Date: 12/17/12

The contingent and age of students: students in grades 6-7, 12-14 years old;

Goal: development of group cohesion;

To develop empathy among the participants in the process, the ability to communicate using verbal and non-verbal means of communication, the ability to exercise reflection.

Equipment: sheets of A4 paper, pens.

Course of the training:

Acquaintance: Hello, my name is Leysan, I would like to get to know you better, I study at the Pedagogical University, for a special psychologist, 4th year. We will conduct this training together with you, I hope for your understanding. Let's get acquainted (2 minutes).

Exercise "Exchange":

I suggest you greet each other with a handshake. But it won't be a simple handshake. Each of the group members should go in turn to everyone else, cross their arms (show), take the partner’s folded hands in them and, during the handshake, tell him something pleasant, a compliment or a wish (5 minutes).

There may be reluctance to shake hands with someone. In this case, you need to say that you need to greet all team members. If this is not effective, then invite the child to do it together. If there are problems when naming compliments or wishes, set an example.

Exercise "Drawing on the back":

And now we will draw on the back. We need to line up in a column, while each participant looks at the back of his comrade. I will now draw a picture and hide it, then I will draw the same picture with my finger on the back of the one who is the last in the column. Your task is to try to feel and convey this drawing as accurately as possible further, to the very first one. And the first one will then reproduce this drawing on paper, at the end we will compare this drawing with the original version. So let's get started (15 minutes).

If you do not understand the task - show an example. If there are difficulties with the location (who, where, with whom to stand), then take the initiative and build a column at your discretion.

Exercise 3 (reflection):

1. What helped to understand and convey the feeling?

2. How did the first and last standing in the team feel?

3. What prevented you from doing the exercise, what difficulties did you encounter? (7 minutes)

If you have difficulty with the answer, try to reformulate the question: 1. "How did you understand and convey what you felt?", 3. "Difficulties in doing the exercise with what they were associated." And the 2nd question can be asked personally by addressing the first and last member of the team by name. When in doubt, offer options.

Exercise "Snake":

Now we will play with you. Get in a circle. I will be a snake, and you will be my continuation, the one I approach becomes my tail, crawls under me and clings to my belt, and so on until the last participant, until the snake's tail becomes huge (15 minutes).

In case the rules of the game are not understood, show an example.

Exercise K.U.B.O.U. :

Now we will play with you a game similar to a broken phone. You can communicate only with the help of gestures without uttering words, we write down the phrase on a piece of paper and show it to the next person who enters. He also writes down, as he understands, shows it to another participant, and so on until the end. Each time the phrase is written anew, and the previous one is removed. At the end, the phrases are read in reverse order, starting from the end. Now I will ask you to leave, one will remain (15 minutes).

In case of non-compliance with the rules - the use of words during the show, a second explanation of the rules of the game and demonstrating an example.

Feedback, final discussion: And now remember the whole training, think and say what you liked or disliked the most? Explain why? What do you think the exercises and games are aimed at? What do you feel now, what emotions prevail? (10 minutes)

Brief (schematic plan of the abstract):

| next lecture ==>

Socio-psychological training of interpersonal communication

1. The essence and organizational features of the socio-psychological training of interpersonal communication

Psychotechnical (psychogymnastic) exercises and group discussions as methods for conducting partner communication training

Models for conducting interpersonal communication training

1. The essence and organizational features of the socio-psychological training of interpersonal communication

Socio-psychological training of communication is a type of socio-psychological training associated with the development in the process of group work of knowledge, skills, abilities and attitudes that determine behavior in communication, communicative competence and human abilities.

The communicative competence of a specialist is a high level of development of communicative personal qualities, skills and abilities of building and implementing communication in the process of professional activity.

Organizational features of recruiting a study group and conducting socio-psychological trainings of interpersonal communication:

small training groups, as a rule, consist of 7-15 participants, large - of 25-30 people. Working in large groups involves the participation of assistants;

the duration of the general cycle of classes - from several days to several months. Meetings of participants can be daily or more rare - 1-3 times a week. The duration of an individual meeting is from 1.5 to 3 or more hours. The so-called marathon groups are possible, held in 2-3 days of continuous work;

since a lot of time is spent on the emotional entry of participants into the lesson, it is better to work for 4-5 hours daily (adjusted depending on age);

cohesion, openness and trust in the group come faster if the group is closed. It is better for participants to sit in chairs or on chairs in a circle;

the most successful candidates are those who have low psychological defense, high learning ability, and the level of intelligence is not lower than average;

it is desirable to limit the participation of persons who, under the influence of criticism, usually demonstrate excessive anxiety and aggression, persons with low self-esteem, mentally immature, insensitive to others and incapable of self-control;

popular participants are actively interested in relationships in the group, so they serve as an indicator of the success of the training;

short-term communication trainings suggest a relative homogeneity of the composition, since similarity stimulates mutual attraction and emotional support;

long-term trainings suggest a greater heterogeneity of the composition, as productivity and overcoming personal conflicts can be traced against the backdrop of tension and a certain confrontation observed in such groups.

Organizational features of conducting trainings are also manifested in the basic requirements for the leader of the training communication group. These requirements are:

the leader of the training should have such qualities as poise, prudence, susceptibility to new and unusual, imagination, self-confidence, intelligence, enthusiasm, ability to dominate, tolerance, democracy, desire to help people;

the leader of the training should act in a warm, sincere and empathic manner, create positive feedback in the group and show the ability to quickly respond to non-standard situations;

positive spontaneous emotions leading according to the law of emotional "contagion" cause a corresponding emotional reaction in the members of the group. Therefore, when working in a group, the leader must discard all the negative content of human relations, not show the accumulated negative experiences;

the leader needs to have a well-developed intuition in order to subtly feel the mood, state, problems of the group;

the leader of the training should be the organizer, director of the communication process, regulating the behavior of the participants, the level of anxiety in the group, ways of researching problems;

the facilitator should be a commentator and expert, helping participants to objectively assess their behavior, observing and explaining complex behavioral reactions;

the leader of the training, demonstrating openness, sincerity, trust, a high level of interpersonal functioning, should be a model for participants;

the presenter must be artistic enough, possess professional technique, including the possession of speech technique, expressive facial expressions and pantomimics;

effective group leadership involves the flexible use of different styles of the leader (authoritarian, democratic, liberal) and a creative approach to conducting training;

the leader must know the various options for dealing with conflict situations and be able to predict the occurrence of conflicts;

the leader of the group is obliged to maintain confidentiality, keeping information about the personal problems of the participants in the training;

the leader of the training must have sufficient qualifications and experience and, on this basis, great authority and influence in the group. The level of competence of the presenter is determined by the presence of four levels of training: familiarity with the history and theory of the issue; monitoring the activities of the leading professional with subsequent analysis; active personal participation in trainings; self-conducting trainings (with subsequent reflection) with the help of an experienced leading consultant;

it is desirable for the presenter to have a special certificate, indicating the passage of professional training at courses or at the school of trainers.

As a rule, classes in the training process are carried out according to the following methodology:

presentation of the leading training;

bringing organizational issues (goals, objectives,


familiarization of participants with the main rules of participation in the training;

the inclusion of participants in the performance of psychotechnical exercises, role-playing games;

group discussion on the results of exercises and games;

after completing all the tasks - summing up.

The first and second stages of the training are similar in structure to the traditional forms of training sessions. The content of the fourth-sixth stages will be disclosed further in the context of the technology of conducting psychotechnical exercises. The following can be taken as the basis for participation in communication training (the third element of the methodology).

Memo to the training participant (according to N. T. Oganesyan):

do not place yourself above or below others;

look for and maintain only the good in yourself;

do not invite others to volunteer for the exercises;

listen to the tasks very carefully;

don't talk too much or too often. Don't interrupt;

try to actively participate in all the proposed situations and games;

do not interrupt, correct or judge the speaker;

be resourceful and use creativity;

learn to trust your inner feeling when you need to act;

be patient and persistent;

admit your mistakes and try to correct them;

do not ridicule or humiliate others and yourself;

do not take outside what happens in group sessions, keep the personal problems of the participants confidential.

Memo to the training participant (according to G. I. Marasanov):

don't be late;

take care of the privacy of the life of the group;

strive to be an active participant in what is happening;

do not give up the right to say “no”, as well as the right to decide for yourself (yourself) how to behave, how to act in a given situation;

be as sincere as possible, provide reliable information;

receive support, help from the group;

strive to listen to the speaker, trying not to interrupt;

focus on being active by participating in all events, procedures, situations that arise during the work of the group;

express your opinion on any opinion;

use the appeal to "you" during the work of the group;

report their difficulties that prevent participation in the work of the group "from" and "to" (the need to miss classes, leave or come earlier or later than the appointed hour). Moreover, each participant has the right to do this in advance. In this case, the issue of his further participation in the work will be decided by the group;

to speak only on his own behalf and about what is perceived, felt, experienced, happening here and now;

Do not talk about those present in the third person. Basic methods of socio-psychological training

communication are: role-playing games, psychotechnical exercises and group discussions in various modifications and combinations. The content and methodology for conducting role-playing games is described in the section "Methods of active socio-psychological learning". The main method in the training is the performance by the participants of psychotechnical (psycho-gymnastic) exercises.

The concept of "psychotechnics (psychogymnastics)" is somewhat arbitrary. This concept refers to a very wide range of exercises: written and oral, verbal and non-verbal.

Exercises can be performed in small groups of 2-3 people or by all members of the group together. The facilitator himself can complete pairs, triplets, guided by special criteria (in particular, taking into account the nature of the relationship between the participants, their success in training, individual psychological characteristics, etc.), but it is possible to provide a solution to this problem for the participants themselves, inviting them to act consciously , guided by one or another criterion, for example: "Choose for yourself that member of our group whom we have known less than others so far."

Exercises can be specialized and affect mainly one or another mental characteristic (for example, memory or attention) or they can be more universal, have a more generalized effect. They allow you to connect different levels of mental reflection to realize the same experience, the same problem. For example, you can offer group members to describe this or that state verbally, and in turn - in writing or orally, then draw it, express it in motion. As a result, the possibilities of consciousness expand, new facets of perception of the same problem appear. The same thing happens when various psychotechnical exercises are used in the training within the same content: motor, drawing, etc.

When conducting psychotechnical exercises, as well as in the training as a whole, there are two plans: meaningful and personal.

The content plan corresponds to the main content goal of the training, i.e. what attitudes, skills are formed. A personal plan is a group atmosphere, against which the events of a meaningful plan unfold, as well as the state of each participant individually. It is correct to understand by psychotechnics (psychogymnastics) those exercises that are aimed not only at changing the state of the group or each participant individually, but also at gaining experience that corresponds to the content goal of the training.

When planning classes, as well as in the process of conducting psychotechnical exercises, a number of points should be observed: the right choice of exercise; instructing the group before its execution; stop the exercise the discussion of the results.

When choosing an exercise, you need to focus on the following.

What should happen as a result of the exercise, what is its substantive goal: the state of the group as a whole will change; the state of each of the group members will change individually; the state of one or two or three participants will change to a greater extent; material will be obtained to move forward in terms of content.

At what stage of cohesion is the group: the more cohesive it is, the freer, more at ease the participants feel, the more risky the exercises can be. These primarily include those that involve physical contact between group members during the exercise, as well as exercises that are performed with eyes closed. Untimely use of such exercises leads to increased tension and discomfort in the group.

The composition of the group: socio-demographic characteristics (gender, age, etc.), as well as the physical characteristics of the participants.

Time: at the beginning of the day, it is advisable to carry out exercises that allow you to disconnect from worries and problems that are not related to group work, get involved in the “here and now” situation, feel the group, etc.

Instruction. The effectiveness of the exercise largely depends on the clarity, clarity, conciseness of the instructions, which should contain sufficient and necessary information. Do not overload the instructions with details, unnecessary explanations. An unsuccessful option can be considered when the leader instructs longer than the duration of the exercise itself. Sometimes it is useful in the process of getting acquainted with the instruction to give an example illustrating the implementation of the exercise, or to demonstrate how it should be performed.

Stopping the exercise. There are exercises that have a logical conclusion. Such, for example, is the well-known exercise "Broken phone"; it ends when the information reaches the last of the participants. In most cases, the facilitator stipulates the conditions for the end of the exercise in advance, for example: the exercise will end when each of the group members does or says something. Another option: the time of the exercise is discussed in advance. At the same time, the leader watches the time and informs the group about its end. But more often, it is still not possible to determine in advance the time limits for the exercise, and then the main guideline becomes the well-being of the group members, the degree of their involvement, interest in the exercise. The general rule is this: it is advisable to complete the exercise when the degree of involvement, pleasure from its implementation reaches a maximum and does not begin to decline yet. Carrying out diagnostics and carefully observing changes in the state of group members, the facilitator should catch such a moment when, on the one hand, the exercise has achieved its goal, there is enough material for discussion (if the exercise is aimed at obtaining information in a meaningful way), and on the other hand, the majority of the group members, expressing their readiness to continue the exercise, agree to finish it.

Discussion of exercises. The nature of the discussion of the exercise, sounding questions of the facilitator at the end of it will depend on what it was aimed at. As a general rule, the more content-oriented an exercise is, the more time should be spent discussing it.

If the exercise is designed primarily to change the state of the group as a whole or each participant individually, then the discussion can be quite short, in the form of questions: “How do you feel?”, “What is your mood now?” etc. Sometimes you can limit yourself to fixing (repeating) the monosyllabic answers that sounded “good”, “normal”, “peppy” ... In some cases, the leader himself can say what he sees, the real state of the participants, for example: “Everyone cheered up. You can move on to further work”, “I see that everyone is smiling, apparently, the mood is good, you can continue working”, etc.

The nature of the facilitator's questions also depends on how the exercise goes. The facilitator, carrying out diagnostics in the process of performing the exercise, notes whether the participants have difficulties (if so, what kind they are), how the state of the participants changes, what they succeed in, what does not work. These observations can determine the nature of the questions at the end of the exercise.

Discussion of the results of the exercises and role-playing games can also take place in the form of a group discussion.

The discussion can be held in various ways.

In the first version, only the participants in the role-playing game and some of the participants in the performance of psychotechnical exercises perform. The facilitator asks them to talk about their well-being, feelings during the training session, to assess the difficulties they encountered when performing tasks. Participants can be asked to publicly reflect on the positive and negative aspects (what worked and what didn't work) of what they did in the game or exercise.

In the second option, when not all participants are engaged in role-playing games and psychotechnical exercises, but act as observers, including with observation cards, after the performances of the direct performers of the tasks, a group discussion of their actions by members of the training group is organized. Based on the principle of preventing personal criticism of the actions of the participants in the training, it is advisable to build the speeches of the observers according to the following algorithm:

a) what did you like about the actions of the participants in the tasks performed;

c) what conclusions did you draw for yourself from the viewed game (exercises).

In any case, the group discussion on the results of the games and exercises ends with the presentation of the facilitator.

It is imperative to sum up the results not only after individual exercises, listening to the opinions of the participants, but also at the end of each session.

3. Models for conducting training in interpersonal communication

In the training of interpersonal communication, there are two most common models for conducting training sessions:

without disclosing any additional psychological knowledge to the participants, when learning and behavioral effects are achieved through the trainees gaining experience of interaction with other participants in the process of performing role-playing games and psychotechnical exercises and subsequent reflection (which is typical for the work of T-groups);

equipping students with systemic applied psychological and pedagogical knowledge about communication, and then training in the process of performing business games and psychotechnical exercises to translate the acquired knowledge into skills and abilities of interpersonal communication.

When conducting training according to the second model, the basis is the observance of the internal logical structure of the communication technology as a complex of interrelated procedures and methods of communication that ensure the solution of personal and professional tasks of a person.

The technological construction of interpersonal communication provides for:

consistent implementation of individual stages of communication;

docking and coordination of individual communicative actions;

mutual subordination and interweaving of individual communicative actions;

building specific sequences of communicative actions depending on the type of communicative task and situation.

The structure of communication technology includes six main blocks:

communication training;

cognitive-orientational (orientation in a situation of communication);


impacts and interactions;

communication management;

end of communication.

When building classes in accordance with this structure, the training of interpersonal communication includes six relevant sections. The content basis of their design is the assimilation of the basic components of knowledge. Let's briefly review these stages.

The first stage of communication - communicative preparation - includes:

setting communication tasks;

development of communication plans and scenarios;

methodical study of the use of basic forms of communication.

Main types of communication tasks:

cognitive and communicative (to get an idea about a partner, to study a person in the course of communication, to get information about other people, the state of affairs);

contact-establishing and contact-supporting tasks (to establish contact, contact of the required level and nature with a particular person, support him);

communicative-influencing (to change the point of view, opinion, position, attitudes of people);

cooperative-communicative (to solve this or that issue in the course of communication with a partner, etc.).

The second stage of communication is orientation in the situation of communication, which is the initial link in the perceptual-cognitive side of communication. The key role here is played by a person's psychological observation as the ability to identify important characteristics of a partner by subtle external signs. Orientation in a communication situation usually includes:

clarification of the motivational-target context of communication;

orientation in spatio-temporal conditions

orientation in the interlocutor (communication partner).

The third stage of the communication process is the establishment of psychological contact in communication, which is manifested in the situational state of the relationship of partners, characterized by demand in communication, the absence of barriers, mutual interest, mutual understanding.

The technique of establishing psychological contact includes six groups of techniques:

self-feeding communicator;

involvement in communication;

creating and using the optimal communication environment;

partner motivation;

emotional influence;

building mutual understanding.

The fourth stage of communication is the communicative impact and interaction, which is understood as the working impact on the partner by communicative means to solve meaningful communication tasks (to study the partner, change his state and behavior, coordinate efforts in joint activities, resolve the conflict, etc.). The arsenal of techniques used here is very diverse: non-verbal and verbal interaction, mono- and dialogic influence, informing, persuading, inspiring and other ways and types of communicative influence.

The fifth stage of communication - communication management - ensures the correction of orientation in the situation, the maintenance of the psychological contact necessary in the future in case of its weakening or loss.

Management of the communication process is carried out both directly and indirectly. The most important for managing the course of communication are rules and frameworks, initiative and distance, positions and roles of communication partners.

When managing initiative and distance in the process of communication, it is important to:

posing questions to the partner that set the goals, content, method and nature of communication;

"communicative attack" of the initiator, concentration of communication on relevant issues;

taking into account rivalry in the struggle for the initiative in a conversation, reflexive management of this process;

acceptance by the initiator of certain positions and roles and the imposition of appropriate ones on the partner.

The sixth stage of communication is the completion of the communication process.

During the training of interpersonal communication according to the second model, before performing psychotechnical exercises and role-playing games, the facilitator brings to the trainees a block of knowledge necessary for mastering the relevant communication skills before training. For example, before psychotechnical exercises on the ability to listen to a partner, it is advisable for participants to describe the techniques that they can use and practice in this case:

silent active listening - an expectant, inclined to the interlocutor posture, supporting facial expression, nodding the head as a sign of readiness to listen further;

clarification - asking the interlocutor to supplement, explain something of what he said in order to understand him more accurately (for example, a woman says to a psychologist: “Recently, my son has been behaving terribly.” A clarification should be made: “Please explain how do you understand the words "behaves terribly");

retelling - a presentation in your own words of what the interlocutor said, at the beginning of the conversation is complete, then - highlighting and preserving what seemed to the listener the main thing;

further development of the interlocutor's thoughts - pronouncing the subtext of the interlocutor's statement;

empathy - empathy, the transfer of feelings to the speaker.


psychological training interpersonal communication

1. Active forms of socio-psychological education / Ed. ed. V.V. Dudarev. M., 2006.

Andreeva G.M. Social Psychology. M., 2007.

Bachkov IV Fundamentals of group training technology. Psychotechnics: Proc. allowance. M., 2005.

Emelyanov Yu.N. Active socio-psychological education. L., 2005.

Oganesyan N.T. Methods of active socio-psychological education: trainings, discussions, games. M., 2005.

Socio-psychological training of interpersonal communication

First lesson

(Each lesson is designed for 2-2.5 hours with a group of no more than 10-12 people)

Preliminary remarks

The purpose of the first lesson is to create conditions for a better and quick acquaintance of the participants, familiarization with the principles of the group and the development of group rituals, mastering the game style of communication, starting the process of self-disclosure, determining the personal characteristics of each participant, on which he will have to work with the group.

No one can guarantee that all participants will equally benefit from the situations and exercises offered. We can and should help each other, we must learn to do this. But everyone is responsible to himself for what he sees and feels, as well as for what he learns. It may be difficult for some to follow the instructions for the exercises, it may not be easy to concentrate at certain times on specific situations, and at times there will be a feeling of boredom and annoyance. All this is natural and quite appropriate, but the main thing is that such experiences of group members do not force them to refuse to participate in exercises or situations, do not incline them to actions that may interfere with others.

Reminder for host

Your main task is to help the group in their joint search, in learning at this first meeting and all subsequent ones. You are not a teacher, not a judge, not a supervisor. You should not emphasize your superiority over others, you should not arouse admiration or fear with your behavior. Your assistance to the group should include:

  • Preparation of the room in which the group will work, including musical arrangement, and the necessary material: paper for notes, an album for drawing, pens, pencils, safety pins, texts of exercises and assignments, etc.;
  • Explaining the instructions for the next task and controlling the duration of each situation;
  • Organization of a joint analysis of what happens during the exercises, in the form of a discussion of the feelings and experiences of the participants;
  • Mandatory control of the emotional state of the group members;
  • Conducting a final survey at each lesson and reading homework;
  • Compliance with the rituals of the group.

It is in your best interest to ensure that at the end of the work, the group members talk about how they perceived you in the role of facilitator.

Approximate lesson content


All participants sit in a circle. The leader distributes paper and pens. Each participant writes their name at the top of the sheet, then divides the sheet into two parts with a vertical line. The left one is marked with a “+” sign, and the right one with a “-” sign. Under the “+” sign, what is especially liked (in nature, in people, in oneself, etc.) is listed, and under the “-” sign is written what is especially unpleasant for everyone in the world around him (“I hate cowardice” , "I do not like autumn" ...). Then everyone reads their notes aloud (you can pin these leaves to your chest and slowly walk around the room, stopping and reading each other's notes).

Option - on a piece of paper, each participant writes their name, and then ten times answers one question "who am I?".

In the practice of groups, there are several more ways to get acquainted, for example, each participant chooses a new name for himself and, announcing it, explains why he chose this particular name, etc.

Making rules in a group

After the acquaintance has taken place, the leader briefly repeats the basic principles - the norms of work in a group of socio-psychological training. Then there is a collective discussion of these norms, something can be added, slightly corrected and in the future to use only these accepted norms of communication in the work of the group. In addition, the group often develops peculiar rituals that are active only during classes. For example, the ritual of starting classes is to sit tightly in a circle, press your elbows against each other, close your eyes and sit silently for 1 minute, thinking about the whole group. or the ritual of entering the group work of a late participant - he must necessarily touch everyone, saying something very good to this particular person from his heart, etc.

Exercise "Motto"

All participants in turn (in a circle) talk about which T-shirt and with what slogan they would buy for themselves if they had such an opportunity. This inscription should reflect the life credo of a person, his main life principle, and the color should correspond to his character.

Exercise "Toy"

Each member of the group thinks about what kind of toy he would like to become (he could become if the group suddenly asks him to reanimate this toy). Then the group tries to guess the "toy" of each, there is an exchange of impressions, their feelings.

Exercise "Free drawing"

All group members are given sheets of paper and a pencil for drawing. Everyone draws something. What he wants, any shape, line, color. The main thing is that it should be an expression of one's own feelings, experiences ...

After the task is completed, an impromptu exhibition of drawings is organized, the quality of which, of course, is not evaluated, but there is an exchange of one's feelings from the creative process.

Exercise "Guess who it is?"

Each of the participants draws up a detailed psychological self-characteristic, without indicating other signs by which you can immediately recognize a person. For example, “I am very worried about my small stature ...”, if you are the shortest in the group, of course, you cannot write like that. This self-characteristic should contain at least 10-12 sentences, signs of a person.

Then everything written is handed over to the leader (or someone else from the group), he mixes everything up and reads out loud one by one these self-characteristics. The group is trying to find out whose self-characteristics, whose “psychological portrait” it is?

List of qualities important for interpersonal communication

At the first stage of this task, a discussion is held in order to find out the collective opinion about the qualities of a person that are important for communication. Any member of the group can speak, arguing their opinion. A summary list of qualities important for interpersonal communication is compiled.

In the second stage, each participant fills out their own sheet, indicating the qualities that, in the opinion of the group, are most important for interpersonal communication. This individual list can also include additional qualities that are important, in the opinion of the participant, but for some reason not supported by the group. Then everyone evaluates the manifestation of these qualities in themselves, using a scale from "0" to "6" points, each group can have its own scale.

After everyone has assessed themselves, this assessment sheet is handed over to the leader, as it will be needed for the next lesson.

Exercise "Helpline"

Instruction: “Imagine that you are dialing the number of the “helpline”. What would you like to ask the specialist on duty?.. Ask your question in turn.”

The answer can be a collective discussion or someone's personal statement, but always within the framework of the role of a specialist answering a client's question on the "helpline".

For the first lesson, this is enough. Each time the work of the group ends with a small questionnaire so that the leader can follow the development of group-dynamic processes. The text of the questionnaire might look like this:

Name _______________________ Class date ___________________

  1. Today's communication produced for me:

great impression 5 4 3 2 1 no impression

  1. I felt like:

Loose 5 4 3 2 1 Stiff

  1. The greatest influence on the course of the lesson, in my opinion, had (any exercises, other points of work are called):
  1. Personally, I was very disturbed by the behavior:


b) _____________________________________________________________

v) _____________________________________________________________

  1. In the next session, I would like (a) to participate in a role play with:


b) _____________________________________________________________

v) _____________________________________________________________

Completed questionnaires are handed over to the group leader.

At the end of the lesson, the whole group receives homework:

“Remember as much as possible and write down affectionate names, nicknames, nicknames that you call your loved ones, relatives, children, parents, friends, etc., at the moments of the greatest spiritual closeness.”

at the very first lesson, the group can develop a farewell ritual.

Second lesson

Preliminary remarks

The purpose of this lesson is to consolidate the game style of communication, further self-disclosure, discovery of strengths in oneself, that is, such qualities, skills, aspirations that a person accepts, appreciates in himself, which give a sense of inner stability and self-confidence; exploring the possibilities of using their strengths in relationships with other people.

People are used to believing that work on oneself and self-improvement involve only the analysis of mistakes and the struggle with one's weaknesses. However, there is another, more important aspect of working on yourself. It consists in discovering in oneself not only the enemy and the culprit of mistakes, but also an associate, friend and helper. Everyone has their own strengths, but finding them in yourself is sometimes very difficult. Some people even believe that they do not possess any qualities that could serve as an internal foothold for them. Ironically, most people don't know how to think positively about themselves.

I would like to draw attention to the fact that “strengths” are not the same as “positive character traits” or “personal virtues”. It also happens that some quality or skill turns out to be a very strong side of this person, but the people around him do not approve of it. Therefore, when analyzing “strengths”, it is very important to take into account why a person uses his strengths. After taking an inventory of your strengths, you need to think about how best to use them.

Approximate lesson content

If the group has already developed rituals of communication, meetings, then the work begins with this. For example, they stand side by side in a circle, closer to each other. The leader addresses the group with the following words:

“Close your eyes ... Now let everyone take the hand of a neighbor with his right hand ... hold his hand in his. Try, without opening your eyes, to focus on the sounds around you, let everyone focus only on what they hear, let them listen for a while and try to recognize the sounds that reach them (1 minute) ... And now, still without opening your eyes, concentrate your attention on the palms of the neighbor on the right and on the left, on the palms that you touch ... Try to understand which palm is warmer, which is colder, and remember whether it was the palm of the neighbor on the right or left (30 seconds) ... Now still with closed open your hands with your eyes and focus each on your breath, feel how the air enters and exits through the nostrils and lips, how the chest moves with each inhalation and exhalation (1 minute) ... Try to count each breath ... and on the fifth - open your eyes ... "

Reflection of the past lesson

The group sits in a circle, and everyone in turn expresses their impressions of the past lesson. What did you especially like? What is not accepted? What would you like to do differently today? What claims are there to the group, specifically to someone, to the leader? There is no need to force anyone, only those who wish speak out.

Psychological warm-up: exercise "Hello ..."

One of the participants starts and, turning to the neighbor on the left, with a sense of joy when meeting him, meaningfully ends the phrase: Hello ... ”, expressing his feeling with his voice, gesture, and smile.

Exercise "Affectionate name"

This is a homework check. Each participant says what he could remember, but always sincerely. You don’t just need to read out, you need to speak with the same intonations, facial expressions, etc., as if the participant is addressing the closest person. In this case, you can look at someone from the group who is most pleasant at that moment. Thus, the ventilation of the senses is more active.

Exercise "Zoo"

Each of the participants chooses an animal, bird, fish, etc. Then, for 2-3 minutes, everyone should be this creature, adopting its manner of movement, habits, sounds, etc. But you can’t speak aloud about your choice, you need to try to portray this creature ...

Then the group exchanges impressions, guessing who portrayed which creature.

Exercise "Interview"

One of the participants sits in the center of the circle. The group can ask him 5 questions, but strictly observing the framework of some social role of the person sitting in the center, for example, questions as a teacher, as a parent, as a student, etc.

The next person then sits in the center of the circle. He is also asked 5 questions, but with a mandatory change of social role.

Exercise "Seizing the Initiative in Dialogue"

Two participants sit in the center of the circle. One of them starts a dialogue with any remark on any topic. The second should pick up the conversation, but at the same time switch the interlocutor to his topic. This should be done unobtrusively, politely, but persistently.

The group follows the dialogue. Then two other participants sit in the center, the task for them is the same.

Exercise "Seeing others"

One of the participants sits with his back to the group, he must describe in detail (at the suggestion of the group) the appearance of one of the members of the group.

Option - one of the participants sits in the center, and the other must restore in detail the sequence of his behavior, for example, over the last half hour, or at the very beginning of classes, etc.

These exercises should be carried out regularly so that the participants get used to being more attentive to each other.

Exercise "Conversation through glass"

Two of the participants only with the help of gestures are trying to agree on something. The topic can be communicated to one of them, and he must convey this information to his friend, standing in front of soundproof glass. It is necessary, very necessary, to say what he knows, but ... glass interferes. However, you will have to transfer.


Each member of the group should talk about their strengths - about what they love, appreciate, accept in themselves, about what gives them a sense of inner confidence and trust in themselves in different situations. It is not necessary to talk only about positive character traits, it is important to note what is, can be a fulcrum at various points in life. It is important that the speaker “do not quote” his words, do not refuse them, do not belittle his merits, so that he speaks directly, without any “but”, “if”, etc. This exercise is aimed not only at identifying your own strengths, but also at the ability to think about yourself in a positive way. Therefore, while doing it, you must avoid any statements about your shortcomings, weaknesses. The leader and all other members of the group must watch this carefully and stop every attempt at self-criticism and self-judgment.

So, caller first comer. He can talk about his strengths for 3-4 minutes and even if he finishes earlier, the remaining time still belongs to him. This means that other members of the group remain only listeners, they cannot speak out, clarify details, ask for clarification or evidence. Perhaps much of the time will pass in silence. A person who talks about himself is not obliged to substantiate or explain why he considers one or another of his qualities to be a strength. It is enough that he himself is sure of it.

After 3-4 minutes, the next member of the group, sitting to the right of the previous speaker, begins to speak, and so on, until everyone speaks in turn. The leader keeps track of time and gives a signal when it is the turn of the next member of the group.

After everyone has spoken, the leader distributes sheets of paper and pencils, inviting everyone to try to "take an inventory" of their strengths and rewrite them on a piece of paper. The leader suggests listing not only what has already been said about himself, but also other strengths that everyone is aware of in themselves at the present time.

When the “inventory” of strengths is completed, the leader distributes to everyone leaflets with a list of qualities that are important for interpersonal communication, which were compiled by everyone in the first lesson. Opposite each quality, a number is written, with the help of which each participant assessed himself. The manager asks everyone to evaluate the same qualities, that is, put down a new assessment.

After that, the participants form a group of 2-3 people. Each of them finds a place where you can talk without disturbing the others. Participants should discuss how they could build on their strengths and do something of real value beyond their individual interests and needs. This takes about 30 minutes. Then the participants return to the general circle and tell each other about how they are going to use their strengths.

The survey is carried out in the same way as in the first lesson.

The head gives a new homework:

“In continuation of the first homework, remember and write down what affectionate names, nicknames, nicknames your relatives, relatives, children, parents, friends, etc. call you.”

If the group already has some farewell ritual, don't forget about it.

Third lesson

The purpose of this lesson is the development of non-verbal means of communication, the destruction of patterns of everyday communication, active self-disclosure, overcoming psychological barriers, further development of interactive communication.

Approximate lesson content

Before the start of the lesson, the ritual of individual greeting, and then in the circle - the ritual of greeting the group.

Reflection of the past lesson

In principle, the scheme is the same, but one more position can be added - "If I were the leader of the group, I would ..."

Probably, it is not necessary to follow a rigid scheme when conducting reflection, let everyone express their opinion on the issues that they have, the main thing is that there should not be indifferent to the processes that are going on in the group.

Psychological warm-up "Hello, can you imagine ..."

Group members greet each other in a circle with this phrase, describing some interesting, funny incident (episode) that occurred when communicating with any person between the past and this lesson.

Exercise "Affectionate name"

Just like in the second lesson, check homework. Participants must speak sincerely, intoning affectionate names, and the group monitors the frankness and confidence of the statement.

Exercise "Gifts"

All participants in a circle speak out: “What would I like to give to the person sitting next to me?” something is called that, in the opinion of the speaker, could really please the person who was given such a gift.

Then the one who was “given” thanks and explains whether he would really be happy with this gift. And why?

Exercise "Group drawing"

All members of the group begin each on their own sheet of paper, indicating on it in the corner their name (or symbol), a drawing, something important to themselves. Then, at the signal of the leader, all participants simultaneously transfer their drawings to the left and, having received, of course, the drawing begun by the neighbor on the right, continue it.

The group draws until everyone gets their paper back. You can probably only recognize him by his name (symbol). Then it is necessary to realize the feelings that the participants experienced during the creative process itself and at the sight of their “own” drawing.

Option - group members take turns drawing on a common sheet of paper, adding their details to the composition, silently, expressing their feelings, mood in the drawing.

Exercise "Yes - dialogue"

Two of the participants sit in the center and start a dialogue. One of them utters any phrase - and the weather, about his favorite book, etc., the other must immediately respond, expressing his agreement with what the first said. The main thing is to agree in everything, necessarily reflecting the partner's thoughts.

The group makes sure that the participants in the dialogue do not go beyond the set mode of operation, that is, do not object to each other. Then the next two sit in the center and also work in the “yes-dialogue” mode.

Exercise "Empathy"

One of the group members leaves the room. The rest of the participants characterize it, naming features, properties, habits, some manifestations, that is, they express their opinion about what came out, and only in a positive way. Someone from the group keeps a "protocol", writing down the content of the statement and the author.

Then the departing person is invited, and a list of opinions is read to him, but without indicating the authors. The main task of the newcomer is to determine who could say such a thing about him. After listening to the statement, he tries to understand whose opinion it is, and calls someone from the group. So, all statements are worked out (but not more than 10).

At the end of the exercise, the “secretary”, who kept the protocol, reads out the entire list again, but with the names of the authors.

Coming out nextwishing, and the procedure is repeated.

Exercise "Marriage Announcement"

All group members are given 3-5 minutesto write a marriage announcement. Everyone writes about himself, making up a psychological self-portrait, highlighting his own merits, with which he could interest anotherperson. It is necessary to stipulate in the instructions that it is important to single out psychological characteristics, and not get carried away with describing the appearance, especially the presence (or absence) of an apartment, cottage, garage, etc.

Then everyone takes turns reading out their announcements, and the group helps by adding what the participant missed, i.e. editing the announcements, adding psychological portraits of group members.

Exercise "Attention"

All members of the group stand in various poses. One of the participants, being in the center, tries to remember everyone in these picturesque poses. He has up to 1 minute to do this. Then he closes his eyes, and 5 people change something in their position, and this is done in such a way that the one in the center cannot hear it.

The one in the center, having opened his eyes, must determine who has changed and in what way?

Then another member of the group stands in the center, and the exercise is repeated.

Exercise "Consonance"

Two members of the group, standing with their backs to each other, at the signal of the leader, begin to move away from each other in different directions. They must simultaneously look around, and without any signal from the group or to each other, that is, they must feel the moment when the partner wants to look back, and do it. Then they share their feelings.

Exercise "Without a mask"

All participants take turns taking cards that lie in a pile in the center of the circle, and immediately, without preparation, continue the statement that was started in the card. The statement must be sincere, at the limit of frankness, "openness" of communication. The group listens to the intonation, the speaker's voice, etc., assessing the degree of sincerity. If it is recognized that the statement was sincere, then the person sitting on the left takes his card and also, without preparation, continues the sentence he has begun. If the group acknowledged that the statement was “stuck”, “template”, then the participant has one more attempt, but after all.

Sample content of unfinished sentences for this exercise:

“What I really want sometimes is…”

"I especially don't like it when..."

“I know the acute feeling of loneliness. I remember..."

"I really want to forget that..."

“It happened that close people caused me almost hatred. One day when...”

“One day I was very scared that…”

“In unfamiliar society, I tend to feel ...”

“I have a lot of shortcomings. For instance..."

“Even close people sometimes do not understand me. One day..."

“In the company of people of the opposite sex, I usually feel ...”

“I remember cases when I became unbearably ashamed, I ...”

“I have had occasion to be cowardly. Once, I remember...

“What annoys me the most is…”

Exercise "Last meeting"

Instruction. “Sit in a circle, close your eyes and imagine that the group has already finished. You are going home. Think about something that you have not yet said to the group, to any of the participants, but would very much like to say.

After 2-3 minutes, open your eyes and ... say it!

The leader conducts a survey that has already become traditional.

Then homework: “Describe your “kind manifestations” to someone close to you. What exactly did you do in relation to him, in what way did you help?

Don't forget the ritual of farewell to the group.


The purpose of this lesson is to consolidate the skills of self-disclosure; playing style of communication, further mastering the means of non-verbal communication, studying various styles of communication, moving to the analysis of the negative aspects of the personality, retrospective self-observation, strengthening the psychological penetration into the world of a significant other, as well as reflection after completing each task.

Approximate course content.

The work of the group traditionally begins with the performance of greeting rituals, reflection of the past lesson and psychological warm-up:

"Hello, I'm glad to see you..."

The group members turn to each other in turn, ending this phrase: “Hello, I'm glad to see you ...” It is necessary to say something good, pleasant, but always from the bottom of my heart, sincerely.

Checking homework

All participants talk about one of their “kind manifestations” in relation to one of the people around them, say what exactly this good deed consisted of and be sure to focus on their feelings from this good deed.

Exercise "Draw music"

Listening to any piece of music, the members of the group draw those images, sensations, symbols that they especially clearly associate with this musical theme. Everyone strives to express themselves as fully as possible.

An impromptu exhibition of the resulting works is organized: the group shares their impressions.

Exercise "Carousel"

The group is divided into two parts, one of them forms the inner circle, and the other - the outer one. At the signal of the leader, the circles begin to move: one clockwise, the other counter-clockwise. Then the owl on a signal - stop and work in pairs.

The person in the inner circle plays the role that the leader determines, for example, the seller, who has to sell something to the buyer, that is, the partner in the outer circle. Within 2-3 minutes there is a role-playing game, then, at the signal of the leader, a role-playing exchange takes place.

It is possible, if time permits, to start circles again, stop them again and give other roles.

Appendix. Approximate list of roles:

a relative whodid not see you;

a child who received a new toy;

a man (woman) talks about the death of his wife (spouse), etc.

Exercise "Chair"

All participants sit on chairs. Without any command, everyone needs to stand up at the same time, go around the chair, take it by the back, raise it to the waist, lower it, go around on the other side and sit down in their place. All this must be done synchronously. And so 3 times.

Exercise "Frozen"

One of the group members freezes motionless inany pose with a petrified face. The task of the "resuscitator" (it can be any of the members of the group) is to "revive", unfreeze this person. To do this, you can use any means, but without touching the "frozen" - gestures, looks, words, etc.

Signs of successful work are the involuntary smile of the "frozen", his remark, laughter, some other manifestations, etc.

Then the other stands in the center and freezes, a new "resuscitator" comes out, and the action is repeated.

Exercise "Magic word"

The whole group stands in a tight ring, holding hands tightly. One of the participants by lot (or at will) becomes a circle. He must find such words, arguments, intonation, gestures when addressing someone from the group, so that he believes in his sincerity and wants to release the "prisoner" from the circle. If the first attempt fails, you can try again.

Then the other goes into the circle and tries, using the "magic word", to go outside the ring. He also has two tries.

Exercise "Gestures"

Two people enter into a conversation, freely communicating with each other, they must necessarily use a wide variety of gestures. And as actively as possible. The group makes sure that there are more gestures, but that they are natural in conversation.

Exercise "No - dialogue"

The usual beginning of a dialogue, but the task of the participants is never to agree with a partner, to contradict everything, to object politely, but persistently.

The group is evaluating how it managed to withstand the "no-dialogue" mode.

Exercise "Communication style"

During a general discussion on a given topic, for example. "Are there differences between the psyche of a man and a woman?" or “Why does a person need a team?”, each participant must complete an individual task. It is indicated on the card, which the participants take at the signal of the host from the table before the start of the exercise. Everyone reads this task to himself and turns the card over so that others do not see and do not know what role he will play.

In the course of the discussion, everyone tries to follow the instructions as accurately as possible, that is, to play the assigned role, and all together must carefully read the roles of the participants in the discussion in order to determine what role this or that member of the group received.

After 10-15 minutes, the facilitator signals to end the discussion, and everyone starts talking about how they understood each other's roles. Then each read aloud the task that he tried to complete. The group evaluates how it turned out.

A set of tasks for the discussion participants:

“You must listen carefully to others. Speak at least 3 times, each of your remarks starting from what the previous speaker said. At the same time, ask “Did I understand you correctly?” and make the necessary corrections in your words.

"You should like speak at least twice during the discussion. You will listen to others only to find an excuse to change the direction of the conversation and replace it with a discussion of your question.

“You will actively participate in the conversation, speak at least 3 times, so that others get the impression that you know a lot about this issue and have experienced a lot.”

“You are an ardent debater. You never agree with anyone! You stubbornly defend your position during the discussion.

“You are not given any task. Behave during the discussion in the same way as you usually behave during group discussions.

“You must agree with everyone in everything, very simply and quickly changing your mind.”

“You must speak at least three times, each time you will say something, but your words must be absolutely unrelated to what others have said. You will act as if you have not heard what was said before you ... "

“Your participation in the conversation should be aimed at helping others express their thoughts as fully as possible, after each participant’s speech, make a small summary.”

"Your participation in the conversation should be aimed at rallying the group, promoting mutual understanding between the members of the group."

“At least 5 times you will try to enter into a conversation. You will listen to others in order to make some assessments and judgments to specific participants in the discussion, that is, you must evaluate everyone.

“You are a very businesslike person. The whole conversation seems useless to you, so you periodically offer to “draw a line” and “draw conclusions”.

“You are very bored with this conversation, since the topic does not excite you at all.”

One participant has a completely empty card, he must behave as he wants.

Exercise "Understand another"

Each member of the group should describe the mood of someone in the group within 2-3 minutes. Imagine, feel a person, his state, emotions, experiences and put it all on paper. Then all descriptions are read aloud, and the one whose mood was described correlates with his actual state and confirms the authenticity of the penetration or refutes it. Comments are not needed in this case.

Exercise "Psychological portrait"

Each member of the group makes a list of character traits, properties and qualities of someone from the group; it is impossible, as in the case of a self-portrait, to directly point to signs, especially external ones, by which it is very easy to identify the person being described. In such a psychological characteristic there should be at least 10-12 features.

The writer then reads their work aloud, and the group decides who it is.

After the exercise, analyze who had the best psychological portrait and what exactly was the depth and accuracy of penetration into the personality?

Until now, the group has worked only in the “+” mode., i.e. the main tasks were the actualization and focusing on the positive characteristics of the individual, everyone helped to find something good in each other that one could rely on, helped to develop it in oneself, etc. The group will continue to work in this mode, but from the next exercise, the actualization of the negative that is in each of the participants begins. It is necessary to understand well that no one, except the members of the group, wishes, perhaps, so sincerely good and success to each other in interpersonal communication, that one must be ready to accept this negative information about oneself.

Claim List Exercise

All participants on standard sheets of paper without a signature write down their already accumulated claims to the rest of the group members, including the leader, to the group as a whole. This list of anonymous claims is given to the manager, only to him. He mixes them up and then reads them aloud to the whole group.

If someone is not the meaning of the claim expressed to him is clear, the leader reads it again. Everyone must express their attitude to the received claim, which is addressed to him personally, give a justification why he intends (or not) to change, agrees or not, etc.

Traditional questionnaire and homework.

“0write your “kind manifestation” in relation to a person who is extremely unsympathetic to you. Do something good, kind for this person.”

Then the ritual of farewell is carried out.


The purpose of the lesson is to further develop the ability to perceive and understand oneself and other people in the process of communicating with them. Active self-disclosure, identifying the weaknesses of group members, developing non-verbal means of communication, mastering skills, speaking and accepting feedback. Communication at the limit of frankness, active empathy and expression of sympathy.

Approximate lesson content

Traditional rituals of meeting, starting the lesson, reflection of the last lesson, psychological warm-up:

Exercise "Count"

One of the participants calls any number from I to the number of members in the group present at this lesson, including the leader. In the group, each time, exactly as many people as the number was named should quickly stand up without any prior agreement. This is repeated several times, until finally the named number and the number of those who rise coincide.

Checking homework

All participants talk about what they managed to do “good” for a subjectively not very pleasant person. How did you manage to do it? And most importantly, how did you feel about it?

Exercise "My portrait" (I am through the eyes of the group)

Each of the participants, as far as psychological readiness is concerned, tries to express his ideas about how he is represented (perceived) by the group, i.e., what are the feelings of each member of the group about him, what is the general feeling of the group in relation to him.

The group acts as a collective expert, but corrects a participant who expresses his or her views only when there is a very significant discrepancy with the group's actual perception of that person.

Exercise "Enemies"

One of the participants sits in the center, and the group tries to imagine the enemies of this person, people who were, are or could be enemies. Their age, social status, psychological characteristics, in what cases and for what reason they would become enemies for the person sitting in the center.

The one in the center of the circle analyzes the statements, assumptions of the group, if he has a desire, then reacts, confirming or rejecting the assumptions of other participants.

Then another person sits in the center, at will or by lot.

Exercise "Rejected"

One of the group leaves the room, the rest give 5-7 reasons why the exiting participant can (or should) be “rejected”. For example, too arrogant, rude, withdrawn, etc.

A “secretary” is selected in the group, who records the statements, this time without indicating the source, since the opinion should be a group one. Then the person leaving is invited, first he must try to name 3- 4 reasons that, in his opinion, the group could name in relation to him. After that, the "protocol" is read. The participant has the right to 1 question if something is not clear to him in this list.

Exercise "Prosecutor and lawyer"

Participants are divided into two groups (arbitrarily). One plays the role of "prosecutor", the other - "lawyer". Someone from the group sits in a circle by lot or according to their psychological readiness. The group begins to speak out, the “lawyers” focus on the positive aspects of the person sitting in the center, reinforce them, give supporting examples, and the “prosecutors” convincingly prove the opposite.

The main thing is the psychological justification of the position. When the next participant sits in the center, a role exchange between subgroups is required.

Exercise "My Weaknesses"

The execution procedure is the same as for the exercise "Strengths" (see lesson number 2). For 3-4 minutes, each member of the group speaks about his weaknesses, focusing on mistakes, shortcomings in the field of interpersonal communication.

After everyone has spoken, the facilitator distributes sheets of paper to take an “inventory of these weaknesses, and then collects what the group members have written to work on in the last session.

Exercise "Worthy answer"

Each participant is invited to demonstrate different sides of the answer in a particular situation. For example, "your friend forgot to pay you back the money borrowed for 1 month, and it's already been three months." Demand from him by addressing someone in the group in various styles: a) aggressive, b) uncertain, c) confidently decent.

All members of the group should go through this exercise, and role exchange is required.

Example situations for the exercise

A friend engages you in conversation, and you need to leave. You speak...

Your friend arranged a meeting with a stranger for you, did not warn you. You tell him...

People sitting behind you in a movie theater disturb you by talking loudly. You contact them...

A friend embarrasses you by telling stories about you in company. You tell him...

Exercise "Communication in pairs"

The whole group is divided into pairs and performs several tasks.

“Stand (sit) back to back and try to have a lively dialogue about something important to us and for 2-3 minutes, of course, you can’t turn around. Then share your experiences.

“One of you sits on a chair, the other continues to stand. The dialogue begins again, for 2-3 minutes talk about your problems. Then switch positions and continue the dialogue."

“Establish spectator contact, chat without. words within 2-3 minutes.

Then a verbal exchange of impressions, their feelings.

In this exercise, pairs can be permanent, or you can change them arbitrarily or at the request of the participants after each task.

Exercise "Hot chair"

In the center is an empty "hot seat". As psychological readiness, one of the participants sits down in this chair and names the first member of the group - a significant other, from whom he would like to receive feedback in full! The one to whom the hot seat has approached must, with complete frankness, answer one single question: “How do I feel about you?” This must be done most fully and sincerely.

After the answer of the first person to whom the person sitting in the center addressed, the same feedback is given by all other members of the group in a circle.

The person sitting in the center of the circle should try to listen as attentively as possible, not to argue, not to interrupt, not to start discussions, not to try to clarify what is being said to him, not to demand objective evidence of the subjective experiences of people giving him feedback.

Option. The person in the hot seat himself asks 3-4 people who are significant to him, and then he is replaced by another member of the group.

Regulation on feedback

Feedback is a message addressed to another person about how I perceive him, how I feel in connection with our relationship, what feelings his behavior makes me feel.

Particular importance should be attached to the fact that the person giving feedback should rely on his subjective feelings, and not talk about what the person he is addressing is like. There is a very big difference between the words "I feel annoyed, even angry at times, when I see how you look at me and whisper something to another" and the words "You are against me, you are an irritable and angry person." Try to have group members mostly use the first type of statements and not use the second type at all. Be guided by the following rules:

Talk about what exactly this person does when his actions cause you certain feelings.

If you talk about what you don’t like about this person, try to basically note what he could change in himself if he wanted to.

Don't give opinions or advice.

Remember: feedback is not information about who this or that person is, it is mostly information about you in connection with this person

Talk about what you like and what you don't like.

In conclusion, the head conducts a survey and issues homework:

“Remember your relationship with the most unpleasant person for you, with whom you may have already broken all ties, parted a long time ago, etc. And now, using a retrospective analysis of interpersonal relationships, try to find in his character, behavior, his psychological manifestations at least 5-6 positive qualities. And write them down."


This session continues to reinforce those skills and abilities that the group members have already acquired during previous meetings.

Approximate lesson content

The rituals and reflection of the past lesson have already become familiar, but we must not forget about them.

Psychological warm-up:

Exercise "Best Quality"

All participants in a circle express to the person sitting on the right the best quality that he has, according to the speaker. In the course of checking homework, each participant talks about what he remembered positively in a person who is very unpleasant for him.

Exercise "Isophantasia"

All participants are given the task to draw a non-existent friendly and very sociable animal within 2-3 minutes.

Then the next "opening day" and exchange of impressions are organized.

Exercise "Press conference"

One of the participants sits in a circle, and the group asks him any questions on any topic for 5 minutes. Then another member of the group sits in the center.

Exercise "Reading marriage announcements"

All group members complete the following task:

“You read a newspaper with a lot of marriage ads. One of them caught your attention so much that you immediately wanted to answer this person.

So, what can this announcement be like, that is, you need to draw up a psychological portrait of your “ideal”. The requirements are the same - at least 10-12 characteristics, personality traits, etc. ”

After completing the task, all group members read their announcements aloud.

If the “Hot Seat” exercise was not completed in the last lesson, then it must be completed at this meeting.

Exercise "Loneliness"

The leader gives this task: “Remember the time when you were the most alone in your life. Try to resurrect this feeling for 1-2 minutes, relive it again.

Then an exchange of their experiences is organized, if necessary, the group provides psychological support.

Exercise "Listening"

The group is divided into two parts of 5-6 people. In each of these subgroups, one of the participants sits in the center and for 5-6 minutes speaks on the topic “A man among women and among men” or “A woman among men and among women”. Group members should listen with full attention, not arguing, not interrupting, perceiving the speaker as a whole.

The one in the center must speak all the time allotted for him, but if he said everything before the time expires, then he is still in the center of the circle. Then, at the signal of the leader, the other participant sits in the center and begins to speak on the same topic. Time for him is the same - 5-6 minutes. After everyone has spoken, there is an exchange of opinions and their feelings.

Option. "Speech Contest". One of the participants makes a speech for 5-6 minutes on any given topic. The group plays the role of an audience that does not perceive this speaker. The task of the latter is to establish contact at all costs.

At the end of the lesson, the leader conducts a survey and gives homework: all members of the group need to describe the problem that seems to be the most serious for each in the field of interpersonal communication.


This is the final session, and the leader needs to be especially attentive to the participants. Be sure to monitor their emotional state, orient the group to provide psychological support, if anyone needs it.

Approximate lesson content

Rituals of the meeting, the beginning of classes, reflection of the past meeting and psychological warm-up:

Exercise "Decisive refusal"

In a circle, the participants speak about what words and habits in communicating with people they would like to give up. Moreover, all this needs to be updated, that is, to speak and demonstrate to the group, again working at the limit of frankness.

Exercise "At the appointment with a psychologist"

This is a homework check exercise. All participants, according to their psychological readiness, choose a “psychologist” from the group - a significant other, and, imagining that they came to see him with their problem, which interferes with normal communication either at home or at work, etc., tell him about which actually torments them. The whole group can also act as a psychologist, if the one to whom the person turned with his problem could not give “qualified advice”.

The main exercise of this lesson, which is the last in the work of the group, is called "Suitcase".

One of the participants leaves the room, and the rest begin to collect a “suitcase” for him on a long journey (after all, parting is really coming soon, and you need to help a person in his future life among people). This “suitcase” is filled with what, according to the group, helps a person in communicating with people, and all other positive characteristics that the group especially appreciates in him. But it is also necessary to indicate what hinders this person, what are his negative manifestations,with which he needs to work actively.

As a rule, this negative part of the “suitcase” is difficult to assemble, in this case the sheets describing the weaknesses of the personality of each participant that the leader has, as they were collected in the fifth lesson, can help.

In practice, this is usually done in the following way:

a “secretary” is selected, he takes a sheet of paper, divides it vertically with a line in half, puts a “+” sign on one side at the top, and a “-” sign on the second. Under the “+” sign, the group collects everything positive, and the secretary writes down everything negative, under the “-” sign.

The opinion must be supported by the majority of the group, if there are objections, doubts, it is better to refrain from recording a questionable quality. For a good "suitcase" you need at least 5-7 characteristics on both sides.

Then the participant who went out and all the time while the group was getting him a "suitcase" remained in the corridor, this list is read out and handed over. He has the right to one question if something is very unclear.

The next participant comes out (as far as psychological readiness), and the whole procedure is repeated. And so on until all members of the group receive their “suitcases”. The work is difficult, but very necessary for all participants and it must be done.

After completing the "Suitcase" exercise, a short musical pause is needed.Then the group members make an agreement (contract) with themselves, answering the following questions:

1. What did I learn about myself during the group sessions? ____________________________________________________________________________

2. What have I learned about other people? ____________________________________________________________________________

3. What would I like to change in myself as a result of working in a group? ____________________________________________________________________________

4. How am I going to do it? ____________________________________________________________________________

The agreements drawn up are put into pre-prepared envelopes, which indicate the exact postal address of the person who signed this “contract” with himself. All envelopes are handed over to the head. He will send them to the indicated addresses in a month. And the participants will have another opportunity to “meet themselves” as each of them sees himself now, at the end of the group work.

The leader conducts the last survey and addresses the group: “We have the last opportunity to find out what especially torments and worries everyone ... This is really the last circle in this composition ... If you want to say something, speak, the group is listening to you ... Anyone can address anyone in the group, the leader, the group as a whole...

Good luck and happiness to you in this life among people!”

If the idea of ​​such activities seems interesting to you. If the lessons you have conducted have not cooled your ardor and have not satisfied your needs, you can continue to develop such lessons yourself.

We have a request to the teacher leading these classes. Try to describe how your meetings went, and most importantly, evaluate the effectiveness of the classes, what they gave for the development of the socio-psychological competence of the participants. The author would be happy to receive feedback from you. Write about your work, the shortcomings that you noticed in our recommendations during the classes.

We will be very grateful to you.

Glossary of terms,used in the practice of active socio-psychological education.

Psychological barriers - a mental state that manifests itself in the subject's inadequate behavior, which prevents him from performing certain actions, for example, barriers in communication, manifested in a lack of empathy, flexibility of interpersonal social attitudes.

Ventilation of the senses is a process that liberates the individualor a group from emotional clamps, protective attitudes in a particular area of ​​life experience.

Interaction - the process of direct or indirect influence of subjects on each other, generating their mutual conditioning and connection.

Influence is the process and result of an individual changing the behavior of another person, his attitudes, intentions, ideas, assessments, etc. in the course of interaction with other people..

Interpersonal perception - perception, understanding and evaluation of a person by a person. An important feature is not so much the perception of a person's qualities as the perception of him in interaction with other people. The most important mechanisms of interpersonal perception:

identification - understanding and interpretation of another person by identifying oneself with him;

socio-psychological reflection - understanding the other by thinking for him;

empathy - understanding another person through emotional empathy in his experiences;

stereotyping - the perception and evaluation of another by extending to him the characteristics of a social group.

Group dynamics - a set of social and psychological processes and phenomena within the group; these include the adoption of group decisions, the development of group rules and values, cohesion, conflicts, group pressure and other ways of regulating individual behavior, etc.

Group feeling - the awareness by members of the group that they constitute a special social unit, somewhat different from others.

Psychological protection is a special regulatory system for stabilizing the personality, aimed at eliminating or minimizing the feeling of anxiety associated with the awareness of the conflict.

The significant other is the person who is directly imitated and who thereby serves as a model for the interiorization of norms.

Conformity - a person's susceptibility to real or imagined group pressure, manifested in a change in his behavior and attitudes.

Contact - establishing the possibility of confidential communication, characterized by the rejection of protective social masks; possible only as a mutual process.

Personality is a systemic quality of an individual, determined by involvement in social relations and formed in joint activities and communication.

Interpersonal relationships are subjectively experienced relationships between people, objectively manifested in the nature and methods of mutual influence. provided by people to each other in the process of joint activity and communication.

Feedback is a sincere presentation of information about your attitude towards another person.

Communication is a complex, multifaceted process of establishing and developing contacts between people, generated by the need for joint activities and including the exchange of information, the development of a unified interaction strategy, the perception and understanding of another person.

Presentation - the process and ways of presenting, "presenting yourself" to people around you.

The problem is the subject's awareness of the impossibility of resolving the difficulties and contradictions that have arisen in a given situation by means of available knowledge and experience.

Warm-up - the process of creating a friendly atmosphere to prepare participants for role-playing games and exercises, helps to relieve alertness and establish confidence.

Reflection - the process of self-knowledge by the subject of internal mental acts and states; acts in the form of awareness by the acting subject - a person or a community - of that. how they are actually perceived and evaluated by other individuals or communities.

Role - the social function of the individual; a way of human behavior corresponding to accepted norms, depending on their status or position in society, in the system of interpersonal relations.

Role exchange - the exchange of participants in the performance of tasks and exercises with the roles that they played.

Self-actualization is a person's desire for the fullest possible identification and development of their personal capabilities.

Self-disclosure is the transfer of reliable information about one's own personality to other people.

Empathy - likening the emotional state of the subject to the state of another person (going social group).

Socio-psychological competence is the ability of an individual to effectively interact with the people around him in the system of interpersonal relations.

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Socio-psychological training of interpersonal communication

1. The essence and organizational features of the socio-psychological training of interpersonal communication

Socio-psychological training of communication is a type of socio-psychological training associated with the development in the process of group work of knowledge, skills, abilities and attitudes that determine behavior in communication, communicative competence and human abilities.

The communicative competence of a specialist is a high level of development of communicative personal qualities, skills and abilities of building and implementing communication in the process of professional activity.

Organizational features of recruiting a study group and conducting socio-psychological trainings of interpersonal communication:

Small training groups, as a rule, consist of 7-15 participants, large - of 25-30 people. Working in large groups involves the participation of assistants;

The duration of the general cycle of classes is from several days to several months. Meetings of participants can be daily or more rare - 1-3 times a week. The duration of an individual meeting is from 1.5 to 3 or more hours. The so-called marathon groups are possible, held in 2-3 days of continuous work;

Since a lot of time is spent on the emotional entry of participants into the session, it is better to work for 4-5 hours daily (adjusted depending on age);

Cohesion, openness and trust in the group come faster if the group is closed. It is better for participants to sit in chairs or on chairs in a circle;

The most successful candidates are those who have low psychological defense, high learning ability, and the level of intelligence is not lower than average;

It is desirable to limit the participation of persons who, under the influence of criticism, usually demonstrate excessive anxiety and aggression, persons with low self-esteem, mentally immature, insensitive to others and incapable of self-control;

Popular participants are actively interested in relationships in the group, so they serve as an indicator of the success of the training;

Short-term communication trainings suggest a relative homogeneity of the composition, since similarity stimulates mutual attraction and emotional support;

Long-term trainings involve a greater heterogeneity of the composition, as productivity and overcoming of personal conflicts can be traced against the backdrop of tension and a certain confrontation observed in such groups.

Organizational features of conducting trainings are also manifested in the basic requirements for the leader of the training communication group. These requirements are:

The leader of the training should have such qualities as poise, prudence, susceptibility to new and unusual, imagination, self-confidence, intelligence, enthusiasm, ability to dominate, tolerance, democracy, desire to help people;

The facilitator should act in a warm, sincere and empathic manner, create positive feedback in the group and show the ability to quickly respond to non-standard situations;

Positive spontaneous emotions leading according to the law of emotional "contagion" cause a corresponding emotional reaction in the members of the group. Therefore, when working in a group, the leader must discard all the negative content of human relations, not show the accumulated negative experiences;

The leader needs to have a well-developed intuition in order to subtly feel the mood, state, problems of the group;

The leader of the training should be the organizer, director of the communication process, regulating the behavior of the participants, the level of anxiety in the group, the ways of researching problems;

The facilitator should be a commentator and expert, helping participants to objectively assess their behavior, observing and explaining complex behavioral reactions;

The leader of the training, demonstrating openness, sincerity, trust, a high level of interpersonal functioning, should be a model for participants;

The presenter must be artistic enough, possess professional technique, including the possession of speech technique, expressive facial expressions and pantomimics;

Effective group leadership involves the flexible use of different styles of the leader (authoritarian, democratic, liberal) and a creative approach to conducting training;

The leader must know the various options for dealing with conflict situations and be able to predict the occurrence of conflicts;

The leader of the group is obliged to maintain confidentiality, keeping information about the personal problems of the participants in the training;

The leader of the training must have sufficient qualifications and experience and, on this basis, great authority and influence in the group. The level of competence of the presenter is determined by the presence of four levels of training: familiarity with the history and theory of the issue; monitoring the activities of the leading professional with subsequent analysis; active personal participation in trainings; self-conducting trainings (with subsequent reflection) with the help of an experienced leading consultant;

It is desirable for the facilitator to have a special certificate attesting to the passage of professional training at courses or at the school of trainers.

As a rule, classes in the training process are carried out according to the following methodology:

Presentation of the leading training;

Bringing organizational issues (goals, objectives,


Familiarization of participants with the main rules of participation in the training;

Inclusion of participants in the performance of psychotechnical exercises, role-playing games;

Group discussion on the results of exercises and games;

After completing all the tasks - summing up.

The first and second stages of the training are similar in structure to the traditional forms of training sessions. The content of the fourth-sixth stages will be disclosed further in the context of the technology of conducting psychotechnical exercises. The following can be taken as the basis for participation in communication training (the third element of the methodology).

Memo to the training participant (according to N. T. Oganesyan):

* do not put yourself above or below others;

* look for and maintain only the good in yourself;

* do not invite others as volunteers to participate in the exercises;

* listen to the tasks very carefully;

* Don't talk too much or too often. Don't interrupt;

* try to actively participate in all the proposed situations and games;

* do not interrupt, correct or judge the speaker;

* be inventive and use a creative approach;

* learn to trust your inner feeling when you need to act;

* be patient and persistent;

* admit your mistakes and try to correct them;

* do not ridicule or humiliate others and yourself;

* do not take outside what happens in group classes, keep the personal problems of the participants confidential.

Memo to the training participant (according to G. I. Marasanov):

* do not be late;

* take care of the privacy of the life of the group;

* strive to be an active participant in what is happening;

* do not give up the right to say “no”, as well as the right to decide how to behave, how to act in a given situation;

* if possible, be sincere, provide reliable information;

* receive support, help from the group;

* strive to listen to the speaker, trying not to interrupt;

* focus on being active by participating in all events, procedures, situations that arise during the work of the group;

* Express your opinion on any opinion;

* use the appeal to "you" during the work of the group;

* report their difficulties that prevent participation in the work of the group “from” and “to” (the need to miss classes, leave or come earlier or later than the appointed hour). Moreover, each participant has the right to do this in advance. In this case, the issue of his further participation in the work will be decided by the group;

* speak only on your own behalf and about what is perceived, felt, experienced, happening here and now;

* Don't talk about those present in the third person. Basic methods of socio-psychological training

communication are: role-playing games, psychotechnical exercises and group discussions in various modifications and combinations. The content and methodology for conducting role-playing games is described in the section "Methods of active socio-psychological learning". The main method in the training is the performance by the participants of psychotechnical (psycho-gymnastic) exercises.

2. Psychotechnical (psychogymnastic) exercises and group discussions as methods for conducting partner communication training

The concept of "psychotechnics (psychogymnastics)" is somewhat arbitrary. This concept refers to a very wide range of exercises: written and oral, verbal and non-verbal.

Exercises can be performed in small groups of 2-3 people or by all members of the group together. The facilitator himself can complete pairs, triplets, guided by special criteria (in particular, taking into account the nature of the relationship between the participants, their success in training, individual psychological characteristics, etc.), but it is possible to provide a solution to this problem for the participants themselves, inviting them to act consciously , guided by one or another criterion, for example: "Choose for yourself that member of our group whom we have known less than others so far."

Exercises can be specialized and affect mainly one or another mental characteristic (for example, memory or attention) or they can be more universal, have a more generalized effect. They allow you to connect different levels of mental reflection to realize the same experience, the same problem. For example, you can offer group members to describe this or that state verbally, and in turn - in writing or orally, then draw it, express it in motion. As a result, the possibilities of consciousness expand, new facets of perception of the same problem appear. The same thing happens when various psychotechnical exercises are used in the training within the same content: motor, drawing, etc.

When conducting psychotechnical exercises, as well as in the training as a whole, there are two plans: meaningful and personal.

The content plan corresponds to the main content goal of the training, i.e. what attitudes, skills are formed. A personal plan is a group atmosphere, against which the events of a meaningful plan unfold, as well as the state of each participant individually. It is correct to understand by psychotechnics (psychogymnastics) those exercises that are aimed not only at changing the state of the group or each participant individually, but also at gaining experience that corresponds to the content goal of the training.

When planning classes, as well as in the process of conducting psychotechnical exercises, a number of points should be observed: the right choice of exercise; instructing the group before its execution; stop the exercise the discussion of the results.

When choosing an exercise, you need to focus on the following.

1. What should happen as a result of the exercise, what is its substantive goal: the state of the group as a whole will change; the state of each of the group members will change individually; the state of one or two or three participants will change to a greater extent; material will be obtained to move forward in terms of content.

2. At what stage of cohesion is the group: the more cohesive it is, the freer, more at ease the participants feel, the more risky the exercises can be. These primarily include those that involve physical contact between group members during the exercise, as well as exercises that are performed with eyes closed. Untimely use of such exercises leads to increased tension and discomfort in the group.

3. Composition of the group: socio-demographic characteristics (gender, age, etc.), as well as the physical characteristics of the participants.

4. Time: at the beginning of the day, it is advisable to carry out exercises that allow you to disconnect from worries and problems that are not related to group work, get involved in the “here and now” situation, feel the group, etc.

Instruction. The effectiveness of the exercise largely depends on the clarity, clarity, conciseness of the instructions, which should contain sufficient and necessary information. Do not overload the instructions with details, unnecessary explanations. An unsuccessful option can be considered when the leader instructs longer than the duration of the exercise itself. Sometimes it is useful in the process of getting acquainted with the instruction to give an example illustrating the implementation of the exercise, or to demonstrate how it should be performed.

Stopping the exercise. There are exercises that have a logical conclusion. Such, for example, is the well-known exercise "Broken phone"; it ends when the information reaches the last of the participants. In most cases, the facilitator stipulates the conditions for the end of the exercise in advance, for example: the exercise will end when each of the group members does or says something. Another option: the time of the exercise is discussed in advance. At the same time, the leader watches the time and informs the group about its end. But more often, it is still not possible to determine in advance the time limits for the exercise, and then the main guideline becomes the well-being of the group members, the degree of their involvement, interest in the exercise. The general rule is this: it is advisable to complete the exercise when the degree of involvement, pleasure from its implementation reaches a maximum and does not begin to decline yet. Carrying out diagnostics and carefully observing changes in the state of group members, the facilitator should catch such a moment when, on the one hand, the exercise has achieved its goal, there is enough material for discussion (if the exercise is aimed at obtaining information in a meaningful way), and on the other hand, the majority of the group members, expressing their readiness to continue the exercise, agree to finish it.

Discussion of exercises. The nature of the discussion of the exercise, sounding questions of the facilitator at the end of it will depend on what it was aimed at. As a general rule, the more content-oriented an exercise is, the more time should be spent discussing it.

If the exercise is designed primarily to change the state of the group as a whole or each participant individually, then the discussion can be quite short, in the form of questions: “How do you feel?”, “What is your mood now?” etc. Sometimes you can limit yourself to fixing (repeating) the monosyllabic answers that sounded “good”, “normal”, “peppy” ... In some cases, the leader himself can say what he sees, the real state of the participants, for example: “Everyone cheered up. You can move on to further work”, “I see that everyone is smiling, apparently, the mood is good, you can continue working”, etc.

The nature of the facilitator's questions also depends on how the exercise goes. The facilitator, carrying out diagnostics in the process of performing the exercise, notes whether the participants have difficulties (if so, what kind they are), how the state of the participants changes, what they succeed in, what does not work. These observations can determine the nature of the questions at the end of the exercise.

Discussion of the results of the exercises and role-playing games can also take place in the form of a group discussion.

The discussion can be held in various ways.

In the first version, only the participants in the role-playing game and some of the participants in the performance of psychotechnical exercises perform. The facilitator asks them to talk about their well-being, feelings during the training session, to assess the difficulties they encountered when performing tasks. Participants can be asked to publicly reflect on the positive and negative aspects (what worked and what didn't work) of what they did in the game or exercise.

In the second option, when not all participants are engaged in role-playing games and psychotechnical exercises, but act as observers, including with observation cards, after the performances of the direct performers of the tasks, a group discussion of their actions by members of the training group is organized. Based on the principle of preventing personal criticism of the actions of the participants in the training, it is advisable to build the speeches of the observers according to the following algorithm:

a) what did you like about the actions of the participants in the tasks performed;

c) what conclusions did you draw for yourself from the viewed game (exercises).

In any case, the group discussion on the results of the games and exercises ends with the presentation of the facilitator.

It is imperative to sum up the results not only after individual exercises, listening to the opinions of the participants, but also at the end of each session.

3. Models for conducting training in interpersonal communication

In the training of interpersonal communication, there are two most common models for conducting training sessions:

Without disclosing any additional psychological knowledge to the participants, when learning and behavioral effects are achieved through the trainees gaining experience of interaction with other participants in the process of performing role-playing games and psychotechnical exercises and subsequent reflection (which is typical for the work of T-groups);

Arming trainees with systemic applied psychological and pedagogical knowledge about communication, and then training in the process of performing business games and psychotechnical exercises to translate the acquired knowledge into skills and abilities of interpersonal communication.

When conducting training according to the second model, the basis is the observance of the internal logical structure of the communication technology as a complex of interrelated procedures and methods of communication that ensure the solution of personal and professional tasks of a person.

The technological construction of interpersonal communication provides for:

Consistent implementation of individual stages of communication;

Docking and coordination of individual communicative actions;

Mutual subordination and interweaving of individual communicative actions;

Building specific sequences of communicative actions depending on the type of communicative task and situation.

The structure of communication technology includes six main blocks:

Communication training;

Cognitive-orientational (orientation in a situation of communication);


Impacts and interactions;

Communication management;

Completion of communication.

When building classes in accordance with this structure, the training of interpersonal communication includes six relevant sections. The content basis of their design is the assimilation of the basic components of knowledge. Let's briefly review these stages.

The first stage of communication - communicative preparation - includes:

Setting communicative tasks;

Development of plans and scenarios for communication;

Methodical study of the use of basic forms of communication.

Main types of communication tasks:

Cognitive and communicative (get an idea about a partner, study a person in the course of communication, get information about other people, the state of affairs);

Contact-establishing and contact-supporting tasks (to establish contact, contact of the required level and nature with a particular person, support him);

Communicative-impact (change the point of view, opinion, position, attitudes of people);

Cooperative-communicative (to solve this or that issue in the course of communication with a partner, etc.).

The second stage of communication is orientation in the situation of communication, which is the initial link in the perceptual-cognitive side of communication. The key role here is played by a person's psychological observation as the ability to identify important characteristics of a partner by subtle external signs. Orientation in a communication situation usually includes:

Clarification of the motivational-target context of communication;

Orientation in spatio-temporal conditions

Orientation in the interlocutor (communication partner).

The third stage of the communication process is the establishment of psychological contact in communication, which is manifested in the situational state of the relationship of partners, characterized by demand in communication, the absence of barriers, mutual interest, mutual understanding.

The technique of establishing psychological contact includes six groups of techniques:

Self-feeding communicator;

Involvement in communication;

Creation and use of the optimal communication environment;

Partner motivation;

emotional influence;

Establishing mutual understanding.

The fourth stage of communication is the communicative impact and interaction, which is understood as the working impact on the partner by communicative means to solve meaningful communication tasks (to study the partner, change his state and behavior, coordinate efforts in joint activities, resolve the conflict, etc.). The arsenal of techniques used here is very diverse: non-verbal and verbal interaction, mono- and dialogic influence, informing, persuading, inspiring and other ways and types of communicative influence.

The fifth stage of communication - communication management - ensures the correction of orientation in the situation, the maintenance of the psychological contact necessary in the future in case of its weakening or loss.

Management of the communication process is carried out both directly and indirectly. The most important for managing the course of communication are rules and frameworks, initiative and distance, positions and roles of communication partners.

When managing initiative and distance in the process of communication, it is important to:

Timely introduction of new communication frameworks;

Putting questions to the partner that set the goals, content, method and nature of communication;

- "communicative attack" of the initiator, concentration of communication on relevant issues;

Accounting for rivalry in the struggle for initiative in a conversation, reflexive management of this process;

Acceptance by the initiator of certain positions and roles and the imposition of the corresponding partner.

The sixth stage of communication is the completion of the communication process.

During the training of interpersonal communication according to the second model, before performing psychotechnical exercises and role-playing games, the facilitator brings to the trainees a block of knowledge necessary for mastering the relevant communication skills before training. For example, before psychotechnical exercises on the ability to listen to a partner, it is advisable for participants to describe the techniques that they can use and practice in this case:

* silent active listening - expectant, inclined to the interlocutor posture, supporting facial expression, head nodding as a sign of readiness to listen further;

* clarification - asking the interlocutor to supplement, clarify something of what he said in order to understand him more accurately (for example, a woman says to a psychologist: “Recently, my son has been behaving terribly.” A clarification should be made: “Explain, please, how do you understand the words "behaves terribly"");

* retelling - a presentation in your own words of what the interlocutor said, at the beginning of the conversation is complete, then - highlighting and preserving what seemed to the listener the main thing;

* further development of the interlocutor's thoughts - pronouncing the subtext of the interlocutor's statement;

* empathy - empathy, the transfer of feelings to the speaker.


psychological training interpersonal communication

1. Active forms of socio-psychological education / Ed. ed. V.V. Dudarev. M., 2006.

2. Andreeva G.M. Social Psychology. M., 2007.

3. Bachkov I. V. Fundamentals of group training technology. Psychotechnics: Proc. allowance. M., 2005.

4. Emelyanov Yu.N. Active socio-psychological education. L., 2005.

5. Oganesyan N.T. Methods of active socio-psychological education: trainings, discussions, games. M., 2005.

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Larisa Sidorkina
Training on the development of interpersonal relations and unity of the children's team

Target: form collectivist orientation(an integral quality of a person, manifested in goodwill, responsiveness, empathy, responsibility to a group of peers)


1. Creating a trusting environment and group cohesion.

2. Concept formation "friendship".

3. Materialize your insecurities.

4. Development children's ability to hear and listen to each other.

6. Teaching children to be aware and verbalize their feelings and sensations, their mood.

7. Promoting the formation of constructive communication skills;

materials: balloons numbered according to the number of stages with tasks inside, split letters to form a word "FRIENDSHIP", pictures with fairy-tale characters expressing different moods, smiley stickers, ropes for fixing legs during the game "Siamese twins", seven-color flower for the game, envelopes with inscriptions "joy", "sadness", "anger"; parachute for shelter.

Lesson progress:

1. Introduction.

Meeting minute (Target : creating a friendly environment).

Children stand in a circle.

Psychologist: - Hello guys! I'm glad to see you here again. Let's greet each other the way we always do on our classes:

Good day! Good day!

Sun, light, earth!

Very glad to see you

My friends and I!

Hello my friend! Hello our warm and kind circle!

We are one team!

Let's remember the rules of our teams:

Doesn't quarrel

Always help each other in difficult times

Respect each other

Be attentive to each other

act together, together

One speaks, others listen

Be kind to your neighbor and goodness will return to you

Raised hand rule

Everyone in the group is equal

Today, our team faces a lot of difficult tasks. We go to Ford Bayar - a fortress that is surrounded on all sides by the ocean. There, various tests will be waiting for us, which only a friendly and close-knit team. You are ready? For each successfully passed test, you will be awarded a letter. At the end of all tests of their received letters, you need to compose a keyword.

The exercise "Ocean" Target: promote emotional relaxation and relieve muscle tension.

To get to our destination we need to sail across the ocean. Turn right and stand at the back of each other's heads. Imagine we're sailing on the ocean (the text is accompanied by stroking the neighbor's back). A light breeze is blowing, the waves are barely visible. But then a strong wind blew and a real storm began. The wind died down and the ocean became calm again.

1 test stage (you need to burst the ball under the number 1, inside which is the task)

The game "World of Emotions". Target: to teach children to distinguish emotional states by facial expressions.

I have prepared for you pictures of the characters of fairy tales known to you. Let's place them in envelopes of joy, sadness, anger.

The game "Say the opposite"

Cheerful - sad

sad - joyful

cowardly - brave

Lazy - industrious

Evil - good

cry - laugh

The game "Centipede"

Target: teach children how to interact with peers. Promote rallying the children's team.

A centipede is an insect that has a head and forty small legs that hold tightly to each other so as not to break the chain. (or better if you hold on to your waist). Let's stand up and draw a centipede. Remember! The main goal is not to break the single "chain". Our centipede is beautiful, cheerful, perky, joyful, she has an unusual mood. Let's show how she walks. Listen to me carefully: the centipede was walking, walking, they stretched their right hand to the side, and now the centipede is snorting "fluff, fluff, fluff". And now he jumps on one leg. Now I've decided to eat. Then sleep. Well done, they played merrily, I see that you know how to laugh and have fun and love.

The exercise "Chyu-chuk-lum-be"

Time 3-5 minutes.

Target: relieve stress, cause a positive emotional mood, promote inclusion in joint group activities,

Conduct procedure. The host speaks "Chyu-chuk-lu-mbe" different intonation, tempo, volume. The group must repeat his intonation, tempo, volume, saying in response "La-lak-mu-rfe".

It can be replaced by beating the rhythm with your hands and repeating it with a group.

(A letter is awarded for a successfully completed stage)

The exercise "Rain" (children slap their knees at an ever faster pace). But what is happening, why the sky has darkened, the sun has disappeared? It looks like it's starting to rain. First, rare drops pounded on the roof. But now the rain intensifies, the drops fall more often, more often ... A real downpour! Make cover faster! (make a parachute dome)

The game "Changing Rooms". We are now in cover, so we must sit quietly so that we cannot be detected. All information will be transmitted using facial expressions and pantomimics. I will speak and show what needs to be passed on to each other. Begin!

Pass it on to your neighbor "smile"(children in a circle pass each other "smile")

Pass it on to your neighbor "surprise", "mixer", "serdilka", "sad girl", "teaser" etc.

What transmission can convey the mood of joy? (children show).

(A letter is awarded for a successfully completed stage)

Tukh - chibi - spirit

Target: removing negative moods and restoring strength.

In Game "Tukh - chibi - spirit" there is a comic paradox. You need to look directly into each other's eyes and angrily - angrily say these words. For a long time the guys could not "angry" and started smiling and laughing. The longer the game went on, the louder they began to laugh.

The game "MAIL"

Children choose a driver and become a semicircle. The game begins with the roll call of the driver with the players.

Ding, ding, ding!

- Who's there?

- From the country Go ahead - Forsy!

What are they doing in this country?

The leader can say that they are dancing, singing, jumping, laughing, etc. The leader chooses the player he likes, and he takes his place.

The game "I want to be friends with you"

Target: create positive feelings attitude towards oneself and others.

Now we will take turns saying pleasant words to each other - compliments. ( "I want to be friends with you because you...")

(Did you enjoy saying nice words to each other? What were the most pleasant words?

(A letter is awarded for a successfully completed stage)

"Sculptor and Clay" (from 6 years old)

Target: tactile contact, mutual understanding, ability to self-expression, creativity.

Participants of the exercise are divided into "sculptors" and "clay". Clay is soft, supple, obedient. The sculptor makes his clay statue: an animal, a flower, a fish, a bird, a toy, etc. The sculpture freezes, and all the sculptors give it a name. Then the sculptors walk around the park, looking at the creations of their friends, praise the sculptures, guess their names. Participants change roles.

(comment : sculptures do not change their poses and do not know how to talk)

The game "Siamese twins" (from 6 years old)

Children are divided into pairs, stand shoulder to shoulder, hug each other with one hand at the waist, put their legs next to each other. Now they are fused Twins: 2 heads, 3 legs, one body and 2 arms. Invite them to put on shoes, walk around the room, sit down, do something, turn around, lie down, stand up, draw, collect toys.

TIP: For the third leg to be "friendly", it can be fastened with a string.

(A letter is awarded for a successfully completed stage)

The exercise "Flower" What season is now outside the window? And what happens in spring in nature? (It's getting warm, the birds are singing, the flowers are making their way to the sun). Have you ever seen flowers bloom? Let's imagine that we are small grains that lie in the ground and are waiting for warm rays to warm them. sun: I will bud with a magic ray of a throne (I touch everyone) And in response I will hear a melodious ringing, I will wake up the buds, flowers will bloom, I will touch you - become a flower and you. We are the first spring flowers and stretch our petals-palms to the sun's rays. Our buds warmed up under the rays of the sun and blossomed. Feel how your palms fill with warmth.) Closed buds: The flower wind sways the sea, Each flower breathes tenderness.

Reaching for the sun again

Rays took

Pressed to the heart

Given to people

And they smiled.

The game "TSVETIK - SEMITSVETIK" (from 5 years old)

Target: developing a sense of community, the ability to make friends, make the right choice, cooperate with peers.

Children are given a task: "You have a Semi-Flower in your hands, what wish will you make?" Each child makes one wish by tearing off one petal from the common flower.

Fly, fly, petal, through the west to the east,

Through the north, through the south, come back, make a circle,

As soon as you touch the ground, in my opinion they led.

Tell them to. (At the end, you can hold a contest for the best wish) (A letter is awarded for a successfully completed stage)