You wake up in a cryogenic capsule. Use the computer opposite, and then go out the door that opens behind you.
Go left. Here you are attacked by enemies. But then a hero in green glasses will appear and save you. Run to him and get into the car.

Welcome to the future!

Main story missions

Exercise:Deal with the bandits

Target:Deal with the bandits

NPC:Dan Hagar

Special Reward:Armor
Follow the sign on the map. When you reach the barrier, get off the vehicle and continue on foot. Opponents are waiting for you inside. They are nothing serious. In one moment you will be grabbed and seriously wounded. To "come to life" the defibrillator is activated. When two figures intersect, press "e" and you will be resurrected. The closer to the center the figures are, the more health you will restore.

Having dealt with all the enemies, use the cable car and return to base.


Target:Deliver the letter to Rikter in the village of Neftyanikov

NPC:Dan Hagar

Special Reward:Buggy
Go to the neighboring village of Neftyanikov and find Rickter there. He will direct you to Jenus, who in turn will follow the good old saying “You give me, I give you.” The woman will agree to help you in exchange for completing her instructions.

Exercise:Where are you, Juno?

Target:Find the missing Oilman.

NPC:Genus Oilman

Special Reward:Bandages recipe
Follow the radio tower, destroying the enemy along the way. In the room on the first floor you will find the remains of Juneau.

When you receive the promised medicines, take them to Dan, who in turn will direct you to the mechanic Durar so that you can talk to him about the Buggy

Exercise:Missing parts

Target:Find parts for Buggy

NPC:Durar Hagar

Special Reward:Buggy
You need to get the missing parts for the car. Durard gave you a list. Go with him to the Oil Workers settlement to see the mechanic Johan. It turns out that all the spare parts were stolen by the bandits. Well, let's figure it out

Exercise:Find buggy parts

Target:Find buggy parts

NPC:Johan Neftyanik

Special Reward:“Fat men”, diagram of the Zamkolomka
Head north to the old dam, straight to the Reckless camp.
You can find the generator for the car on the device that powers the door opposite it:

The distributor box is located on the hood of the disassembled car:

When you get to the auto repair shop, you will be attacked by a mini-boss - a bandit behind a machine gun. It's simple: use the switch on the right, and when the gas cylinder that appears is above the machine gunner's head, shoot. Behind his car you can find a piston:

Hand over the completed task to Durar immediately.

Exercise:Destroy the barricade

Target:Destroy the barricade

NPC:Dan Hagar

Special Reward:Sniper rifle
Drive towards the Oil Workers settlement until you run into a barrier. Place explosives on the right pillar and tear the claws for your reward.

Exercise:Dan's message

Target:Deliver Dan's letter to Mayor Clayton in Source City

NPC:Dan Hagar

Special Reward: Crossbow "Desert Storm"
Travel to Source City to deliver a letter to Mayor Clayton. Beware of bandits in cars!
The mayor's house is located to the right of the entrance to the city.

Changing clothes

Target:Get new clothes

NPC:Mayor Clayton

Special Reward:New armor
You need to change into something... newer. Find a clothing store in town. You can get to it if you go to the cave opposite the main entrance to the city.

Exercise:Garage rental

Target:Find a place to park your car

NPC:Mayor Clayton

Special Reward: -
Go to Mick's garage, which is located opposite the mayor's residence.

After you rent a parking space, go to the Sheriff's office, located near the clothing store and butcher shop.

The sheriff will give you the supplies, but before that you must arm your vehicle.

Exercise: Weapons for buggies

Target: Arm your car

NPC:Sheriff Black

Special Reward: Go to Rusty, the parts dealer, then to Jackie Weeks, and then to Skinny.

You need to win enough racing certificates in races and buy weapons for your buggy.

Exercise:Feltrite crater

Target:Bring a sample of felttrite to the mayor

NPC:Mayor Clayton

Special Reward: -
Head to a huge meteorite crater. In its center you will find a tall drilling rig. Deal with the enemies, and then pull the yellow lever located near the drill.

Collect a sample of Feltrite and take it to Mayor Clayton.

Exercise:Feltrite Sample

Target:Deliver the Feltrite to the Hermit Kvasir

NPC:Mayor Clayton

Special Reward:-
Head north. When you get to the hermit's house, don't rush to jump over the bridge. First use the "intercom" at the entrance.

After this the bridge will rise. Take the elevator down to Kvasir's laboratory. When he asks you, place the Feltrite sample on the counter.

Defibrillator part.

Target:Go to the Dead City and get a defibrillator part from the central hospital.

NPC:Doctor Kvasir

Special Reward:Improved defibrillator
Go to the sewers, through which you can get to the streets of the Dead City, teeming with mutants. Explore all the dark corners of the former metropolis. When you enter a small area, you will be attacked by a giant mutant. Killing him is simple: first shoot at his left unprotected leg, and then at the head.

Then go into the building behind it. Go upstairs. Beware: giant hand!
Soon you will find yourself locked in a dilapidated apartment, and mutants will crawl at you from all the cracks. Hold back their onslaught until the iron door falls.
After a while you will reach another mini-arena. The Kraken will attack you here.

The scheme is the same: distract him with the help of a robot and finish him off with a shotgun.
After defeating the Kraken, go downstairs. Turn the lever on the gate. They don't open...
No problem. Follow the wire leading from the lever to the electrical box.

Turn it on. Return to the gate. Now they will definitely open.
When you get to the city center, a locked gate awaits you again. But there is one problem: the path to the shield is blocked, and there is a small gap in the grille... Do you still have car mines left in stock? Great. Gas cylinders are on the left. The entrance is right there.

When you reach the hospital, you will have a rocket launcher in your hands, which means something big is coming. And indeed. You are attacked by a giant monster with its brain cut open.
The scheme of the battle with him is as follows: wait until he starts aiming a laser beam at you. As he begins to lift the stone above his head, the left side of his abdomen will open and electrical discharges will begin to shoot out from there.

That's where you need to shoot the cannon. When the monster starts shaking the house you are in, its brain will sparkle.

Shoot him. After the monster is defeated, go through the doorway to the left of his body. Then, exiting into the main hall, take the escalator to the second floor. The defibrillator part is in the circular surgical room.

Now return to the hermit, and then to Mayor Clayton.

Exercise: Need "Kuprino"

Get a new type of car

Sheriff Black

Special Reward:
"Kuprino »
Go to Jackie Weeks, the herald of the racing tournament. He advises you to contact J.K. Stills, the owner of the Kill the Mutant TV channel, and part-time sponsor of novice racers. The entrance to the channel's studio is located in the mouth of the severed head of a giant clown.

Supplies for the watchtower

Deliver supplies to the watchtower

Sheriff Black

Special Reward:
The task will become available when you complete the sponsorship race and receive "Kuprino"
Go to the northern watchtower and take supplies there. Give them to Curtis, who is standing at the foot of the tower, and return to the sheriff.

Destroy the explosives warehouse

Destroy the explosives warehouse

Sheriff Black

Special Reward:
Drawing of a machine mine
Travel north to the Shroud's lair. Once inside, deal with the enemies. Find the gap near which the red light is on.

Use the car to get there. When you reach a round room furnished with explosive containers, explode.
So, one of the warehouses has been destroyed. Go through the resulting hole and use the elevator. When you reach the door protected by an electronic lock, you will need to find the key card, which is located in one of the rooms on the floor below, near a wooden box.

Behind this door is a round room with a bunch of enemies. A red light glows under the stairs. The scheme is the same as in the first case.

Now go back to where you came from. Bandits will attack you in waves. When you destroy the “reinforcements”, run through the door that opened with them. The third cache is on the right side of the room.

Blow it up and take the elevator up. Now you can go for your reward.

Exercise:Captured Well

Target:Stop the bandits


Special Reward:Electric arrows
Carlson is a plumber. His office is located next to the mayor's office. He will ask you to deal with the insolent bandits who decided to poison the water in the city.
After entering the sewer, talk to the wounded worker. He will give you electric arrows. Use them while enemies are standing in the water and they will be electrocuted.

Soon you will reach a lever that will raise the grate. Please note: the grate will lower until you destroy ALL enemies.

After a while you will be met by a member of the resistance. Help the guys fight off the bandits, then remove the toxin capsule from the generator, stand on the platform next to it, and pull the lever.

Turn around and go up the stairs until you reach a hatch.

Exercise:Deadly cargo

Target:Deliver the toxin sample to Kvasir


Special Reward:-
Deliver the toxin capsule north to Dr. Kvasir

Exercise:Secret cargo

Target:Deliver a sample of control darts to Elizabeth

NPC:Doctor Kvasir

Special Reward:Mind control arrow diagram
Go to the Second Chance bar, find Elizabeth Cadence - a girl from the resistance - and give her a sample of the mind control arrows.

Free Captain Marshall

Target:Free Captain Marshall

NPC:Elizabeth Cadence

Special Reward:-
Drive to the Government prison. The entrance is guarded by a machine gunner. You won't be able to kill him, so run to the gate as quickly as possible and pull the lever. Then go down into the sewer.
In the prison you will find a huge number of well-armed opponents, with jetpacks and shields. The best way to deal with them is with dynamite arrows. Laser barriers will also stand in your way. To turn them off, destroy the generators (capsules with electricity) located nearby.

When you reach the cages with mutants, pull the lever to open the locks and set the monsters on the soldiers. There, on the first floor, in the last cell on the right, Captain Marshall is imprisoned.

When you free him, the security system will go off and you will have to repel the enemy attack. Once outside, move to the second floor. When Marshall starts to open the door, stand behind the turret.

Then the captain will climb into the elevator, and you go out the door next door and return to the Source.

Personal disk

Target:Find a disk with information about your Ark

NPC:Captain Marshall

Special Reward:-
Go to your Ark. Here you will be met by an enemy in the form of Government soldiers. Kill them and use the computer.

When you take the disk, you will be attacked by soldiers again. Deal with them and return to the captain.

Lost data

Target:Find Government Research Data

NPC:Captain Marshall

Special Reward: -
Return to the Dead City. Immediately run through the door in front. Your path now lies along the road opposite to the one along which you were looking for the defibrillator part. When you reach the first laser grid, you will find research data on the table near the door.

After you reach the streets of the Dead City, you will find a laser grid in one of the buildings. The generator is located on the floor below. Go through the room you were once stuck in. When you reach the underground path, you will be attacked by an elite stormtrooper armed with an energy rifle. Kill him and return to the wasteland.


Target:Go to the Resistance camp

NPC:Captain Marshall

Special Reward:-
Go to the Resistance camp - Underground
To return back to the Source, go to the corridor behind the captain.

Exercise:Growing influence

Target:Impress Redstone

NPC:Captain Marshall

Special Reward: -
After finishing the conversation, turn left and head towards the garage. Meet your new mechanic here. To return to Marshall, use the elevator to the right of the entrance to the personal garage:

Next, go outside and go up the stairs, where Redstone is already waiting for you.

Exercise:Brigadier Jones

Target:Go underground and help Jones


Special Reward:-
Go to the underground (to the left of the stairs to Redstone) and talk to Brigadier Jones.

Exercise:Mutant Invasion

Target:Stop the mutant invasion

NPC:Brigadier Jones

Special Reward:-
Get out into the wasteland and go to the Blue Line station. When you find the dynamite sticks, the grate behind you will close and the hero will be attacked by hordes of mutants.

Having dealt with them, go downstairs and go through the opened door. Having reached the square, repel the attack of the mutants, and then kill the mini-boss. Shoot the leg, then the head.

When you reach the subway, there will be a detonator near the farthest car. Follow the wires that come from it and place explosives in the indicated place,

and then use the detonator.

A bunch of mutants and two Krakens will come running to the explosion. Don't forget about the rocket launcher. Having destroyed them all, exit through the opened carriage door and return to the city.

Exercise:Basement of the Machineheads

Target:Obtain a sample of felttrite combined with plutonium.


Special Reward:-
Find the Underground leadership room. She's not far from the guy playing the banjo.

Through this room you will find yourself in the lair of the Machine Heads.
When you reach a passage blocked by a wall of fire, turn left and go up the stairs. When you reach the next wall of fire, turn the valve.

With its help you will also block the first fire wall.
Move forward. When you reach a room with two exits, they will suddenly be “blocked” by flames, and two stormtroopers will come out from the opposite side. The fire will only go out when you defeat them. In the next room, an electric charge will power a fan. Run past him when he stops. Next you will find a round room, at the end of which there is a container with felttrite.

On the way back you will be attacked by a flamethrower. The best way to get rid of him is to shoot the tank on his back.

Exercise:The price of power

Target:Take control of the power plant


Special Reward: -
Go to the Machine Heads Power Plant. When you reach the electric beam blocking the passage, use the control panel on the left. To get through the next electric arc, throw an EM grenade under the switch.

When you get to the control panel, the leader of the Machine Heads will block your path.

He's not a difficult boss. Occasionally shoots missiles at you. Kills with 4-5 hits with a wingstick.
When you take control of the power plant, you will be greeted by one of Redstone's guys. They need your help.
Follow the guy. Once near the three levers, use them to activate traps and thereby prevent enemies from reaching our allies.

After this, return to Redstone, and then to Captain Marshall.

Device from the Ark

Target:Find a decryptor


Special Reward:-
Go to the Jackals' lair. When you reach a fork, turn right. A little further you will find a lever.

Use it. Return to the fork and go through the open gate. Don't waste time on enemies, they are endless. Ride the cable car twice in a row, then run to the gap and ride it down.

Run ahead. But beware of explosive balloons. Once you reach the Ark, listen to the President's message using the terminal on the floor. And then find the decryption device near one of the capsules on the right.

To the left of the exit from the ark, at the top of the stairs there is a certain device, something like a winch bicycle.

Use it to get out of the caves.

Exercise:Storming the bridge

Target:Blow up the generators and disable the bridge's defenses


Special Award: Government Energy Cannon
Go to the Government checkpoint, not far from the Jackals' lair. Blow up the barrier with dynamite.

Once you reach the end of the gorge, use the huge elevator.

There is a large installation on the bridge. To the left and right of it are two small generators.

Place charges on them, and when they explode, take control of the installation, and with it the bridge, using the terminal in the center.

Exercise:Assault on the capital

Target:Raise all Arks

NPC:Captain Marshall

Special Reward:Final game =)
Forward! The future... the future is in your hands!
Go to Government territory. Once you reach the entrance to the Capital, use the encoder to get into the ventilation.
There are many enemies waiting for you inside. Destroy them with the new gun. Once you reach the elevator, take it up. But what is it? It seems that the Government has implemented its plan to create super mutants. Regular mutants are now wearing armor and can shoot.
Kill them all and use the terminal to launch the Nexus Core.

Then go to the core and go up with it.
A laser grid awaits you here. The panel to turn it off is located on the floor below.
After walking along the auxiliary corridor, turn off another laser barrier and use the elevator.
Next, go down the stairs and activate the Core lift. Cross it to the other side and run to the left, where another elevator awaits you.
At the top, activate the terminal. The final stage of the Marshall Plan will begin.

Activate 4 panels in turn: the front Core panel, then the left panel, then the right panel, and finally the back Core panel.

At the same time, an army of Government mutants will attack you all. Watch the video in which all the arks of the Earth come to the surface.

Congratulations! Game over!

Side Missions: Hagar Settlement

Exercise:Wingstick Master

Target:Prove that you know how to use a wingstick

NPC:Luzam Hagar

Special Reward:
Possibility of using a wingstick
It's simple: when targets appear, throw a boomerang at them.

You need to score 10 points.

Exercise:Time trial with Durard

Target:Win a race

NPC:Durar Hagar

Special Reward:Turbocharging for buggies
You need to get to the flag and back in less than 45 seconds.

Side missions: Oil Workers Settlement

Exercise:Radio tower repair

Target:Repair the radio tower in the east

NPC:Rikter Neftyanik

Special Reward:Combat shotgun
Head to the radio tower. A little further from Juneau's remains there will be a staircase to the roof. Climb up and use the lever.

Then take the funicular down to solid ground and return to Rikter.

Beware, mutants!

Target:Light fireworks on the mountain

NPC:Ramos Neftyanik

Special Reward:-
Head to the Phantoms' lair. Don't go inside, but go to the edge of the mountain. There is something like a mortar standing here.

Use it. But beware: after this you will be attacked by mutants.

Side Missions: Source City

Exercise: Missing

Find the missing citizen

Bulletin board

Special Reward:
Go to the already familiar Ghost Hideout. The body of the unfortunate boy is located near a huge monument.

Stolen goods

Target: Find stolen booze

NPC:Bulletin board
Special Award: -
Go to the lair of the Crazy Ones again. This time, the entrance to it is located near the Dam.
A box of booze sits on a table at the very end of the garage.

Exercise:Sinister Mutants

Target:Cover the repairman

Bulletin board

Special Reward:
Charging mechanism for a sniper rifle
You find yourself on a sniper tower. Below, two mutants are eating a corpse. Kill them and the locksmith and his guard will come out of the city. Don't let mutants get close to them. First the creatures will climb from the left side, then from the right, and so on one by one. But be careful: some mutants can climb onto your tower.

Caravan security

Target: Protect the caravan

NPC:Bulletin board

Special Reward:
You are required to protect the caravan and its guards from bandits using a sniper rifle. In total, two waves of “riders” and one wave of mined cars will follow. The cars are very nimble, so aim better.


Cover the sheriff with a sniper rifle

Bulletin board

Special Reward:
You need to back up Sheriff Black during his deal with the Government. First, the sheriff is attacked by snipers. They can be easily detected: look through the scope and you will see laser beams. Then the landing will follow. Then there are snipers again. Keep an eye on the sheriff's health bar!

Clear the sewerage in the Neftyaniki area

Kill all mutants

Bulletin board

Special Reward:

Go to the sewer near the Oil Workers settlement and kill EVERYONE.

Clear the sewers in the Source area

Kill all mutants

Bulletin board

Special Reward:

Go to the sewers near the city of the Source and kill EVERYONE.

Clear the sewers in the Ark area

Kill all mutants

Bulletin board

Special Reward:
The task will become available if you find mutant trophies in the sewers.
Go to the sewers near the Ark and kill EVERYONE.

Clear the sewer in the Northern region

Kill all mutants

Bulletin board

Special Reward:
The task will become available if you find mutant trophies in the sewers.
Head to the sewer in the Northern region and kill EVERYONE

Clear the sewerage in the Kvasir area

Kill all mutants

Bulletin board

Special Reward:
The task will become available if you find mutant trophies in the sewers.
Head to the sewers in Dr. Kvasir's area and kill EVERYONE

Exercise:Clean out the sewers in the plateau area

Kill all mutants

Bulletin board

Special Reward:
The task will become available if you find mutant trophies in the sewers.
Head to the sewers in the plateau area and kill EVERYONE

Clear the sewer in the Southern region

Target: U beat all the mutants

NPC: Bulletin board

Special Reward: -
The task will become available if you find mutant trophies in the sewers.
Head to the sewers in the Southern area and kill EVERYONE.

Sally's Reward

Kill bandits on the roads


Special Reward:
Racing certificates

Sally is a bartender at the Second Chance Bar. She agreed to pay for every bandit you killed on the roads of the Wasteland. Destroy a certain number of enemy vehicles and return for a reward.

Miracle remedy

Find the Night Sky Flower


Special Reward:
Apophis injection recipe
Richard is a settler with a sick wife. Sitting at the Second Chance bar.
Head to Crazy Joe's Swamp. The flower is on the right side of the swamp.

Stanley Express

Deliver parcels within a certain time


Special Reward:
The task is given by the messenger Stanley, his office is located under the sheriff's office. It's simple: deliver a certain number of packages in a car within a certain time and receive a reward.


Travel to Hagar Settlement

Bulletin board

Special Reward:
The task will become available after completing the task “Destroy the explosives warehouse”
Go to the village of Hagar and talk to mechanic Fallinx.

Remote control prototype

Find a prototype of an improved machine mine in the Shrouds' lair.

Fallinx Hagar

Special Award
: Improved remote control car
Return to the Shrouds' lair. You can find the prototype of the machine not far from the room where the second warehouse of the bandits was located.

Challenge Starkey

Defeat Starkey in a personal race


Special Reward:
Magnum radiator grille
Starkey is a narcissistic racer. Located... near the racing venue. Defeat him and get spare parts for your wreck.

Find Feltrite

Get 20 pieces of Feltrite


Special Reward:
Defibrillator part

Brick's Award

Target:Destroy the cars of bandits and Government Predators.


Special Reward:Racing certificates
Brick is a bartender. He agreed to pay for every bandit car you destroyed or every Government Predator.

Exercise:"Monarch" Starkey

Target:Get Starkey's Monarch


Special Reward:"Monarch"
Redstone, along with the “Price of Power” quest, gives you the “Monarch Needed” quest. Go to the race site, find Starkey there, beat him in a private race and get a reward.

Abandoned distillery

Target:Get two bottles of Blue Glitter


Special Reward:Regeneration Booster Recipe
Dietrich can be found behind Jani's store.

It's simple: go to the old distillery located near the entrance to the city. Inside you will need to find the distillation workshop. If you don't have the lock when you reach the locked door, you can find it in the room on the right.

When you reach the distillation apparatus, take the empty bottles from the table, then insert them one by one into the tank on the right and pull the lever.

But be careful: mutants will come running to the sound.


Target: Get a flower


Special Reward:-
This task is given by Norbu - an old man with a stick. If you take it after completing Dietrich's quest, you will be able to complete the quest without moving. If not, then go to the location indicated on the map and there you will find a flower.

Head hunter

Life in the vast Wasteland is very different from anything we've seen before in id Software games. Therefore, before describing the passage of Rage missions - story and side - we will give some general tips that will make your life much easier.

  • Before you begin a mission, make sure you have enough ammo - regular, "situational" (such as armor-piercing or electric), and "rescue" (such as mini-missiles for a shotgun). Carrying as many grenades as possible is also very useful.
  • Make sure you have enough bandages. In battle, it is better not to bring things to the situation of “we lose him, a discharge, another discharge.”

Green-eyed taxi, take me there...

  • The same applies to personal equipment. It can be unpleasant to find yourself in front of a hiding place and vainly pat your pockets in search of a lock or gears. As a rule, the developers do not allow you to go back halfway - the level is “reloaded” and the hero loses everything he managed to pick up on it.
  • In combat, use the appropriate ammunition for the occasion. Try to save the most valuable ones without spending on every little thing.
  • And the last piece of advice is to save often. I'm serious. This is important in Rage. Modern games have accustomed us to frequent autosaving, but here we will have to get used to acting independently again.

And now - let's go!

Deal with the bandits

They clearly don’t skimp on the caliber here.

As soon as we, having opened our eyes, got out into the fresh air from the Shelter... of the Ark, Hagar, a man in green glasses, immediately saved our lives. True, by killing a bandit from a gang of Ghosts who had attacked us, he exposed his settlement to attack. Let's return the favor for the courtesy - take the offered pistol and go alone to the Ghosts to make ghosts out of them in the literal sense. The idea is not so strange, because the main character, as a former inhabitant of the Ark, has the ability to regenerate and is able (albeit to a limited extent) to resurrect after death.

He didn't have a defibrillator. We have it, so we're not afraid of knives.

The first mission is very easy - almost educational. We will be shown how to collect trophies from bodies, squat, jump and use resurrection defibrillators. At the end, you need to endure a small battle in a relatively open space and use a cable to quickly descend to the beginning of the level.

Wingstick Master

Boomerangs. They are returned to the owner if they do not fall apart along the way.

Cute Luzam Hagar invites us to throw combat boomerangs - wingsticks - at the target. As a reward, we will be given five pieces and the opportunity to replenish the supply in a store nearby.


A and B were sitting on the pipe. We're going to the Neftyaniki pharmacy.

While we were away, bandits attacked the settlement of Hagara and injured several inhabitants. Dan sends us to the neighboring settlement of the Oil Workers for medicine, promising to give us a buggy as a reward.

Where are you, Juno?

“Oh, where are you, Juno?!”

But the Oilmen don’t want to give medicine just like that and demand that they do a couple of tasks for them. Old Jenus asks you to find a local resident, Juneau, who has disappeared in the ruins nearby. This task runs in conjunction with the next one.

Radio tower repair

There is no cell phone service in the area. Do mutants carry non-ferrous metal?

Rickter Oilman asks us to repair the radio tower across the road. It's located in the lands of the Crazy gang, so you'll have to shoot along the way. At the fork, do not turn towards the garages (you will visit there later), but turn right, towards the tower, and get ready to meet the mutants. Examine the evidence and repair the tower. You will return back to the road in a familiar way - along a bungee rope.

Now we have medicine, as well as a recipe for bandages and a great shotgun. Before returning to the gas station, do not forget to take one more quest - from Ramos the Oilman.

Beware, mutants!

“Boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo,” Ramos gives us the quest.

Ramos the Oilman wants us to signal the arrival of mutants from the rocket launcher that lies at the entrance to the Ghost Hotel. This will make the mutants angry, so be prepared to fend off a few attacks. Don't forget to return to Ramos and turn in the completed quest.

The mutants didn't like the fireworks. However, they don't like anything.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION: If you drive along the road past the Oilers' settlement to a dead end, you will find a Feltrite crystal. It is very valuable, but it is not advisable to sell these crystals, since you will need them for a quest later.

Missing parts

In the struggle we will find our spare parts!

The buggy car we were promised is not running. To get it from the mechanic Durard, we again need to run to the Oilers and beg for spare parts. But the mechanic there, Johan, complains that the spare parts were stolen from him by the Crazy Ones. On the way, he will give us a locking diagram (we won’t get into the garage without it) and “fatties” (reinforced cartridges for a revolver). Now it's time to go to the garage.

Find buggy parts

Now you are crazy.

This is the first serious combat mission, with a real boss. Break open the door with a lock and begin a leisurely, systematic clearing of the premises, being wary of enemy grenades and soldiers with burning batons. You won’t miss the three parts that we need, even if you want to - they simply block the path forward, and until you take them, you won’t go further.

Boss car. It’s better not to point at the machine gun, but to hide behind a column.

The boss of the level is not very strong, but he has one feature that you need to be aware of: his “helpers” are endless, and if you hide and shoot them, you will quickly run out of ammo. Hiding behind a column, seize the moments while the boss is reloading the machine gun belt, and hit with everything you have.

Since we came out from the wrong direction from which we entered, the developers will give us the opportunity to use the bandit’s ATV, taking it away from two sprawling Reckless.

Destroy the barricade

With a sniper - to the barricades!

To leave the Hagara settlement and hit the road, you need to open a checkpoint occupied by bandits from the Shroud clan. They fire missiles at us from afar, and this is very dangerous. Shoot the rocket launchers from a distance with a sniper rifle (the action button changes the magnification of the sight), and only then, driving up the buggy, install explosives on the gate.

Time trial with Durard

Buggy. The wheels are different, but it will live.

This is the first, training and easiest race in the game. In it, we just need to get to the goal marked with a blue flag, turn around and return within the allotted time. The secret of success is the constant use of afterburner.

Dan's message

The source, the water capital of the Wasteland.

And this task is a reason to send us from the Hagara settlement to the first major “hub” in the game - the city of Source. On the way you will meet bandits, but there is nothing to answer them with, since our car has neither weapons nor sensible cattle killers. So we move away from the enemies into the blue distance and follow the path on the mini-map until we come across the Source.

“Come on in, don’t linger!”

After talking with the gate guard, we will be allowed into the city.

Changing clothes

“They’re ruining the air in that house over there.”

The first step is to go to Mayor Clayton's office and report that Hagar needs supplies. In response, the mayor will suggest that we first change the flashy attire of the Ark to local clothes, so as not to attract the attention of the Government.

The “local” mayor has a very “mayoral” look.

This is the only moment of irreversible choice in the game. The merchant invites us to put on one of three costumes once and for all:

  • Wastelander gives a discount in stores (except for auto parts).
  • Hooligan reduces incoming damage (recommended, since the main problem in Rage is incoming damage!)
  • Fabricator enhances the effect of the items we collect.

It's hard to choose a suit when the salesman glares at you with such a passionate gaze.

Depending on the version of the game, you may also be offered a fourth, fraudulent costume, Elite scarlet, combining the effects of the first three. In this case, there is no need to think about the choice at all.

Garage rental

“Hey buddy, are you sure you need a three-by-four flange?”

Now that we have the suit, it's time to find a home for our cars. The mechanic Mick will take care of them - his garage is located opposite the “town hall”.

Weapons for buggies

“I am the sheriff of the county, and you will cleanse it of scoundrels!”

The sheriff will give you a template-type quest to purchase weapons for the car. To acquire it, you need to take part in a race - a very easy one, without rivals and only against the clock. The rule “afterburner should be turned on whenever possible” also applies here. On the way, be sure to pick up cylinders lying around here and there that instantly recharge the afterburner.

If you wish, you can get deep into racing and immediately earn more money “for leveling up”.

For winning you will receive a dozen and a half certificates. You can immediately spend them on machine guns to complete the quest, or go through a couple more races to get rocket launchers as well.

Sally's Reward

Sally will pay us for every gangster car we kill. Literally killed.

When our car has a weapon, the barmaid Sally from the Second Chance bar will want to talk to the hero. She will offer us a repeating quest to destroy bandits on the roads. Every car we blow up will give us dollars and racing certificates. That is, destroying bandits is an alternative way to earn certificates for purchasing car upgrades.

To collect your reward, simply visit the bar periodically and approach Sally.

If there is a crossbow hanging on the wall, then they will give it to us later.

Now you can go back to Hagar’s settlement to give him supplies and receive a crossbow as a reward.

Feltrite crater

Mayor Clayton is concerned about the felttrite that bandits are mining north of the settlement. You can start doing the task right away (see the quest “Sample of Feltrite”), but I recommend, after taking the task, to postpone it until the hero acquires a new Kuprino car, since northern roads are dangerous places. In addition, the chain of quests on “Kuprino” is interesting in itself.

Need "Kuprino"

The buggy is already too weak for battles in the north. We need "Kuprino".

The Sheriff of the Source invites you to take part in races to win a new Cuprino car, and for this he will send you to the herald Jackie. But here a new problem arises - racing requires a sponsor!

Sponsor for Dusty 8

To get a sponsor, you will have to work as a clown for showmen. Or a showman for clowns.

Jackie Weeks invites us to apply for sponsorship to local media mogul Stills, producer of the TV show “Kill the Mutant.” He has a counter offer...

Kill the mutant

“Is there any paper?”

Stills will give us sponsorship if we take part in his show “Kill the Mutant” and remain alive. Before you agree, make sure you have enough ammo and first aid kits. It will not be easy to go through all the “attractions”.

“Come to me, bro!”

  • Laughter room. The first battle will begin with the usual shooting of mutants running out of holes. After this, four cages will rise in the hall, the inhabitants of which must be eliminated as quickly as possible so that the hero is not bombarded with fiery projectiles.

Distant biological ancestor of Freddy Krueger.

  • Martyshkin's work. The rotating figure of a gorilla, studded with blades, can be used to your advantage if you take cover in the corner by the door, where its blades do not reach. The attacking mutants will be partially cut down by its blades, making our task easier.

Slot machine. Instead of money, mutants fall out.

  • One-armed mutant. Shoot the target to launch the slot machine, and then deal with what runs out of the pipes. You'll have to run a lot, because when the mutants approach, you won't be able to shoot them.
  • Bay of Wrecked Ships. Here, standing still is completely contraindicated, because thorns in the spirit of “Prince of Persia” keep popping up from the floor. But the next fight is even worse.

It’s better not to look closely at where the “kraken” grabbed the mutant who fell under the tentacle.

  • Gladiator fights. A huge mutant with a tentacle is a very unpleasant enemy. He will continue to appear as a boss in the game. It’s easy to dodge his “jerks” (a la the Cycloid Emperor), but when he touches the hero with his tentacle, problems begin, since it is very difficult to dodge these uninvited caresses. The tactics of dealing with it are simple: hit with the heaviest weapons, heal as necessary, dodge jerks and try to stay away from the tentacle.

An easy way to deal with potholes is to place a springboard in front of them.

Now you have a sponsor (Styles will even offer to repeat the battle with increased difficulty and reward). All that remains is to win the sponsorship race “Dusty 8”. In these races you have opponents, but you can use a special move against them three times that pushes them back. It is best to use it when you are literally with your opponents

Source Side Missions

Just because the hero agreed to do the quest, he is entitled to a prize.

In the Source you can get several side missions - mainly on the notice board in front of the store. Some of them appear later in the story, so check back from time to time.

Some tasks will be given by local residents.

Sinister Mutants

Now they will run - just have time to shoot.

One of the “sniper” missions in which you just need to shoot accurately. By taking it, you will immediately receive an upgrade for your sniper rifle as a gift - a device for semi-automatic shooting.

The hero must cover with fire the work of a mechanic repairing the water supply and his bodyguard. Mutants will come running from two directions, but there is nothing difficult in shooting them. The most dangerous thing will be the finale, in which the path for the mutants will be shorter and they will have to be taken out more quickly.

Beware of the wrath of the mutants - if you attract their attention, they may jump onto your balcony and try to make mincemeat of the sniper himself.


Another Ghost has achieved actualization.

One of the settlers at the Ghost Hotel has gone missing, and the hero is asked to go on a search and rescue expedition. The path in the already familiar interior will quickly end near the statue from which we were caught during our first visit to the location. There you will find the missing person - or rather, what is left of him.

But don't relax - on the way back you will have to fight several more Ghosts.

Stolen goods

The bad bandits have eaten everything and are lying around. But you can at least return the bottles.

Bandits from the already familiar to us Crazy clan stole beer from our quest giver, and now they need to take revenge. Enter the garage from the back door, which is near the Ark, and go through the familiar rooms with fire and sword. At the end of the road you will find bottles.

Caravan security

You can't rob caravans!

This sniper mission is a little more difficult than the previous one, the plumbing one. First, we will need to quickly shoot the bandits jumping out of two cars (one will stop under the bridge, just to the right of the large rock in the center, the other below, under your sniper point). At the same time, the bandits will jump out not only from cars, so move the muzzle, keeping as large an area as possible at gunpoint.

The second phase of the battle will take place to the left of the cliff. First, the bandits' car will stop under the bridge, then they will start launching radio-controlled wheel bombs - very small and fast targets that require only accurate shooting.


“Because of these bandits, I lost a finger and had to cut a new one from an old log!”

Fallinx of Hagar invites the adventurer to approach him at a gas station, promising a rare engineering design. We already know this character - we’ll go to him and find out what he needs. This quest will appear on the notice board only after we complete the task “Destroy the explosives warehouse.”

Remote control prototype

Do it yourself kit. And blow it up."

Fallinx will ask us to again visit the explosives warehouse of the Shroud gang, which we destroyed several missions below. It will need to be cleared, but this time the path will change a little - the old passages will be blocked, and previously locked doors will open. All we need is to kill all the enemies, get to the prototype of the improved bomb machine and pick it up. Returning to Fallinx, you will receive a schematic for an improved explosive model.


The third "sniper" mission - it will appear on the list on the notice board later than the others. The hero must cover the hostage exchange with sniper fire. As soon as the beams of laser sights appear on the ground, open fire on the enemies (they are usually located at the ends of these beams).

Beware of return sniper fire. When the Government arrives, try to shoot down the landing force in flight.

Find Feltrite

For a valuable item, Jacob wants to squeeze twenty pieces of felttrite from us.

Bar patron Jacob has a rare device that speeds up the recharge time of our defibrillators. But he is ready to part with this miracle of technology for no less than twenty felttrite crystals. By the time the quest becomes available, you should already have accumulated a lot of crystals, and you can collect even more in mini-games to collect felttrite on the roads of the Wasteland.

Miracle remedy

The swamp is a home for the hippopotamus, but we don’t want to sit in it.

Old Richard from the Second Chance bar asks us to get his wife a rare medicine ingredient - a flower that grows only in the swamps where Crazy Joe lives. It’s easy to chase a flower, and our reward will be the most valuable recipe in the game - an apophis potion, which increases your health, and not for a while, but for good. To make more potions, you need to get rare plants - night flowers and desert spores. A pair of Desert Spores can be easily picked up near Crazy Joe's Swamp. One grows in the crater behind the entrance to Kill the Mutant.

Supplies for the Watchtower

“And the moose left. He went beyond the distant cordon.”

The sheriff asks for supplies to be taken to a distant outpost. No problem. If we need it, we'll take it. On the way, we will naturally be attacked by bandits, but we ourselves have a mustache.

Destroy the explosives warehouse

Everything you have here is good. It would be a shame if it looked... Boom!

And the sheriff's next task will be more difficult. We need to get into the lair of the Shrouds - the same comrades who launch radio-controlled bomb cars - and smash this hut to smithereens.

The main thing you need to know is that the recipe for the bomb machine was given to us for a reason. To complete the task, you will need to launch the car several times into a low passage and, having found explosives on the other side, detonate it, freeing the passage. Repeat several times.

Explosive machines can also be used to take self-portraits against the backdrop of defeated bandits.

The level may seem difficult, but the main thing in it is to ignore the locked doors, look for cracks in the walls for cars (the most inconspicuous ones are kindly illuminated by red lamps) and, if in doubt, go where the arrows on the floor indicate. You'll have to make a loop.

Residents of the Source are playing with cars without removing the explosives from them. It would seem, what could go wrong?

And it is at this level that you will first encounter “tank” type enemies - armed to the teeth and armored from head to toe. Of course, you need to fire at them with armor-piercing cartridges, trying not to reflect in front of their machine guns. But the main weak point of the “tanks” is speed. They will not be able to quickly escape from either a thrown grenade or an explosive car driving around the corner.

Feltrite sample

I found felttrite! I'm rich!

This is the same task from the mayor that we postponed several quests above. To get a sample, drive north along the gorge and, after fighting with the bandits or leaving them, turn right into the feltrite crater. There you can easily find a tower and easily deal with the bandits guarding it.

Another batch of bandits will jump out, opening the hatches in the roof of the cabin. And another one will crawl out of the cabin when you launch the drilling rig and take a sample for the mayor.

Defibrillator part

Old man Kvasir sees right through us.

The mayor asked to take the sample to a hermit named Kvasir so that he could find out what the bandits were up to. Kvasir lives behind the northern junction on the left - you need to go to him not along the overpass, but under it.

Kvasir will give us a breakdown of the political situation in the Wasteland (the Government is bad, the rebels are good) and invites us to strengthen our defibrillator with a second charge. But to do this you need to visit the ominous Dead City and get the necessary part from the hospital.

You might think that traditional hospital mysticism awaits us in this quest. In fact, no - only mutants of several varieties.

Headshot in 3... 2... 1...

The first fight, in the auto tunnel, will not be difficult. When you see a troll-like giant leaving into the blue distance, notice the beam above your head and get ready to hide behind it from the shots of another, smaller mutant. Along the way, a small thing will run in your direction, which can be removed with a sniper rifle.

Inside the building, after the scene with the huge paw, get ready to fight small mutants in two small adjacent rooms (there is also a crack in the floor). Stand with your back in the corner next to the door in the second room and shoot enemies as they crawl out of the cracks. If you run out of mutants and the door does not open, it means you missed those who are hiding behind gaps in the walls and cannot get over to you.

"Here we meet again, Captain Hook."

After a short walk across the street (fire projectile throwers, as well as “guests” from the sewer), take out the radio-controlled car and use it to open a passage to the secret area by driving the car into the sewer from the street.

But the next battle will be difficult - several small mutants and the already familiar “kraken” will be pitted against you. There's nowhere to hide, so counter the enemies with firepower and don't forget to pick up the valuables on the bench next to the remains of the less fortunate adventurer.

"My eyes! Glasses don't help!

After this, you will be shown the “troll” again, but will not be allowed to fight him yet. Our next task is to open the gate gates by first turning on the mechanism on them, and then on the wall where the cord leads. Immediately after this, the hero will be attacked by mutants - fortunately, small ones.

Down in the subway, where Duke-Nukem slime reigns and there is even something like a woman in a cocoon, you will be introduced to a new type of mutant - a victim of government experiments. It is not particularly fast or strong, but it spits blinding venom with deadly accuracy and does so with anticipation. Remember this, and at the moment when the mutant gains strength for grub, get ready to quickly change the direction of movement.

Why shoot him? Because it is alive and glowing.

Behind the door you will find a transition to another location - the central part of the Dead City. The hero again needs to use the mechanical gates and withstand the battle with the mutants. And to open a passage to a barred secret area, shoot at the gas cylinders. Ignore the area closed by the force field - you will visit it much later.

On the surface it will be easier to fight off mutants. Having passed under the bridge, you will again find yourself in a room where you will be warmly greeted by the troll you have already seen three times.

That white thing on the chest is the troll's weak spot.

The fight with this boss consists of two phases. In the first, he throws pieces of stone at us, and we sprint away from them, take aim, shoot at his weak spot on his chest and pick up the missiles. In the second phase, the troll runs up to the wall of the building and begins to hammer with its fists, from which you need to hide in the far part of the hall. When the boss bows his head tiredly, shoot him straight in the brain. You will have to repeat this several times.

“Now we’ll change your defibrillator. It will hurt, but not for long.”

There will be no further problems. On the way to the foyer you will come across ordinary and government mutants. When you take the part for the defibrillator, a small crowd of enemies will come running, simultaneously opening the way back. The path to the beginning of the level will be short and relatively “hearty”.

Challenge Starkey

The useful cattle stopper is worth a ride on the track from Starkey.

Local champion Starkey offers us a one-on-one race, promising to give us a useful cattle prodder if we win (it makes head-on collisions with bandit cars more fun). It's up to you to decide whether to do the task or not. A competent and quick selection of afterburner cylinders and three mines, which are very useful if placed in Starky’s path, will help you win. The main thing is not to run into them yourself.

And here is our prize. Now the cows are in trouble.

Captured Well

Jerry will give us electric arrows. His partner won't give anything.

The mayor sends us to the water supply - something happened to the boss Carlson there. He's in a panic. Bandits from the Ghosts have seized the water treatment plant and are threatening to pour dangerous poison into the water supply, after which life in the Source will become impossible. You need to visit the station, kill the bandits, and capture the toxin. To make it easier for us to breathe, the wounded worker we met at the beginning of the location will give us several electric arrows. It is best to use them when enemies are ankle-deep in water. It is enough to shoot such an arrow into the water, and everyone around becomes unwell. Simple, convenient, economical.

Why do they wear scarves? Freezing? Hipsters? No lower jaw like Darth Malak?

There are few difficulties in the task. If you cannot find your way after the first meeting with the bandits and have reached a dead end, pay attention to the niches in the walls on the left and to the stairs. Be careful in the large room with the vats - the Ghosts are very clever at jumping between the railings. When you see a bunch of corpses, get ready for a small battle. When you come across a locked gate, there will be a funny moment: the gate will slowly rise, while the bandits on the other side will try to lower it so as not to let you in further. Shoot everyone who runs up to the lever.

Ghosts love this kind of installation. If only it weren't for the smell...

At the end of the mission, several friendly characters will join you. With their help, finish off the bandits in the hall, take the toxin and take the elevator up to the exit.

Deadly cargo

Kvasir offers us arrows that first zombify and then explode. Just right for the good rebels.

Don't forget to visit Carlson and please him with the news. He will tell you that the toxin needs to be taken away from the city. For example, show Kvasir.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION: Probably, at this place you will begin to encounter mini-quests for the selection of meteorite felttrite. Try to pick up as many pieces as possible in order to complete the “Find Feltrite” quest without any problems.

Secret cargo

"Oh, hi. Do you understand maps?

Kvasir will be able to use the toxin to create mind control darts - weapons that would raise some doubts among the authors of the Geneva Conventions. Use these darts as a reason to meet the underground woman Elizabeth. She sits at the Second Chance bar, staring blankly at a satellite image of a government prison.

Free Captain Marshall

Zombie dart effect. In practice it's quite useless.

Elizabeth demands that we release the leader of the underground, Captain Marshall. Ignore her demand that you bring and use mind control darts. They are not needed in this mission. We need armor-piercing cartridges, mini-missiles and a variety of explosives, as our enemies will be well protected. This is the first time we will encounter government fighters.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION: Probably, on the way to the prison you will again be offered a mini-game to collect meteorites.

Shoot the inhabitants of the watchtowers at the gate from afar. Behind the gate, do not go to the large door, but find a hole in the floor and go down the stairs into the ravine. After you move to a new location - the prison itself - you will be introduced to the concept of electromagnetic grenades. They are convenient for disabling batteries that power protective fields and sentry guns.

And in the forehead the star is burning. Very convenient for aiming. Right in the forehead.

On the way to Captain Marshall's place of imprisonment, difficult but not particularly remarkable battles await you. Remember that landing government soldiers can be very conveniently shot down right in the air. Try not to rush forward too much, so as not to catch the eye of the soldiers guarding the cameras, but instead quietly open the cells with mutants and sit on the sidelines while they deal with the enemies.

“Have you come to save me? Wait, now I’ll activate the button that unlocks the camera.”

When you free General Marshall (in a very strange way, I must say), the task will become more difficult. You will need to protect him from enemies while you both make your way to the exit. Prepare your heaviest weapons and grenades. You can't take risks. Pay special attention to the machine gun opposite and don't let anyone stand behind it.

When the general asks you to turn off the protective field, go up the stairs and throw an electromagnetic grenade at the battery. After this, join Marshall, take cover behind the damaged wall and take aim at the middle of the yard, where the Government troops will begin to land. They will be in front of you at a glance. Throw grenades at them. It is done! Return to the Source.

Personal disk

"Welcome! Welcome to City 17."

Now, on the instructions of General Marshall, we must return to our own Ark and find our personal information disk there. Government soldiers are on duty at the entrance to the Ark. At the exit you will be met by several more soldiers. In general - nothing complicated.

High five!

FOR YOUR INFORMATION: With a high probability, on the way back you will be given another mini-game to select felttrite, in which you will compete for speed with bandit cars.

Lost data

New task from Captain Marshall. We need to return to the Dead City and borrow data from the Government with the results of their experiments.

This time the path will be the opposite: we will return to the place where we took the part for the defibrillator, and we will go out into the foyer of the hospital, where we will be met by Government soldiers. After this, we will go back through the entire level, watching how the snipers shoot the mutants, and shooting the snipers themselves.

After the battle with the landing force in an open area, do not turn right into the subway, but take a left, and through the door you will find yourself in the field laboratory. There won't be many people there. Grab the data (under the large orange displays) and, taking out the battery, exit through the place where the protective field covered the last time you visited the Dead City.

On the way back you will be met by already familiar enemies - snipers, Government soldiers and landing forces descending through the air.


The airship flies towards the remains of Crescent City. But we don’t need to go to the city itself, but to the metro.

Make sure you finish all the work in the Source, because Marshall demands that you go with him to the Eastern Wastes, to the city of Underground, where the headquarters of the Resistance is located. Upon arrival, listen to the instructions.

Growing influence

The rebels can’t just go ahead and send us further along the plot. So for now we'll work for the local municipality...

The task is to make friends with the local residents so that we are not handed over to the Government. It is especially important to secure friendship with Mayor Redstone. Of course, this means that you will have to complete quests.

Brigadier Jones

Mayor Redstone has found an interesting way to hide his bald head - under a tattoo.

Mayor Redstone complains that his people are having problems with mutants in the tunnels, and asks us to go to Brigadier Jones to find out what to do with the uninvited guests.

Brick's Award

On the bartender's head is the same fez after which the bar is named.

On the way to Jones, go to the Fez bar and take the task from the bartender Brick - the same one that Sally gave you before: we destroy bandits and armored vehicles of the Government of the Predator system on the roads, and in exchange we receive dollars and racing certificates.

Mutant Invasion

Brigadier Jones will ask us to get to the Blue Line metro station and finish the job of blowing up the tunnel.

Brigadier Jones is upset about the mutant raid on the Blue Line. We will clear it all, from Mitino to Shchelkovskaya.

The task is not easy and partly even boring. Take plenty of ammunition. There are not many enemies in that location, but a lot! At first they will run somewhere in the distance, but as soon as the hero picks up the sticks of dynamite, the grate will slam shut, cutting off the path back, and they - the mutants - will trample from all the cracks! With them there will be a new variety - kamikazes, waving a couple of sticks of dynamite and trying to kill the hero. Letting them close is highly discouraged. Fortunately, there will be few of them and they are found only in one place in the level. Well, didn't your rubber armor help you?

The most difficult battle will be at the station, where you will return after making a circle around the level. Place explosives in four places in the tunnel on the left, save and press the lever. After the explosion, a bunch of mutants and two(!) krakens will come running. Feel free to use the rocket launcher. There is no point in being a hero here, especially since the boring level is almost completed.

The path to the exit will be opened for you by mutants who jumped out through the opened doors of the carriage.

Abandoned distillery

“Give me your nose!”

This side mission will be given to us by Dietrich, a resident of the Underground. He will ask you to get into the old distillery and make a couple of bottles of branded schnapps, while fighting off the mutants who came running in response to the noise.

The distillery is indeed quite old, and there are many mutants in it. You won't get lost if you go through the door, which is locked with a lock (break it), and, being prepared for the sudden scream of the mutant, jump after him. Once you find yourself in a large hall with large cylindrical ovens, take the time to go down the stairs in the far corner and open the door leading to the Easter egg.

The local “hockey players” wear serious armor. That's why they are dangerous.

Mayor Redstone complains that the Machine Heads gang, which owns electricity, is raising prices for it, and demands to get into their bank vault, stealing the energy source - an alloy of felttrite and plutonium. To go to a location, you don't need to get into a car. Use the key to open the service room on the upper level of the Underground.

Tank system fighter. First he will riddle you with a machine gun, then he will finish you off with a key for a hundred.

Machine Heads are armored guys, they have “tanks” and defensive “spiders”. “Tanks” are the most dangerous, so if possible, stay away from them and take out everything you have. At the very beginning of the level, beware of contact mines suspended from the ceiling. In the bank lobby, when jets of fire block your path, go up one floor and turn them off with the lever. Then turn left (you still can’t cross the flames on the right) and fight your way to the bank vault. In the offices, you will be cut off from the exit by flames and confronted with two “tanks”. Fortunately, the places there are cramped - there is somewhere to hide. Make your way through the blades of the aircraft engine blocking your path only when it is not working.

It’s a shame that Machineheads don’t lock their bank safes.

After visiting the storage facility and learning that we can’t see the energy source, come back. The enemies will be the same - shooters, runners, "tanks".

The price of power

Cheburashki is angry. Now they'll do something nasty.

Redstone is unhappy with the failure, but he has a new idea - to capture the Machineheads' power plant. The content of the quest is approximately the same as the previous one. True, it is a little more boring - it will have much more enemies and shootouts among industrial interiors.

After taking down the first bandit you encounter, slowly move forward under the threat of their leader. Be careful with "tanks". The level looks difficult, but you won’t get confused in it and will soon go to the elevator, where the main bandit will safely finish off the hero by collapsing the elevator into the shaft. But the hero will be resurrected - is it in vain that defibrillators are built into him?

The mayor's people arrived with everything ready when we had already smashed the power plant to smithereens.

Move along the levels, stairs and passages further. In the room with the decapitation traps... duck down. Go through the generator room and you can easily deal with the main Machine Head by throwing missiles at him.

After this, pull the lever, redirecting the energy to the Underground, and move to the exit, where friendly NPCs will meet you. Help them in battle by setting off one trap after another in the generator room, and the job will be done. Now you are loved in the city, which means that the plot can move on.

"Monarch" Starkey

Starkey thinks we won't win Monarch against him.

The racer Starkey, already familiar to us, demands revenge and this time puts his Monarch car on the line - a very good one. Whether to participate or not is again up to you to decide. But it should be noted that these races are no more difficult than the previous ones and, again, you have three mines.

And of course, he is wrong. But now he can be proud that rebels ride in his car.


Only herbal medicine will help old Norbu’s joints.

Old man Norbu will give us a side quest: he also needs a rare plant - a blooming comet cactus. It’s better to go get the flower as early as possible (before the mission “Storming the Bridge”) so that the quest can be completed without problems.

Equipment from the Ark

A wolf in pince-nez is just one of the amazing outfits of the Jackal gang.

Lassard, a rebel hacker, will ask us to look into the gorge of the Jackal gang and get a data decoder from the Ark there.

Jackals are funny guys. They have very unique battle cries, and the level is designed in an interesting way. But you shouldn’t go there without a bunch of explosives, ammunition and medicine - it’s dangerous. It’s good that this time you can save on armor-piercing cartridges. The bandits are well-fed, but they don’t wear armor.

They also dragged the ship up the mountain! But why?

Try not to let the bandits get close. With their Raskolnikov-like habits, this is very skully. Shoot the fire throwers from afar, hiding from flying shells behind the awnings. As you climb through the winding caves, be prepared for all sorts of nasty things like rolling explosive barrels. Enjoy the scenery, use the bungee jumps, and keep dynamite balloons away.

The monorail motorcycle is another amazing invention of the Jackals.

When you come out to the gorge, where explosive balloons fly in an endless stream, be patient. There are many enemies here, but you are almost there. When you go down the bridges, all you have to do is throw grenades at the last Jackals and, going into the Ark, grab the decoder (button on the wall on the right, green container). On the way back, bungee jumping.

Storming the bridge

Even the bridges of this Government are not the same as those of the people.

This is not how we imagined the BFG.

Take a rapid-fire machine gun with a function (alternative ammunition) from Portman. Now the time has come to complete the last mission - to storm the Capital and put an end to the insidious plans of the Government.

Super mutants are fast and dangerous. But the color of their skin suggests the problems of pig farming.

Since you won't go back after completing the mission, there's no point in saving money. Settle things and stock up on heavy weapons to the very top. You can even sell ammunition from your car, taking only a couple of shields on the road, just in case. There is no point in engaging in battle with armored cars - they are endless, and we just need to drive the car to the hole in the wall and press the button to get to the level.

The rise on the platform will be followed by the final battle, in which we need to press the buttons one by one, fighting off the mutants that jump out one by one (this is why there is no point in saving BFG - it is ineffective when the enemies are attacking one by one). When the last terminal button turns on and you click on it, the job is done!

1 2 3 4 All

You wake up in a cryogenic capsule. Use the computer opposite, and then go out the door that opens behind you.
Go left. Here you are attacked by enemies. But then a hero in green glasses will appear and save you. Run to him and get into the car.

Welcome to the future!

Main story missions

Exercise:Deal with the bandits

Target:Deal with the bandits

NPC:Dan Hagar

Special Reward:Armor
Follow the sign on the map. When you reach the barrier, get off the vehicle and continue on foot. Opponents are waiting for you inside. They are nothing serious. In one moment you will be grabbed and seriously wounded. To "come to life" the defibrillator is activated. When two figures intersect, press "e" and you will be resurrected. The closer to the center the figures are, the more health you will restore.

Having dealt with all the enemies, use the cable car and return to base.


Target:Deliver the letter to Rikter in the village of Neftyanikov

NPC:Dan Hagar

Special Reward:Buggy
Go to the neighboring village of Neftyanikov and find Rickter there. He will direct you to Jenus, who in turn will follow the good old saying “You give me, I give you.” The woman will agree to help you in exchange for completing her instructions.

Exercise:Where are you, Juno?

Target:Find the missing Oilman.

NPC:Genus Oilman

Special Reward:Bandages recipe
Follow the radio tower, destroying the enemy along the way. In the room on the first floor you will find the remains of Juneau.

When you receive the promised medicines, take them to Dan, who in turn will direct you to the mechanic Durar so that you can talk to him about the Buggy

Exercise:Missing parts

Target:Find parts for Buggy

NPC:Durar Hagar

Special Reward:Buggy
You need to get the missing parts for the car. Durard gave you a list. Go with him to the Oil Workers settlement to see the mechanic Johan. It turns out that all the spare parts were stolen by the bandits. Well, let's figure it out

Exercise:Find buggy parts

Target:Find buggy parts

NPC:Johan Neftyanik

Special Reward:“Fat men”, diagram of the Zamkolomka
Head north to the old dam, straight to the Reckless camp.
You can find the generator for the car on the device that powers the door opposite it:

The distributor box is located on the hood of the disassembled car:

When you get to the auto repair shop, you will be attacked by a mini-boss - a bandit behind a machine gun. It's simple: use the switch on the right, and when the gas cylinder that appears is above the machine gunner's head, shoot. Behind his car you can find a piston:

Hand over the completed task to Durar immediately.

Exercise:Destroy the barricade

Target:Destroy the barricade

NPC:Dan Hagar

Special Reward:Sniper rifle
Drive towards the Oil Workers settlement until you run into a barrier. Place explosives on the right pillar and tear the claws for your reward.

Exercise:Dan's message

Target:Deliver Dan's letter to Mayor Clayton in Source City

NPC:Dan Hagar

Special Reward: Crossbow "Desert Storm"
Travel to Source City to deliver a letter to Mayor Clayton. Beware of bandits in cars!
The mayor's house is located to the right of the entrance to the city.

Changing clothes

Target:Get new clothes

NPC:Mayor Clayton

Special Reward:New armor
You need to change into something... newer. Find a clothing store in town. You can get to it if you go to the cave opposite the main entrance to the city.

Exercise:Garage rental

Target:Find a place to park your car

NPC:Mayor Clayton

Special Reward: -
Go to Mick's garage, which is located opposite the mayor's residence.

After you rent a parking space, go to the Sheriff's office, located near the clothing store and butcher shop.

The sheriff will give you the supplies, but before that you must arm your vehicle.

Exercise: Weapons for buggies

Target: Arm your car

NPC:Sheriff Black

Special Reward: Go to Rusty, the parts dealer, then to Jackie Weeks, and then to Skinny.

You need to win enough racing certificates in races and buy weapons for your buggy.

Exercise:Feltrite crater

Target:Bring a sample of felttrite to the mayor

NPC:Mayor Clayton

Special Reward: -
Head to a huge meteorite crater. In its center you will find a tall drilling rig. Deal with the enemies, and then pull the yellow lever located near the drill.

Collect a sample of Feltrite and take it to Mayor Clayton.

Exercise:Feltrite Sample

Target:Deliver the Feltrite to the Hermit Kvasir

NPC:Mayor Clayton

Special Reward:-
Head north. When you get to the hermit's house, don't rush to jump over the bridge. First use the "intercom" at the entrance.

After this the bridge will rise. Take the elevator down to Kvasir's laboratory. When he asks you, place the Feltrite sample on the counter.

Defibrillator part.

Target:Go to the Dead City and get a defibrillator part from the central hospital.

NPC:Doctor Kvasir

Special Reward:Improved defibrillator
Go to the sewers, through which you can get to the streets of the Dead City, teeming with mutants. Explore all the dark corners of the former metropolis. When you enter a small area, you will be attacked by a giant mutant. Killing him is simple: first shoot at his left unprotected leg, and then at the head.

Then go into the building behind it. Go upstairs. Beware: giant hand!
Soon you will find yourself locked in a dilapidated apartment, and mutants will crawl at you from all the cracks. Hold back their onslaught until the iron door falls.
After a while you will reach another mini-arena. The Kraken will attack you here.

The scheme is the same: distract him with the help of a robot and finish him off with a shotgun.
After defeating the Kraken, go downstairs. Turn the lever on the gate. They don't open...
No problem. Follow the wire leading from the lever to the electrical box.

Turn it on. Return to the gate. Now they will definitely open.
When you get to the city center, a locked gate awaits you again. But there is one problem: the path to the shield is blocked, and there is a small gap in the grille... Do you still have car mines left in stock? Great. Gas cylinders are on the left. The entrance is right there.

When you reach the hospital, you will have a rocket launcher in your hands, which means something big is coming. And indeed. You are attacked by a giant monster with its brain cut open.
The scheme of the battle with him is as follows: wait until he starts aiming a laser beam at you. As he begins to lift the stone above his head, the left side of his abdomen will open and electrical discharges will begin to shoot out from there.

That's where you need to shoot the cannon. When the monster starts shaking the house you are in, its brain will sparkle.

Shoot him. After the monster is defeated, go through the doorway to the left of his body. Then, exiting into the main hall, take the escalator to the second floor. The defibrillator part is in the circular surgical room.

Now return to the hermit, and then to Mayor Clayton.

Exercise: Need "Kuprino"

Get a new type of car

Sheriff Black

Special Reward:
"Kuprino »
Go to Jackie Weeks, the herald of the racing tournament. He advises you to contact J.K. Stills, the owner of the Kill the Mutant TV channel, and part-time sponsor of novice racers. The entrance to the channel's studio is located in the mouth of the severed head of a giant clown.

Supplies for the watchtower

Deliver supplies to the watchtower

Sheriff Black

Special Reward:
The task will become available when you complete the sponsorship race and receive "Kuprino"
Go to the northern watchtower and take supplies there. Give them to Curtis, who is standing at the foot of the tower, and return to the sheriff.

Destroy the explosives warehouse

Destroy the explosives warehouse

Sheriff Black

Special Reward:
Drawing of a machine mine
Travel north to the Shroud's lair. Once inside, deal with the enemies. Find the gap near which the red light is on.

Use the car to get there. When you reach a round room furnished with explosive containers, explode.
So, one of the warehouses has been destroyed. Go through the resulting hole and use the elevator. When you reach the door protected by an electronic lock, you will need to find the key card, which is located in one of the rooms on the floor below, near a wooden box.

Behind this door is a round room with a bunch of enemies. A red light glows under the stairs. The scheme is the same as in the first case.

Now go back to where you came from. Bandits will attack you in waves. When you destroy the “reinforcements”, run through the door that opened with them. The third cache is on the right side of the room.

Blow it up and take the elevator up. Now you can go for your reward.

Exercise:Captured Well

Target:Stop the bandits


Special Reward:Electric arrows
Carlson is a plumber. His office is located next to the mayor's office. He will ask you to deal with the insolent bandits who decided to poison the water in the city.
After entering the sewer, talk to the wounded worker. He will give you electric arrows. Use them while enemies are standing in the water and they will be electrocuted.

Soon you will reach a lever that will raise the grate. Please note: the grate will lower until you destroy ALL enemies.

After a while you will be met by a member of the resistance. Help the guys fight off the bandits, then remove the toxin capsule from the generator, stand on the platform next to it, and pull the lever.

Turn around and go up the stairs until you reach a hatch.

Exercise:Deadly cargo

Target:Deliver the toxin sample to Kvasir


Special Reward:-
Deliver the toxin capsule north to Dr. Kvasir

Exercise:Secret cargo

Target:Deliver a sample of control darts to Elizabeth

NPC:Doctor Kvasir

Special Reward:Mind control arrow diagram
Go to the Second Chance bar, find Elizabeth Cadence - a girl from the resistance - and give her a sample of the mind control arrows.

Free Captain Marshall

Target:Free Captain Marshall

NPC:Elizabeth Cadence

Special Reward:-
Drive to the Government prison. The entrance is guarded by a machine gunner. You won't be able to kill him, so run to the gate as quickly as possible and pull the lever. Then go down into the sewer.
In the prison you will find a huge number of well-armed opponents, with jetpacks and shields. The best way to deal with them is with dynamite arrows. Laser barriers will also stand in your way. To turn them off, destroy the generators (capsules with electricity) located nearby.

When you reach the cages with mutants, pull the lever to open the locks and set the monsters on the soldiers. There, on the first floor, in the last cell on the right, Captain Marshall is imprisoned.

When you free him, the security system will go off and you will have to repel the enemy attack. Once outside, move to the second floor. When Marshall starts to open the door, stand behind the turret.

Then the captain will climb into the elevator, and you go out the door next door and return to the Source.

Personal disk

Target:Find a disk with information about your Ark

NPC:Captain Marshall

Special Reward:-
Go to your Ark. Here you will be met by an enemy in the form of Government soldiers. Kill them and use the computer.

When you take the disk, you will be attacked by soldiers again. Deal with them and return to the captain.

Lost data

Target:Find Government Research Data

NPC:Captain Marshall

Special Reward: -
Return to the Dead City. Immediately run through the door in front. Your path now lies along the road opposite to the one along which you were looking for the defibrillator part. When you reach the first laser grid, you will find research data on the table near the door.

After you reach the streets of the Dead City, you will find a laser grid in one of the buildings. The generator is located on the floor below. Go through the room you were once stuck in. When you reach the underground path, you will be attacked by an elite stormtrooper armed with an energy rifle. Kill him and return to the wasteland.


Target:Go to the Resistance camp

NPC:Captain Marshall

Special Reward:-
Go to the Resistance camp - Underground
To return back to the Source, go to the corridor behind the captain.

Exercise:Growing influence

Target:Impress Redstone

NPC:Captain Marshall

Special Reward: -
After finishing the conversation, turn left and head towards the garage. Meet your new mechanic here. To return to Marshall, use the elevator to the right of the entrance to the personal garage:

Next, go outside and go up the stairs, where Redstone is already waiting for you.

Exercise:Brigadier Jones

Target:Go underground and help Jones


Special Reward:-
Go to the underground (to the left of the stairs to Redstone) and talk to Brigadier Jones.

Exercise:Mutant Invasion

Target:Stop the mutant invasion

NPC:Brigadier Jones

Special Reward:-
Get out into the wasteland and go to the Blue Line station. When you find the dynamite sticks, the grate behind you will close and the hero will be attacked by hordes of mutants.

Having dealt with them, go downstairs and go through the opened door. Having reached the square, repel the attack of the mutants, and then kill the mini-boss. Shoot the leg, then the head.

When you reach the subway, there will be a detonator near the farthest car. Follow the wires that come from it and place explosives in the indicated place,

and then use the detonator.

A bunch of mutants and two Krakens will come running to the explosion. Don't forget about the rocket launcher. Having destroyed them all, exit through the opened carriage door and return to the city.

Exercise:Basement of the Machineheads

Target:Obtain a sample of felttrite combined with plutonium.


Special Reward:-
Find the Underground leadership room. She's not far from the guy playing the banjo.

Through this room you will find yourself in the lair of the Machine Heads.
When you reach a passage blocked by a wall of fire, turn left and go up the stairs. When you reach the next wall of fire, turn the valve.

With its help you will also block the first fire wall.
Move forward. When you reach a room with two exits, they will suddenly be “blocked” by flames, and two stormtroopers will come out from the opposite side. The fire will only go out when you defeat them. In the next room, an electric charge will power a fan. Run past him when he stops. Next you will find a round room, at the end of which there is a container with felttrite.

On the way back you will be attacked by a flamethrower. The best way to get rid of him is to shoot the tank on his back.

Exercise:The price of power

Target:Take control of the power plant


Special Reward: -
Go to the Machine Heads Power Plant. When you reach the electric beam blocking the passage, use the control panel on the left. To get through the next electric arc, throw an EM grenade under the switch.

When you get to the control panel, the leader of the Machine Heads will block your path.

He's not a difficult boss. Occasionally shoots missiles at you. Kills with 4-5 hits with a wingstick.
When you take control of the power plant, you will be greeted by one of Redstone's guys. They need your help.
Follow the guy. Once near the three levers, use them to activate traps and thereby prevent enemies from reaching our allies.

After this, return to Redstone, and then to Captain Marshall.

Device from the Ark

Target:Find a decryptor


Special Reward:-
Go to the Jackals' lair. When you reach a fork, turn right. A little further you will find a lever.

Use it. Return to the fork and go through the open gate. Don't waste time on enemies, they are endless. Ride the cable car twice in a row, then run to the gap and ride it down.

Run ahead. But beware of explosive balloons. Once you reach the Ark, listen to the President's message using the terminal on the floor. And then find the decryption device near one of the capsules on the right.

To the left of the exit from the ark, at the top of the stairs there is a certain device, something like a winch bicycle.

Use it to get out of the caves.

Exercise:Storming the bridge

Target:Blow up the generators and disable the bridge's defenses


Special Award: Government Energy Cannon
Go to the Government checkpoint, not far from the Jackals' lair. Blow up the barrier with dynamite.

Once you reach the end of the gorge, use the huge elevator.

There is a large installation on the bridge. To the left and right of it are two small generators.

Place charges on them, and when they explode, take control of the installation, and with it the bridge, using the terminal in the center.

Exercise:Assault on the capital

Target:Raise all Arks

NPC:Captain Marshall

Special Reward:Final game =)
Forward! The future... the future is in your hands!
Go to Government territory. Once you reach the entrance to the Capital, use the encoder to get into the ventilation.
There are many enemies waiting for you inside. Destroy them with the new gun. Once you reach the elevator, take it up. But what is it? It seems that the Government has implemented its plan to create super mutants. Regular mutants are now wearing armor and can shoot.
Kill them all and use the terminal to launch the Nexus Core.

Then go to the core and go up with it.
A laser grid awaits you here. The panel to turn it off is located on the floor below.
After walking along the auxiliary corridor, turn off another laser barrier and use the elevator.
Next, go down the stairs and activate the Core lift. Cross it to the other side and run to the left, where another elevator awaits you.
At the top, activate the terminal. The final stage of the Marshall Plan will begin.

Activate 4 panels in turn: the front Core panel, then the left panel, then the right panel, and finally the back Core panel.

At the same time, an army of Government mutants will attack you all. Watch the video in which all the arks of the Earth come to the surface.

Congratulations! Game over!

Side Missions: Hagar Settlement

Exercise:Wingstick Master

Target:Prove that you know how to use a wingstick

NPC:Luzam Hagar

Special Reward:
Possibility of using a wingstick
It's simple: when targets appear, throw a boomerang at them.

You need to score 10 points.

Exercise:Time trial with Durard

Target:Win a race

NPC:Durar Hagar

Special Reward:Turbocharging for buggies
You need to get to the flag and back in less than 45 seconds.

Side missions: Oil Workers Settlement

Exercise:Radio tower repair

Target:Repair the radio tower in the east

NPC:Rikter Neftyanik

Special Reward:Combat shotgun
Head to the radio tower. A little further from Juneau's remains there will be a staircase to the roof. Climb up and use the lever.

Then take the funicular down to solid ground and return to Rikter.

Beware, mutants!

Target:Light fireworks on the mountain

NPC:Ramos Neftyanik

Special Reward:-
Head to the Phantoms' lair. Don't go inside, but go to the edge of the mountain. There is something like a mortar standing here.

Use it. But beware: after this you will be attacked by mutants.

Side Missions: Source City

Exercise: Missing

Find the missing citizen

Bulletin board

Special Reward:
Go to the already familiar Ghost Hideout. The body of the unfortunate boy is located near a huge monument.

Stolen goods

Target: Find stolen booze

NPC:Bulletin board
Special Award: -
Go to the lair of the Crazy Ones again. This time, the entrance to it is located near the Dam.
A box of booze sits on a table at the very end of the garage.

Exercise:Sinister Mutants

Target:Cover the repairman

Bulletin board

Special Reward:
Charging mechanism for a sniper rifle
You find yourself on a sniper tower. Below, two mutants are eating a corpse. Kill them and the locksmith and his guard will come out of the city. Don't let mutants get close to them. First the creatures will climb from the left side, then from the right, and so on one by one. But be careful: some mutants can climb onto your tower.

Caravan security

Target: Protect the caravan

NPC:Bulletin board

Special Reward:
You are required to protect the caravan and its guards from bandits using a sniper rifle. In total, two waves of “riders” and one wave of mined cars will follow. The cars are very nimble, so aim better.


Cover the sheriff with a sniper rifle

Bulletin board

Special Reward:
You need to back up Sheriff Black during his deal with the Government. First, the sheriff is attacked by snipers. They can be easily detected: look through the scope and you will see laser beams. Then the landing will follow. Then there are snipers again. Keep an eye on the sheriff's health bar!

Clear the sewerage in the Neftyaniki area

Kill all mutants

Bulletin board

Special Reward:

Go to the sewer near the Oil Workers settlement and kill EVERYONE.

Clear the sewers in the Source area

Kill all mutants

Bulletin board

Special Reward:

Go to the sewers near the city of the Source and kill EVERYONE.

Clear the sewers in the Ark area

Kill all mutants

Bulletin board

Special Reward:
The task will become available if you find mutant trophies in the sewers.
Go to the sewers near the Ark and kill EVERYONE.

Clear the sewer in the Northern region

Kill all mutants

Bulletin board

Special Reward:
The task will become available if you find mutant trophies in the sewers.
Head to the sewer in the Northern region and kill EVERYONE

Clear the sewerage in the Kvasir area

Kill all mutants

Bulletin board

Special Reward:
The task will become available if you find mutant trophies in the sewers.
Head to the sewers in Dr. Kvasir's area and kill EVERYONE

Exercise:Clean out the sewers in the plateau area

Kill all mutants

Bulletin board

Special Reward:
The task will become available if you find mutant trophies in the sewers.
Head to the sewers in the plateau area and kill EVERYONE

Clear the sewer in the Southern region

Target: U beat all the mutants

NPC: Bulletin board

Special Reward: -
The task will become available if you find mutant trophies in the sewers.
Head to the sewers in the Southern area and kill EVERYONE.

Sally's Reward

Kill bandits on the roads


Special Reward:
Racing certificates

Sally is a bartender at the Second Chance Bar. She agreed to pay for every bandit you killed on the roads of the Wasteland. Destroy a certain number of enemy vehicles and return for a reward.

Miracle remedy

Find the Night Sky Flower


Special Reward:
Apophis injection recipe
Richard is a settler with a sick wife. Sitting at the Second Chance bar.
Head to Crazy Joe's Swamp. The flower is on the right side of the swamp.

Stanley Express

Deliver parcels within a certain time


Special Reward:
The task is given by the messenger Stanley, his office is located under the sheriff's office. It's simple: deliver a certain number of packages in a car within a certain time and receive a reward.


Travel to Hagar Settlement

Bulletin board

Special Reward:
The task will become available after completing the task “Destroy the explosives warehouse”
Go to the village of Hagar and talk to mechanic Fallinx.

Remote control prototype

Find a prototype of an improved machine mine in the Shrouds' lair.

Fallinx Hagar

Special Award
: Improved remote control car
Return to the Shrouds' lair. You can find the prototype of the machine not far from the room where the second warehouse of the bandits was located.

Challenge Starkey

Defeat Starkey in a personal race


Special Reward:
Magnum radiator grille
Starkey is a narcissistic racer. Located... near the racing venue. Defeat him and get spare parts for your wreck.

Find Feltrite

Get 20 pieces of Feltrite


Special Reward:
Defibrillator part

Brick's Award

Target:Destroy the cars of bandits and Government Predators.


Special Reward:Racing certificates
Brick is a bartender. He agreed to pay for every bandit car you destroyed or every Government Predator.

Exercise:"Monarch" Starkey

Target:Get Starkey's Monarch


Special Reward:"Monarch"
Redstone, along with the “Price of Power” quest, gives you the “Monarch Needed” quest. Go to the race site, find Starkey there, beat him in a private race and get a reward.

Abandoned distillery

Target:Get two bottles of Blue Glitter


Special Reward:Regeneration Booster Recipe
Dietrich can be found behind Jani's store.

It's simple: go to the old distillery located near the entrance to the city. Inside you will need to find the distillation workshop. If you don't have the lock when you reach the locked door, you can find it in the room on the right.

When you reach the distillation apparatus, take the empty bottles from the table, then insert them one by one into the tank on the right and pull the lever.

But be careful: mutants will come running to the sound.


Target: Get a flower


Special Reward:-
This task is given by Norbu - an old man with a stick. If you take it after completing Dietrich's quest, you will be able to complete the quest without moving. If not, then go to the location indicated on the map and there you will find a flower.

Head hunter