From the very beginning of the story, the author of the novel leaves the reader hope for new adventures: the main character Jim Hawkins tells his neighbors in detail about the events, but the location of the island remains hidden, where treasures still remain untapped.

Events begin to unfold with the appearance of the old “sea wolf” in the “Admiral Benbow” race, where he settled with the parents of the protagonist Jim Hawkins. Nobody knows his name, they only know that he is a captain in the past, and even with a tough temper.

He was a tall, strong, portly man with a dark face. A tarred pigtail stuck out above his greasy blue collar. His hands were rough and some kind of scarred, with black broken nails, and the scar on his cheek was a dirty purple hue. I remember how he, whistling, looked around our bay and suddenly yelled the old sailor song that we heard from him so often after:

Fifteen men on a dead man's chest.

Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum! »

The only thing the captain was afraid of and saved was the appearance of one person - a one-legged sailor. Before this, the captain also brought in young Jim Hawkins.

Visitors to the race were captivated by the captain’s stories, which took their breath away.

Horrible stories about gallows, about walking on the doshtsi1, about storms at sea, about the Tortugas Islands, about banditry and robber havens in the Spanish Sea2. From his words it followed that he lived his whole life among the most notorious hooligans who never went to sea. And the abuse with which the captain taught these stories of his frightened our simple-minded village people no less than the crimes he told.

The captain didn’t want to pay for his accommodation; Jim’s parents were afraid to kick him out of the apartment.

The quiet life of the village was shaken by the appearance of the captain by his acquaintance, nicknamed Black Dog. A skirmish ensues between the two sailors, resulting in Black Dog being wounded and the captain losing consciousness from a heart attack. Doctor Livesey saves the “sea wolf,” but soon the captain receives a black mark from a blind beggar and dies of excitement.

After the captain's death, his inheritance remains - a chest from which Jim's mother wants to take the money that the tenant owes the family. While counting the money, a blind man appeared and brought a black mark to the captain.

Out of fear that the captain's comrades will break into the house, the son and mother abandon their home.

To even out the debt, Jim grabbed a ceratian3 package from the captain's chest. It contained a map to Treasure Island.

The pirates search the chest, but do not find Captain Flint's manuscripts and retreat. Jim gives the package to Doctor Livesey and Squire Trelawney. Everyone is seized by the desire to go on an expedition to find the treasures of Captain Fling.

The comrades left their homes, purchased the ship “Hispaniola” in Bristol, recruited a team of sailors and set off on a journey.

On the ship, they hired a cripple as a cook - the one-legged Silver, who at first seemed like a simple-minded person.

By chance, Jim learns a lot of new things both from the life of the deceased captain Flint and about the conspiracy of the pirates who found themselves in the Hispaniola crew.

Sitting in an apple barrel, Jim hears Silver's story and his urging of the sailors to take the side of the rebels.

“No, not me,” said Silver. — Flint was the captain. And I was for the senior sailor, this is through my piece of wood. I lost my legs in the same battle where old Pugh lost his bathies. My leg was cut off by a learned college surgeon, full of Latin and all that sort of stuff. But he, too, was later hanged in Corso Castle like a dog, to dry in the sun along with others... These were Robert’s people, and it all led to the fact that they changed the names of their ships - sometimes it’s “Royal Fortune”, sometimes something else called. And in my opinion, as the court was christened, that’s what it should always be called. We did not change the name of the Cassandra, and she happily took us all from Malabar after England captured the Viceroy of India. It was the same with old “Walrus” Flint, who was completely soaked in blood and almost drowned from gold.

The pirate sailors are ready to get down to business: take power and leadership on the ship, although Silver considers it advisable to wait until the current leadership of the expedition does everything for them.

- When the hell! - Silver snapped. - Well, okay, if you want to know, I'll tell you. Maybe later, that's when!

We are the primary sailor of Captain Smollett who leads the ship where we need it. We have a squire and a doctor with a map, but I don’t know where this map is. And you don't know either. So, let the squire and the doctor find the treasure and help us transfer it to the ship, damn them! And then we'll see. If I had confidence in such dog children as you, I would allow Captain Smollett to take us half the way back, and only then would I begin to act.

When Jim told Smollett, Livesey and Trelawney about the plot he heard, the captain suggests waiting for an opportunity to be the first to attack the pirates, since according to rough estimates, there may be 19 people on Silver's side.

Some of the sailors with Silver land on the island; Jim Hawkins sneaks ashore with them and meets “Robinson” on the uninhabited island.

He was already hiding behind another tree and watching me. Seeing that I was heading in his direction, he came out from behind the trunk and stepped towards me. Then he hesitated, backed away a little and suddenly dropped his knees and stretched out his hands pleadingly, which terribly surprised and amazed me.

I stopped again.

- Who are you? - I asked.

“Ben Gunn,” he answered in a hoarse, grinding voice that sounded like a rusty lock. - I'm poor Ben Gunn. I haven't spoken to a single Christian soul for three years.

Now I saw that he was of the same white race as me, and even had rather pleasant features. Only his skin became so oily in the sun that even his lips turned black, and his clear eyes stood out extremely sharply on his dark face. He was a ragamuffin. His clothes consisted of canvas rags and the remains of a sailor's robe; this rags were held together by a whole system of various fasteners, copper buttons, sticks and loops from tarred rope. The only durable tie in all his armor was the lace with a copper buckle.

From him, Jim Hawkins learns about the islander's pirate past, connected with Flint, Silver, as well as Ben Gun's desire to turn to piety and end piracy, to be on the mainland among people.

I was a sailor with Flint when he buried the treasure - he and six other healthy sailors. They stayed ashore for almost a week, and we stayed on the old Walrus. At this time, one day they heard a signal from the shore and then they saw a boat in which Flint was sitting all alone, and his head was tied with a blue scarf. The sun was setting on its own, and Flint was as pale as death. But he was alive, and the other six were killed. Killed and buried on the island. How he got them, none of us on the ship ever knew. Or they had a fight, or a murder, sudden death, and he alone defeated six! .. Billy Bones was then the navigator, and Lanky was the senior sailor. And they asked iota where the treasure was. “Well,” he told them, “you can go ashore if you want and look for where they are, but, I swear by thunder, when the ship will be waiting for you!” So he told them, then Flint. And within three years I was already sailing on another ship. And again we saw this island. “Guys,” I say, “Flint buried treasure here. Land on the shore and look for them.” The captain didn't like it, but all the sailors were behind me, and we went ashore. We searched for twelve days, and every day they looked at me more and more furiously, and then one morning all the sailors returned to the ship. And they told me: “You, Benjamin, stay here... Here’s a musket, a shovel and a pickaxe... Stay to yourself and look for Flint’s money.

And soon the pirates began attacking the captain’s crew.

Jim returns to the ship, where the wounded pirate Hands helps the guy run the ship aground, and he himself attacks Jim, who, defending himself, kills the pirate.

Returning to the island, Jim finds himself in a hostile camp, where the young man is threatened with death.

From the pirates who captured Jim, he learns that the doctor’s team allegedly went to peace with the pirates, but does not take Jim himself into account in their ranks, and the young man does not believe in the words of the pirates.

- OK! “Then I started.” “I’m not so stupid and I know well what awaits me.” And whatever happens, I don’t care! How I met you, death is nothing new to me. But I’ll tell you what,” I said, getting more and more excited. - Firstly, your situation is bad: you lost the schooner, you lost the treasure, you lost your people. Your whole business is ruined. And if you want to know who did all this, then know: it’s me and no one else; I was sitting in an apple barrel the evening we saw land, and I overheard you, John, and you, Dick Johnson, and Hands, who now lies at the bottom of the sea, and not an hour had passed before I said everything told my friends. As for the schooner, it was I who crossed the anchor rope, it was I who killed those you left on board, and it was I who took the schooner to a place where you will never find it. You made a fool of yourself, because initially all the threads came together in my hands, and I am afraid of you, like last year’s snow. If you want, kill me, if you want, leave me alive, your will. But if you leave me alive, then I will forget the whole past, and when you are brought to trial for piracy, I will try to help you. So it is you who must make the choice. There is no benefit to you from my death. And if you leave me alive, then I will help you escape from the gallows.

I fell silent - not Critias from you - excitement took my breath away. To my surprise, the pirates didn’t even move and just stared at me like sheep. Without giving them time to come to their senses, I continued:

“And, Mr. Silver,” I said, “I hope you are better than others in this company.” Therefore, in the event of my death, please tell the doctor everything that happened.

“I’ll keep this in mind,” Silver said in such a strange tone that I just couldn’t understand whether he was mocking me, he did like my courage.

The pirates decided to consult what to do with Jim, so Silver came to the young man’s defense.

When Jim and Silver were alone, Jim promised Silver his help as a witness at the trial, which would save the pirate from death.

It was a mystery to Silver and all the pirates why Livesey gave them the treasure map, but when they found the place, they saw that the treasure had already been dug up, then the doctor’s actions became clear.

half-crazy islander Ben Gunn found and dug up the treasures even before the Hispaniola approached the shores of the island, and then told Livesey about the reburied treasures.

The captain and doctor's team, along with Jim, were able to get ahead of the pirates, returning with part of Flint's treasure to the ship hidden in the North Bay.

Silver has been helping Jim and his friends lately.

Each of us received our share of the treasure and used it - whether wisely or foolishly - at our own discretion. Captain Smollett left the naval service. Gray not only saved the money, but also, suddenly imbued with the desire to rise to the occasion, seriously began to study maritime affairs, now he is a navigator and co-owner of one well-ordered ship, he has a wife and children. As for Ben, this one, having received his thousand pounds, spent or squandered it in three weeks, or, more precisely, in nineteen days, because on the twentieth he came to us penniless. He had to take the position of gatekeeper in the squire's park, which he was once afraid of. He is still alive, and is very friendly, and sometimes quarrels with the local kids, and on Sundays and holidays, and sings beautifully in the church choir.

We never heard anything more about Silvera. That damned one-legged sailor has finally disappeared from my life. Apparently, he found his black woman and lives somewhere in abundance with her and his parrot Captain Flint. At least I hope that this is so, because it is unlikely that he will be destined to enjoy himself in the next world.

The rest of the treasure - the bars of silver and the weapons - still lies where Flint buried them - and, if you ask me, that's where they belong. And neither oxen nor lasso can lure me back to this damned island. I still wake up in horror when in my dreams I hear the menacing roar of the surf against its gloomy rocks and the piercing voice of Captain Flint, which exclaims endlessly:

- Piasters! Piasters! Piasters!

Walking on a plank is a death penalty among pirates: a blindfolded convict is forced to walk with a plank thrown over the side until he falls into the water.

The Spanish Sea is the ancient name for the sea above the northern coast of South America.

Tseratyaniy - oilcloth.

Translation by Yu. Koretsky

A woman’s body is characterized by cyclic changes that occur over a certain duration of periods. Gradually, as a result of a decrease in the activity of organs that produce hormones, reproductive functions fade away. This leads to the beginning of a new stage - menopause.

Most often, this period begins at the age of fifty, but earlier or, conversely, late menopause is often encountered. It is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, such as pressure surges, hot flashes, mood swings, and so on. But violations of the skeletal system are especially noticeable. For this reason, during menopause, doctors recommend taking calcium supplements.

Purpose of using calcium

Calcium is one of the required elements prescribed for menopause. This is explained as follows. With age, the amount of this element in the body decreases. In addition, during this period of a woman’s life, metabolic processes and metabolism slow down significantly. This alone can lead to the development of pathologies associated with increased fragility of the skeletal system. What makes the situation worse is that the process of calcium absorption is also disrupted. In addition, during menopause, it is eliminated from the body faster. This leads to an increased risk of developing diseases such as osteoporosis.

In order to choose the right medications containing calcium, you need to consult a doctor and only together with him determine the exact dosage.

The effectiveness of treatment depends on many factors. Therefore, before you start taking a calcium supplement, it is important to do several things:

  • exclude concomitant diseases;
  • determine the diet and the amount of calcium in foods;
  • assess the likelihood of developing osteoporosis;
  • Together with your doctor, select the dosage and name of the product.

To normalize all processes associated with the absorption of the element, it is enough to provide at least 1200 milligrams of calcium per day. Salts are most quickly absorbed, namely calcium gluconate. During menopause, six tablets per day are enough. To increase the effectiveness of the product, it is recommended to crush the tablets before use. You can also take the medications with milk. The daily dosage is usually divided into 2-3 doses.

It is especially important to emphasize that calcium, even with its regular use, may simply not be absorbed. Vitamin D is responsible for this process. Accordingly, if you want to achieve excellent results, it is simultaneously important to take products containing this vitamin.

Thus, if the choice fell on monopreparations containing calcium, in parallel you need to take other means to improve its absorption. You can also choose a complex that includes both this element and vitamins.

Alternative Methods for Obtaining Calcium

To prevent a woman from developing osteoporosis during menopause, it is important to ensure a sufficient amount of calcium in the diet. Accordingly, even before the menopause period sets in, you need to reconsider your diet. The required element is found in large quantities in the following products:

  • fresh vegetables, in particular cabbage, broccoli, salads and turnips;
  • all varieties of fish and other seafood;
  • milk and all fermented milk products.

These are mandatory products that a woman should have in her diet during menopause. If you decide to take additional medications, you need to correctly calculate the dosage, taking into account the calcium coming from food.

During menopause, you should not forget about traditional medicine. Thanks to the right recipes, you can not only replenish the amount of calcium in the blood, but also significantly ease the course of menopause. You just need to find out what composition of herbs you need to use to improve your condition.

There are many tips on using crushed chalk. One teaspoon is enough to replenish calcium. It is important to use pure chalk without any glue. To improve digestibility, you can drink it with milk. Egg shell powder is also highly digestible. In this case, it is recommended to give preference to quail eggs. The shell must be dried, the inner film removed and then crushed.

There is another recipe. You need to fill the shell with lemon juice. After a week, you can start taking the product one spoon a day. Valerian rhizome has an excellent effect during menopause. It will not only increase the amount of calcium in the blood, but will also significantly improve overall well-being due to its calming effect.

In addition to the above, there are special herbal preparations that will not only help improve the condition during menopause, but also increase the calcium level in the blood. But it is also recommended to take them only after consulting a doctor. If women have already shown signs of osteoporosis, preparations containing calcium will be mandatory.

Medicines for women

There are a large number of products used to replenish calcium. Among them are drugs that have a pronounced effect:

  • Miacalcic. Product from Swiss manufacturers. Helps normalize phosphorus-calcium metabolism, which slows down during menopause. The product is quite expensive, but if you take it correctly, you can notice a pronounced effect after 2-3 days. It is often prescribed for menopause, as well as for severe calcium deficiency in the body.
  • Calcium D3 Nycomed from Norwegian manufacturers. It also helps stabilize phosphorus-calcium metabolism. Available in different dosages and with different numbers of tablets per package. It also has an affordable price. It is recommended to take the pills before menopause for the purpose of prevention. To make calcium better absorbed, it is recommended to take such preparations with milk.
  • Calcium gluconate is the most affordable drug from a domestic manufacturer. You can take it for a long time, but it is better to consult a doctor and draw up a regimen.
  • Natekal. This is already a complex tool. Such drugs contain several components at once, which significantly improves their absorption and effectiveness. Produced by an Italian company.
  • Calcemin regulates phosphorus-calcium metabolism. During menopause, it easily relieves heaviness in the legs, eliminates cramps and strengthens the skeletal system.

Important: menopause can be quite difficult. Accordingly, other medications must be taken in parallel. Most of them go well with calcium-containing products.

Treatment of osteoporosis

It may also turn out that during menopause the woman did not use any medications and the pronounced loss of calcium led to the development of osteoporosis. In such a situation, there will be no special effect from vitamin complexes. It is better to take medications that not only help strengthen bones, but also prevent the removal of calcium from the body. We are talking about biophosphonates.

Among the large number of them, the following drugs can be distinguished:

  • Alendronate. The active ingredient is alendoronic acid. During menopause, it helps stimulate osteogenesis. For menopause, one tablet per week is prescribed, preferably on an empty stomach.
  • Actonel. It is especially necessary for those who are taking glucocorticoids during this period. Supports osteoblast activity. For menopause, it is also prescribed once a week.
  • Bonviva works due to ibandronic acid. During menopause, it helps increase bone density and prevent fractures. The product is very powerful and is taken during menopause only once a month.

An important difference between biosphosphonates is the duration of the effect. But before taking such drugs, it is important to exclude contraindications.

During the treatment period, stomach disorders may occur due to pronounced irritant effects. In some cases, tablets are prescribed only after gastrointestinal pathologies have been eliminated.

If a woman feels satisfactorily during menopause and does not have any special deviations, it is better to give preference to vitamin complexes and traditional medicine recipes. More serious drugs are used only as prescribed by a doctor.

From the video you will learn which foods are rich in calcium:

Year of writing: 1881

Genre: novel

Main characters: Jim- a boy, the son of a tavern owner Mrs Hawkins, John Silver- cook on a ship, pirate, Ben Gan- resident of treasure island

Stevenson's exciting adventures will not leave the boys indifferent; after reading the summary of the novel "Treasure Island" for the reader's diary, hurry up and read the original!


Jim and Mom work in a tavern. They have a guest, Billy Bones. A pirate came to him, and after a quarrel with him, Bones has a stroke. Before his death, he tells Jim about the island on which Captain Flint's treasures are hidden, and gives the boy a map and the last money for the trip. Jim, together with a doctor known to his mother, hire a ship and set off on a journey. On the ship, Jim finds out that the cook is a pirate, and he tricked his crew onto the ship, and all the sailors are pirates. They reach the island and, after many adventures and dangerous battles, find treasures and return home in triumph.

Conclusion (my opinion)

Jim is a brave boy who sets the example of a caring son, a smart cabin boy, and an intelligent believer in justice and fairness. He is not afraid of pirates and stays his course. You need to believe in yourself and go towards your goals.

XVIII century. A mysterious stranger, an overweight elderly man with a saber scar on his cheek, settles in the Admiral Benbow tavern, located near the English city of Bristol. His name is Billy Bones. Rough and unbridled, he is at the same time clearly afraid of someone and even asks the son of the innkeepers, Jim Hawkins, to watch for a sailor on a wooden leg to appear in the area.

Finally, those from whom Billy Bones is hiding find him; The first intruder, a man with a pale, sallow face, is called Black Dog. A quarrel breaks out between Billy Bones and Black Dog, and Black Dog, wounded in the shoulder, flees. From the excitement experienced, Billy Bones suffers an apoplexy. Bedridden for several days, he admits to Jim that he served as a navigator for the late Captain Flint, a famous pirate whose name had recently terrified sailors. The old navigator is afraid that his former accomplices, who are hunting for the contents of his sailor's chest, will send him a black mark - a sign of a pirate warning.

This is what happens. It is brought by a repulsive-looking blind man named Pew. When he leaves, Billy Bones is about to run, but his bad heart can't take it and he dies. Realizing that sea robbers are about to raid the tavern, Jim and his mother send their fellow villagers for help, and they themselves return to take the money owed to them for the stay from the chest of the deceased pirate. Along with the money, Jim takes a package from the chest.

As soon as the young man and his mother manage to leave the house, pirates appear and fail to find what they are looking for. Customs guards are jumping along the road, and the robbers have to go home. And blind Pugh, abandoned by his accomplices, falls under the hooves of a horse.

The package that Jim gives to two respectable gentlemen, Doctor Livesey and Squire Trelawney, contains a map of the island where Captain Flint's treasure is hidden. The gentlemen decide to follow them, taking Jim Hawkins as a cabin boy on the ship. Having promised the doctor not to reveal the purpose of the upcoming journey to anyone, Squire Trelawney leaves for Bristol to buy a ship and hire a crew. Subsequently, it turns out that the squire did not keep his word: the whole city knows where and why the schooner Hispaniola is going to sail.

The crew he recruited does not please Captain Smollett, who he hired, who thinks that the sailors are not reliable enough. Most of them were recommended by the owner of the Spyglass Tavern, the one-legged John Silver. A former sailor himself, he is hired on a ship as a cook. Shortly before departure, Jim meets the Black Dog in his tavern, who, seeing the young man, runs away. The Doctor and the Squire learn about this episode, but do not attach any importance to it.

Everything becomes clear when the Hispaniola is already approaching Treasure Island. Climbing into an apple barrel, Jim accidentally overhears Silver's conversation with the sailors, from which he learns that most of them are pirates, and their leader is a one-legged cook who was the quartermaster of Captain Flint. Their plan is to, having discovered the treasures and delivered them aboard the ship, kill all the honest people on the ship. Jim informs his friends about what he heard, and they decide on a further course of action.

As soon as the schooner drops anchor off the island, discipline on the ship begins to plummet. A riot is brewing. This contradicts Silver's plan, and Captain Smollett gives him the opportunity to calm the crew down by talking to the sailors face to face. The captain invites them to rest on the shore and return to the ship before sunset. Leaving accomplices on the schooner, the pirates, led by Silver, set off on boats to the island. Jim jumps into one of the boats, for some unknown reason, but runs away as soon as it reaches the ground. Wandering around the island, Jim meets Ben Gunn, a former pirate left here by his comrades three years ago. He paid for convincing them to search for Captain Flint's treasure, which was unsuccessful. Ben Gunn says that he would rather help natural gentlemen than gentlemen of fortune, and asks Jim to tell his friends this. He also tells the young man that he has a boat and explains how to find it. Meanwhile, the captain, doctor, squire with three servants and sailor Abe Gray, who did not want to stay with the pirates, manage to escape from the ship in a skiff, taking with them weapons, ammunition and a supply of provisions. They take refuge in a log house behind a palisade, where a stream flows and they can hold a siege for a long time. Seeing a British flag over the stockade, and not the Jolly Roger that the pirates would have raised, Jim Hawkins realizes that there are friends there and, joining them, talks about Ben Gunn. After the courageous little garrison fends off an attack by pirates seeking a treasure map, Dr. Livesey goes to meet Ben Gunn, and Jim commits another inexplicable act. He leaves the fort without permission, finds a boat belonging to Ben Gunn and goes to the Hispaniola. Taking advantage of the fact that shortly before his appearance, two pirates guarding her had a drunken fight in which one of them died and the other was wounded, Jim seizes the ship and takes it to a secluded bay, after which he returns to the fort. But he does not find his friends there, but ends up in the hands of pirates, to whom, as he later learns, the fort was given up without a fight. They are about to give the young man a painful death, when suddenly John Silver stands up for him. It becomes clear that by that time the leader of the robbers already understands that the game is lost, and, while protecting Jim, he is trying to save his own skin. This is confirmed when Dr. Livesey comes to the fort, who gives Silver the coveted map, and the former cook receives from him a promise to save him from the gallows. When the sea robbers arrive at the place where, as the map shows, the treasures are buried, they find an empty hole and are about to tear their leader to pieces, and with him the boy, when suddenly shots are heard and two of them fall dead. The rest take to their heels. Doctor Livesey, sailor Abe Gray and Ben Gunn, who came to the rescue, lead Jim and Silver to the cave, where the squire and captain are waiting for them. It turns out that Ben Gunn had long ago found Flint's gold and dragged it to his home. Having loaded the treasures onto the ship, everyone set off on their way back, leaving the pirates on a desert island. In one of the American ports, Silver escapes, taking a bag of gold coins. The rest safely reach the shores of England, where everyone receives their share of the treasure.

Below is a summary of Stevenson's novel "Treasure Island". The retelling is addressed to those who do not want to remain ignorant in the field of pirate classics, but are too lazy to read the entire work.

XVIII century. Not far from Bristol, in the Admiral Benbow tavern, a stern-looking man with a scar on his cheek settles in. His name is Billy Bones. Despite his formidability, the resident is clearly alarmed by something, he asks the son of the tavern owners to keep an eye on whether there is a person in the area with a leg instead.

Soon one of the unwanted guests comes to Billy Bones. The man's name is Black Dog. A fight breaks out between him and Billy and the ill-wisher, wounded in the shoulder, runs out of the tavern. Billy Bones' alcoholism and fear result in a stroke. Being chained to the bed, he tells Jim that he was a navigator for the now deceased pirate Captain Flint, whose name until recently inspired incredible horror in all sailors. Now Billy is worried that his former comrades, who are hunting for his chest, will give him a stern warning.

Bones' fears are justified. A certain unpleasant-looking blind man, Pugh, comes to the inn and gives Billy a black mark. Getting ready to flee, the former pirate’s heart, saturated with fear and a fair amount of alcohol, simply cannot stand it and breaks. Jim and his mother understand that pirates may come to the tavern, so they send their friends for help, and they themselves willfully take from the chest the payment for accommodation in the tavern that Bones owes. Along with the money, Jim takes all the remaining contents in the chest.

Before the young man and his mother have time to leave the house, pirates appear, but thanks to the guards who arrived on time, they immediately go home, and blind Pugh, abandoned by his accomplices, is hit by a horse.

The entire contents of Jim's chest are given to the conscientious Doctor Livesey and Squire Trelawney. Among everything there is a valuable item - a map of the island on which the treasures that the late Billy Bones spoke about are buried. A decision was made to lead the expedition, in which Jim also takes part and holds the post of cabin boy. Squire Trelawney is sent to the city to hire a ship and crew. The squire failed to hold his tongue, and soon the whole city was aware of where the Hispaniola was going and for what.

Captain Smollett, who hired the team, remains disappointed with them. Most of the sailors were recommended by the one-legged man, who himself hired himself on the ship as a cook. In the Spyglass tavern, owned by Silver, shortly before sailing, Jim meets the Black Dog, who is already familiar to him, and when he sees the guy, he quickly disappears. Livesey and Trelawney do not pay any attention to this.

The picture becomes clearer when Jim, trying to get an apple, falls into a barrel and accidentally overhears the plan of the cook, who, as it turns out, is the leader of the hired sailors and the former quartermaster of Captain Flint. The pirates planned to deal with all the respectable people on board immediately after the treasure of their former captain was found. Jim tells everything to the doctor and the squire, who, in turn, make a plan for further action.

The moment they reach the shore, a riot begins to brew on the ship, completely contradicting all of Silver’s plans. The captain invites the crew to rest on the shore, thereby providing the opportunity for the leader of a criminal gang to pacify his people. For some reason Jim Hawkins jumps into one of the boats heading to the island, but as soon as it docks, the guy runs away.

Wandering around the island, Jim meets a man named Benn Gunn, who tells him that he once invited his team to look for Flint’s treasure, they agreed, but since the search was unsuccessful, his former comrades left him on the island as punishment. He has been there for three whole years. Benn Gunn is ready to help Jim and his friends; he says that he has a boat, after which he explains to the young man the place where it can be found.

At this moment, the doctor, the squire and four others, not wanting to put up with unpleasant company, flee from the ship, seizing provisions and ammunition. The gentlemen are hiding behind a palisade, near which there is a stream, which allows them to remain under siege for a long time. Jim soon notices a British flag over the stockade, and realizing that his friends are there, he heads towards them and talks about his new acquaintance.

The pirates, in order to take possession of the treasure map, try to storm the small fortress, but to no avail. Dr. Livesey then heads to Benn Gunn, and Jim again commits a reckless act. He runs away to the boat that Benn told him about and sails on it to the ship. Due to the disorganization of two drunken and quarreling pirates, Jim manages to capture the ship. Temporary captain Jim Hawkins takes the Hispaniola to a secluded bay and returns back to the island, to the fort.

Alas, there were no friends in the photo; they simply handed it over to the pirates without any resistance. When Jim appears, the robbers want to send the guy to the next world, but John Silver, realizing that the situation is not going as he planned, stands up for the guy, thereby trying to protect himself from the gallows in the future. The coveted map ends up in the hands of the pirates.

The pirates follow the route indicated on the map, but in the place where it leads them, they find one continuous hole and only a few coins. Silver's team is ready to tear both him and the boy to pieces, but then two shots are heard. The shot kills two of the pirates, leaving the rest to flee. The saviors were Dr. Livesey, sailor Abe Grein and Benn Gunn. Along the way, Benn says that he found Captain Flint's treasure a long time ago and dragged it to his cave.

Having transferred the treasures from the cave to the Hispaniola, the gentlemen return home, deliberately forgetting their enemies on the island. The ship stops at one of the ports of America, which Silver takes advantage of, and, taking a bag of gold, runs away. Jim and everyone else successfully make it home, where each of the crew receives their share of Captain Flint's treasure.

A summary of Stevenson’s novel “Treasure Island,” although it will give you an idea of ​​this great work of art, will still not be able to evoke in you the full range of incredible emotions, sensations and feelings that arise when reading the original, complete version.