• Children are our court to the world,
  • our mirror, in
  • which conscience, mind,
  • honesty, neatness
  • ours - all naked
  • see.
  • Children can use us
  • close, we use them -
  • never.
  • V.P.Astafiev
  • Voronina T.P.
  • ..Be my child happy and talented. I will put an iron wall around you from earth to sky, from east to west, so that no damage, no harm, no slander, no sorrow, nothing will come to you...
Smoking among teenagers is alarming for several reasons:
  • 1) Those who start smoking daily during adolescence usually smoke throughout their lives. 2) Smoking increases the risk of developing chronic diseases (heart disease, cancer of the lungs and other organs, gangrene of the legs). 3) Although smoking-related chronic diseases usually do not appear until adulthood, adolescent smokers are more likely to suffer from cough, shortness of breath and other respiratory symptoms.
When smoking in teenagers:
  • When smoking in teenagers:
  • 1) memory suffers greatly, learning speed and memory capacity decrease; 2) reaction in movement slows down, muscle strength decreases; 3) under the influence of nicotine, visual acuity deteriorates, a smoking teenager begins to have flickering and double vision, tearing, redness and swelling of the eyelids occur from tobacco smoke, which leads to chronic inflammation of the optic nerve; 4) Frequent and systematic smoking in adolescents depletes nerve cells, causing premature fatigue; 5) nicotine increases intraocular pressure. 6) the normal regime of work and rest is disrupted due to the desire to smoke that appears during classes, in this case the student’s attention is completely switched to the thought of tobacco.
3) 4) 5)
  • Reasons for drinking alcohol among teenagers: 1) teenage alcoholism begins with family feasts; from a child’s perspective, the entire holiday is built around vodka or wine; it seems to the child that adults have gathered together not for the sake of communication, but for the sake of drinking - this is the key point in the future teenager’s attitude towards alcohol. 2) the situation is more complicated with families where children are frivolously allowed to try beer or sweet wine, the child is accustomed to the idea that it is tasty; 3) the next reason is the availability and low cost of alcoholic beverages, the bright and colorful labels of which are striking; 4) in adolescence, the desire to imitate elders is added to the positive perception of alcohol; Adolescents have no fear of drunkenness, as well as no experience of drinking alcohol; 5) Adolescent conformism—imitation of other teenagers in their social circle—is also of considerable importance in alcoholism among young people; 6) another reason for teenage alcoholism is neglect and street education.
For drug use in adolescents:
  • 1) loss of interest in studies, absenteeism, disappearance from home for many hours or several days; 2) Following the behavioral signs, biological signs of the disease appear: irritability, conflict, mood swings - from unreasonably cheerful to gloomy and angry; 3) there is a decrease in intelligence;
What is the role of parents in the formation of good and bad habits in children?
  • 1. Awareness of responsibility for raising children requires strict attention of parents to themselves, to their words, actions, behavior, to everything in which the inner world is expressed. It is necessary to teach kindness and hard work not only with words, but also with deeds.
  • 2. The condition for proper family education is a rationally organized life, a child’s routine in the family.
  • 3. Children react very sensitively to love and affection, and are very worried about their deficiency. Parental love creates a feeling of security and spiritual comfort.
  • 4. The authority of parents is the influence of father and mother on children, based on respect and love for parents, trust in their life experience, words, and actions.
  • 5. Where teachers and parents act in concert, educational work at school is usually carried out better and children are raised more correctly at home.
  • A child learns what he sees in his home. Parents are an example of this. Whoever is rude in front of his wife and children, Who loves the tongue of debauchery, Let him remember that he will receive from them with interest everything that he teaches them.
  • Sebastian Brant
  • “A person has three disasters: old age, death and bad children. From death and old age, no one can close the doors of their home. And the parents themselves can close the doors from bad children.”
  • Confucius
What needs to be done to prevent a teenager from sliding to the bottom and becoming an alcoholic or drug addict? First of all, personal example is important here:
  • 1) what a child sees from childhood; 2) How do you, your closest relatives, your family friends feel about smoking, alcohol; 3) How do you usually celebrate holidays?
Think about it:
  • 1) is everything okay in your family; 2) does your child feel comfortable in it; 3) do you trust him?
  • 1. Don’t expect your child to be like you or what you want. Help him become not you, but himself. 2. Admit your mistakes, ask for forgiveness for wrong actions and deeds, be fair in assessing yourself and others. 3. Do not demand payment from your child for everything you do for him: you gave him life, how can he thank you? He will give life to another, and he will give life to a third: this is an irreversible law of gratitude. 4. Do not take out your grievances on a child, so that in old age you do not eat bitter bread, for what you sow is what will come back. 5. Don’t look down on his problems: the hardness of life is given to everyone within their strength, and rest assured, it’s no less hard for him than yours is for you. Or maybe more.
  • 6. Don't humiliate! 7. Don’t torture yourself if you can’t do something for your child; torture yourself if you can and don’t do it. 8. Know how to speak to your child the way you would like to be spoken to, showing gentleness, excluding edifying, rudeness and rudeness. 9. Know how to love someone else’s child. Never do to someone else what you wouldn’t want others to do to yours. 10. Love your child in any way: untalented, unsuccessful, adult. When communicating with him, rejoice, because a child is a holiday that is still with you.
  • The most important thing is your upbringing, support and love. Your child, who has matured as a moral and successful person, is the highest measure of your life path!
  • We must not forget that the family is a support for a teenager; it is in the family that a child should feel protected, needed and understood.
Thank you for your attention
  • Thank you for your attention

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Slide captions:

Prevention of bad habits in adolescents

Smoking: myths and reality

Smoking helps you lose weight

Reality: Many overweight people smoke and don’t lose weight. If you don’t want to gain weight, then instead of smoking it is better to choose other methods of weight loss.

Smoking calms the nerves.

Reality: the feeling of irritation and tension in a smoker is often associated with the smoking habit itself. Therefore, a cigarette, like a “pacifier,” calms him down.

Smoking helps you concentrate.

Reality: nicotine constricts blood vessels in the brain, causing the brain to be less supplied with oxygen and nutrients. As a result, mental performance decreases.

Smoking is not as harmful as they say. Cigarettes are not dangerous.

Reality: Smoking is one of the leading causes of many diseases and deaths among adults, primarily heart and lung disease.

Why do you think people use tobacco - smoke? Reasons for smoking Reasons for not smoking

Myths: Beer is not alcohol

Reality: Beer contains alcohol!

Drinking alcohol makes a person more mature, strong, and attractive.

Reality: alcohol cannot make a person stronger, smarter, prettier, sexier, because... Alcohol has a destructive effect on the entire body, leading to rapid aging and decreased sexual function.

I always know when to stop, I can always stop. I have a strong will and I will not become an alcoholic.

Reality: Most alcoholics do not consider themselves alcoholics. And no one who starts drinking alcohol ever intended to become an alcoholic.

A keepsake bundle Trade rules prohibit the sale of alcoholic beverages to minors. Drinking alcohol by teenagers is illegal: until age 16, parents are responsible; From the age of 16, teenagers themselves bear responsibility.

A bundle for memory If a teenager drank alcohol with adults, then the perpetrators, including parents, are fined, and if this is repeated more than once, the adults responsible are punished with imprisonment for up to 5 years.

What do you choose: a healthy lifestyle or a colorless existence?

We believe that through joint efforts and promotion of a healthy lifestyle, at least some good can be achieved. Even if you manage to convince a few people and “put them on the right path”, this is also a small victory, but it’s a victory!

Name: Presentation “Bad habits and their prevention.”
Golubenko T.N.
Year: 2011
Slides: 44
Format: presentation in ppt format (rar archive)
Size: 4.05 MB
Quality: excellent
Scope of application: class hours, prevention of bad habits - alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction, deviations in eating behavior.

« Bad habits” are common actions that people repeat over and over again, despite the fact that they are not useful and even harmful.

Many bad habits have the nature of addiction, that is, a person knows about the dangers of the habit, but cannot get rid of it because it brings short-term pleasure or relief.

Presentation “Bad habits and their prevention” content:

  • Alcoholism
  • Alcohol damage to internal organs
  • Let's talk about alcohol
  • Is it possible to warm up quickly with alcohol?
  • Does alcohol increase your appetite?
  • Does alcohol improve performance?
  • Does alcohol lower blood pressure?
  • High-quality alcohol: harm or benefit?
  • Is alcohol a cure for colds?
  • Smoking
  • Smoking is one of the most harmful habits.
  • Tobacco smoke contains more than; 30 toxic substances
  • About the dangers of smoking
  • You should know it!
  • Public policy
  • Positive changes when quitting smoking
  • Proper advertising
  • Nutrition
  • Poor nutrition
  • Nutrition and varicose veins
  • Nutrition and cancer
  • Diseases caused by digestive problems
  • Unnatural food ingredients
  • Nutrition and nervous activity
  • Fashionable diets
  • Anabolic addiction
  • Addiction
  • Narcotic substances
  • Addiction
  • Official statistics
  • Healthy lifestyle

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More presentations on the topic “bad habits”:

N. A. Guseva

The book examines the theory and practice of psychological work with children of primary school age on the prevention of smoking and alcohol and drug abuse. A brief outline of the theory and history of the development of preventive work is given, and new, modern approaches to the conduct of preventive activities in an educational institution are substantiated. The author's program for the prevention of psychoactive substance abuse is presented.

The book will be useful to psychologists, teachers, social workers, as well as parents and all those interested in this problem.

G. G. Kulinich

The methodological manual offers detailed developments of thematic class hours and parent meetings, focused on the prevention of bad habits and the formation of a healthy lifestyle for schoolchildren in grades 5-7. In addition to event scenarios, the publication contains a variety of questionnaires, surveys, tests, thematic dramatizations; recommendations for psychological and pedagogical work with children and their parents; Practical advice for parents on how to competently discuss the harm of smoking, alcoholism and drug addiction when communicating with children.

The manual is addressed to class teachers, school psychologists, deputy directors for educational work, as well as additional education teachers and social workers.

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Presentation on the topic: Prevention of bad habits in adolescents

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For parents about the bad habits of teenagers The work was carried out by Mukhamadieva Gulnara Damirovna Mathematics teacher, class teacher 6 A class MBOU "Jalil secondary school No. 1 with in-depth study of individual subjects" Jalil village, Sarmanovsky district, Tatarstan 5klass.net

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Sooner or later, many people acquire certain harmful habits as they age. Some of them may seem harmless, others, on the contrary, carry danger, not only sliding down an inclined plane, but also undermining your health, doing this treacherously unnoticed, as they say - before the first bell. And the worst problem is that such negative addictions are becoming “popular” among the younger generation.

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The bad habits of teenagers, almost all of them and always, are aimed at undermining their physical health - smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages and, of course, drugs. Long ago, it would be worth starting to show concern for the mental state of modern youth: phenomena such as shopping mania and computer gaming addiction not only undermine a teenager’s nervous system, but also completely separate him from real life, forming false values ​​in his mind and priorities.

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And if this happens regularly, then there is a high probability that after a short period of time the young man will have a desire to demonstrate something similar among his friends - in his opinion, it will look “very cool.” The picture is similar with alcohol: taken together, this can ultimately lead to more dire consequences for young people, developing into substance abuse or drug addiction. The fight against such a harmful phenomenon as the bad habits of adolescents must be waged tirelessly on all fronts, using available methods and resources.

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Starting from the family, at school, and other educational institutions, it is necessary to actively carry out preventive work with young people. By example, demonstrate the benefits of a normal, healthy lifestyle. Explain all the negative prospects of this kind of dependency and addiction. It should be remembered that everything starts small - with the first puff and with the first sip of beer, so the prevention of bad habits in adolescents should begin in the family, when, it would seem, there are no visible reasons for concern, and the sooner the better.

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Teenagers who are addicted to alcohol, tobacco or drugs often simply do not understand what irreparable harm they are causing to their health. The desire to forget yourself, to plunge headlong into the world of hallucinations, or to simply show off your supposedly cool addictions to friends creates fertile ground for the bad habits of adolescents. You can't let the situation take its course. A teenager only needs to try a drug once to become fully hooked on it. It is necessary to be very attentive to the child, especially during adolescence. At the slightest suspicion of drug addiction, you should immediately seek help from specialists while there is still an opportunity to correct the situation at an early stage.

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What should parents do in such a situation? First of all, it is necessary to unobtrusively and, most importantly, not in a forced manner, explain to the child real information about alcohol abuse and its consequences. As with any difficult situation, prevention is always better than cure. Therefore, it is better to start such conversations from a very early age (from 5-8 years of age, when the child begins to show conscious interest in the world around him). Then the likelihood that the child will not encounter this problem becomes much higher. The second “golden” rule is not to make alcoholic beverages strictly prohibited. After all, as you know, the forbidden fruit is sweet.

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What issues should be discussed first: what are alcohol, tobacco and drugs; the fact that some people abuse alcohol, smoke and use drugs, despite the proven harmfulness of these habits to health; that any substance that enters the body other than food can be extremely dangerous to health, that the unreasonable use of medications can lead to significant impairment of body functions, weaken health, and sometimes cause death; that all bad habits are, in fact, independent diseases, accompanied by the development of mental and physical dependence that is difficult to eliminate.

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Encourage your child to exercise regularly and take care of their body health. The following points should be clearly explained to a child 5-8 years old: food products are not the same as medicines, poisons, that, despite the fact that medications prescribed by a doctor can save lives, their independent use can lead to a detrimental effect on the body; a child must learn from childhood that he cannot take medications on his own, without the permission of an adult (parent or doctor), that adults can drink small amounts of alcoholic beverages, but a child never, since alcohol has a harmful effect on the formation of the brain and other organs. At a later age (9-11 years), information about the dangers of alcohol, smoking and drugs should gradually expand and become more complex. Moreover, it is better to present information in the form of a discussion, rather than in the form of a notation. Children at this age usually love to study and learn new information. Therefore, correctly presented facts will certainly fall on fertile soil.

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Tell your child that some people are pathologically dependent on their bad habits. That alcohol or drug abuse leads to severe damage to the liver, brain and other organs. That long-term use of high doses of even “children’s” medications, such as Tylenol, can be dangerous to health. While your child is studying at school, the environment (neighbor children, classmates, just friends) is especially important for him. In some cases, the child may put their interests above the interests of his family. It is at this age, in order to meet the “requirements” of a class or company, that a teenager often starts smoking or drinking. During this period, the main thing for parents is to try to remain a more authoritative friend for their child, but not a mentor. Explain that in fact, all these external attributes of “coolness” in no way make a person more significant than he really is. That independence and confidence in yourself and your talents are much more important and will most likely help you achieve the desired results.

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It is useful to conduct role-playing games that play out situations in which a teenager may be under pressure from friends to drink alcohol, drugs or smoke and find a way out of such situations. Allow your child to use as an excuse that “Mom or Dad will kill me if they find out that I drank...smoked...etc.” Never miss an opportunity to talk to your child. After all, who better than you can explain to him the correct information about bad habits and help him find a way out of difficult situations. Well-known bad habits: smoking, excess nutrition, excessive consumption of strong tea and coffee are, in fact, a gross violation of the normal functioning of the body. Let's not forget about addiction to alcohol. This vice is especially dangerous and completely incompatible with physical education. (Keep in mind that adolescents develop addiction to alcohol especially quickly).

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Take the time and effort to talk with your child about good and bad habits. Teach him to consciously take care of his health. But forget about reproaches, mistrust, and even more so about insults and physical violence. All this only hardens the child’s heart and can push him again to what you managed to stop with such difficulty. But first of all, of course, give up bad habits yourself. And physical education will help you with this. By studying seriously, you will get used to strictly observing the regime of exercise and rest, and will strengthen your will. Time will pass, and you will see that your physical education has turned out to be a reliable ally in the fight against smoking. When engaging in physical activity with the whole family, you should follow the training regimen as strictly as possible. To summarize, I would like to note: all family members should analyze their routine and put things in order. Involve children in this too - these will, perhaps, be their first steps on the path of conscious self-education.

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Text content of presentation slides:
Parent meeting Prevention of bad habits in teenagers. Teacher-psychologist MBOU “Secondary School No. 1” in Beleva, Tula Region Lyudmila Sergeevna Kartseva “It is difficult to imagine the beneficial change that would occur in all human life if people stopped stupefying and poisoning themselves with vodka, wine, tobacco and opium.” L. N. Tolstoy: Factors on which health depends. From heredity…………………..20% From the environment………………...20% From medical care………10% From image life………………………..50% Healthy lifestyle. Rejection of bad habits. Why do teenagers engage in bad habits? 1. Peer influence. 2. Group pressure, lack of refusal skills.3. An attempt to establish friendly relations with peers. 4. Because adults and other family members smoke or drink. 5. Out of curiosity. 6. The desire to be adults, courageous, one of our own. 7. Lack of attention and love from parents. 8. The ability to attract attention. 9. The desire to relax, get distracted. Tobacco is a drug that opens the door to other drugs. Studying attitudes towards bad habits Have you tried smoking? Conclusion: the percentage of those who have tried smoking increases as schoolchildren grow older Studying attitudes towards bad habits Age Number of cigarettes 11 – 12 years old 2 pcs. 13 – 14 years old 3 pcs. 15 – 16 years old 5 pcs. How much do you smoke per day? How often do you drink alcoholic beverages? How many times have you tried drugs or other intoxicants? The harm of tobacco. During smoking, dry distillation of tobacco occurs and a large amount of toxic substances are released. There is no organ that is not affected by tobacco. - neoplasms in the lungs with the formation of soot - throat cancer - darkening of the lungs accumulation of soot in the bronchi and alveoli 1. cf; - increasing the volume of the lungs due to the accumulation of soot in them About the dangers of drugs. The problem of drug addiction affects about 30 million people, that is, almost every fifth resident of the country. Today in Russia there is not a single region left where cases of drug use or their distribution have not been recorded. According to the international organization Doctors Without Borders, today there are already from 3 to 4 million drug addicts in Russia, and some experts estimate their number even higher than 9 million people. The average age of initiation into drugs in Russia is 15-17 years, but cases of primary drug use by children aged 11-13 have become more frequent. There have also been cases of drug use by children aged 6-7 years. Drug addiction in Russia continues to get younger. According to the latest data, more than 60% of drug addicts are people aged 18-30 years and almost 20% are schoolchildren. Risk factors for the development of drug addiction. Biological factors: Pathology of pregnancy, Complicated childbirth, Severe or chronic childhood illnesses, Concussions, Any severe illness or injury that occurred with impaired consciousness. Social factors: Raising a child in a single-parent family Overprotection or hypoprotection Non-compliance by the family with the norms of social behavior Permissive attitude of the family towards negative behavior, violence Introduction to “primary drugs” (alcohol, tobacco) at an early age Insufficient connection with school, lack of interest in studies, poor academic performance Incidents of violence or drug use in the familyEnvironmental pressure, peer influence. Psychological factors: Feelings of insignificance and uselessness Inability to reason soundly and make healthy choices in life Insufficient understanding of rules, failure to understand that decisions have consequences Lack of understanding and rejection of social norms and values ​​Low self-esteem and self-doubt Why are teenagers most susceptible to drug addiction? In adolescence, I really want to: *free myself from the constant control of adults, which is accompanied by mistrust and suspicion; *comply with unfounded accusations; *free yourself from adult responsibilities and rules of the game; *taste the forbidden fruit that is talked about so much; *conform to the norms and values ​​of the reference group; *appear strong and can do everything, not be afraid of adults. Signs and symptoms of possible drug use by your child SIGNS OF DRUG ADDICTION: - exhaustion, dryness, pallor or yellowness of the skin; characteristic scarlet lips on a pale face. External signs Pale skin Dilated or constricted pupils Red or cloudy eyes Slow speech Poor coordination of movements Weight loss or weight gain Glitter in the eyes Indigestion Obvious signs Injection marks, cuts, bruises. Rolled up pieces of paper. Small spoons. Capsules, bottles, vials. Smells of tobacco smoke mixed with herbal or synthetic odors. First of all, drugs affect the psyche, it leads to spiritual degradation and complete physical exhaustion of the body. What to do if you suspect your child is using drugs: Don't panic Observe him carefully without being overly suspicious Discuss your suspicions with your child without trying to yell at him or blame him for anything Don't trust his assurances that he can handle it with this without outside help Do not read morals, do not threaten or punish him in any way Support your child by showing attention and care Explain to him the danger of the path he has taken Try to convince him to consult a specialist Thank you for your attention. We wish everyone good health.