The Star card promises you a period of serenity and complete calm. The Tarot meaning for this symbol is often positive. The oracle convinces you that difficulties are behind you and new promising prospects are opening up before you. The card speaks of the upcoming renewal of soul and body, so if a person has suffered a serious illness or stress, it is especially desirable for him in the scenario.


The card represents the 17th Arcana. “Star” (Tarot) changes its meaning depending on its position in the layout. As for the image, it remains unchanged: a woman kneeling near a pond. One leg of the young lady is on the shore, the second is lowered into the stream. The girl is holding a jug from which she is pouring water. Some of it spills on the ground, the other returns to the stream. The allegorical meaning of the card is patience. A person needs not only to be able to wait, but also to demonstrate the correct behavior in such a situation so that his inaction is not in vain.

The woman has seven stars above her head. In some decks they are scattered chaotically across the sky, in others they form a halo around the girl’s hair. There are other options: one large star is drawn at the head of the young lady, sometimes small cosmic bodies are located near it in two columns, forming a kind of portal. The background of the card is a rural landscape. Sometimes in the background you can see a tree, in whose branches there is a

Straight position

This is a map of prospects and new hopes. If you get a “Star”, the Tarot meaning in the upright position is promising. It speaks of the speedy implementation of plans, the fulfillment of desires, and the successful completion of plans. Now you need to rely on the blessing of higher powers, to believe that you will be shown the right direction. symbolizes balance and harmony. You interact well not only with the outside world, but also with yourself. The main thing is not to forget: new roads will not open immediately; on the contrary, they are still quite far away and are not yet accessible.

“Star” in an upright position speaks of a surge of creativity and creativity. Now you are ready to generate new ideas. Your thoughts are seething and suggest new solutions to problems, unexpected and ingenious. Your well-being improves: your body is in excellent physical shape, your soul is calm and peaceful. The card can be interpreted as unexpected help, the appearance of new love in life, or the acquisition of a faithful comrade. This is a happy sign, foreshadowing the discovery of unknown and distant horizons.

"Star" inverted (Tarot): meaning

In this position, the card is interpreted differently. The interpretation takes on a negative connotation, indicating a sudden collapse of plans, unfulfilled hopes, and vain expectations. For girls, it can predict temporary infertility, the inability to conceive and bear a baby. The card tells guys that a new relationship may not work out. An inverted “Star” is always a symbol of disappointment and powerlessness. A person, being self-confident, did not gain, but lost. He took a lot on himself, forgetting about folk wisdom: “Alone in the field is not a warrior.”

Now you need to forget about desires and dreams - they are not yet destined to come true. The problem may lie not only in self-confidence, but in excessive doubts. The fortuneteller thinks that he cannot cope and refuses the given chance. In addition, the card speaks of spiritual blindness, wandering in darkness. A person is captive of his own illusions, he is entangled in threads of self-deception. All this prevents him from acting, winning and creating.

Fortune telling for a person

The meaning of the Tarot card “Star” when read for a specific person also depends on the position of the picture. If it is in a direct position, it indicates a talented person. Perhaps he is in love and is happy that he experiences such feelings. When the card is reversed, it characterizes the individual as a lazy person who has potential, but lacks the strength and desire to realize it. Most likely, he is a talker who wastes his energy on trifles, forgetting about the main mission.

With such fortune-telling, the “star” warns of the need for self-knowledge. Only in this case can you use your talents for good. By going deeper into oneself, a person will discover such a strong energy that he did not even suspect about. Ideas will simply overwhelm you, pushing the individual to conquer new heights. Now he is ready to work hard, help other people, and create a useful product for society. Don't be afraid that your strength will run out. The oracle says: the flow of energy will not only not end, but will also return a hundredfold.

"Star" (Tarot): meaning in relationships

In a love reading, the card indicates high feelings, a promising union and joint plans. The value increases if the “Lovers” card appears nearby. In addition, a symbol in an upright position is interpreted as a new acquaintance that promises to be long-term and lasting. When the card is interpreted as a date, which can develop into a long-term relationship. The “Ace of Cups” located next to the card speaks of great happiness, and the “Four of Cups” - of a successful outcome of the planned love adventure. The last combination also indicates that the search for a soul mate will be successful.

An inverted “Star” is a sign of disappointment, powerlessness, and disappointed hopes. You cannot do anything: fate takes your loved one away from you. In most cases, the fortuneteller needs to think about his behavior, since the card warns of his wrong actions, which obviously destroy relationships. A person is likely to tune in to the negative, thinking as follows: “Everything is too good to be true.”


Zvezda promises new prospects. The meaning of the Tarot in this case is enhanced with the help of other cards. So, if “Emperor” appears next to it, it means professional development in your current activities. Perhaps you will be appreciated and promoted. But in the case of the nearby “Death” we are talking about a completely new work. Your current career will be forgotten or destroyed, but this event will change your life in a positive way.

A card in an inverted position predicts to a person that he will miss all the opportunities that fate presents to him. He will not take advantage of the chance and there may be several reasons for this: lack of faith in the reliability of the new business, doubts in his own abilities, or simple stubbornness. “Justice” located nearby confirms the meaning of the card: it indicates unnecessary and excessive prudence and unnecessary caution. In combination with the “Devil”, the card suggests that the fortuneteller himself is ruining his plans, acting contrary to himself.

“Believe in your strengths, appreciate opportunities,” is what the “Star” card (Tarot) tells us during fortune telling. Its meaning can be interpreted in different ways, but the advice of the symbol remains unchanged: have hopes for the future - the stars will favor you. Intuition will tell you what to do and what exactly to do. Don't think about how fantastic your goals are, your intentions are realistic, your plans are reasonable. Don't stop halfway - and in the near future you will be pleasantly surprised.

“Star” is a sign that life is always in our hands. It shows that only we ourselves determine our destiny. Nothing can interfere with the plans that we have taken to constructing thoroughly and seriously. Broad prospects open up before a person that go beyond specific agreements. It’s as if he has ascended into the heavens and from a height of flight notices all the existing obstacles and at the same time the means to overcome them. The end goal is clearly visible. She's real.

Combination with other cards

Depending on which card is located nearby, the “Star” changes its interpretation: the meaning of the Tarot is transformed - it increases or, conversely, decreases. We have already considered many combinations. There are still a few cards left that can interact with it. For example, “Jester”, which fell next to the “Star”, is a symbol of unshakable faith in fate, “High Priestess” - hopes for a happy future and tranquility. The “Magician” located nearby indicates that the time has come for active action. “Hierophant” indicates the enlightenment of consciousness, “Emperor” - consolidation of a positive result, “Empress” - getting what you want. Remember that the “Star” speaks of strength and energy, hidden potential and creative possibilities. The map claims that it is not difficult to achieve heights, but it is much more difficult to maintain the result at the level.

What is my calling

Fortune telling Profession online for those who have a job, who are looking for work, who have problems with work, who still do not know how and where to realize their talents and abilities. It’s so important to be useful and in demand and to work where it’s interesting!

Each of us is born with our own purpose - a life mission. There are no unnecessary or superfluous people, we are all important, since we are still alive and breathing air. Our life is an eternal search, we are looking for answers about ourselves: why are we, where are we from, why is everything this way and not otherwise?

This fortune telling, most likely, will not answer your questions, there is another scenario for this, but it will show what your true calling is, you must admit, this is already a lot, especially when you don’t know how to make it useful to yourself , and others.

Every profession is important. This is an axiom. Whatever it is. Never be ashamed of what you do, believe in yourself - and then you will achieve great heights. If your job is hell, hard labor, slavery for you, you are in the wrong place. After all, work is also pleasure. By making your work creative and interesting, first of all, for yourself, you will become fulfilled, receive recognition and, as a result, money.

Before you start interpreting fortune telling, click on the cards 10 times, free your mind from unnecessary worries and doubts, focus on the question and on your deep breathing. Eat?

1. Is there self-realization now? 2. What is your true calling? 3. Is your current job consistent with your calling? 4. What else is worth gaining experience in? 5. What will be the professional breakthrough: what will help you to realize it? 6. Career growth in what you do: 7. Spiritual growth in what you do: 8. Material prospects: 9. Success and merit: 10. Future skill level:

  • Is there self-realization now?
  • What is your true calling?
  • Is your current job consistent with your calling?
  • What else is worth gaining experience in?
  • What will be the professional breakthrough: what will help you to realize it?
  • Career growth is in what you do.
  • Spiritual growth is in what you do.
  • Material perspectives.
  • Success and merit.
  • The level of skill in the future.

Click on the cards to fill out the layout

Click on the cards to find out the meaning


How to read the layout

There are 10 cards in front of you. They are all interconnected into one whole, like puzzles and show one picture. Notice how you feel just looking at the card layout before you begin to recognize the meaning of each card.

Each card can depict wands (clubs, staves), cups (bowls), swords (blades, knives), pentacles (discs, coins). These seemingly small design details actually characterize the suit of the card, belonging to one of the elements: fire (wands), water (cups), air (swords), earth (pentacles).

Count which cards you have more: cups or wands, swords or pentacles. One of the suits may predominate in quantity. This is valuable information. If two suits predominate, you will then combine knowledge about them. Below is a general description of the Tarot suits.

The suit of wands is the suit of energetic, ambitious people, businessmen, athletes, organizers, travelers, managers, as well as people of art: especially acting and writing (prose). The energy of fire is giving, you should be active, set high goals, achieve more, be in power. It can be characterized by professions of all types - it is important to reach the top and invest energy.

Suit of Cups symbolizes our emotions, intuition, subconscious, sensitivity and ability to adapt. She patronizes professions: man-person, man-artistic image. Social sphere, psychology, medicine, pedagogy, extrasensory perception, television, Internet. In the field of art - painting, poetry, music, photography. The energy of water is receptive, passing through itself.

The suit of swords is closely connected with our thought processes and oratory skills, with the ability to fight. Professions man-sign, man-technology. Business world, politics, invention, cybernetics, journalism, writing (satire, detective stories), jurisprudence, military craft, weapons sector, advanced technologies. Giving energy: contacts, communication, information flows.

The suit of pentacles protects the sphere of man-technology, man-nature. Mathematics, programming, banking, finance, handicrafts, agriculture, agronomy, ecology and nature, real estate. In art - sculptors, clothing and interior designers. Everything that is associated with manual labor. Skillful fingers. Energy that receives, creates and preserves.

Fortune telling will show whether there is self-realization at the moment and in what way, describe the main nuances and give tips for the future. It can be used to diagnose your current work status or with goals for the future.

This is a creative tarot layout, it assumes that you will think through and realize a lot yourself. If you are not satisfied with the cards that have been dealt, you should look within yourself for the reasons. And pay attention to the suits of the cards. After all, the answer may be there. Many wands – a huge aspiration, but what if it’s an unrealized ambition?

Many cups - intuition and sensitivity, but what if laziness and passivity? Lots of swords – strength, audacity, fight, but suddenly negative thoughts and self-destruction? Many pentacles - stability, strong emphasis on material things, but what if there is stagnation and reluctance to change something?..

Guessing about a profession is easier than finding it or deciding on it, isn’t it? But listen to yourself: what does your heart want?

New project coming soon!

Red Book of Love

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Fortune telling for work is a common request for a tarot reader. In particular, the definition – it’s not an easy matter. There are many tables from different authors, where each card is assigned a supposed set of specialties. However, this does not often help. Each of us has our own contact with cards, our own images and associations. Some professions in tarot visible on the surface. King M is a military man or surgeon. Priest or Hierophant - teacher, possibly a doctor. Priestess, Moon are often associated with psychology. But most professions on tarot It's not easy to determine. So tarot reading is not an easy task.

In one of these tasks, the tarot spoke quite interestingly. Let's get a look. A photo of a pretty girl was offered. Question from the section “Fortune telling for work”: what does a girl do in her professional life?

You can think about it for now and try to answer this question. And I’ll tell you what ideas came to me. Intuitively, you feel that all the cards are hard. In general, I noticed that when determining a profession, cards are not always interpreted classically. Numerological meaning or meaning by suit is very often used. In this case, 3m, 2m can indicate sharp, cutting objects, metal tools. And the Emperor is a strong, significant male person. Of course, the thought immediately came to assisting. For the director's secretary, the cards are a bit harsh. Although swords can also indicate thought processes. In this case, rather to a subordinate position. Apparently the Emperor thinks about everything. Perhaps this is a nurse with a doctor who handles instruments. The imagination immediately pictured a surgeon or dentist. The subordination of the position and the conversational genre also made me think that perhaps the girl was promoting someone. For example, with a politician or just an important person. But somehow I didn’t attach any importance to the fact that 3m and 2m are just prohibition cards. It’s more likely that they didn’t give her the floor :)
I decided to play it safe. The fact is that these cards can also talk about personal drama. If this is relevant in a woman’s life now, then they can reveal what hurts more. Therefore, I took three more cards from the deck with the question “What is her education?” There were cases when a person was not currently working and the tarot showed a lack of activity, and not the type of profession. Although education may not coincide with real activity, we’ll still see. The following came out: Moon, 10 k, Mage

There are already two major arcana. The Moon often points to psychologists, people who deal with the subconscious, with the closed part of the human self. You also need to remember that the Moon distorts everything. She is the luminary of the night. Everything is seen differently than in daylight. She hides and cheats. It is also a strong map of creative processes that come from emotions and from the subconscious. May mean engaging in esoteric practices.
10 k – beauty and harmony around. A pleasant society of a creative, sometimes artistic nature, usually youthful.
The magician is a professional. A person still owns an instrument and can speak. And a strong personality is involved in this matter. We can say that a person is a master in his field, a personality. This is not a simple manual worker.

So, it’s time to sum up our fortune telling for work. Unfortunately, none of the versions turned out to be correct. However, the cards did not deceive. The girl's profession is make-up artist. It is connected with the fact that you have to hide a person’s real appearance, it is connected with psychological aspects, and with creativity. The tools in this matter are not very sharp, but they are also involved. In addition, she does not work with ordinary people, but with the powers that be.
Creates images and faces. It is clear that the person has a high level of professionalism and is fluent in the necessary skills. That's how the Emperor, Luna, and Magician played out. You might think it was an accident. Other cards could also come out. Of course they could, intuition and analysis are important above all. But my colleagues, who also participated in the task, also dropped a lot of sword cards from the Minor Arcana, as well as the Moon. For example, Moon, 5 of Swords, Sun. The sun indicates the high rank of clients, an attempt to make them even brighter. We have already discussed the moon and swords. There was also a combination of Moon + Death. Death here indicates transformation, perhaps a radical change in image and even shockingness.

The following cards fell on Loginov's tarot: 3m, 2m, Emperor

The following cards fell on Loginov's tarot: 3m, 2m, Emperor

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Choosing a profession sometimes drags on for quite a long period of time. Starting from childhood, when the child’s inclination and predisposition to any type of profession were determined, to the final one, when the decision is made in adulthood. This period of time can be characterized as a period of formation of professional and social self-determination. The very concept of self-determination indicates the period when the formation of the individual, his professional path and the path of life takes place.

Why are most people unhappy with their jobs?

Environmental factors influence the formation of personality in terms of profession. Often young people get a profession not based on their life goals, plans and desires, but rather the choice of profession occurs under the influence of their parents. What might a professional life be like if chosen in this way? In order to prevent a subjective negative experience of the life program, in other words, a crisis of unfulfillment, you can read the Tarot and analyze the resulting alignment. Maps can reveal to you the prospects for your professional development and the necessary qualities for a successful career.

It is impossible for your professional life not to be connected with your personal life. In a professional life reading, an experienced fortune teller will definitely pay attention to what your life is like on a personal level and what impact this has on your profession. If you want to find out whether your chosen profession is suitable for you and whether it will allow you to realize your creative potential, you need to make an assessment of your compatibility with the chosen profession. Choosing a profession is one of the most important choices that people make throughout their lives. Your self-realization depends on the correct choice.

A good profession is the absence of mental fatigue and worry about lack of achievements. Tarot fortune telling gives everyone a chance to find out what feelings a new profession will give you and how you will feel about it. The cards will look into your subconscious and tell you whether you are ready for this profession and whether it will bring you joy in the future. How are things really going with your choice of profession, and will you get satisfaction from this choice? In order to prevent a crisis of futility, take the opportunity to tell your fortune directly on our website, and then problems such as a lack of prospects for professional growth and real plans for the future will never arise in your way.