Additional pilot tests on the Mallard stunt plane are available to all owners of the special and collector's editions of GTA 5 for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 consoles, as well as to all owners of the next-gen version of the game without exception, that is, to everyone who plays on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. If your version of the game is one of the above, then after completing the story mission, an icon will appear on the map, marking aerobatic missions. The marker is located in the middle of the Grand Senora desert near the hangar at the Sandy Shores airfield, which became Trevor's property during the mission.

You can take pilot tests with any character, but since aerobatic missions involve truly extreme flights, it is desirable that the hero’s piloting skill be maximum, so it would be better to first undergo training at the San Andreas flight school, located at Los Satos International Airport. will become available after completing the story mission.

To begin testing, you need to board the Mallard acrobatic aircraft parked near the runway of the Sandy Shores airfield. Tasks will be opened one by one - to open the next one, you need to complete the previous one. The missions themselves consist of passing checkpoints against time. Something similar happened in flight school, only now the routes have become much more complicated - firstly, they are laid in hard-to-reach places, and secondly, there are much more elements of aerobatics on them, so the pilot’s ability to fly upside down and “on a knife” "will be subjected to the most serious tests.

As in the flight school, control points on the route will be painted in three colors: yellow ones can be passed as you wish, through green ones you must fly in a “knife” position, that is, turning the plane on its side so that its wings are perpendicular to the surface, and through blue ones need to fly upside down. Silhouettes inside checkpoints serve as additional clues. They are especially useful in the case of green control points, since they allow you to quickly determine which side you need to crash the plane on, so that it is more convenient to “take” the next control point. For failure to comply with the checkpoint conditions, the pilot will be punished with a penalty time - an additional four seconds to the total time. And for complying with the requirements for passing the checkpoint, on the contrary, he will receive a bonus - the same four seconds by which the final result will be reduced.

It is noteworthy that the yellow markers, as in flight school, can be completed in any way you like, but in aerobatics missions the pilot will be rewarded for performing various stunts and aerobatics when completing them. Thus, flying upside down is rewarded with minus three seconds, flying in the “knife” position is rewarded with minus two, and a slight turn will bring a bonus of minus one second from the total time. However, there is no exact information about bonus time, and in some cases the game resets the meter for less time than you might expect. It is unknown what this is connected with, but it is still worth trying to depict some kind of maneuver when passing the next yellow checkpoint.

Airplane: Mallard
Gold medal: 01:15
Silver medal: 01:37
Bronze medal: 02:00

This route is much more difficult than the previous one. The route runs from the west coast of San Andreas through Vinewood towards the Tataviam Mountains in the east of the state. At the same time, control points are at a very low altitude, and situations when the next marker is not visible behind the next mountain peak happen quite often. Remember that you don't need to fly directly through the marker - just touch the wing or even fly next to it.

In this task, it is especially important to remember that the mini-map does not turn over when the plane is flying upside down. That is, if the next checkpoint is marked on the left on the mini-map, to touch it you need to turn right. In order not to get confused, it is better to navigate by control points - if the next marker is not visible behind the hill, you can understand where it is by looking at the previous one - the silhouette of an arrow in its center will show which way you need to fly.

The first three control points of the route can be “taken” in an inverted flight without any problems, the next one - in the “knife” position. The silhouette in the center of the marker will tell you which wing is better to crash the plane on to make it easier to “take” a new checkpoint - do not neglect these tips. Further, right up to the top of the nearest hill, there should be no difficulties - all checkpoints can be flown upside down.

Flying over the top in an inverted state is a rather difficult and dangerous maneuver, but if you manage to complete it, you can fly upside down through the next few checkpoints without any problems. Approaching the “Vinewood” sign, it is better to turn the plane on its side and pass the last yellow marker before the green one in the “knife” position, and when the huge letters are left behind, turn the Mallard upside down again and fly like that until the very finish.

"Triumph of Engineering" (Engineered Bridgework)

Airplane: Mallard
Gold medal: 01:12
Silver medal: 01:36
Bronze medal: 02:00

The route is quite simple. Its most difficult section is at the very beginning, when the Maze Bank Arena stadium is left behind, it becomes noticeably easier. The first checkpoint is easy to “take” even in inverted flight, but the next two may have to be taken in the normal position - they are located under the arch of the bridge. In addition, the flight is complicated by tall trucks moving across the bridge in an almost continuous stream.

However, there is no particular difficulty in touching these markers while flying upside down. The most difficult thing is not to get confused in the controls, and not to pull the steering wheel towards you when you need to raise the nose of the plane. Then you need to perform a “knife” flight, tilting the plane onto the left wing, which will also not cause problems.

You can dive under the bridge upside down, while taking the next marker “on a knife” will not be difficult. The main thing is not to touch the port crane. It is better to take the yellow control point in a normal position, and the next one in inverted flight. The green checkpoint will not cause problems, and it is better to go under the bridge in a normal position. The next few control points should be taken in the “on the knife” position.

Flying over the Miriam Turner Bridge is quite easy, although the plane will have to squeeze through very narrow arches. It is best to enter the bridge in an inverted position. Also, you should “take” two markers behind the bridge upside down, then you need to fly one in the “knife” position, and again turn the plane upside down, going under the bridge. During this maneuver, you need to try not to hit tall palm trees. And to touch the finish marker you need to miss a power line pole and the Cypress Warehouse sign.

"Airport Flyby"

Airplane: Mallard
Gold medal: 02:00
Silver medal: 02:25
Bronze medal: 02:50

This route is one of the longest, but by no means the most difficult. The course is most reminiscent of the one in the last flight school lesson - the pilot will have to make a large circle in a stunt plane from Los Santos International Airport into the city, fly between the skyscrapers of the business district, and then return back through Vespucci Beach.

Immediately after the start, you need to turn the plane upside down and “take” in this position the next six markers that are located above the airport and port territory, after which the plane needs to be flipped onto the left wing - the seventh checkpoint must be flown in the “knife” position, after which the route goes left into the city.

The closest yellow control point will also be easiest to “take” in the “knife” position, since by turning the Mallard over, you can catch a power line pole during the maneuver. But the next three markers can be safely taken in inverted flight. Then the plane needs to be turned onto the left wing again in order to pass the green checkpoint and turn left. The yellow one that follows it can be “taken” in an inverted state, but then again you need to go to the “knife” position - the first green checkpoint must be passed by throwing Mallard on the left wing, and the second on the right.

You can fly the next two yellow checkpoints upside down, then pass the green marker “on a knife”, and again go left, moving on to an inverted flight - the next five checkpoints can be passed in this position. Then another “knife flight” and another turn to the left - towards the airport.

After passing the green marker, Mallard should be turned upside down again - the next four checkpoints, including the finishing checkpoint, are best passed upside down. The last markers are located very low, right next to the water, but it is worth remembering that they are counted even if the plane did not touch them - the “activation” zone of control points is wider than visible.


Airplane: Mallard
Gold medal: 01:55
Silver medal: 02:27
Bronze medal: 03:00

The latest aerobatics test will take place near Mount Chiliad in the northwestern state of San Andreas. The pilot will have to climb to the top twice and go down twice. And although the climb is quite steep, and the Mallard looks rather flimsy and underpowered, it will have enough traction to spare, although it will still not climb very quickly, while on the descent the speed will be dizzying.

It is quite possible to “take” the first six checkpoints of the route in an inverted flight, and if this seems too difficult to you, you can fly some of them in the “knife” position - you will receive some kind of bonus. The eighth control point is not visible behind the slope, but you can pass through the marker “on a knife”, after which the plane must be turned upside down again. All checkpoints on the descent from the mountain can also be “taken” in an inverted flight, or “on a knife” - there is enough skill to do this, but we must not forget about the final time. It should be borne in mind that the speed will be very high, and the control will become very sharp, so that you can easily get several fines or crash into one of the tall pine trees that grow in abundance on the mountainside.

Over the farm you need to fly “on a knife” through the green checkpoint, turn left, slightly raise the plane so as not to catch the roofs of granaries and water towers, and then “take” another green checkpoint, turning left again. The easiest way to pass the next two yellow markers is in the “knife” position, after which the plane can be turned upside down again and all subsequent checkpoints - both on the ascent to the cable car station and on the descent to the finish line - can be passed this way. In this case, problems can only be caused by the checkpoint that is located at the top, since it is very easy to crash into the mountain here, and the marker behind the funicular station, since there is a cable car support near the checkpoint.

At this point, the aerobatics tasks will be completed, and your collection will be replenished with several medals, which, however, will not in any way affect receiving awards or achieving 100 percent in game statistics.

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The first plane in the GTA series was a toy plane in Vice City, which involved a very difficult mission to plant bombs in a skyscraper. In those days it was very cool and advanced. Since then, the GTA world has changed beyond recognition: real airplanes appeared for the first time in San Andreas, and in the fifth part of our favorite series, gamers have access to almost 2 dozen of a wide variety of airplanes! Of course, the game now has a huge international airport - the busiest place in the entire state; and several private airfields. In the game world there are planes of various classes: from the long-loved “corn maker” Dodo to terrifying fighters with jet engines; from small private VIP jets to huge passenger airliners and cargo aircraft. Read our article and you will definitely find out everything about planes in GTA 5!

How to fly a plane in GTA 5

Controlling a plane is one of the most difficult processes in the game, so it’s not surprising that players constantly have questions about how to fly a plane in GTA 5.
First, let's look at the control circuit. We will use a computer keyboard, since this is the most common device :) The “W” key increases engine speed, causing the plane to accelerate and roll forward (if it is on the ground). “S” - reduces speed, slows down the plane. "A" and "D" are responsible for turning right and left. Takeoff, descent, and nose tilt of the aircraft are done using the NumLock keyboard. “8” — tilt the nose of the plane forward (take off), “5” — tilt the nose down, “4” and “6” — left and right, respectively. The "G" key is responsible for opening and closing the chassis. Right mouse button - fire.
It's simple in theory, but in reality a beginner will have to go through a series of crashes to learn how to fly an airplane. Therefore, we recommend that you always stock up on a parachute if you don’t want to turn into a wet red spot on the asphalt :) You can take off from any flat surface, but it is better, of course, to use special runways or at least take into account the required take-off distance of your aircraft (more on this will be discussed below). The flight process itself should not cause any special problems. Just try to keep the plane parallel to the ground until you master all kinds of tricks. But that's only half the battle. Problems may arise with how to land the plane. First you need to fly several hundred meters directly above the ground, gradually reducing engine speed. Then lower the landing gear and begin to descend. The moment the wheels touch the ground, you can start braking. If the speed is not low enough at this moment, you can push off and take off again. In this case, it is better not to try to continue landing, but to go in for another circle, otherwise you risk crashing.
We hope our instructions helped you, and you will no longer have questions about how to take off or land the plane :)

Airplanes in GTA 5

Let's take a closer look at all the aircraft available in GTA 5.

1. Dodo

Dodo is a true legend for fans of the Grand Theft Auto series. It appeared in GTA 3, becoming the first controlled aircraft in the series. Since then, Dodo has moved from one part to another, changing its appearance and characteristics little. In the fifth part, Dodo became a seaplane. At the bottom there are pontoons for landing on the water. In addition, it has a landing gear underneath and can successfully land on land. This plane is one of the most versatile in the game. It has a minimum takeoff and landing distance. The Dodo is designed for four people: a pilot and a passenger in the cockpit, and two more on the pontoons. At the same time, passengers on pontoons can fire from personal weapons during the flight. A great advantage, you'll agree. The Dodo has a very good top speed, but its acceleration and maneuverability are somewhat compromised due to its design.
Where to find the plane? The plane appears in the following locations after completing the random event “Sea Plane”:
— A lake in the hills of Vinewood near Franklin's house.
— Alamo Lake in the village of Galilee in Blaine County.

2. Titan

The Titan is a cargo plane with four propellers under its wings. The main purpose of this model is to transport military cargo in the game. Titan has a low speed and can dive rapidly in the event of even minimal engine problems. These shortcomings are compensated by its high reliability, ease of piloting and unpretentiousness: the plane can be landed almost anywhere - from makeshift landing strips to the desert and even wide bridges! In addition, it requires a minimum runway length (compared to other aircraft in its class). In general, this is a typical cargo plane in GTA 5 with all the attendant advantages and disadvantages.
Where to find the plane? Can be found on the runway at the military Fort Zancudo. True, upon entering its territory you will have a 4-star wanted level.


This interesting aircraft appeared in the GTA 5 universe after the release of the San Andreas Flight School add-on. In essence, this is a training fighter, but due to its excellent technical characteristics it can be used not only as a trainer :) The aircraft engine is equipped with an afterburner mode, thanks to which the Besra has excellent speed, and in this indicator it is second only to two other military aircraft. As for acceleration, Besra has no equal in the entire game! This winged monster has a very light fuselage, and the wingspan is very compact. Thanks to this, the Besra is the most controllable and pilot-friendly aircraft. Aerobatic stunts on an airplane are his thing. In addition, it should be noted the excellent ability to quickly reduce flight speed as well as the minimum length of the required runway: Besra can land even on ordinary roads.
Where to find the plane? After the expansion is released, Besra will appear in the hangars of the main characters.

4. Vestra

Vestra (in Latin means “Your”) is a small light aircraft that appeared in GTA 5 after the release of The Business add-on. This is the smallest aircraft of all that are equipped with jet engines. Thanks to this feature, Vestra has an excellent weight/power ratio and is one of the fastest aircraft in the game, second only to combat aircraft. In addition, due to the short length of the wings, it is also one of the most maneuverable aircraft. It can change direction extremely quickly, so you won't find anything better for racing planes, aerial stunts, or city flying (the Vestra's small size comes in handy in the latter case). Due to the fact that the aircraft is powered by a jet engine, do not attempt to fly it vertically upward; its design does not allow this. The plane will go into a nosedive and you could crash.
Where to find the plane? After installing the add-on, this model should appear in hangars.

5. Shamal

The Shamal is a medium-sized jet aircraft for civil transport and trade. It first appeared in GTA San Andreas, and now, with some design changes, it has moved into the fifth part of the game. As in San Andreas, Shamal is available from the very beginning of the game at the main airport of the city. The aircraft turned out to be very multi-tasking and can be used for almost any activity. With it, you can easily evade police pursuit, even if the wanted level is very high. It can also be used by novice pilots to train (the plane is very easy to fly). More experienced players will easily be able to participate in air races in GTA Online using Shamal (the jet engine gives excellent speed capabilities - according to this indicator, Shamal is the fifth in the game). Moreover, given its good maneuverability, you can perform all sorts of aerial stunts! With all these options, it would probably be unnecessary to talk about the possibility of making a comfortable and pleasant flight to the other side of the map. For all this, Shamal is perfect.
Where to find the plane? In different parts of Los Santos International Airport you can find 6 copies of this aircraft model.

6. Buckingham Luxor

Luxor is a private business jet. In its characteristics and appearance it is very similar to Shamal, but at the same time it has a “luxury” class. The Luxor is good for leisurely flights of lazy celebrities, but it's not as good for air racing. Although the performance is similar to its less prosperous twin, the Luxor clearly has inferior agility and sharpness, and cannot make as sharp turns and drop speed instantly. Although it has excellent speed on straight sections. Use this model when you want to slowly fly over the business district of Los Santos, showing everyone your level of wealth, but for action it is better to choose something else :)
Where to find the plane? Like Shamal, Luxor appears throughout the airport. True, this model is represented less: there are only three of them. The aircraft described can be found in Devin Weston's hangar if you have reached level 50. Plus sometimes he is found at the Sandy Shores airfield.

7. Miljet

Miljet is a military jet passenger aircraft available in GTA 5 after the release of the Flight School add-on. The aircraft's performance is average. As you'd expect from an aircraft of this size and weight, it takes quite a long time to reach top speed. However, two jet engines allow for impressive speed, although it takes time. The large wingspan of this model determines its rather low maneuverability. But this is not required from Miljet. The plane has good stability and durability: the enemy will have to fire a lot of bullets before the Miljet fails.
Where to find the plane? The plane will appear in the hangars of the protagonists after installing the said add-on.

8. Velum

Velum is a light, fast monoplane with one engine on board and a propeller. It has high speed and has practically no rivals in its class. In addition, it is a very maneuverable aircraft, with good handling and the ability to change direction quickly. On the other hand, this model has rather long wings, which somewhat reduces the importance of maneuverability, but adds stability and stability. This plane needs a long runway. Capable of carrying four passengers, which combined with its high speed make it an excellent vehicle for GTA Online.
Where to find the plane? He can usually be found at Los Santos International Airport, near Hangar A17 south of the main terminal. In addition, the plane can be obtained by killing Tom in the mission "Delivering the Truth". In the Online version of the game, the plane sometimes appears at the Sandy Shores airfield.

9. Mallard

The Mallard is a lightweight monoplane with a single propeller engine on board. The engine is quite powerful and provides excellent speed and acceleration. Not a single aircraft of this class in the game can compare with it! The Mallard's lightweight body gives it good maneuverability and control, and for aerial stunts it is probably the best choice.
Where to find the plane? Trevor can often be found at the airfield. Mallard is also used in flight school missions, but, unfortunately, cannot be saved.

10. Duster

The Duster is a small aircraft designed to spray pesticides on fields and vineyards. However, the only moment when this process is shown is shown in the trailer released on the eve of the game's release :) However, the ability to fertilize fields is given to players in the Online version of the game. The Duster is the slowest aircraft in the game. Another disadvantage is the need for a very long runway. The acceleration time before takeoff takes as much as 7 seconds. In return for this, it was equipped with excellent handling.
Where to find the plane? This plane can often be seen flying over Grapeseed. In addition, one copy is located in the Grand Senora Desert, at the western end of the Marina Drive.

11. Luxor Deluxe

Luxor Deluxe is the VIP version of the regular Luxor aircraft. However, the Luxor itself is clearly not a plane for the poor :) The model appears in the game after installing the Ill-Gotten Gains Part 1 add-on. Compared to the regular Luxor, the new version has improved braking, but worse acceleration and maneuverability. This is due to the gold-plated body, which significantly adds weight to the aircraft. Now passengers can drink champagne, smoke cigars and use high-speed Internet right on board the plane. Interestingly, the price of $10,000,000 is the highest in the world for the online version of the game. Apart from this, the aircraft is not distinguished by anything remarkable.

12. Mammatus

The Mammatus is a small general purpose aircraft with a single engine and propeller. The slowest plane in the game is on par with the Duster. The situation is slightly brightened up by the fact that it needs very little space for takeoff and landing. Although sometimes, after a quick takeoff, it begins to dive sharply downward - a situation not for the faint of heart. Otherwise, this aircraft is a good choice for novice pilots. Its flight and control are very stable and confident. Turbulence is almost not felt. In GTA Online it is very convenient to transport a small gang of four people on it. On the other hand, by paying an additional $150 thousand, you can buy a luxurious Velum, which is better in all respects. Therefore, Mammatus is best left for beginners and collectors.
Where to find the plane? You can often see it flying over Los Santos. He sometimes appears at Trevor's airfield and Michael's hangar at the airport.


Another small light aircraft, powered by two four-cylinder engines. Their power is enough for an airplane, but nothing more. All technical characteristics of this aircraft are very limited. Its distinctive feature is that if one engine fails, it can make do with the other for some time. In this case, however, the speed and acceleration become even less. In general, this plane is ideal for a leisurely familiarization flight over the world of GTA 5; at its low speed it is very convenient to admire the opening panoramas. For all other cases, you can choose a better option.

14. Velum 5-Seater

The five-seater Velum becomes available in GTA Online after installing the Heists Update add-on. Essentially, this is the same Velum from the single-player game. The only difference is the presence of five seats. In terms of technical characteristics, this is one of the most worthy aircraft in the game: the speed is at the maximum level (in comparison with aircraft of this class). Maneuverability suffers slightly due to the long wings, but in return the player receives stable and smooth flight, as well as low sensitivity to turbulence. Another small disadvantage is the need for a long runway. But overall, the developers have created a very good plane, especially if you use it to transport players in multiplayer.
Where to find the plane? The plane can be purchased for $950 thousand after completing the mission “Escape from”

15. Large passenger aircraft (Jet)

In GTA 5, for the first time, a large passenger airliner appeared that you can control! The prototype of the passenger aircraft is the legendary Boeing 474. You can control the plane only in single player mode. Jet is the second largest aircraft in the game. Despite its impressive dimensions, this aircraft is one of the fastest in the game. It’s not surprising, because its prototype, the Boeing 747, reaches an incredible speed for the game of almost a thousand kilometers per hour! The maneuverability of the game liner is also surprising - it is at a very good level, much higher than in real life. The fuselage of this large passenger aircraft is quite strong and can withstand many gunshots. This power is offset by the fragility of the engines, which explode on the first hit and disable the aircraft. In addition, the slightest touch of any object to the engine is enough for it to explode. In general, this model is unsuccessful for traveling around the island: in fact, the only place where it can be successfully landed is Los Santos International Airport. In other places you will have to resort to an emergency landing.
Where to find the plane? A large passenger plane can only be found at the airport, where else could it be :) Interestingly, in addition to this, in the coastal waters of the island you can find 2 crashed and drowned passenger airliners. One is on the seabed near Paleto Bay. The second one is located at the bottom of the port of Los Santos. The first of them is not covered with corals, which suggests that the wreck occurred recently. The second, judging by the corals on the fuselage, has been resting on the bottom for quite some time. There are also weapons scattered around him, and bullet holes are visible in the cabin. All this suggests that the plane was involved in smuggling.

15. Large cargo plane (Cargo)

Finally we got to the largest plane in GTA 5! Cargo is a large military cargo aircraft with 8 jet engines on board. In terms of technical characteristics, it is very similar to the passenger airliner described in the previous paragraph. It has the same high top speed and good acceleration, but the maneuverability is much worse. Its wingspan is as much as 60 meters, which has an extremely negative effect on maneuverability and the ability to turn quickly. On the other hand, such dimensions make it one of the most stable and controllable aircraft in the game. Another plus is that Cargo does not require a large runway, and it only takes one second to get off the ground! The downside is that this strip must be quite wide and even, since the plane is very fragile.
Where to find the plane? Unfortunately, you won't be able to fly the largest plane in the game. At least in an honest way without using codes or a trainer. The plane takes part in several missions, but the plot is structured in such a way that it is never possible to take possession of it.

The fourth game in the Grand Theft Auto series has a wider range of character actions and a variety of locations. In this game you can steal a lot of cars, beat passers-by, and earn money by selling drugs. The Grand Theft Auto series is known for its scandalous twists and turns and a lot of room for creativity. But, despite this, in GTA 4 there is no absolute permissiveness; in this case, the game follows the rules of real life. This applies to the actions of the characters and the general physics of the game. Therefore, before driving or flying, GTA includes real physics options.

This point will allow you to complete the game more correctly if you know that driving and flying various vehicles correspond to the passage of authentic simulators. This is also typical for GTA San Andreas. How to fly helicopters or airplanes in this case? You can use cheat codes. These are elements that are used to make the game easier. They can be found both in the game itself after completing some missions, and on the Internet. For example, on specialized sites there are codes for GTA. How to fly with them? To do this, you just need to write the code during the gameplay. The JUMPJET code will summon you a military fighter, the OHDUDE code will summon a military helicopter, and the URKQSRK code will summon a small plane.

Flight pattern

Many gamers, playing the Grand Theft Auto series, are puzzled by how to fly in GTA 4.

First you will have to find yourself a helicopter or plane. You can find a helicopter in the mansion of boss Vercetti, for example. And you can get a plane if you completed 2 missions and, for example, bought a porn studio.

Regular helicopter

In order to fly in such a helicopter, you need to sit in it and hold down the "W" button. After the helicopter reaches a certain altitude, it must be turned in the direction you need. And for this you use the "Q" and "E" keys. Next, you need to press “9” on the additional keyboard and the helicopter will be able to move forward, but will lose altitude. In addition, the helicopter quickly breaks down in collisions.


You need to get on the plane and press "W" in order for it to pick up speed. After such overclocking, you need to press “6”. This will make the plane take off. You can control horizontal flight with the "A" and "D" keys, but you cannot turn sharply - the plane may fall. In order to land the plane, you need to slow down and land slowly using the “9” key. . Combat aircraft

The combat aircraft is located at a military base located next to the airport. You can find him there after completing the last mission. If you go to the base, you can steal a combat helicopter "Hunter". You control it just like a regular one, but you can shoot. By pressing “1” and “0” on the additional keyboard or the left mouse button, rockets are released. Spacebar or right CTRL brings up a homing machine gun. A military aircraft is controlled in exactly the same way as a regular one. In addition to the ability to shoot, which is similar to the fire control of a combat helicopter.

Now you know how to fly in your favorite Grand Theft Auto game.

Everything about fighters in GTA 5 and Online - where to find them and how to fly?

The world of GTA 5, both single-player and multiplayer, is full of various vehicles, including not only sports cars, the notorious hatchbacks and motorcycles, but also marine equipment, helicopters, airplanes and much more. In this material, we would like to help you figure out how to hijack a fighter in GTA 5. Many people want to get their hands on such equipment, since it is not only the fastest means of transportation, but is also equipped with weapons.

Types of fighters

In total, in the latest part of the franchise there are three types of military fighters:

How to hijack a fighter jet?

First, let's look at how to steal the Laser P-996 and Western Besra (if you are not playing on PS3 or Xbox 360 - there Bersa is free and can be called up through the interaction menu directly from the hangar), because stealing a Hydra is impossible. Since this equipment is military, it will only be possible to get hold of it at a military base, since the developers did not provide a wide range of such objects; our path lies in Fort Zancudo. There are several options for how to get a plane the first time, because if the first attempt fails, then the base is rebuilt and it becomes much more difficult to hijack a fighter. The only difference in the theft of these models is that Lazer is usually located in a hangar, and Bersa is located near it.

It must be remembered that not every method can work due to the player’s previous interference in the affairs of the alma mater of all the military equipment of Los Santos and Blaine County. Also keep in mind that Laser is always at the base when it is almost impossible to guarantee that there will be any other equipment there, since it is subject to some kind of randomization (random placement). In other words, Bersa may or may not be there.

  • We order a taxi to the military base and hit the road. Upon arrival at the place, we steal a taxi and drive into the base, accompanying this action by turning left, towards the hangars, and killing the soldier standing in your way. Next, we get into the fighter and fly away. Since you most likely won't have to shoot, the only difficulty with this method is escaping from the Fort. You can try to wiggle left and right, up and down, the main thing is that you don’t get hit by a rocket or get shot down from a tank.
  • We land from a helicopter and dive to the hangars, there we again climb into the plane and fly away.
  • Around Fort Zancudo there are natural jumps, at least four of them, with which you can jump over the fence, for example, if you move from the south on the highway, pass the bridge and tunnel, and then turn around, the natural jump will be to the right of the tunnel. You need to keep in mind that even with this method of penetration, you will still receive 4 wanted stars.

Now here are some tips on how to break away from the chase:

  1. In online mode, after the invasion of the base, while you are not attacked, call Lester and ask for help, so for $5,000 you will get rid of unnecessary attention and can calmly walk around the base without fear of attacks. Even when you board a fighter, you should not be attacked.
  2. After the hijacking, take off and fly without looking back, literally, because if you do not constantly watch the planes pursuing you, then there is a chance that they will disappear. Due to unknown circumstances, for the trick to work, you need to fly upward. However, such a maneuver has a high risk of being shot down by air defense systems.
  3. If the previous option did not help, then use a “low-level” flight, that is, fly as low as possible, and try to very quickly hide from the location where people in military uniform or law enforcement officers last saw you.

How to buy a fighter?

In single-player mode, the player can purchase only the Western Besra; it is sold on the website for $658,000, and in multiplayer the same aircraft can be obtained on the same website, but for a rounder sum, namely $1,150,000.

The Mammoth Hydra Fighter can only be purchased in Grand Theft Auto Online and only after completing the preparation for the third heist, called the Humane Raid - EMP. If the above condition is met, then go to the website and scroll down the page, there you will find a “Hydra” worth 3 million dollars.

Unfortunately, the developers did not give you the opportunity to buy the Lazer P-996, so you will have to be content with the above aircraft options or steal it.

Cheat code for fighter: As a rule, at the end of such articles we indicate the code to get what you want faster, however, the developers did not provide this combination for the fighter and there is no such option in GTA 5.

How to control a fighter in GTA 5?

Questions about controlling fighter jets in gta5 are not uncommon; we note that it is practically no different from piloting an airplane, with the exception of a few points.

  • W
  • S
  • A-Turn the body to the left.
  • D- Rotate the body to the right.
  • Button 4 on the number pad- Tilt to the left.
  • Button 6 on the number pad- Tilt to the right.
  • Button 5 on the number pad- Tilt back.
  • Button 8 on the number pad- Lean forward.
  • G
  • Right mouse button/spacebar- Fire.
  • Button 7 on the number pad- Aim to the left.
  • Button 9 on the number pad- Aim to the right.
  • E
  • Insert- On off. weapon camera.

For Xbox One:

  • Left Trigger (LT)- Reduce the draft of air transport.
  • Left Bumper (LB)- Turn the body to the left.
  • Right Trigger (RT)- Increase the traction of air transport.
  • Right bumper (RB)- Rotate the body to the right.
  • Left stick- Tilt left or right.
  • Right stick- Camera rotation/aim.
  • Left Stick Button (L)- Switch landing equipment (gear).
  • Right Stick Button (R)- Look back.
  • Y button- Take/leave the vehicle.
  • Button A
  • D-pad right- Vertical take-off (change of engine position for Hydra).
  • L2 button- Reduce the draft of air transport.
  • L1 button- Turn the body to the left.
  • R2 button- Increase traction.
  • R1 button- Rotate the body to the right.
  • Left stick- Tilt left or right, forward, backward.
  • Right stick- Rotate the camera.
  • L3 button- Lower or retract the landing gear.
  • R3 button- Look back.
  • Triangle button- Get into a plane, get out or eject (in the air).
  • Cross button- Shooting from aircraft weapons.
  • Right button- Vertical take-off (change of engine position for Hydra).

Appeared in this series of games after the release of Vice City. In it, the player has helicopters at his disposal. In San Andreas you are offered a large assortment of airplanes and helicopters at the same time. By the fifth part of the series, the tradition was only developing: new models of air transport were added, controls were changed and adapted, etc. Let's figure out how to fly a plane in GTA 5 and where to find them.

Where can I get a plane?

Before understanding the controls, you need to find a plane in a city or rural area. The very first thing that should come to the player’s mind is a visit to the city airport. However, we hasten to warn you that you can legally enter the territory and take a plane only after successfully completing a flight school. It becomes available after completing the story quest called "Friends Reunion". It is recommended to take and pass all the exams - after passing you will know all the controls and can easily go on your first independent flight.

The second place with air transport is an abandoned airport. While going through the plot of GTA 5, you will have to fly on an airplane often. In the hangars near the runway you can find a military fighter. The entire range includes 15 types of aircraft. To open some of them, you need to install add-ons. Part is only available in GTA Online mode. Practice in Story Mode before you take part in online air racing.

How to manage?

Flying a plane in GTA 5 has become much easier than in previous parts. However, controlling air transport remains the most difficult in the game. By default, the layout uses the Numpad pad on the keyboard. Braking, acceleration and turns are assigned to the standard WASD, and tilts are assigned to the keys on the number pad. Keys 5 and 8 raise and lower the nose of the aircraft respectively. Using buttons 4 and 6, you turn left and right.

Learning all the keys does not mean learning how to fly a plane in GTA 5. If you remember everything the first time, then the game character needs practice and time. Gradually the level of skill will increase, which is why the plane will become more controllable and obedient.

Summer school

To receive your certificate, be sure to complete all 12 flight school lessons. Starting with simple tasks, you gradually move up to complex pirouettes and time trials. During the passage you will be taught to perform beautiful tricks and fly through dangerous places. Now you know how to fly a plane in GTA 5 and you can use this guide.