43-year-old Maria Golubkina went through a difficult divorce 9 years ago. Her husband Nikolai Fomenko fell in love with another woman and decided to leave Golubkina, with whom he lived for 12 years. But all this time, Fomenko kept and communicated with his son and daughter from his marriage to Golubkina. The couple's children study abroad, and Golubkina herself lives in the mansion that Fomenko left to her and the children after the divorce. Recently, her lover began to visit her. Finally, the actress arranged her personal life - Golubkina is preparing for the wedding with 43-year-old Boris Livanov, the son of People's Artist Vasily Livanov.

Masha assured in the Secret for a Million program that she was not afraid of the past of the chosen one. Recall that Boris Livanov was convicted of murder for 8 years, served his sentence in a strict regime colony in the Voronezh region, and was released after 5 years, thanks to exemplary behavior in the colony. According to the official version, Boris Livanov killed a man in a drunken fight, with whom he drank alcohol in the same company. Livanov was released in 2014, settled in his parents' dacha, began to write a book, and maintain a family archive. He is divorced from his wife, and their common daughter Eva lives with him and the senior Livanovs.

Maria Golubkina and Boris Livanov have known each other since their student years - they studied together at the Shchukin School. The couple has been dating for almost a year.

“Masha was charming and unattainable, because she had friends older and smarter than us,” Boris Livanov said in the studio of the program. - I always liked her: with this pure, uncomplicated feeling, I came to visit her to voice the idea of ​​one project. But literally fifteen minutes later I forgot about the purpose of the visit. I understood why for twenty-five years Masha did not go out of my head - it turned out that I was in love

Golubkina admitted that at first she doubted the sincerity of Boris's feelings:

"Does he want something from me?" For me to take care of him? Does he want to sit on my neck? That's what I thought, but then, I appreciated that he was smart, handsome, talented, my parents would be cooler than mine. He can click his finger, and the girls will appear, and he chose me. And then I decided that this was my last time.

We have collected 10 facts about Boris Livanov that are known only to his relatives.

1. On that very fateful New Year's Eve, when the murder took place, Livanov was visiting his ex-wife, although he lived with another woman. In an interview, Boris Livanov admitted that at that time he had a creative crisis, and his relationship with his beloved, which he had been seeking for a long time, was overshadowed by domestic troubles. He did not work, did not write for 2 years. But there was a smart and intelligent woman nearby, this calmed and delighted the parents, but not Boris. Therefore, he visited the former, and there was a drunken fight and tragedy.

2. On dates in prison, Livanov's parents told their son that the same woman Natasha forgave everything, loved and was waiting for his return from prison. But when Boris was released, it turned out that no one was waiting for him. He registered in social networks, found his beloved, but it turned out that she was no longer free.

3. But soon after the release on parole, Boris Livanov himself changed the status of his marital status on social networks to “dating”. Having mastered social networks with the help of his daughter, Boris began to communicate with Angelina Frolova. They studied together at GITIS, in addition, the couple even had a relationship in their youth. “For the first time, spring began in autumn twenty years ago. And then there was a long winter and again we have spring, ”Livanov wrote beautifully and skillfully about his feelings.

Angelina has two sons, they managed to make friends with Boris and his daughter. But the couple broke up. After that, Boris met for a short time with another former classmate.

4. During the trial of Boris Livanov, a friend of his ex-wife Ekaterina confirmed that during meetings with Boris, Katya mixed psychotropic drugs with alcohol. And she did it to get her husband back.

In an interview after his release, Boris and his family said that he did not remember the events of the first of January. Allegedly, he was not drunk, but was in a lethargic, not quite adequate state, the policemen who arrested him also spoke about this.

Vasily Livanov and his ex-daughter-in-law Ekaterina.

5. Boris Livanov claimed in an interview that he remembered, would have felt that he had killed a person even in an unconscious state: “I never for a minute had the feeling that I was guilty of the death of a person ... I consider what happened to be a monstrous tragedy that not only claimed life man, but also forced two families to go through hell - the deceased and mine.

Boris Livanov in the studio of the Secret for a Million program.

6. Vasily Livanov emphasized that Boris's life went downhill, he started drinking when he fell in love with Katya: “All his girls were from good families, beauties. And here is a strange character, obscenely free, drinking. The father explained the choice of his son by the fact that Borya wanted to know the other side of life. In addition, next to her it was not necessary to correspond to a well-known surname and achieve something.

The famous actor Vasily Livanov said that his life rests on 3 pillars: family, faith and work. “I am generally satisfied with life. Whoever the Lord does not love, He does not test. The test was given to my family so as not to rest on our laurels. After all, everything was very good.”

7. But Katya tells amazing things about her ex-husband: “He broke his nose, ribs. But I loved him. And I always forgave." And the mother of the woman in an interview told how her daughter's husband beat her - after the beatings, she even lay in the hospital. Ekaterina constantly emphasizes in communication with journalists that when she met Boris Livanov, he was drinking. But the man always wanted a child, and when Catherine could not get pregnant for a long time, he went to Juna to find out the reasons. She advised Boris not to drink, he abstained from alcohol for six months and soon found out that he would become a father.

8. Boris, before divorcing his wife, asked his parents to exchange their large apartment in the center of Moscow in order to get his share. In response, they bought their son a separate two-room apartment, where they registered Eva.

9. Boris still sometimes meets with his ex-wife - their daughter is brought up in the Livanov family, so it happens that mom, dad, along with Eva, go to a cafe, go for a walk. Eva is also familiar with her future stepmother.

10. So far, Boris does not have a stable, decent source of income. Writing doesn't make a lot of money. Therefore, his daughter is provided by Livanov's parents. He dreamed of being an actor, but he only likes his start in Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson. Orne played a street boy who, when asked by the detective "Anything else, gentlemen?" - says: "One cigar for all, sir!" Three other films in which he starred in the 90s never saw the light of day. Then the man hosted the program "Endless Journey with Boris Livanov" on the RTR channel, but left due to a conflict with the leadership. Boris has his own apartment in Moscow, in addition, he often visits his parents' country house on Nikolina Gora.

Father and son Livanov. Maria Golubkina at Secret for a Million studio.
Young Golubkina and Livanov - this is how they looked when they met. Photo: social networks. Bride and groom: Golubkina and Livanov. Photo: Facebook

Weil G./TASS, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson

Vasily Borisovich was born into the family of the famous Moscow Art Theater actor Boris Livanov, who, in turn, was also born into the family of the famous artist Nikolai Aleksandrovich Livanov, known under the pseudonym Izvolsky.

The house was always full of guests, the boy grew up surrounded by real bohemians - writers, artists, directors, actors were all in the Livanovs' circle. From an early age, the child enjoyed the temperamental disputes of the masters about art and absorbed the atmosphere of freedom and creativity.

Little Vasya, like all children, was sent to bed if the guests stayed up late, but in one case they made an exception - when Pasternak came and began to read his poems. Vasily was allowed not to go to school after the visit of the poet, and he was happy to tell the master the forgotten line - he knew everything by heart.

At school, the boy, to whom little was forbidden at home, was the first varmint. But teachers could not punish and get angry at a talented student for a long time: he was not only a charming child, but also an excellent student!

At different ages, Vasily Borisovich dreamed of a variety of professions. Including seriously thought about becoming a doctor, trainer or traveler. But when the time came to enter a university, he still chose between Surikovka and Pike. At the last moment, the young man leaned towards the theatrical.


Bracelet-2 (1967)

All the years of study, student Livanov was in good standing with teachers, although he still liked to play hooligans. However, he was so passionate about his profession, he was so absorbed in creative processes that he sometimes forgot to eat and sleep. But in his graduation performance - "Three Fat Men" Vasily Borisovich acted in the status of a director, too, having received an excellent rating.

After high school, he was invited to the Vakhtangov Theater. A year of hard work on the stage made him noticeable to directors. Mikhail Kolatozov called Livanov for the lead role in "The Unsent Letter".

The director's unique idea to perform voice acting in "natural" conditions - in the same place where the shooting was taking place, and not in the studio, almost led to tragedy. Livanov and other members of the team went out into the blizzard and, trying to shout out the howls of bad weather, lost his voice.

The actor was sent directly from the site to the hospital, Kolatozov's idea never materialized, and Vasily Borisovich had to be treated for several weeks before the doctors allowed him to speak. The voice returned, but the characteristic cracking, recognizable "Holmes" hoarseness, remained with the artist forever.


In the early 60s, after throwing and long conversations with directors, Livanov decides to leave the Vakhtangov Theater altogether because he sees his career as a film actor.

And indeed, the talented and characteristic Vasily Borisovich has more than enough offers. But for a very long time he will call the film “The Blind Musician” his favorite work, because it was there that he had the only time in his life to work with his own father.

In the mid-60s, the actor also graduated from the higher courses of directors - an area where he had long been drawn. And this time he chooses not cinema, but animation. In this genre, he will get some amazing work that many generations of animation fans know and love.

For example, Livanov's diploma work was the cartoon "The Most, Most, Most", and one of the most striking was the work on the musical cartoon "The Bremen Town Musicians". For the Soviet cartoon, Vasily Borisovich rewrote the fairy tale of the Brothers Grimm, adding characters there. It turned out to be an organic and charming story.

But the actor's name was glorified and left for centuries by his work in a serial detective film based on the novels by Arthur Conan Doyle "Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson". Livanov not only managed to recreate the image of the described detective, but also gave the character a slightly extravagant, subtle English humor. As a result, it was the Soviet adaptation that even the British recognized as the best in the world!


Master and Margarita (2005)

The brilliant actor, who devotes a lot of time and energy to filming, has also succeeded in his personal life. He knew his first love, Alina Engelhardt, from childhood. Their parents lived nearby and had good friendly relations, and later they even built dachas in the neighborhood - on Nikolina Gora.

Alina was friends with Vasily's sister all her life - until her death. It is not surprising that the passionate young man fell in love with the pretty professor's daughter, who often visits their house. Livanov was not stopped by the fact that Alina already had a son from her first marriage.

After the wedding, the young people settled in the wife's family, in the house where thirteen of her relatives already lived. But the ex-wife says that the talented, sparkling and charming Vasily in his youth had a penchant for noisy feasts, from which he came in a fair amount of drunkenness and became aggressive.

Alina was the first to fall into a bad mood of Vasily Borisovich. The grown-up son stood up for her defense and then the anger of the drunken stepfather fell upon him. As a result, the woman was forced to give the child to be raised in a new family of his father. With Livanov, they soon had a common daughter, Nastenka.

However, this marriage did not last long. Having received their own apartment, the young began to quarrel even more often until they came to the decision to dissolve the marriage. Vasily Borisovich was terribly worried about the divorce. When a man was packing his things, and his ex-wife was called from work, he shouted into the phone that she had died. Alina, who came to work in the morning, greatly surprised her colleagues with her resurrection.


Livanov had already taken up animation when he met the charming artist Elena at Soyuzmultfilm. “You will be my wife and give birth to two sons,” the actor immediately informed her. His words turned out to be prophetic.

They lived together for more than forty years, and when their life together was 25 years old, Livanov invited his beloved to marry before God. On the day of the Silver wedding, the couple got married.

They named their eldest son Boris in honor of Livanov Sr. Vasily Borisovich could not do otherwise, because even before his death, dad signed a booklet for his grandson: To Boris from Boris, 1973. Boris Nikolaevich died in 1972, and the son of Vasily and Elena was born only in 1974. They considered the entry on the booklet to be a parental will and, of course, fulfilled his will.

Unfortunately, the life of the eldest son of the master did not work out. Becoming an artist, he became addicted to alcohol, and then went to prison for murder.

Livanov's youngest son, Nikolai, continued the Livanovs' acting dynasty.

In recent years, the actor has retired from work and devoted himself to his family.

The Extraordinary Adventures of Karik and Vali (1987)

One of the first winners of the Stalin Prize, the owner of fine manners and a "noble voice."

“He has a talent for four,” Nemirovich-Danchenko said about Livanov.

Childhood and youth

Boris Livanov was born in Moscow on May 8, 1904. Father Nikolai Alexandrovich Livanov performed under the stage name Izvolsky. In his youth he was an actor in provincial theaters, since 1905 he performed on the stage of the Moscow Struysky Theater. In 1947, Nikolai was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR.

The mother of the future actor is Nadezhda Sergeevna Shutinskaya-Livanova. Boris had a sister, Irina, who later became an operetta actress. The girl was successful in the musical theaters of Irkutsk, Sverdlovsk and Rostov.

At the age of 16, Boris left to serve, but was expelled when the real age of the young man became clear. From 1922 to 1924 he studied at the fourth studio of the Moscow Art Theater with N. V. Demidov. After graduation, he was accepted into the Moscow Art Academic Theater as an actor.

One of the first roles was the image of Prince Shakhovsky in the play "Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich". The first years Boris is involved in the productions of Othello, At the Gates of the Kingdom and others. Already in the early 30s he became the leading actor of the Moscow Art Theater, played the main roles in Crazy Day, or The Marriage of Figaro, Dead Souls.

Tickets for performances with Livanov sold out in the first hours of sales, crowds of fans guarded Boris at the exit from the Moscow Art Theater. The actor personified the cult of personality, brilliant and talented. Critics and directors considered Livanov's main quality to be authenticity - each image created was as if "sewn" according to Boris.

Boris Livanov in the theater

Livanov can be called a favorite - the leader showered Boris with orders and titles. The actor had five Stalin Prizes. The number was not a record, for example, the aircraft designer Sergei Ilyushin received the award 7 times, but not many of the actors Iosif Vissarionovich noted like that.

Despite this, once Stalin banned a play with the participation of Livanov - "Hamlet", where Boris performed in the image of the protagonist. Judging by the memoirs, this happened due to the fact that Livanov was not a member of the party.


A creative biography in cinema began in 1924 with a short film directed by Yuri Zhelyabuzhsky "Morozko". In 1927, Boris starred as Minister Tereshchenko in the silent feature film "October", the tape is considered the first in the Soviet film Leniniana.

Fame Livanov brought the main role in the film adaptation of the story of the same name "Dubrovsky", which was released in 1936. Boris succeeded in the role of the legendary Russian men, for example, in the film "Admiral Ushakov", commander Rudnev in the "Cruiser Varyag".

In 1945, the feature film-play “Guilty Without Guilt” based on the comedy of the same name was released, where Livanov played the role of provincial official Grigory Lvovich Murov. Famous actors Alla Tarasova, Viktor Stanitsyn, Olga Viklandt and others became partners on the set of Boris.

Livanov brilliantly embodied not only positive, but also negative characters. The bright image of the White Guard General Mamontov in Oleko Dundich is a small role, but one of the most memorable in the picture.

In the 50s, Boris Livanov tried himself as a director: he staged the play "The Seagull" on the stage of his native Moscow Art Theater. In 1970, Boris was supposed to take the post of head of the Moscow Art Theater named after Livanov, but the troupe, behind Livanov's back, demanded that the higher leadership take the position. Boris took this event hard.

Personal life

The wife of Boris Livanov, Evgenia Kazimirovna, is a Pole by nationality, one of the first Moscow beauties of that time. From her first marriage with an Italian, she had a daughter, Natalya, from a marriage with Livanov, a son. The latter recalled that parents were often envied: mom because she had an eminent husband, dad because he had a beautiful wife.

The future spouses met at a dinner after the performance with the participation of Livanov. Son Vasily tells the memories of Boris's friends: before meeting with his mother, his father married often - about once every three months. Having met another "fate", he assured others that love is forever. But only Evgenia was able to build a serious relationship with him. The couple began to live together in 1934, signed a quarter of a century later.

The family was friendly, guests constantly came to the house, often famous ones:, Alexander Dovzhenko, artist. Boris's son, Vasily Livanov, continued the dynasty, becoming a famous Russian theater and film actor. The father did not support the son's desire to follow in his footsteps. Boris was afraid of family inertia: grandfather is an actor, father is an actor. Livanov Sr. was worried that Vasily did not have enough abilities.

However, Livanov Sr. was worried in vain. In 1979, the premiere of the detective television tape "Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: Acquaintance" was released. After this role, Vasily woke up famous. Earlier, in 1960, father and son worked on the same set in the film The Blind Musician.

One of the grandsons of the People's Artist of the USSR was named after the eminent grandfather Boris. He appeared 2 years after the death of Livanov Sr. In 2009, a tragedy occurred in the family: Livanov's grandson was accused of murder. Parents managed to reclassify the article to a softer one, Boris received 8 years in prison.

In 2014, the grandson of Boris Livanov was released on parole. In 2017, the media became aware that the former prisoner was an actress. They celebrated the New Year 2018 together, whether the couple is dating now is unknown.


Boris Livanov died on September 22, 1972 (according to other sources - October 23 of the same year), the cause of death was heart failure.

Boris Livanov in recent years and a monument on his grave

He was buried at plot No. 2 of the Novodevichy cemetery. A memorial plaque has been installed at house number 6 on Tverskaya Street, where the actor has lived since 1938.


  • 1924 - "Morozko"
  • 1927 - "October"
  • 1934 - "Private life of Peter Vinogradov"
  • 1935 - "Dubrovsky"
  • 1939 - "Minin and Pozharsky"
  • 1946 - "Glinka"
  • 1946 - "Cruiser" Varyag "
  • 1949 - "The Fall of Berlin"
  • 1953 - "Admiral Ushakov"
  • 1955 - "Mikhailo Lomonosov"
  • 1958 - "Captain of the first rank"
  • 1960 - "Blind Musician"
  • 1970 - "Kremlin chimes"

Now Cyril is 48 years old, and 35 of them he is trying to prove that he is a relative of the artist. The fact that his father is Livanov, the guy at the age of 12 learned from his mother, who worked with the famous Soviet "Sherlock Holmes" at the Soyuzmultfilm studio.


Having learned about the relationship with the actor, Gilyarov came to him to get acquainted. However, Livanov allegedly refused to recognize Kirill. The actor allegedly drove the teenager away and threatened to call the police.

Arriving at the program, the man was sure that he not only looked like Livanov. In his arsenal - allegedly secret letters and love notes of the actor addressed to Gilyarov's mother. Cyril had already made an earlier attempt to prove the paternity of a celebrity, but Vasily Borisovich flatly refused to undergo a DNA test. And now, finally, Cyril has achieved an examination.

After much persuasion, the former daughter-in-law of Vasily Livanov, Ekaterina, who once gave birth to "Sherlock Holmes" granddaughter Eva, agreed to her. The woman in the studio admitted that she really did not believe in Cyril's relationship with the star family, but nevertheless decided to dispel all doubts.

In turn, experts confirmed that Gilyarov was not going to claim the Livanovs' inheritance by establishing paternity. Also, experts agreed that Cyril's mother really told him about his relationship with Vasily Borisovich.

At the end of the program, the bitter truth for the hero was revealed. The verdict was announced by Ekaterina Livanova: the probability of being related to her daughter Eva was only 1.13%, therefore Kirill Gilyarov is not the son of Vasily Livanov. The man took this news with dignity and restraint, saying that it was a big test for him.

Recall that Vasily Livanov has three children: daughter Alexander and sons Boris and Nikolai. If the younger heir works as an artist and animator, then the older one has not yet found himself. Boris became famous for his dark story about how he was convicted of murder in 2009. However, a few years later he was released on parole. Now the man is actively promoting thanks to an affair with actress Maria Golubkina.

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Biography, life story of Livanov Boris Vasilyevich

Boris Vasilyevich Livanov is a TV presenter, the son of the performer of the legendary role of the English detective Sherlock Holmes.

early years

Boris Livanov was born in the family of an actor and artist on April 2, 1974. Intending to follow in his father's footsteps, he studied at the famous Shchukin School and GITIS, but he could not boast of any particular success.

As a result, the actor from Boris did not work out. He managed to play only one role, and even then in the film, in the creation of which his illustrious father was involved. I had to go to work on television. Real fame came to Boris Vasilyevich only when they started talking about him in criminal chronicles.

Prison term

The violent nature of the TV presenter was the reason that he once ended up behind bars. It was the day after New Year's Eve. Boris Livanov celebrated the holiday in a shabby "Khrushchev" on the outskirts of Moscow in the company of dubious personalities. Not sharing something with a neighbor on the table, he started a fight with him. During the duel, Boris Vasilyevich grabbed a knife and tried to subdue his opponent with it. He succeeded, but, as it turned out, Livanov overdid it: his drinking companion bled to death even before the ambulance arrived. Arriving in time, the medical team had no choice but to ascertain the death of the victim.

It was clear to the investigators, since there were witnesses who immediately testified against Boris. But all of a sudden, things got tough. It was rumored due to the intervention of the famous actor. "Sherlock Holmes" came to the defense of his unlucky son. At the trial, he shielded the offspring as best he could, convincing the servants of Themis of the need to treat with understanding the offense of Livanov Jr. Say, the victim himself is to blame, and the deceased was an ordinary alcoholic. So, over time, alcohol would have brought him to the grave anyway. What, they say, the difference from what to die? It got to the point that the actor voiced, in his opinion, a plausible cause of death - allegedly the victim died not at all because of the wound, but because of the vodka. However, this version was refuted by law enforcement officers after the publication of the results of the autopsy of the body of the victim Boris Livanov. His father was disgraced, and those present were amazed at the cynicism of the actor, once loved by millions of viewers.


Be that as it may, the perpetrator of the incident nevertheless received a real prison term. The judges gave him nine years in prison. Boris Livanov was sent to serve his term in a colony near Voronezh, from where he was released six years later for exemplary behavior.

Personal life

Boris Livanov decided to tie the knot with, with whom he once studied at Pike. This news flooded the pages of the tabloids. It's amazing how information of this kind could come out, because the 43-year-old actress, fed up with the attention of the paparazzi, had previously taken good care of the secret of her relationships with men. Apparently, Livanov himself was the culprit of the leak. However, it is quite possible, just tired of being in the shadows. The couple decided to get married in the summer of 2017.

The previous husband of the actress was an actor and showman. She broke up with him in 2008. He has two children.

Boris Livanov also has his own child. His daughter Eva was born to him by Ekaterina Khruleva, his ex-wife. In a divorce from Boris, she blamed the senior Livanov couple.