The monthly female cycle is constantly accompanied by various secretions, which can have a wide variety of colors, smells or textures. In some cases, girls do not pay attention to changes in their usual characteristics, although this is precisely what indicates the presence of dangerous ailments. The occurrence of purulent discharge at any time of the cycle is a formidable symptom that requires close attention from each patient. A visit to a gynecologist and taking the necessary tests can reveal the cause of the formation of any ailment.

What is purulent discharge in women?

Purulent vaginal discharge is a pathological symptom that accompanies various infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urogenital area, affecting the fair half of humanity. According to statistical research, every tenth woman on Earth under the age of 40 has faced a similar problem in one way or another. The following factors increase the likelihood of developing the disease:

  • lack of a regular sexual partner;
  • promiscuity;
  • violation of personal hygiene rules;
  • wearing uncomfortable underwear;
  • swimming in bodies of water that are not equipped for this purpose.

Normal discharge often occurs in women during ovulation or during arousal, as well as in adolescents during puberty. They have no taste or smell, a typical sticky consistency and a transparent or whitish color.

Video: Elena Malysheva talks about women's health

Characteristics of discharge

Depending on the external features of the discharge, it can be assumed that the patient has one or another ailment. What characteristics should you pay attention to first when researching:

  1. Color:
    • a gray-green tint occurs in acute inflammatory diseases;
    • purulent-bloody discharge indicates damage to the vascular wall or the beginning of the menstrual cycle;
    • yellow ones occur with long-term chronic disease.
  2. Smell:
    • purulent (in the presence of abscesses, phlegmon, fistulas);
    • fish (occurs with vaginal dysbiosis and sexually transmitted infections);
    • with an admixture of iron (typical of bleeding);
    • without smell.
  3. Consistency:
    • thick (reminiscent of sour cream, spread on underwear and harden in the form of crusts);
    • liquid (usually abundant, poorly absorbed);
    • mucous membranes (similar in appearance to the lubricant that is released during the period of excitement).
  4. Volume:
    • scanty (0.5–1 ml);
    • medium (2–3 ml);
    • copious (more than 5 ml).
  5. Time of appearance relative to the menstrual cycle:
    • in the middle (13–16th day);
    • during menstruation;
    • after the end of menstruation (on the 2nd–5th day from completion).
  6. The occurrence of associated symptoms:
    • itching or burning of varying intensity;
    • swelling of the external genitalia;
    • pain during sexual intercourse.

Photo gallery: what different types of discharge look like

Mucous-type purulent discharge sticks to underwear
Liquid discharge has an almost imperceptible yellowish tint Thick discharge that resembles phlegm

The location of the disease that causes this symptom to appear

The pathological process, reflected by purulent discharge, can be located in any area of ​​the woman’s urogenital tract. The following organs are most often affected:

  • the uterus (body, cervix) is the main organ of the reproductive system where the growth and development of the fetus occurs;
  • fallopian tubes (female reproductive cells move through them);
  • ovaries - glands responsible for the production of hormones;
  • vagina (its vestibule, clitoris, Bartholin glands).

Causes of purulent discharge in women

A similar symptom often occurs with the development of inflammatory and infectious diseases of the reproductive system in the fair sex. The main causes of purulent discharge include:

  • phlegmon, abscesses, fistulas;
  • inflammatory processes in the uterus (endometritis, myometritis), its cervix (cervicitis, endocervicitis), ovaries (ovophoritis), Bartholin glands ();
  • sexually transmitted diseases (genital herpes, trichomoniasis, gonorrhoea, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis);
  • neglected vagina;
  • traumatic injuries of internal organs;
  • recently undergone surgical interventions;
  • postpartum period.

Principles of treatment of purulent discharge depending on the cause

Patients with an uncomplicated inflammatory process receive all the necessary therapy at home or in a day hospital. Moreover, the treatment does not interfere with their usual activities in any way, and also does not require a sick leave. In case of severe and long-term illness, hospitalization in the gynecological department may be required, where doctors consider the need for surgical removal of the source of purulent discharge.

The patient must follow a special diet throughout the entire treatment period, limiting sweet, fried and fatty foods. Based on my experience, I can say that unhealthy foods (fast food, processed foods, baked goods) are an excellent breeding ground for pathogenic microorganisms: this complicates the healing process. Women are recommended to eat more fresh vegetables, berries, fruits and herbs, as well as natural meat and fish, and cottage cheese. For one of my patients, this diet allowed her to lose excess weight, and along with it, her gynecological problem went away.

Video: doctor talks about the fight against discharge

Drug therapy of pathology

To eliminate the causes and symptoms of the disease, doctors prescribe pharmaceuticals. They can be used both topically (as vaginal suppositories or solutions for washing the vagina), and in the form of tablets, capsules, intramuscular and intravenous injections.

The duration of medication is prescribed by the doctor based on the characteristics of each organism and the patient’s health condition.

Means to combat purulent discharge and its causes:

  1. Antiseptic solutions allow you to remove purulent discharge and cleanse the vagina of local impurities. Used before inserting candles. The drugs in this series include Miramistin, Chlorhexidine, Furacilin, hydrogen peroxide.
  2. Antibacterial medications kill pathogenic microorganisms and promote their removal from the human body. For this purpose, Amoxiclav, Terzhinan, Dalatsin, Amikacin, Sintomycin, Ceftriaxone, Cefotaxime, Cefpiroxime, Augmentin, Flemoxin Solutab, Vancomycin are prescribed.
  3. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs relieve swelling of soft tissues, relieve patients from itching and burning. These include Nimesulide, Etodolac, Diclofenac, Ibuklin, Ibuprofen, Tamoxifen.

Photo gallery: drug therapy for the disease

Miramistin removes surface contaminants Terzhinan promotes the death of pathogenic microbes Ibuprofen relieves inflammation

Surgical aspects of treatment

If the source of infection is in the body, and antibacterial therapy does not bring the expected results, doctors decide on the need for surgery. Indications for its implementation are:

  • prolonged increase in body temperature;
  • discharge lasting more than six months;
  • threat to the patient's life;
  • the likelihood of developing blood poisoning (sepsis).

Stages of surgery:

  1. Creating optimal access to the damaged organ. To do this, the intended surgical site (lower abdomen) is shaved, treated with an alcohol solution and covered with sterile sheets. Using a scalpel, the surgeon makes an incision, extracts the source of purulent discharge and removes it.
  2. The pelvic cavity is washed with solutions of antibiotics and antiseptics, which avoids re-infection. Next, doctors excise the remains of changed or dead tissue.
  3. Installation of drainage for the outflow of pathological contents. To remove accumulations of blood, lymph fluid and pus, doctors place a rubber tube into the patient's body, which is secured to the skin with several stitches. After the inflammation finally subsides, it is removed.

Folk remedies to combat symptoms

If you do not have the opportunity to visit a doctor or purchase pharmaceuticals in the near future, and the unpleasant symptoms of the disease bring significant discomfort, it is permissible to use natural recipes. Products based on plants, herbs and berries have an anti-inflammatory effect. Most often they are used in the form of douching solutions using a special bulb.

Before using any product, you should check its maximum concentration. In my practice, I encountered a woman who was admitted to the department with a massive burn to the vaginal walls. A similar lesion was caused by the use of highly concentrated celandine juice to treat the mucous membranes. The patient was operated on, removing the altered tissue, but due to the injury, scar deformation occurred.

Folk recipes to combat the disease:

    Place 100 grams of chamomile in a glass of boiling water and leave for at least 30 minutes. After cooling, draw the solution into a syringe and rinse the vagina. This procedure helps relieve inflammation and reduce itching.

    Soak a tampon in natural kefir with at least 3% fat content and place it in the vagina for 10–15 minutes. Lactobacilli contained in the dairy product help normalize the microflora of the mucous membranes.

    Mix 150 grams of calendula with the same amount of burdock leaves and place in a bathtub or deep basin filled with hot water. After it has cooled to an acceptable temperature, place the lower part of the torso there so that the perineum is completely submerged. You need to spend at least 20 minutes in such a bath. Calendula and burdock have an antiseptic effect and help get rid of the symptoms of pathology.

Photo gallery: folk remedies to combat clinical signs of the disease

Chamomile relieves inflammation
Calendula relieves itching
Kefir is the best source of lactic acid bacteria

How to protect yourself from the appearance of pathological discharge

Purulent discharge often indicates the presence of serious diseases that can affect the reproductive functions of the female body. If left untreated, this disease leads to infertility or even death of the patient. That is why gynecologists are actively involved in preventive measures dedicated to women’s health.

One of the most common causes of purulent vaginal discharge is sexually transmitted infections. As you know, many young girls entering sexual life have absolutely no idea about barrier contraception. As part of one of the programs from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, I, along with my colleagues, visited many schools, colleges, technical schools and universities, where we gave lectures on the importance of preventing unwanted pregnancies and infections. All people were asked to take an anonymous test, the results of which showed that only 60% of young girls use condoms. Some patients who had previously had problems in the field of gynecology were given referrals for hospitalization. The doctors gave the rest of the girls a supply of barrier contraception.

Rules for individual prevention of the development of purulent discharge:

  1. Take a shower and change your underwear daily. During the day, a huge number of microbes accumulate on the surface of the skin and mucous membranes, which, at the slightest weakening of the immune system, begin to grow and multiply. To prevent the development of vaginal dysbiosis, it is recommended to use special soap for intimate hygiene.
  2. When visiting public places (sauna, bathhouse, swimming pool, spa), try to place towels on the seats and not touch surfaces with your genitals. Many bacteria live in conditions of high temperature and humidity, and are easily transferred to unprotected surfaces.
  3. When having sex with an untrusted partner, use condoms. The pores of the latex from which this contraceptive is made practically do not allow pathogenic microorganisms to pass through, which reduces the risk of transmitting infections.
  4. Try to be checked annually by a gynecologist, take the necessary smears and tests. This will allow you to suspect the development of the disease in time and begin its treatment before purulent discharge and other undesirable consequences occur.
  5. Eat mostly healthy foods to avoid disruption of metabolic processes in the body. It is also necessary to stop drinking alcoholic beverages and smoking.

    Do not take pharmaceutical drugs without a doctor's prescription. Many antibiotics affect the internal environment of the body, contributing to the development of dysbiosis in the gastrointestinal and urogenital tract, as they kill not only harmful, but also beneficial microflora. To prevent this, all antimicrobial agents are taken in combination with probiotics and prebiotics, which are selected in consultation with a doctor.

    Exercise regularly. Physical activity helps keep the body in good shape and stimulates muscle growth and development. In a healthy body with a strong immune system, there are much fewer conditions for a secondary infection to occur.

    Avoid using panty liners unless necessary. The secretions remaining on their surface during the day become a breeding ground for bacteria. When wearing such hygiene products to prevent various complications, they must be changed every 3–4 hours to avoid the greenhouse effect.

The vaginal microflora is a very sensitive environment that can be easily disturbed by any unwanted external influence. To protect her body from various kinds of infectious and inflammatory pathologies, a girl should be attentive to her health from a very early age. Purulent vaginal discharge requires immediate identification of the cause and the appointment of specific therapy. The development of many complications can be prevented at a very early stage if you consult a doctor in time. Remember that you should not be ashamed of this symptom: almost every woman experiences it throughout her life.

The development of gynecological diseases is almost never asymptomatic. Even if there is no pronounced clinical picture, changes in the vaginal secretion are always visible. It may become thicker and acquire a different smell and color. For example, purulent discharge in women is usually perceived as a sign of the development of acute inflammatory or infectious processes in the reproductive organs, which must be treated as quickly as possible. However, this should never be done without the doctor’s knowledge, since any wrong action can lead to irreversible consequences.


Before talking about why women have discharge and how it is treated, it is necessary to say a few words about their character. Vaginal secretions are rarely odorless. As a rule, the discharge emits a specific odor, which is very difficult to muffle, even with frequent washing of the genital area. At the same time, they have a more liquid consistency than leucorrhoea, and their color changes from white to green-yellow.

The occurrence of such discharge is also accompanied by third-party symptoms, including:

  • Painful sensations in the abdomen.
  • Cravings that occur when urinating or using cosmetics during hygiene procedures.
  • Itching in the perineum.
  • Redness of the skin in the intimate area.
  • Temperature increase.

Such secretions contain a lot of cervical mucus, the production of which always increases when pathological processes occur in the organs of the reproductive system, as well as leukocytes and white blood cells, the concentration of which also exceeds normal values.

Main reasons

Discharges never appear just like that. Something always triggers them. And often the role of a provoking factor is acute inflammatory processes in the reproductive organs, which cause the development of various pathologies. Among them are:

  • vaginitis;
  • cervicitis;
  • endometritis;
  • salpingitis;
  • oophoritis
  • erosion;
  • endometriosis.

All these diseases are very dangerous for women, since their development causes the activation of tissue scarring processes, which will ultimately lead to obstruction of the fallopian tubes, ectopic pregnancy, infertility and serious problems during childbirth. Therefore, every woman needs to know exactly how these diseases manifest themselves in order to visit a doctor in a timely manner and undergo a full course of treatment, which will avoid the occurrence of all these complications.

This disease is characterized by inflammation of the mucous membranes of the vagina and has another name – colpitis. Its development occurs for several reasons:

  • Neglect of personal hygiene rules.
  • Undergoing a long course of treatment with antibacterial or hormonal drugs.
  • Mechanical injury to the vaginal mucosa that occurs during rough sex, instrumental examination, etc.
  • Decreased immunity.
  • Hormonal disorders associated with diseases of the endocrine system.

Often the development of vaginitis occurs as a result of the activation of a bacterial infection in the vagina, the provocateurs of which can be chlamydia, gonococci, streptococci, etc. In this case, it is transmitted sexually or occurs independently as a result of disturbances in the vaginal microflora against the background of douching, taking medications, or stress etc.

It must also be said that colpitis is often accompanied by inflammation of the vulva and external genitalia, which leads to the development of vulvovaginitis. And in this case, in addition to discharge in women, almost everything is noted:

  • Burning sensation in the vagina.
  • Discomfort when urinating.
  • Irritation of the outer labia.

With this disease, inflammatory processes occur in the cervical canal. As a rule, this happens due to the development of:

In addition, injuries received during surgery, abrasion, childbirth, or during the installation of an IUD can provoke the development of inflammatory processes in the cervical canal. And in this case, women almost always experience pain in the lower abdomen, which tends to intensify during intimacy or after prolonged physical exertion.

The appearance of discharge in this case occurs during acute inflammation, when the mucous membranes of the cervix begin to fester. And this already indicates a complicated course of the disease, which requires not only drug therapy, but also surgical intervention.

This disease is characterized by inflammation of the inner walls of the uterus. And it develops mainly due to the penetration of infection into the organ cavity from the vagina and cervix. However, the following factors can provoke the occurrence of endometritis:

  • Surgical abortions.
  • Childbirth.
  • Operations during which polyps, fibroids or other tumors in the uterine cavity were removed.

And speaking about how endometritis manifests itself, you need to pay attention to the following symptoms:

  • The appearance of discharge, which may contain bloody streaks or baked blood clots.
  • Temperature increase.
  • Weakness.
  • Pain syndrome, which is localized in the lower abdomen and radiates to the sacrum area.

The inflammation that occurs with endometritis covers only the superficial epithelial layer of the uterus. And the damaged areas of the epithelium begin to gradually be rejected. This usually happens at the time of menstruation. And after complete rejection of the inflamed epithelial layer, the clinical manifestations of the disease may disappear on their own and without any treatment. However, if infectious agents continue to affect the uterus, the risks of relapse of the disease and recurrence of acute symptoms increase several times.

Salpingitis is a disease in which inflammatory processes occur in the appendages of the fallopian tubes, and with oophoritis they affect the ovaries. Quite often, the development of these diseases occurs simultaneously and the reason for this is infections that were acquired sexually or during various therapeutic and diagnostic gynecological procedures, for example, cleaning the uterus or terminating a pregnancy.

With the development of these ailments, vaginal discharge becomes watery, acquires a green-yellow color and begins to stink. But, in addition to this, a pain syndrome always occurs, which covers only the left or right lower abdomen (depending on which organ was inflamed). An increase in temperature and chills are also possible.

It is characterized by the formation of an ulcer on the cervical canal, which tends to increase in size, affecting healthy cells and provoking the development of inflammation in them. When this disease occurs, women most often experience heavy brown discharge. However, if it occurs in a complicated form and with the addition of a bacterial infection, then the discharge acquires a greenish color and an unpleasant aroma.

It is possible to cure erosion and prevent the development of complications against its background (it often provokes cancer, miscarriages, etc.) only by cauterization. Drug treatment in this case is ineffective, however, before cauterization it is still carried out in order to relieve acute inflammatory and purulent processes.

With the development of this disease, pathological growth of the uterine epithelium beyond its limits is observed, which naturally causes a response in the body in the form of inflammatory processes. The main triggers for the development of endometriosis are hormonal disorders that occur when taking certain medications, diseases of the endocrine system, ovarian cysts, or after the onset of menopause.

The insidiousness of endometriosis is that it can develop for more than a month without giving any symptoms, and then become the cause of:

  • Menstrual irregularities.
  • The appearance of clear or mucous vaginal secretions that smell bad.
  • The occurrence of abdominal pain.

In this case, discharge also indicates a complicated course of the disease and requires immediate medical therapy.

Non-inflammatory causes

Vaginal secretions can also occur as a result of the development of other diseases not associated with inflammatory processes. Among them are STDs (gonorrhea, syphilis, etc.), which have their own specific characteristics.

At first, the discharge appears in small quantities, but literally after a day its volume increases significantly, it becomes liquid and foamy. At the same time, a specific aroma appears, reminiscent of the smell of rotten fish. Some changes are also noted in the genital area - the labia become red and swollen, and a rash appears on them. Severe itching and burning in the perineum is also possible.

STDs must be treated, since the infection can spread throughout the body, causing disruption of internal organs and the development of other diseases that can even lead to death.

The human body contains a large number of glands that produce certain secretions. The epithelial tissues of the female vagina also contain glands. Their work is directly related to the menstrual cycle. Light discharge before menstruation should not bother a woman. But if purulent discharge appears, you should definitely consult a specialist.

Causes of purulent discharge in women

It's no secret that most women are in no hurry to see a gynecologist. Even with purulent vaginal discharge, girls prefer not to pay attention to this problem, or self-medicate. In this case, purulent discharge can be a symptom of both serious sexually transmitted diseases and hormonal imbalance. Only a specialist can determine this, based on the test results. It is impossible to determine the cause of the discharge on your own.

Causes of purulent discharge

  1. Vaginosis
  2. Infectious diseases
  3. Gonorrhea
  4. Urogenital mycoplasmosis
  5. Chlamydia
  6. Trichomoniasis

These diseases have fairly simple treatment in the initial stages. It may take about ten days of medication to cure trichomoniasis or gonorrhea. But most women are afraid to receive such a diagnosis and start the disease. Moreover, all of these diseases can lead to infertility and serious problems with the body.

The disease vaginosis, which can occur due to wearing synthetic underwear or poor hygiene, contributes to constant inflammation of the vaginal mucous membranes, which often leads to infertility. This disease can progress to endometritis, which often leads to death. No woman is immune from vaginosis, despite the fact that it is not a sexually transmitted disease.

When does purulent discharge appear?

Vaginal discharge can be not only a consequence of diseases, but also the norm. Discharge should appear in girls aged 10-12 years. Normal discharge is clear and sometimes whitish in color. These secretions are necessary to moisturize the vagina and protect against infectious diseases. With normal discharge there are no unpleasant symptoms.

The largest amount of discharge can be noted during the period of ovulation. At this time, the discharge may be mucous and stringy. After the second half of the menstrual cycle begins, the discharge becomes creamy.

Discharge in women can also occur due to a change in sexual partner. Other microflora require adaptation, and after some time the discharge disappears.

Wearing synthetic underwear, using intimate gels and tight jeans can also cause discharge. But they can be easily eliminated by giving up “bad” habits.

Normal discharge has nothing in common with purulent discharge. The latter are almost always accompanied by itching, odor and pain. Purulent vaginal discharge indicates inflammatory processes that require medical attention.

Chlamydia.() Chlamydia is one of the most common diseases of the reproductive system. It is transmitted sexually, but household infection is possible. Using other people's hygiene products, towels, washcloths can lead to this disease.

Methods of infection

  • Poor quality condom
  • Failure to comply with sanitary and hygienic standards
  • Unprotected oral contact
  • Sex without a condom

The incubation period of the disease can last several weeks. If left untreated, chlamydia can become chronic and lead to irreversible consequences. Most women do not even suspect that they are sick - the disease becomes asymptomatic. This can damage internal organs and weaken the immune system.

Symptoms of chlamydia

  • from the vagina with an unpleasant odor
  • Pain and
  • Fever and general weakness
  • Chlamydia is the main cause of infertility in women and men. If left untreated, the fallopian tubes and abdominal cavity are constantly susceptible to inflammation.

To detect the disease, a visual examination is not enough - PCR diagnostics are performed. Treatment is carried out with antibacterial drugs and immune modulators. At the initial stage of the disease, chlamydia is very easy to treat.

Candidiasis.() Candidiasis is a disease caused by Candida fungi, which are present in almost any person. They can be found in the mouth, intestines and genitals.

Symptoms of thrush

  • Sleep disturbance, irritability
  • Pain during sexual intercourse and urination
  • Redness of the genitals

Despite the fact that candidiasis has fairly similar symptoms to sexually transmitted diseases, it is not considered infectious.

The cause of candidiasis is most often considered to be a weakened immune system. It can occur with chronic infections, STDs, pregnancy and diabetes.

Treatment of candidiasis comes down to eliminating the cause of the disease. The use of local medications helps eliminate discomfort, but does not allow a complete cure. Because of this, patients are prescribed immunostimulants. No specialist can rule out the reappearance of thrush.

Trichomoniasis.() Trichomoniasis is a disease of the genitourinary system. Infection occurs both through sexual contact and through household contact. With trichomoniasis, the appendages, uterus, urethritis, and excretory ducts are affected.


  • Redness of the genitals
  • Granularity of the labia
  • Foamy discharge
  • Blood in the discharge
  • Itching and burning of the genitals
  • Lower abdominal pain

When treating this disease, you should abstain from sexual intercourse. Treatment is carried out using the drug Metronidazole. The treatment regimen may be different and is individually prescribed by a specialist.

Gonorrhea. Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease that is transmitted through sexual contact. Damage occurs to the mucous surfaces of the urethra. The causative agent of the disease is gonococcus. Gonorrhea can occur without any symptoms. Causes infertility. During anal sex it leads to inflammation of the rectum.


  • White or yellow vaginal discharge
  • Pain when urinating
  • Bleeding
  • Lower abdominal pain

The disease is treated by a venereologist and gynecologist. If treated promptly, gonorrhea can be cured very quickly. Ceftriaxone, Erythromycin, Biseptol are used for treatment. A healthy lifestyle and quitting smoking play an important role.

Purulent discharge in women with inflammation of the cervix and uterine appendages

Inflammation of the uterus and appendages is often accompanied by symptoms such as purulent discharge. Sometimes such discharge has a greenish color and intensifies with physical activity. Accompanied by menstrual irregularities and pain in the lower abdomen.

Inflammation of the uterus and appendages can occur due to severe hypothermia. Wet feet, sitting and lying on cold surfaces can lead to serious women's diseases. But not all causes of inflammation of the cervix and appendages are so harmless. Chlamydia and gonococci also tend to get into the pipes, which leads to severe inflammatory processes.

Infertility may occur as a result of inflammation of the appendages. It occurs due to inflammation of the epithelium and scarring of the tubes. Long-term inflammatory processes lead to the proliferation of connective tissue. As a result, the ovaries become very thick and the movement of the egg becomes impossible. Most often, this is the cause of infertility, which is very difficult to treat.

Inflammation can also occur in the abdominal cavity. The appearance of adhesions leads to pain in the intestines, frequent constipation and diarrhea.

It is possible to distinguish inflammation of the appendages from other diseases only after a complete examination. The patient needs to have an ultrasound and blood tests. Treatment can be carried out only after an accurate diagnosis has been established.

Treatment consists of taking anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and restorative medications. Despite the fact that painful symptoms may subside within a week after taking medication, treatment should never be stopped.

There are many reasons for vaginal discharge. An accurate diagnosis and treatment can only be made in a medical setting. Do not delay your visit to the gynecologist if you have the slightest suspicion.

Women often experience purulent discharge. The reasons for such changes lie at the beginning of the inflammatory process. This secretion may be odorless or have an unpleasant aroma. Associated symptoms are also noted, including pain, swelling and redness of the genitals. Quite often, as the pathology develops, the general condition also worsens.

Discharge without odor and itching in women is considered an absolute norm. In a healthy person they have the following characteristics:

  • the secretion stands out white or appears completely;
  • consistency is slimy or jelly-like;
  • no accompanying symptoms are observed;
  • small volume;
  • no pungent odor;
  • No irritation on the skin is observed.

Any inflammatory disease negatively affects the reproductive system. In addition, it often becomes chronic - and in this case, pus is observed in the secretion. Such changes are never normal and indicate serious health problems.

Pathological discharge

With disturbances of the endocrine and hormonal systems and the progression of the inflammatory process, secretion becomes significantly more abundant. The nature of the discharge is as follows:

  • yellowish-green tint;
  • liquid, viscous consistency.

As pathologies develop, the discharge is accompanied by pain in the back and abdomen, pain during urination, redness in the intimate area and itching. In some cases, hyperthermia is also noted.

Purulent discharge contains mucus and leukocytes produced by the glands, the concentration of which becomes significantly greater in the presence of a focus of inflammation.

Main reasons

Until recently, the purulent odor of a woman's discharge was considered a sign of gonorrhea. Now doctors say that a change in the nature of secretion can be observed in a number of other diseases, the causative agent of which is an infection transmitted through the genital tract (mycoplasmosis, chlamydia).

The reasons for the appearance of pus in women’s leucorrhoea and menstruation are as follows:

  • vaginitis or colpitis;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • salpingitis and oophoritis;
  • gonorrhea;
  • erosion.


With the development of this disease, the inflammatory process is localized in the vaginal mucosa. The reason for its appearance is a violation of the microflora. Such changes can be provoked by suppressed immunity, poor hygiene, trauma to the mucous membranes, hormonal imbalance and sexually transmitted infections.

The main signs of pathology are purulent discharge. Associated symptoms are swelling and redness of the skin in the genital area, burning and itching, pain during intimacy, hyperthermia and swollen lymph nodes. The main clinical manifestation of the inflammatory process is mucus. Characteristic mucopurulent secretion appears at various stages of the cycle.


Cervicitis is a disease in which the onset of an inflammatory process in the cervix is ​​noted. It can be triggered by sexually transmitted infections, fungus, hormonal imbalance and mechanical damage to the organ.

In most cases, the pathology develops against the background of the proliferation of opportunistic microorganisms, which occurs due to the suppression of protective functions.

Under the influence of provoking factors, foci of inflammation are formed, and more intense secretion is noted. As the disease progresses, abdominal pain and discomfort during sex appear. After intimacy, due to damage to the cervix, uterine bleeding is observed, but not profusely.

Purulent discharge, depending on the pathogen that provoked the development of cervicitis, will have certain characteristics:

  • with gonorrhea they acquire a yellow tint;
  • with chlamydia and trichomoniasis they become;
  • for fungal infections - curdled.


The main sign of pathology is purulent vaginal discharge, which may look like serous-purulent clots or ichor. Similar clinical manifestations are observed when the genitourinary system is affected by infections.

Salpingitis and oophoritis

The inflammatory process can begin in the ovaries or fallopian tubes. In this case, the clinical picture will have certain features. Purulent and bloody discharge may appear. Associated symptoms, such as painful urination, itching and burning, are most often not observed. There is only severe pain in the lower abdomen.

Purulent vaginal discharge during salpingitis and oophoritis has one characteristic feature. With physical activity they become much more abundant. In addition, there are signs of intoxication.


As a result of the development of the pathological process, ulceration of the mucous membranes is observed on the cervix. Due to damage to the cervical canal, leucorrhoea with blood and an admixture of pus is observed. As a rule, such symptoms appear when an infection enters the genitourinary system. The volume of secretion directly depends on the scale of the lesion.


Endometriosis is considered a fairly common and serious disease in which abnormal growth of the endometrium occurs. In this case, the secretion released from the vagina with an unpleasant odor in women has a brown tint. Discomfort and pain in the abdominal area are also observed.

If this pathology is accompanied by endometritis, then the appearance of pus is noted in the leucorrhoea, and it acquires an even more pungent, unpleasant aroma.

Complications and consequences

The onset of inflammatory and infectious processes can cause the development of other diseases and serious complications. Regardless of what exactly provoked the appearance of uncharacteristic leucorrhoea, as a result of these pathologies, the vaginal microflora is disrupted, and the female body becomes more susceptible to various diseases. The consequences of trichomoniasis, endometritis, as well as other inflammations and infections can be very serious.

Inflammatory diseases

Inflammation of the appendages, mucous membranes of the vagina, cervix, fallopian tubes or the reproductive organ itself can lead to serious consequences. Among the most common are the following:

  • infertility;
  • chronic pain in the pelvic area;
  • increased risk of ectopic pregnancy;
  • complications during pregnancy (threat of miscarriage and premature birth);
  • infection of the fetus inside the womb;
  • severe course of the inflammatory process after childbirth;
  • frequent relapses.

In addition, the presence of an inflammatory disease, which leads to disruption of the vaginal microflora, creates a favorable environment for the development of bacteria.


If you do not promptly pay attention to such a sign of infection as purulent discharge, the disease will begin to develop rapidly, become chronic and may spread to other organs.

As a rule, in women, in the absence of proper treatment, the uterus and appendages suffer. Infections penetrate their mucous membranes and provoke the onset of an inflammatory process, which in turn causes the formation of adhesions and scars.

The menstrual cycle undergoes changes, and the reproductive organ loses the ability to implant the fertilized egg - and infertility occurs.

Treatment methods

Purulent discharge is an alarming symptom. In order to eliminate the causes of their occurrence, complex therapy is carried out. Treatment is carried out by taking a number of medications. In some cases, surgical intervention is resorted to. It is also possible to use traditional methods. The main thing is that such treatment is approved by a doctor.


Therapy in most cases is carried out through the use of medications (tablets, suppositories and douching solutions). Treatment is carried out in several stages:

  1. Taking antibiotics or antifungals. Most often they resort to prescribing antibacterial drugs such as Doxycycline and Azithromycin. To combat the fungus, Ornidazole or Metronidazole is used.
  2. After medications that help eliminate the causative agent of the pathology, medications are prescribed that help strengthen the immune system. Due to this, it will be much easier for the body to recover.
  3. At the final stage, medications are used to help normalize the vaginal microflora. Oral agents, as well as suppositories and douching solutions are used for this purpose.

The doctor selects medications and their dosage on an individual basis. This largely depends on the overall clinical picture and the extent of spread of the pathological process.


After the appearance of purulent discharge, therapy should be started immediately. The disease that provokes a change in the nature of secretion must be treated with medications. Folk remedies are used only as an addition to the main treatment. The following are used:

  1. Celandine and calendula. Place one tablespoon of each plant in a container and add 0.5 liters of boiling water, cover with a lid and leave for at least an hour. The prepared liquid should then be filtered. For a whole week, douching is performed daily using a warm solution.
  2. Potentilla root. A teaspoon of crushed raw materials is poured with 1.5 liters of water and simmered for half an hour on the stove. The drug is divided into three equal parts and one spoon of honey is added to each portion. The medicine is taken orally before meals three times a day.
  3. Eucalyptus. A tablespoon of crushed leaves is poured into a glass of hot water and left for a quarter of an hour. After this, another liter of liquid is added to the finished product. The resulting solution is used for washing and douching.

Diseases of the reproductive system are not always accompanied by severe symptoms, and only by changes in the nature of the vaginal secretion can the presence of pathology be suspected. Unusual, and even more so purulent, discharge in women signals a pathological change in the vaginal microflora, the presence of infectious and inflammatory processes.

Many women, and especially girls, mistakenly believe that inflammatory diseases, unlike sexually transmitted infections, cannot be treated. In fact, the pathogens that cause them pose a threat to all body systems. Chronic inflammatory processes provoke irreversible changes in the reproductive system and ultimately lead to infertility.

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    Deviations from the norm

    The vagina is always kept moist and clean due to the secretion of cells on its surface. This secretion forms whitish discharge, which varies in quantity and consistency depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle, during sexual arousal, and during pregnancy. They are odorless and do not irritate the mucous membranes of the internal and external genital organs.

    Purulent vaginal discharge is mucus with yellowish or greenish specks. The consistency of mucus can be viscous and thick, or watery or foamy. Due to the high content of pathogenic bacteria, the discharge always irritates the skin and mucous membranes when it comes into contact with them, causing burning and itching in the vagina and perineum.

    Etiology of disorders

    The causes of pathological discharge in women are infectious and inflammatory diseases:

    1. 1. Sexual infections: gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, urogenital chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, acute genital herpes in the phase of opening of the vesicles.
    2. 2. Bacterial infectious diseases: nonspecific vaginitis and colpitis, vulvitis, vulvovaginitis, endocervicitis.
    3. 3. Inflammatory diseases: acute endometritis, adnexitis, purulent parametritis.
    4. 4. Postpartum complications: ulcer, endometritis.

    In 99% of cases, infection is transmitted through sexual contact.. As for the etiology of inflammatory diseases, their main cause is the penetration of pathogens (staphylococci, streptococci, E. coli, anaerobic infections) due to mechanical damage to the uterine and vaginal mucosa during medical procedures:

    • curettage of the uterus;
    • complicated abortion;
    • childbirth;
    • gynecological operations;
    • intrauterine device.

    The acute phase of the disease begins 2–3 days after medical procedures and is expressed by general symptoms: chills, fever, abdominal pain, purulent discharge with an unpleasant odor.

    Manifestations during pregnancy

    The nature and consistency of vaginal secretion changes throughout the entire period of pregnancy, which is due to changes in microflora under the influence of female sex hormones. In the 1st trimester, the leucorrhoea is thick and viscous; from about the 13th week, it begins to gradually thin out and closer to childbirth it has a liquid, transparent consistency and plentiful character. Normally, they are odorless and do not cause itching of the external genitalia. Light yellow, odorless discharge during pregnancy is also within the normal range.

    During pregnancy, there is an increase in the rate of colonization of the genital tract by yeast and lactobacilli. With reduced immunity, the number of yeast fungi increases rapidly, which leads to the occurrence of candidiasis (thrush). This phenomenon is observed in most pregnant women and is quickly eliminated with the help of antifungal drugs. The discharge in this case is white-yellow, but not purulent.

    Abundant green or yellow discharge during pregnancy is pathological, especially if it has an unpleasant odor and causes itching of the genitals. This may be due to an aggravated infection that occurs in a latent phase before pregnancy, or to a new infection with an STD.

    Postpartum lochia

    For 1.5 - 2 months after giving birth, a woman continues to have spotting - lochia. In the first week they are plentiful and have a heterogeneous consistency with clots. Subsequently, they change color from red to brown and proceed like menstruation.

    An unpleasant smell of discharge after childbirth indicates the development of an infectious process. Purulent discharge in women after childbirth may appear for the following reasons:

    • infection during pregnancy: candidiasis, bacterial vaginosis, herpes;
    • chronic inflammatory diseases in pregnant women: peritonitis, endometritis;
    • infection during childbirth.

    Discharge with an unpleasant odor after childbirth may be a sign of a postpartum ulcer or endometritis. Postpartum endometritis develops 2-3 days after birth, accompanied by fever, weakness, soreness of the uterus, the appearance of a putrid odor from the vagina and abundant purulent lochia.

    Postpartum brown discharge with an unpleasant odor in the first days after birth also indicates the remains of the placenta in the uterine cavity. If the contents from the uterine cavity are not evacuated, a purulent-septic process will develop quite quickly. If purulent vaginal discharge after childbirth appears some time after discharge, which indicates the development of an acute inflammatory or bacterial process, the woman should urgently consult a doctor. Most likely, surgical treatment with curettage of the uterine mucosa will be prescribed.

    What to do if signs of illness appear?

    If the discharge suddenly changes its color to yellowish or green and begins to smell unpleasant, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible, even if there are no other symptoms of infection (abdominal and lower back pain, fever, weakness). Purulent discharge in women is always a sign of infection or inflammation of the internal organs of the pelvis.

    You should not self-medicate - in the best case, the symptoms of the disease will pass, and the process will enter the chronic stage, which, if prolonged, can lead to serious gynecological complications and absolute infertility, or the infection will spread to other systems of the body and lead to sepsis or death.

    General principles of therapy for sexually transmitted infections and inflammatory diseases

    Genital tract infections are treated on an outpatient basis using antibacterial and antimicrobial drugs, depending on the type of pathogen. Treatment consists of several successive stages:

    1. 1. Stage 1. Antibacterial (Doxycycline, Josamycin, Erythromycin) or antimicrobial (Metronidazole, Ornidazole) therapy. The drugs are taken orally and topically in the form of vaginal tablets and suppositories. Duration of treatment is 7 – 10 days.
    2. 2. Stage 2. Immunomodulators "Genferon", "Viferon".
    3. 3. Stage 3. Restoration of vaginal microflora. Eubiotics are taken internally: “Baktisubtil”, “Bifiform”, “Hilak Forte”. For local treatment, vaginal suppositories are used: Betadine, Acylact, tampons with bifidumbacterin solutions.