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Triceps exercises

Without well-developed triceps, no arms will look beautiful. Well-defined biceps will certainly attract attention, but overall the arms will not look good if the back of the shoulders is flabby.

Triceps Anatomy

The back of the shoulder section of the arm is the triceps muscle. All three heads of the triceps are engaged when straightening the arm. The outer (lateral) head of the triceps brachii muscle attaches to the back of the humerus and extends to the elbow joint.

The inner (long) head of the triceps is attached just below the humerus - to the scapula bone, and, like the outer head, extends to the elbow. The middle (short) head is between the long and outer ones; it also starts from the shoulder, but is attached much higher than the other heads of the triceps.

How to pump up your triceps

To make your triceps strong and defined, you need to perform exercises that maximally utilize all three heads. That is, presses in which the triceps are maximally involved - to develop their physical strength, and extension - to improve separation and increase volume. Basic triceps exercises are presented below.

Triceps exercises

This is a basic exercise for the triceps muscles of the arms. It is recommended for all athletes. But those who need good form and mass may want to eliminate it from their training program if their strength level is average or above. Up to an intermediate level, the close-grip triceps press is necessary for everyone, regardless of the goal.

It is believed that the grip width when performing a “narrow” press should be much narrower than the shoulders. There's really no need for this. But the grip should not be wider than shoulder width. The grip width at shoulder level is optimal for any athlete, regardless of his height and anatomical features.

When performing a bench press with a close grip, your feet should be firmly on the floor and your entire torso should be pressed against the bench. The elbows should not move apart when lowering the barbell. At the lowest point, the bar should touch the upper section of the abdomen, not the chest. Number of repetitions – 6 – 10.

This exercise is very similar to the bench press with a narrow grip - the same starting position and almost the same technique. Only the grip width must be slightly narrower than shoulder width. And another difference is that the bar goes down to the upper chest, literally two fingers below the chin. The elbows - just like in the close-grip bench press - should not diverge to the sides.

The California press is superior to the narrow press because it is one of the best exercises for mass, and at the same time it is also useful for increasing strength in pressing exercises. This exercise has helped many powerlifters and bodybuilders achieve impressive results.

There is no other exercise in which all three heads of the triceps work at full power. If you perform it on a special day for training your arms, your triceps will become strong and massive in a relatively short time. You need to perform 4–5 sets of 6–10 repetitions, no more than once every 4 days.

This is one of the most effective exercises for the inner head of the triceps. Of course, the other two also work, but not as intensely as when performing the California press.

You are lying on a horizontal bench. Taking the barbell, press it up and, by bending your arms, lower it until the bar lightly touches the top of your head. It is recommended to use a curved bar for this exercise - since with a straight bar the hands are not in a very comfortable position, which affects the technique. Recommended volume: 4 – 6 sets of 6 – 10 repetitions.

4) Arm extensions with a dumbbell while sitting on a bench with an inclined back

This exercise - like the previous one - focuses on the long head of the triceps muscle of the arm. Bench arm extensions are most effective for athletes who have a long triceps ligament (ending at the elbow, not above it). It is also suitable for athletes with short triceps, but for better results they should prefer the French press.

Taking a dumbbell that weighs approximately 40% of the weight of the barbell in a close-grip bench press, sit on the bench. Press your arms with the dumbbell up and bend them until you feel a full stretch in your triceps. Do 4 – 5 sets of 8 – 10 repetitions.

The angle of the back of the bench should be such that no discomfort is felt during the exercise. The recommended tilt angle is 25 – 45 degrees. For those who prefer to perform this exercise regularly, the backrest angle should be changed every 2 to 3 workouts.

This exercise is inferior to the two previous extensions in terms of gaining muscle mass, but it will be more effective for improving the relief and separation of the medial (long) head of the triceps. The triceps extension is performed as follows: sitting straight, bend your arm with a dumbbell until the triceps are fully stretched. 4 – 5 sets of 8 – 10 repetitions.

Taking a dumbbell in one hand, stand at the bench and, bending at the waist, rest your “non-working” hand on it. Starting position – standing in an inclined position, the arm with a dumbbell is bent at an angle, its shoulder part is parallel to the floor. Raise the dumbbell by straightening your arm without changing the position of your shoulder. 5 sets of 8 – 12 repetitions for each arm.
This exercise primarily works the lateral head of the triceps. It is better to include it in the training program when the desired weight has been achieved and the relief of the triceps muscles of the arms needs to be improved.

This exercise is more productive for “pumping up” the outer head of the triceps than bending over the arms. Both the middle and inner heads work in it, but to a small extent; The synergy of these two triceps heads helps the lateral head work to its full potential.
For the best effect, it is better to use the handle in the shape of the letter V. Taking the handle, pull it down until the shoulder parts of your arms are perpendicular to the floor and your forearms are parallel to the floor. This is the starting position. By extending your arms, lower the handle down until your arms are completely straightened. After pausing at the bottom point for a second, slowly return to the starting position and repeat the movement. The triceps are pumped on the downward block in 4 sets of 10–12 repetitions.

This is another dumbbell triceps exercise for the outer head of the triceps. It is recommended to include it in the “relief” period. In transverse extensions, almost one external head of the triceps muscle of the arm works.

Lying on a horizontal bench, raise your arm with the dumbbell up. Then lower it across your torso. At the lowest point, the dumbbell should touch the bench, just above the opposite shoulder. 4 sets of 10 – 12 repetitions.

This exercise is almost an analogue of the previous one. The difference is that when performing extensions, both hands are used at once. You lie on a horizontal bench, holding a dumbbell in each hand. With your arms stretched up, you lower the dumbbells across your torso. The dumbbells should not touch throughout the entire set, and the palms should always be facing backwards. 5 sets of 8 – 10 repetitions.

Sets of exercises for triceps

Often, regulars of fitness rooms do not get the desired results, although they do not neglect the technique of doing the exercises and comply with all the conditions for restoring the muscles being trained. This mistake lies in the fact that they adopt systems that are not entirely correct. The correct complex of a professional can be absolutely useless for a novice athlete.

Below are complexes of training the triceps muscles of the arms from the best triceps exercises. The first is for beginners, and the second and third are for intermediate level athletes.

1 complex

Monday: Dumbbell extensions while sitting on a bench, or French press (depending on the length of the triceps). 3 sets of 8 reps.
Cable presses – 3 sets of 10 reps.

Friday: Close grip bench press. For the first two workouts, perform at least 8 reps per set and no more than 4 sets. From the third week of training, start performing 5 sets of 6 – 10 repetitions.

You need to practice this complex until the weight in the bench press with a narrow grip slightly exceeds your own weight. After this you can move on to complex 2.

2 complex

Monday: Cable Presses. Set the weight for 10 repetitions, and do 4 sets of 8 repetitions with it, resting 1 - 1.5 minutes between each set.
Arm extensions while bending over. Do 5 sets with a dumbbell that allows you to complete 12 reps. The interval between approaches is 1.5 – 2 minutes.
Transverse arm curls. 4 sets of 10 – 12 repetitions.

Friday: California Press. 4 – 5 sets of 6 – 10 repetitions. Choose a weight for 10 reps. Do 3 sets of 6 reps. Then do 10 reps. If you feel like you can do more than 20, stop. Rest 3 minutes. Then do another set with as many reps as possible.

3 complex

You need to switch to this complex only when the volume of trained muscles has noticeably increased.

Monday: Seated arm extensions or French presses. 6 sets of 6 reps. With weights for 8 reps, perform 6 sets of 6 reps, resting 1 minute after each set.
Transverse curls – 4 sets of 10 – 12 repetitions.

Friday: California Press. Set the weight for 8 reps, do 8 reps. Then, without resting, lose 5 kg and complete the set to failure. Do 2 more sets of lowering the weight, also without resting between them.
Presses down on the block. Perform 5 sets of 8 – 12 repetitions, resting 2 – 2.5 minutes between sets.


How many weeks to adhere to a certain complex is an individual matter. For some, it is enough to practice the 1st complex for two months to begin “advanced” training. For others, even six months is not enough. It's all about genetic endowment. The main thing is to find exactly those exercises that suit your anatomical features. Regular training, full training and adherence to the correct technique for performing exercises are necessary conditions. By following them, any person, regardless of physique and age, will achieve the desired results.

Typically, triceps begin to grow after 2 months. For genetically gifted individuals – even less. For hardgainers (poorly responsive to athleticism, difficult to gain muscle mass) and girls, the “pumping” period takes an order of magnitude longer. But within 6 months, every athlete (including hardgainers) should notice pleasant changes in their triceps muscles. If they are not there, the reason is either nutrition or other factors responsible for recovery after training.

It often happens that there is no progress precisely because the athlete is not doing the exercises that suit him best. For example, if the owner of long triceps neglects extensions on a bench with an inclined back, his growth progress will be significantly slowed down. Athletes with good genetics will also benefit greatly from taking factors like these into account.

Another reason for the slowdown in triceps growth in weakly responsive athletes may be that they switch to a “pumping” complex too early, or simply abuse “pumping” (training with a large number of approaches and repetitions, with light weights). Light weights and a lot of work will not make weak and flat triceps look massive. And if something similar happens, it will be a short-term effect.

This exercise program is for those who want to create a sculpted body, and for girls who simply want to remove sagging from their arms, a special complex has been developed that they can perform at home. You can find a set of exercises

Many of those who are just starting to work out in the gym focus their attention on pumping up the biceps and completely forget about the existence of such a muscle group as the triceps. The result is unevenly pumped arms.

Today we will talk about what triceps are, why it is worth paying attention to this muscle group during training and will present you with a set of basic triceps exercises that you can perform not only in the gym, but also outside it.

What is triceps?

The triceps is a triceps muscle that is located on the back and side of the shoulder. It is the antipode of the biceps in its functional purpose. If the biceps is responsible for bending the arm at the elbow joint, then triceps - for extension and thrusting.

Plus, a well-developed triceps will increase the effectiveness of exercises that work, for example, the chest muscles, where the main task is to push the barbell up.

And of course, the aesthetic side of the issue is important. By pumping your triceps and biceps evenly, you will get well-developed muscles hands

If you train in a gym, the complex may consist of more exercises due to the presence of special equipment and exercise machines. But even beyond that, doing exercises becomes possible.

In order to workout were effective and bring results as soon as possible, it is important to follow some recommendations:

  • You should not train your triceps more than once a week. Include it in your chest, back and shoulder training program.
  • Perform each exercise at least 12 times in 3-4 approaches.
  • If the goal of training is to build muscle mass and definition, your diet should focus on proteins and carbohydrates.
  • Before each workout, do not neglect warming up. It will help avoid injury.
  • Do not use the maximum weight to work the triceps. Most exercises involve the elbow joint. Heavy weight will lead to injuries to the latter.

Now let's figure out what exercises you can use to work your triceps muscles.

Basic triceps exercises

Bench press with a narrow grip on a horizontal bench

The best exercise for triceps. Allows you to work all three heads of the muscle.
Lie down on a horizontal bench so that the barbell is at eye level. Press your body against the bench. Using an overhand grip, grab the barbell so that your palms are narrower than shoulder width.

Inhale and, while holding your breath, lift the barbell until your arms are fully straightened, without fixing the position in the elbow joint. At the top point, exhale and while inhaling, return to the starting position.
At the lowest point, the bar approaches the chest as close as possible, but does not touch it.

Beginner athletes very often make some mistakes and, as a result, reduce the effectiveness of the exercise to a minimum or get injured.
Common Mistakes

  • Wide grip of the barbell and spreading your elbows to the sides during the exercise. Unlike the exercise for working the chest muscles, here the elbows should be kept near the body.
  • Full extension of the elbow joint at the top point. This mistake can lead to elbow injuries.


Get up on the parallel bars on your hands. As you inhale, lower your body until your elbows create a 45-degree angle. Hold your breath and return to the starting position. Exhale at the top point. Keep your elbows close to your body.

It is very important to stick to technique in this exercise. If performed incorrectly, a huge load falls on the shoulder and elbow joints.

Common mistakes:

  • Full straightening of the elbow joint at the top point.
  • Don't lower your body too low. In this position, the shoulder joint suffers.
  • Too much weight. At the initial stage of training, your own body weight will be enough.

Classic push-ups

Don’t forget about classic push-ups, but in a variation to work the triceps.

Get into a plank position. The entire body should be in one line. Choose the distance between your feet depending on your level of training. The closer the feet are to each other, the greater the load on the triceps.

It is important that the elbows are located as close to the body as possible. It is this position of the hands that will allow you to transfer the load from the pectoral muscles to the triceps.

Common mistakes:

  • The hands are positioned shoulder-width apart or even wider. In this position, the main load falls not so much on the triceps, but on the chest muscles. A similar situation arises if the elbows are spread to the sides while performing the exercise.
  • Bend in the lower back. During the exercise, the entire body should be in good shape and form one line from the heels to the top of the head.

Reverse push-ups

Approach the bench with your back, resting your hands on the bench and lower your body down. Body movements must be performed strictly vertically. Inhale and while holding your breath, lift your body up. Exhale at the top point. In this position, it is important not to fully straighten your arms at the elbow. As you inhale, return to the starting position.

Common mistakes:

  • The body is not raised vertically. In this case, it turns out that you push the body with your hips, thereby reducing the load on the biceps.
  • You shouldn’t go too low, much less sit on the floor at the lowest point.

French bench press

The most famous and common exercise for working the triceps. To perform it, you can use both a barbell and dumbbells. Lie down on a horizontal bench. Take a barbell and lift it vertically above your chest.

The grip should be narrow. Elbows slightly bent. Make sure your body is pressed against the bench. As you inhale, lower the barbell behind your head, hold your breath and return to the starting position. Exhale at the top point. Only the triceps should work.

Common mistakes:

  • The elbows and shoulder joint are not fixed during the exercise. To avoid this mistake, do not place the barbell too far behind your head.
  • The weight of the barbell or dumbbells is too heavy. Choose a moderate weight, because it is important to work on technique here.

When creating a training program, it is not necessary to include all the exercises presented. You can alternate them between each other for weeks - the effect will not become less.
For a more visual example, we invite you to watch a video with a set of basic exercises to work the triceps.

A set of triceps exercises - video

In this video you can familiarize yourself with the technique of performing the exercises. Your task is to choose exercises that you can include in your training program, choose the weight of the weight, taking into account your level of physical fitness.

To summarize, it is worth noting that working out the triceps does not always require special equipment and exercise equipment, but doing it correctly will protect you from injury and will provide excellent results in the end. Work on all muscle groups, and only then will you achieve the body of your dreams.

Have you already tried the effect of basic triceps exercises? Which ones have you included in your training program? Share your impressions, plans and results in the comments.

The triceps, like the blue-collar big brother, toils in obscurity in the shadow of its little brother the biceps, carrying its own load and providing assistance to the other muscles (chest and shoulders). In fact, the triceps are a larger muscle group than the biceps, and therefore, they need to be given special, “correct” attention. So how to properly pump up your triceps? Below you will find 5 main mistakes made when training triceps and, of course, new and effective ways to pump it.

#1 Not using all three heads of the triceps enough

As the name suggests, the triceps consists of three heads: long (upper inner), medial (lower inner) and lateral (outer). All three areas of the triceps always work together, so it is impossible to isolate one from the other. However, the angle of the palms changes the emphasis, loading the heads differently. Many athletes do not know how different exercises pump their triceps and, thus, they overestimate their lateral part and underestimate their long and medial parts. Therefore, in order to properly pump up your triceps, Appropriate grips must be used.

  • With a straight and neutral grip (extension on a block), the lateral parts are loaded to a greater extent.
  • When the grip is reversed, the medial parts are worked more strongly. In fact, regardless of arm position, the medial heads are engaged in all triceps exercises as soon as the arms are fully extended. But to properly pump up the medial heads, be sure to include “reverse grip cable extensions” in your workout.
  • When the forearms are moved overhead (French presses), the long heads are loaded.

#2 Ineffective exercise order

There is no wrong order of exercises! However, it may not be effective. Changing their order can “shock” the triceps, which means pushing it to grow. For example, this is performing an isolating exercise first, after which you move on to the basic one. However, try to start most of your workouts with exercises where you can place the most stress on your triceps with the most resistance. Executing the "base" at the very beginning of your training, at the moment when you are strongest, will allow you to properly and effectively pump up your triceps.

  • Do the basic exercises first, such as close-grip barbell presses and dips.
  • Then move on to double arm extensions with free weights.
  • Finish the program with one-arm or cable exercises.
  • You can change the order of exercises to overcome plateaus, but stick to this order for the majority of your triceps workouts.

#3 Paying too much attention to exercise equipment

Many athletes rely too much on various machines, including cable curls, to build their triceps. For example, bodybuilders often include 4 sets of “V-bar and rope extensions” in their triceps training program. But these two similar exercises stress the triceps in an almost identical way, emphasizing your laterals.

  • Do compound exercises (which also work your chest and shoulders) in every triceps workout. Examples include “close-grip barbell press,” “dips,” and “vertical push-ups.”
  • Do at least one triceps exercise with a curved bar or dumbbell. These could be “French bench presses with a curved bar” and “one-arm overhead extension with a dumbbell.”
  • If you are doing two exercises on the block, then one should be performed with an overhand or neutral grip (to emphasize the lateral parts), and the other with a reverse grip (to emphasize the medial sides).

#4 Incorrect technique

To properly pump up the triceps and concentrate the load on it as much as possible, you need to lock your elbows in place. As soon as you begin to move your elbows forward, backward, or outward, you are transferring some of the load to your shoulders. This allows you to use more weight or do more reps, but it makes it easier on the triceps instead of targeting the triceps exclusively.

  • Lock your arms in place for all reps until you reach failure. For example, when performing “block extensions”, it is enough to press them to the body and not allow them to deviate from this position.
  • Once you reach the point of failure with strict form, you can loosen up your form to get through a few extra reps. This can be done by moving your elbows slightly forward during the negative part of the repetition and back during the positive part.

#5 Overtraining

Unlike other muscle groups, triceps are the most prone to overtraining. Most bodybuilders know that the triceps are larger than the biceps, so in pursuit of arm size, they believe that if they do 12 sets for the biceps, it is only logical to do more sets for the larger muscle group. In addition, unlike the biceps, which only help when training the back muscles, the triceps provide indispensable support when training the chest and shoulder muscles. If you train your chest, shoulders and triceps on different days, then Your Triple Muscle Gets a Triple Hit and probably doesn't get enough time to recover.

  • Compared to other large muscles, such as the back and chest, the triceps is a small muscle. As a rule, to pump up the triceps, 12 approaches will be enough. If you're using a chest/triceps or shoulder/triceps split, consider doing even fewer sets of triceps because they've already received some load during the presses.
  • Rest should be a minimum of 48 hours, and ideally 72 hours, between training your chest or shoulders and training your triceps. Use the appropriate split.
  1. Engage different areas of the triceps - long, lateral and medial.
  2. As a general rule, do the base first, then move to free weights using two arms before moving on to one-arm exercises and cable machines.
  3. Be sure to include free weights on your triceps day.
  4. Lock your elbows in place until you reach muscle failure.
  5. Perform no more than 12 triceps sets per workout, and always rest at least two days between the chest or shoulder workout and the triceps workout.

Triceps training program

This triceps training program can be included in your split in several ways: 1) After bench presses, i.e. after chest or shoulders 2) Set aside a day for arm training, i.e. biceps along with triceps 3) Set aside a day to train triceps alone.

NOTE: For the first and last exercises, increase the weight with each set.

If you haven't thought about how to pump up your triceps, this doesn't mean you don't need to train them. Indeed, observing the work in gyms, it seems that the triceps receive little, and often no attention at all from fitness enthusiasts. So how should you train?

In this article you will find answers to these questions, learn a lot about the anatomy of the arms, read the secrets of the best exercises and get a super powerful workout for beautiful triceps!

The Importance of Triceps

If trained correctly, the triceps make up the majority of the mass of the upper arm. The triceps must be prepared and worked just as intensively and methodically as the biceps. A pumped-up triceps actually helps indirectly by creating more blood and nutrient flow to the upper arm.

Work your triceps from all angles using a variety of exercises to get.

How to pump up triceps for a beginner

If you don’t feel completely confident in the gym yet, we recommend starting with studying basic exercises and program options for working out the triceps. The training video looks like this. You can read all the details of the training process and our tips on the article page. Beginner workout example for men.

And an example of triceps training for girls.

A novice bodybuilder faces a lot of questions. What number of repetitions to stick to, what exercises to choose for each muscle group, use compound or isolation exercises, what volume of training to plan, whether periodization is needed, how to recover after training, and even what incline to set on the bench. Ideally, all of this should be taken into account when going through a training program.

But rest assured, using the right equipment and intensity adjusted to your physical condition, anyone can take their triceps development to a higher level. And it all starts with anatomy.

A quick lesson on triceps anatomy

The triceps brachii muscle has three heads that connect the humerus and shoulder blades to the ulna (in the forearm). The lateral, middle and long chapters make up the triceps.

The head most responsible for the shape of the horseshoe is the lateral head, located on the outer part of the humerus. The middle head is located opposite the middle of the body, and the long head (the largest of the three) is present on the underside of the humerus.

Elbow extension (arm straightening) is the primary function of the triceps. The long head has an auxiliary function: it helps the latissimus dorsi muscles in adducting the arms (as a result of which the arms can be lowered down along the body).

What exercises can you do to pump up your triceps?

The exercises and workouts presented are designed to get the most out of every trip to the gym. Remember to always perform the exercises technically correctly and not use too much weight for your safety.

Triceps extension down on a block using a rope handle

French bench press

Execution technique. For the Seated Standing French Press, stand or sit with a weight (straight/EZ bar) directly overhead and lower it under control to a strong stretch. Be sure to keep your elbows pointing slightly up and slightly out to the sides. Don't spread your arms too far apart, just make sure they don't lean too far to the sides. Once you reach the bottom of the exercise, reverse the movement and straighten your arms overhead again.

To add some variety to your workout, try performing the same movements on an incline bench. You can use a little less weight on an incline bench and a little more weight on an incline bench. Vary the incline angle for each workout for variety and to target your triceps more.

Like the French press, overhead dumbbell curls help you work your triceps deeply. Use dumbbells or cables to make the position more comfortable.

Dumbbell extension from behind the head

Arm extension while standing on the lower block

To straighten both arms at once, hold one dumbbell with both palms on the inside of the discs. When the weight is directly overhead, lower the weight behind your head, feel a strong stretch in your triceps, and then return to the starting position.

An alternative would be Overhead dumbbell extension

Overhead dumbbell extension

You can perform this exercise one-armed with a lighter weight dumbbell. However, for the one-arm variation, lower the dumbbell to the side rather than back. The elbow will be exposed, and the dumbbells will be lowered behind the head, which will provide a deeper stretch and, accordingly, a better result of pumping up the triceps.

For one-arm triceps extension on the lower block proceed in the same way as described above. Grab a cable from a low-pull machine and perform the movements rhythmically, making sure you use the appropriate weight to perform the exercise safely.

Triceps extensions with one hand on the lower block

For variety's sake, the exercise can also be performed horizontally from a machine that is positioned at approximately shoulder level. Position yourself parallel to the floor and in a lunge position. While pulling the cable behind your head, straighten the cable perpendicular to the machine and contract your triceps.

Many athletes in the gym set the cable on the machine too low to place their hands behind their heads, which makes it difficult to maintain the technique. Set the cable at waist level to make it easier to get into the desired position. This will put less pressure on your back, shoulders and other joints when you start and stop the movement.

Push-ups (on parallel bars, on a bench)

Push-ups are an invaluable tool for working the triceps. Not only are they effective at building mass, but they also allow for a larger volume of resistance due to their multi-joint design.

This article discusses two types of push-ups. The first of these is dips. You may see athletes at the gym using this, but it is just as effective for those who want to tone their triceps.

Triceps dips

Execution technique. Grab parallel bars set shoulder-width apart and straighten your arms. Your body should be as perpendicular to the floor as possible, and your feet should be aimed at a point directly below you. Lower yourself down, keeping your body as vertical as possible and keeping your elbows close to your sides.

The vertical position provides emphasis on the triceps. If you lean too far forward and/or spread your arms out to the sides, the emphasis will shift to your chest. Lower yourself to a point where you feel comfortable and avoid shoulder pain. Try to form a 90-degree angle at the elbow joint.

Make sure you can perform the desired number of push-ups through the desired range of motion without using a weight belt. Too many trainees try to lift too much weight, which can compromise exercise technique and can lead to injury rather than toned triceps.

Push-ups on a bench

Another variation of the exercise is push-ups. They are performed using two benches placed parallel to each other.

Push-ups on a bench

Execution technique. Sit on one side of one bench, grasping the edge of the bench with your hands on either side of your hips. Place your feet on another bench, touching your heels to it. Legs should be straight. Rise up from the bench you are sitting on and lower your pelvis below the surface of the bench, bending your elbows at an angle of approximately 90 degrees. Return to the starting position with your arms straight, then repeat the exercise.

A good way to really target your triceps and significantly increase your push-up strength is to add some plates to your knees. Once it becomes too difficult, have your partner remove one disc and then continue the approach. Depending on the number of plates you need to remove, continue using this method until you have completed your final bodyweight set.

Weighted push-ups

Close grip bench press

And another favorite exercise for triceps is the close-grip bench press. Don't let your ego take over: don't lift too much weight and keep your equipment safe.

Close grip bench press

Execution technique. Lie on your back on a flat bench and grip the bar shoulder-width apart (putting your hands closer may put more stress on your wrists). Remove the bar and lower it, keeping your elbows close to your sides. This will engage your triceps, taking the pressure off your chest.

Other variations: You can touch the bar to your chest or hold it 3cm higher and then return to the stretch position. Squeeze your triceps hard at the peak of the exercise, focusing on contracting them. Your elbows shouldn't move out to the sides—just keep them close to your body.

Alternative execution. For a new perspective on an old exercise, try doing the close-grip incline bench press. This is somewhat similar to doing free weight extensions and will put more stress on the bar. Doing this exercise while bending will slightly increase the pressure on your shoulder joints. Make sure you follow all safety precautions.

Well, now is the time to move on to a hot workout that will pump up your incredibly powerful triceps!

Training program for pumping triceps

The training is divided into several blocks (trisets): basic work with classic exercises, work on the long head, working out the lateral head, working out the joints, exercises with a cable, for strength and power.

We suggest you take the appropriate blocks for your workout. It is not necessary to use all series in one workout, especially if you are just starting to work on triceps. It would be optimal to use 1-2 trisets in the first month, 2-3 in the second, and so on with a gradual increase in volume for a given muscle group.

Scheme of full triceps training

Triset 1: basic development

Triset 2: working on the long head

Triset 3: working out the lateral head

Triset 4: joint work

Triset 5: cable exercises

Triset 6: strength and power

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Basic set


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One tablet immediately before meals (preferably before breakfast).

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The second cycle is 6 weeks, one teaspoon per day.

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Weider | Protein 80 Plus ?

  • 3 times a day. In the morning, before and after training.
  • Have you decided to take up sports seriously or just “pump up your bitsukha”? It is necessary to pay attention to each muscle separately. Only harmoniously developed muscles of the whole body can evoke admiration and recognition from others. The triceps are extremely important because they make up about 70% of the shoulder muscles and give the arms a pronounced relief from the back, even when relaxed. However, before you start training, let's remember our anatomy lessons to better understand how to pump up your triceps with maximum results.

    The triceps brachii muscle, or, as doctors call it, musculus triceps brachii, plays an important role in extension processes. It is represented by three heads, called medial, lateral and long. Thanks to the latter, the ability of joints to extend is determined. Regarding muscle motility, it is worth remembering that when the biceps flexes, the triceps muscle extends, and vice versa.

    The muscle mass of each head largely depends on the genetic data of the athlete. This explains the great desire of many athletes to dilute the training program with isolating triceps exercises, which have a greater impact on one of the three components.

    Approach to training

    All triceps exercises are divided by professional athletes into two groups, based on the name of the part that is more tense when performed. Most triceps exercises give full load to each head at the same time. The formation of one does not take place without the development of the others.

    Lateral and medial:

    1. Back push-ups;
    2. Extensions from behind the head;
    3. French bench press;
    4. Close grip bench press;
    5. Extensions on the upper block.


    1. Bent over extensions;
    2. Lowering the barbell behind your head while sitting;
    3. Extensions with dumbbells lying at an angle;
    4. French head press;
    5. Block pull from the back of the head.

    Naturally, such diversity is necessary for harmonious development. Since we are talking about harmony, it should be said that pumping triceps and chest on the same day is undesirable. Although there is widespread belief to the contrary.

    Chest exercises also work your triceps at the same time. Therefore, it should not be particularly loaded. If you decide to combine the triceps and chest, then this can be compensated for by a special technique, according to which int.
    The intensity of the load should be alternated in order every week: medium - weak - strong.

    Can't go to the gym? To fully pump up your muscles, you can use the best triceps exercises given below at home, which can replace the lack of special exercise equipment:

    1. Close grip bench press;
    2. Lowering the EZ-bar behind the head while sitting;
    3. Back push-ups;
    4. Push-ups between chairs or on parallel bars;
    5. Narrow stance push-ups.

    Some triceps exercises are fairly well known and don't need much consideration. If you doubt the correctness of your technique, then you can get acquainted with the execution techniques.

    Technique for performing exercises for the medial and lateral heads

    Back push-ups

    We rest our hands on a gymnastic bench or two chairs; a bed is perfect if you practice at home. Legs extended. Inhaling, we lower ourselves down until the angle at the elbows becomes straight - 90 degrees. Exhaling, we raise our body up, straightening our arms. You can increase the load using delays in the lower or upper position.

    Extensions from behind the head

    We take a sitting position on a chair or bench. My feet press firmly into the floor. The back should be well arched at the lower back. We hold the dumbbell above us, with the elbow straight. After inhaling, we lower our hand behind our back. Almost immediately, together with the exhalation, we straighten it back.

    When performing this, you will have to monitor the shoulder joint so that it does not move. You can hold it with your free hand. A set should be made of 10-12 cycles.

    French bench press

    We lie down on the bench so that our back and buttocks are pressed tightly together. We rest our feet on the floor. We hold the bar above us with a girth shoulder-width apart. As you inhale, lower the barbell to your forehead. Make sure your shoulders and elbows form a right angle. After holding this position for a short time, we exhale and lift the barbell with a slight inclination away from the head, and immediately do the next approach. You need to do 3-4 sets of 12 repetitions.

    Close grip bench press

    We take a lying position on a horizontal bench. Grip with a distance of 3 fists. We lower the projectile to the chest. Together with the exhalation, we begin to push the barbell up until the elbows are completely straightened. We take a breath, you can fix the position for a while, and lower the projectile again.

    The weight must be selected so that the strength is enough for a maximum of 12 repetitions. We repeat the set 3-4 times. This triceps exercise is great because it works the chest and shoulder muscles.

    Extensions on the upper block

    We stand near the machine and take the handle so that our palms face down. Elbows are pressed. As you exhale, pull the handle down to your hips. After holding for 2-3 seconds, slowly relax your hands.

    This is considered to be one of the most effective triceps exercises, allowing you to fully concentrate the load on all heads. We also try to perform 3-4 sets of 10-12 repetitions.

    Technique for performing exercises for the long head

    Bent over extension

    It is best to do the following exercise at the end of your workout. We stand on the edge of the bench, rest ourselves with our palms and bend to a horizontal position so that our back is straightened parallel to the floor. If desired, place your foot on a bench. Bend your arm so that the angle at the elbow is straight.

    We inhale and, holding the air for a couple of seconds, straighten our arm using the force of one triceps muscle. We try not to use other muscles. After a short pause, smoothly return to the starting position. Make sure that the body does not move. Repeat 3 sets of 10-12 cycles.

    Seated neck press

    Sit down and lift the barbell up. Keep your back straight. Move your head forward slightly to avoid hitting the bar. Gradually, as you inhale, lower the barbell behind your neck and, as you exhale, slowly begin to lift it. Repeat 12 times. Number of sets – 3.

    Bent dumbbell extensions

    Take two dumbbells and lie on an incline bench, face up. Inhale, and then as you exhale, pull your elbows out to the sides so that your shoulder blades can come together. Secure yourself and lower your elbows back. Repeat like everyone else.