On Friday, deputies of the Kamensk-Uralsky City Duma elected a new mayor. Based on the results of a secret ballot, it became First Deputy Minister of Energy and Housing and Communal Services of the Sverdlovsk Region Alexey Shmykov. 22 deputies voted for him. His only competitor is First Deputy Head of the Kamensk Administration for Urban Affairs Sergei Geraskin— only three people supported.

Alexey Shmykov (right) became the new mayor of Kamensk-Uralsky. The first to congratulate the new head was his only competitor Sergei Geraskin (in the center). Photo: Alexey Kunilov

Let us remind you that for the first time the new head of Kamensk-Uralsky was elected according to the so-called Soviet system, when the mayor is elected by deputies of the local Duma from among the candidates presented by the competition commission, which included six representatives of the municipality and the same number from the administration of the governor of the Sverdlovsk region. Initially, 12 people applied for the election of the head of Kamensk-Uralsky. During the campaign, two voluntarily withdrew their candidacies. Based on the public performances of the remaining applicants and personal interviews with each of them, the competition committee allowed only two into the finals.

Elections under the so-called Soviet system in our region took place for the first time last year - this is how the head of the Berezovsky District District, Evgeny Pistsov, was elected

There were three hours left before the start of the City Duma meeting, at which it will become clear who will govern Kamensk-Uralsky for the next 4 years. Oddly enough, there is no fuss in the city administration building. The first to be greeted in the foyer was the unofficial leader of the election race, Alexei Shmykov. He has been here since the morning, despite the fact that until yesterday he had nothing to do with this building. His competitor, Sergei Geraskin, actually approached the beginning of the City Duma meeting. Initially, both candidates sat on opposite sides, but after the first break they sat next to each other.

— Deputies will vote in closed booths right in the meeting room. The ballot box will be located nearby. “Everything will be revealed in front of you,” he instructed journalists before the meeting. Chairman of the City Duma Valery Permyakov.

At the beginning of the meeting, Duma deputies were given 20 minutes to “examine” the candidates. Geraskin was asked only two questions, but Shmykov was literally inundated with questions. He was asked when a new bridge and a new water pipeline would be built, a theater building, and whether the trolleybus would be returned to the city streets.

Direct speech

What happens if you win the election?
Alexey Shmykov:— Firstly, it will be necessary to deal with the city’s municipal property - to check how rationally it is used. Secondly, review the structure of the administration and reduce part of the apparatus. Of course, the debt burden of the municipality is of concern. It is necessary to achieve restructuring of the budget debt and writing off at least part of the loans. Try to reduce the municipality’s share in co-financing projects in partnership with the region. Today it is 50/50. With such a distribution of funds, we cannot ensure a significant share in large projects. Therefore, you need to focus on one project, and not grab onto everything. If I win, I will immediately begin to think about preparing the city for the next winter and take care of the situation with the roads. I will also have to move from Yekaterinburg. I lived in Kamensk-Uralsky from 1999 to 2013 and, if elected, of course, I will return.Sergey Geraskin:“I’m not a revolutionary; if I win, I won’t break the existing system of city government.” I personally took part in the development of existing city programs and consider the program method of budget formation to be balanced and transparent. Although the budget is now approved for a year, programs have long deadlines. For example, the program for the integrated development of public utility systems is designed until 2027. Of course, today a reconstruction of some administration structures is required, but this is not a breakdown, but an optimization. I won’t say which one exactly, because perhaps, being the first deputy head of the city administration for urban services, I have not yet been able to see the situation as a whole. You will need to familiarize yourself with it.
What happens if you lose?
— I will return to my previous position in the ministry. Now I'm on vacation. I hope I haven’t been fired there yet (laughs).— I am 57 years old, I have work experience and education, and I am sure that I will be in demand. If another candidate wins, then I am ready to unite with him and work as one team for the benefit of the city.

After this, 25 deputies lined up in front of the voting booths. Then the counting commission immediately opened the ballot box and counted the votes: Alexei Shmykov was supported by 22 deputies, Sergei Geraskin - 3.

Alexey Viktorovich Shmykov was born in 1975 in Udmurtia. Graduated from the Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy. In Kamensk-Uralsky he headed the MUP Kamensk-Ural Energy Networks, was the head of Gorsvet, and CJSC Komenergo. He held the position of first deputy head of the administration of Kamensk-Uralsky. Since 2014, he was appointed first deputy minister of energy and housing and communal services of the region. Photo: Alexey Kunilov

Judging by the reaction of those present, the results were not surprising. Even at the moment when Alexey Shmykov was answering questions, people in the hall kept whispering, saying, listen to what our new head is saying.

Authority current head Mikhail Astakhov ends March 16. In the remaining days, he will transfer matters to the new mayor.

A political drama has played out in the administration of Kamensk-Uralsky: the mayor of the city, Alexey Shmykov, is threatening to fire the director of the Municipal Economy Department and create problems for his family members for his participation in the elections in the ranks of A Just Russia.

Today, July 4, before the end of the working day, Yuri Zlydnikov must respond to Alexei Shmykov’s ultimatum: refuse to participate in the State Duma elections from A Just Russia, or resign from the administration. Last Wednesday, Mayor Alexei Shmykov, Chief of Staff of the Administration Vladimir Shauraks and First Deputy Head of Municipal Affairs Sergei Geraskin called the employee to the carpet demanding to explain his uncorporate behavior.

Yuri Zlydnikov, candidate from the Socialist Republic, director of the MKU “City Management Department”:

That morning, we were scheduled to leave with a working commission with the participation of contractors to accept the repaired road section. Shortly before this, the mayor called me to his office, in whose office Shaurax and Geraskin were already sitting. They started abruptly: “Well, tell me how you got to this life...”, “Have you thought about family, about children?”, “If you want to go into politics, write an application.” Shaurax is a former deputy city prosecutor with extensive connections in law enforcement agencies, so his words can be taken as a direct threat.

According to Yuri Zlydnikov, he has been interested in politics for a long time, but there was always not enough time to engage in it. The decision to participate in the current elections was prompted by the party in power itself, which nominated Lev Kovpak in the Kamensk-Uralsky district.

Yuri Zlydnikov:

After studying different options, Zlydnikov settled on the “Fair Appeal”. I read it, became interested and invited the regional leadership of the Socialist Revolutionaries to consider my candidacy. Then there was an interview in the party, an exchange of opinions, disputes, criticism and compromises. As a result, the party congress approved Zlydnikov and included him in the party list. Of course, the newly minted candidate realized that he risked falling into disgrace, but until the last he hoped for democratic values. In the evening of the same day, the candidate was repeated the demand: get elected or leave.

Yuri Zlydnikov:

The main support for 62-year-old Yuri Zlydnikov comes from his wife, who heads the city committee of soldiers’ mothers of Kamensk-Uralsky.

The leader of the regional branch of the party, Alexander Burkov, called the pressure on the candidate predictable. Another candidate from the Socialist Revolutionaries, Ibragim Abdulkadyrov, the winner of the United Russia primaries, betrayed by the top party leadership, is being subjected to the same pressure in Nizhny Tagil. The leadership of A Just Russia intends to seek protection from law enforcement agencies.


“Astakhov is a 100% downed pilot”

The case against the ex-head of Kamensk-Uralsky could have been initiated for the sake of evidence against someone else

Mikhail Astakhov was detained on May 12. Yaromir Romanov

A criminal case of bribery against the head of the Southern Administrative District, Mikhail Astakhov, could have been initiated to put pressure on the official to testify against higher-ranking representatives of the regional government, the site’s source believes. According to our interlocutor, this version is supported by the fact that the apparatus weight of the ex-head of Kamensk-Uralsky has recently dropped to almost zero, but at the same time the case against him is being conducted by the Sverdlovsk department of the FSB, and everyone refuses to comment on the circumstances: from security officials to deputies .

The criminal case filed against Mikhail Astakhov became known on Sunday, May 13, when the Leninsky District Court of Yekaterinburg sent the official under house arrest for two months in a bribery case (Part 6 of Article 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). Little is known about the circumstances of the criminal case: according to investigators, in 2014, the accused personally and through intermediaries received a particularly large bribe from the general director of a private construction company for facilitating the completion of actions for the timely and unhindered acceptance of construction work under two municipal contracts.

The former head of Kamensk-Uralsky was arrested for bribery

The press service of the Investigative Directorate for the Sverdlovsk Region did not talk about any contracts or the amount of the bribe. According to interlocutors in the regional prosecutor's office, Astakhov's criminal case is not the result of any inspection by the supervisory agency on compliance with the law in the execution of municipal contracts. “The credit goes entirely to the FSB and the Investigative Committee,” the source noted. The press service of the FSB Directorate for the Sverdlovsk Region, without going into the essence of the charges against Astakhov, only clarified that the Investigative Committee “implemented” their “operational information.”

Mikhail Astakhov was born in the Sverdlovsk region, in the city of Kamensk-Uralsky, with which he was associated all his life. In 2000, he became deputy director, and in 2006, director of personnel management at the Sinarsky Pipe Plant (part of the Pipe Metallurgical Company and located in the defendant’s hometown). In 2004, Astakhov became a deputy of the Kamensk-Uralsky Duma, and in 2008 he was elected head of the city. In 2012, he was re-elected for a second term. In 2016, Astakhov’s powers expired; by that time, the system for electing the mayor had changed throughout the region - Alexey Shmykov became the new head based on the results of the competition (according to the site’s source, a protégé of the then head of the government of the Sverdlovsk region Denis Pasler). Astakhov, by decision of the governor, was appointed head of the Southern Administrative District, which also includes Kamensk-Uralsky.

In 2014, to which the circumstances of the case relate, Astakhov was still mayor. Two sources on the site hinted that the criminal bribery case may be connected to two problematic kindergartens that were being built in the city at that time. The sources were unable to clarify which specific kindergartens we are talking about. Local Kamensk-Ural publications regularly wrote about problems with kindergartens on Oktyabrskaya Street, 94 and on Kamenskaya Street. However, both of them were eventually delivered, albeit behind schedule.

Another source, a website close to the regional authorities, believes that the case against Astakhov may be connected with the high-profile story about the closure of trolleybus traffic in Kamensk-Uralsky. After the sale of the enterprise’s property, the chairman of the liquidation commission, Vladimir Narutsky, was accused of stealing property worth 2.7 million rubles. However, now, according to another interlocutor, in the trolleybus business, “everything is covered.”

However, the site’s interlocutors believe that it was not by chance that the case of a bribe, which the official received four years ago, was opened right now. According to the source, the FSB is unlikely to be all that interested in punishing Astakhov himself, because he is not a prominent political figure. “Its hardware weight is extremely low. Astakhov is a 100% downed pilot,” says our interlocutor.

Astakhov was always considered a protege of TMK, but at the end of his second term the company actually abandoned him, says a source familiar with the situation in the city. Therefore, it is unlikely that the case against him is related to the interests of the company. “They started to slowly drain him when they realized that he couldn’t sit still. When he failed to get elected [to the regional Legislative Assembly in 2016], he was not taken back. And Sinara has no support...

According to one of the sources on a website close to the regional authorities, the detention and arrest initiated by the FSB were necessary for the official to testify against someone from the leadership of the Sverdlovsk region. This information is indirectly confirmed by sources among security officers.

The former mayor of Kamensk-Uralsky, currently holding the post of head of the Southern Administrative District, Mikhaitl Astakhov, will remain under house arrest until July 6. The official was arrested the day before, on May 12. He has already been charged with receiving a bribe on an especially large scale (Part 6 of Article 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). Judge of the Leninsky District Court of Yekaterinburg, Alexander Taranenko, granted the request of the investigative authorities for a preventive measure related to restriction of freedom.

The events that appear in the criminal case date back to the period when Astakhov was the mayor of one of the largest cities in the region - Kamensk-Uralsky. According to investigators, in 2014, the accused personally and through intermediaries received a particularly large bribe from the general director of a private construction company for facilitating the completion of actions for the timely and unhindered acceptance of construction work under two municipal contracts. For many years, Kamensk-Uralsky was considered almost a model municipality: the third city of the region, the patrimony of pipe and aluminum workers, a prosperous neighbor of Yekaterinburg. 2 city-forming plants - SUAL aluminum and TNK Sinarsky pipe. However, that was a long time ago.

Mikhail Astakhov was a protege of STZ, and nominated by plant director Anatoly Brizhan. According to insiders, when Anatoly Brizhan died, Mikhail Astakhov was left without support and without money. He had no idea what to do with the position, since he himself was a disinterested person. Those familiar with the situation in Kamensk-Uralsky say that it was during the time he was mayor of Astakhov that the city fell into complete decline - the budget was completely milked, no money was received. This, as usual, led to an aggravation of social problems and problems with infrastructure. Under Astakhov, the trolleybus service was curtailed as unprofitable, which caused a storm of indignation among citizens. Kamenets held rallies and demanded the resignation of the mayor, but this led to nothing. The scandal received a new lease of life when the property of the trolleybus company was sold. The chairman of the liquidation commission, Vladislav Narutsky, was accused of stealing property worth 2.7 million rubles. The former director of the PTP, Valery Besputin, was also put on trial, accused of concealing funds or property from which taxes and fees should be collected. But these criminal cases at that time only damaged the image of the authorities. And to the claims against Astakhov from the townspeople were added broken roads and massive deforestation for the sake of development. Neither the receptions with the mayor nor the rallies led to anything. “Everything has already been agreed upon there,” complained social activists fighting for forest conservation.

But the construction of socially significant facilities in Kamensk-Uralsky did not work out at all. In January 2018, residents of Kamensk-Uralsky asked the head of state Vladimir Putin for a new bridge across the Iset River. An appeal to the Russian president with the hashtag #PutinHelp was published in the “Overheard Kamensk-Uralsky” group on the VKontakte social network.

The current Baynovsky Bridge was built in the 50s of the last century and is in terrible condition. In 2012, Mikhail Astakhov, who at that time held the post of head of the city, repeatedly spoke about the construction of the overpass. In 2013, 55 million rubles were allocated for the development of design documentation for the new bridge. When everything was ready, the documents passed state examination. In 2014, the region began to allocate tens of millions of rubles to Kamensk-Uralsky for the demolition of houses and garages that fell into the construction zone. But then everything became quiet again. It did not work out with the construction of the second branch of the Sysert water pipeline for drinking water supply to the population. Construction of a theater, etc. Mikhail Astakhov served as mayor until the end of his term of office and, in fact, left for a promotion - to manage the Southern Administrative District. Astakhov's administration, as the manager of the South Ural District, included 14 municipalities: Aramil, Asbest, Beloyarsky, Zarechny, Berezovsky, Sysert, Reftinsky, Sukhoi Log, Kamensk-Uralsky and Kamensky district. Under all the governors, these places were a real sinecure - the district managers did not conduct any significant activities, they did not particularly solve problems and issues. But all attempts to liquidate this structure failed.

Astakhov managed to stand out in his new place, among other district managers. Judging by the declaration of income and property for 2016, he turned out to be the wealthiest manager in all districts of the Sverdlovsk region. According to the data presented, he earned 2.3 million rubles in 2016. In addition, he owns three plots of land, two houses (with an area of ​​186.2 and 33.9 square meters), a garage and a Mitsubishi Outlander car.

Now Mikhail Astakhov’s income and the sources of its receipt are being studied by investigative authorities. They are not yet ready to provide additional information about how many people are involved in a criminal case of bribery and other details.

But residents of Kamensk-Uralsky actively discuss the activities of the former mayor at city forums. We recalled all the above scandals and are discussing new ones. In particular, about how one of the alcohol chains received permission to open several outlets. “A man who is no longer alive came with a briefcase of money,” write the Kamenites.

The New Day will follow developments.

for coordinating and advisory secretaries

bodies created under the Administration of the city of Kamensk-Shakhtinsky

General provisions:

1. Know and practically apply the requirements of the resolutions of the City Administration dated July 25, 2017 No. 672 “On approval of the Regulations on coordination and advisory bodies under the Administration of the city of Kamensk-Shakhtinsky” and dated July 31, 2017 No. 690 “On the Register of coordination and advisory bodies under the Administration of the city of Kamensk” -Shakhtinsky.”

2. At least once a quarter, monitor changes in current federal and regional legislation concerning the direction of work of the collegial body. Timely make appropriate changes to the legal act regulating the activities of the collegial body.

3. Submit information for posting on the official website of the City Administration in the section “Commissions and Councils” - a legal act regulating the activities of the collegial body in the current version.

4. In the event of a change in the personnel composition of a collegial body, promptly make changes to the relevant legal act regulating the activities of the collegial body.


Information in accordance with Section 4 of the Regulations on the procedure for forming and maintaining the Register of coordination and advisory bodies under the Administration of the city of Kamensk-Shakhtinsky;

To post on the official website of the City Administration up-to-date information about the collegial body.

5. Correctly indicate the name of the collegial body when forming a weekly action plan and a monthly action plan.

6. Promptly inform members of the collegial body and officials invited to the meeting about the cancellation, postponement, change of time and place of the meeting of the collegial body.

7. Monitor the implementation of decisions of the collegial body. Create cases with information from the responsible executors for the execution of decisions.

8. Use the practice of periodically reviewing at meetings of the collegial body information on the execution of decisions made at meetings, including if the period for monitoring the decision was indicated “ongoing”.

9. Analyze the activities of the collegial body and submit proposals to improve the efficiency of its activities for consideration by the chairman.

Preparation and holding of the meeting:

1. Comply with the Regulations of the City Administration and the Instructions for office work, regarding the preparation and execution of the agenda and minutes of meetings of collegial bodies.

2. Draw up the agenda of the meeting signed by the secretary and approve it by the chairman of the collegial body; after approval, a copy of the agenda is sent to all members of the collegial body and officials invited to the meeting.

3. In cover letters to the agenda sent to the head-speakers, it is recommended to propose submitting by the established deadline to the secretary of the collegial body on the issues submitted for consideration:

Analytical materials, taking into account competence;

Abstracts of reports, co-reports, speeches;

Proposals for the draft resolution of the meeting of the collegial body.

4. Based on proposals received from the head rapporteurs, recommendations of the chairman of the collegial body and from the analysis of the study of issues by the secretary of the collegial body, the formation draft decision (minutes) of the meeting collegial body (hereinafter referred to as the draft decision).

5. Activities and instructions included in the draft decision must be addressed to specific performers and contain specific and realistic deadlines for implementation.

6. Copies of the finalized draft decision, no later than 5 working days before the scheduled date of the meeting, are sent with cover letters signed by the chairman for approval to members of the collegial body and executors, who are given instructions or recommendations according to the text of the decision (unless otherwise provided by the regulations about the collegial body).

Covering letters in terms of content must provide for receipt by the date indicated in the letter of a written response on approval of the draft decision or additional proposals for amending it. If additional proposals are received, repeated general approval of the draft decision is not carried out.

7. The list of meeting participants is prepared in advance by the secretary of the collegial body and must include the full names of surnames, first names, patronymics and positions of all members of the collegial body of the approved composition and officials invited to the meeting.

At the stage of registration of participants on the day of the meeting, appropriate changes are made to the list with a fountain pen regarding the officials who actually arrived.

8. At a meeting of a collegial body, only agreed and verified information should be voiced. The time for voicing the text of the report should not exceed the time allotted by the regulations (usually no more than 10 minutes).

For these purposes, it is recommended, if technically possible, to put as much information as possible on the slides, and it should not be duplicated throughout the text of the report. Only short references to slides, voicing of basic general figures or individual events displayed on the slide are allowed.

9. Within 2 working days from the end of the meeting of the collegial body, the minutes must be finalized taking into account the proposed additions and changes to it, signed by the secretary and submitted for signature to the chairman of the collegial body (unless otherwise provided by the regulations on the collegial body). The signature of the secretary is located below the signature of the chairman.

The adopted protocol clearly states the deadlines and those responsible for the implementation of decisions. If the period for monitoring a decision is indicated “permanently,” the executors are periodically heard about the implementation of such a decision at meetings of the collegial body.

10. The secretary of the collegial body assigns a serial number to the protocol in the numbering sequence, which is maintained from the beginning to the end of the calendar year. The date of the minutes is the date of the meeting.

The texts of reports, co-reports, speeches and other documents related to the meeting may be attached to the minutes.

11. No later than 5 working days after signing the minutes of the meeting by the chairman of the collegial body:

Post information on the meeting held on the official website of the City Administration (minutes, extract from the minutes);

Send copies of the signed protocol (the necessary extracts from it with instructions) to all members of the collegial body and performers included in the protocol, with covering letters signed by the chairman or secretary.

12. The agenda, draft decision (draft minutes of the meeting) and the list of meeting participants are mandatory documents for each meeting of the collegial body.