Hello dear visitors, we are glad to see you on our website, a site where we tell everything about the Instagram application. Article topic: Instagram for computer. Previously, we published useful articles in which we told how to save photos from Instagram and how to download videos from Instagram.


Instagram application- became very popular in a very short period of time. Instagram has caught the fancy of a huge number of smartphone owners who regularly take photos from their mobile devices. Instagram has given app users the ability to share photos with their friends and other Instagram users around the world. In addition to the ability to publish your photos, the Instagram application has special photo filters, the use of which allows you to turn almost any photo into a “work of art.”

The official version of Instagram has been released for a computer running Windows 10. For more information on how to download and install, see our article:

Why not Instagram computer applications?

Instagram app was created for use on mobile devices and publishing instant photos taken as they say "Here and now". But with the growing popularity of Instagram and the increase in the number of its users to a huge number, photos from Instagram have become recognizable always and everywhere, including thanks to the application’s filters.

Users who use the official Instagram application on their mobile devices, as a rule, at first do not see the need to install Instagram on their computer, but over time there is a desire to upload photos and view the Instagram news feed from a large computer screen, rather than from a mobile device.

Also, many people simply do not have smartphones, for which the application was created Instagram, i.e. they simply don’t have an iPhone on iOS or any other device running Android OS, which is why they also need to install Instagram for their computer. Registration from a computer on Instagram It’s also possible, you just need to install Instagram on your computer.

Instagram for computer

Download Instagram for computer

I would like to immediately note that Instagram for a computer can be downloaded free, no SMS and other dubious transactions. In order to install Instagram for computer in Russian, we need a very convenient and absolutely free program BlueStacks, which will allow you to install on your computer not only Instagram, but also any mobile applications that are created for the Android mobile operating system.

Instagram program for computer

In order to download free Instagram for computer, First of all, go to the official website BlueStacks.com and select the link to download BlueStacks for your operating system, if you have Windows (XP, Vista, 7/8) - click on the green “Download” button, if you are a Mac owner (Mac OS X ) - click the gray “Download” button to download the application.

Once the BlueStacks download is complete, double-click the file to start installing the application on your PC.

During the installation of BlueStacks on your computer, screenshots of mobile applications will constantly appear in the installation window, which can be installed and launched in BlueStacks.




During installation, a window may appear, as in the screenshot below, with a recommendation to update the drivers for the video card. Click Yes to update them immediately, or No to update them later.

When BlueStacks is installed, it will take a little time to update and load all the necessary data to work.

After the data update is complete, select the “All Apps” menu, as in the screenshot below.

Click on the menu item: “Search for applications”

If you have questions about the application, click “Continue”

After which a window will appear in which you need to add a Google account, you can add an existing one or create a new one.

Wait a little time..

After which BlueStacks will open, in the search box write Instagram

Once Instagram is installed on your computer, click on the “Open” button.

That's all, the installation of Instagram on your computer is complete, all that remains is to register on Instagram from your computer (or log in if you already have an Instagram account). Use Instagram for computer in Russian and have fun.

See the continuation of the article in which we tell you how to post a photo on Instagram from a computer

Thanks for your attention, good luck!

Instagram is one of the most popular applications in the world. This social network right now has a huge number of users registered from all over the world. You can not only share high-quality photos with your friends and process them, but also closely observe the activities of celebrities. Visit the accounts of your favorite movie stars, athletes or musicians. Only now PC owners have a chance to download Instagram to their computer. In just a few minutes you will begin to enjoy all the benefits of the service.

About the application

This program was first introduced to the general public in 2010, when San Francisco developers Mike Krieger and Kevin Systrom released it. Over the next few years, the application has evolved greatly: hashtags were added, the ability to record videos and other necessary functions became available. Millions of men and women flocked to the App Store and Google Play to save the program. The rapid development of the network was noticed by Facebook employees, who acquired it for about $1 billion.

Note! Already in 2010, approximately a million unique accounts were registered in the system, since then this figure has increased several dozen times.

Video review

Application features on PC

Instagram on PC has a number of useful features. The new and progressive interface consists of five sections, which are really easy to navigate using convenient navigation. You will automatically be taken to a news feed, where photographs of other network users whose pages you subscribe to will be displayed. Feel free to “like” the photo and leave comments.

There is a stories section at the top of the screen. The developers of the social network invite people to share photos with their subscribers in real time. Post pictures if they appeared on your device within the last 24 hours. Important! This publication will be completely deleted in exactly 24 hours.

Important! Don't forget to set up your account. In a special section you will edit your profile description, set up stories and change your password.

Advantages and disadvantages of the application

Instagram account owners highlight the following advantages of the application:

  • Ability to quickly upload a new photo to the Internet.
  • Availability of a large number of different filters.
  • Simple interface.
  • Clear design and well-thought-out account search algorithm.
  • Customized synchronization with all popular platforms.
  • A large base of registered unique users, an opportunity to start following the lives of celebrities.
  • The presence of hashtags that will help you find images on certain topics. It is also possible to find a photo from a specific city or even a specific establishment.
  • Ability to hide a number of images from subscribers and close your profile.
  • Wide functionality (share pictures, stories and conduct live broadcasts).

Despite the fact that the network is one of the most visited mobile services in the world, experts and users highlight several of its disadvantages:

  • Availability of advertising.
  • Possible spam from suspicious and unknown accounts.
  • The support system is still far from ideal.
  • Lack of photo saving function. To solve this problem you have to use third-party programs.

How to install Instagram on your computer

You can install Instagram on your computer in just a few clicks. This way, you can enjoy the useful features of the program. Try to perform all the necessary steps correctly.

Launching the Instagram app on Windows is very easy. The unpacked file will open on any personal computer without any problems. The system requirements of the BlueStacks 3 emulator are not expensive. It will be enough for you:

  • Operating system Windows XP or its newer equivalents.
  • 2 GB RAM.
  • 4 GB hard disk space.
  • Constant access to the Internet.
  • Correctly installed drivers.

Important! If the user wants to run the program, then he must have administrator rights on the PC; in other cases, he will not be able to download the desired file. Try saving Instagram on a weaker computer, but there is a high probability of frequent crashes and freezes.

  • Snapchat. Users of the resource can exchange messages without problems. The photo you sent to a friend will be deleted in a couple of moments. Guys and girls also upload videos, use a variety of stickers, and apply text and effects to pictures. You can not only find friends in a special system, but also add them from your own phone book. Save pictures with effects in your gallery; just click on the icon to the right of the timer with a downward-facing arrow.
  • . Want to achieve the perfect photo? Then Snapseed is created especially for you! 29 tools and filters will help make any picture even more vibrant. Use the selective adjustment brush to remove problematic parts of the composition. Even professional photographers work with RAW files such as DNG without losing quality, increasing sharpness, cropping problem areas and changing white balance. Achieving the most natural result is not at all difficult. Owners of the program also have access to a vignette, the function of adding text, blurring and correcting faces. You can easily save your finished work and then upload it to Instagram.


Instagram is right now one of the most famous applications of our time. Many people visit the social network every day to observe the lives of not only their friends, but also a number of interesting personalities. Upload unique pictures, use beautiful filters, or chat with other users of the service. User-friendly design and a huge base of useful functions are the undeniable advantage of this program. You can download Instagram to your computer without much difficulty. It is enough to install the Play Market on your PC and perform a number of simple actions and manipulations.

As you know, Instagram is a social network focused on mobile platforms. This is due to its very concept - microblogs for mobile photography. Instagram apps exist for all major mobile operating systems - iOS, Android and Windows Phone.

At the same time, the functionality of Instagram for a computer is limited to a web interface, and a stripped-down one at that. It only allows you to perform basic actions with an existing account, but not create one or publish photos. And even in this form, this opportunity has existed recently.

However, many people still have a desire to fully use Instagram, bypassing mobile gadgets. There can be many reasons for this - if you are interested in this article, then you definitely know them. So, is there a solution?

It exists, but only one. To fully and freely use Instagram for your computer, you need to emulate a mobile operating system on it - and then work with the service as if you were not sitting at the keyboard, but holding a smartphone in your hands.

Below are detailed instructions on how to achieve this.

How to emulate a mobile OS on Windows or MacOS?

Due to the closed nature of iOS and the low popularity of WindowsPhone, functional emulators of these systems do not exist, and they are unlikely to ever appear. Therefore, you will have to run Android on your computer. However, the functionality of Instagram will not change.

Today, the best solution for Android emulation is BlueStacks, available in versions for Windows and Mac OS (yes, this is bad news for Linux fans - however, how many of them are there among Instagram users?).

BlueStacks is an absolutely fully functional emulator that will allow you to use not only Instagram, but also other convenient mobile applications on your PC or Mac. Moreover, it is perfectly debugged, works quickly and stably.

Installing BlueStacks on a personal computer

It is impossible to get lost on the site - right on the main page you will see two buttons offering to download the program for Windows (XP, Vista, 7 or 8), or Mac OSX. Click on the button you need.

There are also no secrets in installing the program: just click “next”, and in a couple of minutes the BlueStacks installation will be completed. As a result, two new icons will appear on your desktop. One of them launches the application, and the other is a link to the folder where shortcuts to Android applications launched through BlueStacks are stored.

That is, you can run them directly - convenient! It's time to work with the program.

Working with BlueStacks

So, let's launch BlueStacks. If the application immediately opens in full screen mode, do not be alarmed; just press F11 and work in the window. This is more convenient - after all, the Android interface, which you essentially see in front of you, is designed for a much smaller screen.

Since we are working with Android, we will need a Google account. You can either use an existing account or create a new one: both are easy to do. Click the “Settings” button, select “Accounts” in the menu, and then “Add account”.

There may not be an English keyboard layout by default - you will have to add it manually. Click on the keyboard icon, and then on the settings icon next to the language (both visible in the screenshot). You can use either an on-screen or a physical keyboard - the switch is also visible in the screenshot.

Download Instagram for computer for free

In principle, further actions are no different from those performed on a mobile device. To find an application on GooglePlay, click the Search button on the main screen and click “Install”. The weight of the application is about 10 megabytes.

After downloading, you can immediately click the “Open” button, launch Instagram through BlueStacks, as in Android, or use the shortcut in the folder (which we discussed above).

Working with Instagram on a computer

So, you saw the real Instagram on your computer screen. This is the same application that you use on your mobile device - there are no differences.

Again, you can create a new account, or log into an existing one. Registration on Instagram was discussed in a separate article, so we will not cover this issue in detail now.

So, enter your login password and get access to your account!

Now you can do everything you can with your smartphone - even take a photo or record a video with your webcam!

How to upload a photo from a computer? It's quite simple. Drag the file directly into the program window - BlueStacks will offer a choice of where to import it. Further actions are no different from the usual processing and publishing of a photo in the service - we also described in detail how this happens.

All other actions on Instagram are no different at all from the regular mobile version - you just can use the mouse and keyboard, which is, without a doubt, convenient.

You have successfully installed Instagram for your computer!

On a note!

  • To write in English you need to hold shift + alt and simultaneously type your username and password

Instagram for Windows 10 has appeared in the official Microsoft store, because previously it was impossible to install Instagram on a computer, since Windows was not officially supported. Now there is no need to look for workarounds. What is it, what are its features? Let's look at it below.

Welcome to Instagram for Windows 10

The new version of Instagram for Windows 10 is more designed for tablets than for regular computers. Instagram adapts its functions to the type of device on which it is used. The fact is that the ability to take photos and publish them appears only on devices that have a touch screen.

Another condition is the presence of a camera, but its presence alone does not solve anything. On regular computers, it won't even be possible to add pictures from the gallery.

A rather strange feature of the new Instagram that annoys everyone. However, if you're using a Windows 10-based tablet or touchscreen computer, you'll be able to use Instagram just like you would on your phone: take photos and videos, or take them from your gallery.

send them using Direct,

On a regular laptop, you can only watch stories.

But all other functions are fine. Search works according to different principles.

You can edit your profile. True, there are few fields here. Here you can write or change your name, login, website name, information about yourself, email or phone number. In principle, this section is no different from the web version.

How to install Instagram on Windows 10?

To download Instagram on a Windows 10 computer for free, you just need to find the application in the official store.

Click “Receive” or “Get”. Download and open. As you can see, there are no particular difficulties in how to download and install the Instagram application for Windows 10.
One more problem
It is not enough to have a laptop or tablet with Windows to try out the new Instagram client. It is necessary that the OS be updated to Windows 10. This condition is included in the technical requirements of the program.

How to download Instagram on a Windows 7, 8 and XP computer?

Firstly, people “get out” with the help of emulators. These are special programs that imitate the Android OS on Windows. Thus, the user gets the opportunity to run Android applications. One of the most popular emulators is BlueStacks. This is what we recommend. You can find more detailed information in the corresponding article.

Another option is similar applications. A good option is InstaPic.

If you want to try other options, do not download “Instagram-” (with a minus sign). It's a fake copy. And InstaPic may be an unofficial app, but it has all the basic features.

In this article, we looked at how to download and install Instagram for a Windows 10 computer (PC or tablet), and also told what to do for those who cannot download this version. Download and act.

I want to show you 3 simple ways you can use Instagram on your computer. I know that many of you do not like to read, and for those like you, I recorded a short video:

For everyone else, everything is the same as in the video, only in the text version below.

Method 1 – open the Instagram website

As is already clear from the title, I suggest going to the address - https://www.instagram.com

On the main page of the site, in the lower right corner there is a link to “Login” to your profile, click on it and enter your username and password.

Instagram has opened in front of you, but with limited functionality. To be more precise, you can only watch photos and videos, use search and check likes, but there is no way to use direct and upload photos! If this is enough for you, you don’t need to read further, but if you want to use Instagram with all its capabilities, the following methods will suit you.

Install Instagram on PC via Android emulator

The method is very simple, but not suitable for everyone. The fact is that the emulator will work correctly if your computer has 4 GB of RAM or more. Otherwise, everything will slow down for you and “Insta” will not bring you any pleasure. If everything suits you, then:

  1. Install BlueStacks 3. Download link and installation instructions here -
  2. Open “My Applications” in the top menu, then “System Applications” and open “Google Play” there.
  3. Write “Instagram” in the search and install it. After installation, you will have a Shortcut on your desktop through which you can open Instagram on your computer.

Everything is quite simple, but not entirely convenient. The Android emulator is cool, but if you only need to install one application, it is better to use the following method.

Installing Instagram from Windows Store

This is the fastest and easiest way for all users who have Windows 8, 10. Unfortunately, the Microsoft Store is not available for Windows 7 users.

First of all, you need to open the “Store”. You can find it in the “start menu”, “All applications” and somewhere in the list open “Store”.

Or open the search and enter "Store"

Now, in the upper right corner, enter “Instagram” into the search and install it on your computer.

We wait for installation and use the full version of the application, where all functions are available to you (uploading photos, direct messages, etc.).

How to upload photos to Instagram from computer

Now that you have learned how to install the application on your computer, open it and log in to your account or register.

In the upper left corner you have a camera icon, when you click on it, the camera opens by default.

If you want to upload a photo from your computer, select the appropriate icon (bottom left).

As you can see, everything is very simple. If you don’t understand something or can’t do it like I did, write in the comments, I’ll help you figure it out.