What do you know about ecology? We suspect that before your mind's eye you have already seen the smoking chimneys of factories, smoldering peat bogs, rainbow oil spills, a leaky ozone layer and the rapidly disappearing Amur tigers. Our environment is bad, that's true. Then the next question is: what have you done to solve environmental problems? Don’t be alarmed, we are not calling you to take radical measures, but simply suggesting that you draw your child’s attention to the world around him.

Forest Code: going to nature

To begin with, let us recall the definition of the concept of “ecology”: it is the science of the relationships of living beings with each other and the environment. Our task is to teach the child to build the right relationship with nature. How will we teach? Exclusively by personal example! The baby looks at you with all his eyes, he wants to be like mom/dad, and this means that parents simply have to become models of environmentally correct behavior. Spring has begun, and soon we will all rush to the fields, forests and vegetable gardens to relax in the lap of nature. This needs to be done in such a way that after you return home, nature will not be in excruciating pain. A truism? Be patient - we will tell you many more of these and will insist on strict adherence to each rule. You are a parent - that's your responsibility!

No need to litter!

The folded package does not take up any space at all and weighs very little - don’t be lazy to take it with you on a picnic. At the end of the fun, you will throw jars there and take (carry) all this stuff to the nearest trash container. A child can easily be involved in the destruction of “traces” of family time in the fresh air, and it is very important to explain to the child exactly why this is being done: the clearing was clean when you arrived, and it should remain that way. How to save the environment

Safe and sound

In order to make a fire, you can bring a bag of coals with you or haul dry branches (joint work brings the family together!). It is forbidden to break or cut down trees, just like driving nails into trunks or carving your initials on them with a knife. It is very easy to explain the meaning of such prohibitions: does it hurt a person when he gets hurt? Is he bleeding? So the tree is in pain, juice or resin flows from its “wound”.

People go out into nature to enjoy the silence, the singing of birds and the rustling of leaves. So enjoy and listen to music at home. Our ears are accustomed to many things, but birds and animals experience a real shock from the sudden cacophony. Whatever one may say, you and your baby have come to visit, which means you need to respect the customs of the “owners”.

Your own firefighter.

Before leaving, be sure to extinguish the fire (it is better, of course, to douse it), because if this is not done, the fire will destroy the grass, bushes and trees, and with them the houses of the forest inhabitants. A special message to parents who smoke: carefully put out the cigarette butts in a garbage bag and throw them in the trash.

Eco-friendly life in the city

Eco-friendly life in the city

The rules of environmental behavior in the city, in essence, are not much different from those we have already listed. But, of course, there are some nuances here too. We throw candy wrappers, bags, popsicle sticks, tram tickets and other unnecessary little things that terribly burn our hands into the trash bin. Environmentally savvy people “don’t take a taxi to the bakery” and generally try not to use personal vehicles unless absolutely necessary: ​​the gas pollution around them is already terrible.

You need to clean up not only after yourself, but also after those you have tamed. Every time you are going to walk Sharik, take with you a dustpan and a bag (or at least a paper bag) to carefully collect the dog’s waste products and throw them in the nearest trash can. Together with your child, take part in cleanup days (Sundays) and other events to improve the area adjacent to your home. It is unlikely that the baby will accomplish anything large-scale, but even if his contribution is limited to a few collected tins, this is already a big deal!

When shopping, bring your own “reusable” bag, or better yet, an eco-friendly canvas bag. Actually, this is a global trend, so join in! By the way, it is quite possible for a child to buy/sew his own string bag with the image of some cartoon character.

Make it a rule: no exceptions, if necessary means necessary! You can tell a child three hundred times that a candy wrapper is supposed to be thrown in the trash, and just throw it past it once - and the entire effect of the educational process is negated!

Ecology in your home

Save resources - such as water. We admit that the need to reduce electricity consumption is quite difficult to explain to a baby, especially if the baby categorically refuses to fall asleep without a night light. But a child can easily learn to close the tap while brushing his teeth: otherwise, all the water from the river can flow out, and then the fish will have nowhere to live, and people will have nothing to drink (in general terms, this is a completely true version). Involve your child in caring for indoor plants. The main thing here is to explain to the baby from the very beginning that a flower is not a toy; if you pull it out of the pot, it will die instantly. If you stop watering, too.


To visualize your child’s ideas about tops and roots, plant, for example, an onion together. First, stick it in a jar of water and watch the roots grow (be sure to explain what their function is!). Then transplant your chipollinka into a pot - and watch the growth of the “feathers”. This simple natural science experiment is invaluable from the point of view of instilling a caring attitude towards nature: having realized why a plant needs roots, the child will not pull flowers out of the ground. Entrust the little one with some of the pet care. We understand perfectly well that a puppy bought “for a child” actually turns out to be parental care. And this is understandable: due to age and still limited capabilities, the baby cannot provide full care for a living creature. But he can - and should - do at least something for Tuzik or Murka regularly (pour fresh water into a bowl, for example).


Whatever the child does, no matter how small his “environmental” work turns out to be, don’t get tired of telling the child that he is doing kind and very necessary things. And also that he is your most beloved and great helper. These words ultimately turn out to be the most powerful motivation.

Our world is very fragile and beautiful. The nature around us is perfect and amazes with its charm. But people often do not notice this and destroy their habitat.

Ecology is the science of the laws of nature and the interactions of living organisms with each other. Ecology also refers to the state of the environment. Recently, people are thinking less and less about planet Earth, polluting it and forgetting about the consequences of their actions. Therefore, it is very important to tell children about ecology.

When we talk about the environmental situation, we are talking not only about the overall picture, but also about the behavior of an individual. When one person throws out a piece of paper in the forest, he thinks that it’s okay, it’s all alone. But if a huge number of people think the same way, then the forest will simply turn into a garbage dump. What can we say about plastic bags and cigarette butts, which will decompose for hundreds of years.

It is impossible to change the image of all people. But you can change your child's behavior. Parents must understand that ecology is as important for children as mathematics, literature, and history. Ecological thinking cannot be forced, but it can be made a habit. The sooner mom and dad begin to educate their children about the environment, the sooner the little ones understand that it is necessary to think about the world around them and take care of nature, the more likely it is that in the future the child will continue this noble cause.

You cannot teach your son or daughter to care about the environment if he does not know why it is necessary. Therefore, you first need to have an educational conversation with him. Explain to your child where water comes from, why you shouldn’t litter, and what the food chain is. And the best way to teach a child is through play.

What is ecology for children

Ecology is best studied as a game. An important task of parents is to instill in their children a love of nature. Taking care of her should become the baby’s habit.

When your child knows why minerals are needed, how humans harm the environment, how and what animals and plants eat, it is easier to explain to him what ecology is and why he needs to take care of it. Therefore, it is necessary to tell your child something new every day about the world in which we live.

For a child, ecology is associated with flowers, plants, and pets. Before carrying out environmental education, it is necessary to talk with children about the stars, water, air, and sun.

Ecology for preschool children includes butterflies, grasshoppers, ants, and beautiful flowers.

Life Science

Nature is the common home for all living beings. A person must treat them with care and prevent the destruction of harmony and unity.

Ecology is a difficult subject for a child, so during classes the teacher talks about its importance and significance. The teacher notes that there is a connection between mosquitoes, butterflies, edible and poisonous mushrooms, wolves and bunnies.

Children's poets about nature

Boris Zakhoder has wonderful poems about ecology for children. Here is an excerpt from his work:

Everything in the world

The world needs

No less needed than elephants...

A person cannot live in the modern world without the use of natural resources. These poems about ecology for children are a reason to think about the fact that beauty and harmony in nature depend on humans.

Game by stations

We offer a scenario on ecology for children of primary school age. As part of the decade of ecology, you can play an interesting game based on stations.

The journey to the country of “Ecoholics” begins with the division of the guys into four teams. They choose a captain, come up with a name and emblem related to ecology.

Each group is given a route sheet, which indicates the sequence of the “ecological trail”. Children must answer all the questions, then they will be able to get into the country of “Ecoholics”.

The first station called "Sounds of Nature"

The guys must guess the singing of a nightingale, sparrow, magpie, and crow. For each correct answer they receive one point.

The second station is called "Guess Me"

The children are offered riddles dedicated to living nature:

  1. Yellow and warm, but not chicken (sun)..
  2. In winter and summer, one color (Christmas tree).
  3. Red Natasha in a green shirt (strawberry).

For a correct answer, the team is awarded 1 point. An ecology quiz is given by high school students.

Third station - “Take care of the forest!”

The children are offered an ecology quiz devoted to the rules of behavior in the forest. The guys tell you what you can and cannot do while walking in the forest.

Fourth station - "Reincarnation"

Each group is asked to imagine themselves in the role of a bird or an animal and show their behavioral characteristics. Those present must guess which image the team member represents.

The event for children on ecology ends with summing up, rewarding, and presenting prizes, certificates, and gifts.

Rules of behavior in nature

The “Ecology for Children” program involves holding thematic discussions, role-playing games, and quizzes, which allow children to form an understanding of the connection between man and wildlife.

For example, during one of the classes, the guys formulate rules of behavior in the forest:

  • do not catch or bring home young birds and animals;
  • take care of frogs, as they eat insects;
  • do not destroy beetles, dragonflies, butterflies;
  • do not destroy anthills;
  • do not break branches on trees;
  • do not leave garbage in nature.

It is with these rules that the science of ecology begins for a child. If from early childhood children have a positive attitude towards the world around them, the Earth will become their friend for life.

In order for ecology to become a guide to life for a child, the teacher must talk about how important it is to eat right, take care of and protect animals, and drink clean water.

Making feeders

Every autumn, national parks in the Russian Federation offer various competitions for pupils of kindergartens and educational institutions as part of the “March of Parks”. For example, schoolchildren create a skit about ecology, which is related to the life of birds. Then, together with their parents, they create houses and bird feeders. The finished skit about ecology is shown to other children to show the importance and timeliness of measures aimed at protecting nature.

Project “We choose life!”

The topic of ecology for children of senior school age is implemented through project activities. We offer a brief introduction to the material on developing a positive attitude towards a healthy lifestyle in adolescents.

Project goals:

  • drawing attention to the problem of drug addiction among young people;
  • determining the level of awareness on this issue;
  • consideration of the classification of narcotic substances, the mechanism of their action on the human body;
  • identifying the causes of this phenomenon among young people;
  • understanding the possible consequences of drug use

Project writing methods:

  • abstract;
  • anonymous sociological survey;
  • research;
  • application of ICT

The project is aimed at raising the level of awareness among young people about the problem of drug addiction. It presents theoretical material on the classification of narcotic substances, methods of administration, and the mechanism of their action on the body. The project has a practical block - a sociological mini-survey. Some reasons for the phenomenon of drug addiction among young people are considered, and the consequences of drug use are clearly shown.

A different way of life for young people is demonstrated - without drugs (using the example of the activities of the research club), visual photographs of children who have found the meaning of their lives in research activities are presented. The project contains conclusions on the problem.

This material can be used in conversations on the prevention of drug addiction among young people.

If a person treats himself with respect, he will be able to protect wildlife, take care of plants and animals.

Among the interesting activities that can be offered to children, we highlight separate waste collection. The teacher involves the parents of their students in this action. Fathers and mothers, by their example, form in their children the correct attitude towards waste disposal. Paper waste is placed in one box: paper, cardboard. The second box is for plastic, and the third is for metal waste. Such events help the younger generation develop responsibility for waste, methods of its disposal, and the rationality of recycling.

Ecology project

An interesting option for instilling interest in ecology is project activity. We offer a fragment of a schoolchild’s work “A Fountain for a Teacher,” dedicated to preserving the psychological health of teachers.

Introduction. There are three things that you can look at endlessly: fire, water, stars. Transparent streams of water shimmer and hurry somewhere. Such relaxation is not only pleasant for the soul, but also has a beneficial effect on health. Children can play for hours in a regular rain puddle. The air near the reservoir is always clean, fresh and cool. The murmur of the fountain relieves stress, calms you down, and makes you forget about worries.

We propose to bring a piece of wildlife into the school by installing small fountains on the desks of school teachers. Such a simple device will bring harmony and peace to the teacher’s professional activities. In addition to its aesthetic function, a homemade tabletop fountain also has a practical purpose, because it is an excellent air humidifier.

What is the relevance of the topic? It is necessary to create all conditions for the relaxation of teachers, so that representatives of this complex profession can relax during changes, tuning in to new work feats. A tabletop fountain will be an excellent stress reliever and an incentive for teachers to be positive.

Purpose of work: creating a tabletop fountain for relaxation of school teachers.

Job objectives:

  • develop a design for a tabletop fountain;
  • create a working model based on the project;
  • draw conclusions and make recommendations on the research problem

Object of study: properties of liquid.

Working methods:

  • literature review;
  • experimental work;
  • systematization and generalization of results

Main part. The first fountains appeared in Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. Initially, they were used not only for beauty, but also for watering cultivated crops and ornamental plants. Water has such a beneficial effect on the human nervous system that in some clinics, contemplation of flowing streams of water is used as one of the methods of treating depressive disorders.

During a difficult working day, any teacher dreams of relaxation, the opportunity to forget about his problems and worries. Not everyone has the opportunity to relax on the seashore, lake, or indulge in reflection. As a great way to relax, we suggest considering a homemade indoor fountain. Water flowing from such a simple device can calm the psyche and have a beneficial effect on health. Tabletop fountains can also become an excellent prevention of occupational diseases of teachers associated with the respiratory system. To begin with, the design of a desktop relaxation device was developed.

Our fountain consists of a bottle of water, dropper tubes and a container where the water will accumulate. We chose the jet nozzle to achieve maximum humidification in the classroom.

The operating principle is based on Pascal's law. When you squeeze a water bottle, water under pressure begins to move through the tube. A nozzle is attached to the other end of the tube. Water flows under pressure in streams into a container decorated by us in a floral style. To ensure water circulation, we used the law of communicating vessels. To solve the problem, a reverse injection was made into the bottle using a tube from a medical dropper.

Conclusions. This research work provides recommendations and instructions for creating a fountain yourself at home to improve the environmental situation and human health in general.


Environmental education of the younger generation is an important task facing teachers of preschool organizations and teachers of secondary schools. In order to fully develop a caring attitude towards living nature in the younger generation, teachers are developing programs for environmental education of the younger generation. Within the framework of such programs, themed classes, hiking trips, competitions, and quizzes are held.

The level of civilization is rapidly rushing upward according to the principle - more, at any cost, faster, breaking the law, no matter what. And what do we get as a result? It is increasingly difficult for the surrounding nature to cope with the invasion of humanity; the atmosphere is polluted by the exhaust gases of vehicles and smoking chimneys, making it impossible to get a breath of fresh air.

Human deforestation leads to the loss of the habitual habitat of animals and birds, which leads to their death. The soil and water are contaminated with sewage and industrial waste, fertilizers, and petroleum products, which destroy all living things. Nature does not have time to recover, to heal the wounds that people inflict with thoughtless and barbaric methods, distorting the face of the Earth for the sake of momentary gain.

Ecology is not a children's problem

It is possible and necessary to explain to the child the rules of a competent attitude towards the environment and the consequences of illiterate environmental management. You can write a lot of recommendations and works on educating the younger generation of environmental awareness.

But will this be effective if his closest and dearest people, whom he trusts and imitates, burn fires, scatter garbage, and destroy rare plants? Maybe it’s worth, first of all, starting with yourself, and then any lesson on the topic of ecology will fall on fertile ground.

Maybe a child, armed with knowledge, will be able to change the attitude of adults towards the world around him, and with age his beliefs will only become stronger and this will be another generation - lovingly treating his homeland - planet Earth.

Environmentally friendly child

A child, unlike an adult, from birth does not separate himself from the world around him and greedily reaches out to all living things, and he absolutely lacks the mindset of an ecosystem destroyer. It is imperative not to destroy this fragile consciousness of unity with nature, but to instill values ​​such as caring for nature.

After all, the formation of a person with environmental views is possible only from an early age. It is this period that is characterized by a person’s formation of an idea of ​​the world around him and an awareness of the interrelationships existing in nature.

It is important at the very beginning to provide the child with personal experience of communicating with nature, since at a tender age children implement the values ​​and norms learned from adults. An adult is the original example of an ecologically cultural person.

The desire to get closer to the benefits of civilization has isolated most of the planet's population from nature. The world has changed, and our children live in a concrete jungle among plastic, glass, metal and asphalt.

But the desire to get closer to living things is still close to every person, so we strive to bring a piece of nature in the form of indoor plants, aquariums, pets and birds into homes and offices, apartments and office premises.

And during relaxation we prefer to listen to the singing of birds, the murmur of a stream, the sound of the surf and the rustling of leaves. Any convenient moment is used for a walk outside the city, to the zoo, square, or shady courtyard.

You can use every such moment to attract children to environmental education, the beauty and mysteries of nature, so that from early childhood a little person feels a community with it. Every parent knows that clean and fresh air is a benefit for the child and a necessity for healthy development.

Introducing a child to the rich world of the environment allows an adult to consciously develop his personal qualities, desire and interest in learning about nature, sympathy for the hardships of animal life, and compassion.

Such upbringing will reveal to your child the uniqueness and quirkiness of life forms in nature, instill the need for its conservation, and teach how to treat nature with care and respect.

This educational method will help you raise your child not to be an egoist and will not allow him to feel like the “navel of the Earth”, that is, he will have a chance not to get sick with the disease of our time - “egopoupism”.

A positive experience of communicating with nature, combined with knowledge and positive experiences, will evoke only good emotions in your child, giving you a stable psyche and peace of mind. And this is the basis of mental health - a factor that strengthens the body and ensures the physical health of the child.

A few facts about children and the environment

  • Unfavorable environmental environmental factors cause more than 60% of cases of acute respiratory diseases, and they are the cause of the annual death of more than 2 million children.
  • Combined technogenic loads, especially radiation toxic ones, act as “risk factors” in the development of brain dysfunction in preschool children.
  • In kindergartens in urban areas, where there is an increased level of pesticide and combined environmental loads, the largest percentage of children with disabilities was identified.
  • Teenagers living in cities with high levels of pollution experience high blood pressure.

The list of diseases of various types caused in children by poor ecology is quite impressive. And parents, first of all, are obliged to take care of the health of their child, morally and physically. Environmental education of every citizen of the Earth will become the guarantor of the future of all humanity as a whole.

Introducing a child to the secrets of nature can be done both in natural conditions during a walk, and with the help of books, children's programs, films, games, when visiting zoos, natural museums, when growing indoor plants and caring for pets.

The amazing and diverse world of indoor plants will arouse the child’s interest, involve him in the process of observation, care, empathy, and develop aesthetic and moral qualities in him.

Buy a dog, a kitten, a parrot...

It’s a rare child who doesn’t ask for a friend on his birthday in the form of a pet, which can bring joy not only to the baby, but to all family members. This furry or feathered friend is very similar to us - he can walk and swim, climb and run, eat, drink and love, and become attached.

It is surprisingly interesting to communicate with any pet, since the specific positive impact on the child cannot be underestimated. The variety of the modern pet market can satisfy the most demanding tastes and preferences.

Hamsters, guinea pigs, parrots, fish, cockroaches, turtles, ants - everyone will become a part of living nature in your home, from the most traditional cats and dogs to the most exotic and rare reptiles.

Watching a TV show and reading a book, walking in the park and watching an anthill in the forest, or walking in the zoo, whatever moment in time you choose to environmental education of children, you can be sure that the lesson will be beneficial.

Surely your children will not break a branch or kick a puppy, crush a bug or pick a flower, or throw garbage past the trash can. By instilling in your child the moral standards of environmental education, you can be sure that the little man and the big nature will be grateful to you for their healthy future.

And your game with an environmental focus will guarantee an adult, responsible and thrifty attitude towards nature as a Citizen of the Earth.

Since ancient times, man has been conquering nature and using it for his own purposes. The last two centuries have seen rapid growth in industry and population. The increase in anthropogenic impact on the environment has given rise to environmental problems that have become a serious threat not only to the future of all humanity, but also to our planet as a whole. Nowadays, we are increasingly wondering: what can each of us do to stop the process of pollution and rapid environmental change? In this article Marina Artyukh, head of communications at the Siberian Health corporation / SiberianWellness and curator of the Ecology course of the SiberianChallenge project, will tell you exactly what environmental problems we are facing now and what our children will have to face later.

1. The problem of polluted air

The air contains a large number of pollutants, including solid components: sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, nitrogen oxides and carbon. The main sources of air pollution are industrial enterprises and vehicles. Their influence on air quality is especially noticeable in cities.

In 2018, the state report “On the state and protection of the environment of the Russian Federation in 2016” was published. According to it, from 2007 to 2014 the air became cleaner as emissions fell from 35 million tons to 31 million tons per year, but in 2015 and 2016 there were no changes in the amount of emissions. At the same time, about 45% of emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere occur due to road transport. The most polluted Russian cities Yekaterinburg, Blagoveshchensk and Dzerzhinsk are named, and the cleanest air is in Salekhard, Orenburg, Belgorod and Murmansk.

2. Water shortage

Water is a vital resource for all life on Earth. Population growth increases the need for its consumption. The problem will affect Russia with its fresh water reserves much later than the rest of the world, however over the past 10 years there has been a decrease in the amount of fresh water in the country from 4884 cubic kilometers in 2007 to 4441 cubic kilometers in 2016.

Fresh water pollution is also observed: one of the greatest Russian rivers, the Volga called "dirty". Its waters contain a large amount of organic substances and minerals: copper, iron, sulfates and phenol. These substances come along with industrial waste, which is not purified at all or purified but not well enough. Part of the problem of dirty water is related to the urbanization of the population: waste also flows through biological treatment plants. The water purification system at aeration stations does not cause any complaints, but a large number of pipes through which water flows directly into houses and apartments have long since exhausted their resources. Accordingly, these rusted pipes contaminate the water entering homes with iron and other substances.

It is important to note that river pollution is one of the reasons for the reduction of water resources. Together with uncontrolled fishing and poaching, this could soon lead to serious impoverishment of the fauna of our rivers and lakes.

3. The problem of depletion of biological resources

The problem covers the degradation of vegetation and forests, a reduction in the diversity of species of living beings, digression of pastures and other negative trends. The main cause of the problem is anthropogenic human activity. Environmental pollution, poaching and unauthorized deforestation lead to the destruction or change of the usual habitats of living species. In our time, we are seeing how some species of animals, plants, insects and fish are on the brink of extinction.

At the same time, our country is characterized by irrational use of forest resources: consumption exceeds restoration. A separate negative factor influencing the decline of forest land is forest fires and illegal logging. So, in In 2016, forest fires destroyed 2,663.5 thousand hectares of forests, which is comparable in size to states such as Rwanda or Macedonia.

Half of the territory of our country is occupied by woody vegetation. Russia's forests make up about a quarter of the world's forests. The diversity of climatic zones allows many species of living beings to live in our country. If the trend in the degradation of vegetation and forests and the reduction in the diversity of species of living beings does not change, then many species of animals, fish and plants will not survive to see future generations, there will be fewer real forests and the amount of oxygen in the air will decrease.

4. Depletion of land resources

Our children will face severe shortages of various minerals. But in order to reduce their consumption, you just need to learn to recycle waste and develop its reuse. This smart approach will reduce the size of growing landfills that pollute the soil.

And here we are faced with another problem: every day a city person “produces” about 1 kilogram of household waste. Most of the garbage is plastic, which does not decompose. Over the course of a year, people store more than 85 billion tons of waste. This not only reduces quality land, but also pollutes the planet with pesticides, household and industrial waste, solid and liquid waste. Simple sorting of waste and its reuse allows you to save on the extraction of new minerals and prevent soil contamination. For enterprises, the use of recycled materials is an opportunity to reduce quarrying costs. The production of goods from recycled materials allows reduce costs for the enterprise by up to 80%. Total advantages!

5. Soil-geomorphological problems

The use of forest resources and active farming leads to soil becoming clogged and erosion occurring. For 2014, according to the Russian Ministry of Agriculture, Over 8 million hectares of agricultural land were degraded. More than 2 million hectares of them are classified as agricultural land. But here, too, the situation can be saved if erosion occurs due to land use: it is necessary to create forest belts that will protect from the wind and from changes in the type and density of vegetation, and introduce certain planting technologies.

The second side of the problem lies in the aggressive use of soil for agricultural land. This leads to a decrease in humus in the soil - in some southern regions this indicator compared to 1990 amounted to almost 50%. To replenish soil resources, it is necessary to add organic fertilizers. If this is not done, then we soon risk facing a decrease in land fertility and, as a result, a shortage of food.

6. Ozone layer change and global warming

The ozone layer is our protection from ultraviolet radiation. Its destruction leads to an increased risk of developing various diseases, including skin cancer. At the same time, the temperature of the surface atmospheric layer gradually increases. Over the last century it has increased by 0.3–0.8 degrees. Warming leads to a reduction in snow cover in the north and, as a consequence, to a rise in the water level of the world's oceans. If we consider statistics only for Russia, then over the past 10 years the rate of average annual temperature in the country is almost 0.5 degrees. With global warming, everything is ambiguous. The time during which humanity exists is negligible for the planet. Throughout the history of its existence, there have already been ice ages and warming periods. Perhaps one of them is just coming.

At the same time, each of us can slow down the destruction of the ozone layer. To do this, you need to reduce the consumption of cans of deodorants and air fresheners, walk more often, ride a bicycle, and use public transport.

7. Diseases as a consequence of environmental pollution

Along with the growth of the technological process, the rate of air pollution increases. The fact is that every day people inhale more than 19 thousand liters of air, which, in addition to oxygen, contains various gases and particles. These are carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, soot, zinc. According to studies conducted by the International Energy Agency, Russia ranks fifth in mortality due to poor ecology - about 140 thousand people die annually. This figure is equal to the population of an entire city in the Moscow region.

Falling acid rain pollutes soil and water bodies with sulfuric and nitric acids. They contain large amounts of aluminum and cobalt, which destroy forest vegetation and reduce productivity. Toxic compounds end up in the water we drink and have a detrimental effect on our health.

How to improve the environmental situation?

All of the above problems are already noticeable for our generation. In 20–30 years, they will only become more acute and urgent, so it is important to understand how to deal with them in order to protect your children from them. Many countries are already using alternative fuels and vehicles to reduce emissions of harmful substances. In Europe, it is quite common to see people driving electric cars and bicycles. Another way to solve problems is to separate waste into those that can be recycled and those that are not suitable as recyclable materials.

You just need to remember that solving environmental problems depends on each person individually. It is important not only to know that negative consequences exist, but also to fight them: to participate in environmental actions, to instill in children from an early age a love for living things, to teach them to behave competently during walks in nature and in the city, to enroll in the ranks of environmental activists. organizations to jointly improve the environmental situation.