National University of Bioresources and Nature Management of Ukraine.

Pribrezhnensky Agrarian College.

Diary-Report on electrical installation training practice

2nd year student …….. specialty group 5.10010102 “Installation, maintenance and repair of electrical installations in the agro-industrial complex”

Considered and agreed upon at a meeting of the cycle commission of general technical disciplines Minutes No.……….. dated…………2010. Chairman of the Cycle Commission …………………………. Vilchevsky A.V.


1. Base of practice.

The internship is carried out at the college's educational base. For this purpose, training workshops, production base, material and technical base of the college's classroom and laboratories, training grounds and enterprises with which the college has entered into agreements and have the necessary equipment and qualified personnel are used.

2.Purpose of practice.

Teach students to perform electrical installation work, installation of internal power and lighting wiring, overhead and cable lines, electrical machines and transformers, switching and protective equipment, secondary circuits for automatic control of technological processes in agricultural production.

3. Distribution of budget time.

Name of topic and types of work

Installation of internal wiring

Installation of overhead and cable lines

Electrical installation Motors and transformers

Installation and soldering of simple electronic circuits

Installation of lighting and irradiation installations

Installation of process control panels

Installation of automatic motor control circuits

Drawing up technological documentation for electrical engineering services

Installation of instrumentation

3.1 Installation of internal wiring.

Number of hours - 30

Initial instruction: General information about installing internal wiring. Methods of installing wires and cables. Safety precautions.

Independent work: Installation of various types of internal wiring. Connections of copper and aluminum conductors. Insulation of wires and cables using various methods. Connecting wiring to electrical networks. Development of an internal wiring plan including an electric meter. energy. Determination of the wire brand and its cross-section based on permissible heating.

Checking the quality of installation work:


3.2 Installation of overhead and cable lines.

Number of hours - 10

Initial instruction: Requirements for the installation of overhead and cable lines with voltage up to 1000V. Acceptance of the line into operation. Measurement and preventative testing. Safety precautions when installing overhead and cable lines with voltage up to 1000V.

Independent work: Installation of a line section. Rolling out and connecting wires. Determination of line parameters. Installation of grounding loops. Digging and preparing trenches for laying cables. Cable entry into the room. Purpose and types of cable couplings. Testing of cables before commissioning.

Drawing up documentation.



3.3 Installation of electric motors and transformers.

Number of hours - 10

Initial briefing. Electrical installation procedure engine on the frame, as well as deep. Safety precautions during installation.

Independent work. Familiarization with engine data sheets. Cleaning the engine from dirt and dust. Insulation resistance measurement. Determination of the beginning and ends of the stator windings. Checking the alignment of the engine and the working machine. Connecting and starting the engine in idle mode. Studying the passport data of the transformer. Conditions for turning on transformers for parallel operation. Connection of transformer windings. Transformer testing. Determination of capacitor capacity for connecting a three-phase motor to a single-phase network.

Conclusion: Checking the quality of installation work.



3.4 Installation and soldering of simple electronic devices.

Number of hours - 30

Initial instruction: Solders and fluxes. A necessary tool. . Safety precautions during work.

Independent work. Development of simple electronic circuits using semiconductor devices. Various rectification schemes. Anti-aliasing filters and their purposes. Assembling circuits, soldering, connecting wires. Working with combined electrical measuring instruments, multimeters. Dismantling of assembled circuits.



3.5 Installation of lighting and irradiation installations.

Number of hours - 10

Initial briefing. Safety precautions and technical specifications for electric lighting installations are specific to working with incandescent lamps and gas-discharge lamps.

Independent work. The procedure for carrying out installation work. Procurement of materials for installation work. Installation of single-lamp and multi-lamp circuits for switching on lamps with incandescent lamps. Installation of circuits for switching on gas-discharge lamps. Starting devices. Chokes. Inclusion of lighting circuits at poultry farms according to the program. Turning on the photo relay.



3.6 Installation of process control panels.

Number of hours - 20

Initial briefing. Features of installation of consoles, panels and process control panels. Safety precautions when performing work.

Independent work. Marking work during installation work. Development of addressable wiring diagrams. Installation of equipment and terminal connections. Placement and installation of devices on panels and panels. Insertion of wires and cables into panels. Installation of protective grounding. Acceptance of installed equipment into operation.



3.7 Installation of automatic control circuits for electric motors.

Number of hours - 20

Initial briefing. Sequence of installation and adjustment of the engine control system. Safety precautions when performing installation and adjustment work.

Independent work. Starting the engine using a packet switch, a magnetic starter, a control system from two places, using a reversible magnetic starter. Installation and adjustment of the engine starting circuit as a function of path and time. Starting a three-phase motor in single-phase mode. Installation of circuits with remote control.

Conclusion. Disassembly of assembled circuits. Identifying errors made during installation. Summarizing.



3.8 Installation of control and measuring instruments.

Number of hours - 10

Initial briefing. Safety precautions when installing control and measuring instruments. Design, systems and operating principles of instrumentation.

Independent work. Inspection and troubleshooting of instrumentation, determination of their condition. Selection of instruments, tools and accessories for installation work. Installation of circuits for measuring current, voltage, power. Measurement of non-electrical quantities using electrical methods. Adjustment of mounted circuits. State verification of instrumentation. Verification deadlines.

Conclusion. Analysis of the quality of work performed.


3.9 Drawing up technical documentation for the electrical service.

Number of hours - 10

Independent work. Studying the list of necessary documentation to ensure the operation of the electrical technical service of the enterprise. Forms, acts, contracts. Electrical service reporting on electricity metering and safety precautions. Acts for hidden work. Test report forms. Procedure for filling out forms. List of electrical service documentation.



Feedback from the supervisor of the educational practice.


Final grade "………………………"

Signature of the practice manager……………………………….

1. Pyastolov A. A. Installation, operation and repair of electrical equipment. M. Kolos 1981

2. Kostenko E. M. Installation, maintenance and repair of industrial and household equipment. Kyiv. Basis 2001

3. Marchenko A. S. Handbook for installation and adjustment of electrical equipment. K. Harvest 1994

4. Kharkuta K. S. Workshop on agricultural power supply.

M. Agropromizdat 1992

5. Katkov P. A. et al. Handbook on the design of electrical networks in rural areas. M. Energy 1980

6. Grudinsky P.G. Electrotechnical reference book. M. Energy 1982

The practical training diary is a documentary confirmation of its completion at any enterprise. and what are the rules for filling it out you can find out by reading this article.

Quite often, filling out a diary raises a large number of questions among students: how to properly format the title page, how to maintain it, what are the standards and procedure for registration.

Diary on industrial practice - standard filling scheme

The legislation does not provide for a strict, unified sample of a production practice diary. However, there are so-called state standards that are relevant for all educational institutions without exception, both secondary specialized (vocational) and higher ones. Let's look at them in more detail.

The title page or flyleaf of the document must contain the following mandatory data:

  • Full name of the university (college school), department (if any), faculty and specialty, as well as the enterprise where the student plans to undergo practical training, and, if any, its structural unit;
  • number of the course in which the student is studying, as well as the name of the study group;
  • Full name of the student and the immediate supervisor of the internship.
  • 1 sheet – last name and initials of the intern, information about the educational institution and its head, full name of the curator and head of the internship, signature and seal of the university;
  • Sheet 2 – approved industrial practice plan;
  • the remaining sheets (except for the last one) are filled out and numbered according to the number of days of practice; include tables, dates of working days, criteria for assessing the completion of educational assignments, a column for comments and a brief description of the work completed by the student and its assessment by the internship supervisor;

the last page should contain a review (review) from the supervisor of the production practice.

The diary can be supplemented with various applications that are not provided by conventional standards. For example, students at pedagogical universities keep a journal of observation of their students’ reactions to the use of certain teaching methods. Future lawyers attach to the diary various samples of regulatory documents that they reviewed during practical assignments.

The title page and appearance of the practical training diary are established directly by the educational institution in the methodological recommendations. Many educational institutions provide their students with ready-made diaries of a single sample in electronic form or already printed.

But most often, trainees prepare diaries on their own, based on the methodological recommendations of the university. In some cases, it is possible to fill out a diary in a standard general notebook. An important condition is that the number of sheets in it corresponds to the days allotted for practice.

How to fill out a production practice diary correctly

Talking about how to make a work practice diary, It is necessary to understand the main principle of keeping a diary - regular filling. The duration of the internship usually ranges from two to several months, the longest of which precedes the defense of the diploma. This means that if missed, it will not be easy to fill in all the gaps retrospectively. In addition, there is still the possibility of missing some important points that may later be needed when drawing up tables or a report.

To be on the safe side, future trainees can find a sample of filling out a diary for industrial training in advance. For example, ask senior students or use the World Wide Web. This approach will minimize the number of errors, which are highly undesirable. The ability to duplicate the company seal and documents necessary for practice does not always exist

There are cases when keeping a diary is nominal in nature - the seals of the enterprise and the University are affixed in advance, signatures are placed. Subsequently, the student enters information about the work done, which often has nothing to do with the real state of affairs. This is of course not recommended. Serious higher education institutions use fairly effective control tools for verification; trainee dishonesty can be easily detected. We recommend that you refrain from this approach, especially if this is work on pre-graduation practice.

The diary must be filled out clearly and correctly. Otherwise, it may be necessary to compile a duplicate of it. In order to avoid amendments and difficulties when drawing up a practice report, it is recommended to pay attention to compliance with a number of mandatory conditions:

  1. the amount of work indicated in the diary must correspond to the length of the working day approved by the management of the university and the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  2. the obligatory signature of the internship supervisor on each sheet at the end of the day (this requirement is not relevant for all educational institutions, so it is worth clarifying this issue with the internship supervisor in advance or familiarizing yourself with the methodological recommendations of your own university);
  3. all names of documents reviewed, studied or compiled, as well as other special names must be indicated correctly (for example, departmental units, positions, special ranks, etc.);
  4. Empty lines and spaces are not allowed (they must be filled in).

In addition, it is important to clarify the requirements set by the university for stamps in the diary and review. Many enterprises that accept trainees have several types of seals and stamps designed for signing various types of documents (for example, an official seal or for documents, facsimiles).

How to fill out a diary for pre-graduation practice - differences in design

The procedure for keeping a diary on pre-graduation practice deserves special attention, because it is on the basis of this document that a conclusion will subsequently be made about the student’s readiness for professional activity and about the presence of the necessary knowledge and skills in full.

The structure of keeping a diary of pre-diploma practice is similar to the usual one. The only difference is the presence of an additional column for reporting, which is called “Individual tasks”. In a number of educational institutions, this position is present by default, from the first year of study.

The “Individual tasks” field must contain information about all types and volumes of work performed by the trainee independently. The supervisor issues instructions to the trainee, and then writes a review on the results of the research conducted by the trainee.

For example, students of economic specialties may be tasked with developing systems for strategic planning of a company's income and expenses and analyzing the financial results of its activities. Future lawyers prepare statements of claim and other documents depending on the type of activity of the company in which they are practicing.

Where to find a sample of filling out a practice diary

The best option is to contact the methodologists of your university. As a rule, they always have ready-made works for example. Naturally, it is necessary to use this sample solely to verify all the requirements and standards that a given educational institution imposes on internship diaries. It is worth remembering that the likelihood of receiving an unsatisfactory grade if plagiarism is provided is very high.

Samples of filling out practice diaries for various educational specialties are presented in large quantities on the Internet, both on paid and free resources. It is also not recommended to copy found diaries; it is best to use them when working independently for informational purposes.

Completing a practice diary yourself will greatly facilitate the subsequent procedure for drawing up a report. The student will just have to structure the existing data and support it with theoretical knowledge. Do not forget that completing an internship is an excellent opportunity to test your own knowledge and prepare for further independent work in your chosen specialty.

What is a practice diary? This is one of the documents reflecting the quality of work of a student who has completed an internship, a description of all his activities. The diary is submitted along with a report on the practice and a description from the place of work.

The practice diary should be formatted in the form of a special booklet-brochure, which is subsequently filed with the report. Usually such a booklet is issued at a university, but if you did not receive a ready-made diary form from your teacher, you will have to make it yourself.

Requirements for a practice diary

How to fill out a practice diary:

  1. Receive an individual assignment from the head of your internship at the university.
  2. Draw up a work schedule. The plan must indicate the type of work and the duration of the internship.
  3. Daily and briefly write down in your diary all the tasks actually completed.
  4. After completing the internship, obtain the signatures of the internship supervisor from the enterprise (on the title page of the diary and, if required, in a special column for each task) and put the organization’s seal on the title page.
  5. The signature of the head of practice from the university is also required.

The trainee’s work schedule does not always coincide with the curriculum issued at the institute, but all tasks received at the enterprise should be recorded in a diary. Each entry must contain:

  • date of;
  • completed task and its analysis;
  • signature of the practice manager;
  • a brief description of the result (for example, “completed”).

Entries in the diary are confirmed by the signature of the practice manager from the enterprise and the seal of the organization.

Each type of student practice involves writing a report and a diary. How to write a practice diary?

1. Diary on educational practice. During practical training, the student, as a rule, performs simple tasks and observes the work of a specific department of the organization. Although the work consists of approximately the same actions, tasks should be described every day. An example of filling out a practice diary can be viewed.

2. Diary on industrial practice. A student undergoing practical training delves into the activities of the enterprise seriously, exploring the nuances of his future profession. All completed tasks and a brief report on the practical use of their knowledge are recorded daily in the diary.

3. Diary on pre-graduation practice. Pre-diploma practice differs from others in that it is devoted not so much to work as to the collection of information for writing a diploma. In this case, the diary is regularly filled with relevant information: daily work is described precisely from a research point of view.

Regardless of the type of practice, it is necessary to record more than just progress reports. The diary includes:

  • undergoing training (safety precautions, labor protection, professional briefings);
  • participation in public events and trade union activities;
  • participation in field trips, training or research seminars;
  • information on the study of enterprise documents or regulations.

Entries in the diary are written clearly, concisely and competently. Its volume is determined by the internship program and guidelines of the university.

Preparation of a practice diary

How to create a practice diary? According to the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, the practice diary is a table of several columns with the following headings:

  • date of;
  • department name;
  • completed work;
  • number of days spent on the task;
  • trainee position;
  • FULL NAME. head of department;
  • completion mark;
  • notes.

The number of columns and their headings depend on the type of practice and the requirements of your university.

The title page of the diary states:

  • information about the university, faculty and discipline;
  • personal data of the trainee (full name, course, specialty);
  • type of practice;
  • the timing of its completion;
  • information about the enterprise;
  • FULL NAME. practice manager from the university and from the enterprise;
  • date and city name.

Your university may have additional standards for filling out an internship diary. But accuracy and the absence of corrections, blots or erasures are required everywhere.

The practice diary is an element of the practice report and is filed with it along with the manager’s characteristics and feedback from the enterprise.

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Hello, dear reader.

This article consists of the following sections:

  1. How to count the days of practice
  2. Then an example of filling out a pre-diploma practice diary
  3. Lots of items to use when filling out your diary
  4. Some important questions at the end of the article

If you don’t want to fill out the pre-diploma practice diary yourself - you can always order it at any student exchange - this is a fairly inexpensive job that will be done for you in a very short time.

To order a practice diary, I can recommend you to use any student work exchange, for example, author24 - simply because there are the most performers:

How to fill out a diary of pre-graduate (or industrial) practice as an economist? To fill it out you need to follow several steps:

  1. Determine how many days the practice lasts (This is written in the training manual or in the order for practice, options: 2 weeks, 4 weeks, 8 weeks)
  2. Put dates in your diary - from the first day to the last (except weekends).
    Dates can be viewed using this service: .
    That is, for each week in practice you will have 5 lines in your diary (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday).
  3. Opposite each day you will need to write several tasks that you did. You will get something similar to the picture below. The supervisor will mark the completion. Usually the word “completed” is written there.
    If in reality you were not in practice at all, you will have to invent points. There should be 3-5 of them in each cell.

I think the logic of filling out the diary is already clear to you. Below is a list of possible points and some important questions.

  1. Getting to know the company as a whole
  2. Getting to know the management of the enterprise and your immediate supervisor
  3. Meeting the practice manager
  4. Preparation of documents for arrival to practice
  5. Signing an order for access to the enterprise
  6. Completing safety training
  7. Familiarization with the provisions on trade secrets
  8. Signing documents on trade secrets
  9. Corporate conduct training
  10. Meeting the organization's employees
  11. Familiarization with the organizational structure of the organization
  12. Drawing up an organizational chart for company management
  13. Familiarity with the activities of the organization as a whole
  14. Assessing the scale of the company's work
  15. History of the creation and development of the enterprise
  16. Drawing up a brief description of the enterprise
  17. Familiarization with the industry of the enterprise in Russia
  18. Studying the legal aspects of the organization's activities
  19. Study of regulations governing the operation of the enterprise
  20. Drawing up an agreement for the provision of consulting services to a company client
  21. Copying sales contracts and adjusting them for new clients
  22. Answering telephone calls and providing telephone consultations
  23. Accepting requests for service
  24. Filling out invoices
  25. Filling out invoices
  26. Collection of reports on the operating activities of the organization
  27. Studying the organization's archives
  28. Copying and filing organization documents for archiving
  29. Attendance at negotiations with suppliers
  30. Participation in an operational meeting
  31. Reconciliation of settlements with counterparties based on financial statements
  32. Making changes to counterparties in the 1C: Enterprise program
  33. Studying theory on the topic of work and report
  34. Selecting sources for analysis
  35. Listing apps
  36. Compiling a bibliography
  37. Preparation of applications with reporting
  38. Drawing up tables with general indicators of the organization
  39. Preparation and analysis of accounting documents
  40. Preparing a financial analysis structure
  41. Selecting sections for financial status
  42. Checking collected documents for typos and other errors
  43. Assessment of the dynamics and structure of the company’s property
  44. Assessing the dynamics and structure of the company's capital
  45. Main indicators of the economic condition of the organization
  46. Main indicators of the organization's economic results
  47. Assessment of key indicators of economic condition and economic results
  48. Study of technical and economic indicators of the enterprise
  49. Preparation of materials for analysis
  50. Drawing up an analysis scheme
  51. Selecting Analysis Sections
  52. Studying the reporting forms used by the organization
  53. Preparation of management reporting for analysis
  54. Analysis of indicators of financial and economic activity of the enterprise
  55. Assessment of the economic security of an enterprise
  56. Analysis of the enterprise's marketing activities
  57. Conducting an analysis of competitors' prices and drawing up an explanatory note for the manager
  58. Conducting analysis of cash flow, credit and settlement transactions
  59. Studying the staffing table of the enterprise and the organizational objectives of the company
  60. Conducting analysis of finished products and inventories
  61. Conducting an analysis of fixed assets and intangible assets
  62. Conducting labor efficiency analysis and payment calculations
  63. Estimation of depreciation of equipment at the enterprise
  64. Participation in checking the completion of enterprise reporting
  65. Preparation of initial data for an individual task
  66. Communication with the manager about the mission and objectives of the organization
  67. Study of the organization, main activities, composition and structure of the organization.
  68. Study of normative documents regulating the activities of the organization, types and contents of constituent documents, organizational and legal form of the enterprise, forms of ownership, types of statutory activities.
  69. Constituent documents and main legal acts
  70. Studying the responsibilities and job descriptions of the organization's employees.
  71. Study of technical and economic indicators.
  72. Familiarization with the accounting procedures.
  73. Study of the organization of the system of payment and labor incentives.
  74. Study of the organization's sales plans, study of planning standards, orders for organizing planning in the organization, methodological recommendations and orders.
  75. Study of the main indicators used to evaluate the activities of the organization.
  76. Assessment of the enterprise’s balance sheet (dynamics of accounts payable and receivable, inventories, finished products in the warehouse, balance sheet currency, etc.)
  77. Analysis of accounts receivable, study of own and borrowed funds, analysis of the formation of the organization's working capital.
  78. Analysis of the organization's accounts payable.
  79. Study of the procedure and mechanism of pricing (determining the cost) of goods sold.
    PCs, programs and office equipment used in the work of the institution.
  80. Work in the program “1C Enterprise 8.0” and “Client-Bank”.
  81. Conducting an analysis of the financial stability of the enterprise
  82. Assessing the liquidity of an enterprise
  83. Conducting an assessment of the organization's solvency.
  84. Studying the practice of relationships between the organization and banks and other credit institutions.
  85. Study of payment and settlement procedures in force in the organization
  86. State of settlement and payment discipline.
  87. Study of payment forms used by the organization.
  88. Participation in the preparation of primary documents (invoices, delivery notes)
  89. Studying relationships with tax institutions, budgets of various levels, extra-budgetary funds.
  90. Studying relationships with clients (suppliers and customers or buyers).
  91. Participation in payment and settlement work.
  92. Studying the procedure for the formation, development and approval of a product range
  93. Studying the sources of goods receipt
  94. Analysis of product range. Working with price lists.
  95. Familiarization with the procedure for acceptance and delivery of goods, their documentation and types of vehicles used.
  96. Participation in the preparation of primary documents.
  97. Participation in the preparation of applications for the import of products from suppliers.
  98. Studying work with suppliers to determine the price level for supplied goods.
  99. Familiarization with the advertising activities of the enterprise
  100. Participation in ordering promotional products, business cards, souvenirs for customers, etc.
  101. Study of the organization of financial responsibility.
  102. Studying the procedure for conducting inventories, collecting losses and shortages.
  103. Conducting an assessment of the economic situation.
  104. Income Statement Analysis
  105. Analysis of the organization's equity.
  106. Study of contracts between suppliers and buyers.
  107. Work with primary documents and correspondence.
  108. Studying the requirements for report formatting
  109. Creating a report template
  110. Drawing up the contents of the report
  111. Preparation of a report on the internship
  112. Checking the findings and official documents of the organization
  113. Preparation of conclusions based on the analysis performed
  114. Preparation of charts and graphs for the report
  115. Determining areas for improving performance
  116. Studying similar situations in other companies
  117. Offering recommendations for improving the company's activities
  118. Proposal of improvement measures
  119. Preparation of a draft practice report
  120. Filling out a practice diary
  121. Obtaining characteristics of the practice manager from the enterprise
  122. Submitting a report to the practice manager for review
  123. Preparation of a final version of the practice report
  124. Drawing up a practice report and submitting it to the practice manager for review.
  125. Collection of documents, signatures and seals

Now a few important questions that arise when filling it out.

  1. Is the practice diary strictly checked? No, not strictly. It simply describes what the trainee does every day at the internship site. What to check there. Check the practice report in more detail (more on that).
  2. Is it possible to write immediately in it, without drafts? Yes, you can. Some students fill out this diary immediately before taking the test. Although if you have doubts, you can do it on a draft first. But this doesn’t make much sense.
  3. And if every Monday an economist does the same thing, then you can write like this - the same thing every Monday? You can do the same thing, as long as it doesn’t catch your eye: use synonyms, change the order of points, and so on
  4. Is it possible to write the same thing if it really is so? In principle, the same thing is possible. But, again, it’s better to be a little unique. For example: analysis of plan implementation = assessment of achievement of turnover goals.
  5. Where to put stamps on the practice diary (Inzhekon). It is necessary to put three round seals of the company (as of spring 2013): on the title page(over the words “Head of practice from the enterprise”); in the description of a student from the internship site(in the lower right corner); in the review of the practice manager from the organization(also in the lower right corner).

You can ask your questions about pre-graduation practice for economic specialties in the comments to this post or in contact:

Thank you for your attention.

Materials for final qualification (diploma, bachelor's, master's), coursework and practice reports in economics, financial management and analysis:

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Ready-made diary for industrial practice in accounting

Diary of practical training for a student at the Faculty of Accounting and Finance in enterprise economics, analysis of economic activity, financial accounting, specialty “Finance”

Place of internship and brief content of the issue being studied

Comments and suggestions

Registration in the HR department. Familiarization with safety regulations.

Collection of information about natural and economic conditions of management. Filling out section 1 of the practice report.

Familiarity with the basic forms of reporting in accounting.

Determining the specialization of an enterprise

Collection of information in reports on the financial condition of the enterprise.

Determining the financial condition of an enterprise

Collection of information about the availability of enterprise resources

Calculation of the resource potential of the farm..

Workplace in accounting

Calculation of indicators of the efficiency of using the resource potential of the economy.

Introduction to wheat production technologies

Studying the state of the crop production industry.

Collection of data on the state of the crop production industry in accounting.

Collection of data on the state of the livestock industry in accounting.

Calculation of key production efficiency indicators.

Study of cash accounting, settlement and credit transactions.

Mastering the cycle of accounting work in the central accounting department of an enterprise

Study of accounting for settlement transactions.

Mastering the cycle of accounting work in the central accounting department of an enterprise

Study of labor accounting and payment.

Mastering the cycle of accounting work in the central accounting department of an enterprise

Study of accounting for income, expenses and financial results.

Mastering the cycle of accounting work in the central accounting department of an enterprise

Study of capital accounting.

Mastering the cycle of accounting work in the central accounting department of an enterprise

Study of quarterly accounting (financial) statements.

Mastering the cycle of accounting work in the central accounting department of an enterprise

Performing factor analysis of enterprise profit

The student’s signature is the chief accountant’s signature on the completed practical training diary in accounting. Date of.

Appendix to the finished diary on practical training in accounting

Ready-made technology practice diary

Diary of practical training for a student majoring in “Technology of Fermentation and Winemaking” LLC “Grape Winery”

Place and type of work


Arrival at the plant. Introductory acquaintance with the plant and the range of products. Safety briefing.

Sampling for analysis

Worked in the laboratory

Sampling of wine materials

25.09.10 — 26.09.10

Day off

27.09.10 — 28.09.10

Worked in the crushing and pressing department

Work in the laboratory (analysis of selected samples)


Working in the laboratory

Day off

Grape sampling

5.10.10, 6.10.10, 7.10.10

We worked in the fermentation department. Collecting information to write a report, returning literature. Departure.

Signature of the student, the internship supervisor from the enterprise, and the internship supervisor from the university on the completed technological practice diary.