Actress Agnia Ditkovskite (pictured above), her mother Tatyana Lyutaeva and younger brother now live outside the city. Agnia recently became a mother for the second time, and living in a gated community on Rublevo-Uspenskoye Highway is an ideal option for a family with two small children. There are many trees near the site, there is a forest nearby, which means clean air, silence all around, entry to the village requires passes.

House of Ditkovskite and Lyutaeva (right). Photo: Express Newspaper.

The family bought a new house, renovated, spacious - a cottage of 300 square meters is located on 25 acres. The kitchen is combined with another room so that you can gather around the table not only in the work area of ​​the room. The interiors are designed in pastel colors. A staircase leads from the first to the second floor - there are bedrooms.

In the common living room there is a huge sofa with an orthopedic mattress and a fireplace. In modern design there are many interesting things from Russian designers - lamps, candlesticks, a metal chest and even cups that mix sugar themselves. The walls of the first floor are finished with plasterboard, which is covered with silk plaster.

The family has nannies and au pairs. There is a lawn and flowers on the site.

Price: the average cost of such houses is 31 million rubles.


Dmitry Dibrov's house is located 20 km from Moscow along Rublevo-Uspenskoye Highway. The TV presenter named the country residence Villa Paulina in honor of his wife Polina, who bore him three sons. The three-story house has a Smart Home system installed. On the ground floor there is a living room (sofa, TV, table, piano), kitchen, veranda. On the second floor there are children's rooms, on the third there is a bedroom, a study, and workshops. There is a swimming pool and sauna.

In the hall there hangs a huge ball-shaped chandelier made of Murano glass - you can swing on it: it can withstand a weight of 500 kg.

Photo: Mikhail Frolov.

“My patrimony is a workshop where I collect airplane models, and in the music studio I have a collection of guitars,” Dmitry Dibrov said about the men’s corner in the house.

The sons happily share their father's hobbies. In the courtyard there is a barbecue area where guests gather on warm evenings. Polina Dibrova manages the plot herself - she created a park-garden with lilacs, grapes, and linden trees.

“The designers made the project with an exorbitant estimate, so we found a computer program and designed a model of the garden, bought the plants ourselves and planted them,” says the owner of the villa.

Polina grows only strawberries and herbs in her garden beds. The Dibrovs' plot is 15 acres.

Price: the average cost of such houses is 20 million rubles.


Photo: Nikolay Temnikov.

Boris Grachevsky's dacha is located 50 km from Moscow along the Novorizhskoye Highway; here, surrounded by flowers and beds, the director takes a break from the bustle of the city. The order in the garden and the house is maintained by the au pair, and the young wife controls it.

Photo: Nikolay Temnikov

“There are 17 acres here,” Boris Grachevsky tells TV program magazine. — The first owner could not sell the plot for a long time, because there was a very small wooden house on it. But it didn't bother me. I brought an architect, showed him the “possession” and asked if he could increase the area of ​​the house. The specialist assured that he would resolve the issue easily, so the deal went through. Work began immediately to expand the house, as a result its total area has now doubled - approximately 230 square meters. meters. A spacious veranda appeared - here I read in a rocking chair. On the ground floor there is a living room, a kitchen, a study and a bedroom. Do you know what gives me special pleasure? Huge floor-to-ceiling windows in the bedroom. It’s so nice to wake up in the morning and see greenery and big stones before your eyes. I placed beautiful still lifes in front of the bedroom windows and at the entrance to the house. Apparently, there is a Japanese in my soul, because I have long dreamed of admiring such landscapes. I bought stones here, nearby, in the Moscow region, and took them to the site. When I look at them, I feel peace in my soul, I understand that everything is in order, life goes on as usual. On the second floor I began to arrange a bedroom for my little daughter. There will also be a guest room here.

Price: the average cost of such houses is 10 million rubles.


80-year-old Mikhail Derzhavin and his wife Roxana Babayan come to their dacha to relax on weekends and holidays. The dacha plot is located near the city of Chekhov.

Derzhavin received this land in Soviet times from the theater, together with his mother he ordered a prefabricated panel house for the site, and for many years they went there on vacation.

“Later, together with my wife Roxana, we began to finish, remodel, add something: we decided to cover all our extensions with brick,” said Mikhail Derzhavin.

The actor has a garden on the property, a closed veranda, and there is a minimum of furniture inside the house. The couple emphasizes that their dacha is not fancy, but ordinary.

Price: the average cost of such houses is 4.5 million rubles.


Edita Piekha's dacha in the Leningrad region. Photo: "EG".

The house of People's Artist of the USSR Edita Piekha is surrounded by flower beds. Housekeepers take care of them; the singer would like to tinker in the garden beds, but her health does not allow it. There are a lot of shrubs and trees on the site. The path from the site leads into the forest - Edita Stanislavovna rented a small plot of forest.

The house is located in the “Northern Samarka” gardening area of ​​the Leningrad region. The facade of the house, the wallpaper and furniture inside are different shades of green. Although the singer’s favorite room is the blue bedroom.

— It’s small and cozy, when it’s warm in the morning I like to go out to the balcony - it offers an amazing view! – said Piekha. – And there is a lot of green in the house, since green is the color of hope. I had a plot in Gruzino, where the dachas of Mikhail Boyarsky, Nina Urgant, and Semyon Altov were built. But I ran away from there - I don’t like living where the dachas of famous artists have been built. That's not mine. I myself come from a simple family: the daughter of a miner - so in the 90s I bought a plot with a house in ordinary gardening. Then she paid a huge amount of money - 25 thousand rubles, demolished that house for 30 thousand rubles. This is what commerce is like. My house was built on the site of the shack, according to my design.

Price: the average cost of such houses is 3.5 million rubles.


Photo: "EG".

From an apartment in the center of Moscow, Nikolai Karachentsev and his wife Lyudmila Porgina go to a country house located in the village of Valentinovka. The house stands on a plot of 50 acres among a pine forest. There is a garden, a gazebo, and many benches so that the actor can sit down and relax while walking. There are many flowers, in summer the family and guests have breakfast and lunch outside. There is a piano in the living room, and family portraits hang on the walls.

Price: The cost of a house in the village of Valentinovka with an area of ​​550 square meters with a plot of 9 acres is 35 million rubles.


In the 30s of the 20th century, the dacha of Alexander Shirvind belonged to the chief architect of Moscow, Vladimir Semenov. The author of the master plan for the reconstruction of Moscow in 1935, Semenov, in the same year 1935, began the construction of a country house in the village of NIL (“Science. Art. Literature”). Semenov founded this village with his colleagues on the banks of the Istra River. In the 60s, Semenov’s granddaughter married Alexander Shirvindt and the family began spending weekends in Istra. Andrei Mironov, Mark Zakharov and other celebrities came to visit the couple. According to legend, one summer Andrei Mironov and Alexander Shirvindt rode around the village on mopeds. Summer residents, outraged that their rest was disturbed by noisy vacationers, jumped out into the street, but saw famous artists and did not express dissatisfaction.

Now the whole family of Alexander Anatolyevich is gathering at the dacha; not so long ago, one of the rooms was renovated in the house for the great-granddaughter of a celebrity.

Price: the cost of a house with an area of ​​145 square meters in the NIL village, a plot of 31 acres - 18.5 million rubles.


“I’m waiting for spring to tinker in the beds,” Elena Yakovleva told TV program magazine.

The actress plants not only flowers and herbs, but also vegetables and fruits. Yakovleva takes care of the beds herself - she knows all the secrets of gardeners.

Elena and her husband’s dacha is furnished like a country house - small but cozy, with a winter garden, a glassed-in veranda and huge heated windows. The actress purchased wooden furniture for her home.


Photo: Express Newspaper

The actor’s house on Rubevo-Uspenskoye Highway has an area of ​​300 square meters.

— I live outside the city. There is a forest and a pond nearby, I have everything I need to relax. I listen to music, walk my dog ​​- I have a Labrador. “I’m frying shashlik,” Alexander Baluev told TV program magazine.

There is a lot of greenery on the artist’s property, the house has a brick fireplace with a live flame, decorative beams, and the design of the room is made in a modern manor style. The finishing is made from natural materials, the floor is wooden.

Price: the cost of a house is 300 square meters, a plot of 15 acres on Rublevo-Uspenskoye Highway (30 km from the Moscow Ring Road) - 40 million rubles.


The singer built a house in Serebryany Bor according to a design that was made taking into account his wishes. The cottage is surrounded by pine trees. Oleg Gazmanov is a sporty person, so he rides around the area on a bicycle and an electric board, and in the summer he also rides a SUP board (a surfboard with a paddle). On the ground floor of the house there is the singer’s music studio, a greenhouse, and a living room; on the second floor there are rooms for all family members.

Price: the cost of a two-story house with an area of ​​520 square meters on a plot of 15 acres in Serebryany Bor is 620 million rubles

Oleg Gazmanov is a popular Russian singer, poet and composer. Since childhood, he was partial to Italy. As the singer himself says: “As a child, I read the novel “Spartacus” by Giovagnoli and was always interested in the ancient Roman era, the Roman wars, so I know the history of Italy quite well. But before I could not get to the land of my dreams, so my childhood dreams about it began to fade. For now. After perestroika, we didn't get to Rome. There I turned into a child again. I saw the Colosseum, the remains of an ancient civilization, visited the Vatican. My wife said that a childish smile never left my face."

Children's love for Italy did not pass without a trace, but only strengthened over the years. And not so long ago, the singer decided to buy an estate in the Italian province of Tuscany, which is distinguished by its particularly picturesque nature and bright, catchy beauty.

The views that open from the windows and balconies of the house are amazing.

The interiors of the rooms are decorated with stone, finished with plasters or painted in soothing colors. Stone semicircular vaults create a strong feeling that this is not a modern house, but a medieval castle with a centuries-old history.

© "Komsomolskaya Pravda", 11/14/2005, Pugacheva keeps her nude portrait, and Makarevich collects bells

Where the stars found their country happiness

Maria Remizova

In one of the previous issues of "KP" we talked about in which apartments and areas do Moscow stars live?. But most celebrities have long loved to relax in nature. That is, outside the city. Our correspondent found out where and how much the stars bought their dachas.

More than 1 million dollars

Alla Pugacheva. Malye Berezhki village

Alla Borisovna started building the villa back in the mid-90s, when the fashion for country houses had just begun. The prima donna categorically did not like the first house that was built. The workers had to destroy the old and create the new. This time Alla Borisovna developed the design herself.

The dacha of the first Russian pop star is considered the most pathetic and luxurious. Only the living area of ​​the house is about 1000 square meters! And behind a solid two-meter fence hides more than 50 acres.

On the façade the personal coat of arms “A.B.P.” shines. On summer evenings, the hostess retires to the cozy fireplace room. The house has three floors in total. Of course, an elevator is also included. Upstairs, Pugacheva loves to receive friends. There are many portraits of the Diva hanging on the walls of the living room. In particular, an erotic picture where Pugacheva is depicted with naked breasts. In a small room on the second floor, the singer made something like a prayer room. There the Prima Donna usually retires with holy images.

The singer has an underground garage for her large vehicle fleet.

There is also a small bathhouse on Alla Borisovna’s dacha plot. The same one that officials wanted to demolish earlier this year. They say that the prima donna is steaming in the wrong place. Fortunately, Pugacheva concluded a truce with the authorities. And the ill-fated bathhouse, according to the star owner, is not a bathhouse, but just an old outbuilding.

The approximate cost of a country house is $8 million.

Oleg Gazmanov. Serebryany Bor

After the birth of his daughter, “esaul” moved from the center of Moscow closer to the forest. It is in this country house, lying by the fireplace, that the singer composes his patriotic hits. In the forest, Gazmanov jogs for an hour every morning to maintain physical fitness. Oleg built his house according to an individual project, which was developed specifically for Gazmanov.

There is also a work area on the ground floor. The singer can work in an audio studio and rehearsal room. The artist’s wife, Marina, built a luxurious greenhouse under a glass roof in the side wing. And on the second floor of the Gazmanovs’ house there are exclusively living rooms.

The approximate cost of a country house is $1 million 200 thousand.

Valery Leontyev. The village of Valentinovka (near the town of Korolev near Moscow)

"Casanova" was one of the first entertainers to build a country house.

By the way, it was Valery Yakovlevich’s example that inspired the construction of Prima Donna. Until that time, Pugacheva visited Leontyev to take a steam bath in the bathhouse. By the way, the steam room is located in a separate annex house. In 1995, Alla Borisovna asked Leontyev to hold “Christmas meetings” in his big house. The good-natured singer agreed. As a result, tipsy colleagues broke all the dishes for Leontyev in the kitchen. And on the green lawn near the singer’s house there is a circle with a diameter of about three meters. Grass hasn't grown there for ten years. This disgrace was burned out with fireworks during the recording of Pugachev’s “meetings” by the soloists of the group “Na-Na”.

Leontyev's house has a gym and an underground garage. In spring and summer, the singer enjoys operating a lawnmower on the property and growing purple roses.

The approximate cost of a country house is $3 million.

Over 500 thousand dollars

Lev Leshchenko. Elite village Krekshino

Lev Valeryanovich primarily purchased the spacious two-story house to meet with friends. As you know, the singer’s closest neighbor is his friend Vladimir Vinokur. Bosom friends Leshchenko and Vinokur often visit each other for barbecues. On the ground floor of his country residence, Lev Valeryanovich plays billiards. And in the second, the singer is working out in the gym.

The approximate cost of a country house is $900 thousand.

Andrey Makarevich. Village Podushkino

The “machinist” got the country villa from a friend of the actor Leonid Yarmolnik. The latter sold Makarevich a summer cottage with an old house.

Andrei Vadimovich turned most of the rooms into a museum. In the living room there are paintings painted by the musician himself. In other rooms

Items brought from travels around the world are kept: a collection of bells, Orthodox icons, monastery keys and musical instruments.

Varum and Agutin. Elite village Krekshino

The couple had long since moved to permanent residence outside the city.

Even their daughter Lisa Angelica and Leonid recently sent to study at a local school near Moscow. Each member of the Agutin family has their own personal room. From the first day of their marriage, Angelica and her husband agreed that they would have an area where they could take a break from each other. The three-story country residence of artists stands on the shore of an artificial lake. Last spring, due to the fact that the water level in the lake rose very high, the celebrity site was flooded. The first floor, where the guest room and living room were located, was completely flooded.

The water was pumped out for several days. And then we had to do a major renovation on the first floor.

The approximate cost of a country house is $800 thousand.

Up to 500 thousand dollars

Irina Allegrova. Village Vatutinki

The empress of Russian pop music bought her country house from composer Oscar Feltsman. Allegrova always dreamed of living in the forest.

Naturally, the singer completely rebuilt the old house. All walls were covered with wood. The living room, as planned by the hostess, should have been bright. Therefore, Irina installed two large windows in the room on the sunny side of the street. On the stone veranda in the summer, the singer arranges wicker furniture and has tea with guests, enjoying the singing of forest birds. Allegrova's bedroom is made in the Roman style. The star's bed is located, as it were, on a podium, which is illuminated on four sides by multi-colored electric lighting. In the corner of the bedroom there is a sculpture of a Roman goddess. Allegrova’s favorite place in the house is the kitchen. The artist can stand at the stove for hours. The singer's kitchen and dining room are upholstered in dark wood.

The approximate cost of a country house is $400 thousand.

By the way

Some of the brightest stars have settled in the village of Krekshino.
A standard dacha in Krekshin can cost from $600 thousand to $2,000,500.
For the summer rent of a three-story house you will have to pay about $10 thousand per month.