After checking a scientific work using the Anti-Plagiarism system and generating a report, many students are faced with a misunderstanding of such a block as "white sources" or "quoting". Let's take a closer look at this category.

Below are some screenshots from the reports.

As can be seen from the system reports "Antiplagiarism University", the service practically does not identify text that was borrowed from white sources or quoted. Let's try to figure out which phrases refer to “white sources”.

On the forum of the site it is indicated that white springs include documents, links (quotes) that are not plagiarism. Examples of white sources are: laws, document templates, catchphrases, definitions, etc. Currently available in the public domain "Antiplagiarism" service There is one white collection - a collection of legal documents (lexpro).

Let's turn to the website “Expert legal system”. This site provides an opportunity to familiarize yourself with many legal acts, but, unfortunately, mainly of federal significance - the Constitution, Federal laws, etc. When you try to view a more specific act, the site offers paid access.

As you can see, the price of the Internet version of the site is quite impressive and not everyone pays for such access. Currently, the composition of the LEXPRO database (as of April 4, 2016) is as follows:

  1. 1. Total number of documents - 11,274,249
  2. 2. Regulatory acts of the Russian Federation and the USSR - 208,720
  3. 3. Acts of higher courts - 245,415
  4. 4. Acts of federal arbitration courts - 621,248
  5. 5. Acts of arbitration courts of appeal - 1,294,496
  6. 6. Acts of courts of constituent entities of the Russian Federation - 5,188,870
  7. 7. International legal acts - 5,690
  8. 8. Comments on legislation - 13,246
  9. 9. Document forms - 2,029
  10. 10. Legal acts of constituent entities of the Russian Federation - 3,694,535

However, let’s move on, since we have no desire to use the site’s services - the main thing is that we realized that the specified site has a large database of regulatory legal acts that should be taken into account when checking using the Anti-Plagiarism system as “white sources” or “ citation”, that is, when checking according to the system, the use of quotations from laws should not be recognized as plagiarism.

Let's check this proposition in practice.

For example, let’s take some common regulatory act, let’s say the Forestry Code of the Russian Federation, and check it for originality in the Anti-Plagiarism system. The report results are shown in the screenshot.

As can be seen from the report, the system identified this federal law as borrowed text, that is, plagiarism. In this case, the citation is equal to “0”. In other words, when checking works using the Anti-Plagiarism system, we will not be able to refer to the citation of laws, since the system simply does not work correctly. Among the sources of work there is not even the LEXPRO website, according to the documents of which the work should initially be checked.

Likewise, the system does not indicate white sources in advanced mode "Anti-plagiarism University" checks. We cannot explain why this happens, but keep this in mind.

The only option for effectively identifying text quoted from laws is checking the text in a mode expanded with filters for an additional fee on the service « » . We will provide an example of such a report below.

The report allows us to conclude that the document contains 13.5% of the text that was borrowed from regulatory legal acts. Many universities calculate the final percentage of originality of work by adding the values “Assessment of originality” and “Citation”. In this case, we will get a final figure of around 70%. Which is a pretty good indicator. Checking the same work in the free version Antiplagiarism service will give us approximately the same percentage, but will count the citation as unoriginal text.

Thus, we will give advice - if in your work you cite quite a lot of provisions from regulations, then we advise you not to copy the contents of the articles, but to translate “direct” into “indirect”, which will help increase the percentage of originality of the entire work. This is due to the fact that the likelihood of your work being checked using the Anti-Plagiarism system with advanced filters is very low, since many universities have systems "Anti-plagiarism university", which these sources do not see.

If you have any questions, call us, we have 24/7 customer support!

8-800-550-55-87 the call is free

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8.1.1. Quote source

It should be the cited publication (work), and not the publication (work) of another author, where the quoted text is given as an excerpt (for an exception, see 8.1.2).

In case of several (many) editions of the cited work, it is recommended to choose a textually authoritative publication as a source (for example, academic collected works), if the purpose of the text does not require quoting another publication (being analyzed, criticized, etc.).

Papr., when quoting “Kholstomer” by L.P. Tolstoy, it is better to choose a non-anniversary Complete book as a source. collection op. writer, and a later miniature edition of the story (M.: Book, 1979), in which E. G. Babaev, who prepared it, introduced 21 reasonable clarifications in comparison with the text in the Complete volume. collection op., correcting the errors that crept into his text, sometimes rude (“young fellow” instead of “boy”, “bad horses” instead of “quiet horses”, “long” instead of “at home”, “shut up” instead of “laughed”).

8.1.2. Quote by quote

As a rule, it is prohibited. Permissible as an exception in cases where:

1) the original source is unavailable or difficult to find;

2) a published archival document is quoted, and reproducing the text from an archival source may unlawfully give the citation the character of an archival research;

3) the quoted text became known from the recording of the author's words in the memoirs of another person.

8.1.3. Basic conditions for semantic accuracy of citation

1. Quoting a logically complete fragment of text, i.e. with completeness that would guarantee the invariance of the meaning conveyed in the source and quotation (without arbitrarily breaking the quoted text, without pulling out words and phrases from the context of the source, when both lead to a change in the meaning or shade of meaning source).

2. For the sake of saving space, discarding words of a quotation that are not necessary for quoting purposes only in the case when this does not affect its meaning.

8.1.4. Techniques for checking the semantic accuracy of citations

In order to prevent distortions of the thoughts of the quoted author, it is advisable:

1. When checking a quotation with a source, also read the text preceding and/or following it, and compare the meaning of a wide fragment of the text in which the quotation is included with the quotation itself. Eg:

Text with quote:

The outstanding Soviet director G. A. Tovstonogov makes a very categorical statement: “As soon as words begin to be heard in the theater, modern theater ends.”

Fragment of the source from which the quote is extracted:

Words in modern theater should not be listened to, but entered into our consciousness through action. As soon as words begin to be heard in the theater, modern theater ends. We do not have the right to listen to words separately in the theater and watch actions separately. We must hear and see at the same time.

It is clear that Tovstonogov’s thought is presented distortedly, that the quote is only an incomplete part of the thought formulated by the director, and its essence becomes clear only in context. Having taken a phrase out of it, the quoter attributed to Tovstonogov something that was not in his text, although the literal accuracy of the quotation was observed.

For example, the author of the editing manual, to illustrate the words of V. A. Karpinsky that Lenin the editor “limited himself to the minimum of necessary amendments,” cited as an example part of the text from V. A. Karpinsky’s article “Peasant Congress” before and after Lenin's amendments, where only the particle “not” was actually inserted twice.

Meanwhile, the quoted text was followed by Karpinsky’s text, which Lenin crossed out and replaced with his own, and which was three times larger in volume than the quoted text with two supposedly small amendments, but in fact changing the meaning to the exact opposite. So Lenin’s correction in Karpinsky’s article illustrates not the minimality of corrections, but quite the opposite, their large volume. The example was chosen poorly by the quoter, and to make it unnoticeable, he cut off the quote. The editor could notice this only by comparing the quote with a wide fragment of the source, reading there not only the quoted text, but also the text that follows it.

2. Compare the subject of thought in the source with the subject of thought to which the quotation is attributed by the author quoting it, in order to avoid discrepancies between them, which at least devalue the quotation. Eg:

Text with quote:

Scientists believe that correctly orienting eye movements during such long and intense reading as proofreading is far from an easy task. Fortunately, reading skills can be significantly improved even in adults who are perfectly literate. Goethe was not far from the truth when he jokingly complained to Eckermann: “These good people have no idea how much time and labor it takes to learn to read. I have spent eighty years on this and still cannot say that I have achieved my goal.”

Here, the author of the above text used Goethe’s statement about the ability to read as the ability to comprehend the author’s intention as evidence that improving technology. reading skills is never too late. The subject of thought in the source and the quotator differs, and, therefore, the quotation is inappropriate.

3. Check what time the quotation is talking about and whether it is legal to attribute what is said in it to another time, as the quoting person does.

4. Compare the meaning of the quote with the conclusions that the quoting author draws from it in order to check whether these conclusions really follow from the quote. Papr.:

Text with quote:

The information explosion that we are witnessing was presciently foreseen back in 1844 by young Engels. “Science,” he wrote, “moves forward in proportion to the mass of knowledge inherited from previous generations.” In accordance with this formula, every 10-15 years the volume of printed scientific and technical information doubles.

The quoted phrase of Engels in no way follows the conclusion drawn after it by the quoting author. First, just because the volume of information doubles, it does not at all follow that the mass of knowledge increases in the same proportion. Secondly, about the period for which the volume of scientific and technical. information doubles, Engels has no speech at all. From Engels' phrase it follows only that science moves forward in proportion to the mass of knowledge it inherits, and nothing more. The mass of knowledge increases - science moves forward in proportion to this. The author's conclusions do not follow from the quotation, and, therefore, either the quotation is inappropriate or the conclusions need clarification.

8.1.5. Conditions for literal citation accuracy

The quotation must follow the source word for word, letter for letter, punctuation mark for punctuation, with some exceptions - see below, 8.1.6-8.1.9.

8.1.6. Spelling and punctuation in quotes

The text of the quotation, as a rule, is given in accordance with the rules and regulations of spelling and punctuation in force at the time of publication. Eg:

In the source: In quote:
Western EuropeanWestern European

It is also permissible to correct obvious typos, provided that the correction is specified in the note, but this is advisable to do only in cases where the quoting person needs to comment on an error in the quotation.

8.1.7. Abbreviations in quotations

Words arbitrarily abbreviated in the source are permitted, as well as words that are abbreviated in the quotation but not abbreviated in the main text. text, write in detail, enclosing the completed parts of words in straight or angular brackets and omitting the period as a sign of abbreviation. Eg:

because]; because]; N.G. Chernyshevsky writes that he “...has established an opinion borrowed from Domestic Notes...”.

When quoting documents, angle brackets usually indicate crossed out text, and straight brackets indicate abbreviated words expanded by the quoter.

When abbreviated words are easily understood by the reader, do not cause misunderstandings when reading and do not violate the uniformity of abbreviations in the publication, it is not advisable to expand the abbreviated words. It is undesirable to expand abbreviated words if the abbreviated spelling conveys the peculiarity of the pronunciation of the name, first name and patronymic, etc.

8.1.8. Banknotes in quotes

You can omit one or more words or even sentences if the thought of the author of the quote is not distorted and if the reader is notified of the bill by an ellipsis in the place of the omitted words and an ellipsis in angle brackets in the place of the omitted sentences. See 8.5.

8.1.9. Quoting individual words and phrases

When quoting in this way, it is permissible not to put an ellipsis, because it is already clear to the reader that words are omitted before and after the quoted words. Eg:

Pechorin said that “in a vain struggle” he had already “exhausted both the heat of his soul and the constancy of his will”... (Eikhenbaum B.M. About prose. M., 1969. P. 285).

However, the omission of a word within a quoted phrase is indicated by an ellipsis.

8.1.10. Changing the case of words in a quotation against the original source

Such a deviation from the original source is possible in cases where individual words and phrases are quoted. Eg:

8.1.11. Addition of signs

In a poetic quotation, typed as prose inside the main. text in the selection with it, a single or double slash or a single or double vertical ruler is introduced to indicate poetic lines at the places where one poetic line ends and another begins.

The punctuation mark before such a sign and the capital letter at the beginning of the line after the sign are retained. Eg:

...Thanks to my involvement in art, the act of poetic creativity... (“With silent triumph on my face // I open the facets of verse...”).

8.1.12. Emphasis in quotation

When highlighting in a quote:

1. It is advisable to preserve the source selection form. If according to technical for reasons this is impossible, then it is allowed to replace such a form with another, similar in strength, with a reservation once in a note. Eg:

“...In the matter of artistic criticism, Kramskoy is the true Belinsky,” wrote V.V. Stasov (in the source - bold).

2. The highlighting of words by those quoting must be marked or specified in a footnote. For example, the note at the first quote from one source:

* In unspecified cases, italics in quotations are ours. - A.M.

3. It is not necessary to specify the emphasis of words belonging to the author of the quote, except in cases where there are only several authors in quotes from one source. emphases and a lot of emphases from the quoter. Then it is better, more economical, to mark the author. highlighting, and specify the citing one’s highlighting in the note or apply different forms of highlighting, specifying only the form of highlighting of the words by the citing one. It is preferable, if possible, to have a different form of emphasis by the author and the citing person, indicating this in a note. Eg: Quote (italics - the author of the quote, bold - ours).

If the publication can be read inconsistently, it is more appropriate to place all reservations about emphases not in the notes, but at the end of the preface, or on the back of the title. l., after the list of abbreviations, i.e. in a place that the reader probably will not miss.

8.1.13. Highlighting quotes

It is advisable to highlight multi-line and especially multi-paragraph quotations, since the reader often loses orientation and wastes time trying to figure out whether the quotation has already ended or not.

Quotation form: a) retraction, if the quotation does not exceed a page; b) a retractor with a vertical ruler in it, if the quotation occupies the entire page; c) set in a smaller font size (for example, petit or borges in case) in the cases as in paragraph “b”; d) typing in a font of a different typeface in the same cases as in paragraph “b”.

8.2. Using quotation marks

8.2.1. Quotes enclosed in quotation marks

Typed in the same way as basic. The text and quotes inside it are enclosed in quotation marks to show the boundaries of each - the beginning and the end.

8.2.2. Quotes not in quotation marks

These are quotes graphically separated from the main ones. text:

1. Highlighted in a font or non-font method (with a font of a different size, design, style; retracted; printed with a paint other than the main text) or if the context makes it clear to the reader that there is a quotation in front of him. For example: Pushkin wrote to his wife: Something my children and
my books?

2. Taken from poetic works, preserving the division into poetic lines and typed on a narrower line than the main one. text, format or font lower than the main font. font text. Eg:

Let's remember Pushkin's lines:

The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it!
A lesson to good fellows.

3. Quotes-epigraphs, if they are not accompanied by any non-quoted text.

8.2.3. Placement of quotation marks

Quotation marks delimiting a quotation are placed only at the beginning and end of it, regardless of the size of the quotation and the number of paragraphs in it.

8.2.4. Quote drawing

1. Quotations are enclosed in quotation marks of the same design as those used in the main text. text as main ones.

2. If there are words (phrases, phrases) inside the quotation, in turn enclosed in quotation marks, then the latter should be of a different design than the quotation marks that close and open the quotation (external quotation marks are usually Christmas trees “ ”, internal quotation marks are paws “ “”).

If according to technical For some reason, it is impossible to set quotes from another picture; quotes from one picture are not repeated next to each other. For example, it is incorrect: ““My gypsies are not for sale at all,” Pushkin complained. It is better, however, to highlight quotes in some way by removing the outer quotes, for example, type quotes with a retract and indented paragraphs.

3. If the quotation contains quotation marks of the “third stage,” i.e., inside the quoted phrases of the quotation there are, in turn, words taken in quotation marks, the quotation marks of the second picture, i.e., paws, are recommended as the latter.

M. M. Bakhtin wrote: “Trishatov tells the teenager about his love for music and develops the idea of ​​the opera for him: “Listen, do you like music?” I really love... If I were composing an opera, then, you know, I would take the plot from Faust. I really love this topic."

8.3. Paragraphs when quoting

8.3.1. In-quote paragraphs

Preserved as in the source, except when quotations include only a minor part of the text of both paragraphs (for example, the last phrase of one and the beginning phrase of the other).

8.3.2. Quotes starting with paragraph indentation

1. Quotes of two or more paragraphs.

2. Quotes whose meaning they want to especially emphasize.

3. Quotes that begin the main paragraph. text.

8.4. Uppercase and lowercase letters at the beginning of a quote

8.4.1. Quotes starting with a capital letter

These are the quotes:

1. Standing after a colon in the middle of a phrase, if in the source they began with a capital letter (the text is quoted from the beginning of the sentence). Eg:

2. Beginning a phrase and coming after the point that ends the previous sentence. text, even if the first words of the quoted sentence are omitted. Eg:

3. Beginning with a proper name, even if the quotation omits the initial words of the quoted sentence and comes after a colon. Eg:

8.4.2. Quotes starting with a lowercase letter

These are the quotes:

1. With the first words of the initial sentence omitted, standing in the middle of the main phrase. text (both after a colon and without it), starting with a common noun. Eg:

2. Without the omitted first words of the initial sentence, but included in the syntactic structure of the main phrase. text, standing in its middle or end, not after a colon, with the first word not a proper name. Eg:

8.5. Ellipsis as a sign of skipping text in a quotation

8.5.1. Replacing other punctuation marks with ellipses

An ellipsis replaces punctuation marks before omitted text in a quotation, such as a comma, colon, semicolon, or dash. It is unacceptable to replace one of the ellipses with any of these characters or combine the ellipses with any of them. Eg:

8.5.2. Combining ellipses with other punctuation marks

An ellipsis can be combined with punctuation marks such as a period, a semicolon, exclamation and question marks, and an ellipsis in the following cases:

1. A semicolon is placed after an ellipsis when the text contains a list of quotes, highlighted not in quotation marks, but in some type or non-font way, with words omitted at the end of each or with the initial words omitted (the ellipsis of quotes and the semicolon of the original text are combined, in which quotations are included). Eg:

Definitions with a personal pronoun are not isolated if the definition is connected not only with the subject, but also with the predicate, for example: He comes out of the back rooms already completely upset...; I come in the evening tired and hungry.
Count Ilya the end of January he came to Moscow with Natasha and Sonya, ...Razmetnov came with Demka Ushakov.

2. A period, exclamation or question mark, ellipsis is placed before the ellipsis with a break from it, when one sentence of the quotation is given in full (it ends with one of the signs listed at the beginning of the paragraph), and the initial words of the next sentence of the quotation are omitted. This allows the reader to get an accurate idea of ​​the structure of the quoted text. Eg:

8.5.3. Ellipsis at the beginning and end of paragraphs in a multi-paragraph quotation

If words are omitted at the end of a paragraph of a multi-paragraph quotation, such a paragraph ends with an ellipsis, and if words are omitted at the beginning of the next paragraph (the first word), then it begins with an ellipsis. The structure of the quotation text does not change: it is divided into paragraphs in the same way as in the source. Eg:

The first paragraph of the quotation with the words omitted at the end...

...The second paragraph of a quotation with the initial word or words omitted.

8.5.4. Ellipsis in angle brackets

This ellipsis replaces text from one or more sentences omitted when quoting:

1. Combined with a period if the preceding sentence of the quotation is given in its entirety, and with an ellipsis if words are omitted at the end of the preceding sentence of the quotation or the beginning of the subsequent sentence. Eg:

Full sentence quote.<…>Full sentence quote.

A quotation sentence with words left out at the end (the last word)…<…>...A quotation sentence with the initial words (first word) omitted.

2. It stands out as a separate paragraph if it replaces the paragraph between paragraphs of the quoted text. Eg:


3. Placed at the beginning and (or) end of the paragraph of the quoted text if the sentences at the beginning and (or) end of this paragraph are omitted. Eg:

The first paragraph of the quoted text.

<...>The second paragraph of the quoted text with the initial and final sentences omitted.<...>

Third paragraph of the quoted text.

8.5.5. Combined and separate writing of ellipses with text

It is subject to the following rules:

1. The ellipsis at the beginning of a phrase is written together with the following word. Eg:

We left the saklya. ...The weather has cleared...

2. The ellipsis in the middle and end of a phrase is written together with the preceding word. Eg:

We went out... Contrary to the prediction of my companion, the weather cleared...

In both cases (items 1 and 2), if in the typewritten original an ellipsis is printed with a space before or after the text, it should be marked with the proofreading sign “destroy the space”.


8.6. Notes on quotations

8.6.1. Semantic explanations and comments from the quoter

For their design, see 29.3.6.

8.6.2. Indications about the attribution of emphasis in the quotation

Type indications Italics are mine; The release is mine; Emphasis mine; Emphasized by me formatted in the same way as the semantic explanations and comments of the quoting person (see 29.3.6). Eg:

“...I was guided by the need for a collection of thoughts linked together to express myself...” (our italics - M. Sh.).

8.6.3. Decoding pronouns and abbreviations

Such notes are usually enclosed in straight brackets and placed after the word (phrase) to which they refer, without indicating the initials of the first and last name of the quoting person, since the affiliation of the notes is clear to the reader by the meaning and straight brackets. Eg:

“...There is no doubt that he [Pushkin] created our poetic, our literary language...”

8.6.4. Question or exclamation mark as a note

It is placed after the word or phrase in the quotation to which it refers, in parentheses without verbal markings in cases where the quoting person needs to express doubt, ironically point out an error, or express delight at some place in the quotation. A question mark usually has a negative connotation, while an exclamation mark has a positive connotation. Eg:

“The sketch in the corner of the hall belongs to Repin (?),” we read there.

8.7. Punctuation marks in a phrase ending with a quotation

8.7.1. Colon after the quoter's words before the quotation

Placed if the words of the quotator introduce a quotation into the text and warn the reader about it. Eg:

Not installed:

1. If inside the quotation or after it there are words of the quotator, introducing the quotation into the text. In this case, the text before the quote is separated from it by a dot. Eg:

2. If the quotation appears as an addition to the text before it or as part of a subordinate clause that begins before it. Eg:

S.I. Vavilov demanded “ all means to rid humanity of reading bad, unnecessary books.”

S.I. Vavilov believed that it was necessary “ all means to rid humanity of reading bad, unnecessary books.”

8.7.2. Period after closing quotation marks


1. If the closing quotation marks are not preceded by an ellipsis, exclamation point, or question mark; in this case, the point can be moved behind the link if the latter immediately follows the quotation. Eg:

A. N. Sokolov writes: “Misunderstanding is the absence of unification.”

“...unification” (p. 140).

2. If there is an ellipsis, exclamation or question mark before the closing quotation marks, but the quotation is not an independent sentence (it acts as a member of the sentence in which it is included; usually such quotations are part of a subordinate clause). Eg:

Gogol wrote about Manilov that “in his eyes he was a distinguished man...”.

8.7.3. Lack of punctuation after closing quotation marks

There is no punctuation:

1. If there is an ellipsis, exclamation or question mark before the closing quotation marks, and the quotation enclosed in quotation marks is an independent sentence (as a rule, all quotations after a colon separating them from the words of the quoting person are like this). Eg:

Pechorin wrote: “I don’t remember a bluer and fresher morning!”

Pechorin admitted: “I sometimes despise myself...”

Pechorin asks: “And why did fate throw me into the peaceful circle of honest smugglers?”

The same applies if a quotation ends with an independent sentence, the first sentence of which begins with a lowercase letter. Eg:

Pechorin reflects: “...why did fate throw me into the peaceful circle of honest smugglers? Like a stone thrown into a smooth spring, I disturbed their calm..."

2. If there is a question or exclamation mark before the closing quotation marks, and the quote is not an independent sentence and after the entire phrase with the quote there should be a question or exclamation mark. Eg:

Lermontov exclaims in the preface that this is “an old and pathetic joke!”

8.8. Punctuation marks in a phrase with a quote in the middle

8.8.1. Colon before quotation

Put or not put according to the same rules as in a phrase ending with a quotation (see 8.7.1).

8.8.2. Comma after closing quotation marks

Placed if, according to the context, the subsequent text must be separated by a comma, in particular:

1) the quotation is part of an adverbial phrase that ends with it, or a subordinate clause that ends with a quotation; eg:

So, ninth-graders, having read the phrase: “The British especially vigilantly guarded the sea route to India,” asked themselves... (the quotation ends the adverbial phrase);

2) the quotation is followed by the second part of a complex sentence, and the quotation with the preceding text is its first part; eg:

Several editors read the following text: “The young reader is especially concerned about books in which he seeks answers to vital questions,” and none of them noticed a gross logical error (the text behind the quote is the second sentence of a complex sentence);

3) the quotation is part of the main sentence, followed by a subordinate clause, etc.; eg:

8.8.3. Dash after closing quotation marks


1. If, according to the conditions of the context, it is not necessary to separate the subsequent text with a comma (in particular, in the text before the quotation there is a subject, and in the text after it there is a predicate, or before the quotation there is one homogeneous member, and after it another joined by a conjunction). Eg:

2. If there is an ellipsis, exclamation or question mark at the end of the quotation. Eg:

When a literary employee signed the answer to a reader’s question: “Are vitamins preserved in fruit juices?” - He apparently wasn’t concerned...

3. If a dash is necessary due to the conditions of the context (in particular, the text before the quote is the subject, expressed by the indefinite form of the verb, and the text after the quote is the predicate, attached by the word means or also expressed by the indefinite form of the verb. For example:

To say: “sensory representation is the reality existing outside of us” means returning to Humeanism...

8.8.4. Place punctuation marks after a poetic quotation

If the quotation is reproduced in accordance with the poetic lines of the source, the punctuation mark that applies to the entire text with the quotation is placed at the end of the last poetic line, and not before the words of the quotator. Eg:

There are two motivic fields here; the first is the motive of separation:

We parted; for a moment of charm,
For a brief moment I had my life... -

expresses romantic maximalism.

8.9. Punctuation marks in a phrase with the words of the quoter inside the quote

8.9.1. Where the quote is broken - comma, semicolon, colon, dash

In this case, as well as in the absence of punctuation marks at the break point, the quoting words are separated from the text of the quotation on both sides by a comma and a dash (, -). Eg:

In the source: In the edition with a quote:
I have become incapable of noble impulses... “I,” Pechorin admits, “have become incapable of noble impulses...”

...My heart turns to stone, and nothing will warm it up again.

M. Lermontov. Hero of our time

“...My heart is turning to stone,” Pechorin concludes hopelessly, “and nothing will warm it up again.”

Too one-sided and strong an interest excessively increases the stress of human life; one more push and the person goes crazy.

D. Kharms

“Too one-sided and strong interest excessively increases the tension of human life,” reflects D. Kharms, “one more push, and the person goes crazy.”

The goal of every human life is one: immortality.

D. Kharms

“The goal of every human life is one,” writes D. Kharms in his diary, “immortality.”

Genuine interest is the main thing in our life.

D. Kharms

“Genuine interest,” says D. Kharms, “is the main thing in our lives.”

8.9.2. Where the quote breaks is a dot

In this case, a comma and a dash (, -) are placed before the quoting words, and a dot and a dash (. -) after these words, starting the second part with a capital letter.

8.9.3. Where the quote breaks is a question mark or exclamation mark

In this case, a question or exclamation mark and a dash (? -; ! -) are left before the quoting words, and a dot and a dash (. -) are placed after the quoting words, starting the second part of the quotation with a capital letter, or a comma and a dash (, -) , starting the second part of the quote with a lowercase letter, if in the source the text after the question (exclamation) mark begins with a lowercase letter. Eg:

8.9.4. Where the quote breaks is an ellipsis

In this case, an ellipsis and a dash (... -) are placed before the quoting words, and a comma and a dash (, -) after the quoting words, if in the source the text after the ellipsis began with a lowercase letter, and a dot and a dash (. -), if in the source the text after the ellipsis began with a capital letter. Eg:

8.9.5. There are two verbs in the words of the quoter, one refers to the first part of the quotation, the other to the second

In this case, after the first part of the quotation a comma and a dash (, -), a period and a dash (. -), an ellipsis and a dash (...-), an exclamation (question) mark and a dash (? -; ! -) are placed, depending from the context, and after the quoting words - a colon and a dash (: -). Eg:

“I sometimes despise myself... isn’t that why I despise others?..” asks Pechorin and admits: “I have become incapable of noble impulses” (text in the source, see above).

8.10. Punctuation marks in a phrase beginning with a quotation

8.10.1. Comma and dash after quotation

Placed if the source text of the quotation ends with a period. Eg:

8.10.2. Dash after quote

Placed if the source text of the quotation ends with an ellipsis, exclamation point or question mark. For example...

In order to indicate where specific information in an essay or report comes from, the writer must adhere to the borrowed information by citing the text. Citing the text is an important part of any research paper, regardless of the writing style used. Here are instructions on how to format major in-text citations using APA, MLA, and Chicago styles.



  1. Whenever possible, the name of the author or authors responsible for the work should be included. One way to name an author is to introduce him/her in a sentence before you enter the information provided by that author.

    • According to Jones, this premise is false (2010).
    • Research by Smith, Dow, and Rowell indicates that this is simply a misconception (2002).
  2. If you do not introduce the author or authors in the proposal, include the names in parentheses after the information borrowed. To work with multiple authors, separate the last two names with an ampersent "&".

    • This premise is false (Jones, 2010).
    • Even if previously accepted as fact, it is merely a fallacy (Smith, Dow, & Rowell, 2002).
  3. Please indicate the year of publication. Whenever possible, include the date of publication in parentheses after the information gleaned. If the author's name is included in parentheses, also separate one from the other with a comma. If the date is not specified, indicate the abbreviation "b/d"

    • Erikson argues the opposite (1999).
    • Some experts argue otherwise (Erickson, 1999).
    • Research shows that this long-held belief is “at best, little more than a belief that is not based on evidence and is usually false” (Johnson & Smith, n.d.).
  4. When quoting or paraphrasing information from different sources, cite the author and year for both sources in parentheses as usual, and separate the individual sources with a comma. Alphabetize your studies as they will appear in your reference list.

    • Many question whether the facts have been exaggerated (Dow & Simmons, 2009; Williams, 2007).
  5. Replace the title with the author's name if necessary. If the author's name is not provided, include the title of the book in italics or the title of the article in quotation marks. Stick to the title with the year of publication as usual. If a publication date is not provided, use the abbreviation "b/d".

    • Recent brain research supports these claims (Brain News, n.d.).
    • Psychological discoveries, 2012).


    1. Introduce the author in a sentence. If an author or authors are provided, names should be included in citations. One way to cite an author is to introduce him/her in the sentence before the quote or paraphrase.

      • According to Jones, this premise is false (25).
      • Research by Smith, Dow, and Rowell indicates that this is just a misconception (98-100).
    2. Also, include the author in parentheses. If you do not indicate the authors of the work in the proposal itself, you will need to include the last name or first names in parentheses. To work with multiple authors, separate the last two authors with the conjunction "and".

      • This premise is false (Jones, 25).
      • Even if previously accepted as fact, it is merely a fallacy (Smith, Dow and Rowell, 98-100).
    3. Specify the range of pages on which information can be found. List the page number or numbers of the information cited that can be found in parentheses. When using a page range, separate page numbers with a hyphen. When using page numbers that are not part of a range, you must separate them with a semicolon. Do not separate the author name and page number with a comma.

      • Erickson argues the opposite (27).
      • Some experts argue the opposite (Erickson 27).
      • Research shows that this long-held belief is "at best, little more than a belief that is not based on evidence and is usually false" (Johnson and Smith 28-31).
      • New information clarifies this situation (Doe 18, 23).
    4. Provide at the beginning the initials of different authors who have the same last name. If you need to cite two works written by two different authors with the same last name, list the two different authors, including the initials as well as the last name.

      • Modern language theory supports this concept (L. Hoffman 87), but some linguists disagree (M. Hoffman 14).
      • L. Hoffman supports this concept (87), but M. Hoffman disagrees (14).
    5. Use the title if the author is not available. If the author of the source is not available, use a shortened form of the title instead. Include articles and short statements in quotation marks, and indicate books or other long statements in italics. Enter the page number as usual.

      • Recent brain research supports these claims (Breaking News 4-5).
      • The study of psychology continues to develop in this area ( Psychological discoveries 58).
    6. Indicate the title when using more than one work by the same author. If you are citing information from multiple works written by the same author, include the title of the work in parentheses followed by the page number. Use quotation marks for short works and italics for large ones. You can include the author's name in a sentence, or you can include the author's name in parentheses before the title, separating the author and title with a comma.

      • Dow adheres to this belief (Literary Theory 92-4), but he is known to sometimes deviate from it ( Analysis of popular poems 100).
      • This theory is "too new to own large lands" ( Analysis of popular poems 100), but it shows considerable promise (Dow, “Theories of Literature” 92-4).
    7. Separate multiple quotes with a semicolon. If the information borrowed comes from more than one source, cite each source in parentheses as usual, and separate the individual sources with a comma.

      • Many wonder whether the facts were exaggerated (Dow and Simmons 204; Williams 17-21).
    8. Identify the author and site when using an online source. Non-print sources do not have standard page numbers. Instead of providing a page number or paragraph number, cite the source by specifying the author's name and the title of the article or website. The author and site name can be included either in parentheses or in a sentence. You must have at least one of the two pieces of information in parentheses, but you can also include both pieces of information in parentheses, separated by commas.

      • Williams firmly states his support for this new artistic movement (Movie Trends).
      • This new artistic movement has professional support (Williams, Film Trends).


      1. Use regular footnotes (notes) and endnotes. Typically, in-text citations are indicated using notes and footnotes. Immediately after the punctuation mark that follows the borrowed information, mark the quotation with a superscript number. The number should correspond to the actual number of links used in the text. You may include the author's name in the sentence, but this is not required.

        • This information is fact for all but a few critics.1
        • Doe thinks this is a lie.2
      2. Provide the full citation in the first footnote. At the end of the page or at the end of the article, cite the author's first and last name and the title of the article. Include the author's name, even if you mention it in the text itself. After this information, indicate the city of publication, the name of the publisher and the year of publication in brackets. Immediately after this, include the page number on which the borrowed information can be found.

        • 2. John Doe, "A New Look" (New York: Major Journal, 2011), 18.
      3. Shorten the citation in subsequent footnotes. If you have already cited a source once, abbreviate it in any subsequent footnotes. When a citation immediately follows another citation from the same source, abbreviate all information (except the page number) using the abbreviation "ibid." When a citation from the same source is separated by other sources, include the author's last name, title of the work, and page number.

        • 1. Robert Smith and Kevin Williams, Human Condition Research(New York: Big Time Press, 2012), 4-14.
        • 2. ibid., 34.
        • 3. John Doe, "A New Look" (New York: Major Journal, 2011), 18.
        • 4. Robert Smith and Kevin Williams Human Condition Research, 67.
      4. Include quotations in parentheses unless notes are used. If your supervisor has stated that you should not use footnotes or endnotes, include the same cited information in parentheses immediately after the information borrowed and before ending any punctuation. Include the author's full name, work title, city of publication, publisher's name, publication date, and page number.

        • Doe thinks this is a lie (New Look [New York: Major Journal, 2011], 18).
        • “This idea is completely false” (John Doe, New Look [New York: Major Journal, 2011], 18).
      5. Indicate the organization if the work involves an author from a corporation or government. If a corporation is responsible for a specific source rather than an individual author, label the author's name with the corporation's name.

        • The job outlook for this occupation is positive (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, [Washington, DC: Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2013]).
        • 18. US Bureau of Labor Statistics, Profession Outlook: A Guide(Washington, DC: Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2013).

Do I need to write at all or can I write it off?

You cannot copy off coursework. You can write it off if you are lucky and don’t get caught. If your supervisor doesn't care whether you cheat or not, your thesis reviewer may see your attitude toward your work and give you a bad grade.

What is plagiarism?

It is necessary to understand that there are two types of citations:

1) direct (reproduction of words),

2) indirect (reproduction of ideas).

Links to the source of information are always necessary. But if at direct quoting requires quotation marks and a link to the source with the page number, then when indirect citation only requires a link to the source (page numbers are indicated if the idea is localized on one or more pages).

Plagiarism reproduction of both other people's words and other people's thoughts without appropriate references is considered. Another thing is that theft of other people's words is much easier to detect. As a rule, you can do without systems like

The ability to refer to sources of information indicates that the student is able to differentiate one's own and someone else's, and this is very important, and not only from an ethical point of view.

Remember: All other people's words and thoughts are accompanied by a mandatory link to the source! If there are unquoted quotations of any length in the coursework or diploma, the work is not allowed to be defended.

You need to understand that the abundance of references in student work is not a disadvantage, but rather an advantage. If you make a lot of references to other researchers, the teacher will not think that you are not smart enough to come up with something of your own. True, you need to understand that references to sources should be part of an analytical review of existing scientific ideas about your object of study, and not a random selection of clever thoughts and aphorisms.

Some links to think about plagiarism:

  1. A note on the attitude towards plagiarism in Western universities and here
  2. The cautionary tale of the resignation of the Hungarian president due to the discovery of plagiarism in his dissertation

How to format a quote correctly?

1. As a rule, the quotation must be entered. For this purpose, introductory structures of the “L.V.” type are used. Shcherba noted”, “as shown by W. Weinreich”, “according to J. Lakoff”, etc. Specify the author's gender. And pay attention to the order of words: first the initials, then the surname. Quoting without initials is considered overly familiar in the Russian academic tradition.

Open any scientific article or monograph and see how the author enters citations. If you disagree with a quote, be sure to write about it, otherwise the reader will not know about it. Yes, you can disagree with the opinions of scientists (even the most famous ones), but in this case you need to think through your argumentation. Write "F. de Saussure was right” and even “As F. de Saussure correctly noted” is not worth it.

2. After the quotation, its source and page are indicated in square brackets - for example. 1 is the number of the article, book, etc. in the list of references.

How to automatically generate digital bibliographic references?

If you decide to use digital references, you do not need to manually place them in the early stages of working on the text: when adding new items to the reference list, you will have to redo all the references in the work. These boring mechanical manipulations will have to be done more than once while working on your coursework and diploma. In MS Word, it is possible to do this automatically using a hyperlink, the number of which will change with the change in the ordinal number of the cited source in the list of references. In version 2007 this tool is called "Cross Reference". Let's look at how to use it:

1. Do automatic numbering of positions in the list of references (I repeat: first comes the Cyrillic alphabet, then the Latin alphabet). Don’t be too lazy at the same time to use automatic sorting from A to Z.

2. Open the square brackets at the desired location and find the “Cross reference” item in the “References” menu. Select the following parameters: link type – paragraph, insert a link to – paragraph number, insert as a hyperlink – check mark, for which paragraph – number of the desired source in the bibliography (click on the desired position) and click “insert”.

3. Now you have a number that will change as your bibliography changes. To update the reference numbers in the entire coursework, select the entire document, right-click and select “update field”.

You can also refer to the numbers of tables, chapters, sections, appendices, etc.

If you have a different version of Word, check Help for cross-references.

What is the maximum quotation length?

There are no uniform clear requirements in this regard. In my opinion, the optimal length of quotation in texts such as term papers is up to 7-8 lines. Larger citations in term papers are rarely caused by a real need; usually this is a consequence of a reluctance to formulate thoughts on your own. A fragment of a quotation can be omitted if this does not distort its content, in which case it is placed in place of the omission.

The page should not consist of 90% quotes - you need to supplement other people’s words with your own connections, generalizations, thoughts, etc. Half the page can be quotations, and the other half can be your words (including generalizations).

Is it possible to take a quote from something other than the original source?

Quote from someone else's hands using links like “cit. by...” is not recommended, except in cases where you need to quote words that are extremely necessary for your text from a very rare publication. In this case, after the quotation, the words “cit.” are placed in square brackets. by" + the corresponding item in your bibliography.

Quotes and ways of citing

Quotes are verbatim excerpts from statements made by third parties or texts. Quotes are one of the types of direct speech in Russian.

We can use citations in research papers and essays in order to reinforce the reliability of our own opinion by referring to more authoritative sources, which makes linguistic work scientifically sound and emphasizes its originality.

In the Russian language, citation began to be used in 1820 and is still successfully used.

Citation methods

There are three main ways of citing in Russian.

1) The quote is used as direct speech. With this method of quoting, punctuation marks should be placed in the same way as in sentences with direct speech.

For example: Julius Caesar said: “It is better to die immediately than to spend your whole life waiting for death.” Or another option: “It is better to die immediately than to spend your whole life waiting for death,” as Julius Caesar said.

2) You can also introduce a quotation through indirect speech using the conjunction “what”. The quotation in such cases is also placed in quotation marks and written with a lowercase letter.

For example: F. Ranevskaya said that “loneliness is a state that there is no one to tell about.”

3) To introduce a quotation into the text, special introductory words can be used: as he said, according to words, as he wrote, as he believed, or without them, introductory words are replaced by punctuation marks or quotation marks.

For example: As Horace said, “Anger is a momentary madness.”

Or: L. Beethoven “knew no other signs of human superiority except kindness.”

4) Quoting poems does not require auxiliary punctuation marks, in particular, quotation marks. It is enough to indicate the author and the title of the poem, which should be written on the red line. For example:

A. Griboyedov. "Woe from Wit"

What can Moscow provide me?

Today is a ball, and tomorrow is two.

Basic citation requirements

1. The quoted text must be placed in quotation marks and be identical to its original source. The lexical and grammatical form must fully correspond to the original.

2. It is strictly forbidden to combine in one quotation passages that were taken from different cited sources. Each passage should be presented as a separate quotation.

3. If an expression is not quoted in full, but in an abbreviated or unfinished form (the quotation is taken out of context as a separate phrase), instead of missing sentences or words, ellipsis should be placed in parentheses. When abbreviating a quote, it is important to ensure the logical completeness of the expression.

4. In the Russian language, it is prohibited to enter citations that occupy more than 30% of the total volume of the text. Excessive quoting not only makes your text formulaic, but also impairs its ability to be easily understood.

5. It is unacceptable to quote authors whose texts are marked with the copyright symbol - ©. This mainly applies to scientific papers and research articles. In this case, the option of modifying the text (transmitting the meaning of the fragment in your own words) with an optional link to the source is acceptable.

Quote - a verbatim excerpt from any text or in

the accuracy of someone's words.

Quotations are used to support or explain the statement.

In written speech, quotations usually consist of

in quotation marks or in bold font. If quotes are given

are not complete, the place where the gap is missing is indicated by many


Quotes are formatted in the following ways: 1) proposal

niyami with direct speech: Pushkin wrote to his friend Chaadaev:

“My friend, let’s dedicate our souls to our homeland with wonderful impulses!” ;

2) sentences with indirect speech: A.P. Chekhov emphasized,

that “ idle life cannot be pure”; 3) offer

with introductory words: According to A. M. Gorky, “art

“We must ennoble people.”

Often quotes are used to more clearly express


We must be attentive to the language, to combinations of words,

to the text you are reading. This enriches speech. Brightly said

the famous Russian poet V. Bryusov talks about this:

Perhaps everything in life is just a means

For brightly melodious verses,

And you from a carefree childhood

Look for combinations of words.

Quotations from poems are not enclosed in quotation marks unless

the poetic line is followed.