A year after the tragedy, ballerina Anastasia Kolegova remembers deceased husband Sergei Tarasov

They were an unusual couple. Fifty-year-old St. Petersburg senator Sergei Tarasov married the young ballerina of the Mariinsky Theater Anastasia Kolegova on October 10 last year. And on November 27, Anastasia became a widow. Sergei died in the crash of the Nevsky Express, the newlyweds never had time to realize their plans: to have a child, to build common Home, travel the world. A year has passed since the tragedy, Anastasia can already talk about what happened. But her eyes betray that somewhere in the depths of her soul there remains a timid hope: suddenly all this is not true.

“He was a kind child”

Their beautiful love story looks like an unopened flower: it is difficult to understand what aroma it would smell like, what fancy petals it would delight the eye with. But one thing is obvious: it was a real feeling, which Anastasia speaks about with both pride and great pain.

-...I often thought: why me? At that age? But it seems to me that a person is not given Furthermore what he can survive. I don’t understand, I still don’t understand, what I did to deserve this! But I believe in fate. And I think the general picture of a person’s life is already written down somewhere up there. And we subconsciously feel it. Before meeting Sergei, I knew that something good was going to happen.

They met by chance, in the company of mutual friends. This was four years before the wedding. Future spouse Then I had a hard time imagining who Sergei was. It was not his regalia that captivated her (Tarasov was a deputy of the Legislative Assembly, later - vice-governor of St. Petersburg. - Ed.), but sociability and sincerity.

“Seryozha was very cheerful,” recalls Anastasia, “everyone loved him for that.” And despite our age difference, I felt that deep down he was a child. Kind. He couldn’t even rest peacefully—the situation changed every hour. It seems to me that he lived not one life, but several.

Their romance didn't burst out like Christmas fireworks. It’s hard to believe, but the ballerina and the politician... were friends for a long time. It was not easy for both of them to take the plunge. Nastya - closed person, not trusting men. Sergei at that time was married to the daughter of actress Alisa Freindlich, Varvara Vladimirova. And yet they were inevitably attracted to each other. At first the couple just dated, then they began to live together.

Their wedding was not loud. Unless they fired from a cannon in Petropavlovka. And at the Wedding Palace they finished it in just half an hour. But on the steep stairs, Sergei repeatedly lifted Nastya in his arms. The couple was beaming with happiness. Mutual understanding reigned in their family. Despite the fact that Senator Tarasov, soon after the wedding, was appointed head of the board of Rosavtodor, was torn between Moscow and St. Petersburg, and Anastasia was actively touring.

A vague premonition of trouble

— How did you manage to survive this pain?

— I took antidepressants, they clouded my consciousness a little. Special trainings did not help, because I am generally a closed person. Work helped out: after a month and a half I was busy with a performance, and I performed almost every week. And any performance is a purification. You live a completely different life, and your personal tragedy is erased a little. But the longer you live, the more you realize what happened. At first, I was still waiting for Seryozha, and it seemed to me that everything happened not to me, but to someone else. The final realization, I think, will come to me in a year and a half. Now I seem to have a fairly full-fledged existence: work, friends. But I don't enjoy life one hundred percent.

— Did you have any premonitions when Sergei was leaving?

— I was on tour in Japan. She left five days before the tragedy. Japan is my favorite country. But for some reason I wanted to stay at home that time. We are already getting ready for the airport, and I understand that I really don’t want to fly anywhere. She was glued to the chair like a magnet - she could barely get up. There is no cell phone reception there. I called home from the card every day. And for the last three days I couldn’t find Seryozha. He was either at a meeting or somewhere else, in general, his assistant was in charge. And every time she answered the phone, my heart broke. Why doesn't he come on his own? Maybe they don’t tell me and something happened to him? Then I finally talked to him. He was very calm and asked what date I was dancing which part. But I was still nervous. There was something cloudy, incomprehensible in my chest, a premonition.

- Do you dream about him?

- I dream, we are talking, I feel him very sensitively. On the one hand, it seems to me that there is something on the other side of life, and on the other hand, that this is the imagination of the brain. Now it’s easier for me to see these dreams than at first. In a dream, he instructs me and advises me.

— Is it difficult at home alone?

- Not anymore. People are afraid of loneliness because at this moment they begin to think intensely and get to know themselves - and they don’t like it. And I am very comfortable alone with myself, despite the abundance of communication and work. I like to communicate with myself.

— Has the attitude of your friends and his colleagues towards you changed somehow after the death of Sergei?

- Despite great amount work, Sergei knew how to make friends. And surrounded himself interesting people. This was our common circle of acquaintances, with whom it was pleasant to communicate. And no benefit, no relationship “you - to me, I - to you.” Those friends with whom we communicated under Seryozha all stayed with me. And the rest... I don't know what they say about me. Deep down, they probably hoped that I would break. And when she didn’t break, they decided: “Well, there probably wasn’t any love.” But I don’t care who thinks what. I loved Seryozha. And we were equal halves of a whole.

— Did you have love at first sight?

- No, I realized this only six months later. At first we just talked. I can’t do this right away - I’m in a deep headspace. I need to look at a man for a few months. I have a very hard time making contact. And if I go, then I’ve already decided everything. Of course, he loved me very much. But I am no less than him.

— What global plans did you have for your life?

— The immediate plan was to have a child. They wanted to improve their health, and in a year, in the summer, they could become parents. Of course, Seryozha understood that I was a ballet soloist, that I was making progress, that I was worried, that I went to performances. But he really wanted a child - it was his obsession.

Alone with myself

...Sergei was buried at the Nikolskoye cemetery of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra. He found his final peace next to Mikhail Stolypin, the brother of the Tsar’s Prime Minister. There are always fresh flowers on his grave. St. Petersburg bikers, with whom the politician often communicated, are going to visit their friend on the anniversary of the tragedy. Anastasia did not answer the question of how often she visits her husband’s grave. It was clear that it was still difficult for her to talk about it.

But she didn't break. The ballerina doesn't have creative crisis. He dances 3-4 parts a month, goes on tour and says that he is fully realized in his creativity. The plans are to prepare the classic La Sylphide at the Mariinsky Theatre.

She never made any close friends in the ballet world. Continues to communicate with Sergei’s friends. The only friend Oksana, with whom Anastasia can talk about very personal things, lives in Japan. She's Russian. The girls once lived together in a dormitory and have known each other since they were nine years old.

Anastasia rarely has fun. Now the big screen has become an outlet for the ballerina.

“I’m an absolute film buff,” admits Kolegova, “I watch all the films that come out.” More American, of course. I prefer to watch movies at home. Alone with myself.

When asked if she had dreams, Anastasia answered without hesitation:

“I hope my condition ends.” I am 28 years old, I really want children. And I was ready for this before the tragedy. It’s just that when Sergei left, everything in my life turned upside down. But probably, time will pass- and I will have a husband, family, children. This is still the main thing in life. And no career can compare with family.

Soloist of the Mariinsky Theater ballet Anastasia Kolegova is the third wife of political figure Sergei Tarasov, who tragically died in November 2009. The St. Petersburg senator and former son-in-law of actress Alisa Freindlich was on the Nevsky Express train, which was blown up by terrorists.

In recent frank interview Kolegova for the first time clarified public speculation about the fact that she took a man away from his family. When the artist met Sergei Tarasov, he was married to Varvara Vladimirova, the daughter of Alisa Freundlich and director Igor Vladimirov. In this marriage, the politician had two children - Anna and Nikita. According to Kolegova, their romance developed rapidly.

“I fell in love with him very quickly and strongly and, like a woman, I began to open up for the first time. Of course, I had affairs before him, but very short ones, no more than a month. When she realized that this was not serious, she broke off the relationship herself. And Seryozha and I had everything in common: common interests in art and incredible personal feelings. (...) I know that it was Varvara Vladimirova who filed for divorce from Seryozha after learning about our relationship with him. I, sad as it may sound, became a homewrecker, playing a fatal role in the destruction of their marriage,” the ballerina shared.

// Photo: Interpress / PhotoXPress.ru

However, feelings turned out to be much stronger than thoughts about what the people around me would say. At that period of her life, Anastasia was in seventh heaven. Even before the lovers decided to legalize their relationship, Tarasov gave new darling apartment. In addition, the politician supported his chosen one financially. Kolegova emphasized that she did not ask him for help.

“Probably, subconsciously he considered it fair: they say, I’m young, and he seems to be taking advantage of my youth. But that's not true! For me he became an incredible man: he could always listen, give good advice…” – the artist shared.

We add that Anastasia Kolegova married Sergei Tarasov in October 2009. The lovers' happiness did not last long - a month after the wedding, the man died on the way to St. Petersburg. Politician buried at the Nikolskoye cemetery of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra.

During a conversation with journalists, the ballerina admitted that until recently she did not believe in the death of her husband. When Anastasia learned the sad news, she was on tour in Japan. When she was informed about the death of her loved one, Kolegova dropped everything and went home. According to the artist, Valentina Matvienko helped her with a place in the cemetery. “My aunt and I often come there: we clean, we communicate with Sergei, we plant flowers, we look after the grave,” Express Gazeta quotes the woman.

Anastasia Kolegova is known not only as a ballerina of the Mariinsky Theater, but also as the mistress of St. Petersburg senator Sergei Tarasov, son-in-law of Alisa Freundlich. “Serezha and I met in 2003, in the same company,” Nastya recalls. “He was then in charge of culture in St. Petersburg. Moreover, his mother-in-law and wife are actresses, so he was always close to creative circles. He is 23 years older than me. I fell in love with him very much and quickly and, like a woman, I began to open up for the first time.”


The fact that her lover is married did not bother Kolegova. “Yes, he had a family in which two children grew up,” she says. “Plus there was a daughter, Olya, from his first marriage. I know that it was Varvara Vladimirovna (Freundlich’s daughter – Ed.) who filed for divorce from Seryozha, "After learning about our relationship with him, I became a homewrecker, playing a fatal role in the destruction of their marriage."

But the ballerina's happiness was short-lived. Nastya and Sergei formalized their relationship on October 10, 2009, and on November 27, Tarasov died when terrorists blew up the Nevsky Express train. “Even before our marriage, Sergei gave me an apartment,” says Anastasia. “And immediately after his death, a struggle for this apartment broke out. Varvara believed that everything should belong only to her. Thanks to fate, the housing was left to me. The division of property and Sergei’s scandals with his second "My wife really darkened our short, but such a bright time with him."

Nastya first encountered Alisa Freundlich at Tarasov’s tomb. “Until a certain moment, I saw her only on stage, and we met in connection with preparations for Sergei’s funeral,” the ballerina quotes

During this time, Nastya’s chosen one managed to change his position, becoming a member of the Federation Council and divorce ex-wife- Varvara, the daughter of actress Alisa Freindlich and director Igor Vladimirov, writes Komsomolskaya Pravda.

Only in mid-September did the lovers apply to register their marriage. But, apparently, they forgot to look at the calendar: the wedding was scheduled for October 10 - the day when all Russian fans were worried about the football team, which met in the decisive match with the Germans. And Tarasov is just one of the fans. The mistake was discovered when it was too late to change the date. Yes, and it’s not necessary - it’s Bad sign.

“Nothing can be done, there will be a TV in the restaurant next door, and I will let Seryozha go to it,” the bride promised.

“I’ll organize a men’s room,” the groom threatened. “We lock ourselves in it at seven in the evening and don’t let anyone in until the match is over.” Let the women celebrate.

The wedding palace on the Promenade des Anglais was not crowded: Tarasov and Kolegova invited only their closest ones. There were 23 such people. There were no officials from Smolny, where Sergei worked for many years, no cultural figures whom he supervised as vice-governor, no colleagues from Nastya at the Mariinsky Ballet - only friends and relatives.

“We wanted a family holiday,” explained a satisfied Tarasov. Mikhail Piotrovsky, Anastasia Kolegova and Sergey Tarasov. Photo hermitage.ru

However, it was clear from the groom’s face that although this was not his first marriage, he was pretty worried.

“It’s impossible to get used to this,” he groaned, straightening the handkerchief in his tuxedo pocket.

Nastya was wearing an elegant White dress and a lace cape.

“I ordered the outfit from the salon,” said the bride. — I didn’t want it with a crinoline - I’m tall, it doesn’t suit me. Everything that's on me - Russian production. I didn’t chase brands, everything is ours. And it turned out better than the imported one.

Anastasia Kolegova.Photo: kolegova.ru

During the marriage registration, Sergei showed with all his appearance that the procedure was familiar to him. As soon as he and Nastya signed the civil status act, the groom jumped up and headed to the center of the hall, only waving his hand to the bride: they say, follow me. She instantly ran up and stood next to her. But Tarasov missed the timing of the kiss: he pressed the ballerina’s lips after exchanging rings.

- Too early! - relatives whispered from the back rows.

Only the host of the ceremony was unperturbed:

- I pronounce you husband and wife. Congratulate each other.

And Sergei kissed Nastya again - now on legally. By the way, wedding ring also turned out to be Russian. True, not from the store - this is the author's work.

Sergey Tarasov. Photo rtr.spb.ru

“Here are Yakut diamonds,” Kolegova showed the symbol of marriage. — I don’t know how many carats, but it’s very beautiful, isn’t it?

In a year, Anastasia and Sergei are going to think hard about having a child. Moreover, the ballerina is not at all afraid of harming her theatrical career with this:

- Now it’s simple - two months after giving birth, everyone is already dancing. We want a boy.

From the wedding palace, the newlyweds went to the Peter and Paul Fortress to shoot from a cannon - this was the gift the groom gave Nastya.

“Oh, I’ve never shot,” the bride was frightened. - Is it very loud? I hope they will instruct me what to do.

Of course, the ballerina was instructed. Noon in St. Petersburg arrived in strict accordance with tradition.

“The charge is blank, and I’m married,” Tarasov joked, waving away the gunpowder smoke.

At the restaurant, the groom fulfilled his promise - he ran away from the bride to watch the TV. Apparently, so that from the first day she understands: football is sacred.

REFERENCE: Sergey Borisovich Tarasov born in Kyrgyzstan in the city of Bishkek in 1959. He came to Leningrad to study at the Shipbuilding Institute, majoring in shipbuilding and ship repair. He graduated from the institute in 1982, and 18 years later continued his education at the state university at the faculty of international relations.

It was during his years of study at the Shipbuilding Institute that Tarasov became the head of a department of the Oktyabrsky District Committee of the Komsomol. However, the party career of the future official was interrupted with the beginning of perestroika, but new opportunities appeared.

In 1998 he was elected deputy Legislative Assembly, the chairman of which he served for the entire second convocation. Tarasov did not become a deputy of the third convocation of the city parliament. After, as a result of complex political vicissitudes, Vadim Tyulpanov became the speaker of the Legislative Assembly, Tarasov lost interest in the parliamentary struggle.

Soon deputy Tarasov moved to Smolny. Valentina Matvienko, who won the election for city governor, appointed him vice-governor. As vice-governor, Tarasov was responsible for issues of science, education, culture, media, youth policy, physical culture and sports, interaction with public organizations.

Kolegova Anastasia Valerievna born in Chelyabinsk. At the age of five I went to the local Opera and Ballet Theater for the first time to see the play “Swan Lake”. The girl liked the stage performance so much that she subsequently had no problems choosing a profession. A year later, even her parents could not resist Nastya’s insistent request and sent her to a ballet studio. Teachers advised sending the talented girl to Leningrad, to the forge of star dancers - the Academy of Russian Ballet. A.Ya.Vaganova. Many famous teachers passed on their experience and skills here. And for the last three years, Nastya studied with People’s Artist of Russia Lyubov Kunakova. They still work together now, now at the Mariinsky Theater.

Mariinsky ballerina for the first time - about how she stole rich St. Petersburg senator Sergei Tarasov from her family

Soloist of the Mariinsky Theater ballet Anastasia KOLEGOVA celebrated her 35th birthday this year. The general public started talking about her in the fall of 2009, after the young ballerina became the wife of 50-year-old Sergei TARASOV, senator of St. Petersburg and ex-son-in-law People's Artist Alisa FREINDLICH. The couple got married on October 10, and on November 27, Sergei Borisovich died in the crash of the Nevsky Express train, which was blown up by terrorists.

Nastya, have you always wanted to become a ballerina?

I was born in Chelyabinsk into a simple family: my father is an athlete, my mother is a teacher of Russian language and literature. And I fell in love with ballet thanks to my aunt. It was she who brought me to Swan Lake at the age of five. Since then I began to dream about the stage. In the third grade I went with her to St. Petersburg and entered the Vaganova School. Lived in a boarding school.

- Was it difficult?

Stuff happened. struggled with overweight, because at home I was used to eating buns and pasta, but competition with other girls spurred me to change, become better, and study even more. After graduating from college, I was not immediately accepted into the desired Mariinsky Theater. Six long years had passed before that, and I didn’t really want to dance in the corps de ballet. I worked in different theaters and came to the Mariinsky Theater as a soloist. I was 24 years old then.

Immediately after registering their marriage, Nastya and Sergei Borisovich went to the Peter and Paul Fortress. The midday cannon salvo that day sounded in their honor. Photo: ITAR-TASS

You have been serving in this leading theater of the country for eleven years, but have not received an honorary title: you remain the first soloist, and not a prima ballerina, like, say, Oksana Skorik, who is seven years younger. Does the lack of a patron bother you? After all, your husband Sergei Tarasov tragically passed away.

For five years now, my documents for the title have been lying with the administration, but my status still will not be increased. Why? Question for the theater management. I understand perfectly well that I am already overripe, and a little more - and it will be ridiculous to give me a title. These are probably behind-the-scenes games. On the other hand, each person has his own destiny. I have to be honest and admit that if my husband were alive, I would have had everything long ago. But most importantly, I would be loved and happy, I would give birth to a child... Alas, God only gave me and Seryozha six years together.

The public learned about Anastasia Volochkova thanks to her active PR. The world started talking about Diana Vishneva after there was talk that Roman Abramovich himself was patronizing her. And if you look into history, it becomes clear that it is unlikely, for example, that we would now remember the ballerina Matilda Kshesinskaya if she had not had an affair with Emperor Nicholas II.

- Kshesinskaya she was a pretty, well-built dancer, nothing more. She looked great on stage only at the beginning of her career, and then everything went away. I completely agree with you: if not for her affair with Nicholas II, no one would even remember her today. About Volochkov everything is clear too. As for Vishneva, then even before meeting Abramovich she was known and loved all over the world. And when he began to sponsor Diana, he didn’t go to her better side attitudes in society have changed. The name of the oligarch cast a shadow on her reputation, however, nothing can spoil Diana. And if you go back to me, I was happy on a personal level for too short a time.

Top officials, lawyers, and businessmen loved to ride the Nevsky Express, which was blown up by terrorists on November 27, 2009. Photo: ITAR-TASS

Loving but decent

You met your future husband at 21. As I understand it, at that time he was married to Alisa Freundlich’s daughter and raised two children with her.

Yes, Seryozha and I met in 2003, in the same company. He was then responsible for culture in St. Petersburg. In addition, my mother-in-law and wife are actresses, so I have always been close to creative circles. 23 years older than me. But I didn’t notice this difference at all. She fell in love with him very quickly and strongly and, like a woman, began to open up for the first time. Of course, I had affairs before him, but very short ones, no more than a month. When she realized that this was not serious, she broke off the relationship herself. And Seryozha and I had everything in common: common interests in art and incredible personal feelings. Yes, he had a family with two children. Plus there is a daughter Olya from her first marriage. I know exactly what Varvara Vladimirova(daughter Freundlich and second wife Tarasova. - Ya. G.) filed for divorce from Seryozha after learning about our relationship with him. I, sad as it may sound, became a homewrecker, playing a fatal role in the destruction of their marriage.

Alisa Brunovna with her daughter and grandchildren. Photo by Evgenia GUSEVA/“ TVNZ»

- Why were you satisfied with the status of your mistress for a long time?

I was just very happy. In addition, Sergei gave me an apartment before our marriage. He helped financially, although I, of course, didn’t ask for anything. Probably, subconsciously, he considered this fair: they say, I’m young, and he seems to be taking advantage of my youth. But that's not true! For me, he became an incredible man: he could always listen, give good advice... Immediately after Sergei’s death, a struggle began for two years for this apartment of mine. Varvara believed that everything should belong only to her. Thanks to fate, I still have a place to live. I will say more, the division of property and Sergei’s scandals with his second wife greatly darkened our short, but such a bright time with him.

- Did you introduce Tarasov to your parents immediately after meeting?

No, they found out about Sergei only when he proposed to me. I late child, so my dad and mom turned out to be older than him. And they saw perfectly how tenderly he treated me. Seryozha was a sincere person: in spite of everything, he invited both his first and second wife to his 50th birthday (the last celebration in his life). A loving and decent person - such qualities can also coexist in one person.

Anna and Alexey. Photo.