Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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As society develops, priorities in education also change. Only recently have we begun to introduce active learning methods. And today, many major methodological innovations are associated with the use of interactive teaching methods. Master class for teachers of the philological cycle A. Vasilevskaya and Polyakova T.G.

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The main components of interactive lessons are interactive exercises and tasks that students complete. An important difference between interactive exercises and assignments and ordinary ones is that by completing them, students not only and not so much consolidate the material they have already learned, but rather learn new ones.

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Pedagogical technology is a model of joint pedagogical activity thought out in all details for the design, organization and conduct of the educational process with the unconditional provision of comfortable conditions for students and teachers (V.M. Monakhov)

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Educational technology A set of forms, methods, techniques and means used in any activity. (A.V. Khutorskoy) the bilateral nature of the interconnected (joint) activities of the teacher and students; a set of techniques and methods that are closely related to each other; design, organization, orientation, correction of the educational process; availability of comfortable conditions; management at all stages, levels, groups.

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In pedagogy, there are several models of learning: 1) passive - the student acts as an “object” of learning (listens and watches); 2) active - the student acts as a “subject” of learning (independent work, creative tasks); 3) interactive – interaction. (modeling life situations, using role-playing games, joint problem solving).

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Types of teaching methods Passive Active Interactive Teacher Student Student Student Teacher Student Student Student Teacher Student Student Student

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Interactive learning methods include those that promote involvement in the active process of obtaining and processing knowledge: “Brainstorming” (attack) Mini-lecture Checklist or test Role-playing Game exercises Project development Solving situational problems Inviting a visitor Discussion of a group of experts Interview Dramatization Playing out situations Acting as a teacher Discussion of plot drawings Survey-Quiz (control), etc.

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Interactive teaching methods Group Individual Execution of practical tasks Training Discussion Group discussion Analysis of situations of moral choice Analysis of incidents from practice (case method) Brainstorming Presentation Discussion Debate Gaming Business game Organizational activity game Operational game Role-playing game Didactic game, etc. Training methods Social-psychological training Business communication training Psychotechnical games

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Classification of interactive learning technologies Educational technologies Advantages Limitations 1. Lecture - oral or using modern technical means, presentation, etc. Indispensable when transmitting a relatively large amount of information in a structured form. Lack of feedback 2. Seminar - collective discussion of a specific problem or topic of the discipline curriculum in various forms of enhancing the perception of information through interaction between teacher and student Limitations on duration, number of participants, their preparedness

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Classification of interactive learning technologies Educational technologies Advantages Limitations 2.1. An imitation game is a model of the living environment that determines the behavior of people and the mechanisms of their actions in extreme situations (“Conflict”, “Shipwreck”, “Robinson”, etc.) Allows you to gain adaptation skills to a new environment A teacher who does not have communicative competence does not will teach new experience 2.2. A business game is a model of interaction between students in the process of achieving goals, simulating the solution of complex problems in a specific situation. Allows you to master a system of skills, abilities, behavior patterns and socio-psychological relationships in a real situation. The mechanism of cognitive and mental activity of participants is not always developed, which provokes the teacher to use only his experience and intuition (not always effective)

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Classification of interactive learning technologies Educational technologies Advantages Limitations 2.3. Role-playing is a method of playing roles (dramatization). One’s own experiences are vividly remembered and retained for a long time. The game contains a share of risk and brings results only when the group is ready to get involved in it. It is not always possible to reproduce a real life situation 2.4. Situational analysis (analysis of specific situations, case study, incident, basket method) Provides an opportunity to study complex or emotionally significant issues in a safe environment, and not in real life with its threats, risks, anxiety about unpleasant consequences in case of a wrong decision In a collision With a real-life problem, the student is unlikely to have the same time, knowledge, and safe laboratory conditions available to deal with it.

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Classification of interactive learning technologies Educational technologies Advantages Limitations 2.5. Heuristic technologies for generating ideas: “brainstorming”, synectics, associations (metaphors) Ideas are generated by all participants in the process, intuition and imagination are activated, going beyond standard thinking Inept leadership on the part of the teacher can lead to avoidance of the real problem, loss of time, weak synergistic result, etc. 2.6. Training is the active acquisition and development of knowledge, skills and abilities. Allows you to master practical effective skills in a short period of time. Aimed at mastering only highly specialized skills without mastering general models and methods of work.

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compliance with the logic of the educational process METHODS compliance with the goals and objectives of the education and development of schoolchildren compliance with the didactic goals of the lesson compliance with the content of the lesson topic compliance with the age, intellectual capabilities of students and the level of their training and education, characteristics of the class as a whole compliance with the time frame of training compliance with the professionalism and experience of a particular teacher compliance with the method management of educational activities Criteria for selecting teaching methods To implement these criteria, a serious analysis of the content of educational material is necessary and, on the basis of this, identifying its accessibility for assimilation by schoolchildren

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The use of interactive teaching methods makes it possible to solve the following problems: to create interest in the subject being studied; develop student independence; enrich the social experience of students by experiencing life situations; feel comfortable in class; show your individuality in the educational process

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Algorithm for conducting an interactive lesson. 1.Preparation of the lesson; 2. Introduction; 3. Main part; 4. Conclusions (reflection).

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Option for including interactive teaching methods in the structure of the lesson Beginning of the lesson - stage of challenge (knowledge updating) Hook (parable, game, “hook”) “Brainstorming” (individual, pair, group, frontal) Sinkwine (“oriental verse”) Discussion of home creative work work Clusters

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The semantic part is the presentation of new material (independent acquisition of new knowledge, teaching each other) “Insert” Advanced lecture (during the lecture the text is correlated with primary information: + - knew before; - thought differently) Basic outline Clusters Visual project (drawing up questions based on the text , compiling a retelling of a passage in the first person) Various forms of discussions Game methods Form of group interaction - “big circle”. "Aquarium"

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Reflection - receiving feedback Essay Mini-essay Glossary (compilation of a dictionary) Hokku (haiku) - Japanese 3-verse Humorous story Fairy tale Unfinished sentence

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When assessing the results of interactive learning, the following should be taken into account: group work; self-esteem of a group work participant; freedom of thought; mastering cultural forms of work; communication in educational dialogue; ...

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CASE METHOD The method of specific situations is a method of active problem-situational analysis, based on learning by solving specific problems - situations (solving cases). The purpose of the method: through the joint efforts of a group of students, analyze the situation arising in a specific state of affairs, develop a practical solution; the end of the process is the evaluation of the proposed algorithms and selection of the best one in the context of the problem posed.

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FEATURES OF THE CASE METHOD: Mandatory research stage of the process Collective learning or group work Integration of individual, group and collective learning A specific type of project (research analytical) technology Stimulating student activity to achieve success

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CASE METHOD TECHNOLOGY According to certain rules, a model of a specific situation that occurred in real life is developed, and the complex of knowledge and practical skills that students need to obtain is reflected.

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CLASSIFICATION OF CASES Illustrative educational situations - cases, the purpose of which is to teach students an algorithm for making the right decision in a certain situation using a specific practical example; Cases with problem formation - cases in which the situation in a specific period of time is described, problems are identified and clearly formulated; the goal is to diagnose the situation and make an independent decision on the specified problem; Cases without forming a problem - cases that describe a more complex situation, where the problem is not clearly identified, but is presented in statistical data, the goal is to independently identify the problem, indicate alternative ways to solve it; Applied exercises - a description of a specific life situation, a proposal to find ways out of it; the goal is to find ways to solve the problem.

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CLASSIFICATION OF CASES BY GENRE Basis of classification Types of cases Presence of plot Plot case Plotless case Temporal sequence of material Case in mode from past to present Case - memory with time scrolling back Predictive case Method of presenting material Story Essay Analytical note Journalistic investigation Report Essay Volume Short (mini) Medium Volume

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TYPES OF CASES A case is a single information complex. Typically, a case consists of three parts: supporting information needed to analyze the case; description of a specific situation; assignments for the case. Printed case (may contain graphs, tables, diagrams, illustrations, which makes it more visual). Multimedia case (the most popular recently, but depends on the technical equipment of the school). Video case (may contain a film, audio and video materials. Its disadvantage is the limited possibility of repeated viewing  distortion of information and errors).

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RESULTS POSSIBLE WHEN USING THE CASE STUDY METHOD Educational Educational 1. Assimilation of new information 1. Creation of an original product 2. Mastery of the data collection method 2. Education and achievement of personal goals 3. Mastery of the analysis method 3. Increasing the level of communication skills 4. Ability work with text 4. The emergence of experience in making decisions, acting in a new situation, solving problems 5. Correlating theoretical and practical knowledge

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Active and interactive learning methods PAUTOVA Marina Arkadyevna Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Active learning methods - Innovation in education? New in science? New trend? -What are they? What is this?! How many are there? The founders of the ideas of revitalization Jan Amos Komensky J.-J. Russo I.G. Pestalozzi G. Hegel F. Froebel J. Dewey K. D. Ushinsky ... Thinkers of the ancient world “Correctly carried out teaching must occur according to the mutual desire of teacher and student” PYTHAGORAS “Formation in students of the desire to comprehend the unknown, a sense of duty and responsibility” DEMOCRITES “The surest way to manifest human abilities is in self-knowledge” SOCRATES, "Maieutics" “Education should first of all form an independent personality; the student himself must speak, and not his memory.” Lucius Annaeus Seneca “Comprehensive development and training in organizing the joint study of students, in carrying the spirit of competition” Ibn Sina (Avicena) Michel Montaigne called for teaching students to explore the world around them, so that they would check everything, and not learn on faith or out of respect for authority. Rene Descartes advised making every effort to develop students' ability to judge. “Teaching correctly does not mean hammering into heads a mixture of words, phrases, sayings, opinions collected from authors, but it means revealing the ability to understand things” Jan Amos Comenius (1592-1670) Domestic scientists V. A. Sukhomlinsky (1918-1970) called for special measures and techniques to support students’ desire to be pioneers. B.G. Ananyev, N.A. Berdyaev, L.S. Vygotsky, N.A. Dobrolyubov, A. Leontyev, L. M. Lopatin, A.S. Makarenko, S.L. Rubinstein et al. Problems of higher education

  • development of thinking
  • cognitive activity
  • cognitive interest
  • Maria Mironovna Birshtein - the first developer of the business game (1932) “Gaming Movement”
  • 1938 – ban on business games
  • 1960 – revival of the MAO School


Teaching method (from ancient Greek μέθοδος - way) - the process of interaction between the teacher and students, as a result of which the transfer and assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities provided for by the content of training occurs

  • Teaching method (from ancient Greek μέθοδος - way) - the process of interaction between the teacher and students, as a result of which the transfer and assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities provided for by the content of training occurs
  • Methods of organizing and implementing educational and cognitive activities
  • Methods for monitoring the effectiveness of educational and cognitive activities
  • Stimulation methods educational and cognitive activities
Types of teaching methods Passive



ACTIVE TEACHING METHODS are ways to intensify the educational and cognitive activity of students, which encourage them to active mental and practical activity in the process of mastering the material, when not only the teacher is active, but the students are also active. A.M.Smolkin

  • compliance with the logic of the educational process
  • compliance with the goals and objectives of training and development of students
  • compliance with the didactic goals of the lesson
  • compliance with the content of the lesson topic
  • compliance with the age and intellectual capabilities of students and the level of their training and education, the characteristics of the group as a whole
  • compliance with the training time frame
  • compliance with the professionalism and experience of a particular teacher
  • compliance with the method of managing educational activities

Criteria for selecting teaching methods

To implement these criteria, a serious analysis of the content of the educational material is required and, on the basis of this, identifying its accessibility for assimilation by students

The use of interactive teaching methods allows us to solve the following problems:
  • develop interest in the subject being studied;
  • develop student independence;
  • enrich the social experience of students by experiencing life situations;
  • feel comfortable in class;
  • show your individuality in the educational process
Risks of unreasonable use of interactive methods
  • Lack of understanding of what interactivity is.
  • Theoretical lack of preparation when working with certain interactive methods.
  • Unsystematic use of interactive methods.
  • Lack of a clear idea of ​​the effectiveness of using methods (“method for the sake of the result, not the method”).
  • Excessive enthusiasm by teachers for interactive methods (this is a tool, not entertainment for students).
Over 140 active learning methods Non-imitation
  • problem lecture, lecture together, lecture with pre-planned errors, lecture press conference;
  • heuristic conversation;
  • educational discussion;
  • independent work with literature;
  • seminars;
  • discussions
  • Gaming:
  • business game;
  • pedagogical situations;
  • pedagogical tasks;
  • situation of staging various activities
  • Non-game: collective mental activity;
  • TRIZ work, etc.
Interactive teaching methods



  • Performing practical tasks
  • Training


  • Group discussion
  • Analysis of moral choice situations
  • Analysis of incidents from practice (case method)
  • "Brainstorm"
  • Presentation
  • Discussion
  • Debate
  • Business game
  • Organizational activity game
  • Operation game
  • Role-playing game
  • Didactic game, etc.

Training methods

  • Social-psychological training
  • Business communication training
  • Psychotechnical games
Leading signs of interactive interaction
  • Polyphony - the opportunity for each participant in the pedagogical process to have and express their point of view on any issue under consideration
  • Dialogue
  • Thought activity – organization of independent cognitive activity of students
  • Meaning-making is the process of conscious creation by students and teachers of new meanings for themselves on the problem being studied.
  • freedom of choice
  • Creating a Success Situation
  • Reflection
Option to include interactive teaching methods in the lesson structure

Start of class– challenge stage (knowledge updating)

Hook (parable, game, “hook”)

“Brainstorming” (individual, pair, group, frontal)

Cinquain ("oriental verse")

Discussion of creative homework


Semantic part– presentation of new material (independent acquisition of new knowledge, teaching each other)


Advanced lecture (during the lecture the text is correlated with primary information: + - knew before; - thought differently)

Supporting notes


Visual project (drawing up questions based on the text, composing a retelling of a passage in the first person)

Various forms of discussions

Game methods

The form of group interaction is a “big circle”.


Reflection– receiving feedback

Mini essay

Glossary (compilation of a dictionary)

Haiku (haiku) - Japanese 3-verse

Humorous story

Unfinished sentence

When assessing the results of interactive learning, the following should be taken into account:

  • group work;
  • self-esteem of a group work participant;
  • freedom of thought;
  • mastering cultural forms of work;
  • communication in educational dialogue;

The method of specific situations is a method of active problem-situational analysis, based on learning by solving specific problems - situations (solving cases).

The purpose of the method: through the joint efforts of a group of students, analyze the situation arising in a specific state of affairs, develop a practical solution; the end of the process is the evaluation of the proposed algorithms and selection of the best one in the context of the problem posed.


  • Mandatory research stage of the process
  • Collaborative learning or group work
  • Integration of individual, group and collaborative learning
  • A specific type of design (research analytical) technology
  • Stimulating student activity to achieve success
CASE METHOD TECHNOLOGY According to certain rules, a model of a specific situation that occurred in real life is developed, and the complex of knowledge and practical skills that students need to obtain is reflected. CLASSIFICATION OF CASES

Illustrative educational situations - using a specific practical example, teach students the algorithm for making the right decision in a certain situation;

Cases with the formation of a problem - the situation in a specific period of time is described, problems are identified and formulated; the goal is to diagnose the situation and make an independent decision on the specified problem;

Cases without forming a problem - a more complex situation is described, where the problem is presented in statistical data, assessments of public opinion, government agencies, etc.; the goal is to independently identify the problem, indicate alternative ways to solve it with an analysis of available resources;

Applied exercises - a description of a specific life situation, a proposal to find ways out of it; the goal is to find ways to solve the problem.


  • - a poem consisting of 5 lines according to certain rules.
  • Line 1 – Noun (topic name) Line 2 – Two adjectives (topic definition) Line 3 – Three verbs showing actions within the topic. Line 4 – a phrase of 4 words expressing the author’s attitude to the topic. Line 5 – conclusion, completion of the topic expressed by any part of speech For example: on the topic “Constitution of the Russian Federation”: The Fifth Constitution of the Russian Federation, democratic, establishes, guarantees, obliges. It would be nice if everyone followed the Basic Law of the state.
INSERT - the active reading method makes it possible to maintain interest in the topic and text of the textbook. Text markings “v”, “+”, “-”, “?” "Aquarium" is a role-playing game in which 2-3 people take part, and the rest act as observers, which allows some to “live” the situation, while others analyze the situation from the outside and “empathize” with it. Advantages of the method:
  • Effective when it is necessary to demonstrate a skill, ability, emotion, state when there is a shortage of time.
  • Students can act as experts and analysts.
  • Stimulates participants for practical work.
Zarukina E.V.
  • Zarukina E.V.
  • Active teaching methods: recommendations for development and application: educational method. allowance / E. V. Zarukina, N. A. Loginova, M. M. Novik. St. Petersburg: SPbGIEU, 2010. – 59 p.
  • E.A. Genike "Active teaching methods: a new approach" online store "Educational Quarter"
  • Mikhailova E.A. Case and case method: the process of writing a case.
  • Smolkin A.M. Active learning methods. M., 1991.
Non-traditional lectures Problem lectures Problem situation. Problematic and informational questions “push” students to find the right solution to the problem. The student is in a socially active position. Lecture with planned errors (lecture-provocation).
  • The teacher informs that a certain number of errors of various types (5-7) will be made in the lecture.
  • The teacher must have a list of these errors on paper, which he is obliged to present at the end of the lecture at the request of the students. At the end of the lecture, listeners must name the mistakes, together with the teacher or independently give the correct versions of solutions to the problems. The ability of students to quickly analyze information, navigate it and evaluate it.
Lecture for two
  • This is the work of two teachers on a specific topic and interacting both with each other and with the audience.
  • There may be a “conflict” between theory and practice. Listeners get a visual understanding of how to conduct a dialogue, as well as the opportunity to participate directly in it
Lecture “press conference”
  • The teacher asks students to ask him in writing within 2-3 minutes a question that interests each of them on the announced topic of the lecture.
  • Next, the teacher, within 3-5 minutes, systematizes these questions according to their content and begins to give a lecture.
  • The lecture structure can be of two types:
  • 1. A complete, coherent statement of the problem.
  • 2. Briefing - short answers to questions from listeners
Use active learning methods (AML)!

Presentation for a geography lesson Author: geography teacher GBOU Secondary School No. 733 in Moscow Kisina Valentina Sergeevna get acquainted with the features of the intangible sphere on the territory of foreign European countries; What industries form the intangible sphere? Answer: transport and communications consumer services trade and catering housing and communal services science What sectors form the intangible sphere? Answer: education physical education culture and arts social security health care public administration Which sectors form the intangible sphere? Answer: financial and credit sphere, tourism Let's consider among the branches of the intangible sphere of Foreign Europe science and education, tourism, finance. Remember and name: what is called a scientific research park or technology park (textbook page 114)? Answer. A technology park is an agglomeration of knowledge-intensive companies, grouped around a large university, institute, and laboratory. what is the main task of the technology park (textbook page 114)? Answer. Reducing the time it takes to introduce scientific ideas into practice according to the “science – entrepreneurship” principle. what is called a technopolis (textbook page 114)? Answer. Technopolis is a specially built integrated research and production town, a satellite of an industrial and scientific center, engaged in the development of innovative technologies, the development of high-tech industries and the training of scientific personnel. In Foreign Europe, many research parks and technopolises have emerged, which already largely determine the geography of science in a number of countries. The largest of them are located in the vicinity of Munich (Germany) Cambridge (Great Britain) In the south of France, in the Nice area, the so-called “High Technology Road” was formed. Number of the world's largest banks. Switzerland; 60 in the rest of the world; 140 Switzerland has already become the standard of the banking country; its bank safes contain half of all securities in the world. The “economic capital” of the country, Zurich, especially stands out. Recently, Luxenburg has also turned into a country of bankers. But still, London was and remains the largest financial center. Open the textbooks on page 161, Figure 44. What is shown in this pie chart? Answer. Distribution of international tourism by main regions. Which region of the world ranks first in terms of international tourism development? Answer. Foreign Europe. Foreign Europe has been and remains the main region of international tourism. Italian Riviera Using fig. 44 answer, at what percentage of 100% of the development of international tourism around the world is the level of tourism development in the countries of Foreign Europe estimated? Answer. 54%. What explains such a high level of tourism development? Answer. Reasons for the high level of tourism development in the countries of Foreign Europe: 1. The region has favorable natural and recreational conditions. These include a favorable climate, rugged coastline, dense river network, mosaic landscapes, and a diverse combination of landscapes. 2. Rich history, high level of development of culture, education, mosaic of national and religious composition. 3. WE countries have a high socio-economic level of development, growing incomes, high urbanization, and the presence of infrastructure. 4. The situation in the region is quite peaceful. What are the three countries for overseas international tourism? Answer. Europe Italy ranks France Spain among the leaders Find in the text of the textbook on page 196 and name the most popular countries in attracting tourists. Great Britain Switzerland Austria Germany Czech Republic Greece Hungary Portugal Find in the text of the textbook on page 196 microstates in which serving tourists has long been the main source of income. Andorra San Marino Monaco Practical work “Main centers of Foreign Europe” Reinforcing the material What new did you learn in class today? Homework Prepare for independent work on the topic “Foreign Europe. Topic 6, § 1, notes from the notebook. Geography. Economic and social geography of the world 10th grade. : textbook for general education institutions / V.P. Maksakovsky. – M.: Education, 2009. Illustrations – Yandex. RU

FOREIGN EUROPE Area – 5 million km 2 Population – 500 million people Approx. 40 countries Factors of economic development of European countries Favorable geographical location - neighboring countries, many countries have access to the sea Supply of labor, qualified personnel, influx of immigrants Favorable natural conditions (compact territory, climate, convenient coastline High level of transport support Economic integration processes – EU and EFTA

CHARACTERISTICS OF EUROPEAN COUNTRIES By territory: Large (France, Spain, Sweden, Norway, Germany, Finland, Poland, Italy) Medium and small Dwarf (Andorra, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Vatican, San Marino, Malta) By population: More than 50 million. – Germany (82), France (65), Great Britain (62), Italy (60) More than 20 million – Spain (46), Poland (38), Romania (21) million people. Less than 10 million people Monarchies (12) - Andorra, Belgium, Vatican, Denmark, Great Britain, Spain, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Monaco, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden Federations (5) - Austria, Belgium, Bosnia, Germany, Switzerland Subregions Northern Europe – Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland, Finland Western Europe – Great Britain, Ireland, France, Germany, Benelux, Switzerland, Austria Southern Europe – Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece CEE – Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Yugoslav republics, Baltic states

GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE ECONOMY OF FOREIGN EUROPE Natural resource potential Economy In general, Europe is poor in mineral resources Coal - Germany Poland, Great Britain, Czech Republic Oil - Norway, Great Britain Gas - Norway, the Netherlands, Great Britain Iron ore - France, Sweden Uranium - France Recreational and fishery resources Development territories Economic unity First place in the world in industrial and agricultural production, trade, tourism The European economy is determined by the “four countries” World financial centers - London, Zurich, Paris, Frankfurt

GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF GERMANY By territory - 61st in the world, 3rd in Europe, population - 82 million people, 15th in the world, high population density Germany is a state with a federal structure; 16 states, three of them are cities (Berlin, Bremen and Hamburg) Germany does not have large reserves of mineral resources, except for coal (Ruhr Basin) Large areas of the country are used for agricultural activities. But only 2-3% of the working population is employed in agriculture. The country is home to 7.3 million foreigners, incl. 1.9 million are Turks, 1 million are people from the former Yugoslavia, 0.6 million are Italians, more than 0.3 million people. – Greeks, ok. 0.3 million people – citizens of the Russian Federation

CHARACTERISTICS OF THE GERMAN ECONOMY High level of agricultural development (mechanization, chemicalization, productivity) The most powerful economy in Europe (5th in the world) Export-oriented economy (3rd place in exports) Highly developed industry: mechanical engineering, electronics, chemical industry Pros Cons Large capacity market Expensive labor force Highly qualified workers Bureaucratic economy Developed industry and infrastructure Regulated labor market Central position in Europe Wary attitude towards foreign investors The country is attractive for foreign investment

GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF FRANCE IN THE 70s XIX century The republican system was finally established. Since 1958 - the regime of the Fifth Republic with broad powers of the president and strong executive power. Population - 65 million people. Administrative-territorial division: 26 regions (22 in the metropolis and 4 overseas), including 100 departments (96 in the metropolis and 4 overseas) The largest state in Western Europe by area Rich history and culture of the country France is the founder of the process of European integration

FEATURES OF THE FRENCH ECONOMY Presence of a large public sector, elements of planning - “dirigisme” Developed transport system High share of nuclear energy in the energy balance (75%) The country is not rich in natural resources, the mining industry is experiencing a certain crisis In the service sector, tourism and financial services stand out All-round support and stimulation of small businesses, the share of small and medium-sized businesses accounts for 50% of GDP In terms of volume, the output of agricultural products ranks first in Europe, a third of agricultural products go to the foreign market Leading industries: aerospace, automotive industry, nuclear and chemical industries, pharmaceuticals and perfumery

CLUSTERS IN FRANCE 2005 - program of state support for the development of 66 clusters Annually 1 billion dollars are allocated from the budget. National innovation and research agencies South-West (Toulouse, Bordeaux) were created Assembly of Airbus aircraft, production of military aircraft of the EADS Nord-Pas-deux concern -Calais (Amiens, Lille) Mechanical engineering for railway transport, creation of a high-speed railway network TGV "Medical Region" (Paris) Pasteur Institute, biotechnological laboratories of the Atomic Energy Center (molecular and cellular medicine) "Biopolus" (Lyon) Infectious diseases and medical diagnostics Clustering conditions General development strategy Partnership of various market participants Concentration of necessary technologies

FRANCE IN THE WORLD ECONOMY France ranks 6th in the world in exports Weaknesses: high taxes, social security costs and wages Loss of leading position in traditional industries - metallurgy, metalworking and textiles Negative balance of foreign trade Trading partners: EU, USA, China, Japan, African countries Paris is one of the leading financial centers in the world The bulk of French FDI is concentrated in the UK, the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Italy and Spain), Switzerland and the USA

GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Place Name Population Administrative division 1 England 52 million Counties of England (London) 2 Scotland 5 million Regions of Scotland (Edinburgh) 3 Wales 3 million Regions of Wales (Cardiff) 4 Northern Ireland 2 million Counties Northern. Ireland (Belfast) Great Britain parliamentary monarchy headed by the Queen (Elizabeth II) Population - 62 million people. Unitary state. Consists of 4 administrative and political parts (historical provinces) Parliament arose in the 13th century, developed civil society

FEATURES OF THE UK ECONOMY Limited natural resources, the most important minerals - oil, gas, coal, iron ore GDP structure: services - 74%, industry - 19%, construction - 6%, agriculture - 1% High-intensity agriculture, basis - livestock farming. Presence of large farms Economic policy pays attention to price stability and strengthening public finances Presence of significant differences between individual industrial areas: “development areas” - territories where the location of economic facilities is stimulated by the state. Depressive areas include: Scotland, Wales, North and North-West

FEATURES OF THE MACROECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MODEL OF GREAT BRITAIN The country does not develop on the basis of the principles of a social market economy, as in Germany or France, but uses a neoliberal, Anglo-Saxon development model. The economic model is close to the USA, the foundations were in 1979. Thatcherism is the economic policy pursued by Prime Minister M .Thatcher in the years. - deregulation of the private sector of the economy - privatization of commercial organizations controlled by the state - monetarism - transition from direct to indirect taxation - selective support for areas where the market is ineffective - redistribution of income in favor of the “creators of public wealth”

GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF ITALY By 1860, the territory of Italy was united around the Sardinian (Italian) kingdom, and in 1870 Rome was annexed to it. Population - 60 million people. Italy is divided into 20 regions (of which 5 have a special status), including 110 provinces. The country has climatic conditions favorable for agricultural development. The country’s rich history and culture has developed tourism.

FEATURES OF THE ITALIAN ECONOMY Large public sector for developed countries, high share of state-owned enterprises in the total number of companies Extremely inefficient, bloated, corrupt public sector Italy has historically been characterized by high levels of unemployment and inflation Large and chronic budget deficits and high levels of public debt. Italy's national debt exceeds 110% of GDP. There are a large number of small, low-income farms in agriculture. Crop production is the leading agricultural sector (wheat) High level of development of small and medium-sized businesses (70% of jobs are in enterprises with up to 50 people) The problem of differentiation of economic development: the industrial North and the agricultural South. Originated in the 19th century. High degree of concentration of capital among family groups (financial holdings of Agnelli, Pirelli, Pesenti, Tanzi)