No one will argue that in our forests the king of animals is the brown bear. Outwardly, this animal, which is affectionately called a bear or a clubfoot, has the appearance of a good-natured bumpkin, whom you just want to pat at the withers. Especially when he is far away, or at the circus, or not on the TV screen. But a close encounter with this beast can be fatal for a person, and the most dangerous bear is the one that has become a connecting rod.

In its natural habitat, the bear bears little resemblance to the kind and narrow-minded Winnie the Pooh or Teddy Bear. In fact, it is a cunning, powerful and extremely dexterous beast. He moves quickly and almost silently. And it has such strength that it can demolish trees with a blow of its paw, can tear apart a boat, and can easily bite through the barrel of a gun with its teeth. In fact, bears do not hunt humans, and if they accidentally meet in the forest, they immediately turn around and leave. But they can attack, especially if there are provoking factors.

Causes of bear attacks

Most often, bears do not attack seriously, but simply want to scare them - they demand that a person leave their territory, and for this they show their strength.

This is what a mother bear always does with her cubs. She just wants to protect her kids and will drive away the person who carelessly approached them.

The second reason is if there is his food nearby. He will drive away anyone who appears there inopportunely. At the same time, the animal jumps in one place, growls menacingly, and rises on its hind legs, as if attacking. But it can attack for real. This is especially often done by bears who feed on waste near human habitation. These animals get used to people, lose caution, and perceive the appearance of a person as an encroachment on their food.

Another situation when the likelihood of a bear attack is very high is a meeting during a hunt, when the animal is frightened by shots or wounded.

Usually a bear attacks without provocation extremely rarely, but an encounter with a connecting rod is always 100% extreme. Almost all human casualties were caused by the connecting rods.

Bears who, for various reasons, did not hibernate in a den become connecting rods.

The most common reason is that animals simply do not have time to gain the required amount of fat in years when there is a bad harvest in the forest and there are few nuts and berries or the bear is sick. The bear begins to stagger even if he wakes up ahead of time and gets out of the den while still in the snow. These are the bears that are the most dangerous.

Almost always, sick and elderly animals that cannot eat properly become the connecting rods. But in especially hungry years, many even young and healthy bears can become connecting rods. At the same time, the already hungry animal finds itself in an extreme environment for it - frost, snow cover and a complete lack of food.

From this, the animal seems to go crazy, loses all fear and attacks any animal or person. Shatuni often attack even their fellow creatures, killing and eating them. But a weak person, especially an unarmed one, is easy for him to deal with and is easy prey.

During an attack, the connecting rod uses two tactics: ambush and pursuit.

As a rule, he sets up an ambush near settlements: he sits in the bushes and waits for a careless person to go out into the forest for firewood. They can also catch dogs. A very hungry bear enters villages, kills livestock and breaks into houses.

If the connecting rod notices a person in the forest, he quietly pursues him for some time. And at the right moment he throws himself, most often from behind. But there are also immediate attacks.

Among the most recent cases of attack, in Yakutia in 2006, a connecting rod bear attacked a family right in the courtyard of their house. He killed his wife on the spot, and the husband fought back with a knife and mortally wounded the bear. The animal was very emaciated - half its normal weight.

And in 2009, a huge connecting rod attacked a hunter right in the hut at the winter hut, killed the dog, but the hunter managed to shoot him. It turned out that the bear followed the man for a long time, right in the tracks of the snowmobile - more than 20 km.

If a bear really attacks, it acts actively, quickly and aggressively. To assess the situation, the animal rises to its full height on its hind legs, but always attacks on 4 legs. The scruff of the neck stands on end, the beast approaches with huge leaps, with a bared mouth and a powerful roar.

What to do when a bear attacks

In such a nightmare situation, it is difficult, of course, to remain calm, but we must remember - under no circumstances should you run - this is almost always death. It is impossible to escape from a bear, because the animal reaches speeds of up to 70 km/h, and with one blow of its paw in the back, it breaks the neck, scalps the skull, and then rips open the stomach.

There is only one way out - to defend yourself with what you have. If you have a weapon, shoot immediately.

It happens that the connecting rod, seeing a weapon and feeling the aggressiveness of a person, turns to the side and runs away. You need to aim for the head, but only if the hunter is sure that he will hit. Otherwise, it's better to hit the chest. You need to shoot from a short distance - 5-7 meters.

There is a knife - hit him in the face, in the eyes. The best position for a person is on his back, and you have to lie down literally at the last moment and try to hit the diaphragm or armpit with all your might. There is no knife - grab a stick and try to shove it far into the mouth.

How not to meet a bear

Of course, we must try not to lead the situation to bearish aggression. The precautions are simple:

  • Do not create garbage dumps with food waste near tourist and hunting camps. It is necessary to take the waste away or simply burn it;
  • Do not keep food in an accessible place. In places where there are a lot of bears, either iron barrels or boxes with iron edging are prepared for food supplies.
  • Bear trails must be avoided - two parallel lines of tracks. The beast often walks the same path.
  • if somewhere there is a corpse of an animal or there are a lot of dead fish in the water, then you should stay away from such places - the animal is especially aggressive near food.
  • It’s good to always have dogs with you: shepherd dogs, Airedale terriers. The dog, firstly, will quickly smell the animal, and secondly, will distract it, which will make it possible to prepare for a shot or defense.

The people of our country have a special relationship with bears. He is rightly called the owner of the forest. And this predator tends to protect its territory from uninvited guests.

Tragic cases of bear attacks on humans occur all the time. An angry clubfoot can cause serious injuries with its strong paw with long claws or sharp teeth. Therefore, meeting a bear in the wilderness is extremely undesirable.

The danger of such encounters is that it is impossible to understand and predict the actions of the bear. Each individual, upon seeing a person, will behave differently. But still some bears pose a mortal danger to people.

Who should you be wary of?

Meeting small bear cubs poses a serious danger for a hunter or mushroom picker! If you find one or a couple of young-of-the-year bear cubs playing in a clearing in the forest, do not approach them under any circumstances. On the contrary, without delaying, you need to get out of here as soon as possible! There is no need to photograph them, film them, or even invite them to come to you.

There is a very high probability that their mother is somewhere near them. The female may see you as a threat to her offspring, and then an angry bear weighing about 500 kg will attack. inevitably.

Try to leave this place silently and unnoticed, without attracting the attention of the cubs. Bear cubs are very curious and are not afraid of humans. And if they notice him, they will most likely run up to him in order to study and sniff him. And it will be very bad if a mother bear sees her offspring next to you.

Go ahead. Sick, wounded or weakened bears can deliberately attack a person, since they do not have enough strength to hunt forest inhabitants.

Large males are very aggressive during the rut, which takes place in spring and early summer. They can attack people for no reason.

Also dangerous are bears who have previously attacked humans and now look at them as prey.

Therefore, in the forest you need to be especially attentive and observant in order to notice the presence of a clubfoot in time and retreat before he notices you.
In addition, in some situations a bear is highly likely to attack a person. What are these situations?

Precautionary measures, rules of conduct for a hunter/mushroom picker in bear areas.

It’s worth saying right away that bears react very nervously to the unexpected appearance of not only a person, but also any forest animal. Especially if you walked so silently that he was able to notice you at a distance of less than 20-30 meters. He may regard this as an act of aggression on your part and “go on the defensive” - attack the unexpected guest.

It is very dangerous to catch a bear eating. In order to protect its prey, it can also rush into an attack. So it is recommended to avoid all places where there is a strong smell of carrion. The fact is that the clubfoot sincerely considers itself the owner of a certain territory and will defend its possessions, and especially food.

So, he can react aggressively to fishermen. Near rivers where the clubfoot fishes, you need to be careful. If you suddenly notice a bear fishing in the distance, try to get around it as far as possible to avoid meeting it.

Also be careful in those places where there are obvious signs of the presence of the owner of the taiga. Fresh paw prints, scratches on trees, destroyed anthills, dug up earth, where you can see large marks from bear claws. You need to leave here as soon as possible.

In general, if there is a high probability of meeting this predator, then you need to warn him about your presence in advance. Try to make as much noise as possible. Knock on trees with a stick, talk loudly, sing songs. Most bears are afraid of people and will safely leave without you noticing them.

It has been noticed that this beast more often attacks a “lone wanderer” than a group of people.

You shouldn’t linger too long on bear areas and trails, much less take a break or set up a camp there. The bear obviously will not be happy with such a neighborhood.

If you have to spend the night in the forest, then take the following precautions: store food away from tents. It is advisable to place all the food on the tree. It is better to burn food waste and garbage, the smell of which may attract clubfoot. If possible, avoid eating foods that are too “smelly” such as barbecue or smoked meats.

At night you can, and even need to, light and maintain a fire.

In the dark, it is better not to walk in the forest at all. In the twilight of the night, you can accidentally stumble upon a bear, as they say, nose to nose. By the way, at night they are much bolder and more aggressive, so the likelihood of a bear attack increases significantly.

You cannot feed the bears or throw food at them. So they lose their natural fear of man and stop being afraid of him. In addition, they learn that they can beg people for something tasty.

And if the next traveler who meets on their way does not have these goodies, then they can react very aggressively.

The degree of aggression of a bear largely depends on the time of year. It is considered a mortal danger to meet a bear in winter, when he should sleep in a den. The connecting rods, as these bears are popularly called, are extremely aggressive. They attack people not only in the taiga, but can also enter populated areas.

There are many known cases of these uninvited guests entering yards and killing dogs and other pets. Sometimes people too. So if there are large traces of a bear in the snow, you need to be especially careful and, if possible, not visit the forest at all.

As a rule, the connecting rods are shot by local OO&R, since these hungry, exhausted animals that were unable to hibernate in time are unlikely to survive until spring.

In spring and June-July you also need to be careful. As mentioned above, at this time their mating season begins.

A few words about dogs

Many people have probably heard stories about how a faithful hunting husky saved its owner from the clutches of a bear at the cost of its own life. Such facts really do exist. But not every dog ​​can save a person’s life. Only angry, strong, poisoned huskies who are not afraid of the bear can protect people.

But a dog that sees this large predator for the first time in its life experiences fear. Of course, she can smell a bear. And he can even bark at him. But if the clubfoot chases her, then she will first of all run to the owner so that he protects her, thereby exposing him. So it’s better not to take weak, untested, cowardly dogs with you.

Now we know which bears we should be wary of first, in which places we should be especially careful, and at what time they are most aggressive. I hope this information will help you avoid meeting them. But what to do if a “rendezvous” with the owner of the forest happened?

How to behave when meeting a bear

First of all, there is no need to show fear, remain calm. It is strictly not recommended to run away. In this case, the brown one has an instinctive desire to catch up with the “victim”. And he will definitely catch up, since he runs quite fast. What can we say if fleet-footed moose sometimes cannot escape from him!

If this does not happen, then try, backing away, but without turning your back to him, to leave this place. Clubfoot sees that the person does not pose a danger and leaves the place himself.

But there are bears who, either out of curiosity or out of aggression, may come to meet you. Sometimes they even stand on their hind legs to get a better look. In this case, you should not make sudden movements, nor should you squeal or growl - it is better to just speak in a confident tone and try to make yourself seem bigger. You can, for example, stand on a tree stump and carefully open your cloak - this way you will appear taller and healthier.

If you have a saucepan, you can knock on it with some metal object - an unusual sound can scare away the animal.

They say that swearing and any sharp sounds in general work well against bears. So, you can explode a firecracker, or fire a shot from a gun. You should never shoot a bear, especially if you are not sure that you can hit it with the first round. A wounded animal is even more dangerous. Usually, a few warnings are enough in the air, and the bear is gone.

Pepper spray against bears has now been recognized as an effective means of protection. But it works at a distance of up to 5 meters.

If the clubfoot does not leave, but, on the contrary, shows signs of aggression - stretches out its lips, digs the ground with its front paws, growls, then most likely an attack is inevitable. In this case, running away is more expensive for yourself. If you have the opportunity to quickly climb the nearest tree, then it is better to do so. And so that you have enough time for this, you can throw him your backpack or jacket. A curious bear will probably look at their contents. And you will have saving seconds.

When there is no possibility of salvation, then the best thing is to simply pretend to be dead. Fall to the ground belly down or curl into a fetal position. The main thing is to protect your head with your hands and not expose your stomach. If you don't move, the bear will soon lose interest in you and leave. But don’t immediately get up and show “signs of life.” Let the clubfoot go away.

Of course, it’s still better not to take the situation to the extreme, so as not to feel the claws of the clubfoot on yourself later. In the forest you need to be very attentive and pay attention to any signs that indicate the presence of a bear nearby in order to see it first.

2009 turned out to be a berry year in Karelia. Literally bending down once, you could pick up several handfuls and enrich your body with vitamins. With hunting, everything was also relatively good, although we had to nurse the game for 15-20 km, but, nevertheless, there were results.

Around the beginning of the second week, having gathered for a morning hunting “detour,” literally a hundred meters from the camp, I came across a miraculous painting laid out right in the middle of the road.

An interesting photo, it confirms the vegetarian preferences of the bear’s autumn diet. Some friends even believed that I myself enriched this composition with berries. Pfft, I have nothing else to do.

A little further I found broken branches, stripped bark, another pile, damn, how much does he eat? All these signs seemed to express Misha’s dissatisfaction with our neighborhood. Well, yes, maybe he didn’t like our company’s evening chants!

Jokes aside, how much can you do if something happens? Make Misha your signature couple of jumps, and you may not have time to reload with bullets. I became afraid to hunt alone and got involved with a more experienced hunter. Safer with two! But it was time to leave; no one met the bear. The agonizing wait for the next trip to Karelia began. And then it happened...

2010 in Karelia. The summer turned out to be hot, they say in the republic it reached 35 degrees, and this is the north! Due to forest fires across the country, the opening of the hunt was postponed to September 1. Although no information was heard about fires in Karelia, a trace of a ground fire was still found.

No berries! Well, or almost not. The thought immediately flew through my mind, whether Misha had switched to meat. But many hunters consoled us, saying that a bear can smell it from kilometers away, it doesn’t need problems, it will go away.

The morning of that day... I slept a little, it had already bloomed a long time ago, and so as not to waste more time I went hunting, without tea or breakfast. As I love - one with his 34 tose with a first and a three in the trunks.

Quietly, almost silently creeping along the path, looking out for game, he walked in the same way. I didn’t hear any sound, but as if, like an animal, I felt it. We looked at each other at the same time. My heart rate has clearly increased, because in front of me, about 12 meters away, is a brown bear with an intimidating black color. The main thing is not to panic, so far everything is fine, if Misha wanted something from me, he would have covered the distance of 12 meters in an instant. Now the main thing is not to irritate him with your presence, because he is still standing, he has not left, who knows what kind of thoughts he has!

What to do? When I met a bear in the forest, I immediately remembered a reminder or instruction told to me by old hunters, and I had no choice but to adhere to this instruction. Don't scream, run or climb a tree; the bear does all this better than us. I slowly, without sudden movements, approached a large thick pine tree and stood behind it, breaking the gun in between. With shaking hands, the rush of adrenaline into the blood did its job, I set the bullets, well, everything is not so scary now! I didn’t intend to kill him, although the thought flew by, such a trophy, but I’m alone and if I didn’t kill him outright, the wounded man would not only tear me apart and also all the men one by one. All this time the bear stood in the same place and sniffed, he lost sight of me.

What a shot, I have a camera, I took it out, focused on it, but I remembered the flash and didn’t dare take the risk, you never know! It’s a pity, but while he was turning off the flash, he went into the forest.

Feel better! I decided to have a smoke break. The wind carried the smoke in the same direction from where Misha was coming, why didn’t he sense me and we met almost head-on? The bear was not young, it was big, perhaps his sense of smell was impaired from old age! After standing still for a while, he decided to continue the hunt and continued on his way with caution.

So, what is a meeting between a man and a bear in the forest? For me personally, everything went smoothly. In my case, we can say that this is happiness and luck, this is rare and I was lucky, I experienced many feelings, from fear to joy, and gained strength and confidence. Many of the hunters were jealous of me, but you need to understand that everything could have been different, you need to understand what a large animal is capable of and be prepared to meet it, be sure to carry bullets with you and be ready to make the right decision.

In forests where bears live, the likelihood of meeting the “owner of the forest” is quite high. Cases of bear attacks on humans are not uncommon. For wild animals, people are uninvited guests. And he will defend the territory that belongs to him from these guests.

An encounter with a bear in the forest often ends in tragedy. The beast has strong paws, large claws and sharp teeth. If he gets angry, he can not only cripple a person, but also bully him.

Are bears dangerous?

This is a very dangerous forest predator. It is impossible to predict the outcome of a chance meeting between a person and him. The fact is that the psyche of each animal is different. There are cowardly bears, and there are fearless ones, there are arrogant and aggressive ones, and there are quite calm ones. To the question: “Do bears attack people?” the answer is yes. They attack. And this happens quite often.

The reasons for attacks on people vary. But it should still be noted that attacks without any reason, without provocation on the part of a person, are quite possible. And it is unlikely that a person who sees a massive carcass of a predator is capable of provocations. May God grant you to escape and stay alive.

There are many stories about the unpredictable behavior of animals when meeting a person. Therefore, when planning to visit places where a bear can be encountered in the forest, you need to be prepared for the unexpected. You need to know exactly what to do if you encounter a bear.

The main reasons for attacks by brown bears on people

The behavior of the clubfoot depends on the time of year, age and place of meeting.

Knowing some of the nuances of the animal’s behavior, you can navigate the situation and figure out , how to protect yourself from a bear in the forest.

  • Thus, a connecting rod that has come out of hibernation at the wrong time due to some reason (has accumulated little fat or someone has disturbed it) is especially dangerous.
  • If you meet an animal near the place where the trophy is buried, the clubfoot will see you as a rival and will try to destroy you.
  • At the beginning of spring, when predators come out of hibernation, they are looking for food, therefore they are aggressive and dangerous.
  • Late spring is the time for bear weddings. During this period, males are most dangerous. In fights they are cruel and attack everyone they meet on the way.
  • A meeting with a mother bear nurturing her cubs is also dangerous. She sees danger from any creature and is ready to fight to the death for her children.

Forest owners are less dangerous in the summer: there is a lot of food, so predators do not try to meet people.

How to behave when meeting

With a sleeping or prey-eating animal

A sleeping animal should never be disturbed. No need to photograph him. Move away immediately! The main thing is not to make noise. If he wakes up, the bear's attack could end sadly.

But what to do if you see a bear eating prey? Freeze and try to demonstrate that you don't need bear food. You should straighten up and start speaking loudly (if you are alone, then pronounce a monologue - whatever comes to mind). You can't show your back to the beast. It is better to retreat back, diagonally, without letting the predator out of sight. Move slowly and smoothly, without sudden movements.

The likelihood of an attack depends on the distance: the shorter it is, the more dangerous the situation.

With a group of animals

You can cross paths with several clubfooted animals at the same time in the following cases:

  • during the rutting season;
  • during the period when the bear raises her cubs and takes care of them;
  • during the period when young animals, driven away by their mother, still move together.

During the rut, animals are very aggressive and fight to the death. Therefore, getting noticed by such a team is deadly. During this period, both males and females are vicious.

Young individuals are less dangerous. They have no experience of meeting people yet, so an attack is not ruled out. But it is much easier to scare them away.

With a teddy bear

A she-bear with a litter poses a danger when she thinks that trouble threatens the children. She will tear anyone for cubs. You should never approach baby bear cubs in the forest. We must try to retreat quickly and silently.

On the hunt

A hunter moving in the habitats of predators puts his life in danger. After all, a beast can be encountered completely unexpectedly. If a bearish figure suddenly flashes on the horizon, try not to catch its eye. You will be lucky if you are on the leeward side, since the predator has a keen sense of smell. If the bear smells you, then make a loud clap with your hands and shoot into the air. There is no need to shoot the animal. Wounded, he is much more dangerous.

What to do if a bear is approaching?

When an animal approaches, you cannot run away. The bear has an excellent sense of smell, but poor eyesight. A low-blind predator sees only a silhouette, so it comes close to examine the object. It happens that an animal begins to walk around a person in order to stand in the wind and smell the smell. It happens that, having recognized a person, he runs away.

You can make an attempt to drive away the clubfoot. If he approaches or pursues, maintaining a distance, then create noise. Tap metal objects such as mugs or pots. Use a rocket launcher, firecrackers, shoot into the air. There are special pepper-based aerosols, but they only work over a short distance in calm weather.

It should be noted that bears often do not plan to attack, they try to force the stranger to leave their territory.

You cannot attack an animal by throwing stones at it. Walk away calmly, backing away, slowly, without sudden movements.

What to do if a bear attacks?

In the event of an attack, you should try to concentrate on your behavior. Let's look specifically at what to do if a bear attacks.

In the absence of weapons, you need to figure out how to distract the attention of the predator. Place any bulky items (basket, bucket, backpack) in front of you.

If there is nothing, then you need to lie on your stomach or curl up in a baby's pose. Clasp your hands above your head to protect it. You should pretend to be dead. Having concentrated all your strength, you must endure it if he starts sniffing you. Sometimes the beast throws dry leaves and branches at the victim. Wait patiently for him to leave. The main thing is not to move.

But if the animal starts to attack, then you should fight back. Try to get it in your eyes. Use sharp objects, aiming for the eye sockets. You can't give up, fighting is the only chance to survive.

You can use a firearm in such a situation if its power allows you to kill the animal, and you know exactly where to shoot the bear.

How to avoid meeting a bear in the forest?

Many people get confused and don't know what to do when they encounter a bear.

If you happen to get into forests where bears live, try to adhere to the following rules:

  • try to move in open areas and where the forest is thinner in order to see the animal in advance and try to avoid meeting or scare it away;
  • know that bears live in dwarf cedar and willow trees;
  • do not walk along bear trails, and if you come across tracks, change the route;
  • do not walk along rivers where salmon live at night and before dawn - bear fishing time;
  • Walk in bear areas in groups - this way there is less chance of an animal attack;
  • You can’t run away from the beast; its speed from a standstill reaches 40-60 km per hour. Move away slowly;
  • It is better to try to scare away curious animals that do not show aggression;
  • at close range, you don’t need to peer closely into the eyes of the animal - he will regard this as the beginning of an attack;
  • at night, it is advisable to light a fire and keep the fire going until dawn - the bright flame will scare away the beast;
  • You don’t need to walk through the forest at night - you might accidentally stumble upon a bear;
  • There is no need to feed forest bears. This is fraught with a loss of fear of people and the emergence of the habit of “begging” for tasty things from people. Those who do not give the animals a treat when meeting them may suffer;
  • At rest stops, you need to remove leftover food and try not to spread the smell of food, so as not to attract hungry animals.

Remember that when meeting a predator or being attacked by a bear, only composure can save your life.


The brown bear is a large predator, unusually strong and, of course, dangerous to humans. There is a high probability of conflict situations arising when a person and a bear meet. You must always remember that in places where bears are found, such an encounter can happen at any time and in any place, and you need to be mentally prepared for this. The instructions on the rules of behavior when meeting a bear are intended to help avoid such situations, and if they arise, to minimize the negative consequences.

REMEMBER: The best way to prevent conflict when meeting a bear is to avoid meeting it!

It is not without reason that even in the instructions for survival in extreme conditions, used in the training of sabotage groups consisting of commando thugs, it is always especially emphasized: NEVER MESS WITH BEARS!

If you are in an area where bears live

When moving, stay mostly in open areas and woodlands, where the approach of the animal can be noticed in advance and the necessary measures can be taken to scare it away or otherwise protect yourself from a possible attack.

Avoid long journeys through dense thickets of dwarf cedar, alder and willow in areas where bears may be concentrated.

When moving through the taiga and tundra, it is advisable do not use bear trails. You should also avoid driving along the banks of salmon rivers and along spawning grounds at dusk and dawn, as well as at night. Remember: night is the time of the bear!

If in the spring, when there is still snow, you come across brown bear trail, turn back or try to get around the place where the animal is supposed to be located in open areas. The bear does not make long treks through deep snow, so a footprint encountered, even a fairly old one, is a good indicator of its presence in the immediate vicinity.

To reduce the likelihood of a bear attack, do not go out into the fields alone. The likelihood of an animal being aggressive towards a group of people is much lower.

When encountering a brown bear, try not to panic and move away unnoticed. Do not run under any circumstances! Remember that the bear has an unusually sensitive sense of smell, so when leaving you need to take into account the direction of the wind.

If the animal notices you and does not flee, but on the contrary, shows curiosity, you should try to drive it away by shouting, firing a rocket, or shooting into the air.

When you come close to a bear, do not look him in the eye. closely. For any wild animal, a stare is a sign of an impending attack. He may attack in order to, as he believes, prevent an attack from you.

If you saw a bear from your car window

Enjoy the view! Take a few pictures for memory, but under no circumstances don't get out of the car. Don't try to treat the bear.

Remember: by teaching him to beg, you are signing his death warrant! Don't stay long, move on.

What to do with garbage and waste?

Brown bears are desperate gluttons and gourmands. In order for bears and people to coexist safely, animals should not form associations between the opportunity to eat tasty food and the human smell. It is almost impossible to wean a scavenger bear from consuming food scraps from a person's table: losing fear, he, as a rule, becomes a marauder and a murderer.

To avoid the tragic consequences of changing the eating behavior of bears, you must always adhere to the principle: for the bear - forest and forest food, for man - a home and his own table.

Do not create garbage dumps, landfills, food waste warehouses around settlements, fishing grounds, bases and camps, field parties, detachments, tourist groups, at rest stops and routes, which contribute to the concentration of animals. Bears have a well-developed sense of smell and easily detect and dig up even organic remains buried at a considerable depth. It is recommended to remove food waste (if it is impossible to dispose of it) at a considerable distance from housing. The dump site should be clearly marked with signs and local residents should be warned about it. If garbage removal is not possible, food waste must be destroyed - burned or drowned.

Do not store food and supplies in places that are easily accessible to looting: in unguarded canvas tents, bags and boxes in the open air. The packaging should prevent easy access to the contents: iron fuel barrels with cut-out bottoms, which are then screwed on with wire, as well as boxes made of strong boards edged with iron tape are best suited. In this case, it is advisable to lift the barrels and boxes onto specially constructed platforms (storage sheds) or onto tree branches and secure them there. It is recommended to clear the poles of a storage shed or a tree trunk from branches to a height of 4 m and, if possible, wrap them with barbed wire.

Do not leave food or food waste near your home or camp that is accessible to wild animals. This is deadly. Cleanliness and the absence of garbage dumps will protect you from unwanted visits!

If you unexpectedly meet a bear

Attention! If a brown bear is interested in you, you need to be prepared to repel its possible attack.

Contrary to popular belief, bear standing on its hind legs, not aggressive. He simply gets up to take a good look at the surrounding area and see with his own eyes what his good sense of smell and keen hearing have already told him. Most often, bears are found in places where they, like people, are busy getting food, i.e. fishing, hunting and berry picking. In berry fields, bears tend to behave calmer and do not defend territories, especially if there are a lot of berries. In most cases, you will not even be aware of his presence, because the bear's sense of smell and hearing will alert you to your approach, and he will leave the area.

A bear is much more reluctant to leave a place convenient for fishing- especially if he has already caught fish. Unfortunately, in the excitement and noise of the water, the animal may not notice your approach. Therefore, in order to avoid an unwanted meeting, make your movement loud enough. Talk at the top of your voice, whistle your favorite tune, tap trees and bushes with a stick. However, if you do see a bear, then if possible, leave unnoticed by it. And if he notices you, then calmly retreat. Remember that an unexpected and close (less than 5-7 m) meeting with a bear often provokes the animal to attack. Therefore, it is better to avoid such encounters, knowingly notifying the bear of your approach.

The role of dogs when meeting bears ambiguous. On the one hand, an untrained dog, having discovered a she-bear with cubs, may rush in fear in your direction in search of protection, thereby provoking the she-bear to attack you. On the other hand, the dog accompanying you will always warn you about the presence of a wild animal nearby, and if necessary, by barking and biting, it will distract the bear’s aggression, allowing you to leave.

If you saw a bear sleeping or eating prey

No wonder they say: don’t be reckless! Don't try to wake up the clubfoot - let him sleep. You should not linger for observations and photographs, no matter how comical the sleeping bear may seem to you. Quietly leave this place.

If you unexpectedly came across a bear near its prey, then, above all, stay calm! Show the bear that you are not here to steal his food. Stand up tall and make your presence known by speaking loudly. Leave slowly and carefully the same way you came. In this case, it is better not to turn your back on the animal. Keep him in sight and be prepared for the fact that he may become aggressive at any moment. But under no circumstances run while you remain in the animal’s field of vision!

In such cases, the development of the situation strongly depends on the distance. If the distance is small, then the bear, disturbed by its prey, in most cases goes on the attack!

If you meet a group of bears

No matter how undesirable it may be for you to meet a single bear on the trail, meeting a group of these animals is even more undesirable. The fact is that bears usually form groups in three cases:

  • during the rut;
  • during the period when the female walks with her own cubs;
  • when young animals, driven away by the female to live independently, continue to walk in pairs for some time.

Unlike most large animals, Bears' rut occurs in the spring - practically from the moment they leave the den until the beginning of July. During the rut, bears are angry, irritable and capable of completely unprovoked aggressive actions. Moreover, this applies to animals of both sexes. But large males sometimes behave defiantly aggressively during this period. They are ready to attack any large moving object, and often do not limit themselves to demonstrations. However, the male primarily reacts to the behavior of the female, and if she leaves, he retreats after her.

It is least dangerous to deal with young, inexperienced animals. This does not mean that they will definitely not attack you if they get very close. Moreover, it is precisely such animals, young and inexperienced, who have not learned to fear humans, that often turn out to be the destroyers of camps. And this is facilitated precisely by the feeling that they are not alone - the actions of one bear only provoke the other - like juvenile hooligans in a gang.

If you find a curious bear cub

The best thing to do is to leave as soon as possible. Do not take pictures of it, do not try to touch it under any circumstances. This is a wild animal, not a plush toy! Do not forget that the mother is most likely nearby and is not in the mood for jokes towards her child.

When protecting a bear cub, the bear will not scare you - she will try to kill you.

If you meet a bear while hunting (not bear hunting)

A hunter moving quietly through the grounds exposes himself to a serious risk of an unexpected encounter with a bear. If the bear did not notice you, then it is better to leave as quietly as possible. If for some reason this is not possible, clap your hands or make some noise to the animal. A shot in the air helps a lot in this situation.. But just in the air - just because you have a weapon in your hands does not mean that you can and should shoot at a bear.

Shooting an animal in such a situation is the stupidest thing you can do. Almost all accidents occur when an animal is injured.

  • If a bear approaches you

If the bear begins to approach you, this does not mean aggression on its part. Bears are blind and often approach an animal simply to examine an incomprehensible silhouette. Sometimes they come into the wind to smell you. As a rule, these approaches end with the bear quickly moving away as soon as it realizes that there is a person in front of it.

You can drive away a bear approaching or stubbornly following you at a distance loud and harsh sounds- for example, by hitting a mug against a pot, or better yet, against a metal basin. Flares and rocket launcher- a very effective means of repelling bears. You can shoot in the air. A good remedy is caustic pepper spray. Unfortunately, they are effective at a very short distance and only in the absence of strong wind.

Attention! Only special concentrated pepper-based aerosols are effective against bears. Any other compositions (CS, CN, etc.), as well as low concentration pepper compositions designed for defense against humans, have almost no effect on large predators.

You need to know that the bear is usually also not sure of the need to attack - he is afraid of you. Even throws in your direction are most often an imitation of an attack, designed to force you to leave. Do not show signs of aggression towards the bear, do not throw stones or sticks at him. Leave the area slowly and never run!

Remember: a wounded bear is deadly. Refrain from shooting at the bear until the last possible moment!

  • If this doesn't help and the bear attacks

If you are unarmed or have a low-powered weapon, then the best thing to do is to try to distract the bear's attention. Place something in front of you: a basket of berries, a backpack, a net, other fishing gear. If you have a can of pepper spray, then spray it in front of the bear’s face, preferably directing the stream into the eyes and mouth of the animal. If you were unable to distract the bear and you do not have a balloon, then lie down on the ground in the fetal position or on your stomach. Close your hands around your neck and protect your head. Play dead. There are many known cases where attacking bears lost all interest in a motionless person. Don't move, even if you think the bear isn't looking at you or is moving away. He continues to watch you intently. It's better to wait until he actually leaves. This will happen the sooner the more still you are. This way you seem less dangerous to him, which means you provoke a response from him to a lesser extent.

If, despite all these measures, If the bear starts to scratch or gnaw at you, then fight back. Don't be afraid of pain, at this moment you won't feel it. The main thing is to save your life, and to do this you need to stop the bear’s attack. Try to hit him as painfully as possible. Don't count on a fatal blow, go for the eyes. If you have a knife, hit with the knife, aim for the eye. The main thing to remember is that in the most seemingly desperate situation there is a chance, albeit small, and your life depends on how you use this chance.

If you have a firearm, do not rush to use it. You need to know for sure that To defend against a bear, you can only use weapons that can stop the attacking animal. To do this, it must have sufficient power. Among those common in Russia, the minimum acceptable calibers for this purpose are carbines 7.62X51 (.308Win.), 7.62X54R, 7.62X63 (30_06 Sprng), 8X57. Any carbines with a caliber of 9 mm or larger are much preferable in this situation. It is advisable that the cartridges be equipped with heavy expansion bullets. In such cases, smooth-bore guns with a caliber of at least 16 and 12, loaded with heavy caliber bullets, have proven themselves to be excellent in such cases. Don't believe fairy tales that you can kill a bear with a small gun. Using the wrong weapon can only aggravate a conflict situation rather than save you.

Remember: shooting is the last resort when encountering a brown bear. In this case, you can only use weapons of suitable power.

It is best to shoot at an attacking bear at the shortest distance - no more than five meters, when the chances of missing him are minimized. Never shoot an attacking animal in the head. Try to keep your cool.

Remember: composure will save your life!

These instructions are based on materials from a brochure prepared by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) “Brown bear and man: how to survive together.”

Previously on the topic Bear and safety: