy”, etc.

At the same time, Klimova had to work part-time in some projects of P. Stein and in the theater company of S. Vinogradov.

She also got a job in one of the children's modeling agencies. She taught children acting and stage speech. In addition, she was involved in advertising on television and radio.

Film debut time

At a young age, Ekaterina Klimova actively began acting (since 2001). So, she was involved in the famous TV series “Moscow Windows”. She then played the role of Raisa. By the way, Igor Petrenko also worked on this project. Although their acquaintance took place within the walls of Sliver. Her future husband studied one year younger.

In this fruitful year for the actress, 2001, Klimova starred in other films and television sagas. We are talking about the film “Poisons or the World History of Poisoning,” where she worked with O. Basilashvili, about the TV series “Truckers,” as well as about a film called “The Best City on Earth.” In the latter case, she played together with E. Ksenofontova and I. Lachina.

First glory

At the end of 2003, the multi-part film “Poor Nastya” was released. The director of the series, Pyotr Stein, invited Klimova to play the role of Natalya Repnina. He worked with her in the play “Oscar”. By and large, in this film, actress Ekaterina Klimova even eclipsed the main character, played by Elena Korikova. Many critics actually believed that Repnina was the most charming female character of the entire project. The actress herself claimed that her heroine is one of the most strong-willed women in this TV series.

By the way, in the film she performed a musical composition for the first time, demonstrating to everyone her extraordinary vocal talent. She sang “Natalie’s Romance” there.

Be that as it may, this role brought her great fame. And the telenovela itself turned out to be more than successful. It was broadcast in 34 countries around the world.

Of course, after the triumphant premiere, Klimova began to receive interesting offers for many famous projects.

Career peak

Over the next four years, actress Ekaterina Klimova continued to appear in TV series. So, she was involved in the “Sins of the Fathers” project. And the next year she took part in the filming of the 4th season of the telenovela “Kamenskaya”. In 2006, she worked on several episodes of a film called “Storm Gates.”

But the second wave of her popularity occurred in 2008, when the film “We are from the Future” was released. She was invited to the shooting by director Andrei Malyukov, who would later repeatedly film her in his films.

When the filming process was underway, Klimova was expecting a child. Accordingly, the stunt double had to do all the dangerous stunts for her. By the way, in the film the actress once again performed a romance.

The audience really liked the film. And in 2010, a sequel to this film was filmed. But, alas, he failed to repeat the resounding success of the first film.

At the same time, the actress took part in the 3rd part of the famous action film Antikiller. Unfortunately, the audience reacted rather coolly to this project. But critics noted Klimova’s excellent performance.

A little later, the actress received the leading female role in the film “Escape.” It was a domestic remake of the film of the same name. The original version starred famous Western artists V. Miller and D. Purcell. Yu. Chursin and V. Epifantsev played in the new creation. Unfortunately, the project could not stand comparison with the original. But, nevertheless, in 2012, the 2nd season of the Russian “Escape” was released. Moreover, the cast was the same as in the first part.

The actress also participated in another film by A. Malyukov. Actually, Klimova has repeatedly admitted that this director is undoubtedly her best and favorite. The picture itself was called “Match”. She talked about the historical football match between the Luftwaffe team and Dynamo from Kyiv.

Subsequent projects

Meanwhile, Ekaterina Klimova continued to actively appear in films and TV series. She appeared in such TV series as “Dragon Syndrome”, “Once Upon a Time in Rostov”, “Defender”, “Mosgaz”.

She also took part in the filming of one of the New Year's comedies. It was called “Happy New Year, Moms!” In addition to Klimova, P. Volya, E. Boyarskaya and even Alain Delon were involved in the project.

A little later, for the film “A Gift with Character,” the actress played the role of Diana. In fact, this kind and bright film somehow reminded all viewers of the famous film “The Toy”, in which the main role was played by the brilliant Pierre Richard.

Historical tapes

In 2014, Ekaterina Klimova, whose films quickly found their audience, once again showed her extraordinary talent. We are talking about the serial film “Gregory R.”. And the film was directed by her beloved Andrei Malyukov. The actress admitted that the role of maid of honor Anna Vyrubova, who revered the elder Grigory Rasputin, was a real gift. For the first time she played a historical figure. Also starring in the film were V. Mashkov, I. Dapkunaite and A. Smolyakov. Klimova was sincerely grateful to them for their invaluable work experience.

At the same time, the series “Kuprin” was released. In one of the parts - “The Duel” - the actress took direct part. The director was again Malyukov. Klimova received a minor role. But she performed the seductive, flirtatious and slutty temptress simply brilliantly.

By the way, in one of the episodes Klimova again sang another romance. This was the composition “Why love, why suffer?” Note that this song is rarely performed at all.

Over the next three years, Klimova participated in several projects.

Critics and viewers especially noted the series “The Cancellation of All Restrictions.” In this film, the actress’s partner was I. Petrenko. They managed to very realistically play a married couple who strive to maintain happiness and prevent the death of their marriage.

Early marriage

The personal life of Ekaterina Klimova interests many of her fans. For the first time, the actress got married quite early. Her chosen one was Ilya Khoroshilov. He was engaged in jewelry making. They started communicating when the actress was only fifteen. After the prom, Ilya proposed to her, and soon their wedding took place. In 2002, the couple had a daughter. They named her Lisa.

However, when fame came to the actress, serious disagreements began in the family. They began to quarrel often. The personal life of Ekaterina Klimova was collapsing before our eyes.

The situation worsened even more when Igor Petrenko appeared. But then he was married.

Model family

As mentioned above, during the filming of the serial film “Moscow Windows”, Klimova became close to Igor Petrenko. It was then that mutual sympathy flashed between them. But Ekaterina Klimova and Igor Petrenko did not give vent to real feelings. Both actors were married, although Catherine at one time built a secret relationship. But then she refused this too. As a result, the lovers did not see each other for one year. But during this period, Petrenko divorced his wife, and Klimova was already literally in a state of divorce.

Igor was the first to break down and call Ekaterina. A month later they were already living together. Meanwhile, the actress’s first husband tried in every possible way to win her back. At the same time, he tried to use an arsenal of all kinds of tricks - from incredible bouquets to real threats. However, it was all in vain. The wedding of Petrenko and Klimova did take place. This happened on the last day of 2005. There was no grand ceremony at all. Moreover, the lovers managed to be late to the registry office. In addition, they came to the wedding without rings. They immediately signed their names and went to celebrate the New Year.

Are there any other children in Ekaterina Klimova, besides her daughter from her first marriage? Yes, the Petrenko-Klimov couple had two children - Matvey and Korney.

Many believed that this marriage was truly exemplary. At times their union was compared to Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. However, in 2014 they announced their divorce to their fans. Catherine then said that they had absolutely no disagreements, but their relationship was already a thing of the past.

New Union

Thus, the marriage of Klimova and Petrenko lasted for ten whole years. After the divorce, Ekaterina Klimova remained in the status of a free and lonely woman for a very short time. In mid-2015, the media reported about the new wedding of their favorite actress. Her chosen one was Gela Meskhi. They met when they took part in the filming of a multi-part film called “Wolf Heart”. The film was about one of the Soviet intelligence officers. Ekaterina Klimova and Gela Meskhi were able to demonstrate true passion and love. True, for Klimova this role became very exhausting. Her character was repeatedly on the verge of madness.

Ekaterina Klimova and Gela Meskhi have a common daughter. Her name is Bella. For the actress, her daughter became the fourth child. All of Ekaterina Klimova’s children from previous unions live with her.

Recent history

In 2016, the actress was busy filming the continuation of the television series “Angel Heart”. She also continued to work on stage. The latest productions with her participation were called “Conspiracy in English” and “Boeing-Boeing”.

Last year, the actress greatly surprised admirers of her talent with a new tattoo. And one of the prestigious publications then named her the most stylish actress. In addition, she was awarded the “Most Tender Mother” award.