Class: 1

Pedagogical goal. Create conditions for developing the ability to write capital and lowercase letters N, n; promote the development of phonemic hearing, fine motor skills, and eye perception.

Lesson type. Solving a learning problem.

Planned results (subject).

Compare lowercase and uppercase, printed and written letters; syllabic-sound analysis of words with sounds [n], [n’]. They write syllables and words with the letters N, n, capital letters in proper names, and write sentences with commentary. Complete the sentences with the word encoded in the subject picture. Copied from written font. Know the criteria for evaluating the work performed.

Personal results.

Show cognitive interest and educational motives.

Universal educational activities (meta-subject).

  • Regulatory: plan their action in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation.
  • Cognitive: general education- consciously and arbitrarily construct speech statements in oral and written form; brain teaser - compare lowercase and uppercase, printed and written letters; carry out syllable-sound analysis of words with the sound [n]; highlight the features of a proposal.
  • Communicative: In communication, they are able to construct statements that are understandable to their partner.
  • Letters N, n; lowercase, uppercase, printed, written letters; syllable-sound analysis of words; sound [n]; offer.

Educational resources.

  • Presentation on writing
  • Presentation “Living ABC”

During the classes

I. Organization of the beginning of the lesson.

Greetings. Checking readiness for the lesson (presence of a workbook on the table

“Copybook No. 2”, pens.

(Children greet the teacher and each other, check their readiness for the lesson, get emotionally attuned to the lesson)

II. Setting a learning task.

Listen to the poem and find the mysterious letter in it.

It is in the word “song”,
It is in the word “he”
It is in the word “ladder”
It is in the word “elephant”
The “night” begins with her,
And with this the “dream” ends.
And in the middle of “she” - she again!

Who is this mysterious stranger? (Letter N)

What did the poem tell you about the letter? N?

(Letter N happens at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of words.)

Does it represent a vowel or consonant sound? (Consonant [ n])

What letters do you think we will learn to write today?

(Capital and lowercase letters N, n).

III. Assimilation of new knowledge and methods of activity.

1. Finger gymnastics.

Let's prepare our hand for writing. Let's do finger exercises.

Fingers played hide and seek
And the heads were removed.
Like this, like this -
So the heads were removed.

(The guys do finger exercises. They clench and unclench their hands to the rhythm of the poem).

2. Rules for sitting at the table while writing.

We check the fit and the rules for handling the handle.

(The guys show how to sit at a table when writing and how to hold a pen correctly)

3. Introducing the letter N.

Consider block and capital letters N.

How are they similar and how are they different?

What does the letter look like? N?

(Guys look at the letters, answer the teacher’s questions, listen to the poem)

Letter N, I know you
The letter is strong, steel.
You are so tall
And not the letter you, but the bridge.

Cars are running towards you
The river runs underneath you.
With large ships.
There are clouds above you.

4. Introduction to writing the lowercase letter n.

Consider a sample of the lowercase letter n. We start writing from the top line of the working line. We move the stick down to the bottom line of the working line. Then from the middle of the first element we write the second element - the crossbar. This element should be slightly sagging. The third element is a stick with a curve at the bottom.

(The guys listen to the teacher’s explanation, follow the writing of the letter. They write the elements in the air).

Let's write the letter in the air under - one - and, two - and.

5. Work in “Recipe”. Letter elements letter n and letter n.

Consider a lowercase letter pattern n.

What three elements does a letter consist of?

What are arrows for?

Circle the elements of the letter.

Trace the petals.

Add the elements of the letter n on the first line, add the letter n on the second line n.

At home you will practice writing letters n.

(The guys examine the letter and its elements. Answer the teacher’s questions. Write the elements of the letter n, letter n).

6. Syllable-sound analysis of words.

Circle the letters n in the words and read the resulting words.

(Guys circle the letters).

Look at the diagrams, match the diagrams and words.

(1st scheme - he, 2nd scheme - it, she, they).

Perform syllable-sound analysis using the diagrams.

(Guys perform word analysis).

7. Writing syllables.

Read the syllables in “Copybook No. 2”.

Complete the syllables on the lines, paying attention to the connection of letters.

(The guys read the syllables in the copybook and do them in writing).

Physical education minute

We've worked, guys, and now let's all get exercise!
Stand up quietly, smile,
Turn everyone into little animals.
How many animals came to the class,
Don't recognize my children!
Who is the bunny, who is the fox,
Who is the bear, who is the cat, who is the bird?
Have fun dancing!
Everyone dance, don't be shy!
It's time for us to get to work, sit down quietly, kids.

(Children pretend to be their favorite animals and dance to the music.)

8. Introducing the capital letter N. Comparison of the letters N, n.

Compare lowercase and uppercase letters N, n

Are they spelled the same or differently?

Review the capital letter pattern N.

What two elements does a capital letter consist of?

What are arrows for?

Circle the elements of the letter.

(The guys look at the letters N, n. Compare. Answer the teacher's questions. Consider the elements of a letter N. Circle the elements of the letter).

9. Introduction to writing the letter N.

Capital letter N We start writing from the middle of the wide auxiliary line. Draw a small stroke up to the right, then draw a line down, cross the top line of the working line, draw further down. Almost reaching the bottom line of the working line, we round it up to the left, slightly rising above the bottom line of the working line. We start writing the second element just below the top line of the working line. We draw a smooth line to the right, rising upward. We make a loop above the working line (the intersection is on the top line of the working line). Draw the line down and write as you would write a stick with a curve at the bottom.

Write the letter in the air under the count and - one, and - two, - and.

(The guys analyze the sample of the letter they are studying, highlight the elements in the capital letter. Listen to the teacher’s explanation, follow the writing of the letter. Write the elements in the air).

10. Work in “Recipe No. 2”. Letter letters, syllables.

Write down the elements of the letter on the first line N.

Add the letter on the second line N.

Read the syllables.

Pay attention to the connection of letters.

(The guys complete the task: they write down the elements of the letter N and a letter N. Perform writing syllables)

IV. Consolidation of knowledge and methods of action.

1. Syllable-sound analysis of words.

Consider the word diagram.

What unusual did you notice?

(There is no word written next to the diagram and the sounds are not color coded)

Using the picture, find which word this diagram refers to. ( Threads)

Let's do a syllable - sound analysis of a word threads and color the diagram.

How many syllables are in a word? ( Two)

Which syllable is stressed? (First)

How many sounds are in the first syllable? (Three)

What does the first syllable consist of? ( From the fusion of a consonant and a vowel, the third consonant is outside the fusion).

Color the first syllable.

(The guys are doing the task)

How many syllables are there in the second syllable? (Two)

What does the second syllable consist of? ( From the fusion of consonant and vowel sounds)

Color the second syllable.

(The guys are doing the task)

2. Work in “Recipe 2” p. 15. Writing words and sentences.

Read the word. What does it mean? ( Nina. This name)

What letter will we write at the beginning of the word? ( Capital)

Write the word beautifully, following the example.

(The guys are writing the letter)

What is written on the next line? ( Offer)

Why do you think so? ( Starts with a capital letter. There is punctuation at the end)

Read the sentence, observing intonation.

(Guys read the sentence with intonation)

What letter does the beginning of a sentence begin with? ( Capitalized)

Write a sentence using the example.

(The guys are doing the task)

Read the last sentence, replacing the picture with a word.

V. Reflective - evaluative.

Which letter were we visiting today?

Tell us about this letter.

Letter N I'm happy with your work. And you?

What happened? What else needs to be worked on?

Did you enjoy visiting the letter? N?

(Guys answer the teacher’s questions)

At home, practice writing the letter you have learned.

Writing lesson in 1st grade on the topic: “Small and capital letters N, n” 23. UMK “School of Russia” Letskikh L.A. primary school teacher MAOU Secondary School No. 21, Kungur Pedagogical goal To create conditions for developing the ability to write capital and lowercase letters N, n; promote the development of phonemic hearing, fine motor skills, eye perception Solving an educational problem Type of lesson Planned results (subject-specific) Personal results Universal learning activities (meta-subject) Main content of the topic, concepts and terms Educational resources Compare lowercase and capital, printed and written letters; syllabic analysis of words with sounds [n], [n’]. They write syllables and words with the letters N, n, capital letters in proper names, and write sentences with commentary. Complete the sentences with the word encoded in the subject picture. Copied from written font. They know the criteria for evaluating the work performed. They show cognitive interest and learning motives. Regulatory: they plan their actions in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation. Cognitive: general educational – consciously and voluntarily construct speech statements in oral and written form; logical – compare lowercase and uppercase, printed and written letters; carry out a syllabic analysis of words with the sound [n]; highlight the features of a proposal. Communicative: they are able to construct statements in communication that are understandable to a partner. Letters N, n; lowercase, uppercase, printed, written letters; syllabic analysis of words; sound [n]; sentence 1. Presentation on writing [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: 2. Presentation “Living ABC” [Electronic resource]. – Access mode:

Stages of the lesson Forms, methods, methodological techniques 1 2 Frontal, individual I. Organization of the beginning of the lesson II. Statement of the educational task Frontal. Verbal. Introductory speech by the teacher, conversation Scenario of the lesson Teacher's activities Students' activities carried out formed actions skills Type and form of control 3 4 5 6 Greeting. Checking readiness for the lesson (presence of a copybook 2 on the table, a pen) - Listen to the poem and find the mysterious letter in it. It is in the word “song”, It is in the word “he”, It is in the word “ladder”, It is in the word “elephant”. The “night” begins with her, and the “sleep” ends with her. And in the middle of “she” – she again! – Who is this mysterious stranger? – What did the poem tell you about the letter N? They listen attentively and give internal instructions for the Individual lesson. Checking readiness for the lesson Greet the teacher and each other, check readiness for the lesson, get emotionally attuned to the lesson Front. Oral answers Formulate a learning task together with the teacher, plan its implementation - Letter N. - The letter N appears at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of words.

1 2 3 4 5 6 Continuation of table. – Does it represent a vowel or consonant sound? – What letters do you think we will learn to write today? - Let's prepare our hand for writing. Let's do finger exercises. The fingers played hide and seek and the heads were removed. Like this, like this - This is how the heads were removed - Consonant sound [n]. – Capital and lowercase letters N, n Perform finger gymnastics. They clench and unclench their hands to the rhythm of the poem. Listen carefully, perform the exercise in accordance with the teacher’s demonstration. Individual. Correct execution of the exercise for fine motor skills of the fingers Frontal, individual. Practically th, verbal. Exercise for developing fine motor skills Individual. Almost th III. Assimilation of new knowledge and ways of doing things. 1. Finger gymnastics 2. Rules for sitting at the table while writing 3. Introducing the letter N - Checking the seating position, rules for handling the pen Front. Verbal. Conversation – Consider the printed and capital letters N. How are they similar and how are they different? What does the letter N look like? Letter N, I know you, the letter is strong, steel. You are enormously tall, and you are not a letter, but a bridge. Show how to sit at a table when writing, how to hold a pen correctly. Examine the letters, answer the teacher’s questions, listen to a poem. Maintain correct posture when writing, handle the pen correctly. Establish similarities and differences. Individual. Checking the correct posture when writing, correct handling of the pen Front. Verbal responses

1 2 3 4 5 6 Continuation of table. Cars are running along you, a river is running under you with large steamships. There are clouds above you 4. Getting to know the writing of the lowercase letter n (p. 14) 5. Working in the “Copybook” (p. 14). Letter elements letter n and letter n Frontal. Verbal, visually demonstrative, practical. Explanation based on display Frontal, individual. Practically th, verbal. Letter, conversation – Look at a sample of the lowercase letter n. We start writing from the top line of the working line. We move the stick down to the bottom line of the working line. Then from the middle of the first element we write the second element - the crossbar. This element should be slightly sagging. The third element is a stick with a curve at the bottom. – Write the letter in the air counting once, twice. Listen to the teacher’s explanation and follow the writing of the letter. Spell the elements in the air – Look at the example of the lowercase letter n. – What three elements does a letter consist of? – What are the arrows for? – Circle the elements of the letter. – Trace the petals. – Add the elements of the letter n on the first line, add the letter n on the second line. – At home you will practice writing the letter n. Consider the letter and its elements. Answer the teacher's questions. They write the elements of the letter n, the letter n 6. Layered sound analysis of words (p. 14) Frontal, individual. Verbal, practical - Circle the letters n in the words, read the resulting words. – Look at the diagrams, match the diagrams and words. Circle the letters. – 1st scheme – he, 2nd scheme – it, she, they. Frontal. Teacher's observation Analyze the sample of the letter being studied, highlight the elements in the lowercase letter Analyze the sample of the letter, highlight the elements in the lowercase letter n. They write the letter n in accordance with the model, observe the height and width. Perform a syllabic-sound analysis of words, correlate the written words. Frontal, individual. Oral responses, writing. Self-control Frontal, individual. Oral responses, writing

1 2 3 7. Writing syllables (p. 14) Physical education inutka cue. Conversation, letter Individual. Practically y. Reading, writing I am collective. Practically th – Perform a syllabic-sound analysis of words using patterns – Read the syllables in “Copysheet 2”. – Add the syllables on the lines, pay attention to the connection of the letters – We’ve worked, guys, and now – everyone is ready to exercise! Stand up quietly, smile, everyone turn into little animals. How many animals came to the class, I don’t recognize my children! Who is the bunny, who is the fox, who is the bear, who is the cat, who is the bird? Have fun dancing! Everyone dance, don't be shy! It's time for us to get to work, sit down quietly, kids 8. Introduction to the capital letter N. Comparison of the letters N, n (p. 15) Frontal. Verbal, practically. Conversation, letter - Compare the lowercase and capital letters N, n. – Are they spelled the same or differently? – Look at a sample of the capital letter N. – What two elements does the capital letter consist of? – What are the arrows for? – Circle the elements of the letter. Continuation of the table. 4 Perform word analysis Read syllables in the copybook, write them Children depict their favorite animals. 5 with a model diagram Write syllables in accordance with the model, using the commenting technique Prevent fatigue 6 Individual. Letter Collective. Performing dance movements Music sounds, children dance Examine the letters N and n. Compare. Answer the teacher's questions. Examine the elements of the letter N. Circle the elements of the letter. Find similarities and differences in the spelling of the letters N, n. Analyze a sample of the letter being studied, highlight the elements in the capital letter N Frontal. Oral answers, circling letter elements

1 2 3 9. Introducing the spelling of the letter N (p. 15) Frontal. Verbal, visually demonstrative, practical. Explanation based on demonstration 10. Work in “Recipe 2” (p. 15). Letter letters, syllables IV. Consolidation of knowledge and methods of action. Individual. Practically y. Letter Frontal, steam room. Verbal, practical, sample - We begin to write the capital letter N from the middle of a wide auxiliary line. Draw a small stroke up to the right, then draw a line down, cross the top line of the working line, draw further down. Almost reaching the bottom line of the working line, we round it up to the left, slightly rising above the bottom line of the working line. We start writing the second element just below the top line of the working line. We draw a smooth line to the right, rising upward. We make a loop above the working line (the intersection is on the top line of the working line). Draw the line down and write as you would write a stick with a curve at the bottom. – Write the letter in the air counting iraz, idva, and – Write down the elements of the letter N on the first line. – Add the letter N on the second line. – Read the syllables. – Pay attention to the connection of letters – Consider the diagram of the word. What unusual did you notice? Continuation of the table. 4 Listen to the teacher’s explanation and follow the writing of the letter. Prescribe the elements in the air 5 Analyze the sample of the letter being studied, highlight the elements in the capital letter 6 Frontal. Teacher's observation They complete the task: they write down the elements of the letter N and the letter N. They write syllables - There is no word written next to the diagram, and the sounds are not indicated by color. They write the letter N and syllables in accordance with the model, observe the height and width. Formulate the problem task together with the teacher, look for ways to individualize it. Letter Frontal, paired. Verbal responses

1 1. Layered sound analysis of words (p. 15) 2 lemnal. Conversation, working with diagram 3 – Using the picture, find which word this diagram refers to. – Let’s perform a syllabic analysis of the word thread and color the diagram. – How many syllables are in a word? – Which syllable is stressed? – How many sounds are in the first syllable? – What does the first syllable consist of? – Color the first syllable. – How many sounds are in the second syllable? – What does the second syllable consist of? – Color the second syllable 2. Work in “Recipe 2” (p. 15) Frontal, individual. Verbal - Read the word. What does it mean? – What letter will we write at the beginning of the word? – Write the word beautifully, following the example. 4 – Threads. - Two. - First. - Three. – From the fusion of consonant and vowel sounds, the third consonant is outside the fusion. Complete the task. - Two. - From the fusion of consonant and vowel sounds. Complete the task - Nina. This name. - Capital. Execute the letter. Continuation of the table. 6 5 solutions. Choose a word that matches the diagram. Perform a layered sound analysis of the word. Vowel sounds are highlighted in red in the diagram. They work in pairs: analyze the work of a friend and evaluate it according to the rules. Copy without mistakes. Determine intonation in a sentence, Frontal, individual. Oral responses, writing

Writing words and practice. Conversation, letter - What is written on the next line? - Offer. indicate the boundaries of a sentence in writing. 1 liens 2 3 – Why do you think so? – Read the sentence, observing intonation. – What letter does the beginning of a sentence begin with? - Write a sentence based on the example. – Read the last sentence, replacing the picture with a word – Which letter were we visiting today? - Tell us about this letter. – Letter N is pleased with your work. And you? - What happened? What else needs to be worked on? – Did you enjoy visiting the letter N? – Practice writing the letter Frontal at home. Verbal. Conversation V. Reflection and evaluation 4 5 6 End of table. – Starts with a capital letter. At the end there is a punctuation mark. They read the sentence with intonation. - Capitalized. Complete the task Answer the teacher’s questions Supplement the data in the copybook with words encoded in the object drawings Evaluate their work in the lesson Frontal. Verbal responses

Class: 1

Pedagogical goal. Create conditions for developing the ability to write capital and lowercase letters N, n; promote the development of phonemic hearing, fine motor skills, and eye perception.

Lesson type. Solving a learning problem.

Planned results (subject).

Compare lowercase and uppercase, printed and written letters; syllabic-sound analysis of words with sounds [n], [n’]. They write syllables and words with the letters N, n, capital letters in proper names, and write sentences with commentary. Complete the sentences with the word encoded in the subject picture. Copied from written font. Know the criteria for evaluating the work performed.

Personal results.

Show cognitive interest and educational motives.

Universal educational activities (meta-subject).

  • Regulatory: plan their action in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation.
  • Cognitive: general education- consciously and arbitrarily construct speech statements in oral and written form; brain teaser - compare lowercase and uppercase, printed and written letters; carry out syllable-sound analysis of words with the sound [n]; highlight the features of a proposal.
  • Communicative: In communication, they are able to construct statements that are understandable to their partner.
  • Letters N, n; lowercase, uppercase, printed, written letters; syllable-sound analysis of words; sound [n]; offer.

Educational resources.

  • Presentation on writing
  • Presentation “Living ABC”

During the classes

I. Organization of the beginning of the lesson.

Greetings. Checking readiness for the lesson (presence of a workbook on the table

“Copybook No. 2”, pens.

(Children greet the teacher and each other, check their readiness for the lesson, get emotionally attuned to the lesson)

II. Setting a learning task.

Listen to the poem and find the mysterious letter in it.

It is in the word “song”,
It is in the word “he”
It is in the word “ladder”
It is in the word “elephant”
The “night” begins with her,
And with this the “dream” ends.
And in the middle of “she” - she again!

Who is this mysterious stranger? (Letter N)

What did the poem tell you about the letter? N?

(Letter N happens at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of words.)

Does it represent a vowel or consonant sound? (Consonant [ n])

What letters do you think we will learn to write today?

(Capital and lowercase letters N, n).

III. Assimilation of new knowledge and methods of activity.

1. Finger gymnastics.

Let's prepare our hand for writing. Let's do finger exercises.

Fingers played hide and seek
And the heads were removed.
Like this, like this -
So the heads were removed.

(The guys do finger exercises. They clench and unclench their hands to the rhythm of the poem).

2. Rules for sitting at the table while writing.

We check the fit and the rules for handling the handle.

(The guys show how to sit at a table when writing and how to hold a pen correctly)

3. Introducing the letter N.

Consider block and capital letters N.

How are they similar and how are they different?

What does the letter look like? N?

(Guys look at the letters, answer the teacher’s questions, listen to the poem)

Letter N, I know you
The letter is strong, steel.
You are so tall
And not the letter you, but the bridge.

Cars are running towards you
The river runs underneath you.
With large ships.
There are clouds above you.

4. Introduction to writing the lowercase letter n.

Consider a sample of the lowercase letter n. We start writing from the top line of the working line. We move the stick down to the bottom line of the working line. Then from the middle of the first element we write the second element - the crossbar. This element should be slightly sagging. The third element is a stick with a curve at the bottom.

(The guys listen to the teacher’s explanation, follow the writing of the letter. They write the elements in the air).

Let's write the letter in the air under - one - and, two - and.

5. Work in “Recipe”. Letter elements letter n and letter n.

Consider a lowercase letter pattern n.

What three elements does a letter consist of?

What are arrows for?

Circle the elements of the letter.

Trace the petals.

Add the elements of the letter n on the first line, add the letter n on the second line n.

At home you will practice writing letters n.

(The guys examine the letter and its elements. Answer the teacher’s questions. Write the elements of the letter n, letter n).

6. Syllable-sound analysis of words.

Circle the letters n in the words and read the resulting words.

(Guys circle the letters).

Look at the diagrams, match the diagrams and words.

(1st scheme - he, 2nd scheme - it, she, they).

Perform syllable-sound analysis using the diagrams.

(Guys perform word analysis).

7. Writing syllables.

Read the syllables in “Copybook No. 2”.

Complete the syllables on the lines, paying attention to the connection of letters.

(The guys read the syllables in the copybook and do them in writing).

Physical education minute

We've worked, guys, and now let's all get exercise!
Stand up quietly, smile,
Turn everyone into little animals.
How many animals came to the class,
Don't recognize my children!
Who is the bunny, who is the fox,
Who is the bear, who is the cat, who is the bird?
Have fun dancing!
Everyone dance, don't be shy!
It's time for us to get to work, sit down quietly, kids.

(Children pretend to be their favorite animals and dance to the music.)

8. Introducing the capital letter N. Comparison of the letters N, n.

Compare lowercase and uppercase letters N, n

Are they spelled the same or differently?

Review the capital letter pattern N.

What two elements does a capital letter consist of?

What are arrows for?

Circle the elements of the letter.

(The guys look at the letters N, n. Compare. Answer the teacher's questions. Consider the elements of a letter N. Circle the elements of the letter).

9. Introduction to writing the letter N.

Capital letter N We start writing from the middle of the wide auxiliary line. Draw a small stroke up to the right, then draw a line down, cross the top line of the working line, draw further down. Almost reaching the bottom line of the working line, we round it up to the left, slightly rising above the bottom line of the working line. We start writing the second element just below the top line of the working line. We draw a smooth line to the right, rising upward. We make a loop above the working line (the intersection is on the top line of the working line). Draw the line down and write as you would write a stick with a curve at the bottom.

Write the letter in the air under the count and - one, and - two, - and.

(The guys analyze the sample of the letter they are studying, highlight the elements in the capital letter. Listen to the teacher’s explanation, follow the writing of the letter. Write the elements in the air).

10. Work in “Recipe No. 2”. Letter letters, syllables.

Write down the elements of the letter on the first line N.

Add the letter on the second line N.

Read the syllables.

Pay attention to the connection of letters.

(The guys complete the task: they write down the elements of the letter N and a letter N. Perform writing syllables)

IV. Consolidation of knowledge and methods of action.

1. Syllable-sound analysis of words.

Consider the word diagram.

What unusual did you notice?

(There is no word written next to the diagram and the sounds are not color coded)

Using the picture, find which word this diagram refers to. ( Threads)

Let's do a syllable - sound analysis of a word threads and color the diagram.

How many syllables are in a word? ( Two)

Which syllable is stressed? (First)

How many sounds are in the first syllable? (Three)

What does the first syllable consist of? ( From the fusion of a consonant and a vowel, the third consonant is outside the fusion).

Color the first syllable.

(The guys are doing the task)

How many syllables are there in the second syllable? (Two)

What does the second syllable consist of? ( From the fusion of consonant and vowel sounds)

Color the second syllable.

(The guys are doing the task)

2. Work in “Recipe 2” p. 15. Writing words and sentences.

Read the word. What does it mean? ( Nina. This name)

What letter will we write at the beginning of the word? ( Capital)

Write the word beautifully, following the example.

(The guys are writing the letter)

What is written on the next line? ( Offer)

Why do you think so? ( Starts with a capital letter. There is punctuation at the end)

Read the sentence, observing intonation.

(Guys read the sentence with intonation)

What letter does the beginning of a sentence begin with? ( Capitalized)

Write a sentence using the example.

(The guys are doing the task)

Read the last sentence, replacing the picture with a word.

V. Reflective - evaluative.

Which letter were we visiting today?

Tell us about this letter.

Letter N I'm happy with your work. And you?

What happened? What else needs to be worked on?

Did you enjoy visiting the letter? N?

(Guys answer the teacher’s questions)

At home, practice writing the letter you have learned.

24.10 Topic: Writing lowercase letter n

Purpose: Apply the learning objective of the lesson. Properly place your workbook in your workplace. Reproduce the rules for planting, using tools, and placing a copybook in the workplace. Demonstrate the correct application of hygienic writing practices. Observe the writing of letter combinations and combinations of letters in words. Be able to divide words into syllables. Distinguish the sound and letter composition of words

Look at each other and mentally wish good luck and an interesting mood.

Warm up your hands and fingers.

Game “Identify the written letter by the elements.” Write it down in your writing notebook. Page 19

Game "Find a Pair". I will show you printed letters, and you will find a pair of them among those written on the slide.

Which letter was missing a pair? Why do you think?

Determine the topic of today's lesson.

Before writing these letters, we repeat the landing rules.

We write down in the notebook the capital letters A, O, I, E, s, U, and lowercase letters on the second line.

Guys, look at the slide. Where are we?

We arrived in the forest. There we are met by a small forest man. He will introduce us to a new letter. But the sounds denoted by this letter have gotten lost. Let's help find them.

Old Grandpa Pakhom

He rode on a goat (horse [n"])

Six rams (bananas [n])

I just ate

And he said: “I wish there were so many more...”

What sounds are lost? ([n"], [n])

What letter in the letter represents the sounds [n] [n"]? (The letter N)

During the reading lesson we learned about the printed letters Nn. And here are the written letters.

A) What elements does the lowercase letter n consist of?

In which letters have we seen an inclined line with a curve at the bottom? (a, i, y) Let's learn how to write these elements.

B) Work in copybooks (p. 19)

Write this element in the first working line.

Let's write a letter in the air

While the gnome walks along his forest paths, his finger remembers the letter, and his head also remembers the image of the letter n.

Find the lowercase letter n in the second line. Write it down 3 times.

Happened? Write the letter to the end of the page.

Let's read the syllables with completion of the whole word.

Let's write some of these syllables in words.

Name the syllables with upper and lower connections. Write each syllable 3 times.

Read the syllables and words in the next line. Write down only the words on the work line.

Match these words with the objects drawn below.

Which of these items will the gnome need when he goes to school?

Tell him what you can do with these items.

Determine which word patterns are presented below.(pencilcase, backpack)

Perform a sound analysis of these words.

Let's check. Explain to the gnome how you perform sound analysis of words.

Guys, we can not only create a sound diagram of a word, but also read words and sentences.

Find the sentence written in the last two lines. Let's read it.

What did you do in class? Did we succeed?

Did you enjoy visiting the gnome?

What did you like most?

Explain to the gnome the need to learn.

Lesson plan for teaching literacy and writing

using ICT in 1st grade “A”

Lesson topic:

“Consonant sounds n and n, , letter n.

Small letter letter n."

Lesson developed by:

primary school teacher

Kondrasheva I.V.


2010-2011 academic year G.

Explanatory note

A lesson in teaching literacy and writing in 1st grade (program “School 2100”) on the topic: “Consonant sounds n and n, letter n. Small letter letter n. » is designed to be carried out using ICT tools.


  • Teacher's workstation
  • Projection apparatus
  • Screen (Smart board)


  • Operating system – Windows XP,
  • Microsoft Office XP
  • Power point presentation

Lesson plan for teaching literacy and writing in 1st grade

using ICT tools

Lesson topic: “Consonant sounds n and n, letter n.” Small letter letter n. »

Lesson type: lesson of learning new material.

Objective of the lesson: about introducing students to new consonant sounds n and n, , letter n ; writing a lowercase letter n.

Lesson objectives:

  • give students an idea of ​​sounds n and n,;
  • introduce block letters n;
  • teach writing lowercase letters n;
  • learn to read and write words with a new letter;
  • develop students’ speech, their attention, memory, logic, thinking, phonetic hearing;
  • cultivate accuracy, mutual assistance, listening skills;

Lesson equipment:

  • textbook “My Favorite Alphabet” by R. N. Buneeva, E. V. Buneeva, O. V. Pronina;
  • copybook “My magic fingers” by O. V. Pronina;
  • writing materials for the lesson;
  • Teacher's workstation, projection device, smart board

(a more detailed description of the required equipment and software is given above in the “Explanatory Note” section).

Lesson steps

During the classes

I. Organization


Let's start the lesson. Please check your readiness for the lesson: alphabet, copybook, pen, pencil, colored pencils and eraser.

II. Checking d./z.

Let's start the lesson by checking your homework. Place the ABC in front of you and open it on page 51.

A). Children read the text sentence by sentence.

b). Working on the text:

What genre does this work belong to? Why do you think so?

What Russian rivers have you read about?

What do these names mean?

What was the name of the river in which beavers lived? Ruffs? Crucian carp?

Where could such names as Olkhovka, Kalinovka come from? Currant? Rakitovka? Golavlinka? Kamyshovka? Black?

III. Main part

  1. Introduction
  1. Explanation of a new topic.

The topic of our lesson is “Consonants n, n, letter n .Consonant lowercase letter n."

Guess the riddle:

A flock of birds is resting on five wires.

(notes). Let's make a diagram of this word.

What are the small horses called? (pony)

The pattern of the word “pony” is carried out.

Who knows what letter the sounds are denoted by? n, n, ?

- What does the letter look like? n?

And I know a poem about n:

I'm talking about the letter N
Suddenly a song came up:
N-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n -
It turned out to be a ladder.

And so let’s sum it up (the children sum it up on the slide): letter n – consonant, voiced, unpaired, has two sounds: hard n and soft n, .

In your typing book, under the word diagrams, print the words: notes and ponies.

Check your work on the slide. Stand up, whoever did everything correctly. Well done!

Open the copybook on page 18. Consider writing a lowercase letter n and answer: how many elements does this letter consist of?

Look carefully at how this letter is written (the teacher comments on the writing of the letter on the slide).

1. writing letters by elements;

2. lowercase letter n.

3. letter letters p, s, n.

3. Physical education

just a minute

Guys, you are great, you worked hard, let's rest a little.

4. Continued work on new material.

ABC – page 52 – reading syllables.

Copy - page 18 - writing syllables and emphasizing consonants (according to options): 1B. - hard; 2B – soft.


Game "Finish the word."

Which of the 4 letters must be added to form a word? (students read the resulting words)

Copybooks – page 18 – reading and writing words, and their phonetic analysis (according to options).

ABC – page 52 – making a sentence based on a picture and printing its diagram. (children do the work independently, and check is carried out on the slide)

Why are 3 words in the sentence capitalized?

IV. Summing up the lesson.

What letter did you learn about in class?

Tell us everything you found out about her.

V. D/z.

- ABC: page 53 – learn the passage you like.

Copybook – page 19 – write the girls’ names in written letters.

The lesson is over. Thank you.