Spelling patterns and rules for spelling prepositions. Integrated and separate writing of prepositions….

Spelling chart No. 7 with other words are written separately: on river (pr., noun); on you (ex., place); To five (regular number).

Between and with a word you can insert a question or word: on(what?) sky or on(blue) sky.

Spelling chart No. 65 Derived prepositions formed on the basis of adverbs are written together: go towards (from adverb) fate. Some prepositions and adverbs are functional homonyms. It is necessary to distinguish between prepositions and adverbs: Used without a noun - adverb, with a noun (or pronoun) - preposition. Some prepositions and adverbs are functional homonyms. Look
around towards(adverb) - look towards yourself (preposition);

  • go(adverb) - go
  • friends (preposition) Spelling No. 66 The following derivative prepositions are written together: in view of
  • (= because of, = because of), like
  • (= similar) about (= about, about).

instead of, like, as a result of

(= for a reason) above To make sure that we are dealing with a derived preposition and not another part of speech, we must try to replace this preposition with a preposition synonymous with it, the semantic meaning will not change: Because of

We didn't go hiking. = Because of We didn't go hiking. Get sick).

during weeks (= in continuation Spelling chart No. 67 In prepositions during, in continuation, as a result of Because of at the end it is written e(since they were formed from the accusative case form): lesson, in continuation classes, due to illnesses .. These prepositions can replace each other. They should be distinguished from combinations of nouns in the prepositional case, with the preposition V. In combinations between a noun and a preposition, it is possible to substitute a definition: V brief conclusion, V upper flow rivers, V this continuation ; In addition, the noun requires a dependent word after itself in the genitive case: in custody articles, Get sick novel. Paired prepositions of adhesion because of, from under and vernacular over, over, for-sake, for-sake To make sure that we are dealing with a derived preposition and not another part of speech, we must try to replace this preposition with a preposition synonymous with it, the semantic meaning will not change: are written with a hyphen. The sun came out from the clouds. From under

A dog jumped out of the porch.

  • About some prepositions.With through has at the end : b We made our way through
  • dense thickets. near has at the end:written without Near there was construction at home. Note writing close only for a noun : you can’t tell where the distance is, where.
  • close thanks, according to control the dative form of a noun or pronoun: thanks to the care, according to the schedule

. The genitive case form of nouns is not used after these prepositions.

  • Continuous writing of derivative prepositions In view of - written together if it has Continuous writing of derivative prepositions causal or effect meaning: classes were canceled due to frost - the preposition in view can be replaced by a preposition with a synonym (because of causal or effect meaning:); Because of in mind written separately if it expresses spatial relationships (= near, nearby): Because of The ship sailed for a long time(near) the shore . Remember:.
  • friends (preposition) Spelling No. 66 The following derivative prepositions are written together: Keep in mind - together, synonym like, should be distinguished from the prepositional-case combination sort of ; compare: I started writing something like (= like) memories - Sort of;
  • we didn't have any panties following - together, synonym after , should be distinguished from a combination of a noun and a preposition sort of follow Following - together, synonym the fleeing beast heard hooting ( fleeing beast). - The hunters peered follow;
  • lesson, beast - the preposition in view can be replaced by a preposition with a synonym- together, expresses causal or effectual relationships, synonym , differs from a noun with a preposition not only in its continuous spelling, but also in its constant final e; Due to (= due to) bad weather the trip did not take place.- As a consequence the charge was amended. Not to be confused with adverb subsequently , which is never a preposition and always ends in
  • towards And. - together, should be distinguished from a noun with a preposition sort of to the meeting Towards a man was walking towards him. — On this meeting(with the youth) a writer came
  • (= because of, = because of), following — in the last example, a definition can be substituted between the preposition and the noun; in addition, the noun can have a dependent word in the instrumental case. o (about) sort of to the account (= because of, = because of), dispose of;
  • cleaning - put money into the account following friends (preposition) Spelling No. 66 The following derivative prepositions are written together: like similar to: gray bird cleaning - put money into the account(=like) quail. - note like (for what?) these figures.
  • despite - despite - merged with Not , have a concessional meaning, they differ in combinations of gerunds with the negation not, which are written separately: cf.: Despite (regardless) due to fatigue, we climbed to the top of the mountain (We climbed to the top of the mountain, although we were tired). — Despite to no one, she ran out of the room;
  • in the middle (in the middle) - together, expresses spatial relationships, should be distinguished from the combination of a noun with a preposition; compare:
Separate writing of prepositions: during, in continuation, in contrast to, in the form of, throughout, by virtue of, to the extent of, to the extent of, in conclusion, in order to avoid, in change, in execution, in connection with, in the matter.
    See this topic:
  • Cm.

There are many spelling rules in the Russian language. Most of them cause writing difficulties not only for schoolchildren and foreigners who study Russian, but also for adults. One of these rules is the spelling of prepositions. Mainly the problem is finding them correctly. With simple non-derivative prepositions, everything is more or less clear, and most people do not have difficulty finding them. But in the Russian language there is another group of words that, depending on the context, can refer to different parts of speech. These are derived prepositions that come from adverbs, nouns or gerunds. They are so difficult to write that many people have great difficulty encountering them in the text.

Characteristics of derived prepositions

All prepositions in the Russian language are auxiliary parts of speech that do not have their own meaning and morphological characteristics. They serve as a connecting link between words in a sentence and are used to build a grammatically correct and competent construction. Derivative prepositions appeared relatively recently in the Russian language. They originated from significant parts of speech due to the loss of their own morphological characteristics and meaning. Because of this, their spelling often differs from the original words, causing spelling difficulties. They are used quite often in speech, so every literate person should be able to find them and write them correctly.

Features of this part of speech

1. Derivative prepositions can be simple, consisting of one word, for example, “near”, “around”, “thanks to”, “towards” and others. But many of them consist of two words, retaining the form they had as a significant part of speech. Usually this is a combination of a non-derivative preposition with a noun, so merged with it in meaning and grammatically that it is often perceived as one word. For example: “with the help”, “for lack of”, “not counting”, “at the expense”, “to the extent” and others.

2. The spelling of such prepositions needs to be memorized, because most often it is not regulated by any rules. In difficult cases, you need to check a spelling dictionary. The greatest difficulty is in writing the prepositions “during”, “in continuation”, “as a result”, “subsequently”.

3. To determine that a derivative preposition, and not an independent part of speech, is used in a sentence, you need to replace it with another preposition or conjunction. For example, “as a result” - “because of”, “about” - “about”, “towards” - “to”, “like” - “how”.

4. There is a small group of derived prepositions that are difficult to distinguish from the independent parts of speech from which they originated. This causes difficulties in writing them. In this case, you can only understand the meaning in the context. These words are: “about”, “as a result of”, “thanks to”, “despite” and others.

Types of derivative prepositions

All prepositions under consideration are divided into three groups depending on what part of speech they came from.

1. Adverbial prepositions, that is, derived prepositions formed from adverbs, have retained their meaning. Basically they indicate the time and location of an object in space. For example, “near the house”, “after school”, “inside the box” and others.

2. Denominal prepositions are so called because they are formed from a noun. They can denote spatial, temporal, causal or object relations. This is a fairly large group of prepositions, and they are the ones that most often cause spelling difficulties, for example: “in connection”, “to the extent”, “about”, “like”, “on arrival” and others.

3. Verbal prepositions originate from gerunds, which have lost their meaning of additional action. They are closely related to nouns and are usually used with only one case. For example: “thanks to (what?)”, “in spite of (what?)”, “despite (what?)”.

What meanings do they have?

Each derived preposition, when combined with nouns, gives it a specific meaning. Most often they are used with one case, but you can also ask adverbial questions about them. The most common meanings of derived prepositions:

They denote a certain period of time: “during”, “at the end”, “in completion”, “after” and others;

Causal relations are determined by prepositions: “thanks to”, “in spite of”, “due to”, “as a result of”;

They can indicate the location of an object: “near”, “about”, “opposite”, “in front” and others.

How to learn to write prepositions correctly

The spelling of independent words is regulated by spelling rules. Most people learned them during school and have no difficulty spelling. And derived prepositions do not follow any rules. You need to remember how to write them. But in difficult cases, you can check with a spelling dictionary. The difficulty is most often caused by people’s inability to distinguish sentences with prepositions from constructions with independent parts of speech. If you learn to find these words in the text, there will be fewer mistakes. After all, most people still know the basic rules of spelling.

Ways to search for prepositions in text

1. You need to try to replace the word with another preposition. Each derived preposition has a similar one from the category of non-derivatives, for example, “in view of - because of”, “about - about”, “towards - to”, “following - for” and others. Significant parts of speech are replaced only by synonyms: “for an account - for a book”, “for a meeting - for a date”.

2. Ask a question about the word. If there is a preposition in a sentence, then most likely it will be part of the question, and the answer will be a noun: “I live opposite the school - (opposite what?)” or “(where?) - opposite the school.” And the word, as an independent part of speech, itself answers the question: “this house is opposite - (where?) - opposite.”

3. A derivative preposition cannot be removed from a sentence without losing the meaning and destroying the grammatical structure: “to walk in front of the column - to walk (?) the column.” If you remove the significant part of the speech, then although the meaning will be impoverished, the sentence will not lose its integrity: “he walked ahead - he walked.”

4. They can also be distinguished by meaning. For example, “during the day” is a preposition that denotes a period of time, and “during the river” is a noun that denotes the flow of water.

What derivative prepositions are written together

Among the words of this part of speech there are many that have long been used in the Russian language. Some prepositions have so merged with nouns in meaning that almost no one has any difficulty spelling them. For example, “near”, “like”, “in view of”, “instead of”, “like”, “inside” and others. But there are also words that are written together only when they are used as prepositions. And here you need to be able to distinguish them from significant parts of speech. For example, “due to the rain” is a preposition; you can replace it with the word “due to,” and “as a consequence of the case” is a noun: “(in what?) - as a result.” More examples of frequently used prepositions and their difference with homonymous parts of speech: “towards each other” - “to meet friends”, “about repairs” - “to a bank account”. You also need to remember that “not” in prepositions formed from gerunds is written together: “despite his advanced age (despite what?)” is a preposition, but compare: “he walked without (not looking) around” .

Compound derivative prepositions

Spelling of prepositions that consist of two words also causes difficulties. But they are not associated with the separate spelling of these words, but most often with the letter at the end of the preposition. It needs to be remembered, since basically it is completely different from the nouns from which these words come:

The letter “and” is written at the end of the prepositions “after”, “on arrival”, “at the end”, “in connection”, “in accordance”, “in comparison”, “during”;

You need to remember the spelling of prepositions with the letter “e” at the end: “during”, “in continuation”, “in conclusion”, “in contrast”, “in conclusion”, “in commemoration”, “on arrival”, “on arrival” ";

There is also a group of prepositions that cause almost no difficulties: “by virtue”, “to the extent”, “in connection” and some others.

In order for a person’s speech to be literate, it is necessary to use derivative prepositions as much as possible. They enrich the language, allow you to more accurately express your thoughts and use grammatically correct constructions.


Spelling of derived prepositions


– teach how to correctly write derivative prepositions, distinguish derivative prepositions from homonymous forms;

– develop the ability to work with text: highlight new information, establish cause-and-effect relationships, form new ideas based on the data received;

– cultivate communication skills and independence.

Required material: educational text on a separate sheet for each, tests.


1. Updating existing knowledge.


Technique “True and False Statements”

Read out loud only the true statements.

Prove that these statements are correct.

Give examples. Why are the other statements incorrect? Prove with examples. Let's return to these statements a little later.

1. Derivatives are prepositions that consist of two words.

2. All prepositions are always written separately from the words with which they are used.

3. All prepositions are written in one word.

4. The spelling of derivative prepositions must be remembered.

5. In a sentence, a preposition cannot be replaced by another preposition or conjunction.

6. Derived prepositions are homonymous to independent parts of speech.

– Try to formulate the topic of our lesson: what will we talk about?

– What goals can we set for ourselves?

3. Studying new material.


Reception "Insert" A.

When reading the educational text independently (see “Spelling prepositions”), make notes in it:

“V” – I know this information;

“+” is new information for me;

"?" – this information is not clear to me, I have questions.

Spelling prepositions 1. Prepositions are always written separately from the words with which they are used:.

with me, to my sister, to school 2. Compound prepositions because of, from under, over

are written with a hyphen. 3. Derivative prepositions can be written in one word ( instead of, like, as a result of, like, towards, despite, in view of, about, around etc.) or two.

(to the extent, during, in continuation, in conclusion, in contrast)

4. You need to remember the spelling of derivative prepositions and check their spelling in a spelling dictionary.

5. Prepositions can be replaced with other prepositions or conjunctions. For example:

about = about; despite = in spite of;

e; towards = to, to; instead of = for; due to = due to; like = like.

6. Derivative prepositions must be distinguished from similar (homonymous) forms of significant parts of speech with prepositions:(= because of) the drought the river became shallow.

– Many people got involved in the investigation (what?) of the fire case. Let's talk about (=about) the trip

. - Money was deposited into (what?) bank account. A dog ran out towards (= towards) me.

- I didn’t count on (what?) meeting with friends. Despite (= in spite of) the rain, the walk took place.

“He passed without looking at us.” Due to (= because of) the upcoming exam, the walks stopped.

- Sail in sight of the city. Keep in mind.

During lesson. - Along the river..

In continuation lesson, vacation. - In the continuation of the film. due to transmit the time value.

Prepositions as a result, during, in continuation, in conclusion have a letter at the end e.


B. Working with educational text.

– What information from the text did you know?

– Write down those prepositions whose spelling you were familiar with.

– What new did you learn from the text?

– Write down those prepositions whose spelling you did not know.

– What are these prepositions called?

– Compose and write down sentences with derived prepositions that are written in one word.

– How can these prepositions be replaced?

– Compose and write down sentences with derived prepositions that are written in two words.

– What is the meaning of these prepositions?

B. Practicing the skill of writing derivative prepositions.

Writing a dictation

There have been changes in the flow of the river. I stayed with my grandmother for a month. Despite doctors' prohibitions, he continued to train. He answered without looking at the book. The error occurred due to ignorance of the area. A mistake was made in the investigation into Ivanov’s case. Will you help me continue my search? Leaves will fall throughout the week.

Working with tests

I option. Indicate the line number that does not contain a derived preposition.

1. To arrive on time (to) a meeting, we left early.

2. When (to) a meeting An old man came out to the guests, I recognized him immediately.

3. B(continued) During the day, my father recalled his life several times.

4. (B)consequence accident, the elevator did not work for a week.

Option II. Indicate the line number that contains the derived preposition.

1. (At first lesson we read the text.

2. We're going on a hike (together with parents.

3. (Together The fall of a meteorite formed a crater.

4. (During There was a kind of alarming calm in the river.

Peer review.

4. Lesson summary.

– Name the correct statements again.

– What derivative prepositions are written in one word?

– What derivative prepositions are written in two words?

– How to distinguish derivative prepositions from consonant forms of significant parts of speech with prepositions?

5. Multi-level homework.

Level 1 – mandatory minimum – exercise...

Level 2 – create a diagram or cluster on the topic “Spelling of derivative prepositions.”

Level 3 – select or compose a dictation text, which will include the studied derivative prepositions.


Homonymy of derived prepositions and forms of independent parts of speech


– practice the skill of identifying the part of speech of externally similar words;

– develop the ability to correctly write homonymous words of different parts of speech.

Required material: multimedia complex, slide presentation.


1. Start of the lesson.


Technique “Delayed guessing”

(At the same time, we give an individual task: to prepare a report on homoforms based on the specified material.)

– What is the name of an animal that changes its color depending on the external environment?

– Could there be something in common between a chameleon and some linguistic phenomena?

3. Studying new material.

– Read the text, determine whether there are chameleon words in it.

(A slide with highlighted words is presented if students find this task difficult.)

Can rivers age? Despite to the difference of opinions, we are forced to answer: “Yes.” It's a shame that on the list of aging people there is Also and Kuban rivers. - Sail in sight of the city. These are Eya, Chelbas, Kirpili and Ponura. gradual changes have taken place over many centuries during rec. Their valleys are shallow, but lesson, wide great abundance in the old days. Now these rivers are low in water. During In summer and autumn they dry out in places. They can be crossed That's why shallow water despite

under your feet. And so from year to year... What explains this? Let's do a little investigation. Let us remember that the source of food for steppe rivers is precipitation and groundwater. Instead of e; natural protection, such as virgin steppes and riverine forests, we now see plowed areas and cleared areas. this rivers began to silt up. It's hard to get in these days instead of V pristine beauty, as old-timers remember ancient sort of Kuban Cossacks. Because of no error. Rivers grow old and fade away. But they can be rejuvenated! That's why Get sick we are all interested



So, let's go back to the beginning of the lesson. Do you remember the question asked? Were you able to find the chameleon words? Select a name for chameleon words from the proposed linguistic terms:

synonyms, homonyms, antonyms.

So how are chameleons and homonyms similar?

Yes, homonyms change their meaning depending on their belonging to one or another part of speech, just like chameleons change their color depending on their environment.

2. Joint determination of the topic and goals of the lesson.

Formulate the topic of our lesson. What tasks will we set for ourselves? - So, the topic of our lesson is -“Homonymy of words of different parts of speech.”

If we can together determine the part of speech of outwardly similar words, then we will be able to write them correctly.

3. Updating existing knowledge.

Reception "Cluster"

What are homoforms, homographs and homophones?

(We listen to a prepared student.) – Homographs are written the same, homophones are heard the same. The main difficulty for the student is

Homophones. They are spelled differently.)

– Does the spelling of a word depend on its belonging to one or another part of speech?

(According to context.) Let's return to the text.

Exercise. Write out any sentence with chameleon words from the text. Identify them as parts of speech.

Find in the text or come up with a sentence with a homonym for this word and write it down.

– Name sentences in which derived prepositions are used and prove that these are prepositions.

– How are these prepositions written? What prepositions are written separately? Which ones are all together?

So, what needs to be done in order not to make mistakes in writing the mentioned prepositions and combinations homonymous to them? (Define part of speech...)

Working with multi-level cards

1st level. Write the words together or separately. Identify the prepositions.


As a result of rain.

About the hike.

In spite of difficulties.

Changes in the_flow_of the river.

As a result of the Ivanov case.

Deposit money into a bank account.

He walked without looking at his feet.

2nd level. Complete the words, indicate the parts of speech.

There are many whirlpools in the flow of the Kuban River.

Last year there were many sunny days. As a result of the intense heat, the river became shallow. As a result, there was a lot of uncertainty in the accident case.

We were sad at first. Four months have passed since the beginning of the year. (3rd level. Complete the words and label the parts of speech. In parentheses, indicate possible replacements for prepositions, adverbs, nouns and gerunds. Go ahead (before– preposition)


He was driving ahead


– adverb).

He was inside (____) of the trolleybus. It's cold outside, but inside ____) it's warm. The children walked around (____) clearings. Quiet around (____). He was sent to work in_district (____). Despite (____) the bad weather, the tournament took place. He ran despite (____) around.

Warning dictation

Work for two hours - note unexpected changes in the course of the disease; in continuation of the winter season - see in the sequel of the film; to say in conclusion - to be in custody; due to drought - to participate in the investigation of the case; a flower like a lily - pay attention to the similarity of the figures.

Lesson summary

– What are homonyms?

– Why are homophones difficult to spell?

– How to determine the part of speech of externally similar words?

– How are prepositions written?

– What prepositions are written separately, together?

6. Homework.

Let's get into the unusual interpretation of words. Linguists call such an unusual interpretation of words individual-author homonymy. Many jokes are based on it. Our task is to give a humorous interpretation of the proposed word. For example: bad encounters - meetings in the park, lead - pig farm worker absurdity – low quality plasticine, harvest - exchanging handshakes, spruce forest - mouth, poplar - a pedestrian, lady - bar manager swift - hairdresser, classmate – nutritionist, sniffling

- duet.

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Back forward

Attention! Slide previews are for informational purposes only and may not represent all the features of the presentation. If you are interested in this work, please download the full version. 8.

Class: Place of the lesson in the topic

: a lesson in generalizing and systematizing the material studied. Lesson topic

: “Combined and separate writing of derivative prepositions.”

  • Lesson objectives: Educational
  • : repeat and summarize information on the spelling of derivative prepositions. Developmental
  • : develop the ability to write derivative prepositions that have homonymous forms, put forward hypotheses, analyze and compare, summarize the data obtained and draw conclusions; develop students' oral and written speech. Educational

: create conditions for the formation of cognitive interest in the Russian language. Equipment

: computer, projector, Microsoft Power Point presentation.

During the classes Slide 1

. Lesson topic: “Combined and separate writing of derivative prepositions” Slide 2

Know: conditions for combined and separate writing of derivative prepositions.

Be able to: distinguish between derived prepositions and homonymous parts of speech.

Repeat: homonyms, synonyms.

Slide 3.

I. Creating learning motivation:

1. Working with text on the following questions:

  1. What happened to the pretext? Because of in the boys' notebooks?
  2. Explain how the text helps to distinguish a derived preposition from a homonymous form?

Assignment: Help the heroes of this linguistic fairy tale “put everything in its place.”

Slide 4.

2. Updating students’ knowledge

“Questions for backfilling” (to help you):

  1. Were you able to immediately, without preparation, complete the proposed task?
  2. Is teacher consultation required on this topic?
  3. Is working with examples necessary to perform the job more successfully?

Slide 5.

II. Learning new material.

Exercise 1:

1) What is the role of prepositions in these phrases, why are they called non-derivative?

Stand at the table.
Come for someone else.
Refuse due to illness.
Arrange a trip.

Slide 6.

2) Replace non-derivative prepositions with derivative ones, if possible, select synonymous derivative prepositions for them:

Stand at the table
Come for someone else
Refuse due to illness
Arrange a trip

Reference:Synonyms are words that are close in meaning, but have different spellings.

Slide 7. Test yourself:

Stand at the table (y=near=near)
Come for someone else (for=instead)
Refuse due to illness (due to = due to = reason)
Agree on a trip (about = about)
Walked despite the heat (despite = despite)

Slide 8. Conclusion 1: A derivative preposition can be replaced by another, non-derivative or derivative preposition close to it in meaning.

Slide 9.

Task 2: Analyze phrases or sentences in which each of the derived prepositions corresponds to a homonymous part of speech.

Determine what part of speech it is, what part of the sentence it is

Standing near the table means spinning around and around.
To come instead of another - to come to a place that they knew about in advance.
To refuse due to illness – new facts are introduced as a consequence.

Help: Homonyms are words that are identical in spelling but different in meaning..

Slide 10. Test yourself:

stand (near what?) near the table – spin (where?) around – adverb
To come (instead of whom?) instead of another - to come (where?) to a place that they knew about in advance. (c) place – noun.
To refuse (for what?) due to illness - (for what?) new facts have been introduced into the consequence. (c) consequence – noun.

You can distinguish a preposition from a homonymous part of speech using a question: the preposition is part of the question, the independent part of speech answers the question.

Slide 11. Conclusion 2: derived prepositions are homonymous with a noun, adverb, participle; questions that can be used to determine the syntactic role of these words will help to distinguish them.

Slide 12.

3. Teacher consultation: Reference materials!


Derived prepositions and nouns

  • About (=about, about) the excursion
  • (about what?)
  • In one hour.
  • (For what?)
  • Over the course of five days.
  • (Continuing what?)
  • In conclusion, I would like to say.
  • Unlike him.
  • (Unlike who?)
  • But due to an error.
  • (Because of what?)

Slide 13. Confidence tip


  1. We ask a question about a noun.
  2. It has an initial form.
  3. It has an ending

The highlighted words are nouns, not prepositions.

  • (in what?) In the conclusion of the doctors (the conclusion of the doctors)
  • (what?) There's nothing wrong with this difference (it's a difference)
  • (in what?) In the investigation of the case (investigation in the case)
  • (in what? Where?) In the continuation of the book (continuation of the book)
  • (in what?) In the flow of the river (river flow)

Slide 14. References: Distinguish

Despite the failure =
Despite the difficulties
(despite what?, no matter what?)
(Doing what? How?) Despite looking around,
thanks to everyone who helped.
Prepositions are part of the question.
1. You can ask a question for a gerund.
2. We don’t write separately.
Remember -
Thanks to
According to + D.P.
Contrary to
(Thanks to advice, as desired, contrary to expectations)
Near, above, in the middle, towards, like, about, instead - together.
By virtue of, in connection with, for the purpose of, for the reason of, about, at the expense of, in the form of, to the extent of, etc. – separately

Slide 15.

4. Training exercises

1) Didactic game “Find matches”.

Task: connect synonymous constructions with lines.

Slide 16. Test yourself:

Help: Synonyms are words that are close in meaning, but have different spellings.

Slide 17. 2) Game “Proofreader”

Assignment: replace the constructions in brackets with synonymous ones - with derived prepositions.

(For the opening) of the Paris World Exhibition, engineer Alexandre Gustave Eiffel came up with a tower in the form of a grandiose openwork structure. (Although some cultural figures were outraged), he sought to demonstrate the achievements of modern science and technology and adequately represent his country. The Eiffel Tower very quickly turned from an exhibit of the World Exhibition into a unique scientific center, because numerous research instruments and devices were installed on its top. (Because of its unusualness) the tower became one of the most visited places. Thousands of tourists from various countries take with them its models in the form of small souvenirs.

Slide 18. Test yourself:

  • For the opening of the exhibition - in connection with the opening of the exhibition.
  • Although some cultural figures were indignant - despite the indignation of some cultural figures.
  • Because of its unusualness - because of its unusualness.

Slide 19.

III. Let's summarize:

1). Test diagnostics

Test A: In these sentences, the highlighted words are prepositions:

  1. Let's go towards our destiny.
  2. Caught in connection with bandits.
  3. He was walking towards me.
  4. The prosecutor intervened in the investigation.
  5. Due to heavy rains, the crops were not harvested on time.
  6. He looked after those leaving for a long time.
  7. Due to illness, I ask you to extend your vacation period.
  8. Within the big history of the Earth there are small earthly stories.
  9. In the middle of the plain two hills rise.
  10. Thanks to the respectable audience, Chicherin bowed his head

Slide 20 Test B: Lines in which all words are written together

  1. (Not) despite the rumors, (due to) difficulties, (at) the expense of profit.
  2. (B) a trail behind him, (c) a consequence of frost, (in) the middle of the square.
  3. (In) the form of a circle, (c) we note the conclusion, (to) avoid misunderstandings.
  4. (On) the account of the apartment, (in) the inside of the hut, (in) for a month.
  5. (c) the place of oneself, (c) a kind of quarrel, (c) during the year.

Slide 21. Test yourself:

Right answers:

  • Test A: 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
  • Test B: 2.

Slide 22. 2). If you have completed it successfully, you can begin to implement creative task.

Slide 23. Return to the text “What happened to the preposition”, answer the questions:

  1. What happened to the pretext? Because of in the boys' notebooks?
  2. Explain how the text helps distinguish a derived preposition from a homonymous form.

In the morning, as usual, the excuse was to go to work and study my textbook. Before he could fit on the page of Petya Ivanov’s notebook, he felt dizzy and, clinging to neighboring letters, dots, pages, sobbing and begging for mercy, collapsed during various events. A stormy stream carried him from one crib to another, the poor thing was all wet, scratched, but could not catch hold of some literate notebook.
It is not known where the stormy current would have carried it if the vocabulary dictation had not accidentally looked into the notebooks of Petya Ivanov and his desk neighbor Vanya Petrov. He was angry that the boys had not learned the rules, but he also took pity on them: he put everything in its place.

Use conclusions and reference materials.

Slide 24.

3) Creative task: Create a draft visual aid on the topic “Derivative prepositions.”

This could be a diagram, drawing, table, the main condition is to present the educational material in such a way that everything in it is clear to the boys. Present the work as a presentation.

Slide 25. An approximate sample of the work:

Visual aid on the topic “Derivative prepositions”
For whom:
Type of visual aid:
Author of the project: