The dispute over the money allocated for the singer’s treatment continued for more than a year. After Rusfond filed a claim in the case of inherited property, the court attracted her father Vladimir Friske, mother Olga Kopylova (Friske) and young son Platon, whose interests are represented by Friske’s common-law husband, a TV presenter.

In the last years of her life, Friske struggled with brain cancer. The public learned about the singer’s illness in mid-January 2013, when photographs of Zhanna in a wheelchair appeared in the media.

Before this, the artist did not appear in public for six months.

On January 20, 2013, Dmitry Shepelev spoke for the first time about Zhanna’s diagnosis - an inoperable malignant cancer tumor - on the air of the “Let Them Talk” program. At the same time, a message from the singer’s father, Vladimir Friske, appeared on the Rusfond website: according to him, the family had an unpaid bill for $104.5 thousand for treatment in the USA. In addition, the singer’s relatives decided to continue treatment in a German clinic, where the cost was €170 thousand.

A few days after this, on the air of the program “Let Them Talk!” Channel One launched a campaign to raise funds for treatment, in which Rusfond acted as a platform. In total, TV viewers donated about 64 million rubles to the fund. Of this money, 11.6 million rubles were allocated for Zhanna’s treatment at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York. Rusfond reported all money transfers on its website.

Even during the charity event, Friske said that the amount of money raised “significantly exceeds the cost of treatment.” At Zhanna's request, 32.6 million rubles. were sent to pay for the treatment of nine children with cancer. However, neither domestic nor European or American doctors were able to help the singer - on June 15, 2015, she died.

About a year ago, Rusfond went to court with a claim for an account of the expenditure of 21 million 633 thousand rubles, which were collected by TV viewers of Channel One. The organization noted that the singer’s relatives actively participated in fundraising, regularly appearing on television shows and turning to the fund for help.

But, according to Rusfond, after the singer passed away, her relatives refused the request to provide documentary evidence that all donations were spent on paying for medical services provided.

According to the terms of the agreement that Zhanna Friske entered into with the foundation, the collected funds could only be spent on treatment, and the remaining money had to be returned by providing a report on expenses. According to a statement from Rusfond, only a small part of the total amount of 25.01 million rubles was spent on treatment. According to the organization, the report was received only on the expenditure of 4.12 million rubles. The prosecution insisted that after the singer's death, her heirs received the remaining amount necessary for compensation in equal shares.

Zhanna Friske's relatives petitioned to dismiss the case, describing the claim against them as illegal and inappropriate. As the representative noted, Rusfond did not provide objective evidence, which means there were no sufficient grounds for the claim.

“The money that Rusfond is asking to collect was transferred to a separate, not Friske’s personal account and was not mixed with her personal money,” the lawyer said. According to him,

It was documented that two weeks before Zhanna’s death the money was cashed by her mother, so the claim should have been filed specifically against her.

However, in the end the court sided with Rusfond. “To satisfy the claim, to collect from the defendants jointly and severally 21 million 633 thousand rubles, as well as a fee in the amount of 60 thousand rubles,” the resolution says.

Russian singer Zhanna Friske gained popularity in 1996, making her debut as part of the pop group Blestyaschiye. Since 2003, she has had a very successful solo career and also began acting in films. Her calling card was the role of the vampire Alice in the film adaptations of the works - “Night...” and “Day Watch”. In addition, Friske played herself in the Quartet I comedy “What Men Talk About,” and also had a small role in the film “ CLICK Your Luck.”

This is what the court in Moscow decided. The litigation lasted for about a year. Relatives believed that the claim was illegal, Rusfond demanded an account of how the money that Russians donated for treatment was spent.

This scandalous process about missing money, in contrast to the process of collecting this same money, was as closed as possible. Neither the defendants nor the plaintiff gave any comments to the press after the final knock of the gavel. The charitable organization Rusfond, which collected almost 22 million rubles from the family, limited itself to only a modest press release on its official website.

“The defendants were the singer’s parents Vladimir and Olga Friske, as well as Zhanna’s minor son Platon, whose interests were represented in court by his father Dmitry Shepelev. After each participant in the process announced their position and examined the evidence of the parties, the court satisfied Rusfond’s claim in full. It ruled jointly and severally recover from the defendants 21,633,214 rubles. The court announced the operative part of the decision today. The decision itself, with the reasons for the adopted judicial act, will be drawn up within the next five working days. We will publish the text of the decision," Rusfond reported on its official page on the Internet.

Of the 25 million rubles collected in 2014 to save the life of the Russian singer Zhanna Friske, suffering from a rare form of cancer, only four were spent, judging by the documents. The fate of the rest of the money remains unknown to this day. During the entire period of judicial debate, not a single report on the movement of the remaining 21 million rubles was provided to the court.

“I believe that these documents really existed, because I had a trusting relationship of a working format in terms of trust. And they told me about the existence of these documents. Here the fundamental importance was to document the targeted expenses for the money received "And, apparently, the results of further appeals against this decision will also lead nowhere. And most likely the Friske family will have to pay off this damage through enforcement proceedings," said lawyer Alexander Karabanov.

By the way, in this litigation, the Friske family for some reason refused the services of their now ex-lawyer Alexander Karabanov in favor of less professional lawyers. Their petition to terminate the consideration of the case was rejected by the Perovsky court. It is also strange that for a long time Zhanna’s family accused their daughter’s former common-law husband, Dmitry Shepelev, of embezzling an unaffordable sum. However, they have now stated that Zhanna allegedly spent most of the money herself, and the rest of the amount was managed by an unknown accountant. The family of the late singer is taking the court decision extremely hard.

The list of defendants also includes the actress’s minor son, Platon Shepelev; his interests in court are represented by his father, Dmitry, with whom Friske’s parents had a conflict almost immediately after Zhanna’s death. Platon's lawyers also asked to discontinue the lawsuit, since they consider Friske's mother and father solely guilty of embezzlement. While Plato did not even have time to take over his inheritance rights. However, even here the court did not grant the request.

The agreement between Rusfond and the deceased singer provided for the provision of reports on treatment expenses and a full refund of unspent funds. After the court decision enters into legal force, enforcement proceedings will be initiated, the purpose of which is to compensate the plaintiff for the damage in full. If the parents of Friske and Shepelev do not compensate for the amount, the arrest of their property or even bankruptcy proceedings may begin. However, it is known that both sides are already preparing to appeal the verdict that does not suit them. According to the law, they still have five days to do this.

13,653,214 rubles that came to the Rusfond account in payment of the debt Zhanna Friske case, will be used to treat five children with malignant tumors: Dobromir Vorobiev(three years, Sochi, anaplastic ependymoma), Alibek Karaev(three years, Sochi, medulloblastoma), Misha Shaidukov(five years old, Chuvashia, medulloblastoma), Nastya Karimova(14 years old, Samara region, Ewing’s sarcoma), Maxim Mandrugin(two years, St. Petersburg, neuroblastoma of the right adrenal gland).

Benefactors who participated in the campaign to help Zhanna Friske from January to March 2014, who wish to return their money, must inform Rusfond about this within 14 calendar days - until August 16, 2019 inclusive ( Changes to the regulations on the procedure for returning donations under the Zhanna Friske charity program dated August 2, 2019). They will be able to receive 19.5% of the donation. To do this, you need to send an email to .

Rusfond will use the money received in the case of Zhanna Friske for the treatment of four of its wards

7,980,000 rubles, which came to the Rusfond account in payment of the debt in the case of Zhanna Friske, will go towards proton therapy for four children with malignant tumors from the fund’s waiting list. RUB 2,595,986 will be sent for treatment for two years Ani Kiporuk from Severodvinsk, who was diagnosed with a malignant embryonal brain tumor. RUB 2,116,921 – for therapy for a six-year-old Rafael Petrosyan from Tuapse (embryonic rhabdomyosarcoma of the nasopharynx), RUB 2,254,253. – 17 year old Liliana Smirnova from Petrozavodsk (malignant brain tumor – medulloblastoma). For therapy for an eight-year-old Matvey Terebryukhov from Achinsk (cerebellar medulloblastoma) required RUB 2,850,979. 1,838,139 rubles were transferred from funds received to pay off the debt in the case of Zhanna Friske.

As Rusfond has already reported, on May 14, 7,980,000 rubles were transferred to the fund’s account. from the sale of property inherited by relatives of Zhanna Friske. Benefactors who participated in the campaign to help Zhanna Friske from January to March 2014, wishing to return their money, could inform Rusfond about this within 14 calendar days - until May 28 inclusive.

7,980,000 rubles received on May 14 is the first part of the debt of 21,633,214 rubles, which, by court decision, must be returned to Rusfond. We are talking about the rest of the money collected for the singer’s treatment and not used for its intended purpose. Enforcement proceedings continue, Rusfond is waiting for full repayment of the debt.

Rusfond received the first 7,980,000 rubles. to pay off the debt of the heirs of Zhanna Friske

On May 14, 7,980,000 rubles were transferred to the Rusfond account. from the sale of property inherited by relatives of Zhanna Friske. This is the first part of the debt of 21,633,214 rubles, which, according to a court decision, the singer’s heirs must return to Rusfond.

Regulations on the procedure for returning donations under the Zhanna Friske charity program

An article about the Friske case was edited on the website of the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper

Today, on the website of the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper, changes were made to the article by Anna Veligzhanina. The header now looks like this: “Rusfond has denied the possibility of a settlement agreement with the Friske family”. Just this morning the article was titled: “Zhanna Friske’s family and Rusfond are going to make peace?” The corrected text takes into account the position of Rusfond: “The other day, a KP source said that it seems that a settlement agreement is being prepared between the Friske family and a charitable organization to write off the debt in the amount of 21 million rubles. However, representatives of Rusfond categorically denied this information, calling it unreliable, and on their official website they posted a message that said: “No one from the defendants (the Friske family or their representatives) contacted Rusfond or its representatives (lawyers) with a proposal enter into a settlement agreement."

“We will not discuss the conditions under which the amount of debt can be reduced, since this money will be used to treat seriously ill children who urgently need help,” Rusfond emphasizes.”

Related materials:

First right

Ownership of foundations for donations

Lev Ambinder,

President of Rusfond, member of the Presidential Council of the Russian Federation for the development of civil society and human rights


In recent days, at the instigation of the website, the existence of which we learned about in connection with its false publication about Rusfond’s alleged offer of assistance to the opera singer Dmitry Hvorostovsky, a new campaign has been launched to discredit Rusfond, one of the largest charitable foundations in the country, and through it the entire Russian philanthropy. Unfortunately, some other media outlets have joined the provocative campaign and State Duma deputies have been drawn in.

In particular, the cultural department of the editorial office of the newspaper “Komsomolskaya Pravda” invites Rusfond to clarify for its readers how much money Zhanna Friske’s father is building a country house with: “Is it not for charitable donations from TV viewers?” And the Ren TV channel invites Rusfond to comment on television on the appeal of Russian State Duma deputy Vadim Solovyov to the Prosecutor General of Russia Yuri Chaika with a request for a “comprehensive verification of these facts using prosecutorial response measures.” At the same time, for some reason the TV channel did not consider it necessary to at least familiarize Rusfond with the “indicated facts” of the deputy’s request.

Rusfond does not consider it possible for itself to take part in such actions, it has not participated in them and will not participate.

The essence of the matter is this. Last January, our partner Channel One asked to provide a Rusfond bank account for a television campaign to collect charitable donations for the treatment of the seriously ill singer Zhanna Friske. As is known, commercial organizations do not have the right to collect charitable donations, and charitable foundations are exempt from paying income and value added taxes. Rusfond cooperated and acted as a financial mechanism in this television campaign. As a result, in January – March 2014, hundreds of thousands of fans of Zhanna Friske sent 1,141,884 SMS messages to the short number 5541 with the word ZHANNA and bank transfers totaling 69,267,787 rubles. Of this money, at the request of the singer, 32,619,851 rubles. was transferred to treatment nine children with cancer from among those on the Rusfond waiting list.

Until October 2014, bills from clinics and drug suppliers for Zhanna were paid for a total of 11,636,146 rubles. On October 19, 2014, Rusfond entered into an agreement with the singer to finance her further treatment: in accordance with the law: Russian charitable foundations do not have the right to keep targeted donations in their bank account for more than a year; they should be spent for their intended purpose or returned to the benefactors. According to the agreement, the fund transferred the entire remaining amount of 25,011,790 rubles. to Zhanna’s personal bank account, and she agreed to provide us with spending reports.

Rusfond posted all this information on the website in a timely manner, and anyone could familiarize themselves with it.

Until June 15, 2015, Rusfond received several reports from Zhanna’s relatives totaling 4,120,959 rubles. And on June 15, Zhanna Friske passed away.

In accordance with Russian legislation, future heirs enter into inheritance rights six months after the death of the bank account holder. Rusfond knows three future heirs of Jeanne. This is the son of Platon (his father Dmitry Shepelev is the representative), Zhanna’s parents are Vladimir Friske and Olga Kopylova. They were notified of the need to report to Rusfond about medical expenses from the remaining 20,890,831 rubles. Upon the arrival of the inheritance period, that is, December 16, 2015, Rusfond, in accordance with the law, will request from the heirs information about the state of the account of the late singer.

16.06.2015, 06:55

Zhanna Friske died

The famous singer was 40 years old

After a long illness, singer and actress Zhanna Friske died. The singer was treated for cancer for several years, but she was never able to overcome the disease.

Music producer Max Fadeev announced that the singer had died, he wrote on Twitter: “Of course, life ends. But this one ended too soon. She was kind, sincere and strong." Later, information about the singer’s death was confirmed by her father: he told the media that the singer died on the evening of June 15.

“I will continue to fight for the only thing that matters to me - the well-being and peace of mind of my son. Of course, this court decision will be appealed by my lawyers,” quotes a.

Today, Friske’s parents and sister have not seen four-year-old Plato for quite some time - on Dmitry’s initiative.

“It is obvious that four days before death it is impossible to spend this money on the treatment of an already hopelessly ill, dying person,” Shepelev noted and once again emphasized that he does not know what this amount was spent on.

“I’m glad that in the Rusfond case the i’s have been dotted and no one has any doubts anymore about who withdrew the charitable money. Neither I nor my son, of course, touched this money because we did not have access to charitable accounts,” Shepelev said in a statement. The TV presenter admitted that now “a stone has fallen from his soul” because “living for two years surrounded by speculation” is “very difficult.”

“My conscience is clear,” he concluded. The main thing is that, in my opinion, Plato should not be responsible for this.”

According to him, this case plays an important role for the entire charitable movement in Russia, and therefore he is glad to restore the reputation of the Rusfond organization.

“But as a father, I am indignant, because the bargaining chip in this terrible and shameful story is my only son, who received debts and endless gossip after his mother died,” the TV presenter admitted.

On Friday, the Perovsky Court of Moscow ordered the parents to return to the Rusfond charity organization the funds that were not used for the singer’s treatment. Olga and Vladimir Friske will have to pay the fund 21.6 million rubles.

Zhanna Friske died on June 15, 2015, unable to cope with brain cancer, which she had been fighting since 2013. About a year ago, Rusfond filed a lawsuit against Zhanna’s relatives, including her son Platon, for an account of the expenditure of 21.6 million rubles, which were collected through donations from Channel One viewers for the treatment of the singer. The organization noted that the singer’s relatives actively participated in fundraising, regularly appearing on television shows and turning to the fund for help.

But, according to Rusfond, after the singer died, her relatives refused the request to provide documentary evidence that all donations were spent on paying for medical services provided.

According to the terms of the agreement that Zhanna Friske entered into with the foundation, the collected funds could only be spent on treatment, and the remaining money had to be returned by providing a report on expenses. According to a statement from Rusfond, only a small part of the total amount of 25.01 million rubles was spent on treatment. According to the organization, the report was received only on the expenditure of 4.12 million rubles. The prosecution insisted that after the singer's death, her heirs received the remaining amount necessary for compensation in equal shares.

Zhanna Friske's relatives petitioned to dismiss the case, describing the claim against them as illegal and inappropriate.

Recently, Shepelev has attracted public attention not only in connection with legal proceedings.

Over the past months, there has been active discussion of the possibility that Dmitry will replace Boris as the host of the “Live Broadcast” show, which airs on the Rossiya 1 TV channel.

Shepelev even announced on his Instagram that he would become the new host of Korchevnikov’s program. "Well. It seems that my long “vacation” has come to an end. Here is the new host of the “Live Broadcast” program on the Rossiya TV channel. Who, if not me?” wrote Dmitry.

However, representatives of “Russia-1” stated that the decision on changing the presenter of “Live Broadcast” has not yet been made. “All the media hype that has unfolded around this story was not provoked by us and lies on the conscience of those who started it. No decision has been made yet, and the new format of the program has not yet been discussed. It may well be that Korchevnikov and Shepelev will broadcast “Live” together. But all this is still at the level of talk, and we are not making any official statements about this,” the press service of the TV channel said.

The court ordered Dmitry Shepelev and Zhanna Friske's parents to return to Rusfond the money not spent on her treatment

Today, May 19, the Moscow court made a decision on the claim of Rusfond against the relatives of Zhanna Friske - father Vladimir Friske, mother Olga Kopylova and the singer’s 4-year-old son Platon, represented by his legal representative - father Dmitry Shepelev. According to news agencies, the court decided to satisfy the fund's demands for the return of the bulk of the money allocated for Zhanna's treatment - 21.633 million rubles, which Friske's caring fans collected for her treatment in 2014.

Satisfy the claims. To collect jointly and severally from the three defendants: dad, mom, Platon (Shepelev) 21.633 million,” the RIA Novosti agency quotes the words of the judge.

At the time of publication, there were no official comments from the Friske family regarding the court’s decision.

Zhanna Friske with her mother Olga Kopylova

The proceedings regarding the money collected for the treatment of Zhanna Friske have lasted more than a year. According to representatives of Rusfond, they received a report on the expenditure of 4.12 million rubles; representatives of the fund know nothing about the rest of the amount. According to Rusfond, after Zhanna’s death, the remaining money in the account went to her relatives, who refused to provide proof that the donations were spent on medical services. However, the contract concluded with Friske required him to provide a report on treatment expenses, as well as the return of the unspent amount.

Zhanna Friske

As a result, Rusfond filed a lawsuit against Zhanna’s relatives and won on May 18, 2017. Now Zhanna’s parents Vladimir and Olga Kopylov and Dmitry Shepelev are obliged to return 21.6 million of the 25 million rubles to Rusfond.

Zhanna Friske and Dmitry Shepelev

Let us remind you that Zhanna Friske learned about a terrible diagnosis - brain cancer - during pregnancy. The singer underwent treatment in China for a long time and rehabilitation in Jurmala. In the fall of 2014, there was an improvement, Zhanna returned to Moscow, abandoned the wheelchair and began to move independently. In February 2015, TV presenter and close friend of Zhanna Andrei Malakhov reported that the singer had gone to a US clinic for treatment. Later, Zhanna continued treatment in Moscow, but the singer’s condition worsened.

Zhanna Friske died on June 15, 2015 in her home in Balashikha, near Moscow. The singer's funeral service took place at the Epiphany Cathedral in Yelokhov. 41-year-old Zhanna Friske was buried at the Nikolo-Arkhangelskoye cemetery in Moscow.

Zhanna Friske