You don't have to be a herpetophobe to know which snakes are dangerous or completely harmless. But if you meet the most poisonous snake in the world and bite, it will cost a person his life. Let's find out which of them are the most dangerous.

Taipan is the most poisonous snake

The most poisonous snake is the taipan, which lives on the Australian continent. The second name of this snake is Cruel. This name is explained by the fact that the concentration of poison in one snake bite will kill a hundred people. The taipan's venom is 10 times more deadly than the rattlesnake and 50 times more deadly than that of the most dangerous cobra.

The taipan reacts with lightning speed to aggression, biting the enemy several times in a row. Anyone bitten by a taipan experiences paralysis of the respiratory muscles and symptoms of blood incoagulability. After a bite, if an antidote is not administered, the person dies within 4 hours.

Taipans are peace-loving and attack only in case of aggression from a person; however, when they bite, they do not spray the entire dose of poison. These snakes do not settle near human habitation, so they are not common. In the 50s of the twentieth century, an antidote to snake venom was developed. If you go to the hospital in a timely manner in case of a bite, you will only get away with fear.

Taipans from the adder family are presented in three types:

  • common (coastal, New Guinea, northwestern Australian);
  • McCoy (violent or inland);
  • temporalis (inland) is a little-known species, having only been discovered in 2007.

Coastal taipans are large (up to 3.5 m in length) snakes of a uniform brownish or reddish hue. McCoy's species is slightly shorter (1.9 m in length). It is the only snake in Australia that changes color depending on the season (darker in winter). It is assumed that the recently discovered species of taipan - temporalis - is more poisonous than its counterparts. Scientists cannot say for sure, since this species is rare.

Taipans are the most dangerous land snakes. And among marine inhabitants, the champion in deadliness is Belcher's snake. Its poison is 10 times more dangerous: the dose of poison from one bite is enough to kill 1,000 people. But she is peaceful and bites only fishermen who get caught in their nets. However, when bitten, not the entire dose is injected into the wound, so some victims survive.

The most dangerous snakes: list

If we compare the potency of snake venom, the list in descending order looks like this:

  • Mulga (brown King). Like most dangerous adders, it lives in Australia. Mulga venom is extremely lethal. Even a meeting with an immature individual can be fatal. The snake is aggressive and chases the offender, but in half the cases it does not bite. To avoid danger, when you encounter this reptile, freeze and do not move.
  • Blue (or Malayan) krait, native to Southeast Asia. It is most dangerous at night when it hunts. The bite is fatal in 50% of cases when an antidote is administered in a timely manner. The agony lasts 6–12 hours.
  • Black mamba from Africa. It is considered the fastest on earth among its relatives: it is capable of covering 20 km in an hour. The snake is unusually accurate and can attack up to a dozen times. The poison from one bite can kill more than ten people. If an antidote is not administered, death occurs within half an hour in 100% of cases.
  • Tiger snake from Australia. Her attack always ends with a bite, since the reptile does not miss. As a rule, this is a peaceful snake, but when in danger it always acts decisively. The neurotoxin in the venom initially causes severe pain at the site of the bite, and death occurs from suffocation.
  • Philippine cobra. Among its relatives, it is the most deadly. A distinctive feature of all cobras is their beautiful hood, which opens when aggressive. The main danger of this snake is its ability to spit neurotoxic venom at a distance of up to 3 m.
  • Viper (lives everywhere). The most dangerous vipers (sand vipers) are found in Central Asia and the Middle East. A distinctive feature of the action of viper venom is extensive tissue necrosis and intoxication of the body. The bites are painful. Without treatment, a person dies within a few days from sepsis, a malfunction of the respiratory or cardiac system.
  • Australian spinytail. Snakes hunt their fellows. Externally they look like rattlers. Throw speed when attacking - 0.13 s. If an antidote is not administered, the bitten person dies within 6 hours from asphyxia.
  • The rattlesnake is common in the North American region. It got its name because of the rattle located at the tip of its tail. These are dead skin scales that, when the tail bends, touch each other and rattle. A snake attacks a person only when driven into a corner.

These poisonous snakes are dangerous to humans. Snake venom, injected during a bite, is a neuro- and hemotoxin. They inhibit respiratory function (resulting in difficulty breathing, paralysis) and cause coagulation (clotting). After a bite, scars remain on the skin.

An encounter with poisonous snakes can result in death, and even if an antidote is administered in time, this does not always save a life. Basically, these creatures are quite peaceful and attack if they sense danger. Vital advice: if you are in snake territory, be careful and attentive so as not to inadvertently provoke the reptile.

It will be useful for every person who likes to travel to exotic countries to know what the most dangerous and poisonous snakes exist on the planet today. I will start my story with a poisonous snake, and end with the most poisonous snake on planet Earth.

This snake lives in savannas and places surrounded by rocks. Lives in countries such as:

  • Uganda
  • Zambia
  • Angola
  • South Africa
  • Kenya
  • Botswana
  • Zimbabwe
  • Ethiopia
  • Nambia

It is considered the most poisonous and largest snake on the African continent. It is one of the two most deadly snakes in the world. It has a length of two meters, but eyewitnesses claim to have met specimens four meters long.

This snake got its formidable name thanks to its dark mouth. Can move at a speed of 20 kilometers per hour. If, when bitten by this snake, its tooth gets into your vein, then death cannot be avoided.

This snake is of the viper family. Its habitat is considered to be:

  • India
  • Turkmenistan
  • Uzbekistan
  • Sri Lanka

It has very average sizes, only 60-75 cm in length. Always moves sideways. If bitten, the person has one hour to take the antidote, otherwise immediate death occurs due to convulsions.

Lives throughout Eurasia. From Great Britain to Vietnam. It can be found in an open place where the snake basks in the sun. Its bite is considered a particularly painful bite, but it is very rarely fatal. It is 80 cm long. When it senses danger, it tries to crawl away. Not aggressive.

The venom of this snake is considered very poisonous. During a bite, the snake secretes venom in an amount of 150 ml. Australia is considered to be its habitat. Loves forests, meadows, pastures and deserts.

What's most interesting is that this snake eats poisonous snakes. Its diet includes various mammals, frogs and birds. Her body is able to digest the venom of other snakes, and it is not dangerous for her.

This snake most often lives on the coast of America, in British Columbia and in Northwestern Mexico.

Most people consider this snake to be the most dangerous in America. And thanks to this, she has long been in disrepute. Has the ability to camouflage well, mainly in the foliage of trees. Reaches a length of 1 meter. The bite of this reptile is very dangerous for humans. And almost always fatal. Its poison does not affect only the skunk.

This snake is found only in Australia. They call it there, just a black snake. Local residents are very afraid and wary of her. It is black in color with a red belly, which gives it a very scary look.

The bite of this snake is considered fatal to humans. Releases a large amount of poison. This snake is the largest venomous snake in the world. It feeds mainly on frogs and is three meters long.

The name of this snake is simply ominous. This snake that brings silent death. It has a memorable feature, a triangular-shaped head. This is a very cruel snake and when attacking its victim, it never stings once.

Even an encounter with a small snake of this kind will inevitably lead to death. It lives mainly in Panama, Brazil and Trinidad. This snake is four meters long.

This snake is less poisonous, but more dangerous for the people of Sri Lanka because there is no antidote in this country. This leads to many deaths among the local population.

The head of this snake is decorated with a pattern in the form of an arrow. Makes a very loud hissing sound when breathing.

The length of this snake is about two meters. It has a very bright and variegated color. It has very slow movements at first glance, but on occasion, it swims well and crawls through trees.

This snake lives over a fairly large area, ranging from Central Asia to India, China and the Philippines. It is often found in rice fields, in reed thickets and even in city parks. It feeds on rats and mice.

The cubs of this snake, having hatched from the egg, already pose a huge danger, since they can instinctively defend themselves. Its poison contains substances that affect the human nervous system. One gram of this snake's venom can kill 140 dogs. And now, the most poisonous and dangerous snake on the planet.

The habitat of this snake remains Australia. It is believed that one bite from this snake can kill 12 thousand guinea pigs. It has a brown body color, large fangs and orange eyes.

When bitten by this snake, a person experiences headaches, vomiting, after which he goes blind. All this is accompanied by severe convulsions. If in this situation a person is not given quick help, then death will occur within a few minutes. The man is in a coma. The length of this snake is three meters.

When planning an interesting trip to an exotic or hot country, you need to always be on guard and not forget that each country has its own culture, its own climate and its own dangerous animals. Even while swimming in the sea, you can encounter unknown creatures that are little known to modern science.

Moreover, you need to be extremely careful when traveling to a continent like Australia. According to statistics, not a single person has ever been able to escape from a taipan after meeting it face to face. Because this snake can develop great speed both on land and in water, and crawling through trees. It is better not to meet this snake at all.

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Deadly beauty... What is it like?

A striking example is such dangerous but attractive creatures - snakes.

Despite their “poisonous” fame, many people sympathize with them and even buy them as pets. Maybe you are just that kind of exotic lover?

Or are you an avid traveler who cannot live a day without conquering peaks or cutting through plains?

In any case, even fans of extreme sports should be careful. And, to warn you and dispel the most popular myths about snakes, we have compiled the top 10 most dangerous and poisonous snakes on the planet.

Carefully read the information presented below, and then no snake can become a threat to you!

The viper belongs to the family of venomous snakes, consisting of ten genera and sixty species. Their habitat is quite wide - Northern and Central Europe, Central Asia and Africa.

The body length of the viper ranges from 50-80 centimeters, but there are species reaching up to 1 meter. Its color is very variable - it can be of any brightness and tone, but usually it is black, gray, brown or light yellow.

The unifying feature is the presence of a stripe along the back, usually in the shape of a zigzag. Their tail and belly are lighter than their body. The head has a pronounced triangular shape with a rounded nose. The pupils are vertical, but in low light they can become rounded.

All vipers are nocturnal, but during the day they prefer to bask in the sun. They feed mainly on mice, moles, birds, lizards and even snakes.

These reptiles are not at all aggressive, do not like disturbances and try to avoid meeting people. Only in case of deliberate provocation, or the unexpected appearance of a person, will they try to bite him. Starting an attack, the viper slowly bends back, curling the lower part of its body into a ring, and begins to hiss, expressing its displeasure. The bite itself occurs instantly - within 70 milliseconds. When throwing, the viper focuses on lightning speed, so it often misses, but will immediately try to bite again. During a throw, they can open their mouths up to 180 degrees.

And yet, the bite of this snake rarely leads to death - only in case of failure to provide medical assistance. For a third of the victims, the encounter with the viper is generally painless and without consequences. For the rest, nausea, vomiting, severe headache, chills and an allergic reaction to the poison, which can provoke pulmonary edema, are possible.

9. Spectacled snake (Indian cobra)

A beautiful and very elegant snake. In addition to the main bright and variegated color, glasses are “painted” on the upper part of the body, and this pattern not only helps the cobra stand out in the animal world, but also has a protective function. The glasses seem to warn that the enemy is always under control. Often the spectacled snake can be found near a person’s home, because there you can always easily profit from small pets, rats and mice. Naturally, such a neighborhood does not make people happy at all. But this snake very rarely attacks first, and will never attack on the sly. That is why in India they call her noble. Seeing a person, the cobra tries to hide, but if it fails, it takes a defensive stance, straightens its “hood” and begins to hiss aggressively. She can throw, but not bite, sometimes she bites, but does not inject poison. But all this is not out of good intentions, but out of greed - he doesn’t want to waste precious poison. But if, after all, a cobra bites a person, then there is very little time for salvation. In less than an hour, dangerous symptoms appear, and within a few hours, cardiac paralysis and death occur. The cubs that are born are poisonous from birth. And small animals die immediately from the bite of this reptile. Often these reptiles perform “dances”, where the charmer, using a pipe, makes them sway to a surprisingly enthusiastic audience.

A very dangerous tropical poisonous snake with beautiful skin color. It was nicknamed the rattlesnake for the characteristic sound coming from the tip of its tail. She is originally from America. These reptiles swim beautifully and are completely harmless in the water. But on land it is better to stay away from it, although if it is not nervous or irritated, this “rattle” will not attack a person. She can strike at a distance equal to more than half her body. The bite of this reptile is very powerful; it can bite through thick clothing and sturdy shoes. This is the danger that this snake carries. Rattlesnake venom is very dangerous. It destroys internal organs and tissues. The bite can be fatal if an antidote is not administered in time; fortunately, modern medicine has been using such drugs for a long time.

The risk of encountering the spiny tail exists only in Australia and New Guinea. These snakes hunt almost anyone, without any fear. Both relatives and other reptiles can be attacked. A spinytail bite typically contains forty to one hundred milligrams of venom.

And since the Australian spinytail is classified as neurotoxic by the type of venom, it rightfully occupies a place in our top of the most dangerous and poisonous snakes.

The consequence of the bite is paralysis of the respiratory system, which is why the victim usually dies after six to seven hours.

However, thanks to the invention of the antidote, medicine can now reduce symptoms in general and alleviate the condition of the bitten person.

Of all its species, the Malayan, or as it is also called the “blue” krait, is recognized as the most dangerous. You can meet such a snake while in Indonesia and in any part of Southeast Asia.

More than half of the bites from this krait lead to death, even despite timely emergency medical care and the administration of an antidote.
The "blue" krait easily hunts and kills other snakes, even those of its own kind. After dark they become more aggressive, as they hunt at this time of day. But still, when meeting a person, they first try to hide.

The venom of the Malayan krait is sixteen times stronger and more dangerous than the venom of the cobra. After the bite, almost instantly, convulsions begin. After a short period of time, paralysis occurs.

Before the invention of the antidote, 89% of victims died, however, even with the advent of the neutralizer, the mortality rate did not decrease much.

This is one of the most dangerous reptiles in the world. The length of this snake can reach three meters. Its color is changeable, the top can be green, olive, brown, black, there are spots or stripes on the body. The abdomen is yellow or yellow-green. This adder lives in Africa, in the south and southwest. He likes to hide in the ground, in trees and bushes, he moves well in trees, the main thing is not to confuse him with a branch and not to grab the boomslang. That’s when he becomes aggressive and attacks, and if you don’t touch him, then when he meets a person he tries to hide. The poison is very dangerous; small animals die from a bite within a couple of minutes. Due to the structure of its teeth, it is “inconvenient” for the boomslang to bite large animals, so it bites several times and, as it were, “chews” the victim in its mouth. Loves to feast on birds and their eggs. A very graceful, lightning-fast, dangerous snake.

4. Mulga or Brown King

This type of dangerous snake is common in Australia. Mulga is a large snake ranging in size from 1.5 to 3 meters. Skin color varies depending on the habitat - it can be light brown for desert dwellers, or it can be almost black if the snake lives in cold areas. Its venom is very toxic and releases about 150 mg at a time. And the worst thing is that, having bitten, the mulga does not let go of its victim, but holds it with its long teeth, “pouring” more and more poison into it. She does not disdain lizards, frogs, mammals, as well as other reptiles, even poisonous ones. And she digests them easily, because her stomach is even adapted for this. The peculiarity of this snake is its wide neck, into which the head imperceptibly passes, although in other species of snakes, due to glands with poison, the head stands out against the background of a narrow neck. Females lay up to twenty eggs and immediately after that abandon them, and after two to three months new brown kings are born on their own.

Terrible, fast, merciless, unforgiving and very poisonous - all this is about her, about the bloodthirsty African reptile - the Black Mamba. Moreover, it is not called black because of its skin color; it can be different: from dark brown to dark gray and from olive to green. But the color of the mouth is frighteningly black, and the shape of the jaw is shaped like a coffin. Mamba venom acts very quickly. After its bite, death can occur in 15 minutes or a maximum of three hours, which is how much time a person has to administer the antidote. A mamba can bite up to twelve times on one victim. At one time, she can release from 100 to 400 mg of poison, although 15-20 mg is enough to kill an adult with this poison. And despite the advances of medicine, thousands of people in Africa die every year from the bites of this snake. She likes to settle near human habitation, taking a liking to garbage dumps, so an everyday activity such as taking out the garbage makes it quite an extreme activity. The black mamba reaches a length of up to three meters; it is one of the “fastest” snakes on the planet; when moving, it reaches a speed of about 20 km/h. Its diet includes birds, squirrels, and small rodents. It attacks a person, most often only when it is disturbed.

And this adder lives in pastures, forests, deserts, and meadows in southeastern Australia, Tasmania, and New Guinea. This is a relatively small snake - its length is usually up to two meters. But with such a small size, its poison is considered one of the most poisonous. After being bitten by this snake, small animals die instantly, and the poison contained in its glands is enough to kill 400 people. Favorite food: birds, mice, frogs. The main danger is that this “beauty” lies motionless almost all day and is very easy to mistake for a stick. And the most important thing when meeting her is not to disturb her and stay as far away from her as possible. In fact, this is a fairly “peaceful” snake, as long as you don’t touch it; it doesn’t rush at people, doesn’t crawl into people’s homes, and generally tries to stay away from people. And only when there is a need for protection can it attack itself.

Taipan belongs to the genus of poisonous snakes, the family of asps. You can meet it on the coasts of Australia and in the southeast of New Guinea. These extremely venomous snakes grow to approximately three meters. They are very aggressive. Before the development of an antidote, their bite killed in almost 100% of cases. The Taipan is easily recognized by its long fangs, light cream head color, orange eyes and brownish coloring. They lead a mostly diurnal lifestyle. They feed on rats, birds, lizards and small animals. This species of snake has excellent hearing and vision. They quickly sneak up on their prey, then, approaching, they raise their heads, shaking them, and attack with lightning speed. After which, they wait for the poison to take effect before eating. Taipan poison blocks muscle contractions, causing paralysis, disrupts blood clotting, causes vomiting, severe headaches, and later convulsions begin, leading to a coma. I consider Taipans to be the smartest of all venomous snakes. They avoid meeting people, but if they sense danger, they will defend themselves by inflicting several bites in a row. The poison of one bite is enough to kill about a hundred people.

The antidote must be made within three minutes, otherwise death is inevitable.

A person cannot be indifferent to snakes - watching them from a safe place causes delight, and close contact often turns into horror and panic. Snakes can be found on all continents with the exception of icy Antarctica. Snakes have always been the most dangerous creatures for humans, but only about 8% of them are poisonous. However, snakes that do not use poison at all can easily kill a person (for example, an anaconda). Since humans cannot be prey for snakes due to their size, they rarely attack him. A huge number of people are instinctively afraid of snakes, since the very sight of them causes horror and numbness. What are the TOP most poisonous snakes in the world?

1. Taipan

"Taipan", "coastal taipan" or "fierce snake" are all names of one species of Australian taipan, belonging to the family of adders. Its poisonous teeth reach 13 mm in length, and its venom is one of the most powerful in the world, many times more toxic than that of the king cobra. The taipan is the most dangerous snake in the world, not only because of its incredibly strong venom, but also because of its ferocious nature, large size and its agility. Even towards humans, this snake behaves very aggressively - when there is danger, it raises its head and attacks the opponent several times in a row.
Reptile venom has both a neurotoxic effect and a blood clotting effect, the blood clots of which clog the lumens of blood vessels. It acts unusually quickly, leading to a sad outcome if help is not provided within 4-12 hours. Most often, this type of snake is found in Queensland (Australia), where half of the people bitten die from taipan bites.

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2. Viper-shaped death snake

This dangerous snake belongs to the genus of deadly snakes of the slate family. It lives on the island of New Guinea and Australia. It is a nocturnal predator that prefers to hunt mammals, birds and other snakes. The viper-shaped deadly snake uses a neurotoxic venom, which it injects into the victim in an amount of 40-100 mg. The viper-like death snake has an incredibly fast lunge - in just 0.13 seconds it shoots out, bites and returns.
After its bite, paralysis of the muscles, respiratory organs and depression of the heart develops, as a result of which a person can die within 6 hours. Every second bite of this snake leads to death.

3. Black mamba

This is the most dangerous African snake from the asp family, although its poison is not record-breakingly strong, but in each specimen of the snake it is enough to kill 10 people. This is the second longest venomous snake after the cobra, growing up to more than three meters. What makes the black mamba especially dangerous is its sprinting qualities - it can accelerate to speeds of more than 11 km/h. In this case, the angry snake will attack the victim again and again (up to 12 times) and can replenish it with 400 mg of poison during this time. The snake itself can be colored differently - from olive to grayish, but in any case, the mucous membrane of its mouth is always frighteningly black, hence the name of the species. Its habitats are savannas and rocky mountains of Eastern and Southern Africa. She sleeps in open low spaces, rock cracks, tree hollows, and abandoned termite mounds.
If you do not provide immediate assistance to a person (within 20 minutes) after being bitten by a black mamba, then he has practically no chance. Its poison causes uncontrollable vomiting, abdominal pain, convulsions, followed by paralysis and death. Terribly afraid Africans call this snake “the kiss of death.” But in fairness, it is worth noting that the black mamba is not aggressive and tries in every possible way to escape, and only becomes dangerous in a hopeless situation. But even with all this, about 20 thousand people die every year in Africa from the bite of a black mamba.

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4. Philippine cobra

The classic image of a cobra is known to everyone due to its expanding ribs, forming a kind of hood. Compared to other venomous snakes, they are not that dangerous, but not the Philippine variety. Its venom is strong in itself (stronger than that of other cobras), and a cobra can inject up to 250 mg of it in one bite, and this is enough to send several people to heaven. Death can occur within half an hour after the bite, so people often simply do not have time to use long-established antidotes, since the progressive paralysis of the muscles of the respiratory system is often impossible to stop. But the Philippine cobra is especially dangerous because it is capable of not only biting, but also spitting poison into the eye from a distance of up to 3 meters.

5. Malayan Blue Krait

The Malayan blue krait, which lives in Indonesia and Southeast Asia, has a venom 16 times stronger than that of the king cobra. Its venom contains a variety of toxins, so a universal antidote for it has never been created.
The bite of a blue krait first causes convulsions, then paralysis, and then 85% of those bitten die. We are only lucky in that these snakes are nocturnal, so they rarely interact with humans. In addition, unlike the same taipan, the blue krait is not so aggressive and tends to dodge a fight and hide.

6. Tiger snake

The tiger snake lives in Australia, Tasmania and New Guinea. It belongs to the adder family and has wide transverse alternating yellow and gray rings - in the style of a tiger, hence the name of the species.
These snakes have very strong venom, causing muscle paralysis, suppression of pulmonary activity and death from suffocation. Bitten small animals often die right at the site of the bite, and when a person is bitten without using an antidote, up to 70% of those bitten die over the next 24 hours. The only relief that can be considered is the non-aggressiveness of tiger snakes, which try to retreat at every opportunity, and attack only in hopeless situations.

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7. Rattlesnake

This species of snake is so named because it has keratinized scaly plates on its tail, which when shaken in a moment of danger, the snake produces a rather loud, specific crackling sound. Actually, only two North American genera of pit vipers have such a device, which includes rattlesnakes, which are relatives of vipers. Pitheads live in both Americas.
A person will not have much of a chance to survive if an antidote is not quickly administered after being bitten by a rattlesnake. The eastern rattlesnake, which is native to North Carolina and the southern Florida Peninsula, is considered especially poisonous.

8. King Cobra

The largest of all venomous snakes is the king cobra or hamadryad. It belongs to the asp family. On average, its size is 3-4 meters, but rare specimens grow up to 5.6 m. The king cobra lives in the tropical forests of Pakistan, India, Indonesia and the Philippines, and for a long time - over 30 years, without stopping its growth until its death. The hamadryad is characterized by the ability to raise its head vertically and move in this position. They often live near human habitation because they feed on other snakes, and they, in turn, feed on numerous rodents attracted by human crops.
This snake seems noble, because, as a rule, upon meeting, the first bite does not inject poison, but to scare away the enemy, and only when biting again does it resort to it. In fact, she's just saving her weapons. By the way, the king cobra does not have very strong poison, but in large quantities. Basically, its venom has a neurotoxic effect. If you really have to bite, then the cobra does not skimp and pours in a gigantic amount of poison (up to 7 ml), which is guaranteed to kill a person in 15 minutes. In such cases, 3 out of 4 people die. But such cases are rare, so only 10% of hamadryad bites are fatal.

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9. Sandy f-hole

In Asian countries (on the Arabian Peninsula, India, Sri Lanka and South-West Asia) and Africa, ephas are found in sandy deserts and dry savannas. They become especially active after rain. These snakes have decent speed and a special way of moving along sand dunes.
The sand epha has a somewhat unusual venom that acts very slowly: from the moment of the bite it can take 2-4 weeks before the person dies. The bite site begins to hurt first, then the bitten limb swells, blood pressure drops and tissue necrosis begins. But with timely administration of serum, a fatal outcome can be avoided. Sandy Effs have a rather aggressive and irritable character. Moreover, their habitat often comes into contact with the environment of human activity. Ephs are active at night. They attack with lightning speed, injecting hemotoxin, which destroys red blood cells, as well as muscle and organ tissue. In general, mortality from epha bites is at a very high level.

10. Belcher's sea snake

This is one of the most poisonous sea snakes, whose venom has an LD50 index of 0.1 mcg. She lives mainly in the waters of the warm Indian Ocean. But for humans, this snake, like most other sea snakes, is not too dangerous, since it does not show much aggression and is very tight-fisted in terms of using its poison. Therefore, most sea snake bites occur without tragic consequences for humans. To irritate a sea snake and make it bite, you still need to try. The snake goes to extreme measures only when there is a real danger to itself.
A person may not feel the bite itself, but after a few minutes he begins to have convulsions, the nervous system and breathing are paralyzed, after which death from suffocation occurs.

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One of the most dangerous and insidious animals in the world for humans is the snake, the appearance of which immediately sends a shiver through the body, one becomes cold, and one’s legs give way. Today, the team of the GlobalTops website has prepared a list of the TOP most dangerous snakes in the world, at the sight of which you should run as quickly and as far as possible, or even better, just don’t catch their eye.

12 most dangerous snakes in the world

In terms of toxicity, the venom of this snake ranks first on our list. In one bite, the snake secretes up to 150 mg of poison. Habitat: Australia.

2. Black mamba, habitat – Africa

The snake has a dark color of skin and mouth, and reaches a length of up to 3 m or more. The mamba does not stand on ceremony with its victim at all and stings with lightning speed, and therefore a person has only a couple of seconds to save himself from the bite.

The peculiarity of this snake is that it has a small depression on its skull, and, suspecting danger, the rattlesnake begins to shake its tail violently. The attack on the victim is carried out in a split second and therefore the person has practically no time to think.

These snakes are found all over the world, but mainly in Europe and Asia. Adults reach a length of 60 cm, and their venom, although not considered fatal, is very toxic, and if the victim is not immediately given medical assistance, it can be fatal.

A small but very strong snake whose bite is so painful that a person suffers from severe pain.

Her Majesty King Cobra is one of the largest and most poisonous snakes in the world: just a drop of its venom and you are dead. It's hard to believe, but it's a true fact: a single dose of king cobra venom can kill two dozen people or a huge elephant.

The list of the most dangerous snakes in the world cannot be complete without the Philippine cobra, which is capable of spitting poisonous venom at a distance of up to 3 m. Moreover, one spit of poison can kill several people at once.

Habitat: India, southern China. These snakes prefer to be nocturnal and live mainly in water. Despite its shyness, the ribbon krait likes to hide its head behind its tail; this snake is very dangerous to humans.

The venom of this snake completely paralyzes a person from head to toe in a couple of seconds.

Perhaps the name itself speaks for itself and indicates that it is better never to meet this representative of the fauna in your life. After all, one portion of the venom of a cruel snake can kill up to a hundred people. Please note, this beauty lives in Australia.

11. Green Mamba, South Africa

In appearance, this is a very beautiful snake, whose scales shimmer in emerald green, with a slight tint of blue and yellow. But the mamba is a very dangerous snake, because it likes to attack its prey for no apparent reason, and its venom is very, very toxic and acts instantly.

The viper lives mainly in Morocco, Algeria, Libya, Tunisia, Iran, and Iraq. For these regions, this is a local attraction and at the same time a great danger. Despite the fact that there is now a vaccine against the venom of the viper, doctors often simply do not have time to inject the victim, and therefore there are many deaths from snake bites. The venom of the viper, once in the blood, begins to destroy red blood cells, resulting in severe swelling at the site of the bite, as well as blockage of blood vessels. If the necessary assistance is not provided, the person dies two hours after the bite.

It is best to observe these bright and very dangerous representatives of the fauna from afar or through protective glass in an aquarium, this will be much safer.