A license to purchase shotguns is a document that allows its holder to freely purchase firearms of a certain type, as well as store and use them in practice. Let us now consider in more detail some of the features of obtaining it, as well as where and with what package of documents you should apply in order to become its owner.

What is a smoothbore weapon

Before you figure out how to get a license for a smooth-bore weapon, you should clearly define what items are included in this category.

The official directory states that this group of weapons includes all those types that have smooth barrels. The most common of these types are shotguns.

It should be noted that the first historical types of weapons were exclusively smooth-bore. Today it is used mainly in hunting, and also as a service weapon.

The diameter of the muzzle of a smoothbore shotgun or pistol can be either uniform or slightly modified in different areas. For the use of some guns, special attachments are provided: choke tubes, chokes and cylinders.

Modern smoothbore weapons are divided into several classes, depending on various indicators. If we consider their types depending on the number of trunks, then we can find single- or double-barrel ones, as well as those combined with a rifled type of barrel. Modern guns may or may not have a magazine in their design. Depending on this indicator, smooth-bore guns can be divided into box-type and tubular under-barrel. Moreover, in practice it is possible to divide weapons depending on what type of reload is provided for it.

Smoothbore weapons have different calibers: from 4 to 32.

About the license

A license to purchase smooth-bore weapons is a document that is issued in a special permitting department individually for the person who applied to receive it. It should be noted that storing and carrying a firearm of this type requires additional permission, which can only be obtained on the basis of an existing license. Using a weapon without the listed documents obtained legally is considered an illegal act, as a result of which the guilty person will be held administratively liable.

General rules for purchasing smoothbore weapons

It should be noted that the regulations, the action of which is aimed at regulating relations in the field of acquisition, use and storage of weapons of the type in question, present certain features associated with the process of purchasing it, as well as obtaining a license for this action.

Thus, the legislator notes that having one license for the purchase of hunting smooth-bore weapons allows you to buy only one unit. Moreover, in total, a person can receive no more than five such licenses. If we are talking about firearms that have the nature of limited destruction, then it is allowed to purchase them in quantities of no more than two pieces. However, if you plan to obtain a license to purchase a hunting smoothbore weapon for the purpose of collecting it, the legislator allows the issuance of an unlimited number of permits of the type in question.

All weapons that were purchased even on the basis of a legally issued license must be registered with a specialized licensing department, which is located at each department of internal affairs.

The legislator establishes another restriction related to the procedure for obtaining a license to purchase smooth-bore weapons. Thus, it provides for the possibility of purchasing only a classic hunting rifle in the event that a person becomes the holder of a weapons license for the first time.

Who is eligible to obtain a license

The legislator establishes certain rules regarding obtaining a license for smooth-bore hunting weapons. They indicate that only persons who have reached the age of majority (18 years) have this right. In some justified cases, the legislator allows reducing the established age to 16 years. The issuance of a license in this case can be made on the basis of a decision made by the legislative authority of a particular subject.

A person who plans to become the holder of a license to purchase a hunting smoothbore weapon must clearly justify his goal that guides his actions. This item can be purchased for self-defense, hunting (if you have a hunting license of the established form), for sports, as well as for training purposes in educational organizations of a paramilitary nature. In addition to all this, the applicant can indicate other goals, however, none of them should contradict the norms established by law.

Where to go

How to obtain a license to purchase smooth-bore weapons? Where should you go for this purpose?

The legislator establishes the only body in the structure of the state system of executive services, by applying to which one can obtain a license legally. It is called the licensing and permitting department and operates at each territorial department of internal affairs bodies. If you wish, you can also submit an application of the established form through the State Services website. However, the second option does not eliminate the need to appear in person at the LRO at the Department of Internal Affairs (licensing and permitting department under the internal affairs bodies).

It should be noted that all other methods of obtaining a license to purchase smooth-bore weapons are illegal and should not be resorted to, since illegal acts will certainly entail criminal or administrative liability.

Despite all the information presented above, it should be noted that the use of advisory services in resolving the issue under consideration is not prohibited by law. Thus, a person who wants to obtain a license to purchase smooth-bore weapons can contact a legal specialist who is experienced in this matter. Practice shows that many lawyers can provide all possible assistance in collecting all the documentation, filling out an application in the prescribed form, as well as applying to specialized authorities. However, even when using this method, the applicant will still have to appear in person at the LRO.

Consulting services can also be provided by specialists working in the field of gun sales, as well as those who provide shooting training. Moreover, you can consult with them about which weapon is worth purchasing, based on the purpose of its use, as well as some other wishes of the potential buyer.


How to get a license for a shotgun? To do this, you should prepare a certain package of documents in advance and send it to the LRO or send an application on the State Services website. Let us next consider what documents are required for a license to purchase a smooth-bore weapon.

First of all, the applicant needs to decide on the brand of weapon that he wishes to purchase. This will be required in order to write the correct statement, in the text of which it should be indicated. To do this, you can visit a gun store in advance and consult on all your questions. Practice shows that in the “Weapon Brand” section it is enough to indicate only that you plan to purchase civilian smooth-bore weapons.

In addition to the application, a number of additional documents should be attached to the general package. These include various certificates issued by medical institutions. Their content must confirm that the person does not have any diseases provided by law as those that are not combined with the practical use of weapons of the type in question.

Before applying for a license to purchase a weapon of the type in question, a person must undergo specialized training in its use, storage, and carrying. A certificate issued as a result of this must also be attached to the general package of papers.

Among other things, the documents required to obtain a license for a smooth-bore weapon must include a pair of 3x4 photographs, a pre-issued hunting license, as well as a receipt indicating payment of the state fee established by law.

As for a hunting license, it can be issued on the State Services portal or through a personal visit to the authorities involved in nature conservation in a particular region. To receive it, you must also provide a package of documents, which include two photographs (3x4 cm), a passport with a photocopy of it, as well as a corresponding application.

Completion of training

Before heading to the LRO to submit a package of documents, you should first undergo specialized training in the correct operation of the type of weapon in question. This activity is carried out exclusively by specialized shooting centers, which have the right to issue certificates of successful completion of the course, indicating the grade for passing the theory and practice exam.

You need to know that the training procedure takes place over 2 weeks. It includes studying theory and undergoing practice. Classes are conducted on a paid basis, and the cost of such a course is about 4-6 thousand rubles, depending on the region of the country.

It should be noted that the grade given by the instructor or examiner in the certificate indicating completion of the course is not final, since at the LRO the applicant will also have to pass a short exam on knowledge of shooting rules and the main features of operating a smooth-bore weapon.

Medical documents

In order to obtain a license for a smooth-bore hunting weapon, the applicant must provide certain documents indicating the applicant’s health, including mental health.

Practice shows that for this purpose, examinations are carried out with further reflection of the results and data obtained in a medical report. It should be noted that the legislator has identified specialists in the field of medicine, whose visits are a mandatory procedure. These include: therapist, ophthalmologist, narcologist and psychiatrist. Moreover, it should be noted that a consultation with a narcologist and a psychiatrist is a primary task, since without their conclusion, the ophthalmologist and therapist do not have the right to reflect on their observations.

If the documents do not include a medical report, you should provide certificates from an ophthalmologist and a therapist separately, as well as separately attach certificates issued by a narcologist and a psychiatrist.

Obtaining a license through the State Services portal

A license to purchase smooth-bore weapons can be obtained through the official website of the State Services portal, which is often used by citizens of the Russian Federation to prepare documents. It should be noted that this method of obtaining a document saves the applicant from long queues typical of government organizations. Despite the fact that initially the applicant must submit all documents electronically, he must have the original papers with him, since all of them will certainly be requested by the official at the time of his personal visit to the licensing and permitting department.

In order to use the State Services website, you must first register on it using your personal passport data. It is for this reason that only those persons who are citizens of the Russian Federation can use this electronic system.

An application for a license should be submitted only from your personal account, in the section “Obtaining a license to purchase smooth-bore weapons.” In 2018, this service is paid, and the cost of its provision is 2,000 rubles. Next, you must strictly follow the instructions presented on the site. It involves attaching high-quality digital copies of all documents required to obtain a license, as well as an application previously completed electronically. Moreover, the applicant must indicate his email address, to which he will subsequently receive a notification about the progress of the application and an invitation to visit the LRO at his place of residence. At the specified time, the person must appear at a certain place and, having provided the originals of all documents, as well as successfully passing an exam on knowledge of the rules for using weapons, receive a license.

When submitting a request for a license, the applicant must be prepared for the fact that his documents will be reviewed for a long time - about 30 days.

Do you need a safe?

In order to obtain a license to purchase smooth-bore and long-barreled weapons, the applicant must convince internal affairs officers that it has the ability to ensure the safety of the purchased item. In accordance with the requirements presented by law, shotguns must be stored in a safe that is ideally suited for this purpose. What are the requirements for it? Let's look at this next.

When choosing a suitable metal box, you should pay attention to the thickness of its metal - it should be at least 2 mm. Moreover, it must be securely closed, with at least two locks. The ideal option for storing weapons is a safe that has both coded and standard locks, which can be opened using a key. A burglar-resistant and fireproof safe would be an ideal option.

The weight of the product must be at least 100 kg, and it must be fastened to the floor surface using auxiliary elements.

The design of the safe must have a separate place designed for storing cartridges and other accessories necessary for shooting. The thickness of its walls should not be less than 3 mm.

It should be noted that law enforcement officers also pay attention to the room in which the safe is installed. The metal box should be as inconspicuous as possible in its conditions, and there should be an alarm at the entrance to the room.

The extent to which the purchased safe complies with the requirements established by law will be determined by an employee of the licensing and permitting department during frequent visits. During the inspection of the weapon storage place, he must draw up a corresponding report, which is subsequently attached to the rest of the materials.

It should be noted that internal authorities must periodically conduct inspections of those places where civilian weapons are stored. That is why the owner of a smooth-bore weapon must ensure its proper safety on an ongoing basis, since, otherwise, the person may be deprived of the permit previously issued to him.

Deadlines for issuing a license to purchase smooth-bore weapons

The legislation establishes certain deadlines during which the license required for the acquisition of weapons of the type in question can be issued. Thus, based on the established rules, the internal affairs bodies have only 30 calendar days, however, practice shows that the review is carried out within 5-10 working days. During this period, a detailed review of documents takes place, and a decision is made regarding the issuance of a license or refusal to grant it.

What to do if a license is refused? In this situation, everything directly depends on the reason for the refusal. If it consists, for example, of having a criminal record or a certain disease that prevents the use of weapons, then in this case it will be impossible to obtain a license. If the main reason is an insufficient number of documents, the applicant has the right to provide the missing components and re-submit the application and re-pay the state fee.

How long is a license to purchase smooth-bore weapons valid?

It should be noted that the type of license in question is not issued on a permanent basis - it is valid only for a certain time. After the expiration of the period established by law, its extension is mandatory.

The validity period of a license to purchase smooth-bore weapons is six months. During this period, a person is required to purchase a smooth-bore weapon. As soon as this happens, you should immediately contact the LRO to obtain permission to use it. As for this permit, it is issued for five years, after which it is necessary to extend the permissible period of operation. This can be done by contacting the LRO and providing a minimum package of documents: a passport with a photocopy of it, an expired permit, as well as an application with the relevant content. Documents to renew a license for a shotgun should be submitted 3 months before its expiration. If a person does not perform these actions on time, he may be subject to administrative liability, expressed in the imposition of a fine. Thus, for delaying the established deadline for a short period (three weeks), the owner of the weapon must pay a fine of 1,000 to 1,500 rubles, and for a longer period - 3,000.

Who can't get a license

The legislator establishes a certain list of persons who do not have the right to obtain a license to purchase smooth-bore weapons. It should be noted that this group includes, first of all, those persons who have not reached the age of majority or do not have special permission to purchase the type of weapon in question, being at an earlier age.

The issuance of this document is prohibited for those persons who have not provided any documents from the list of required ones. This is especially true for a medical report, the content of which reflects all the data related to mental health, as well as the absence in his body of those substances that can disrupt his normal consciousness and change his adequate perception of the world and the situation.

Those persons who have a valid criminal record for a crime that was committed intentionally or has particularly grave consequences cannot obtain a license to purchase smooth-bore weapons. A ban on issuing this type of license is also established in relation to those persons who have a criminal record for a crime related to the use of firearms. Such a permit cannot be issued to persons who are currently serving a sentence in prison.

The state establishes a categorical ban on issuing a license to purchase smooth-bore and long-barreled weapons in relation to persons who have been brought to administrative responsibility more than once a year. It should be noted that such liability must be provided for the commission of an act that violates public order and security.

The group of persons for whom the issuance of a license is prohibited includes those who do not have a permanent place of residence, as well as mentally ill people registered in psychological or drug addiction dispensaries. A ban on issuing a license is also established for those persons in respect of whom a court order has been issued prohibiting the acquisition of weapons of any type.

In some cases, persons who are denied a license consider it illegal. In such a situation, it is possible to appeal it in court, in the first instance. When visiting the court, you must provide not only a statement of claim, but also a refusal letter issued by the licensing and permitting department indicating the reason. In some cases, internal affairs officers refuse to provide such a letter - in this case, the applicant should contact the prosecutor's office.

In addition to all of the above, all documents that confirm the right to obtain a license must be provided to the judicial authorities. This could be, for example, a certificate of expungement of a criminal record, if the refusal was motivated by precisely this circumstance.

Obtaining a license if you have other weapons

It often happens that a desire to obtain a license for a smooth-bore weapon is expressed by a person who already has similar items in use. In this case, the legislator provides a simplified system for obtaining a permit. To obtain a license in this case, you will also need to contact the licensing and permitting department and provide a document confirming your lack of criminal record. Moreover, it is necessary to pay the state fee in the prescribed amount.

If there are two permits that have different validity periods, their holder can re-register into one document, following a single procedure. If desired, you can renew documents separately.

Conditions for issuing a permit for the purchase of smooth-bore weapons

Russians can buy smooth-bore weapons for self-defense, shooting sports, hunting and collecting. Applicants must pay a state fee of 2,000 rubles (and if we are talking about extending the permit, then 500 rubles). To re-issue a license allowing you to buy, carry, store any weapon, you must pay 250 rubles.

Smoothbore weapons are sold only to adult Russians who do not use drugs or alcohol and have received a certificate of no contraindications for health. The police will not approve the issuance of permits to convicted Russians who have committed a serious crime and used firearms to do so. It is impossible to obtain a license if administrative offenses related to the use, sale, or cultivation of drugs are committed twice in a year. The permit is not issued to citizens who do not have a place of permanent residence.

How to get a license for a shotgun

Russians have the right to buy smooth-bore weapons for hunting, sport or self-defense. If it is purchased for hunting, then you first need to obtain a ticket, for which a package of documents is prepared:

  • Copy of the passport;
  • Photos;
  • Statement.

You can submit an application on the mos.ru website and arrive to pick up your ticket 5 days later, excluding weekends and holidays. The issued ticket will be valid indefinitely.

To obtain permission for training and competitions in shooting sports, you must confirm the fact of belonging to the sports section by providing a package including:

  • Sports passport - it can be replaced by an order approved by the head of the sports society or educational institution where the sports section is open;
  • Petition from the OSF, which received accreditation under the laws of the Russian Federation.

Russians wishing to buy smooth-bore weapons for self-defense do not need to present additional evidence. However, unlike athletes and hunters, they receive the right only to store long-barreled and short-barreled models. They are strictly prohibited from carrying guns, carbines, and pistols. They are allowed to store smooth-bore weapons at home and use them exclusively to protect their home.

Attention! Russians who have received a weapon permit for self-defense will not be able to subsequently buy rifled guns.

Procedure for obtaining permission

You must first obtain a certificate 002-О/у, which will confirm that the applicant has no medical contraindications regarding visual acuity and mental disorders. Additionally, they receive a conclusion 003-О/у, confirming the fact that the applicant does not use psychoactive substances.

Then they undergo training to master a course on safe loading of cartridges and handling smooth-bore weapons. The exception is cases when the applicant is related to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the Ministry of Justice. The list of organizations entitled to provide training was approved by government decree No. 731 of 2001:

  • Educational institutions that teach FC and S programs, in which there are disciplines directly related to the rules for the use of weapons;
  • Sports and physical education organizations, which include sports clubs, Federations, educational institutions that provide training according to relevant programs.

After receiving the certificates, they are taken to the OLRR and await a decision from the permitting department. Lawyers of the MIP group will help in obtaining a license and resolving conflicts and controversial situations that arise during registration.

Many citizens want to purchase firearms for personal use.

In order to purchase a weapon for hunting, self-defense or other purposes, you must obtain a special permit. Where you can purchase such a specific product, how to obtain a license and what documents are needed for a weapons permit, we will tell you in this article.

How to get a weapons permit?

What is needed for a weapons permit, and who can purchase a dangerous item for personal use? Before you buy a firearm, you need:

    decide what weapon you are interested in - for self-defense, for hunting, for official purposes, etc.;

    check with the store whether a license is required for purchase - to do this, check the characteristics of the weapon in the certificate.

The procedure for obtaining a weapons permit and the list of necessary documents is regulated by Federal Law No. 150-FZ of December 13, 1996. If you decide to arm yourself for the purposes specified in the law, you can find out the registration rules yourself. But it is better to use the services of experienced lawyers to obtain a license and collect the necessary forms.

A citizen who meets the following conditions will be able to obtain a permit to purchase weapons:


    has a certificate from a medical institution confirming that there are no contraindications to owning a dangerous item;

    indicated your permanent residence address;

    has no criminal record for intentional crimes;

    should not be held administratively liable for the last calendar year;

    documented gun safety training.

If you meet the specified requirements and pay the state fee, you will receive a weapons permit. You must submit an application to the licensing and permitting department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. His address can be obtained from the police.

You can obtain a firearms license only if you meet all the requirements established by law.

To find out what documents are needed to obtain a weapons permit, you need to know the type of dangerous item. For example, for bladed or hunting weapons, a special procedure for confirming rights is provided.


Documents for a hunting weapon permit must additionally include a valid hunting license obtained from authorized agencies. An alternative document may be a hunting permit related to the main type of activity.

A number of special rules have been established for potential hunters. In exceptional cases, the applicant's age may be reduced by 2 years. To do this, an administrative act of the government authority is issued or such rules apply to all residents of the region (for example, if there is a special culture associated with hunting in the region).


This type of weapon is used for self-defense of citizens from criminal attacks and has a limited damage radius with a special type of ammunition. It is allowed to purchase up to 5 units of traumatic weapons, and documents for a weapons permit are provided according to the general rules. When purchasing a dangerous item, you need to make sure that the certificate confirms that it is classified as a traumatic weapon. If a permit has been issued for a traumatic weapon, you cannot purchase, store or carry firearms under it.


Owners of pneumatic weapons must undergo a medical examination once every 5 years to ensure there are no contraindications for storing and carrying them. The characteristics of pneumatics are confirmed by the manufacturer’s certificate, and its use is often associated with sporting purposes.


A permit for smooth-bore weapons will be issued without the right to carry it. This type of weapon can be purchased for self-defense, and its carrying is prohibited even when unloaded or in a case. The law sets a limit on the number of units - no more than 5 pieces. Exceeding this limit is only allowed for collections.

Documents for obtaining permission to store and carry weapons

What documents are needed to quickly obtain a weapons permit from the Ministry of Internal Affairs? The full list of forms, forms and certificates required to obtain an initial permit is regulated by Law No. 150-FZ and departmental instructions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Authorized bodies cannot require other documents if such a rule is not in the law.

A permit to purchase and store weapons will be issued if you submit the following documents:

    a valid passport - to obtain additional information, it is better to make several copies of this document in advance;

    a certificate of passing a medical commission confirming the absence of contraindications for the use of firearms or other types of weapons;

    a certificate that you are not registered in drug treatment and psychiatric dispensaries;

    a blood test confirming the absence of narcotic and psychotropic substances in the citizen’s body;

    2 photographs 3x4;

    document confirming completion of training courses on proper handling of weapons;

    certificate of no criminal record - its provision is an optional condition, since this information will still be checked when considering the application.

To obtain permission, you must submit a package of documents to the licensing and permitting department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation at your place of residence.

How to get a weapons permit? If you have correctly prepared a set of documents and carefully checked all the points of the application, you will receive permission within 1 month. If the decision of the LRO is positive, you have 6 months to purchase a firearm. If you miss the specified deadline, you will have to go through the entire procedure again.

When reviewing documents, a refusal may be issued. Let's look at the most common reasons for refusal:

    providing false or incomplete information;

    there is no possibility of proper storage and accounting of weapons;

    the citizen is a drug addict, is an alcoholic, or is registered in a psychiatric dispensary.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs must send a written notification indicating the grounds for refusal. In case of disagreement with the actions of the authorized bodies, you can send a complaint to the court. With the participation of experienced lawyers, this procedure will be painless and in the shortest possible time.

State duty

To obtain permission to purchase and carry weapons, you must provide a document confirming payment of the fee. Since October 2017, its size has increased sharply. It depends on the type of weapon purchased and ranges from 500 to 2 thousand rubles.

In order not to be mistaken in the correct transfer of amounts, it is best to obtain payment details from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. They are located on information stands or on the official website.


When paying the fee, check that the bank employee has correctly filled out your personal data and the payment budget classification codes (BCC).

Permission period

A permit for firearms or other dangerous items has a limited duration. The permit form is issued to the owner for 5 years. This document gives the right to store and carry weapons and confirms the legality of their possession. After the specified period has expired, you can renew the license - to do this you will again need to pay a fee.

You can only use weapons during the period the permit is valid. If the permit is expired, in addition to a significant fine, the weapon and ammunition may be confiscated.

Procedure for renewing a weapons permit

Do I need to renew my weapons permit or get a duplicate if it is lost or damaged? According to Law No. 150-FZ, grounds for replacement may include the expiration of the license, a damaged form, loss of permission, change in personal information (change of residential address, last name, etc.).

What is needed to obtain a weapons permit for a new period or to restore the document? First of all, write the application within the strictly established time frame:

    1 month - if the validity period expires;

    within 7 days - if the place of storage of weapons or the citizen’s personal data changes;

    the same period - if the form is lost;

    If a document is damaged or damaged, you should contact the Ministry of Internal Affairs immediately.

The permit must be renewed every 5 years. To do this, you will need a standard package of documents for registration and a previously issued license.

    before the day of submitting the application, collect the necessary documents (their list is indicated above);

    contact the Ministry of Internal Affairs and inform about the renewal of the permit document. After this, a local police officer will visit you and check the presence of a safe and its parameters. If a law enforcement officer does not find any violations, he will draw up a report stating that the requirements have been met and comply with the law;

    contact the LRO with a complete set of documents;

    wait from 10 to 30 days for a response to obtain permission in writing;

    If the message is positive, contact the LRO again to obtain a license.


The maximum period for consideration of an application is 30 days. If it is violated, you can file a complaint with a higher authority or court to appeal against the actions of the authorized bodies.

In recent years, submitting an application through the State Services portal has become popular. To do this, you need to confirm your account on the site. Even ordinary users who do not have special skills can easily figure it out and submit an application through the state portal.

If you submit an application electronically, you must attach scanned copies of documents and wait up to 30 days for a response from the licensing authority.

A positive aspect of submitting an application through the State Services portal is the significant time savings. You can request the service at any time without standing in long queues.

If you do not renew your license, you may be subject to administrative liability.

What happens if the permit is expired?

For such a violation they are subject to administrative liability. If you miss the regulated deadline and do not renew your permit in a timely manner, then you are actually using a weapon illegally.

The amount of the fine depends on the period of delay:

    from one day or several weeks - from 1 to 1.5 thousand rubles;

    longer term - 3 thousand rubles.


In addition to financial penalties, the weapon may be confiscated until you receive a new license.

Thus, if the documentation is completed in a timely and correct manner, you will be able to obtain a license without any problems. But if you need help in obtaining or renewing a permit to use a weapon, or need to challenge the actions of officials when refusing to issue it, contact our lawyers. They will evaluate the composition of your documents and offer the best option for quickly obtaining or renewing a permit.