Chicken meat is one of the most popular in the world today. Considering the high cost of red meat, as well as numerous reports from scientists that beef, pork and other similar types of meat are harmful to health and even very seriously increase the incidence of cancer in humans, we can say with confidence: chicken is at the top of popularity, and quite deservedly. It has high protein content, is healthier and also versatile. You can prepare a huge variety of dishes from chicken, and the meat itself can be made according to a large number of unique recipes. However, the question is what kind of chicken you buy.

The fact is that stores most often sell chicken meat obtained from factories where the birds spend their entire lives in cages, sitting in the same place. Due to this, they become overgrown with meat, which is then sold profitably. But in this article we will talk about domestic chicken. This is a completely different type of bird that requires a special approach. Very often you can read questions online about what to cook from homemade chicken. Many people believe that its meat is too tough, so they immediately refuse to have anything to do with this bird at all. You shouldn't act so radically. In this article, you will learn about the best way to choose homemade chicken, how it differs from factory-made chicken, how to prepare it, and what to cook from homemade chicken. Thus, if you read this article, you will have an idea of ​​​​what you should do if you get your hands on home-made chicken, rather than factory-made chicken.

Domestic chicken: what does it mean?

So, it is necessary to assume that not all readers are experienced cooks, so it is worth starting with the basics. This means that this will not immediately tell you what to cook with homemade chicken. Rather, you will find out what domestic chicken is, because many people, before reading this article, had no idea that chicken meat could be divided according to a similar principle. So, a domestic chicken is a bird that grew up on a farm or on someone’s farm. This means that she moved freely, ate natural food, and led a full life until, for one reason or another, she was slaughtered for meat. Accordingly, you should not be afraid of such a product, since in general it is a completely normal alternative to regular store-bought chicken. That is why this article will consider what to cook from homemade chicken, since, despite the widespread belief that the meat of such chicken is not suitable for cooking, as it is too tough, it can still be cooked, and more than successfully. But first of all, it is worth addressing the issue of hardness and softness of meat.

Laying hens

If you are thinking about how to cook delicious homemade chicken, everything will depend on what type of chicken you have. The fact is that all these birds are divided into laying hens and broilers. Laying hens are those chickens that are used on the farm to lay eggs. They often live much longer than everyone else, because they do not lose the ability to lay eggs for a long time, and no one is interested in their meat. Yes, if you get your hands on a laying hen carcass, then with almost one hundred percent probability you can say that its meat will be tough, so you may experience certain difficulties in cooking it. And the question of how to deliciously cook homemade chicken will be quite difficult to answer, but still possible. What about domestic broilers?


When it comes to what can be prepared from homemade chicken, most often we are talking about broilers, because, despite the fact that they grew up in free conditions, they have much more pleasant meat. That is why, if you have the opportunity to choose what kind of homemade chicken to cook, you should definitely choose a broiler rather than a laying hen. How to distinguish them from each other? This will be discussed a little later, when the question of how to cook homemade chicken so that it is soft will be considered in more detail. In the meantime, it’s worth considering in detail the difference between domestic and factory-farmed birds.

What is the difference between homemade chicken and factory chicken?

Many people believe that domestic chicken is almost poisonous, so they refuse to either cook or eat it. You should not listen to such statements, because they only mislead you. It’s better to think about how to make pilaf from homemade chicken or how to make other delicious dishes from meat that is considered unsuitable for use. You can rest assured, because homemade chicken is practically no worse than factory chicken, and in some aspects even better. If you don’t believe me, then you should find out certain details about both methods of raising these birds. Factory-bred chickens are raised in large quantities in cramped cages where they cannot move, resulting in a maximum volume of meat compared to poultry. Moreover, in advanced factories, birds can be fed hormones so that the meat grows even faster. Given the far from pleasant living conditions, such chickens are susceptible to a wide variety of diseases, so in most cases they are constantly fed antibiotics, and this naturally affects their body, that is, their meat, which you then eat.

If you take domestic chickens, they spend their entire lives as full-fledged birds. They walk on lawns, eat natural food, which makes their meat much healthier and also low in calories (due to the huge difference between constantly being in one place in the cage and constantly moving in the fresh air). Thus, domestic chickens are practically dietary, especially when compared with factory chickens. So if you are asked how to cook homemade chicken stew from a private backyard, you should clarify that homemade chicken is in no way inferior to factory-made chicken, and therefore deserves a fully tasty recipe.

Cooking rules

If you want to learn how to cook homemade chicken, recipes with photos are not always the best help. The fact is that homemade chicken recipes are no different from the recipes you use for factory-made store-bought chicken. The main differences are in how exactly you prepare the bird. That is why in this article you will find the key rules for preparing this type of meat, which will allow you to achieve an ideal result, which will be extremely difficult to distinguish from store-bought meat. Moreover, do not forget that homemade chicken meat has an equally impressive taste, so get ready for a new unforgettable experience.

Bird age

This is not a big secret, but if you didn't already know it, then you should remember that chickens in factories do not live to see a year and in most cases are sent for meat at the age of six months to a year. The same applies to poultry, if you want to get a quality product from them. What is the reason? Here it’s worth returning to the most common opinion that domestic chickens have tough meat. The fact is that the meat is tough not in domestic chickens, but in those birds that are more than a year old. Accordingly, you need to focus on purchasing those birds that are not yet twelve months old. And if in the case of factory-farmed poultry you definitely won’t make a mistake, since all the chickens there are younger than a year, then in the case of poultry you need to be careful.

Blue skin

Another rule that you should always follow is directly related to the previous one. You already know that meat can be tough in birds that live for more than a year, and most often in laying hens that lay eggs for several years. Naturally, when such a bird dies or stops laying eggs, they do not want to throw it away, but prefer to sell it. You should not go on a whim and buy such a bird for the reason that it is cheaper. Look carefully at the skin of the chicken you want to buy. If she is bluish, refuse to buy, as this is a laying hen whose meat will be very dry. Broilers under the age of one year are most often distinguished by a yellow-white skin, so you can focus on this color when purchasing domestic chickens.

Boiling chicken

Well, now you know almost everything there is to know about homemade chicken, so it's time to move on to the preparation. How to cook delicious homemade chicken? Recipes can be very diverse, but first you need to determine what kind of chicken you have on hand. What to do if you end up with a laying hen or a bird that is more than a year old? Don’t get upset and throw it away, as the situation can still be saved. To do this, you will need to be patient and boil this chicken for at least two hours. Then its meat will soften significantly, and you can use it to prepare the dish that interests you most.

Cooking in the oven

Now it’s time to look specifically at what you can make from homemade chicken. As mentioned above, it is not much different from the factory one, with the exception of tougher meat, so you can choose any recipes that you like. But to get the perfect result, you can use the recipes that will be presented in this article. But first of all, it’s worth telling you exactly how to cook such chicken. The fact is that some people like to fry poultry, while others prefer to boil or stew it. But if you get homemade chicken, you'd better opt for the oven. How to cook tender homemade chicken in the oven? To do this, it is best for you to use a special “sleeve”, which will allow the meat to become juicier, retain all the moisture without releasing it into the space, so the meat will not dry out. If it's a homemade chicken, it's also a good idea to make slits in the chicken and put pieces of butter in there for an even more impressive result. Pay attention to the wings and legs, as you'll need to bake this chicken longer, and if you don't want those parts to spoil from being in the oven for too long, you'll want to wrap them in foil.

Dish in the sleeve

How to cook homemade chicken in the oven so that you get a complete and delicious dish? To do this, it is recommended to cook it with a side dish, that is, put potatoes, carrots, onions and other similar ingredients that interest you in the sleeve, then brush the chicken with your favorite marinade and put it in the sleeve with the vegetables. Tie the sleeve tightly, put it all on a baking sheet and put it in the oven for an hour and a half.

Chicken with rice

Another interesting recipe for preparing homemade chicken is a kind of dish with rice, which, with some amendments, can be called pilaf. To do this, you need to boil the rice until half cooked, add vegetables and herbs to it. After this, completely boil the chicken meat, cutting it into pieces of the size that suits you best. Place all this in the form, if desired, pour over the sauce for juiciness and sprinkle with cheese, and then put in the oven for twenty minutes.

Chicken with apples

Well, another recipe worth mentioning will teach you how to properly cook homemade chicken in a sleeveless oven. To do this, you need to flatten the carcass as much as possible, spread it with marinade or seasonings, and then put it in the oven for an hour and a half. But at the same time, periodically remove the chicken from the oven and pour the prepared broth over it. The broth will add tenderness to the meat and also guarantee a golden crust. It is also recommended to place apples on a baking sheet so that they are baked along with the chicken, and then you will have a complete meal ready.

Every good housewife should know how to cook delicious chicken. This is an inexpensive and low-calorie meat that should definitely become part of the family’s daily diet. There are many successful chicken-based dishes.

How to cook delicious chicken in the oven

The easiest and fastest way to bake a bird is in the oven. The meat will be juicy and tender. Especially if you take care of the aromatic, delicious marinade.

Whole baked chicken in spices

Ingredients: large chicken carcass (about 2 kg), half a lemon, 40 ml of refined oil, salt, a pinch of ground coriander, black and red pepper, ginger, whole cumin seeds, curry.

  1. The whole bird is washed with cold water. Excess moisture from the carcass is removed with paper towels.
  2. The chicken is placed in a wide, deep bowl. Rub it on all sides, first with lemon slices, and then with juice squeezed from half a citrus fruit. The carcass is left for 45 minutes.
  3. All declared spices are combined and ground. Oil is poured onto them and salt is added.
  4. Rub the chicken with the resulting marinade on each side, cover the bowl with film and leave it directly on the table for 3 hours.
  5. The prepared chicken is placed in a mold and covered with foil. The oven temperature is set to 220 degrees.

The whole chicken is baked in the oven for 40 - 45 minutes, after which the covering is removed. The temperature drops to 170 degrees. After another half hour, it returns to its previous level. Soon a beautiful crust will appear on the dish.

French filet

Ingredients: 540 g fillet, 4 tbsp. l. classic mayonnaise and thick sour cream, onion, 220 - 240 g of unsalted cheese, cloves of garlic, fresh dill, salt, sweet paprika and black pepper, ground in a mortar.

  1. The fillet is chopped into thin plastic pieces, each of which is processed with a kitchen hammer and rubbed with salt and spices.
  2. The onion head is cut into thin half rings, after which they are fried in hot fat until transparent.
  3. To make the sauce, combine salted sour cream, grated cheese (60 g), mayonnaise and crushed garlic. Chopped fresh dill is added to the mixture.
  4. The prepared form is oiled. Pieces of chicken (most of them) are placed at the bottom. Half the sauce is spread on top and the onions are laid out.
  5. Next are the remaining pieces of fillet and the rest of the sauce.
  6. The casserole is sprinkled with the rest of the grated cheese.

The dish is baked at high temperature for 25 - 30 minutes.

Julienne with mushrooms

Ingredients: onion, salt, dry mixture of Provençal herbs, chicken fillet, 330 g defrosted champignons, 3 pinches of flour, a glass of cream, 2 tbsp. l. butter, 220 g salted cheese.

  1. The fat is heated in the frying pan. Miniature pieces of onion are fried on it. As soon as the vegetable becomes transparent, add mushroom slices and fillet slices to it.
  2. The products are fried for another 4 - 7 minutes. Add spices, salt and flour.
  3. After a couple of minutes the cream is poured in. After boiling, the mixture remains on low heat until thickened.
  4. The resulting mixture fills special julienne molds approximately ¾ full.
  5. The remaining space is filled with grated cheese.

The julienne is baked in the oven for 17 - 25 minutes. During this time, the cheese should brown.

How to cook grilled chicken in the oven?

Ingredients: carcass (weighing about 2 kg), a large spoon of salt, a pinch of sweet paprika and black pepper, 3 large spoons of olive mayonnaise, 1 large spoon of mustard, vegetable oil.

  1. The prepared bird is rubbed on each side with salt and spices (except paprika). It also needs to be processed inside.
  2. In another bowl, mix olive mayonnaise and mustard. The chicken is covered with a spicy mixture on top.
  3. The chicken is placed on the grill. A large form with water is installed below.

The carcass is baked for about an hour, after which it is rubbed with a mixture of 2 tbsp. l. oil and paprika and cook for another 10 minutes until cooked. This will allow you to prepare a dish with a golden brown crust.

Breast baked with pineapples

Ingredients: large breast, 4 “washers” of fresh or canned pineapple, 60 g of hard cheese, 5 tbsp. l. unsweetened thick yogurt, butter, curry, sea salt, paprika.

  1. The breast is cut into 4 thin slices. They are beaten, rubbed with salt, curry and paprika.
  2. Pieces of poultry are placed in an oiled form. Fruit rings are distributed on top. Add salted yogurt. You can use classic mayonnaise instead.
  3. Grated cheese is scattered on top.

The breast is baked in this form for half an hour. Medium temperature will be enough

Potato casserole with poultry

Ingredients: half a kilo of potatoes and meat, 2 onions, 230 g of cheese, 4 cloves of garlic, 1.5 tbsp. medium fat sour cream, 3 tbsp. l. classic mayonnaise, rock salt, spices.

  1. The fillet is cut very thinly, greased with a marinade of mayonnaise, garlic, salt and spices.
  2. The chicken is infused for about a quarter of an hour.
  3. Thin potato slices are laid out in the prepared pan. Onion rings are distributed on them.
  4. Next comes salted sour cream with spices and chicken.
  5. All the grated cheese is poured on top.

The casserole is prepared for about an hour at 180 - 190 degrees. The readiness of the dish is checked with a toothpick or a sharp knife.

Classic chicken tabaka

Ingredients: chicken carcass, 6 tbsp. l. refined oil, 1 tsp. suneli hops, spicy adjika and dried coriander, salt, 2 cloves of garlic.

  1. The prepared bird carcass should be spread along the back with the skin facing up.
  2. All spices are ground. Add crushed garlic and coarse salt to them.
  3. The resulting mass is lubricated on each side of the carcass.
  4. First, the chicken is fried until browned in a frying pan, then transferred to a mold and sent to a preheated oven.

The bird must be pressed down with a heavy lid. It will take about a quarter of an hour to prepare.

Baking with vegetables in pots

Ingredients: 1 pc. onions, the same amount of potatoes, zucchini, eggplant and carrots, 1 kg of chicken breast, a glass of grated cheese, 4 - 6 cloves of garlic, a pinch of salt and pepper.

  1. First you need to fry half rings of peeled onion. Then pour in the chopped meat and simmer the food together until done.
  2. All other peeled and washed vegetables are randomly chopped. They are fried until softened. They salt and pepper. Add crushed garlic.
  3. First the meat is placed in the pots, then the vegetables. A little salt water is added.

Top the chicken with potatoes and other vegetables with grated cheese. The dish in pots is baked for about an hour at high temperature in the oven.

Chicken baked with lemon and thyme in foil

Ingredients: 230 g each of chicken thighs and chicken drumsticks, large lemon, 30 ml olive oil, 30 g full-fat butter, 20 g thyme, 4 cloves of garlic, 120 ml dry white wine, salt.

  1. All chicken parts are rubbed with pepper and salt and placed in a prepared baking dish.
  2. In a separate container, mix the zest of a whole lemon (finely grated), dried thyme, two types of oil, and chopped garlic. The butter must first be softened.
  3. The mixture obtained in the second step is rubbed onto the surface of the chicken. The remaining lemon without zest is cut into slices and laid out nearby.
  4. Wine is poured into the mold.

The dish is baked for 45 – 55 minutes. 190 degrees in the oven is enough.

Hips in the sleeve

Ingredients: 8 - 9 thighs, a mixture of classic mayonnaise with sour cream, 5 garlic cloves, salt, spices.

  1. Prepared thighs are covered with salt, your favorite spices and grated garlic. If you have time, you should leave them to marinate for 40 - 50 minutes.
  2. The thighs are lubricated with a mixture of sour cream and mayonnaise and placed in the sleeve. It is secured on the sides with special clips. The sleeve is pierced in several places with a toothpick. Otherwise, the chicken will not have an appetizing golden brown crust.
  3. The dish is baked at 220 degrees in the oven. The whole process will take 40 – 45 minutes.

Chicken baked in this way goes well with various vegetable salads.

Wings in honey-soy sauce

Ingredients: half a kilo of chicken wings, 1 tbsp. l. liquid natural honey, 3 cloves of garlic, 1 tbsp. l. refined oil, 3 tbsp. l. classic soy sauce, salt, pepper mixture.

  1. For the marinade, mix soy sauce, oil, liquid honey, crushed garlic.
  2. Each wing is divided into 3 parts. The smallest part is cut off and discarded. There is no meat on it.
  3. The bird is placed in a deep bowl. Rub with salt and a mixture of peppers. It must be remembered that soy sauce is also salty.
  4. The marinade is poured on top. The wings are left in this form for a couple of hours.
  5. The chicken is laid out in a heat-resistant form and placed in a hot oven for 40 minutes.

The readiness of the dish is determined by the bright ruddy color of the crust.

In a slow cooker

If the cook has a multicooker at his disposal, then it can be actively used in preparing chicken meat. This device is especially relevant if you plan to make a healthy low-calorie lunch.

Chicken jellied meat in a slow cooker

Ingredients: whole chicken carcass (1.6 - 1.8 kg), 1 kg chicken feet, 2 onions, medium carrot, 2 bay leaves, garlic, salt, water, spices.

  1. The paws are washed and their claws are cut off. Next, these parts of the carcass are soaked in cold water for 2 hours.
  2. The whole chicken is washed, chopped into pieces and also filled with water.
  3. The prepared meat is transferred to the bowl of the device along with salt, spices, bay leaves and vegetables.
  4. The contents of the bowl are filled with water so that it completely covers the food. Extinguishing mode is activated. The meat will cook for 3.5 - 4 hours. If it is completely cooked, it will be easy to separate from the seeds.
  5. 20 minutes before the broth is ready, taste it for salt. Chopped garlic is sent into the bowl. Its quantity is adjusted to taste.
  6. The meat is removed from the bones, cut and placed in molds.
  7. The strained broth is poured on top.
  8. The jellied meat is sent to harden.

The appetizer can be decorated with pieces of boiled carrots.

Delicious pilaf

Ingredients: medium bird carcass, 2 carrots, 2 multi-cups long rice, 2 tbsp. l. fresh chopped ginger, the same amount of dried barberry, 6 multi-glasses of water, 3 onions, rock salt.

  1. In the device, vegetable strips are fried in heated fat until beautifully golden.
  2. A chicken carcass, cut into pieces, is placed in the frying pan.
  3. After 12 - 15 minutes, add all the spices and half the salted water.
  4. The extinguishing mode is activated for 20 minutes.
  5. Next, the washed cereal is placed in the bowl, the remaining water is poured out and salt is added to taste.
  6. The “Pilaf” mode is set with its standard time.

The already prepared chicken pilaf is left to heat for another half hour.

Light chicken noodle soup

Ingredients: 2 liters of water, bay leaf, 90 g of small vermicelli, 3 potatoes, 2 carrots, ham, onion, fresh herbs, salt, spices.

  1. The carrot rounds are fried in a suitable mode until they become soft.
  2. The vegetable is accompanied by potato cubes, a whole onion, a leg and bay leaves.
  3. Salt and spices are added.
  4. In the cooking program, the dish is cooked for 50 - 55 minutes.
  5. The onion and bay leaf are discarded, the meat is removed from the bone and returned to the soup in small pieces.
  6. Water is added to the required level and more salt is added.
  7. Vermicelli is added.

It remains to cook the soup for 8 - 9 minutes. The finished dish is decorated with fresh herbs.

Dietary steamed chicken fillet

Ingredients: 2 chicken fillets, 1 liter of raw water.

  1. The breast fillet is washed well, getting rid of all the films.
  2. The chicken is placed on a stand designed for steaming the products.
  3. All the heated water is poured into an electric pan. The structure from the second step is located on top.

Under the lid, the fillet is steamed for 40 - 45 minutes in a suitable mode.

Stew with sour cream and garlic

Ingredients: 1 kg of any chicken parts, a full glass of homemade sour cream, 4 - 5 cloves of fresh garlic, 3 bay leaves, water, salt, spices.

  1. The chicken is cut into portions and immediately placed into the device.
  2. All the sour cream mixed with mashed garlic is distributed on top. The amount of the latter can be increased to taste.
  3. Add spices and bay leaves, as well as about 1 tbsp. hot water.
  4. The “Milk porridge” mode starts for 40 – 55 minutes.

It is very tasty to serve this chicken with gravy with any dry side dishes.

Chops with cheese in a slow cooker

Ingredients: large chicken breast, 90 - 120 g cheese, spices for chicken, salt, 3 tablespoons eggs, 4 large spoons of classic mayonnaise, 1 tbsp. flour, pepper

  1. The breast fillet is cut into equal thin pieces. It's best to do this while the chicken is still slightly frozen.
  2. The pieces are covered with two layers of cling film or a regular bag, after which they are carefully beaten with the side of a hammer with cloves. The main thing is that the fillet does not tear during the process.
  3. The prepared slices are salted, peppered, and rubbed with selected spices for poultry.
  4. The cheese rubs coarsely.
  5. A batter is prepared from the remaining ingredients. They are whisked intensively. A little mixture of peppers is also added to the ready-made composition.
  6. Each chicken piece is dipped into the resulting mixture.
  7. Next, it is placed in a multicooker bowl with heated oil in frying mode.

When one side of the chops is ready, they are turned over and the grated cheese is poured onto the other side. While the bottom is frying, it should be completely melted.

Pasta with chicken in a slow cooker

Ingredients: 620 g breast fillet, carrots, a couple of sweet peppers, an onion, half a kilo of pasta, salt, aromatic herbs.

  1. First, chopped carrots and onions are fried in a device over heated fat until soft. Then pepper strips are added to the vegetables. Roasting continues for another 11 - 13 minutes.
  2. Small pieces of chicken fillet are poured into the bowl.
  3. After about 9 – 10 minutes, the pasta is added.
  4. Water with dissolved salt and herbs is poured in. The liquid should lightly cover the pasta.

Chicken in a multicooker will be cooked in the pilaf program until it ends. The dish will come out right away with a side dish.

Chicken stewed with mushrooms and potatoes

Ingredients: half a kilo of mushrooms, 5 potatoes, 420 g chicken fillet, 1 pc. onions, juicy carrots, half a glass of sour cream, garlic, spices, fine salt.

  1. First, all the cut vegetables are fried in oil in the device. Then they are cooked with mushroom slices until the liquid evaporates from the multicooker bowl.
  2. Pieces of chicken are added to the container. Cooking continues until the meat turns white.
  3. The potatoes are cut into circles, which are then laid out on top of the frying. Add sour cream, salt, chopped garlic, and spices. A glass of hot water is poured out.

After thorough mixing, the treat is stewed in a slow cooker for 60 - 70 minutes.

Fry and simmer in a frying pan

Even in the simplest frying pan you can cook a real culinary masterpiece from chicken. It is advisable to choose thick-walled dishes for this purpose. For example, a cast iron frying pan.

Chicken chakhokhbili

Ingredients: 1.4 kg chicken legs, 2 onions, 3 tomatoes, a bunch of fresh basil and cilantro, 3 cloves of garlic, 30 g butter, salt.

  1. The legs are washed and cut into two parts. Next, they are fried on each side until golden brown in the butter. The chicken should have a crispy crust.
  2. Tomato cubes are laid out with the meat. Under the lid, the products are stewed together for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Separately fried rosy onions are added to the frying pan.
  4. After another half hour, all the chopped herbs, garlic, and salt are added.

The dish simmers under the lid for another 7 - 8 minutes.

Fried chicken pieces in a frying pan

Ingredients: large chicken carcass, poultry seasoning, salt.

  1. The washed carcass is chopped into slices. Each is lightly beaten with a hammer, rubbed with selected spices and salt.
  2. The meat is left for 10 minutes.
  3. The prepared pieces are fried in a frying pan in small batches in hot oil. Each slice should have a crispy crust.

If the fried chicken in a frying pan is ready, then when you pierce a piece with a knife near the bone, clear juice will come out.

Juicy chicken cutlets

Ingredients: 1 kg chicken fillet, 230 g white bread, 2 onions, 2 eggs, 90 of any broth, breadcrumbs, salt, spices.

  1. The bread gets rid of the crusts and is filled with broth.
  2. The onion is cut into medium slices.
  3. The fillet is chopped randomly.
  4. Chicken meat is scrolled through a meat grinder along with onions and squeezed bread.
  5. The mass is sprinkled with spices and salt, after which it is beaten a little on the bottom of the bowl.
  6. The minced meat should stand in a cool place for about half an hour.
  7. Next, you can form cutlets from it, roll them in breadcrumbs and fry on both sides until cooked.

You should not make the preparations too thin, otherwise the finished dish will turn out a little dry.

Soy sauce frying recipe

Ingredients: about 1 kg of any parts of the carcass (chicken drumsticks, wings, legs), 2 onions, 120 ml of classic soy sauce, dried herbs, salt, 1 tbsp. l. refined oil.

  1. The chicken parts are washed and the skin is removed.
  2. The onion is chopped into half rings.
  3. Chicken pieces are salted and mixed with vegetables.
  4. The marinade from the remaining ingredients is poured on top.
  5. The chicken is infused in it for 1 to 12 hours.
  6. In a hot frying pan with hot oil, the marinated pieces are fried on each side.

The already golden-brown chicken is covered with the remaining marinade and continues to “simmer” under the lid for about half an hour.

Chopped cutlets

Ingredients: half a kilo of chicken fillet, 1 tbsp. boiled round rice, bell pepper, 2 tbsp. l. chopped dill, 2 eggs, salt, spices.

  1. The meat is cut into very small cubes.
  2. Chicken is mixed with still warm boiled rice, spices, dill and salt.
  3. Small strips of bell pepper are added to the meat.
  4. The eggs are beaten into the mixture one at a time. You need to look at the thickness of the minced meat. Perhaps even one egg will be enough.

From the resulting mass, small cakes are molded, which are fried until golden brown in hot oil.

Chicken fillet chop

Ingredients: 3 chicken fillets, a glass of breadcrumbs, a large egg, salt, spices.

  1. Each fillet is cut into two parts, beaten with a hammer, salted and sprinkled with dry herbs.
  2. The egg is scrambled in a bowl.
  3. Crumb crumbs are poured into a separate bowl.
  4. The chops are first immersed in the egg mixture, then rolled in breadcrumbs.

In creamy gravy

Ingredients: 330 g chicken fillet, 1 onion, garlic, 1/2 cup thick sour cream, 140 ml heavy cream, salt, pepper mixture.

  1. The fillets are cut into small pieces and fried until golden brown in any heated fat.
  2. Thin slices of onion are first added to the chicken. When it becomes transparent, add chopped garlic.
  3. The mass is salted and peppered.
  4. After another 2 - 4 minutes, cream is poured into the frying pan and sour cream is added.
  5. The gravy is brought to a boil and simmered over low heat until tender.

Delicious served with pasta.

Chicken thighs in a frying pan with a golden crust

Ingredients: 5 chicken thighs, salt, poultry seasoning, 80 ml water.

  1. The thighs are washed thoroughly. All excess fat is cut off from them. The chicken is dried with paper napkins.
  2. The thighs are salted and rubbed with seasoning. Then they are left for 10 - 12 minutes.
  3. The chicken is laid out on hot fat and fried on each side until nicely browned.

  1. Each wing is divided into three parts. The chicken is chopped at the joints. The outermost part without meat is discarded.
  2. All other declared products, except mustard and honey, are mixed. Red wine can be replaced with natural pomegranate juice.
  3. Mustard and honey are ground in a separate bowl.
  4. The prepared wings are poured with marinade and left for at least an hour at room temperature. During the process, they are periodically mixed by hand. For longer marinating, the mass can be stored in the refrigerator.
  5. Next, the chicken is poured in one layer into a frying pan with heated fat. First of all, fry the wings over high heat for 5 - 6 minutes until they are covered with a crust.
  6. Then the workpieces are poured with the remaining marinade, covered with a lid and cooked over low heat for another 25 - 30 minutes.

3 – 4 minutes before the wings are fully cooked, brush them with a mixture of mustard and honey. It is convenient to do this with a silicone brush. This will allow the meat to acquire an appetizing caramel crust.


Chicken meat is included in a wide variety of snacks. These are both cold and hot options. Poultry fillet can become the basis for hearty holiday salads and a filling for a variety of snack rolls.

Boiled breast and Chinese cabbage salad

Ingredients: 210 g of boiled chicken breast, 30 g of cheese, half a glass of Korean carrots, salt, 1/3 cup of canned sweet corn, 150 g of Peking corn, classic mayonnaise.

  1. Chinese cabbage is shredded into very thin, long strips. All cheese is finely grated.
  2. The cooled chicken is cut into small pieces.
  3. In a large bowl, combine all the products prepared in the previous steps, as well as the carrots and corn kernels squeezed out of the marinade.
  4. The meat is cut into thin slices, salted, and rubbed with selected spices.
  5. A small amount of mushroom filling is wrapped in each piece of fillet. Roll into tight, neat rolls.
  6. Each of them is secured with a toothpick. The pieces are placed on a baking sheet lined with oiled foil, seam side down.

The rolls are baked for 15 - 17 minutes in a very hot oven.

Mushroom salad with chicken fillet

Ingredients: half a kilo of thigh fillet, 320 g of pickled champignons, 5 boiled eggs, salt, mayonnaise, large sour cucumber.

  1. The fillet is boiled or baked until cooked. The cooled meat is cut into small cubes. Sour cucumber is cut in the same way.
  2. Eggs are divided into components. The protein rubs coarsely. The yolk crumbles with your fingers.
  3. The marinade is drained from the mushrooms. If necessary, they are cut into slices.
  4. The first layer of the appetizer will be meat with salty mayonnaise.
  5. The second is cucumber cubes.
  6. Followed by: protein, mushrooms with mayonnaise and crumbled yolk.

Instead of pickled ones, you can take fresh mushrooms and fry them with onions before adding them to the salad.

Lavash roll with chicken fillet

Ingredients: 2 large Armenian lavash, large chicken fillet, classic mayonnaise, 3 - 4 cloves of garlic, 90 g of hard cheese, salt.

  1. The breast is boiled, then left to cool and processed in a food processor to a medium or fine crumb.
  2. Mayonnaise is salted and mixed with mashed garlic. The mixture is added to the meat. The mass is kneaded until smooth.
  3. The first pita bread is greased with mayonnaise with chopped chicken and covered with a second sheet.
  4. The top layer is coated with salted sauce and covered with grated cheese.

A tight, neat roll is wrapped. It needs to be wrapped in a bag and put in the cold.

Salad with Korean carrots and cucumber

Ingredients: half a kilo of chicken fillet, the same amount of Korean carrots, 3 boiled eggs, half a glass of grated cheese, 2 fresh firm cucumbers, salted mayonnaise.

  1. The chicken is boiled, cooled and cut into cubes.
  2. Peeled cucumbers and cooled eggs are also crushed.
  3. The carrots are squeezed out of the marinade.
  4. All products are mixed. Grated cheese is added to them.

The dish is topped with salted mayonnaise.

To ensure that the chicken always turns out juicy and with a bright, rich taste, it should be marinated before heat treatment. For example, simply rub it with vegetable oil and spices or pour soy sauce on it. For salads, it is especially convenient to buy ready-made smoked chicken.

Every housewife should have a secret for preparing a delicious dish that can be whipped up. Potato casserole with chicken and mushrooms, prepared according to our simple step-by-step recipe with photos, will help you out in such moments. We recommend making this dish for a family dinner or for suddenly arriving hungry guests.

Chicken in yogurt in the oven is a wonderful dish that is suitable for a quiet family dinner with loved ones. Chicken fillet goes perfectly with vegetables, so chicken baked in yogurt will be placed in peculiar boats made of peppers. Read the recipe for chicken in yogurt and cook with us.

Do you want to eat delicious food? In our detailed recipe, we will tell you how to cook shawarma in pita bread at home, what filling to use for making shawarma, how to prepare pita bread for shawarma and many other useful things.

Potato cutlets are becoming increasingly popular. Easy to prepare and very tasty, these cutlets are a pleasure to cook. We will tell you in detail how to cook potato cutlets, look at the basic principles of cooking, filling options for potato cutlets and give detailed instructions on how to prepare them.

How to cook delicious chicken hearts? This question is interesting to everyone who has ever encountered this product. Despite the fact that chicken hearts are an offal and are valued much less than meat, hearts remain one of the most popular products from which you can make almost everything, from salads to delicious roasts.

This is a very tasty dish, the recipe for which today we will tell you in detail. This dish can be served as a main dish, or as a delicious addition to some side dish. Mashed potatoes go very well with chicken rolls, everyone will be delighted with this dish! prepared according to our detailed photo recipe will be a wonderful dinner for the whole family. These pancakes are best made from chicken fillet, but chicken breast is also perfect because you can very easily cut the fillet from it. The cooking process is very simple, it takes very little time, since chicken meat cooks quite quickly.

Chicken in kefir in a frying pan is one of the unusual dishes, the existence of which many housewives did not even know. And the dish is not at all difficult to prepare, but it turns out quite unusual and tender! To cook this chicken you will need a minimum of ingredients and effort. Chicken in kefir in a frying pan can rightfully be considered a dietary dish and can be prepared both for a regular home dinner or lunch for the whole family, and for people on a diet.

Don't know how to cook chicken drumsticks? Then our step-by-step photo recipe is for you! Whatever one may say, chicken drumsticks are one of the most favorite products that everyone likes. Such popularity primarily appeared due to the very delicate taste and ease of preparing dishes from chicken drumsticks.

Korean chicken hye will primarily appeal to anyone who loves a spicy snack. The beauty and taste of this dish will enchant everyone who tries it. There are quite a few options for preparing “He”; this dish is also made from meat or fish, but today we will tell you how to cook Korean chicken He at home.

At first glance, it may seem that this is an exotic dish and not everyone will like it. Chicken with oranges in the oven is easy to prepare according to our step-by-step recipe with photos and is perfect for a festive or romantic table. We strongly advise you to prepare this simple but very tasty work of culinary art and try the unique taste yourself.

Baked chicken with potatoes is always a welcome dish on any table. If we talk about the popularity of this dish, then we can safely call it the most favorite and often prepared. Of course, because baked chicken with potatoes cooks quickly and has an indescribable taste. Add to these advantages the low cost of the products that you will use for cooking and you will get a truly ideal dinner.

Chicken breast pastrami is a meat delicacy, at least in this form this dish has survived to this day. Previously, this was a kind of way of preserving meat. And they prepared pastrami from pork or beef, and later they began to cook it from poultry. Chicken breast pastrami is not difficult to prepare.

How to cook chicken in a slow cooker quickly, easily and very tasty? You will find the answer by reading our step-by-step recipe with photos. Chicken is always a favorite treat for many; it can be prepared for both a festive table and an everyday one. From a huge number of recipes, it turned out to be not so easy to find a truly tasty one. But we still found and prepared a very tasty dish, which we will now share with you!

Chicken risotto is not at all difficult to prepare. The dish of Italian cuisine has taken root quite well in our country, many have heard about it or tried it in Italian restaurants, but probably not everyone knows how to prepare this risotto at home. We will teach you how to cook chicken risotto very simply.

A very tender and tasty dish that just melts in your mouth. It is worth noting that the recipe is very simple, there is nothing complicated and everything is prepared quite quickly. Dietary chicken meat will be useful for people who watch their diet. Among the wide variety of chicken fillet dishes, we want to highlight exactly this - chicken fillet in cream. This is exactly the dish that leaves behind an unforgettable taste experience. The dish itself is very interesting and unusual. You can cook it on the weekend, feeding the whole family and surprising your guests. As they say: “everything ingenious is simple!”, so chicken fillet with mushrooms and cheese, prepared according to our simple step-by-step photo recipe, will seem like an easy dish that can surprise everyone.

Champignons stuffed in the oven - this amazing dish will make you look at the art of cooking and food in general from a different perspective. No matter how complicated the name of the dish may seem, never despair ahead of time. Today we will talk about the amazing process of preparing one of the most delicious cold appetizers

Even a child can cook baked chicken fillet in the oven! This is one of those dishes that is prepared very quickly and is also eaten instantly, because it turns out very tasty. In the modern world, chicken is often baked in the oven; in general, food produced in the oven is tastier and healthier than in a frying pan.

Cooking duck in the oven is a very creative and exciting process. Today we will tell you how you can cook duck very tasty. This dish is also called “Czech duck”. In one of the houses in the Czech Republic where tourists stay, the owner of the house prepares a dish - a compliment.

An easy-to-prepare dish that is perfect for a family or romantic dinner. If you really want to please your loved ones, then cook chicken chops with cheese. Everyone will definitely like them and will be able to diversify the daily diet. They prepare quite simply and quickly. Read our step-by-step photo recipe and see for yourself! very easy to prepare. Chicken fillet makes these cutlets very tender and tasty. You can prepare this dish in a hurry, literally in 40 minutes. Agree that this is quite a short time for dinner! Chicken tender cutlets are always a pleasant addition to a side dish; they will make your dinner more nutritious and much tastier. one of the most favorite dishes of many families. It is prepared for holidays and family dinners. In general, if you are expecting guests, then prepare this delicious dish and everyone will be happy. Don't know how to bake a whole chicken in the oven with salt? No problem! Our simple step-by-step recipe with photos will dispel all your doubts and cooking will seem exciting and very simple to you.

We recommend preparing chicken fillet rolls for a romantic dinner or serving on a holiday table. This dish is very elegant and beautiful, the chicken fillet turns out tender and juicy, and the incredible taste and aroma is given, of course, by the filling and sauce that we prepare ourselves. All the ingredients used in this dish combine amazingly with each other.

prepared according to our recipe are suitable for any holiday table. Without a doubt, this dish will decorate any holiday! Tender chicken meat with aromatic filling has always been popular and in great demand. We present to your attention stuffed chicken breasts, but we will stuff them not with cheese and mushrooms, as is done in many recipes, but with vegetables. Let it be unusual, but tasty and healthy.

Cooking chicken chops in the oven is not difficult. The whole dish is prepared quite quickly, and it can be served on any table, no matter whether it is an ordinary family dinner, a romantic date or a holiday. On any table, chicken chops cooked in the oven will be especially popular. They have the noble beauty of a festive dish, an incredible aroma that drives you crazy and the most delicate taste.

Chicken in kefir in the oven turns out incredibly tender and juicy. This method of cooking chicken in the oven will forever dispel the rumors that chicken meat is quite dry. A properly prepared dish will simply melt in your mouth. To achieve this result, try cooking according to our recipe and you will definitely like the chicken baked in kefir and in the oven.

suitable for a quiet family dinner. There are a lot of options for making chicken casserole and they are all good in their own way. Chicken has long been a staple. Low-fat and inexpensive chicken meat appeals to many people, and so that you don’t get tired of it, it is very important that you have as many recipes for a variety of dishes in your culinary repertoire as possible. It's very easy to prepare. Goulash is a very tasty dish, and chicken makes it even more tender. Flavorful gravy and tender meat will make your dinner unforgettable. Our recipe will help you prepare chicken goulash with gravy quickly and tasty, just read our recipe carefully, follow our tips and you will definitely succeed.

Chicken in sweet and sour sauce, how familiar we all are with this wonderful dish! Surely everyone has been to a Chinese restaurant at least once and ordered this delicious chicken. Sitting at a cozy table and enjoying a feast of tastes, sometimes you just want to cook something similar at home.

Chicken with pineapple in the oven with the addition of bananas is a rather unusual dish for most residents of our vast country. This dish is suitable for a romantic dinner, despite the unusual combination of ingredients, chicken with pineapples in the oven turns out juicy and has an unusual spicy taste that will certainly be appreciated.

When prepared according to our recipe, it turns out very tender and tasty. Do you want to surprise your loved ones? Then prepare this great dish. Everything is prepared quite quickly, and this recipe is suitable for preparing a dish for both a festive table and an everyday one. Chicken with garlic in the oven has a pleasant taste and aesthetic appearance. If you need to prepare a quick and inexpensive dish, then your choice should be this simple but very tasty recipe.

Chicken fillet with cheese in the oven is a dish for all times and is suitable for any occasion. Whether it's a family dinner or a meeting of close friends, baked chicken fillet will always decorate the table. Even a true gourmet will enjoy this hearty, non-greasy dish. Preparing the entire dish does not take much time, since the chicken cooks quite quickly. In our case, the most important thing is the preparatory stage, since the oven will do the rest for us. So, read the recipe on how to cook chicken fillet with cheese in the oven and cook with us.

Chicken shreds are prepared from finely chopped chicken fillet (can be cut into cubes or thin strips) with the addition of flour, spices and eggs. The dish turns out very tasty and not only adults will be delighted with it, but also little children! Chicken shreds recipe with photos which we present will help you prepare these original pancakes easily and simply.

Chicken stewed in sour cream belongs to the category of dishes that are a pleasure to cook. Firstly, during cooking, an amazing smell will fill your house. Secondly, all this is prepared quickly and very simply. Stewed chicken cooked in sour cream will retain all its nutritional properties, the meat will be even more tender, and the taste will pleasantly please. Coriander or curry are ideal spices for this dish. To enhance the taste, you can add garlic to the dish. Chicken stewed in sour cream is an ideal and very tasty dish for a family dinner,

Chicken Kiev with cheese is an excellent dish that is loved by many due to its delicate taste. All the tastiest things are hidden in the middle, in the form of the filling, which flows out appetizingly when you cut the cutlet. If you don’t know how to cook chicken Kiev with cheese, then don’t worry! Our recipe will help you deliciously prepare chicken Kiev with cheese and enjoy this splendor to the fullest. Cook with us, it's easy with us!

Chicken fillet in sour cream sauce is a quick, easy to prepare and very tasty dish with a delicate taste! The dish is suitable for preparing for dinner and is sure to please everyone who tries it. As a side dish, we recommend making mashed potatoes or boiling rice. Whatever side dish you choose, in combination with cooked chicken fillet it will be great and will appeal not only to adults, but also to children. Chicken fillet in sour cream sauce cooks very quickly, you will spend a maximum of 30 minutes of exciting cooking.

Grilled chicken is an incredibly tasty dish! If you really love chicken, then you should definitely try this recipe, and those who still doubt, after trying it once, will always cook it! Grilled chicken in a frying pan is not at all difficult to prepare; it turns out with a golden crust, but at the same time very juicy and aromatic! Chicken is primarily a dietary white meat, and dishes cooked in a grill pan are much healthier than simply fried! If you love healthy and tasty chicken dishes, then you simply need to purchase a grill pan. There is another big plus,

Chicken wings baked in the oven are not just a great recipe, they are also very beautiful, tasty and appetizing food. You may think that this is a simple and satisfying dish, but it is undoubtedly suitable both for restaurants and for a cozy home dinner with loved ones. In this recipe we will tell you how to deliciously cook chicken wings and what other ingredients you can add.

One of the most favorite and popular main dishes is chicken in a sleeve in the oven. What could be tastier and simpler at the same time? To prepare it, you don’t need to be an excellent cook or have any special cooking skills. If you don’t know how to cook chicken up your sleeve, then

As a rule, a holiday table is not complete without jellied meat. The easiest and fastest to prepare is chicken jellied meat with the addition of gelatin. It freezes well, turns out aromatic and has a very delicate taste. Preparing a holiday appetizer Additionally, during cooking, add broth...

Today we are preparing juicy, tasty and aromatic chicken. The advantage of this recipe is that chicken marinated in kefir in the oven goes well with various side dishes: rice, pasta, potatoes and other vegetables. For cooking, you can use a whole chicken carcass or...

Today I want to tell you how to cook chicken cabbage rolls from Chinese cabbage leaves. They turn out very tasty, juicy and aromatic. Any method of heat treatment is suitable for preparing cabbage rolls. They can be baked in sauce in the oven or in the microwave, stewed...

I bring to your attention a very tasty recipe for baked chicken with the addition of oranges. First, marinate the meat in orange juice with the addition of soy sauce, olive oil and spices. Then add pieces of onion and orange to the chicken, and then bake everything in the oven...

To treat yourself and your loved ones to Asian dishes, you don’t have to go to a restaurant or fly abroad. Rest assured, chicken in sweet and sour sauce at home will turn out even tastier, because we will cook it with love and only from...

If you want to quickly and deliciously feed the whole family, I advise you to cook chicken thighs in a frying pan. They go well with any side dish and are liked by everyone without exception. I'll tell you how to fry chicken thighs in a frying pan so that they turn out...

Chicken with prunes in the oven is another successful recipe for an everyday table or holiday menu. You can use the whole chicken or parts of it, such as legs, thighs, drumsticks or wings. Thanks to the marinade of mustard, garlic and olive oil, the meat turns out...

Hungarian cuisine is famous for its delicious and spicy dishes made from paprika, a sweet pepper that gives them a special piquant note. Today we will prepare a very tasty chicken paprikash - one of the most famous and beloved Hungarian dishes. Actually, paprikash...

Lavash is a versatile and affordable product from which you can prepare many delicious and unusual snacks. Today we will prepare fried lavash envelopes with chicken and cheese. This is a simple and quick to prepare dish that is convenient to take with you to…

I suggest you prepare an excellent substitute for factory-made sausage - delicious satilson. Traditionally it is prepared from meat, several types of offal and offal. The ingredients are pre-boiled, cut into pieces and filled with them into the intestines or stomach. Then the saltison is boiled again or baked in the oven. I …

On the eve of the holidays, many housewives are wondering how to cook chicken in a tasty and unusual way. Poultry meat is considered dietary and is very popular around the world. Chicken is prepared in a variety of ways: fried, baked, boiled, stewed. It is about the most interesting recipes for its preparation that we want to talk about in our article.

Speaking about how delicious and unusual it is to prepare chicken for the holiday table, I would like to offer the most festive dish - whole baked chicken. It is a pleasure to cook, and the result exceeds all expectations. Baked chicken will decorate any table.

For whole cooking, culinary specialists recommend using fresh or chilled carcasses, but not frozen ones. The chicken must be cut, gutted, and everything unnecessary removed. If you buy a carcass in a supermarket, then, as a rule, they offer a prepared product that you won’t have to tinker with for a long time.

The most important component that affects the taste of the finished dish is a good marinade. If you are thinking about how to cook juicy chicken, then you need to know that you cannot do without a marinade. It is this that gives the finished product juiciness; without its use, the dish may turn out to be dry. It is necessary to marinate the chicken carcass in the refrigerator for at least two hours, but you can keep it for a whole day. If the marinade does not completely cover the chicken, it must be turned over periodically.

Having prepared and marinated the meat, you must decide how you will cook it: on a baking sheet, in a mold, in a sleeve, in foil. Each method has its own characteristics. A dish cooked in a foil sleeve turns out to be very juicy. The baking dish should be cast iron or ceramic. But cooking on a baking sheet is not very convenient, since then it will take a long time to wash it.

Whole baked chicken

We will give several recipe options on how to cook a whole chicken.


  1. One chicken (1.5-2 kg).
  2. Olive oil - 2 tablespoons. l.
  3. Three cloves of garlic.
  4. ½ tsp. ground pepper.
  5. Two teaspoons each of ground paprika and salt.
  6. A teaspoon of dried basil.

The carcass must be washed and dried thoroughly with paper towels. Next, prepare the marinade: pass the garlic through a press and mix with salt and all the spices. We will need two teaspoons of the resulting mixture to rub the inside of the chicken. Take a baking dish, grease it with vegetable oil and place the carcass in it, breast side down. Coat the entire chicken with the marinade and leave it to soak in the spices for an hour. Now you can send it to a preheated oven (180 degrees). The carcass is baked for about 60-85 minutes until golden brown.

The meat according to this recipe turns out incredibly soft and tender, it falls off the bone itself. The composition of the marinade we have given is up to your discretion; there are a large number of varieties of seasonings.

Lemon chicken (whole)

How to cook a whole chicken? To obtain a dish with an original taste and wonderful aroma, we suggest using lemon.


  1. Chicken carcass.
  2. One lemon.
  3. Thyme.
  4. Lemon zest.
  5. Salt.
  6. Black pepper.
  7. Lemon zest.

You need to make eight deep cuts in the lemon with a thin knife. The juice will not pour out of it, but it should remain intact. Wash the carcass and dry it with towels, mix thyme with grated lemon zest, salt and pepper and rub the chicken with the mixture inside and out. We put a lemon in the belly and sew it up, but you can leave it open. Bake the chicken at 200 degrees, pouring the juice over it. If you don't add lemon zest to the grating mixture, the citrus smell will be very weak.

Chicken baked in a sleeve

How to cook chicken deliciously and unusually? You can use a sleeve to bake it entirely. In it, the carcass cooks quickly, and the meat turns out incredibly juicy. In addition, the baking sleeve is convenient because you don’t need to wash the oven of grease after it.

To prepare, we will need: a medium-sized carcass, vegetable oil, three tablespoons of mayonnaise or sour cream, spices at your discretion, salt, black pepper.

The chicken must be washed, dried and rubbed with spices, salt and pepper inside and out. Then the carcass is placed in a baking sleeve and twisted. You can make several punctures in the upper part to prevent the bag from bursting. Next, place the chicken on a baking sheet and bake in a hot oven (200 degrees).

Meat baked in this way turns out tasty and juicy, but it will not have a golden crust. How to cook chicken with crust? Everything is very simple. Ten to fifteen minutes before the end of cooking, the bag must be torn, then the carcass on top will have time to brown and you will serve a beautiful, appetizing dish on the table.

Chicken baked in foil

When considering all kinds of recipes on the topic: “How to cook chicken in a tasty and unusual way,” it is worth remembering that the carcass can be baked in foil. To prepare you will need: medium-sized chicken, ground black pepper and paprika, several cloves of garlic, curry powder, salt, 4 tablespoons of mayonnaise or sour cream.

Pass half the garlic through a press and mix with pepper and salt. Rub the resulting mixture onto the carcass inside and out. Cut the remaining garlic into thin slices and stuff the chicken with them (cuts are made in the carcass with a sharp knife and pieces of garlic are inserted there). You can also mix garlic with sour cream, add curry sauce, pepper, salt and paprika. This mixture is also great for cooking chicken.

Next, wrap the prepared carcass in foil and place it on a baking sheet so that all the seams are on top. Bake the chicken at 200 degrees until cooked. Twenty minutes before the end of cooking, cut the foil so that the crust has time to brown.

Turkish recipe with apples and vegetables

If you want to serve meat with a side dish on the holiday table, then you should think about how to cook chicken with vegetables. The good thing about the recipe we have proposed is that the meat is cooked at the same time as the side dish, resulting in a very tasty and satisfying dish.


  1. Chicken carcass.
  2. Five onions.
  3. Five potatoes.
  4. Three carrots.
  5. One apple.
  6. A few cloves of garlic.
  7. Mustard - 2 tbsp. l.
  8. Thyme - 20 g.
  9. Parsley - 20 g.
  10. Lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l.
  11. A teaspoon of sugar.

The carcass should be washed, dried with towels, rubbed with salt and pepper outside and inside. Next, put a whole apple in the belly. Prepare a sauce from lemon juice, mustard, garlic and sugar and rub the chicken with it.

Now you need to cut all the vegetables into pieces, chop the greens and mix it all. Place the side dish around the chicken and cover with a lid or foil. The dish must be baked at a temperature of 200 degrees. Then, before finishing cooking, you need to remove the lid or cut the foil so that a golden crust has time to form on the vegetables and meat.

You can also cook chicken stuffed with a side dish. But you need to put the prepared filling inside the belly, otherwise the vegetables may remain raw. In this case, the baking time of the carcass does not need to be increased.

Breaded drumsticks

Not only for the holidays, but also for every day, you can prepare a variety of chicken dishes. Cooking recipes are so varied that you simply cannot get tired of chicken meat. A whole carcass baked is an excellent option for a holiday table, but for every day it is very convenient to prepare dishes from portioned pieces, using, for example, drumsticks, fillets, thighs.

How to cook chicken drumstick? In the recipe we offer, garlic and breadcrumbs are used as breading, which gives the dish an incredibly tasty aroma, and the crust turns out deliciously golden.


  1. Shins - 5 pieces.
  2. A glass of breadcrumbs.
  3. Three cloves of garlic.
  4. Two eggs.
  5. Salt pepper.
  6. Butter - 200 grams.

To prepare, you need to mix crackers and chopped garlic (chopped or passed through a press). Beat the eggs in a separate spacious bowl. Next, rub each drumstick with salt and pepper, dip it in the egg mixture and roll in breading. Fry the meat over high heat using vegetable oil. The finished pieces should have a golden crust. Next, transfer all the drumsticks into a baking dish and put butter on top. Bake the chicken for forty minutes at 200 degrees.

When ready, portioned pieces can be served with baked or fresh vegetables, homemade pickles and herbs.

Oriental chicken legs

  1. Chicken drumstick - 6 pcs.
  2. Soy sauce - 5 tbsp. spoons
  3. Sesame - 4 tbsp. l.
  4. A teaspoon of sugar.
  5. Vegetable oil.

Chicken legs should be fried in oil until golden brown. Then pour soy sauce into the pan, add sugar and add sesame seeds. Cover the dish with a lid and simmer until cooked over low heat.

Chicken breasts under a fur coat

Chicken breasts are a universal product. You can cook anything from them. They are often used for salads. But on their own, served as a side dish, they are very tasty.

Let's talk about what to cook from chicken breast so that it is unusual and tasty. We offer a recipe for fillet “under a fur coat”. This dish turns out to be very juicy and tasty, it is suitable not only for every day, but also for the holiday table. What is important is that the recipe is very easy to follow and does not require much time.

For cooking you will need the following products:

  1. Chicken fillet - 2 pcs.
  2. Tomatoes - 2-3 pcs.
  3. Garlic - 5 cloves.
  4. One sweet pepper.
  5. Cheese - 250-300 grams.
  6. A glass of flour for breading.
  7. Mayonnaise.
  8. Fresh herbs (green onions, dill, parsley).
  9. Mustard - 2 tbsp. l.
  10. Vegetable oil.
  11. Salt and pepper at your discretion.
  12. Meat seasonings to taste.

Chicken fillet must be cut into portions. The thickness of each should not be more than 1.5 centimeters. Salt each side on both sides, pepper and sprinkle with seasoning, after which the fillet can be lightly beaten. Roll the prepared pieces in flour and fry until golden brown in a frying pan with vegetable oil.

In the meantime, cut the tomatoes and bell peppers into cubes, chop the green onions, parsley, and dill. Squeeze the garlic into the vegetables and add half the grated cheese. Pepper and salt the mixture to taste, add mayonnaise, mustard and mix well. Then we place the fillets on a parchment-lined baking sheet and put a vegetable coat on each piece. Sprinkle everything on top with the second half of grated cheese. Bake the meat in the oven at 200 degrees for twenty minutes. The cheese should not only melt, but also brown.

Chicken cordon bleu

When preparing the menu for the festive table, every housewife is looking for something unusual with which to surprise her guests. What to cook from chicken breast that is festive and tasty? We offer cordon bleu. This French or Swiss dish is made from veal, but there are so many variations on this theme that it is quite possible to use a modified version instead of the standard recipe.

Let's prepare cordon bleu from chicken fillet in cream sauce. Chicken goes well with other components of the dish. The result is tender meat that can be served with mashed potatoes or rice. The soft creamy texture of the dish will win your heart.


  1. Hard cheese - 170 g.
  2. Ham - 170 g.
  3. Fillet - 2 pcs.
  4. Cream - 120 ml.
  5. Chopped greens.
  6. Salt.
  7. Ground pepper.
  8. Vegetable oil.
  9. Three cloves of garlic.

To prepare the dish, you need to choose a larger fillet. We cut each piece into three plates (we do this across the fillet). Beat the meat with a hammer on all sides, pepper and salt. Cut the fillet into thin slices and place two pieces on each piece of fillet. We also cut the cheese and place it on top of the ham. Next, you need to twist all the components into a tube and pin them together with toothpicks. The rolls must be fried in hot oil on all sides until golden brown. Then you can pour cream into the pan, squeeze out the garlic and add salt, pepper, and chopped herbs. The meat should fry for another seven minutes until fully cooked over medium heat.

Chicken tabaka

When talking about how to cook crispy chicken, you need to remember the wonderful dish chicken tabaka. There are many variations of it; we suggest preparing chicken with adjika.


  1. Butter - 2 tbsp. l.
  2. A teaspoon of adjika.
  3. One chicken carcass.
  4. Salt.

Before cooking, the carcass must be cut along the belly, placed on its back and beaten well so that it becomes flat. The chicken skin should remain intact. Now you can rub the meat with adjika on all sides. This seasoning itself is spicy and salty, and therefore other spices may not be added. Next, heat the butter in a frying pan, place the carcass, covering it with a plate on top. And we put something heavy on top. Each side of the meat should be cooked for at least 20 minutes. The finished dish has a beautiful crispy crust.

Chicken medallions

Why do housewives love to cook chicken dishes? Recipes using chicken are easy to follow. In addition, it is worth noting that chicken meat cooks much faster than pork or beef. We offer a recipe for making chicken medallions with kumquat.


  1. One fillet.
  2. Canned pineapple - 85 g.
  3. Kumquat - 70 g.
  4. Hard cheese - 50 g.
  5. Ground pepper, salt.
  6. Mayonnaise.

The chicken fillet must be thoroughly washed and dried with a towel. After that we beat it with a hammer. Cut the prepared meat into pieces (preferably of the correct shape with rounded edges). Place the medallions on a baking sheet with vegetable oil, salt and pepper, and grease each piece with mayonnaise. Then we place canned pineapple on the meat, followed by pieces of kumquat cut into thin rings. Sprinkle everything with grated cheese on top. Next, place the baking sheet in the prepared oven and bake for thirty minutes at 180 degrees.

The meat turns out very tasty, juicy and piquant.

Instead of an afterword

Chicken meat is considered a dietary product that is recommended for people of all ages. Many people love to eat fried skin, but it is worth noting that the chicken skin is the fattiest and most harmful part of the chicken; it contains a large amount of cholesterol. Therefore, it should not be consumed by those who adhere to any diet. Otherwise, chicken is simply a universal, healthy product that is difficult to live without. It is actively used for preparing a wide variety of dishes and salads. Whole roasted chicken looks especially solemn and beautiful on the festive table. In our article we have presented only a small part of the recipes from all their huge variety.