Description of the slides:

1. April 7 is World Health Day. 190 countries of the world take part in its celebration. This holiday has become traditional since 1950. On April 7, 1948, WHO - the World Health Organization - was created, and it was its appearance that served as the impetus for the annual celebration of Health Day. This holiday is designed to help people appreciate how much health means in a person’s life.

2. “The only beauty I know is health” Heinrich Heine

3. The main factors of health: regimen, nutrition, movement, hardening.

4. Nutrition is directly related to the intensity of life, human performance, the body’s resistance to the external environment and infectious diseases. Its connection with a person’s mood has been proven. Proper nutrition reduces fatigue, improves well-being, and reduces irritability and agitation. To maintain good health, each person's diet should be limited in volume and complete in its range of products. Recommendations for a balanced diet are very individual, but there are principles that everyone should adhere to. Everything in a person is rhythmic: the work of internal organs, tissue cells, breathing rate, heart pulsation. It has been proven that normal gastric secretion can only be maintained if there are clearly defined intervals between meals. Maintaining a rhythm of meals is largely the key to a good appetite. Experts believe that the main meal should be taken during the day, and a smaller portion after 18 hours. You should not eat meat in the evening; spicy foods in the evening, as well as strong tea and coffee, are not healthy.

5. High physical activity and sufficient physical activity contribute to the preservation and strengthening of human health. Surveys have shown that those who engage in additional sports have more harmonious physical development. They have a higher lung capacity and greater muscle strength.

6. Hardening is one of the forms of strengthening human health. 1000 years ago, the great physician of the Ancient East, Avicenna, wrote: Be friends with gymnastics, Always be cheerful, And you will live 100 years, and maybe more. Potions, powders - the wrong path to health. Heal yourself with nature - in the garden and open field.

7. There are many ways of hardening. A very simple and effective way of hardening is walking barefoot. The fact is that the soles of our feet are a somewhat unusual part of the skin of our body. There are points there - projections of our internal organs. By pressing them, you can relieve pain and have a healing effect on certain organs.

8. A significant role in maintaining health is played by the fight against bad habits: smoking and alcohol. There is such a joke. A tobacco seller praises his product at a fair: “Buy tobacco, wonderful tobacco! My tobacco is not simple, but with a secret. My tobacco won't make you an old man, the dog won't bite you, and the thief won't break into your house. One guy bought some tobacco and started asking the seller: “Why won’t I be an old man?” -Because you won’t live to old age. Why doesn't the dog bite? - So you will walk with a stick. - Why doesn’t the thief break into the house? “Because you’ll be coughing all night.” Remember: He who smokes tobacco is his own enemy. Tobacco is no friend to the mind. A smoker is his own gravedigger.

9. Drinking alcohol is also a bad habit of the body. No wonder they say: “If you reach for vodka, your life will be short.” Drunkenness leads to 6 evils: poverty, discord, illness, loss of reputation, shame and weakening of mental activity. Alcohol requires the sacrifice of not only adults, but also their future. For example, in the attic of the barn, where moonshine was secretly distilled, there were 160 chicken eggs for subsequent incubation. Imagine the surprise of the owners when only 78 chickens hatched from the eggs. 40 of them soon died, and 25 turned out to be monsters. The embryos were poisoned by vapors of alcohol and essential oils. All this applies to humans. In families that drink, 38% of children are underdeveloped and sick. Children are born dead 2 times more often. Alcohol shortens life by an average of 17 years.

10. Rules for a healthy lifestyle.

11. Happy Health Day!!!



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Slide captions:

The presentation was prepared by teacher Mirontseva Larisa Nikolaevna APRIL 7 WORLD HEALTH DAY

“The only beauty I know is health” Heinrich Heine

Main health factors:

The most important element of a healthy lifestyle is rational nutrition. Strict adherence to the rhythm of food intake. Unlearn to satiate yourself with food to the limit. Food should be eaten with attention and pleasure, chewed slowly, and tasted. Subconsciously, the design of dishes and table setting have a beneficial effect on digestion. Eat raw plant foods

High physical activity and sufficient physical activity contribute to the preservation and strengthening of human health.

Hardening is one of the forms of strengthening human health.

There are many ways to harden

A significant role in maintaining health is played by the fight against bad habits: smoking and alcohol.

Drinking alcohol is also a bad habit of the body.


Slide 1

Slide 2

April 7 is World Health Day. 190 countries of the world take part in its celebration. This holiday has become traditional since 1950. On April 7, 1948, WHO - the World Health Organization - was created, and it was its appearance that served as the impetus for the annual celebration of Health Day. This holiday is designed to help people appreciate how much health means in a person’s life.

Slide 3

Slide 4

nutrition movement mode hardening Main health factors: Main health factors:

Slide 5

The most important element of a healthy lifestyle is rational nutrition. Strict adherence to the rhythm of food intake. Unlearn to satiate yourself with food to the limit. Food should be eaten with attention and pleasure, slowly chewed and tasted. Subconsciously, the design of dishes and table setting have a beneficial effect on digestion. Eat raw plant foods.

Slide 6

High physical activity and sufficient physical activity contribute to the preservation and strengthening of human health. Surveys have shown that physical development occurs more harmoniously among those who engage in additional sports. They have a higher lung capacity and greater muscle strength.

Slide 7

Hardening is one of the forms of strengthening human health. 1000 years ago, the great physician of the Ancient East, Avicenna, wrote: Be friends with gymnastics, Always be cheerful, And you will live 100 years, And maybe more. Potions, powders - the wrong path to health. Heal yourself with nature - in the garden and open field.

Slide 8

There are many ways of hardening. A very simple and effective way of hardening is walking barefoot. The fact is that the soles of our feet are a somewhat unusual part of the skin of our body. There are points there - projections of our internal organs. By pressing them, you can relieve pain and have a healing effect on certain organs

Slide 9

A significant role in maintaining health is played by the fight against bad habits: smoking and alcohol. There is such an anecdote. A tobacco seller praises his product at a fair: “Buy tobacco, wonderful tobacco! My tobacco is not simple, but with a secret. My tobacco won't make you an old man, a dog won't bite you, and a thief won't break into your house. One guy bought some tobacco and started asking the seller: “Why won’t I be an old man?” -Because you won’t live to old age. Why doesn't the dog bite? -So you will walk with a stick. - Why doesn’t the thief break into the house? “Because you’ll be coughing all night.” Remember: He who smokes tobacco is his own enemy. Tobacco is no friend to the mind. A smoker is his own gravedigger.

GOKU JSC "Comprehensive school at penal institutions" PKU IK-8


"Health for everyone!"

Completed by a biology and chemistry teacher

I qualification category I A. Trukhina

“He who has health has hope, and whoever has hope has everything.” Arabic proverb

Russian folk proverbs

Money can't buy health. Health has no price

For the healthy, no sorrow, no trouble, no trouble

Health is more valuable than gold

If only you had health, the rest will follow

Life is given for good deeds

The kind of friendship you make is the kind of life you will lead.

Live forever, work forever, and while working, learn forever

Everyone chews, but not everyone lives

A healthy soul in a healthy body

Health is the head of everything

Happiness is not sought, but made

A man without friends is like a tree without roots.

“A man who has no time to take care of his health is like a craftsman who has no time to sharpen his tools.” I. Muller

Health is our priceless gift.

It is not limitless.

It resembles a ball

And everything in it is harmonious.

It has love and beauty,

There is value and greatness.

Kindness strengthens everything.

And the symbol is our personality.

Health is our priceless gift,

Which is given from God.

And we are ready to give everything

If only I could be healthy.

Questionnaire “Healthy lifestyle”

  • I believe that a healthy lifestyle is...
  • Do you think that a healthy lifestyle is necessary?

Why do you think so?

a) yes; b) find it difficult to answer; c) no.

  • I believe that I maintain a healthy lifestyle by...%,

because I...

4. I would like to lead:

a) healthier lifestyle

b) the same lifestyle as at the moment


material security ()

health ()

family ()

friendship ()

beauty ()

happiness of others ()

Love ()


development ()

self confidence ()

creation ()

2.Components of a healthy lifestyle

playing sports ()

proper and nutritious nutrition ()

daily regime ()


don't use drugs ()

don't drink alcohol ()

no smoking ()

compliance with safety instructions ()

compliance with traffic rules ()

friendly attitude towards others ()

self-development, self-improvement ()

"You can't buy health -

his mind gives"

Find as many berries, fruits and vegetables as possible





cabbage orange tangerine lemon


grapes plum





pear potatoes

beets pineapple


melon cherry strawberry banana











About bad habits

You cough, have a cold, have a fever,

We see that you have become rather weak.

Who let down the iron nature?

Do you know who is to blame for this?

These are your bad habits.

If you don't get rid of them now,

They'll ruin your whole life

Yes, and they will greatly reduce it.

Remember Napoleon's words:

“Habit forces us to do many stupid things:

The biggest stupidity is to become her slave."

A few questions about a healthy lifestyle

Which European traveler first saw people smoking?

Christopher Columbus, who discovered America at the end of the 15th century

Which Russian ruler banned smoking?

The first tsar of the Romanov family - Mikhail Fedorovich

Which famous American writer, who gave the world fascinating stories and stories, sadly joked: “Nothing is easier than quitting smoking - I’ve done it myself hundreds of times”?

Mark Twain (1835-1910)

The outstanding Russian scientist physiologist I.P. Pavlov gave his descendants the following advice: “Don’t drink wine, don’t burden your heart with tobacco, and you will live as long as Titian lived.” How long did the 15th century Italian painter Titian live?

100 years, (born around 1476) with a life expectancy

in the Middle Ages - 40 years

  • Name the animals that are indicators of a person’s lack of hygiene skills.

Lice, fleas, ticks

2. What saying teaches us the correct diet?

3. Who are “night owls” and “larks”?

People with different daily biorhythms

4. Why should children under 15 not do weightlifting?

For the proper development of the musculoskeletal system

5. At what age can you smoke and drink alcohol?

It's better not to start at all

6. How many hours a day should a person sleep?

At least 7 hours

7. What sports should you do to improve your posture?


8. According to American doctors, this age group is the main carrier of influenza in the United States. They are the ones who are responsible for the outbreak of epidemics every year in the fall. Who are they?


9. Its inventor predicted two areas of application for his brainchild - mail delivery and a remedy for weight loss. Name this item.


10. P. Bragg says that there are nine doctors. Starting from the fourth, these are: natural nutrition, fasting, sports, rest, good posture, mind. Name the first three doctors mentioned by Bragg.

The first doctor is sunshine, the second doctor is fresh air,

third doctor - pure water

11. Set of preventive measures


12. How long after infection will the virus give a positive result in a blood test?

2 months

People spend their health to make money and then spend money to regain their health. Nervously thinking about the future, they forget about the present, so they live neither in the present nor for the sake of the future. They live as if they will never die, and when they die, they realize that they never lived.

Popular wisdom says: “IF YOU LOSE YOUR HEALTH, YOU WILL LOSE EVERYTHING” BUT LET’S WONDER WHY WE LOSE THIS PRECIOUS GIFT. Why do we get sick and lose our health? There are many reasons for this: Bad air, poisoned by car exhaust gases and toxic emissions from industrial enterprises; Bad air, poisoned by car exhaust gases and toxic emissions from industrial enterprises; The over-fertilized soil that feeds us; The over-fertilized soil that feeds us; The polluted water we drink. The polluted water we drink.

BUT DISEASES ALSO ARISE FROM HUMAN FAULT. A SCHOOLBOY HAS A HEAD HURT. WHY DOES THIS HAPPEN? Watches TV for a long time every day. Watches TV for a long time every day, sits at the computer. TV, sitting at the computer. Goes to bed late. Goes to bed late. Almost never goes out in the fresh air. Almost never goes out in the fresh air.

THE TOOTH HAS BEEN REMOVED. WHY? Did not brush your teeth or did it poorly from time to time; Did not brush your teeth or did it poorly from time to time; He really loved buns and buns, lollipops and cookies, but he forgot to chew carrots; He really loved buns and buns, lollipops and cookies, but he forgot to chew carrots; I didn’t go to the dentist on time for a checkup. I didn’t go to the dentist on time for a checkup. The teeth are destroyed, chewing food worsens, and this further worsens, and this causes additional difficulties for the stomach. Bad teeth contribute to stomach problems. Sick teeth contribute to the occurrence of diseases of the heart, joints, throat and other organs. diseases of the heart, joints, throat and other organs.

* It is necessary to constantly take care of your health, lead a healthy lifestyle - this is a way of life for people that ensures they maintain and strengthen their health. * You need to engage in physical education, hardening, and follow the rules of hygiene. * Never smoke or drink alcohol.

These truths are not new, Just answer me: The path to the mysterious country, Where your health lives, Does everyone know? Let's say together... Get ready for the journey, go for your health! But the road is not easy because of every bush an enemy may appear. You will have to fight him! Go for your health! But the road is not easy because of every bush an enemy may appear. You will have to fight him!

Vitamins Vitamins Get to know the vitamins: A - this one, C and B. Today we will show you the way to good medicine. Today we will show you the way to good medicine. May you be beautiful! So that in your hands any business can be argued and burned! To make songs sung louder, to make life more interesting! You need to become strong and healthy.

A herbaceous plant with an unpleasant odor. The entire plant is very poisonous. The process of poisoning develops very quickly: dry mouth and hoarseness appear, the face turns red, the pupils dilate, severe agitation and delirium occur, the pulse becomes very frequent but weak, blood pressure drops, and breathing becomes difficult. In severe cases of poisoning, death occurs within the first 24 hours from respiratory paralysis. BLACK HEBRAIN

WOLF'S BASH Shrub, cm high. The entire plant, especially the fruits and bark, is very poisonous. To fatally poison an adult, 1020 fruits are enough. Poisoning, even with timely treatment, often ends in death. Recently, the danger of poisoning from the fruits of this plant has increased due to the craze for sea buckthorn, which resembles a wolf's bast. It is dangerous to pick flowering branches of wolf's bast for a bouquet.

LILY OF THE MAY A perennial herbaceous plant up to 20 cm high. It grows in forests, in clearings, and forms large continuous thickets. Unfortunately, it is widely exterminated for its beautiful fragrant flowers and for medicinal raw materials. The entire plant is poisonous. Lily of the valley is widely used in medicine for the preparation of heart medications.